Conservation area
There is a problem
- 87 entries must have valid URIs
- reference
- DCO139
- name
- designation-date
- 1993-01-01
- document-url
- documentation-url
- geometry
- MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.209050 50.345419,-4.208907 50.345403,-4.208729 50.345365,-4.208385 50.345272,-4.208016 50.345191,-4.208011 50.345205,-4.207890 50.345197,-4.207849 50.345163,-4.207452 50.345157,-4.206910 50.345113,-4.206485 50.345051,-4.205376 50.344841,-4.205231 50.345248,-4.205168 50.345447,-4.205194 50.345512,-4.205139 50.345589,-4.205053 50.345577,-4.204928 50.345527,-4.204743 50.345571,-4.204576 50.345641,-4.204479 50.345693,-4.204449 50.345797,-4.204411 50.345878,-4.204297 50.346181,-4.204251 50.346250,-4.204140 50.346382,-4.204067 50.346456,-4.203711 50.346759,-4.203707 50.346796,-4.203652 50.346900,-4.203645 50.346976,-4.203696 50.347027,-4.203920 50.346936,-4.204059 50.346892,-4.204119 50.346880,-4.204207 50.346877,-4.204303 50.346892,-4.204432 50.346938,-4.204544 50.346989,-4.205024 50.347290,-4.205126 50.347305,-4.205101 50.347328,-4.205087 50.347357,-4.205091 50.347484,-4.205105 50.347542,-4.205183 50.347644,-4.205188 50.347697,-4.205181 50.347808,-4.205265 50.347846,-4.205312 50.347934,-4.205353 50.347975,-4.205511 50.347989,-4.205787 50.347949,-4.205865 50.347926,-4.205950 50.347924,-4.206789 50.348364,-4.206814 50.348421,-4.206853 50.348469,-4.206914 50.348508,-4.207030 50.348557,-4.207241 50.348596,-4.207723 50.348593,-4.207811 50.348595,-4.207885 50.348606,-4.207918 50.348529,-4.207958 50.348485,-4.208133 50.348324,-4.208279 50.348210,-4.208681 50.348033,-4.208705 50.348012,-4.208710 50.347997,-4.208673 50.347784,-4.208701 50.347755,-4.209052 50.347704,-4.209197 50.347640,-4.209326 50.347632,-4.209493 50.347646,-4.209520 50.347508,-4.209505 50.347506,-4.209510 50.347482,-4.209564 50.347488,-4.209629 50.347313,-4.209619 50.347309,-4.209642 50.347183,-4.209706 50.347087,-4.210455 50.347136,-4.210484 50.347034,-4.210445 50.346784,-4.209928 50.346836,-4.209883 50.346834,-4.209868 50.346764,-4.209897 50.346636,-4.209914 50.346492,-4.209946 50.346415,-4.209773 50.346340,-4.209558 50.346289,-4.209234 50.346259,-4.209183 50.346284,-4.209114 50.346252,-4.209093 50.346113,-4.209087 50.345891,-4.209118 50.345728,-4.209123 50.345641,-4.209106 50.345528,-4.209050 50.345419)))
- point
- POINT (-4.207023 50.346668)
- notes
- organisation
- entry-date
- 2024-09-10
- start-date
- 1993-01-01
- end-date
How to fix this issue
Your dataset is missing the documentation-url column.
The Conservation area guidance explains how to fix the issue:
The URL of the webpage on your website that introduces the document.
Each document should be linked to from a documentation webpage that includes a short description of the data and the document you’re linking to. Each conservation area should have a unique URL. This means you can create a separate page for each one, or you could list several on one page. If you do that, there must be a separate anchor (fragment identifier) for each one. This means each section of your page should have its own URL. Most publishing systems will allow you to use a hashtag to create the identifiers for each conservation area you list - as in the examples shown.
One conservation area per page:
More than one conservation area per page with an anchor link for each one:
How to improve Cornwall Council’s data
- Fix the errors indicated
- Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
- Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL