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Amber Valley Borough Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
BFLR0001 BFLR0001 Spring Road Riddings yes 1.27 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2004-07-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.350658 53.069235) The site is currently under construction. 14 new dwellings 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0002 BFLR0002 Land at Greenhill Lane Leabrooks yes 2.02 24 24 not owned by a public authority 2007-11-15 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.372058 53.075517) The site is currently under construction. Residential development with two planning applications 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0005 BFLR0005 John Smedley Ltd Lea Road Lea Bridge yes 0.46 26 26 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.525055 53.104037) The site is currently under construction. Redevelopment of the site including conversion and new build to provide 26 dwellings 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0007 BFLR0007 Land at Salcombe Road Alfreton yes 0.34 21 21 not owned by a public authority 2015-05-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.373292 53.100504) The site is currently under construction. erection of new 21 dwellings consisting of 13 two storey dwellings and 8 maisonettes 2019-03-31 2017-12-06 2020-05-21
BFLR0010 BFLR0010 Bradshaw Avenue Ridding yes 2.5 87 87 owned by a public authority 2019-05-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.362249 53.068588) Two-storey residential dwellings 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0014 BFLR0014 Land to rear of 27-41 Main Road Leabrooks 0.32 18 18 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-02 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.372129 53.076811) Outline planning permission for upto 18 dwellings following demolition and site clearance 2019-03-31 2017-12-06 2020-05-21
BFLR0017 BFLR0017 17 King Street Alfreton yes 1 11 11 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.390162 53.096798) The site is currently under construction. Conversion of buildings (17,19 and 21) into 11 flats 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0018 BFLR0018 Former American Adventure Theme Park Pit Lane Shipley yes 46.48 307 307 owned by a public authority 2016-01-12 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.338263 52.993639) (Outline planning application with 7years time period)Residential element as part of large mixed use development. Sustainable mixed use development including upto 307 residential units 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0021 BFLR0021 Marehay Garage Derby Road Marehay 0.42 20 20 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-04 outline planning permission not permissioned POINT(-1.406543 53.031736) Previously had outline planning permission for demolition of existing buildings and proposed residential re-development, demolition works have taken place however permission has since lapsed. 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0023 BFLR0023 Memory Lane Inn 72 Derby Road Heanor yes 0.12 13 13 not owned by a public authority 2017-10-03 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.361152 53.013541) The site is currently under construction. Reserved matters application for AVA/2016/1078. Appearance, Landscaping, layout, and scale 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0024 BFLR0024 Land West of Old Coppice Side Heanor yes 0.93 30 30 owned by a public authority 2016-12-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.356408 53.004733) The site is currently under construction. Erection of 30 dwellings 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0025 BFLR0025 Labour Club Lander Lane Belper yes 0.14 13 13 not owned by a public authority 2017-01-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.47769 53.023997) Demolition works have taken place. Demolition of former Labour Club buildings and erection of 13 dwellings 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0026 BFLR0026 Land at 34 Greenhill Lane Leabrooks yes 1.27 58 58 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.374342 53.07445) The site is currently under construction. Proposed residential development of 58 dwellings 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0027 BFLR0027 Land at Bullbridge Hill Ambergate 8.2 143 143 not owned by a public authority 2019-11-26 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.46954 53.066138) Another reserved matters application on the site for phase 2 & 3 AVA/2019/0598 - 122 dwellings, compunal space and highway works. Reserved matters application for phase 1 for residential development, open space and highway works 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0030 BFLR0030 Land adj 130 Station Road Langley Mill yes 3.14 92 92 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-07 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.331508 53.016263) Reserved Matters submission for 92 dwellings on land off Amber Drive, Langley Mill together with access roads and open spaces incorporating public footpath (Not EIA Development) 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0034 BFLR0034 All Saints Church Hall Site Moseley Street Ripley yes 0.15 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2019-12-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.407775 53.051743) Existing buildings on site have been demolished. Previously considered as a proposed housing allocation in the now withdrawn Local Plan. Demolition of existing church hall and redevelopment of 10 dwellings and off-street parking 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0035 BFLR0035 Duffield Depot Derby Road Duffield yes 1.09 15 15 owned by a public authority 2018-05-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.483239 52.976207) Previously considered as a proposed housing allocation in the now withdrawn Local Plan. Planning Permission approved for 15 dwellings, comprising 14 new build and conversion and extension of former gate house 2020-03-31 2017-12-06
BFLR0039 BFLR0039 Former Anchor Inn Chesterfield Road Oakerthorpe yes 1.19 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-19 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.420039 53.092524) The site is currently under construction. 14 proposed dwellings following outline consent AVA/2015/0914 2020-03-31 2019-03-31
BFLR0040 BFLR0040 Firs Works Car Park Spanker Lane Nether Heage yes 0.9 30 30 not owned by a public authority 2019-01-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.470529 53.052433) Redevelopment of former car park to accommodate 30 new dwellings. Currently an additional planning application pending consideration for 34 affordable dwelling 2020-03-31 2019-03-31
BFLR0041 BFLR0041 Newlands Inn Golden Valley Riddings yes 0.7 19 19 not owned by a public authority 2019-01-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.370598 53.057162) Conversion of public house to 5 flats and construction of 14 new dwellings 2020-03-31 2019-03-31
BFLR0042 BFLR0042 Firs Works Spanker Lane Nether Heage yes 9.03 160 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-11 outline planning permission pending decision POINT(-1.469304 53.050247) Outline application, all matters reserved for the development of up to 160 dwellings with associated public open space, play space and on-site drainage and flood balancing 2020-03-31 2019-03-31
BFLR0043 BFLR0043 Land west of Aeromatic Co Ltd Derby Road Marehay yes 1.26 45 45 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-05 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.40942 53.031907) residential development for around 45 dwellings 2020-03-31 2019-03-31
BFLR0003 BFLR0003 Millford Mills Milford yes 2.01 69 69 not owned by a public authority 2015-04-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.479428 53.00341) Part of a mixed use development. Mixed use development - demolition of existing industrial buildings and construction of 69 dwellings 2017-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0004 BFLR0004 Black Horse Inn Lower Somercotes yes 0.9 18 18 not owned by a public authority 2014-08-14 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.358902 53.074898) Outline planning permission for residential development including the demolition of the public house 2017-12-06 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0006 BFLR0006 Derwent Street Belper yes 4.02 107 107 not owned by a public authority 2015-06-09 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.487785 53.023879) demolition of existing buildings and construction of new residential dwellings (approx 107 dwellings) 2017-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0008 BFLR0008 Delves Court Heanor yes 0.75 30 30 not owned by a public authority 2015-07-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.358074 53.008994) The site is currently under construction. Proposed family houses, eldery persons bungalows & apartments 2017-12-06 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0009 BFLR0009 Bridge Waste Disposal 66 Main Road Pye Bridge 0.48 17 17 not owned by a public authority outline planning permission pending decision POINT(-1.341364 53.07189) Residential development 2017-12-06 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0011 BFLR0011 Land at Butterley Hill Ripley yes 0.3 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2015-07-27 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.344804 53.053715) Demolition of existing structures and construction of 14 houses, three block of three terraced and two blocks of semi-detached, one detached and block of 3 garages 2017-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0012 BFLR0012 Former Loscoe Miners Welfare Loscoe 2.18 68 68 not owned by a public authority 2017-10-02 reserved matters approval pending decision POINT(-1.361698 53.024987) Reserved matters following approval of AVA/2014/0923 for Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. 2017-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0013 BFLR0013 19 Church Street Heanor yes 0.09 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2015-06-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.350622 53.01396) Demolition of builders storage buildinhs and associated offices and construction of flats 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0015 BFLR0015 Land to Rear of The Butchers Arms Hands Road Heanor yes 0.2 11 11 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.342527 53.013107) The site is currently under construction. erection of 11 dwellings to the rear of the existing oublic house 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0016 BFLR0016 Middlebrook Transport Heanor yes 1.2 54 54 not owned by a public authority 2016-09-20 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.376208 53.100304) The site is currently under construction. Reserved Matters approval for 54 dwellings 2017-12-06 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0019 BFLR0019 Belper Police Station Field Lane Belper yes 0.47 13 13 not owned by a public authority 2016-01-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.481736 53.024761) Erection of 13 new dwellings 2017-12-06 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0020 BFLR0020 Land off Cromford Road Langley Mill yes 0.88 38 38 not owned by a public authority 2016-09-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.327432 53.023432) The site is currently under construction. Erection of 38 dwellings 2017-12-06 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0022 BFLR0022 Land at Sleetmoor Lane Somercotes yes 0.11 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.371969 53.080631) The site is currently under construction. 12 new dwellings, with amix of 9no. 1 bedrooms and 2 bedroom apartments and 3no. 2 bedroom family homes 2017-12-06 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFRL0028 BFRL0028 Derwentside Industrial Park Derby Road Belper yes 5.75 136 136 mixed ownership 2017-08-25 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.479592 53.012122) Outline planning permission for demolition and site clearance and redevelopment 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0029 BFLR0029 Land at Cemetery Road Ripley 1.74 20 20 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.402537 53.044301) Site allocated within Ripley Neighbourhood Plan as a proposed housing allocation 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFRL0031 BFRL0031 Land at Hall Road Langley Mill yes 1.12 33 33 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.329884 53.025873) Part of a larger site which comprises greenfield land. proposed housing allocation in the Pre-Submission Local Plan 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0032 BFLR0032 Asher Lane Business Park (North) Ripley yes 2.13 85 85 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.409525 53.062332) proposed housing allocation in the Pre-Submission Local Plan 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0033 BFLR0033 Asher Lane Business Park (South) Ripley yes 3.04 95 95 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.408802 53.060675) proposed housing allocation in the Pre-Submission Local Plan 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0036 BFLR0036 Land off Whysall Street Heanor yes 1.45 76 76 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.352866 53.014431) proposed housing allocation in the Pre-Submission Local Plan 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0037 BFLR0037 Land at Taylor Lane Loscoe yes 9.92 250 250 not owned by a public authority outline planning permission pending decision POINT(-1.364362 53.025325) Part of an outline planning application for upto 500 dwellings. Also a proposed housing allocation in the Pre-Submission Local Plan 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0038 BFLR0038 Land North of Denby yes 40.42 720 720 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.433675 53.019742) proposed housing allocation in the Pre-Submission Local Plan 2018-12-17 2017-12-06 2019-11-23
BFLR0044 BFLR0044 Land off Butterley Hill Ripley yes 0.31 16 16 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.403182 53.056097) The site is currently under construction. residential development to accommodate 12 dwellings and 4 apartments 2020-03-31 2020-03-31
BFLR0045 BFLR0045 Derwentside Industrial Estate Derby Road Belper 5.93 136 136 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-07 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.479898 53.01285) Reserved matters following outline consent for residential development 2020-03-31 2020-03-31
BFLR0046 BFLR0046 The Willows Slack Lane Ripley 0.2 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2020-03-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.409373 53.048487) Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 10 affordable dwellings 2020-03-31 2020-03-31
BFLR0047 BFLR0047 Land off Cemetery Lane Ripley 1.77 20 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.402545 53.044293) Site allocated for residential development in the Ripley Neighbourhood Plan 2020-03-31 2020-03-31
BFLR0048 BFLR0048 Bowbridge Garage Ashbourne Road Mackworth 1.16 22 22 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.546321 52.939734) Demolition of single dwelling, existing Cafe, Petrol station and MOT service garage, construction of new MOT service garage and 22 new dwellings. 2020-03-31 2020-03-31
BFLR0049 BFLR0049 Milford Mill Development, The Bridge, Belper yes 2.01 69 not owned by a public authority 2015-04-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.47 53.0) Demolition of existing industrial buildings attached and to rear of Dye House and construction of 69 No. dwellings, and the conversion of the Dye House to office and retail accommodation. 2021-09-01 2021-09-01
BFLR0050 BFLR0050 17, King Street, Alfreton yes 0.11 11 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.39 53.09) To convert the whole buildings (17, 19 and 21 King Street) into residential accommodation providing one and two bedroom flats (11 flats in total) 2021-09-01 2021-09-01

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