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Birmingham City Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
637 THE BIRMINGHAM (32 BROOKLANDS ROAD, HALL GREEN) TPO 1993 TPO 637 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.837925 52.437553,-1.837967 52.437493,-1.837293 52.437317,-1.837247 52.437370,-1.837925 52.437553))) POINT (-1.837613 52.437435) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
741 THE BIRMINGHAM (1253 STRATFORD ROAD, HALL GREEN) TPO 1996 TPO 741 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.845899 52.432031,-1.845809 52.431910,-1.844960 52.432170,-1.845047 52.432288,-1.845899 52.432031))) POINT (-1.845431 52.432099) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
731 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT 268 WAKE GREEN ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 1996 TPO 731 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.858774 52.434740,-1.858745 52.434616,-1.858706 52.434599,-1.858674 52.434596,-1.858041 52.434693,-1.857975 52.434744,-1.858014 52.434836,-1.858422 52.434792,-1.858417 52.434781,-1.858774 52.434740))) POINT (-1.858381 52.434717) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
755 THE BIRMINGHAM (159 COLE VALLEY ROAD, HALL GREEN ) TPO 1997 TPO 755 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.856346 52.427754,-1.856391 52.427642,-1.856024 52.427545,-1.855898 52.427539,-1.855628 52.427486,-1.855586 52.427594,-1.856179 52.427713,-1.856346 52.427754))) POINT (-1.855995 52.427615) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
672 THE BIRMINGHAM (280 ROBIN HOOD LANE AND LAND AT REAR OF 270-284 ROBIN HOOD LANE , HALL GREEN) TPO 1994 TPO 672 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.852353 52.426911,-1.852592 52.426734,-1.852571 52.426722,-1.852785 52.426580,-1.852387 52.426338,-1.852045 52.426141,-1.851550 52.426351,-1.851928 52.426686,-1.851321 52.426937,-1.851406 52.427014,-1.851615 52.426926,-1.851609 52.426921,-1.852123 52.426709,-1.852353 52.426911))) POINT (-1.852107 52.426549) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
710 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT 33 AND 35 HIGHFIELD ROAD AND ADJ. 14 DELAMERE ROAD, HALL GREEN) TPO 1995 TPO 710 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.844188 52.428202,-1.844132 52.428175,-1.844228 52.428084,-1.843576 52.427883,-1.843389 52.428077,-1.843947 52.428375,-1.844188 52.428202))) POINT (-1.843814 52.428118) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
732 THE BIRMINGHAM (35 GRESHAM ROAD, HALL GREEN) TPO 1996 TPO 732 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.843709 52.424202,-1.843508 52.424110,-1.843517 52.424101,-1.843206 52.423961,-1.843148 52.424018,-1.843654 52.424249,-1.843709 52.424202))) POINT (-1.843421 52.424103) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
674 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND REAR OF 49-51 SOLIHULL LANE, HALL GREEN) TPO 1994 TPO 674 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.834126 52.422682,-1.834078 52.422630,-1.833925 52.422708,-1.833965 52.422754,-1.834126 52.422682))) POINT (-1.834025 52.422693) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
606 THE BIRMINGHAM ( LAND ADJACENT HIGHFIELD ROAD, YARDLEY WOOD) TPO 1993 TPO 606 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.859188 52.417963,-1.858991 52.418081,-1.858799 52.418437,-1.858929 52.418464,-1.859044 52.418242,-1.859602 52.418350,-1.859774 52.418015,-1.859264 52.417917,-1.859188 52.417963))) POINT (-1.859313 52.418155) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
673 THE BIRMINGHAM LAND REAR OF 80-102 KEDLESTON ROAD, HALL GREEN) TPO 1994 TPO 673 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.844676 52.419620,-1.844499 52.419221,-1.844384 52.418936,-1.844115 52.419006,-1.843880 52.419041,-1.843882 52.419068,-1.844020 52.419343,-1.844201 52.419745,-1.844632 52.419715,-1.844609 52.419632,-1.844676 52.419620))) POINT (-1.844291 52.419352) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
576 THE BIRMINGHAM (30 BALDWINS LANE, HALL GREEN) TPO 1991 TPO 576 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.837851 52.420939,-1.837253 52.420640,-1.837198 52.420684,-1.837794 52.420993,-1.837851 52.420939))) POINT (-1.837531 52.420818) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
618 THE BIRMINGHAM (172-182 COCKHILL LANE, RUBERY) TPO 1993 TPO 618 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.017421 52.400567,-2.017564 52.400542,-2.017849 52.400520,-2.018095 52.400480,-2.018178 52.400448,-2.018200 52.400426,-2.018202 52.400394,-2.017974 52.399892,-2.017843 52.399669,-2.017716 52.399499,-2.017571 52.399340,-2.017422 52.399156,-2.017266 52.398899,-2.017056 52.398938,-2.017048 52.399883,-2.017076 52.399892,-2.017105 52.399950,-2.017126 52.400069,-2.017307 52.400334,-2.017421 52.400567))) POINT (-2.017517 52.399852) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
744 THE BIRMINGHAM (AGATHA STACEY HOUSE, EACHWAY LANE, REDNAL) TPO 1996 TPO 744 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.009831 52.388716,-2.010007 52.388577,-2.010040 52.387757,-2.009854 52.387762,-2.009451 52.387713,-2.009391 52.387719,-2.009376 52.387741,-2.009375 52.387806,-2.009356 52.387914,-2.009325 52.388018,-2.009264 52.388146,-2.009265 52.388198,-2.009144 52.388293,-2.009101 52.388315,-2.009021 52.388346,-2.008904 52.388377,-2.009004 52.388499,-2.009066 52.388640,-2.009054 52.388744,-2.009063 52.388786,-2.009049 52.388868,-2.009097 52.388867,-2.009831 52.388716))) POINT (-2.009561 52.388301) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
679 THE BIRMINGHAM (SITE OF KALAMAZOO PLC., MILL LANE, INCLUDING LAND FRONTING BRISTOL ROAD SOUTH, NORTHFIELD) TPO (No. 2) 1995 TPO 679 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.976962 52.404445,-1.977123 52.404251,-1.978011 52.404588,-1.978003 52.404597,-1.978600 52.404785,-1.979531 52.403924,-1.977773 52.403216,-1.979849 52.401283,-1.979780 52.401254,-1.979700 52.401234,-1.978334 52.400677,-1.976661 52.402061,-1.976160 52.401852,-1.976028 52.401812,-1.975846 52.401833,-1.975792 52.401848,-1.975690 52.401888,-1.975592 52.401980,-1.975464 52.401912,-1.974841 52.402429,-1.974847 52.402447,-1.974648 52.402608,-1.974649 52.402627,-1.974622 52.402646,-1.974581 52.402649,-1.973901 52.403211,-1.973817 52.403262,-1.973601 52.403440,-1.973680 52.403486,-1.973808 52.403587,-1.973904 52.403646,-1.974087 52.403730,-1.974086 52.403737,-1.974510 52.403901,-1.974574 52.403818,-1.975014 52.403961,-1.975019 52.403954,-1.975075 52.403974,-1.975306 52.403759,-1.975319 52.403759,-1.975310 52.403763,-1.975657 52.403782,-1.976123 52.403910,-1.976195 52.403933,-1.976022 52.404143,-1.976962 52.404445))) POINT (-1.977025 52.402871) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
573 THE BIRMINGHAM (TESSALL LANE, NORTHFIELD) TPO 1991 TPO 573 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.981018 52.400195,-1.980437 52.398940,-1.978334 52.400677,-1.979700 52.401234,-1.979780 52.401254,-1.979849 52.401283,-1.981018 52.400195))) POINT (-1.979851 52.400246) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
634 THE BIRMINGHAM (BRANDON COURT 188 WEST HEATH ROAD, NORTHFIELD) TPO 1993 (VARIATION ORDER 2004) TPO 634 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.962504 52.401963,-1.962502 52.401896,-1.962522 52.401896,-1.962516 52.401569,-1.962026 52.401550,-1.962024 52.401560,-1.961803 52.401553,-1.961803 52.401563,-1.961659 52.401551,-1.961635 52.401931,-1.962504 52.401963))) POINT (-1.962085 52.401753) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
626 THE BIRMINGHAM (FORMER SPORTS GROUND, HIGHFIELD LANE, QUINTON) TPO 1993 TPO 626 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.005991 52.454896,-2.006754 52.454543,-2.006827 52.454491,-2.006900 52.454455,-2.007108 52.454374,-2.007132 52.454373,-2.007137 52.453978,-2.007151 52.453816,-2.007221 52.453695,-2.007238 52.453480,-2.007288 52.453366,-2.007288 52.453318,-2.007222 52.453274,-2.007151 52.453243,-2.007053 52.453076,-2.006936 52.452900,-2.006753 52.452733,-2.006597 52.452562,-2.006457 52.452427,-2.006355 52.452388,-2.006263 52.452488,-2.005774 52.453171,-2.005620 52.453461,-2.005468 52.453783,-2.005413 52.453921,-2.005391 52.453955,-2.005369 52.453969,-2.005339 52.453972,-2.004472 52.453917,-2.004528 52.454064,-2.004567 52.454243,-2.005218 52.454188,-2.005314 52.454164,-2.005492 52.454143,-2.005991 52.454896))) POINT (-2.006257 52.453731) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
633 THE BIRMINGHAM (BALMORAL ROAD, BARTLEY GREEN) TPO 1993 TPO 633 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.004640 52.431829,-2.004638 52.431710,-2.004602 52.431633,-2.003979 52.430997,-2.003986 52.430994,-2.003961 52.430982,-2.003915 52.430975,-2.003688 52.431006,-2.003427 52.431029,-2.003218 52.431032,-2.002144 52.430999,-2.001864 52.431029,-2.001603 52.431067,-2.001451 52.431113,-2.001442 52.431130,-2.001475 52.431185,-2.001731 52.431122,-2.001996 52.431152,-2.002456 52.431957,-2.003478 52.431754,-2.003651 52.432070,-2.004005 52.431998,-2.004640 52.431829))) POINT (-2.003269 52.431462) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
648 THE BIRMINGHAM (UMBERSLADE ROAD/ RIBBLESDALE ROAD, STIRCHLEY) TPO 1994 TPO 648 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.926679 52.432520,-1.924293 52.430841,-1.923994 52.431018,-1.923430 52.431254,-1.923184 52.431366,-1.923161 52.431387,-1.923169 52.431411,-1.923248 52.431469,-1.924406 52.432279,-1.924589 52.432181,-1.924672 52.432169,-1.924705 52.432174,-1.924939 52.432282,-1.925313 52.432084,-1.925660 52.432211,-1.926322 52.432564,-1.926449 52.432652,-1.926679 52.432520))) POINT (-1.924689 52.431711) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
589 THE BIRMINGHAM (REAR OF No. 174 WEOLEY PARK ROAD, SELLY OAK) TPO 1992 TPO 589 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.958809 52.438220,-1.958788 52.437920,-1.958770 52.437808,-1.959014 52.437791,-1.958997 52.437517,-1.958536 52.437524,-1.958038 52.437544,-1.958058 52.437835,-1.958243 52.437831,-1.958277 52.438243,-1.958809 52.438220))) POINT (-1.958524 52.437829) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
768 THE BIRMINGHAM (1A GOSS CROFT, SELLY OAK) TPO 1997 TPO 768 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.947134 52.439456,-1.947127 52.439411,-1.946993 52.439480,-1.946607 52.439439,-1.946597 52.439460,-1.946406 52.439487,-1.946179 52.439473,-1.946252 52.439525,-1.946287 52.439504,-1.946365 52.439560,-1.946425 52.439528,-1.946523 52.439597,-1.946486 52.439619,-1.946776 52.439622,-1.946795 52.439636,-1.947029 52.439500,-1.947134 52.439456))) POINT (-1.946682 52.439526) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
743 THE BIRMINGHAM (26 WEOLEY PARK ROAD, SELLY OAK) TPO 1996 TPO 743 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.948736 52.436409,-1.948912 52.436243,-1.948921 52.436097,-1.948819 52.436054,-1.948498 52.436310,-1.948736 52.436409))) POINT (-1.948747 52.436238) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
579 THE BIRMINGHAM (6 WOODCOCK LANE, NORTHFIELD) TPO 1992 TPO 579 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.977178 52.435772,-1.976590 52.435670,-1.976469 52.436176,-1.976466 52.436209,-1.976478 52.436250,-1.976504 52.436275,-1.976570 52.436296,-1.976649 52.436286,-1.976715 52.436256,-1.977178 52.435772))) POINT (-1.976748 52.435957) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
621 THE BIRMINGHAM (FORMER ALLOTMENT SITE, REAR OF BEAUMONT ROAD, KINGS NORTON) TPO 1993 TPO 621 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.934990 52.422772,-1.934891 52.422621,-1.935143 52.422537,-1.935248 52.422496,-1.935249 52.422488,-1.935667 52.422334,-1.936487 52.422130,-1.937238 52.422034,-1.937168 52.421908,-1.933659 52.422138,-1.933736 52.422855,-1.933768 52.423079,-1.933898 52.423041,-1.934990 52.422772))) POINT (-1.934867 52.422381) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
733 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND REAR OF 18-52 MIDDLETON HALL ROAD AND LAND REAR OF 17-59 NORTHFIELD ROAD, COTTERIDGE) TPO 1996 TPO 733 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.934284 52.416489,-1.934234 52.416288,-1.934215 52.416163,-1.933882 52.416188,-1.933874 52.416118,-1.933818 52.415861,-1.933606 52.415880,-1.933679 52.416202,-1.933453 52.416218,-1.933391 52.415904,-1.933178 52.415919,-1.933177 52.415910,-1.933074 52.415918,-1.933055 52.415831,-1.932948 52.415838,-1.932832 52.415300,-1.932633 52.415327,-1.932689 52.415662,-1.932696 52.415662,-1.932736 52.415846,-1.932616 52.415851,-1.932622 52.415888,-1.932308 52.415903,-1.932094 52.415922,-1.932251 52.416648,-1.932776 52.416608,-1.932709 52.416285,-1.933024 52.416254,-1.933278 52.416239,-1.933344 52.416564,-1.933650 52.416533,-1.934284 52.416489))) POINT (-1.933045 52.41616) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
685 THE BIRMINGHAM ( LIFFORD HALL LIFFORD LANE, KINGS NORTON) TPO 685 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.919678 52.415289,-1.919698 52.415269,-1.919637 52.414935,-1.919623 52.414730,-1.919568 52.414390,-1.919292 52.414446,-1.918867 52.414552,-1.918664 52.414559,-1.918194 52.414515,-1.918032 52.414542,-1.917889 52.414605,-1.917845 52.414584,-1.917748 52.414734,-1.917698 52.414909,-1.917700 52.414945,-1.917771 52.414991,-1.917774 52.415064,-1.918371 52.415424,-1.918591 52.415324,-1.918635 52.415287,-1.918697 52.415263,-1.918837 52.415322,-1.918908 52.415329,-1.919678 52.415289))) POINT (-1.91875 52.414911) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
764 THE BIRMINGHAM (MONYHULL HALL ROAD ADJACENT MONYHULL COTTAGE, KINGS NORTON) TPO 1997 TPO 764 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.910176 52.409298,-1.910211 52.409267,-1.910788 52.409031,-1.910956 52.408973,-1.910922 52.408937,-1.909059 52.409319,-1.909295 52.409656,-1.909855 52.409506,-1.910189 52.409991,-1.910569 52.409954,-1.910783 52.409942,-1.910176 52.409298))) POINT (-1.910005 52.409472) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
709 THE BIRMINGHAM (THE SPORTING PARSON PUBLIC HOUSE BROAD MEADOW LANE, BRANDWOOD) TPO 1996 TPO 709 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.918485 52.408935,-1.918285 52.408612,-1.918195 52.408348,-1.918140 52.408144,-1.917636 52.408242,-1.917043 52.408400,-1.917005 52.408483,-1.916800 52.408750,-1.916798 52.408800,-1.916693 52.408801,-1.916714 52.409025,-1.916754 52.409135,-1.918093 52.408986,-1.918485 52.408935))) POINT (-1.917576 52.408686) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
722 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING 16 COPSE CLOSE, NORTHFIELD) TPO 1995 TPO 722 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.967800 52.408050,-1.967830 52.408037,-1.967278 52.408118,-1.967150 52.408147,-1.967343 52.408268,-1.967572 52.408130,-1.967800 52.408050))) POINT (-1.96742 52.408148) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
656 THE BIRMINGHAM (41 POPLAR ROAD, KINGS HEATH) TPO 1994 TPO 656 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.891063 52.436612,-1.890836 52.436345,-1.890575 52.436427,-1.890794 52.436691,-1.891063 52.436612))) POINT (-1.890818 52.436519) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
536 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND REAR OF 47 ST AGNES ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 1988 TPO 536 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.872460 52.438807,-1.872482 52.438809,-1.872693 52.438094,-1.871884 52.438160,-1.872014 52.438374,-1.872503 52.438404,-1.872412 52.438726,-1.872174 52.438699,-1.872153 52.438768,-1.872460 52.438807))) POINT (-1.872344 52.438343) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
570 THE BIRMINGHAM (241 VICARAGE ROAD, KINGS HEATH) TPO 1991 TPO 570 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.903089 52.428710,-1.903053 52.428657,-1.902757 52.428394,-1.902501 52.428450,-1.902379 52.428485,-1.902340 52.428893,-1.902386 52.428944,-1.902444 52.428956,-1.902491 52.428952,-1.903089 52.428710))) POINT (-1.902649 52.428671) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
582 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND REAR OF THE COFTON PUBLIC HOUSE LONGBRIDGE LANE) TPO 1992 TPO 582 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.968105 52.392512,-1.967701 52.392168,-1.966427 52.392751,-1.967028 52.393024,-1.967683 52.392717,-1.968117 52.392523,-1.968105 52.392512))) POINT (-1.96731 52.392612) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
758 THE BIRMINGHAM (STAPLE LODGE ROAD, NORTHFIELD) TPO 1997 TPO 758 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.957485 52.405376,-1.957702 52.405366,-1.957679 52.405196,-1.957706 52.405193,-1.957520 52.404731,-1.956563 52.404979,-1.955894 52.405137,-1.954271 52.405439,-1.954006 52.405496,-1.953864 52.405530,-1.953528 52.405630,-1.953267 52.405733,-1.953415 52.405784,-1.953611 52.405831,-1.953821 52.405863,-1.954345 52.405923,-1.954450 52.405925,-1.954692 52.405905,-1.954910 52.405867,-1.955375 52.405730,-1.956107 52.405605,-1.956958 52.405483,-1.956954 52.405472,-1.957214 52.405434,-1.957211 52.405413,-1.957217 52.405409,-1.957472 52.405396,-1.957470 52.405377,-1.957485 52.405376))) POINT (-1.95574 52.405409) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
638 THE BIRMINGHAM (THE DELL REAR OF HAZEL BANK FAIRMEAD RISEAND GRASSMOORE ROAD, KINGS NORTON) TPO 1993 TPO 638 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.941466 52.404592,-1.941408 52.404499,-1.941340 52.404450,-1.940844 52.404481,-1.940739 52.404522,-1.940749 52.404535,-1.940784 52.404539,-1.940859 52.404619,-1.940926 52.404648,-1.941046 52.404664,-1.941121 52.404660,-1.941370 52.404622,-1.941466 52.404592))) POINT (-1.941118 52.404555) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
765 THE BIRMINGHAM (123 REDDITCH ROAD, KINGS NORTON) TPO 1997 TPO 765 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.934392 52.403031,-1.934414 52.403022,-1.934093 52.402755,-1.933945 52.402850,-1.933953 52.402882,-1.934261 52.403061,-1.934308 52.403064,-1.934392 52.403031))) POINT (-1.934167 52.402919) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
597 THE BIRMINGHAM (1034 ALCESTER ROAD SOUTH, MAYPOLE) TPO 1992 TPO 597 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.887890 52.404894,-1.887848 52.404721,-1.887838 52.404710,-1.887214 52.404768,-1.887188 52.404783,-1.887072 52.404919,-1.887180 52.405071,-1.887890 52.404894))) POINT (-1.88747 52.404872) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
285 THE BIRMINGHAM (34 STREETLY LANE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1979 TPO 285 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.848241 52.587800,-1.848109 52.588024,-1.847983 52.588197,-1.847420 52.588063,-1.847135 52.588332,-1.846792 52.588210,-1.846595 52.588412,-1.846556 52.588393,-1.846503 52.588443,-1.846848 52.588604,-1.846982 52.588476,-1.847200 52.588593,-1.846608 52.589132,-1.846621 52.589139,-1.847123 52.588681,-1.847472 52.588845,-1.848009 52.588344,-1.848059 52.588293,-1.848175 52.588143,-1.848227 52.588068,-1.848346 52.587822,-1.848241 52.587800))) POINT (-1.847432 52.588391) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
198 THE BIRMINGHAM (SHENSTONE RURAL COUNCIL No.17) TPO 1965 TPO 198 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.855553 52.596714,-1.855140 52.597007,-1.855321 52.597336,-1.855510 52.597453,-1.856057 52.597168,-1.856708 52.596723,-1.857020 52.596897,-1.857437 52.596614,-1.856513 52.596056,-1.855858 52.596499,-1.855950 52.596551,-1.855774 52.596671,-1.855736 52.596649,-1.855677 52.596636,-1.855553 52.596714))) POINT (-1.856213 52.596742) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
697 THE BIRMINGHAM (132 AND 132A ROSEMARY HILL ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1995 TPO 697 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.857968 52.597355,-1.858301 52.596982,-1.857531 52.596551,-1.857075 52.596859,-1.857362 52.597018,-1.857370 52.597033,-1.857958 52.597362,-1.857968 52.597355))) POINT (-1.857713 52.596944) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
696 THE BIRMINGHAM (130 ROSEMARY HILL ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1995 TPO 696 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.858326 52.596949,-1.858483 52.596780,-1.858654 52.596537,-1.858656 52.596454,-1.858631 52.596425,-1.858434 52.596317,-1.858154 52.596126,-1.857531 52.596551,-1.858301 52.596982,-1.858326 52.596949))) POINT (-1.858156 52.596546) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
199 THE BOROUGH OF SUTTON COLDFIELD (TAMWORTH ROAD ) TPO 1967 TPO 199 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.817006 52.573830,-1.817173 52.573785,-1.817266 52.573768,-1.817386 52.573785,-1.817635 52.573770,-1.817306 52.573587,-1.816167 52.574205,-1.814809 52.574850,-1.813499 52.575451,-1.813339 52.575532,-1.813094 52.575637,-1.813204 52.575733,-1.813419 52.575729,-1.813584 52.575648,-1.813722 52.575564,-1.813840 52.575546,-1.813971 52.575497,-1.814039 52.575448,-1.814175 52.575371,-1.814777 52.575098,-1.814954 52.575007,-1.815150 52.574870,-1.815095 52.574826,-1.815726 52.574528,-1.815708 52.574512,-1.815887 52.574435,-1.815864 52.574415,-1.816163 52.574273,-1.816142 52.574256,-1.816289 52.574188,-1.816275 52.574177,-1.816558 52.574056,-1.816547 52.574047,-1.816659 52.573989,-1.816722 52.573971,-1.816750 52.573946,-1.816769 52.573896,-1.816791 52.573883,-1.816844 52.573857,-1.816929 52.573852,-1.817006 52.573830))) POINT (-1.814856 52.57491) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
117 THE BOROUGH OF SUTTON COLDFIELD (COOPER'S COPPICE) TPO 1958 TPO 117 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.822947 52.580004,-1.822960 52.580396,-1.823001 52.580563,-1.823094 52.580667,-1.823700 52.581077,-1.824203 52.580894,-1.824566 52.580782,-1.825691 52.580488,-1.826472 52.580300,-1.826481 52.580282,-1.826412 52.579984,-1.826195 52.579470,-1.826107 52.579376,-1.825925 52.579370,-1.825759 52.579332,-1.825645 52.579250,-1.825564 52.579227,-1.825506 52.579221,-1.824903 52.579312,-1.824732 52.579354,-1.823943 52.579648,-1.822947 52.580004))) POINT (-1.824684 52.580107) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
170 THE BIRMINGHAM (REAR OF 10 FOUR OAKS ROAD, FOUR OAKS) TPO 1988 TPO 170 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.829514 52.580464,-1.829086 52.580437,-1.828780 52.580389,-1.828733 52.580498,-1.828807 52.580509,-1.828784 52.580567,-1.828841 52.580782,-1.828933 52.580809,-1.828977 52.580849,-1.829062 52.581041,-1.829756 52.580842,-1.829514 52.580464))) POINT (-1.829222 52.580692) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
187 THE BIRMINGHAM (HEATHER COURT, WENTWORTH ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1976 TPO 187 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.831008 52.578516,-1.830901 52.578565,-1.831888 52.579374,-1.832576 52.578996,-1.832930 52.578811,-1.833229 52.578631,-1.831881 52.577986,-1.831516 52.578235,-1.831139 52.578454,-1.831008 52.578516))) POINT (-1.832017 52.57866) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
255 THE BIRMINGHAM (6 BRACEBRIDGE ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1977 TPO 255 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.831723 52.577495,-1.832091 52.577598,-1.832308 52.577348,-1.832415 52.577191,-1.832485 52.577071,-1.832484 52.577054,-1.832428 52.577036,-1.831945 52.576944,-1.831264 52.576782,-1.830777 52.577233,-1.831723 52.577495))) POINT (-1.831672 52.577178) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
212 THE BIRMINGHAM (SITE AT REAR OF 147 LICHFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1975 TPO 212 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.830314 52.577464,-1.830715 52.577215,-1.830777 52.577233,-1.831264 52.576782,-1.831146 52.576750,-1.830786 52.577069,-1.830205 52.576851,-1.830035 52.577024,-1.830019 52.577016,-1.829891 52.577063,-1.830299 52.577472,-1.830314 52.577464))) POINT (-1.830462 52.577113) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
172 THE BIRMINGHAM (REAR OF 9 TO 15 OAKLANDS ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1973 TPO 172 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.826851 52.576884,-1.826603 52.577023,-1.825827 52.577492,-1.825971 52.577585,-1.826042 52.577538,-1.826007 52.577492,-1.826931 52.576946,-1.826851 52.576884))) POINT (-1.826365 52.577229) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
287 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING No.1 HALLOUGHTON ROAD, FOUR OAKS) TPO 1979 TPO 287 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.832976 52.573270,-1.832947 52.573130,-1.832018 52.573187,-1.832073 52.573457,-1.832999 52.573401,-1.832976 52.573270))) POINT (-1.83251 52.573294) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
291 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJACENT 35A HARTOPP ROAD, FOUR OAKS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1979 TPO 291 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.837868 52.574954,-1.837583 52.574770,-1.837148 52.574998,-1.837101 52.575029,-1.837000 52.575076,-1.837180 52.575257,-1.837868 52.574954))) POINT (-1.83742 52.575011) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12

Showing rows 101 to 150 of 1097