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  • 35 entries must have dates in YYYY-MM-DD format
Name Reference Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
B0096 B0096 Former Service Station, 146, Park Lane, Netherton yes 0.1 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-2.96613 53.480416) The figure of 10 is for flats and was approved in planning application (DC/2016/02117) now expired.. Former service station site 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
B0128 B0128 2, Well Lane, Bootle yes 0.23 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.985535 53.45099) DC/2018/00357 (2021). Former industrial premises in a predominantly residential area. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
B0154 B0154 Land adj to St Monicas Parochial, Stewart Avenue, Bootle yes 0.12 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-2.978132 53.45452) DC/2015/01679- permission for 13 flats expired. Current application pending for care home (DC/2020/00807) (2021).. Vacant land 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
B0214 B0214 Z Blocks Site A, Buckley Hill Lane, Netherton yes 1.6 0 0 owned by a public authority

Invalid date

Not permissioned POINT(-2.98137 53.495024) Part of Local Plan allocation (MN2.36). Undeveloped and with no permission.. Cleared site that contained former post war apartment blocks 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
B1218 B1218 Former Johnsons Cleaners, Mildmay Road, Bootle yes 1.81 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.996854 53.460442) Former Johnsons site. Has permission and suitable for development. Has scope for mixed use with limited retail subject to NPPF sequential and impact tests. Minimum figure assumes a high number of apartments.. Previously developed former Johnsons Cleaners site in a residential area. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
C0145 C0145 CHURCH HALL 17, MERSEY ROAD, Crosby & Hightown yes 0.1 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-3.034628 53.486476) Approved for 5 homes now expired (DC/2015/00167). Former church hall. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
F0172 F0172 AMBULANCE STATION, CHURCH ROAD, Formby yes 0.12 0 0 owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.055967 53.557337) DC/2020/02567 - 3 houses. Approved March 2021. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
F142 F142 Mushroom Farm, 8-10, Cable Street, Formby yes 1.03 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.056068 53.561399) Nearly built out but last part is long term stalled. Left over area of land capable of 5 dwellings.. Partly developed site. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
L0029 L0029 Kirkstone Hotel, Moss Lane, Netherton yes 0.13 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-2.98761 53.475557) Former pub. DC/2014/01024 - for 14 two bedroom apartments now expired.. Former public house site. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
L0031 L0031 Former Litherland Methodist Church, Wilsons Lane, Netherton yes 0.17 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

outline planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-2.998957 53.471103) DC/2016/01227 - approval for 7 dwellings - expired. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
M0050 M0050 Land South of Spencers Lane, Spencers Lane, Maghull & Aintree yes 0.6 0 0 not owned by a public authority

Invalid date

full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.920464 53.484947) Backs onto motorway. Local Plan allocation MN2.33. Minimum number of dwellinsg figure is 15 to reflect the Local Plan Appendix 1.. Area of hardstanding to the rear of existing properties. Adjacent to the M57. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
M0077 M0077 101, Liverpool Road, Maghull & Aintree yes 0.15 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

outline planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-2.940702 53.525742) Permission DC/2016/02394 for 12 apartments now expired.. Single dwelling house with planning permission. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
S0247 S0247 18-20, Granville Road, Southport yes 0.47 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.034102 53.63137) Various permissions - Partial brownfield. The site is in a Conservation Area and as such design standards apply. Minimum figure based on there being a number of apartments.. Site of detached properties and rear gardens. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
B0165 B0165 503 - 509, Hawthorne Road, Bootle no yes 2.62 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.987868 53.461361) Potential for some contamination. Next to Canal where issues may need to be addressed. Planning permission for mixed use residential and retail. (2021). Former industrial units in poor condition. Adjacent to the canal. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
C0174 C0174 Factory building, Sandy Lane, Crosby & Hightown 1.02 0 0 not owned by a public authority

Invalid date

outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.010911 53.468881) Large industrial unit in the centre of the Sandy Road Industrial Estate. Adjacent to housing, other industrial uses, and the railway line. 2021-02-10 2021-02-10
F0129 F0129 Former Dairy, 5, Marsh Brows, Formby yes 0.11 0 0 not owned by a public authority


Invalid date

full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.070245 53.554253) Former dairy site. 2021-05-10 2019-11-01
C0303 C0303 Land Adj To The Junction Of Hicks Road, Park Road, Crosby & Hightown 0.09 0 0 not owned by a public authority

Invalid date

permissioned POINT(-3.021634 53.47842)
M0110 M0110 81, Foxhouse Lane, Maghull & Aintree 0.12 0 0 not owned by a public authority

Invalid date

permissioned POINT(-2.926885 53.513693)
norw140 norw140 140, Norwood Road, Southport 0.21 0 0 not owned by a public authority

Invalid date

permissioned POINT(-2.975846 53.64126)
S0352 S0352 91, Scarisbrick New Road, Southport 0.09 0 0 not owned by a public authority

Invalid date

permissioned POINT(-2.9815 53.636905)

How to fix this issue

Your dataset is missing the PermissionDate column.

The Brownfield land guidance explains how to fix the issue:


Enter the date the most recent permission was granted on the site, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If no permission has been granted leave this blank.

How to improve Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council’s data

  1. Fix the errors indicated
  2. Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
  3. Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL