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Canterbury City Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
BR-002 BR-002 St Martin's Hospital, Canterbury yes 6.39 163 163 unknown ownership Not Permissioned,157695,27700&scale=2000 POINT(1.106021 51.277165) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 164 Units. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-004 BR-004 Land Adjacent to Canterbury West Station, Canterbury yes 0.28 20 20 mixed ownership Not Permissioned,158548,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.077472 51.285592) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 20 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-006 BR-006 Former Employment Exchange, St Johns Lane, Canterbury 0.08 24 24 unknown ownership Not Permissioned,157530,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.078092 51.276419) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 24 Dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-019 BR-019 St Johns Lane Car Park, St Johns Lane, Canterbury 0.06 5 5 mixed ownership Not Permissioned,157561,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.077595 51.276711) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 5 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-012 BR-012 Rosemary Lane Car Park, Rosemary Lane, Canterbury yes 0.27 20 20 owned by a public authority Not Permissioned,157566,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.075695 51.276806) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 20 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-016 BR-016 Hawks Lane Car Park, Hawks Lane, Canterbury yes 0.03 9 9 owned by a public authority Not Permissioned,157744,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.078822 51.278325) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 9 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-014 BR-014 White Horse Lane, Canterbury yes 0.19 10 10 mixed ownership Not Permissioned,157794,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.079038 51.278769) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 10 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-011 BR-011 Holmans Meadow Car Park, Dover Street, Canterbury 0.54 20 20 owned by a public authority Not Permissioned,157450,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.083241 51.275564) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 20 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-015 BR-015 Ivy Lane Car Park, Ivy Lane, Canterbury yes 0.08 10 10 owned by a public authority Not Permissioned,157600,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.087611 51.276798) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 10 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-010 BR-010 BT Car park, Upper Chantry Lane, Canterbury yes 0.43 20 20 unknown ownership Not Permissioned,157302,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.085929 51.274162) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 20 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-007 BR-007 Canterbury East Station (North side) Car Park, Canterbury yes 0.48 24 24 unknown ownership Not Permissioned,157229,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.078642 51.273697) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 24 dwellings 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-009 BR-009 Castle Street Car Park, Canterbury 0.27 54 54 owned by a public authority Not Permissioned,157429,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.075498 51.275579) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 54 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-008 BR-008 Northgate Car Park, Norhgate, Canterbury yes 0.21 21 21 mixed ownership Not Permissioned,158415,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.086126 51.284168) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 21 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-017 BR-017 St Radigunds Car Park, St Radigunds Street, Canterbury 0.07 7 7 owned by a public authority Not Permissioned,158292,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.082287 51.283163) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 7 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-020 BR-020 Garage Site at Kings Road/Park Road Junction, Herne Bay yes 0.13 43 43 unknown ownership Not Permissioned,168002,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.126311 51.369332) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 43 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-023 BR-023 Beach Street, Herne Bay yes 0.37 30 19 mixed ownership 2019-12-13 full planning permission permissioned,168335,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.126429 51.372324) Erection of a four-storey block of ground floor commercial space with 6no residential units above; a three-storey block of 9no apartments; a three-storey block of 10no apartments incorporating ground floor artists' studio spaces; a two-storey block of 2no apartments; and a terrace block of 6no three-storey town-houses, following demolition of existing buildings. 2021-10-12 2017-11-01
BR-021 BR-021 Land at Herne Bay Station, Herne Bay yes 0.58 35 35 unknown ownership Not Permissioned,167446,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.116319 51.364598) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 35 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-025 BR-025 Tankerton Road Car Park & Garage, Whitstable yes 0.19 17 17 owned by a public authority Not Permissioned,167172,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.048979 51.363996) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 17 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-026 BR-026 124 & Adjoining Middle Wall, Whitstable yes 0.15 7 7 mixed ownership Not Permissioned,166359,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.024079 51.35724) Allocated in Canterbury District's Adopted Local Plan (2017) for 7 dwellings. 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-029 BR-029 Herne Bay Court, Canterbury Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5TD yes 3.76 157 157 unknown ownership 2017-12-15 other permissioned,167173,27700&scale=2000 POINT(1.133075 51.361695) Full planning permission (CA//13/00195) granted for the erection of retirement village with a clubhouse, health and wellness centre and spa on 2014-12-03. Certificate of proposed lawful use or development granted in 2017 2020-12-10 2017-11-01
BR-034 BR-034 Site of Former Sturry Road Social Club, East Street, Canterbury, CT1 1EE yes 0.26 10 10 owned by a public authority 2017-10-16 full planning permission permissioned,159095,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.10296 51.289839) Planning permission lapsed and building still in original use 2020-12-10 2017-11-01 2021-10-12
BR-041 BR-041 49-55 Canterbury Road, Whitstable, CT5 4HH yes 0.06 8 4 unknown ownership 2021-10-29 full planning permission permissioned,165919,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.025181 51.353253) Creation of 8. no residential flats and extension of existing 4 no. flats following change of use of the ground floor from restaurant to residential, erection of second-floor roof extension, alterations to single-storey front extension and erection of part two-storey, part-three storey rear extension, following demolition of existing rear extensions 2022-11-28 2017-11-01 2022-11-28
BR-053 BR-053 Old Brewery Business Centre, 75 Stour Street, Canterbury, CT1 2NR yes 0.07 5 5 unknown ownership 2016-05-13 full planning permission permissioned,157773,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.078152 51.278603) Demolition of rear extension to 75 Stour Street together with internal alterations, change of use and construction of 2 new buildings within the courtyard to form 5 new residential dwellings. 2022-10-01 2017-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-059 BR-059 Northgate House, 115-120 Northgate, Canterbury, CT1 1EZ yes 0.12 24 24 unknown ownership 2016-08-17 other permissioned,158367,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.086598 51.283723) Planning permission lapsed and building still in original use 2020-12-10 2017-11-01 2020-08-18
BR-062 BR-062 10 Upper Bridge Street, Canterbury, CT1 2NA yes 0.04 8 8 unknown ownership 2016-09-27 other permissioned,157506,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.083002 51.276074) Planning permission lapsed and building still in original use 2020-12-10 2017-11-01 2020-09-28
BR-063 BR-063 21 St Georges Terrace, Herne Bay, CT6 8RH yes 0.04 6 6 unknown ownership 2017-03-10 full planning permission permissioned,168211,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.117588 51.371445) Proposed four-storey building containing 7 apartments following demolition of the existing dwelling. 2022-10-01 2017-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-065 BR-065 8b-11 North Lane, Canterbury, CT2 7SL yes 0.04 7 7 Unknown 2016-12-02 full planning permission permissioned,158205,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.076278 51.282538) Planning permission lapsed and building still in original use 2020-12-10 2017-11-01 2020-12-03
BR-087 BR-087 64-65 Central Parade, Herne Bay, CT6 5JG yes 0.03 12 12 unknown ownership 2017-04-28 full planning permission permissioned,168390,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.127194 51.372799) Demolition of existing building and erection of five-storey building with 12. Ground floor commercial unit, bin and cycle store 2022-10-01 2017-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-088 BR-088 St Benedict Nursing Home, 22-23 St George's Terrace, Herne Bay, CT6 8RH yes 0.09 10 12 unknown ownership 2021-03-12 full planning permission permissioned,168206,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.117255 51.371409) Proposed residential development of 12 apartments, following demolition of existing building. 2022-10-01 2017-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-091 BR-091 Herne Bay Golf Driving Range, Greenhill yes 0.31 1 8 unknown ownership 2022-09-20 full planning permission permissioned,166853,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.113434 51.359341) This is part of a larger Local Plan allocated site, with planning permission for 78 dwellings. 2022-11-28 2017-11-01 2022-11-28
BR-101 BR-101 28-30 St Peters Street, Canterbury, CT1 2BQ yes 0.04 22 22 Unknown 2016-12-23 other permissioned,158076,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.076344 51.281376) Site is currently under construction 2020-12-10 2018-11-01 2021-10-12
BR-096 BR-096 Land adjacent to 64 Warwick Road, Canterbury, CT1 1RQ yes 0.09 8 8 owned by a public authority 2018-01-12 outline planning permission permissioned,157588,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.099357 51.276379) Planning permission lapsed and building still in original use 2020-12-10 2018-11-01 2021-10-12
BR-092 BR-092 Land at Chislet Colliery, Hersden yes 19.17 370 370 Unknown 2018-11-22 outline planning permission permissioned,161972,27700&scale=2000 POINT(1.167528 51.312367) Mixed-use development of up to 370 dwellings. 370m2 of A1 floorspace. Local centre, open space, community ecological park, hard and soft landscaping and associated infrastructure with access from a new roundabout on Island Road. 2020-12-10 2018-11-22
BR-097 BR-097 Two Acres, Hardes Court Road, Canterbury, CT4 6EA yes 0.4 4 4 Unknown 2018-02-01 full planning permission permissioned,149162,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.077194 51.201174) Planning permission lapsed and building still in original use 2020-12-10 2018-11-01 2021-10-12
BR-103 BR-103 1-9 Kings Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5DB yes 0.05 9 2019-02-12 full planning permission permissioned,167889,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.132309 51.368156) Proposed detached four-storey building comprising of 9 no. flats following demolition of existing workshops. 2022-10-01 2019-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-104 BR-104 Scruffy Duck, 10 William Street yes 0.13 20 2019-03-11 full planning permission permissioned,168359,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.128107 51.372495) Proposed four-storey building comprising of 20 no 2 bedroomed apartments with associated parking. Four retail units fronting William Street. 2022-10-01 2019-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-107 BR-107 Marsh House, St Peter's Road, Whitstable, CT5 1SU yes 0.02 4 2019-01-18 full planning permission permissioned,166821,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.027408 51.361309) Proposed three-storey extension to front and side, demolition of existing garages and construction of two-storey extension to form 7 no. additional flats, with associated parking. 2022-10-01 2019-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-109 BR-109 Highstead Riding School, Highstead, Chislet, CT3 4LX yes 0.4 2 2019-06-18 full planning permission permissioned,166276,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.178034 51.352415) Proposed erection of 2no. two-storey detached dwellings with associated parking following demolition of former riding school and ancillary buildings. 2022-10-01 2019-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-110 BR-110 2-2A Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, CT1 3NE yes 0.06 3 2019-05-01 full planning permission permissioned,156935,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.088041 51.270805) Proposed part 3 and part 4 storey building comprising 10 no. flats with associated parking and external works following demolition of properties. 2020-12-10 2019-11-01
BR-112 BR-112 Land at Ladesfield, Vulcan Close, Whitstable, CT5 4LZ yes 0.56 14 2019-05-15 outline planning permission permissioned,165440,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.018488 51.349118) Outline application for proposed 14 no. dwellings with all matters reserved except access. 2020-12-10 2019-11-01
BR-113 BR-113 41- 45 Northgate, Canterbury, CT1 1BE yes 0.08 9 2019-10-21 full planning permission permissioned,158335,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.085205 51.283472) Proposed 10 no. almshouse flats above 5 no. commercial units, following demolition of existing buildings at 41, 42 and 43-45 Northgate. 2022-10-01 2019-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-114 BR-114 The Old Woodyard, Moat Lane, Fordwich, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 0DP yes 0.55 6 2020-09-17 outline planning permission permissioned,159096,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.126486 51.289216) Outline application for 6 detached dwellings including access and layout. 2021-12-01 2020-11-01
BR-116 BR-116 Newingate House, 16-17 Lower Bridge Street, Canterbury, CT1 2LG yes 0.09 10 2020-10-07 full planning permission permissioned,157646,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.084746 51.277282) Proposed five storey building consisting of 10 no. two bed apartments, roof extension to provide additional floor for use as restaurant following demolition of an existing side block. 2021-12-01 2020-11-01
BR-022 BR-022 Central Development Area, Herne Bay 3.7 46 56 mixed ownership Not Permissioned,168129,27700&scale=1000 POINT(1.126575 51.370468) Site is not currently considered to be achievable 2020-12-10 2017-11-01 2019-01-15
BR-047 BR-047 Wesley Manse, 71 Whitstable Road, Canterbury, CT2 8EA yes 0.11 8 8 unknown ownership 2020-12-18 full planning permission permissioned,158490,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.068045 51.285318) Conversion of property to nine no. apartments together with first floor side and rear extensions, replacement windows and associated alterations. 2022-10-01 2017-11-01 2022-10-01
BR-018 BR-018 The Garth, St Stephens Road, Canterbury yes 0.14 12 12 unknown ownership 2017-06-23 full planning permission permissioned,158392,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.079927 51.284124) Site is currently under construction 2020-12-10 2017-11-01 2019-05-15
BR-005 BR-005 Kingsmead Depot, Kingsmead Road, Canterbury yes 3.85 32 32 mixed ownership 2019-02-07 full planning permission permissioned,158576,27700&scale=2000 POINT(1.087569 51.285578) Site is currently under construction 2020-12-10 2017-11-01 2019-12-04
BR-099 BR-099 Arter Brothers, Eagle Motor Works, Old Dover Road, Barham, CT4 6EX yes 0.33 10 10 Unknown 2018-08-09 full planning permission permissioned,149438,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.17733 51.200979) Site is currently under construction 2020-12-10 2018-11-01 2019-12-04
BR-095 BR-095 7-9 Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, CT1 3ND yes 0.22 9 9 Unknown 2018-05-17 full planning permission permissioned,156923,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.087275 51.270717) Site is currently under construction 2020-12-10 2018-11-01 2019-12-04
BR-100 BR-100 Builders Yard and, 14 Ivy Lane, Canterbury yes 0.07 6 6 Unknown 2018-07-03 full planning permission permissioned,157629,27700&scale=500 POINT(1.086727 51.277082) Site is currently under construction 2020-12-10 2018-11-01 2020-08-01

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