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  • 9 issue of type no associated documents found for this area
Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
T2/E/G63 Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 - Group consisting of 9 Sycamore, 1 Ash


No associated documents found for this area

group MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.281099 53.701166,-2.280902 53.701166,-2.280834 53.701438,-2.280725 53.701668,-2.280900 53.701528,-2.281015 53.701349,-2.281099 53.701166))) POINT (-2.280923 53.701358) Information not updated since the Order was made. May contain inaccuracies. 2025-02-25 1954-08-05
T2/C/G2 The Lancashire County Council (Borough of Bacup) TPO 1952 No.2 - Group of 6 Ash


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group MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.190048 53.709423,-2.189751 53.709520,-2.189721 53.709550,-2.189832 53.709704,-2.190152 53.709587,-2.190226 53.709543,-2.190048 53.709423))) POINT (-2.189957 53.709557) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-07 1953-03-12
T2/E/A1 Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 - The 1 lime and 17 sycamore trees standing in the roadside belt


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area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.287756 53.719862,-2.287751 53.719892,-2.288164 53.719756,-2.288305 53.719719,-2.288504 53.719702,-2.288521 53.719678,-2.288538 53.719671,-2.288362 53.719682,-2.288232 53.719702,-2.287756 53.719862))) POINT (-2.288139 53.719759) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-25 1954-11-03
T2/E/Gy Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 -


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group MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.288993 53.741765,-2.289377 53.741804,-2.289376 53.741724,-2.289286 53.741657,-2.289060 53.741644,-2.288902 53.741685,-2.288993 53.741765))) POINT (-2.289162 53.74172) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-25 1954-11-03
T2/E/Gx Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 -


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group MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.287503 53.741768,-2.287436 53.741835,-2.287482 53.741902,-2.287844 53.742022,-2.287934 53.742062,-2.288047 53.742061,-2.288092 53.742035,-2.288069 53.741954,-2.287503 53.741768))) POINT (-2.287766 53.741925) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-25 1954-11-03
T2/E/G45 Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 - Group consisting of 7 Sycamore, 3 Lime, 2 Ash


No associated documents found for this area

group MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.288867 53.712050,-2.288935 53.712056,-2.289045 53.712044,-2.289161 53.712021,-2.289202 53.712008,-2.289212 53.711997,-2.289149 53.711992,-2.289018 53.712006,-2.288900 53.712032,-2.288867 53.712050))) POINT (-2.289041 53.712024) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-25 1954-11-03
T2/E/W38 Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 - Stand of hardwoods consisting of Sycamore and Ash


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woodland MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.291698 53.711162,-2.291580 53.711258,-2.291462 53.711394,-2.291454 53.711440,-2.291395 53.711555,-2.291370 53.711676,-2.291388 53.711782,-2.291482 53.711792,-2.292424 53.711960,-2.292526 53.711950,-2.292838 53.711693,-2.292719 53.711673,-2.292617 53.711638,-2.292540 53.711628,-2.292464 53.711638,-2.292304 53.711775,-2.292245 53.711795,-2.292236 53.711775,-2.292083 53.711690,-2.291938 53.711625,-2.291913 53.711600,-2.291904 53.711579,-2.291827 53.711554,-2.291770 53.711504,-2.291770 53.711437,-2.291814 53.711396,-2.291837 53.711343,-2.291893 53.711278,-2.292004 53.711262,-2.292232 53.711196,-2.292028 53.711131,-2.292020 53.711101,-2.291960 53.711051,-2.291875 53.711026,-2.291816 53.711046,-2.291688 53.711067,-2.291366 53.711027,-2.291349 53.711042,-2.291213 53.711018,-2.291222 53.711002,-2.291043 53.710978,-2.290993 53.711018,-2.291121 53.711088,-2.291248 53.711138,-2.291435 53.711168,-2.291511 53.711173,-2.291698 53.711162))) POINT (-2.291868 53.71152) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-25 1954-11-03
T2/E/W10 Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 - Unevenly stocked stand of even-aged hardwoods, consisting of Sycamore, Beech, Ash and Poplar


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woodland MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.291475 53.734024,-2.291060 53.734024,-2.291264 53.734266,-2.291427 53.734267,-2.291490 53.734213,-2.291475 53.734024))) POINT (-2.291315 53.734131) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-25 1954-11-03
T2/E/W32 Lancashire County Council Tree Preservation Order 1954 No.4 - Stand of even-aged hardwoods consisting of Sycamore, Beech, Elm and Lime


No associated documents found for this area

woodland MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.289575 53.720788,-2.289665 53.720788,-2.289687 53.720654,-2.289708 53.720400,-2.289726 53.720352,-2.289484 53.720383,-2.289449 53.720424,-2.289507 53.720748,-2.289575 53.720788))) POINT (-2.289588 53.720558) Information not updated since the Order was confirmed 2025-02-25 1954-11-03

How to fix this issue

Your dataset is missing the tree-preservation-order column.

The Tree preservation zone guidance explains how to fix the issue:


The reference for the tree preservation order that covers this zone.

How to improve Rossendale Borough Council’s data

  1. Fix the errors indicated
  2. Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
  3. Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL