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Birmingham City Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
1281 THE BIRMINGHAM (43 UPLAND ROAD, SELLY OAK) TPO 2009 TPO 1281 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.918887 52.445601,-1.919185 52.445512,-1.919502 52.445410,-1.919090 52.445016,-1.919014 52.445044,-1.918972 52.445006,-1.918865 52.445046,-1.918860 52.445041,-1.918583 52.445158,-1.918702 52.445305,-1.918665 52.445315,-1.918887 52.445601))) POINT (-1.919013 52.445299) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1284 THE BIRMINGHAM (78 GREENFIELD ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 2009 TPO 1284 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.949401 52.457464,-1.949515 52.457883,-1.949536 52.457923,-1.949679 52.457891,-1.949578 52.457452,-1.949401 52.457464))) POINT (-1.949544 52.457678) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1325 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND BETWEEN GREEN ACRES ROAD AND GLENDENE CRESCENT, KINGS NORTON) TPO 2009 TPO 1325 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.948932 52.395423,-1.948808 52.395445,-1.948775 52.395482,-1.948768 52.395503,-1.948838 52.395710,-1.948829 52.395722,-1.948828 52.395761,-1.948840 52.395761,-1.948882 52.395794,-1.948889 52.395808,-1.948914 52.395895,-1.948909 52.395914,-1.948988 52.396081,-1.949098 52.396355,-1.949179 52.396344,-1.949450 52.396239,-1.949778 52.396065,-1.949659 52.396079,-1.949565 52.396065,-1.949529 52.396050,-1.949261 52.395793,-1.948951 52.395462,-1.948932 52.395423))) POINT (-1.949157 52.395937) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1285 THE BIRMINGHAM (330 GREEN MEADOW ROAD, WEOLEY) TPO 2009 TPO 1285 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.973047 52.427403,-1.972722 52.427193,-1.972684 52.427193,-1.971983 52.427549,-1.972087 52.427573,-1.972314 52.427745,-1.972342 52.427753,-1.972602 52.427614,-1.972544 52.427573,-1.972571 52.427552,-1.972606 52.427577,-1.972622 52.427568,-1.972667 52.427601,-1.972794 52.427530,-1.972862 52.427579,-1.973006 52.427507,-1.973018 52.427418,-1.973047 52.427403))) POINT (-1.972548 52.427468) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1227 THE BIRMINGHAM (BRETHRENS MEETING HOUSE, PENNS LANE, WALMLEY) TPO 2009 TPO 1227 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.801430 52.538195,-1.801620 52.538327,-1.802381 52.538825,-1.802879 52.539134,-1.803261 52.539408,-1.803476 52.539537,-1.803879 52.539339,-1.802696 52.538561,-1.801797 52.538013,-1.801430 52.538195))) POINT (-1.802661 52.538776) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1287 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND BETWEEN 29a & 29 MARY VALE ROAD, BOURNVILLE) TPO 2009 TPO 1287 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.925465 52.426665,-1.925438 52.426532,-1.925259 52.426549,-1.925267 52.426574,-1.923996 52.426676,-1.924020 52.426781,-1.925465 52.426665))) POINT (-1.92475 52.426667) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1289 THE BIRMINGHAM (25 BARKER ROAD, FOUR OAKS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2009 TPO 1289 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.830288 52.572794,-1.829504 52.572812,-1.829533 52.572920,-1.829578 52.573024,-1.829643 52.573235,-1.829942 52.573213,-1.830337 52.573209,-1.830336 52.573037,-1.830288 52.572794))) POINT (-1.829945 52.573006) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1288 THE BIRMINGHAM (338 BOLDMERE ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2009 TPO 1288 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.836737 52.538846,-1.836766 52.538916,-1.836777 52.538914,-1.836787 52.538941,-1.837964 52.538742,-1.837889 52.538664,-1.836737 52.538846))) POINT (-1.83733 52.538801) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
31 THE BIRMINGHAM (SITE ADJOINING 763 PERSHORE ROAD, SELLY PARK) TPO 1970 TPO 31 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.915399 52.443169,-1.915356 52.443485,-1.917096 52.443437,-1.917117 52.443755,-1.917486 52.443709,-1.917425 52.443499,-1.917754 52.443450,-1.917945 52.443432,-1.917978 52.443465,-1.918627 52.443374,-1.918592 52.443354,-1.918294 52.442896,-1.918170 52.442729,-1.917995 52.442546,-1.917126 52.442842,-1.916855 52.442910,-1.916861 52.442915,-1.915399 52.443169))) POINT (-1.917147 52.443173) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
75 THE BIRMINGHAM (HAYFIELD ROAD AND WAKE GREEN ROAD, WAKE GREEN) TPO 1969 TPO 75 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.869664 52.442820,-1.869687 52.442665,-1.869779 52.442544,-1.869820 52.442451,-1.869995 52.441884,-1.870524 52.441904,-1.870536 52.441733,-1.870734 52.441740,-1.870872 52.441138,-1.870236 52.441129,-1.869998 52.441110,-1.869769 52.441075,-1.869743 52.441077,-1.869706 52.441099,-1.869622 52.441085,-1.869623 52.441072,-1.869609 52.441066,-1.869560 52.441060,-1.869460 52.441459,-1.869482 52.441470,-1.869476 52.441512,-1.869458 52.441512,-1.869462 52.441564,-1.869444 52.441696,-1.869470 52.441697,-1.869443 52.441812,-1.869454 52.441839,-1.869450 52.441858,-1.869528 52.441863,-1.869487 52.441941,-1.869477 52.441939,-1.869236 52.442387,-1.869067 52.442529,-1.869087 52.442556,-1.869089 52.442572,-1.869049 52.442636,-1.869061 52.442652,-1.869170 52.442688,-1.869664 52.442820))) POINT (-1.869923 52.441776) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
356 THE BIRMINGHAM (98 WAKE GREEN ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 1982 TPO 356 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.869450 52.441858,-1.869454 52.441839,-1.869443 52.441812,-1.869470 52.441697,-1.869444 52.441696,-1.869463 52.441552,-1.869458 52.441512,-1.869476 52.441512,-1.869482 52.441470,-1.869460 52.441459,-1.869479 52.441382,-1.869211 52.441359,-1.869219 52.441211,-1.869259 52.441054,-1.869093 52.441064,-1.868858 52.441098,-1.868642 52.441139,-1.868346 52.441259,-1.868917 52.441634,-1.868003 52.442110,-1.868167 52.442220,-1.868662 52.441961,-1.869098 52.441750,-1.869257 52.441848,-1.869450 52.441858))) POINT (-1.868891 52.441558) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
829 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT 3 - 5 CLARRY DRIVE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1999 TPO 829 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.843696 52.578178,-1.843414 52.578170,-1.843104 52.578160,-1.843187 52.578356,-1.843254 52.578473,-1.843700 52.578511,-1.843889 52.578504,-1.843696 52.578178))) POINT (-1.843489 52.578335) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
830 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING 51 AND 76 TUDOR HILL, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1999 TPO 830 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.834924 52.570607,-1.834970 52.570707,-1.835015 52.570726,-1.835131 52.570934,-1.835202 52.571169,-1.835425 52.571256,-1.835518 52.571282,-1.835477 52.571041,-1.835414 52.570825,-1.835318 52.570697,-1.835253 52.570629,-1.835222 52.570554,-1.834924 52.570607))) POINT (-1.835255 52.570898) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
831 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT RIDGACRE ROAD CORNER OF HIGHFIELD LANE, QUINTON) TPO 1999 TPO 831 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.003767 52.458531,-2.003900 52.458667,-2.003465 52.458873,-2.003419 52.458903,-2.003459 52.458925,-2.003539 52.458946,-2.003761 52.458991,-2.003939 52.458991,-2.004235 52.458953,-2.004107 52.458586,-2.004430 52.458471,-2.004337 52.458357,-2.003767 52.458531))) POINT (-2.003959 52.458731) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
832 THE BIRMINGHAM (78 ROUNDLEA ROAD, NORTHFIELD) TPO 1999 TPO 832 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.980347 52.432342,-1.980418 52.432393,-1.980933 52.432180,-1.980879 52.432124,-1.980347 52.432342))) POINT (-1.980643 52.43226) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
833 THE BIRMINGHAM (310-314 HAGLEY ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 1999 TPO 833 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.959629 52.473138,-1.959712 52.473073,-1.959338 52.472461,-1.958942 52.472552,-1.958954 52.472661,-1.958963 52.472891,-1.958973 52.472891,-1.959000 52.473168,-1.959629 52.473138))) POINT (-1.95927 52.472855) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
834 THE BIRMINGHAM (10 MEADOW BROOK ROAD, NORTHFIELD) TPO 1999 TPO 834 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.969292 52.422226,-1.969432 52.422206,-1.969318 52.421852,-1.969160 52.421865,-1.969292 52.422226))) POINT (-1.969299 52.422034) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
234 THE BIRMINGHAM (126 LICHFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1977 TPO 234 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.826715 52.575262,-1.826462 52.575041,-1.826494 52.575022,-1.826375 52.574915,-1.825254 52.575439,-1.824657 52.574937,-1.824399 52.575060,-1.824189 52.575175,-1.823941 52.574962,-1.823869 52.574860,-1.823644 52.574960,-1.823758 52.575023,-1.824050 52.575255,-1.823679 52.575501,-1.823165 52.575928,-1.823960 52.576382,-1.824302 52.576163,-1.824641 52.575979,-1.824573 52.575929,-1.824566 52.575916,-1.824573 52.575894,-1.824599 52.575871,-1.824915 52.575700,-1.825026 52.575764,-1.824996 52.575785,-1.825594 52.576138,-1.826150 52.575915,-1.826047 52.575826,-1.826457 52.575651,-1.826500 52.575687,-1.826962 52.575486,-1.826715 52.575262))) POINT (-1.824966 52.575593) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
236 THE BIRMINGHAM (SITE OF 19 VALENTINE ROAD WITH FRONTAGE TO ASHFIELD AVENUE, KINGS HEATH) TPO 1977 TPO 236 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.891212 52.439513,-1.891359 52.439412,-1.890933 52.439162,-1.891281 52.438958,-1.891275 52.438953,-1.891532 52.438799,-1.891188 52.438598,-1.889949 52.439272,-1.890834 52.439725,-1.890999 52.439606,-1.891056 52.439623,-1.891212 52.439513))) POINT (-1.890792 52.439187) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
264 THE BIRMINGHAM (TILE CROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL TILE CROSS ROAD, TILE CROSS) TPO 1978 TPO 264 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.766301 52.473180,-1.766063 52.472735,-1.766055 52.472602,-1.765622 52.472396,-1.764299 52.472882,-1.764983 52.473467,-1.765046 52.473484,-1.765118 52.473493,-1.765991 52.473247,-1.766306 52.473196,-1.766301 52.473180))) POINT (-1.765365 52.47296) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
211 THE BIRMINGHAM (ERDINGTON ABBEY STATION ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 1975 TPO 211 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.838700 52.527673,-1.838341 52.527594,-1.838265 52.527800,-1.838180 52.527964,-1.838111 52.527963,-1.838106 52.527969,-1.837976 52.527944,-1.837979 52.527796,-1.837934 52.527722,-1.837890 52.527817,-1.837579 52.528018,-1.837063 52.528371,-1.837089 52.528387,-1.837804 52.528457,-1.837745 52.528621,-1.838639 52.528792,-1.838773 52.528831,-1.838842 52.528741,-1.838851 52.528741,-1.839148 52.528101,-1.839304 52.527806,-1.838700 52.527673))) POINT (-1.838342 52.528214) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
272 THE BIRMINGHAM (ERDINGTON ABBEY, STATION ROAD, ERDINGTON. PART 2) TPO 1978 TPO 272 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.836953 52.529337,-1.837069 52.529404,-1.837287 52.529429,-1.837361 52.529430,-1.837362 52.529618,-1.837806 52.529841,-1.838272 52.529345,-1.838773 52.528831,-1.838639 52.528792,-1.837745 52.528621,-1.837804 52.528457,-1.837089 52.528387,-1.837022 52.528672,-1.837052 52.529264,-1.836953 52.529337))) POINT (-1.837715 52.529054) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
406 THE BIRMINGHAM (29 AND LAND ADJOINING SELLY WICK ROAD, SELLY PARK) TPO 1983 TPO 406 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.919421 52.443848,-1.919410 52.443781,-1.919026 52.443525,-1.918960 52.443498,-1.918879 52.443482,-1.918708 52.443422,-1.918627 52.443374,-1.917978 52.443465,-1.917945 52.443432,-1.917756 52.443450,-1.917424 52.443499,-1.917486 52.443709,-1.916666 52.443801,-1.916633 52.444090,-1.916697 52.444418,-1.917368 52.444403,-1.918063 52.444400,-1.918129 52.444454,-1.918192 52.444489,-1.919421 52.443848))) POINT (-1.917963 52.443938) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
409 THE BIRMINGHAM (ST. WINNOW, LADYWOOD ROAD, FOUR OAKS) TPO 1983 TPO 409 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.837465 52.577550,-1.837918 52.576552,-1.837332 52.576532,-1.837331 52.576454,-1.836505 52.576423,-1.836493 52.576546,-1.836441 52.576841,-1.836342 52.577167,-1.836253 52.577390,-1.836263 52.577411,-1.837465 52.577550))) POINT (-1.837051 52.57697) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
418 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND FRONTING ASH TREE ROAD/PERSHORE ROAD/CHARLOTTE ROAD, STIRCHLEY) TPO 1983 TPO 418 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.923304 52.422516,-1.921898 52.422640,-1.921976 52.422971,-1.921486 52.423017,-1.921591 52.423489,-1.921614 52.423497,-1.923163 52.423363,-1.923365 52.424087,-1.924656 52.423817,-1.924888 52.423748,-1.923757 52.422938,-1.923304 52.422516))) POINT (-1.92313 52.423243) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
457 THE BIRMINGHAM (75 MIDDLETON HALL ROAD, KINGS NORTON) TPO 1985 TPO 457 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.938835 52.415185,-1.939270 52.415191,-1.939292 52.415084,-1.939293 52.414988,-1.939284 52.414847,-1.939245 52.414639,-1.939033 52.414631,-1.939027 52.414712,-1.938904 52.414709,-1.938881 52.414969,-1.938850 52.414969,-1.938835 52.415185))) POINT (-1.939081 52.414937) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1070 THE BIRMINGHAM (405 REDNAL ROAD, WEST HEATH) TPO 2005 TPO 1070 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.950281 52.400012,-1.949987 52.399623,-1.949913 52.399645,-1.950072 52.399852,-1.950104 52.399877,-1.950222 52.400030,-1.950281 52.400012))) POINT (-1.950093 52.399818) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1067 THE BIRMINGHAM (109 MOOR HALL DRIVE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2005 TPO 1067 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.805725 52.580115,-1.805812 52.580339,-1.806728 52.580403,-1.806762 52.580195,-1.805725 52.580115))) POINT (-1.806254 52.580261) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1066 THE BIRMINGHAM (HIGHBURY LITTLE THEATRE, SHEFFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2005 TPO 1066 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.834337 52.537782,-1.833943 52.537752,-1.833836 52.538482,-1.833787 52.538924,-1.834346 52.538831,-1.834329 52.538788,-1.834373 52.538461,-1.834024 52.538443,-1.834067 52.538143,-1.834283 52.538153,-1.834337 52.537782))) POINT (-1.83407 52.538372) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1064 THE BIRMINGHAM ( FOOTPATH TO THE SIDE OF THE MOORLANDS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2005 TPO 1064 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.845179 52.578645,-1.845176 52.578589,-1.842552 52.579014,-1.842566 52.579053,-1.842623 52.579066,-1.842666 52.579065,-1.842914 52.579008,-1.843806 52.578850,-1.845127 52.578643,-1.845179 52.578645))) POINT (-1.843804 52.578835) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1090 THE BIRMINGHAM (42 REDNAL ROAD, KINGS NORTON) TPO 2009 TPO 1090 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.935122 52.404248,-1.935256 52.404499,-1.935273 52.404551,-1.935487 52.404839,-1.935432 52.404836,-1.935292 52.404892,-1.935227 52.404940,-1.935177 52.404958,-1.935160 52.404972,-1.935226 52.405008,-1.935193 52.405154,-1.935327 52.405215,-1.935400 52.405225,-1.935845 52.405097,-1.936197 52.404973,-1.935575 52.404097,-1.935107 52.404227,-1.935122 52.404248))) POINT (-1.935597 52.404702) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1069 THE BIRMINGHAM (10 HEATON DRIVE, EDGBASTON) TPO 2005 TPO 1069 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.936327 52.471126,-1.936332 52.470551,-1.936017 52.470573,-1.935688 52.470574,-1.935726 52.470789,-1.935730 52.471125,-1.936327 52.471126))) POINT (-1.936027 52.470843) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1072 THE BIRMINGHAM (70 FOUNTAIN ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 2005 TPO 1072 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.959105 52.475879,-1.958892 52.475753,-1.958389 52.476072,-1.958566 52.476177,-1.959105 52.475879))) POINT (-1.958746 52.475966) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1060 THE BIRMINGHAM (134 AND 132 LINDEN ROAD, BOURNVILLE) TPO 2005 TPO 1060 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.935195 52.424906,-1.935095 52.424754,-1.934345 52.424936,-1.934447 52.425091,-1.935195 52.424906))) POINT (-1.934769 52.424922) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1077 THE BIRMINGHAM (THISTLE HOTEL, HAGLEY ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2005 TPO 1077 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.938332 52.472708,-1.938583 52.472416,-1.938531 52.472116,-1.938484 52.472038,-1.936665 52.472140,-1.936636 52.472157,-1.936658 52.472174,-1.938332 52.472708))) POINT (-1.937862 52.472305) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1068 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO THE SIDE OF 347 SPRINGFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2005 TPO 1068 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.781379 52.563631,-1.781633 52.563757,-1.781992 52.563723,-1.781940 52.563517,-1.781941 52.563494,-1.781866 52.563486,-1.781661 52.563442,-1.781379 52.563631))) POINT (-1.781718 52.563611) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1071 THE BIRMINGHAM (17 & 19 WESTFIELD ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2005 TPO 1071 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.948979 52.467757,-1.948941 52.467704,-1.948947 52.467691,-1.948813 52.467453,-1.948788 52.467443,-1.948766 52.467414,-1.948771 52.467401,-1.948707 52.467312,-1.948541 52.467157,-1.948401 52.467183,-1.947277 52.467319,-1.947294 52.467482,-1.946898 52.467498,-1.946929 52.467902,-1.947345 52.467927,-1.947326 52.467720,-1.948979 52.467757))) POINT (-1.947921 52.467533) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1096 THE BIRMINGHAM (25-27 ANCHORAGE ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2005 TPO 1096 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.824738 52.568994,-1.824704 52.568737,-1.823514 52.568814,-1.823548 52.569049,-1.824738 52.568994))) POINT (-1.824135 52.568898) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1075 THE BIRMINGHAM (75-83 CARTLAND ROAD, STIRCHLEY) TPO 2005 TPO 1075 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.911990 52.430483,-1.912238 52.430053,-1.912125 52.430031,-1.912164 52.429956,-1.911431 52.429822,-1.911405 52.429878,-1.911659 52.429933,-1.911418 52.430365,-1.911990 52.430483))) POINT (-1.911822 52.430163) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-15
1392 THE BIRMINGHAM (1 - 19 SOHO ROAD & 1 PIERS ROAD, LOZELLS) TPO 2011 TPO 1392 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.925190 52.500828,-1.924521 52.500716,-1.924154 52.500634,-1.924002 52.500672,-1.923780 52.500756,-1.923643 52.500837,-1.923629 52.500872,-1.923640 52.500901,-1.923663 52.500922,-1.923888 52.500992,-1.924383 52.501134,-1.924666 52.501193,-1.925020 52.501280,-1.925078 52.501261,-1.925164 52.501205,-1.925188 52.501157,-1.925202 52.501075,-1.925205 52.500978,-1.925190 52.500828))) POINT (-1.924507 52.500938) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1421 THE BIRMINGHAM (1645-1649 PERSHORE ROAD, BOURNVILLE) TPO 2012 TPO 1421 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.922763 52.420999,-1.922843 52.421029,-1.922917 52.421020,-1.922998 52.421024,-1.923050 52.421045,-1.923140 52.421104,-1.923147 52.421100,-1.922977 52.420993,-1.922928 52.420975,-1.922675 52.420957,-1.922461 52.421087,-1.922499 52.421117,-1.922610 52.421117,-1.922596 52.421078,-1.922763 52.420999))) POINT (-1.922717 52.421025) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1388 THE BIRMINGHAM (54 SALISBURY ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2011 TPO 1388 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.893550 52.447469,-1.893284 52.447352,-1.892875 52.447758,-1.892989 52.447798,-1.893073 52.447848,-1.893550 52.447469))) POINT (-1.893208 52.447596) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1387 THE BIRMINGHAM (406 LICHFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2011 TPO 1387 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.833818 52.591284,-1.833710 52.591178,-1.833004 52.591363,-1.832447 52.591539,-1.832678 52.591848,-1.833102 52.591747,-1.833006 52.591624,-1.833170 52.591575,-1.833091 52.591475,-1.833818 52.591284))) POINT (-1.83301 52.591516) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1386 The Birmingham (Ward End PH. Bowling Green, Burney Lane, Ward End) TPO 2011 TPO 1386 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.822893 52.490074,-1.822590 52.490659,-1.823234 52.490967,-1.823486 52.490767,-1.823655 52.490669,-1.823604 52.490523,-1.823592 52.490525,-1.823574 52.490471,-1.823568 52.490472,-1.823550 52.490437,-1.823543 52.490406,-1.823553 52.490405,-1.823534 52.490350,-1.823545 52.490349,-1.823496 52.490195,-1.822893 52.490074))) POINT (-1.823138 52.49051) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1394 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT CORNER OF PORTLAND ROAD & CLARENDON ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2011 TPO 1394 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.937407 52.472999,-1.937714 52.472644,-1.936653 52.472303,-1.936631 52.472303,-1.936613 52.472314,-1.936609 52.472322,-1.936637 52.472406,-1.936839 52.472980,-1.937198 52.472933,-1.937407 52.472999))) POINT (-1.937111 52.472681) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1396 THE BIRMINGHAM (12 GREENING DRIVE, EDGBASTON) TPO 2011 TPO 1396 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.919342 52.463798,-1.919270 52.463685,-1.918802 52.463850,-1.918906 52.463951,-1.919342 52.463798))) POINT (-1.91908 52.46382) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1395 THE BIRMINGHAM (39 DYOTT ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2011 TPO 1395 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.875061 52.438765,-1.874876 52.438532,-1.874770 52.438016,-1.874512 52.438054,-1.874534 52.438487,-1.874640 52.438891,-1.875061 52.438765))) POINT (-1.87472 52.43847) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1450 THE BIRMINGHAM (895 CHESTER ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 2013 TPO 1450 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.817299 52.528908,-1.817144 52.528869,-1.816819 52.529331,-1.816977 52.529370,-1.817299 52.528908))) POINT (-1.817059 52.52912) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1397 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT C/O WELLHEAD LANE & ASTON LANE, ASTON) TPO 2011 TPO 1397 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.895966 52.514612,-1.895829 52.515002,-1.896437 52.515077,-1.896561 52.514759,-1.896478 52.514675,-1.895966 52.514612))) POINT (-1.8962 52.514846) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1398 THE BIRMINGHAM (FORMER EAST VIEW HOUSE, SHOOTERS HILL, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2011 TPO 1398 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.816459 52.552111,-1.816474 52.552229,-1.816468 52.552319,-1.816451 52.552369,-1.816408 52.552420,-1.816446 52.552438,-1.816439 52.552464,-1.816299 52.552507,-1.816310 52.552565,-1.816331 52.552564,-1.816390 52.552860,-1.816879 52.552558,-1.816797 52.552087,-1.816459 52.552111))) POINT (-1.816603 52.552445) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14

Showing rows 701 to 750 of 1097