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Brentwood Borough Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
13/00875/FUL 13/00875/FUL 76 High Street Brentwood CM14 4AN 0.04 7 not owned by a public authority 2014-01-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.305729 51.619826) Prposal to extend to the rear and addition of a second and third floor flats to accommodate five x2-bedroom flats, one x1-bedroom flat, and vacant office to be converted into one x1-bedroom flat. 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
17/00127/PNCOU 17/00127/PNCOU Library House New Road Brentwood 0.37 55 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-07 other permissioned^193637.95&layersidentifier=c741e6b4c4be4880b0662ec90d273535&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.303289 51.618806) Construction to convert the former Office use to residential has already commenced.. Prior Approval Notification Class O - Conversion of upper floors (1st, 2nd and 3rd floors) from Offices (Class B1) to Residential Use (Class C3) to comprise of 55 flats with associated car parking (47 spaces) , cycle parking and refuse storage 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
14/00439/OUT 14/00439/OUT Brescia House And 5 & 7 Eastfield Road Brentwood Essex CM14 4HB 0.14 12 not owned by a public authority 2015-10-15 outline planning permission permissioned^193534.55&layersidentifier=046694ef79164e3082ab4ca021634005&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.304599 51.617807) Outline planning permission (access, layout and scale) for the demolition of the existing building on site and the erection of 12 No. Dwellings with undercroft car parking (appearance and landscaping reserved matters) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
16/01558/PNCOU 16/01558/PNCOU Majenta House Coptfold Road Brentwood CM14 4BS 0.03 8 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.302726 51.618423) Prior Approval Notification Class O - Change of use from office space (B1(a) to 5 no. apartments 2023-04-03 2017-12-22
16/00499/PNCOU 16/00499/PNCOU Essex House 141 Kings Road Brentwood CM14 4DR 0.13 33 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-10 other permissioned^193260.426833474&layersidentifier=d923e7860b244b6c8e142ea56868fe91&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.299376 51.615574) Site has an additional application (Reference 16/00936/FUL) for an amendent to the original application for 24 redsidential dwellings to include a reconfiguration of the roof to provide additional storey with mansard roof to form 9 residential units. Thus resulting in 33 dwellings on this site. Construction of his development has commenced. Development has commenced.. Prior Approval Notification Class O - Change of use from offices (Use Class B1(a) to 24 residential units (use Class C3) on the ground floor mezzanine to second floors2 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
16/00606/PNCOU 16/00606/PNCOU Kings House 101 - 135 Kings Road Brentwood CM14 4DR 0.29 35 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-21 other permissioned^193306.825&layersidentifier=7128169958564ccc9bfc6717f3fad101&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.299263 51.615949) Prior Approval Notification Class O - Change of use from office space (B1(a)) to 35-40 residential flats (C3 use class) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
15/01084/FUL 15/01084/FUL Land Formerly Known as NV Tools St James Road Brentwood CM14 4EF 0.04 45 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-16 full planning permission permissioned^193120.585&layersidentifier=8838b5c3707c4d91906dddadd326301e&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.297667 51.614423) Redevelopment for 45 flats, landscaped amenity deck and associated car parking 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
16/01061/PNCOU 16/01061/PNCOU Potential House (First Floor) 149 - 157 Kings Road Brentwood CM14 4EG 0.02 5 not owned by a public authority 2016-09-30 other permissioned^193218.654063948&layersidentifier=6d72857f14b14b9aa028dee125f8c30b&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.299217 51.615068) Prior Approval Notification Class O - Change of use of first floor of office space (B1(a)) to 5 residential flats (C3 use class) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
14/01247/FUL 14/01247/FUL Former Elliots Nightclub and Petrol Station West Horndon CM13 3TB 1.4 20 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-27 full planning permission permissioned^189291.399975282&layersidentifier=0cec9750e5eb4984a31770293ced8607&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Demolition of existing single storey structures and construction of twenty, 2 storey residential units, together with associated access roads and formation of earth bund with associated landscaping to provide acoustic buffering. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
11/00009/EXT 11/00009/EXT 32 Sylvia Avenue Hutton Essex CM13 2HP yes 0.84 33 not owned by a public authority 2014-05-15 full planning permission permissioned^193560.25&layersidentifier=77755e1473ea4a0d9961c1e82ae1aa0f&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.337293 51.626105) Renewal Of Outline Planning Permission Reference Brw/1053/2006 (Demolition Of No.32 Sylvia Avenue And Erection Of 33 Residential Units Comprising A Mix Of Flats And Houses Together With Formation Of Access Road) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22
16/01729/FUL 16/01729/FUL 24 Norton Road Ingatestone CM4 0AB 0.09 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-17 full planning permission permissioned^199569.255&layersidentifier=f24f90ae138745178d86656b39051d9d&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.381557 51.671406) Demolition of existing outbuildings, change of use of existing building to provide 5 residential units for supported living accommodation, staff and reception area at ground floor 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
16/01038/FUL 16/01038/FUL 6 Great Eastern Road Warley Essex CM14 5EH 0.06 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-10-03 full planning permission permissioned^192954.4&layersidentifier=970a8f8a52da40b5b7726db2aacd079c&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.298904 51.61054) Demolition of existing building and construction of a new building comprising of 6 no. residential units 2023-04-03 2017-12-22
15/00760/PNCOU 15/00760/PNCOU 125 - 127 High Street Brentwood Essex CM14 4RX 0.05 8 not owned by a public authority 2015-07-28 other permissioned^193711.275&layersidentifier=c0d507eda665452b80f638b9540cadaa&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.291833 51.636679) Prior Approval Notification Class O - Change of use of 2 floors office space (B1(a)) to 8 residential flats (C3 use class). 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
16/00183/FUL 16/00183/FUL Eclipse Ongar Road Brentwood Essex CM15 9AU yes 0.05 16 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-16 full planning permission permissioned^194002.555&layersidentifier=25237233ee484116aad10effaca6c3b6&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.291833 51.636679) Site was recently demolished and cleared in preparation to commence construction.. Re-development of Eclipse Nightclub to form 16 No. residential flats and one retail space 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
13/00975/PNJ56 13/00975/PNJ56 114 - 122 Kings Road Brentwood Essex CM14 4EA 0.05 8 not owned by a public authority 2013-10-16 other permissioned^193202.826896552&layersidentifier=bcf9afb91bf44b6a9fda669eb802879d&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.299947 51.614877) Change of use of first and second floors from B1(a) offices to 8 no. 2 bedroom class C3 residential apartments 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
16/01634/PNCOU 16/01634/PNCOU Leigh House Weald Road Brentwood Essex CM14 4SX 0.03 10 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-23 other permissioned POINT(0.291833 51.636679) Prior Approval Notification Class O - Change of use of the first second and third floors from office space (B1(a) to Dwellings (C3) for 10 1 bed units. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22
16/01298/PNCOU 16/01298/PNCOU Regent House Hubert Road Brentwood yes 1.3 120 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-14 other permissioned^193303.625&layersidentifier=a81cb7942fe74e8093bad84d049c549f&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.290873 51.614794) Work on converting the office block into residential dwellings has commenced.. Prior Approval Notification Class O - Change of use from office space (B1(a)) to 120 residential flats (C3 use class) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
16/00322/FUL 16/00322/FUL Long Meadow, Mill Green Rd, Fryerning 1.42 1 not owned by a public authority 2016-05-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Demolition of existing bungalow plus the construction of a replacement two storey dwelling with basement and garage (renewal of planning permission Ref 13/00360/EXT). 2023-04-03 2017-12-22
14/01446/FUL 14/01446/FUL Former Mountnessing Scrap Yard Roman Road Mountnessing yes 2.63 91 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-03 full planning permission permissioned^196880.622716738&layersidentifier=2dc1dd697a9f4eefbf62ccf359cbc9b8&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) This site also have an application for six, 2-bed flats under Reference 16/01177/FUL. Therefore the MinNetDwelllings include 85 residntial units plus 6 flats equalling a total of 91 residential dwelling. Construction on this site has already commenced and is approximately 50-75% completed.. Outline application for construction of 85 residential units, both market and affordable, together with commercial building (Class B1A Office) 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
15/00956/FUL 15/00956/FUL 309 - 311 Roman Road Mountnessing Essex yes 0.08 6 not owned by a public authority 2015-09-25 full planning permission permissioned^197467.393229167&layersidentifier=a13fb054d799490c9d459adf24fbf8a3&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 6 no. two bedroom flats 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
13/01097/FUL 13/01097/FUL Chain Bridge Farm, Roman Rd, Mountessing 0.49 1 not owned by a public authority 2014-03-31 full planning permission permissioned^196944.125&layersidentifier=baafef972c1f4ef29f71e61154f049fb&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Change of use (B1) to create a single, 6 bedroom dwelling 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
16/01437/FUL 16/01437/FUL Oakwood Ongar Road Pilgrims Hatch yes 0.47 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-01-12 full planning permission permissioned^196330.71&layersidentifier=52a37819ecf347b89c3c9d11f5a233c3&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Demolition of commercial building and construction of 5 no Dwellings with garages 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
324 (HELAA172393) 324 (HELAA172393) Eagle and Child Public House 13 CHELMSFORD ROAD, CM15 8RG 0.5 20 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^194980.685989583&layersidentifier=39fd61c759604e1da0e38691bdb2b474&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.337293 51.626105) Public House associated garden and car parking 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
284 (HELAA172398) 284 (HELAA172398) Land adjacent to 7 Hanging Hill Lane, CM13 2HY 1.4 11 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^193584.39738368&layersidentifier=02c721f6e12d44bfa6f4f4bfe9eef5e0&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Redundant various buildings used for rearing various livestock. Site has been put forward as part of the HELAA call for sites. Land owner has expressed interest in C3 and C2 development on the site. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
189 (HELAA171603) 189 (HELAA171603) Former Catrina Nursery, Ongar Road, CM15 9SA 1.4 87 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^196428.621375&layersidentifier=7fa28f4506a345be8a2180ea79997a19&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Residential and commercial (all buildings currently occupied). Site was identified through the HELAA call for sites. Land owner has indicated that the site would be suitable for C3, C1, C2, and A uses. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
237 (HELAA170634) 237 (HELAA170634) Chainbridge Farm, Roman Rd, Mountessing, CM15 8SG 1.4 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^196949.587249731&layersidentifier=1605fddb1b3445fa80da5338b38cb799&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Currently the site consist of small-scale commercial buildings. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2019-12-02
186 (HELAA171934) 186 (HELAA171934) Brentwood Blood Donor Centre, Crescent Drive, CM15 8DP 1 22 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^194117.5&layersidentifier=125454efbe684a9a95373d52a398ab7a&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.318255 51.622942) The site comprises 1.56HA part brownfield and part greenbelt. The net developable area is approximately 1HA. Blood donor and transplant centre currently occupied by the Department of Health. 2019-01-03 2017-12-22 2021-09-07
230 (HELAA172627) 230 (HELAA172627) Fairwinds, Magpie Lane Little Warley, CM13 3DT 1.3 22 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^190423.744965517&layersidentifier=1b22c13113cf4db7bc64d18c40e7f15b&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Currently mix use development consisting of residential and commercial. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
308 (HELAA171699) 308 (HELAA171699) Lingwood and linked parcel of land,Ashwell, CM15 9SE 1.4 50 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^196897.630285294&layersidentifier=9781f202a3e84beda976bb19d701fa40&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Currently the site consists of C3 Dwelling, Livery, stables and B8 storage as well as an area of rural land. Came forward as part of the HELAA call for sites and has proposed the possibility of 90 residential dwellings. No formal planning application has been applied for. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
292 (HELAA168257) 292 (HELAA168257) Suffolk House Yard, Ashwells Road, PIlgrims Hatch, CM15 9SG 1.4 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^196484.947760417&layersidentifier=55856b6602fc47b7bab8832a5853097c&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Site consists of B1 and B8 use, most of which are currently occupied. Site was identified as a result of the HELAA call for sites. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
020 (HELAA170959) 020 (HELAA170959) West Hordon industrial Estate, CM13 3XL 1.4 150 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^188087.654661827&layersidentifier=558c9e0fc535466db7066225ace68910&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Site currently in B2/B8 use. Recent HELAA submission indicates that the site could deliver between 150-200 dwellings. Landowners have not been advancing with any pre-app on the site. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
002 002 Brentwood railway station car park 1.35 135 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^193056.638942685&layersidentifier=752f41b14f33403a8ec431333daf7307&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.294918 51.613947) At present this site is serviced by the Brentwood railway station as a car park. Site is considered to be viable for redeveloped for residential. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
003 003 Wates Way Industrial Estate, Ongar Road, Brentwood 0.96 128 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^194146.078125&layersidentifier=08c175238043414ea8d8e2e6dba93cc5&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.303676 51.623606) Site is currently occupied by B2/B8 uses. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
004 004 Land rear of The Bull Public House, Brook Street, Brentwood 0.39 16 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^192859.085885416&layersidentifier=bc7377e352b04130ba3fa20e26d96e6c&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.274893 51.612194) Site is currently being used a car park. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2019-12-02
005 005 Essex County Fire Brigade HQ, Rayleigh Road, Brentwood 1.26 101 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^195040.816396372&layersidentifier=40196179e18e4aae9796d5e3089ba51c&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.34125 51.630488) Vacant former Fire and Recue HQ (Office building). 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
021 021 Horndon Industrial Estate, Station Road, West Horndon 9.84 250 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^188143.11203125&layersidentifier=d1b66d7a2d534a8d9d14e96b1a0febf5&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
039 039 Westbury Road Car Park, Westbury Road, Brentwood 0.27 22 owned by a public authority not permissioned^193613.481034483&layersidentifier=2c0be1e5344e48a48b1a98cc99de9475&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.297191 51.618843) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
040 040 Chatham Way/Crown Street Car Park, Brentwood 0.33 26 owned by a public authority not permissioned^193635.875&layersidentifier=eb1f7fbbd6e94ebd8449917d334f55af&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.299632 51.619016) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
041 041 Land at Hunter House, Western Road, Brentwood 0.22 22 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^193761.251136582&layersidentifier=9b75d2e79c044c4d86350686d059eef3&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.298178 51.620073) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
100 100 Baytree Centre, Brentwood 1.34 201 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^193659.888981663&layersidentifier=5eedaacf7e2544ba9d2ab6e79fa24cc7&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.302403 51.619361) Site is being promoted as a mixed use development for both commercial and residential. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2019-12-02
102 102 William Hunter Way car park, Brentwood 1.3 300 owned by a public authority not permissioned^193868.095&layersidentifier=b9052ba374a947388eae0cf413f4da11&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.300513 51.620973) Site has been identified through the Local Plan process as a possible site for mixed use development. The quantity of C3 use has yet to be determined. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
081 081 Council Depot, The Drive, Warley 4.3 137 owned by a public authority not permissioned^191679.808984375&layersidentifier=5ee45e5019e8482b830cc3dcf5632eea&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.301098 51.600826) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
001B 001B Land north of Highwood Close including St georges Court, Brentwood CM14 4YF 0.81 65 owned by a public authority not permissioned^194652.15&layersidentifier=43f14d2a222d47e2a6200d7f2d3e882b&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.291833 51.636679) 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2019-12-02
006 006 Land adjacent Adult Education Centre, Rayleigh Road, Hutton CM13 1BD 0.14 11 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^195193.175&layersidentifier=8f87160f567f42cc9d0c253ee2367e04&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.338739 51.632109) 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2019-12-02
010 010 Sow & Grow Nursery, Ongar Road, Pilgrims Hatch 0.48 48 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^195337.127031371&layersidentifier=dfcb3d77e6634f8e926862f3b73f3c20&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Please note that the site area data in the table has been changed due to an error. The mapping data has remained the same. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
013A & 013B 013A & 013B Warley training Centre, Essex Way, Warley 0.6 38 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^191789.975&layersidentifier=31e2ac55cb634d42a619eb74bc9e5c3e&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.296866 51.602495) 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
014 014 The Gables, Essex Way, Warley 0.16 17 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^191784.865783944&layersidentifier=fea7736e54de4136b5313e604d17888c&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.293958 51.602208) 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2019-12-02
17/01815/OUT 17/01815/OUT Ingatestone Garden Centre, Roman Road, Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 9AU 0.58 110 not owned by a public authority not permissioned^198189.387&layersidentifier=d6688c3d17664bd2b6d05cfb585c72d6&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Please note that the site area data in the table has been changed due to an error. The mapping data has remained the same.. Demolishion and re-development of site to provide up to 110 residential units with associated ope space with access from Roman Road. 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
17/01221/FUL 17/01221/FUL Chain Bridge Farm, Roman Rd, Mountessing 0.49 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-01 full planning permission permissioned^196944.125&layersidentifier=baafef972c1f4ef29f71e61154f049fb&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.244798 51.650988) Demolition of existing workshop buildings and re-develop with the construction of 5 no. new dwellings with associated car parking, garden space, landscaping and associated developmen 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06
19/00268/FUL 19/00268/FUL Eagle and Child Public House 13 CHELMSFORD ROAD, CM15 8RG 0.5 15 not owned by a public authority 2019-04-11 full planning permission permissioned^194980.685989583&layersidentifier=39fd61c759604e1da0e38691bdb2b474&menuconfig=BrownfieldSites&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(0.337293 51.626105) Demolition of the of the Eagle and Child Public House and construct three storey apartment building to provide 15 residential units (Use Class C3) in a mix of one and two bedroom units, together with car parking and landscaping 2023-04-03 2017-12-22 2025-01-06

Showing rows 1 to 50 of 81