Article 4 direction area
There is a problem
- permitted-development-rights column is missing values
Article 4(1) Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) order 1995
- reference
- {E6369A1B-AA37-4B67-AF76-3BC17E3A5885}
- name
- Article 4(1) Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) order 1995
- article-4-direction
- {E6369A1B-AA37-4B67-AF76-3BC17E3A5885}
- permitted-development-rights
- uprns
- address-texts
- geometry
- MULTIPOLYGON (((1.377596 51.194409,1.378034 51.194823,1.378166 51.194964,1.378504 51.195359,1.378728 51.195685,1.379018 51.196178,1.379074 51.196286,1.379109 51.196376,1.376656 51.197331,1.376458 51.197033,1.376181 51.196698,1.375371 51.195881,1.375040 51.195518,1.375062 51.195453,1.375023 51.195411,1.374922 51.195390,1.374495 51.194943,1.374111 51.194506,1.374274 51.194396,1.375045 51.193917,1.375931 51.193405,1.376528 51.193704,1.376977 51.193955,1.377282 51.194153,1.377519 51.194339,1.377596 51.194409)))
- point
- POINT (1.376642 51.195345)
- notes
- Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- organisation
- entry-date
- 2024-06-28
- start-date
- 1996-08-02
- end-date
How to fix this issue
Your dataset is missing the permitted-development-rights column.
The Article 4 direction area guidance explains how to fix the issue:
A list of the permitted development rights withdrawn by the article 4 direction.
Separate the rights in the list using semicolons.
Only use rights from our permitted development right dataset. If the area withdraws a permitted development right that is not in our dataset, email
Example: 3D;3M;11B
How to improve Dover District Council’s data
- Fix the errors indicated
- Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
- Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL