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  • 26 entries must have valid URIs
Name Reference Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
WDCBLR/0012 WDCBLR/0012 Garage Blocks & Vacant Land, Drovers Way, Droitwich Spa yes 0.37 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-05 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.163401 52.277244) Proposed Demolition Of Garage Blocks & Redevelopment Of Vacant Land Off Drovers Way, Droitwich Spa For The Erection Of 6No Affordable Houses With Re-provision Of Car Parking In Place Of Demolished Garages & Associated Site Access & Infrastructure. 2019-01-02 2017-12-28 2019-03-31
WDCBLR/0017 WDCBLR/0017 Land off Blake Avenue and, Long Sling, Droitwich Spa yes 0.25 11 11 owned by a public authority 2016-10-24 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.163774 52.259029) Proposed Demolition Of Existing Buildings & Erection of 11No Affordable Houses With Associated Site Access & Infrastructure. 2019-01-02 2017-12-28 2020-03-31
WDCBLR/0007 WDCBLR/0007 Employment site, top of Kings Road, Evesham yes 3.8 90 110 not owned by a public authority 2015-04-17 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-1.933177 52.096422) Development Plan Reference SWDP50/2 and on part of site planning permission w/14/01848/PN. Proposed construction of 12 dwellings. 2019-01-02 2017-12-28 2020-03-31
WDCBLR/0013 WDCBLR/0013 Former gas Depo, Common Road, Evesham yes 1.2 123 123 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-06 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.941062 52.094313) A new planning application to replace planning permission ref no W/07/00948/PN (Appeal ref no APP/H1840/A/09/2118031) for erection of 123 dwellings with 9 commercial units.. 2019-01-02 2017-12-28 2020-03-31
WDCBLR/0018 WDCBLR/0018 Land adjoining and including, 1 Castle Street, Evesham yes 0.04 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-18 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.94136 52.0916) UC 2021 survey. UC 2022 survey. Complete 2023 Please note re planning history on this site the user will need to copy and paste the individual link into a browser to view (when there are two links in one cell in excel they cannot be created as separate hyperlinks) 2024-01-18 2017-12-28 2023-03-31
WDCBLR/0019 WDCBLR/0019 Bear Garage, Burford Road, Evesham 0.14 4 6 not owned by a public authority 2015-09-18 full planning permission Not Permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.939476 52.091085) Demolition of existing garage and erection of 5 dwellings. 2019-01-07 2017-12-28 2020-03-31
WDCBLR/0020 WDCBLR/0020 1 Chapel Street, Evesham yes 0.02 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-05 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.943895 52.093892) Demolition of industrial unit and replacement with single building incorporating 5 flats. 2019-01-07 2017-12-28 2021-03-31
WDCBLR/0021 WDCBLR/0021 50 High Street, Evesham (Barclays Bank) yes 0.05 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-01 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.946274 52.093614) Change of use of 1st and 2nd floors of existing Grade II Listed Building from commercial to residential. To create 7 units consisting of 4x 1 bedroom flats and 3 x 2 bedroom flats. To include 2nd floor extension and bin & cycle stores.. 2019-01-07 2017-12-28 2021-03-31
WDCBLR/0009 WDCBLR/0009 Garage site off A422 and land to the rear, Upton Snodsbury yes 1.12 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-13 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.08859 52.18858) Development Plan Reference SWDP60/28. UC 2021 survey, Complete 2022 survey. 2023-01-24 2017-12-28 2022-03-31
WDCBLR/0014 WDCBLR/0014 Fancutts Garage, High Street, Honeybourne yes 0.34 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-02 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.833749 52.093295) Application 18/02377 pending. Planning application for demolition of disused garage and erection of 8 dwellings, access, landscaping and associated works. 2019-01-07 2017-12-28 2021-03-31
WDCBLR/0015 WDCBLR/0015 Cherry Orchard House, Cherry Orchard, Pershore yes 0.58 19 19 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-23 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-2.07455 52.1182) Complete 2018 survey 2018-03-31 2017-12-28 2018-03-31
WDCBLR/0016 WDCBLR/0016 Long Lartin Social Club, Meadow Road, South Littleton, Evesham yes 0.29 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-17 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.863344 52.109884) Demolition of existing building and erection of 9 residential dwellings.. 2017-12-28 2017-12-28 2020-03-31
WDC/BLR/0037 WDC/BLR/0037 yes 0.138 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2022-11-28 full planning permission permissioned

Invalid URI

POINT(-1.933463 52.096017) NS 2023 survey. 2024-01-18 2023-01-24

How to fix this issue

Your dataset is missing the SiteplanURL column.

The Brownfield land guidance explains how to fix the issue:


Enter the URL of a web page hosting the site plan, beginning with either “http://” or “https://”.

How to improve Wychavon District Council’s data

  1. Fix the errors indicated
  2. Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
  3. Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL