Dover District Council
Tree preservation zone
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Tree preservation zone type | Geometry | Point | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
TPO/97/00005/10/1 | TR 3215 4188 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.316493 51.129239,1.316646 51.129159,1.316690 51.129164,1.316706 51.129178,1.316701 51.129192,1.316542 51.129281,1.316526 51.129285,1.316486 51.129275,1.316477 51.129256,1.316493 51.129239))) | POINT (1.31659 51.129221) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/79/00005/10/1 | Forming OS Parcel nos: 9607, 6501, 8006, 7998, 708 | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.292518 51.221576,1.292304 51.221618,1.291922 51.221714,1.291920 51.221733,1.291575 51.221829,1.291152 51.221932,1.290317 51.222117,1.289939 51.222229,1.289755 51.222125,1.289457 51.222017,1.289121 51.221915,1.287872 51.221573,1.287619 51.221482,1.287529 51.221433,1.287484 51.221396,1.286602 51.220527,1.285244 51.219166,1.285794 51.218945,1.287715 51.218264,1.288129 51.218702,1.288274 51.218676,1.288795 51.219252,1.289389 51.219048,1.289444 51.219105,1.289460 51.219100,1.289492 51.219041,1.289473 51.219019,1.289507 51.219008,1.289552 51.219035,1.289718 51.219041,1.289875 51.219314,1.290097 51.219754,1.290145 51.220246,1.290077 51.220270,1.291161 51.221398,1.292098 51.221108,1.292518 51.221576))) | POINT (1.288547 51.220331) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/85/00006/10/1 | Situated immediately South West of the Nonington C | TPO/85/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.241720 51.228543,1.241744 51.228524,1.241646 51.228473,1.241624 51.228490,1.241610 51.228483,1.241567 51.228487,1.241555 51.228483,1.241554 51.228466,1.241586 51.228460,1.241710 51.228378,1.241768 51.228329,1.241828 51.228323,1.241843 51.228327,1.242222 51.228604,1.242093 51.228679,1.242039 51.228642,1.241970 51.228683,1.241762 51.228576,1.241720 51.228543))) | POINT (1.241899 51.228511) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/79/00005/8/1 | Situated in the field forming OS Parcel no: 8030 t | TPO/79/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.291099 51.215181,1.291092 51.215220,1.291052 51.215267,1.290994 51.215297,1.290910 51.215312,1.290836 51.215306,1.290770 51.215284,1.290716 51.215241,1.290696 51.215189,1.290709 51.215143,1.290748 51.215103,1.290808 51.215075,1.290880 51.215062,1.290966 51.215069,1.291021 51.215088,1.291056 51.215109,1.291082 51.215136,1.291099 51.215181))) | POINT (1.290898 51.215187) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/79/00005/7/1 | Adjoining the southwest side of the southeast acce | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.289965 51.216471,1.289991 51.216484,1.290000 51.216511,1.290028 51.216509,1.290033 51.216529,1.290020 51.216551,1.289924 51.216572,1.289899 51.216586,1.289898 51.216614,1.289914 51.216674,1.289954 51.216786,1.289954 51.216829,1.289944 51.216846,1.289604 51.217139,1.289543 51.217227,1.289500 51.217323,1.288889 51.216606,1.288885 51.216587,1.288901 51.216526,1.288941 51.216484,1.289480 51.216474,1.289716 51.216461,1.289840 51.216445,1.289965 51.216471))) | POINT (1.289473 51.216766) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/85/00006/7/1 | Situated on the open spaced area between the Nonin | TPO/85/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.242086 51.229869,1.242001 51.229829,1.241979 51.229809,1.241976 51.229766,1.242021 51.229712,1.242199 51.229591,1.242324 51.229531,1.242580 51.229490,1.242701 51.229497,1.242760 51.229513,1.242843 51.229553,1.242885 51.229581,1.242893 51.229603,1.242830 51.229743,1.242774 51.229843,1.242707 51.229745,1.242665 51.229706,1.242622 51.229681,1.242563 51.229663,1.242513 51.229660,1.242403 51.229686,1.242290 51.229740,1.242086 51.229869))) | POINT (1.242455 51.229652) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/62/00001/7/1 | The grounds of the property known as Hazling Dane | TPO/62/00001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.242493 51.188227,1.242493 51.188187,1.242515 51.188170,1.242564 51.188158,1.242571 51.188126,1.242614 51.188112,1.242623 51.188086,1.242638 51.188076,1.242673 51.188079,1.242708 51.188106,1.242718 51.188126,1.242709 51.188147,1.242667 51.188185,1.242624 51.188202,1.242603 51.188229,1.242533 51.188250,1.242493 51.188227))) | POINT (1.242606 51.188165) | 2024-06-28 | 1963-01-30 | |||
TPO/97/00005/7/1 | TR 3211 4197 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.316047 51.130008,1.316140 51.130005,1.316145 51.130021,1.316137 51.130037,1.316092 51.130055,1.316020 51.130034,1.316012 51.130023,1.316027 51.130010,1.316047 51.130008))) | POINT (1.316083 51.130026) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/97/00005/18/1 | TR 3219 4183 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317257 51.128676,1.317273 51.128670,1.317283 51.128710,1.317258 51.128734,1.317205 51.128734,1.317175 51.128714,1.317179 51.128703,1.317257 51.128676))) | POINT (1.317235 51.128707) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/85/00006/18/1 | Situated on the North side of the main exit road t | TPO/85/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.243042 51.227003,1.243093 51.226920,1.243256 51.227070,1.243381 51.227204,1.243300 51.227210,1.243227 51.227159,1.243042 51.227003))) | POINT (1.243197 51.227075) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/97/00005/16/1 | TR 3220 4186 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317187 51.128993,1.317195 51.128974,1.317212 51.128961,1.317249 51.128960,1.317294 51.128977,1.317295 51.128994,1.317283 51.129015,1.317259 51.129024,1.317224 51.129023,1.317194 51.129008,1.317187 51.128993))) | POINT (1.317241 51.128992) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/79/00005/16/1 | Situated in the field forming OS Parcel no: 5640 t | TPO/79/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.284974 51.214891,1.284964 51.214937,1.284927 51.214978,1.284869 51.215007,1.284785 51.215022,1.284711 51.215016,1.284645 51.214994,1.284597 51.214958,1.284572 51.214906,1.284581 51.214860,1.284623 51.214813,1.284683 51.214785,1.284767 51.214772,1.284841 51.214779,1.284915 51.214808,1.284962 51.214853,1.284974 51.214891))) | POINT (1.284773 51.214897) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/79/00005/11/1 | Forming OS Parcel nos: 6204, 5489 and 4775 and sit | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.284414 51.218467,1.284668 51.218702,1.286963 51.220996,1.287359 51.221362,1.287577 51.221547,1.287039 51.221746,1.284144 51.218586,1.284354 51.218468,1.284414 51.218467))) | POINT (1.28592 51.220227) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/79/00005/17/1 | Forming OS Parcel no: 1818 (in part) and situated | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.279408 51.213455,1.279819 51.213307,1.279903 51.213298,1.279965 51.213312,1.281208 51.214677,1.280804 51.214840,1.279640 51.213550,1.279408 51.213455))) | POINT (1.280357 51.214048) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/85/00006/17/1 | Situated between the bungalows numbered 2 and 3 wh | TPO/85/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.239630 51.226281,1.239601 51.226244,1.239617 51.226220,1.239708 51.226195,1.239739 51.226202,1.239759 51.226218,1.239759 51.226235,1.239749 51.226243,1.239675 51.226280,1.239647 51.226286,1.239630 51.226281))) | POINT (1.239679 51.226238) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/21/00018/1/1 | Situated on the south western boundary facing Lond | TPO/21/00018 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.273176 51.149676,1.273186 51.149712,1.273067 51.149785,1.273012 51.149840,1.272902 51.149914,1.272853 51.149899,1.272850 51.149863,1.272939 51.149810,1.273035 51.149732,1.273148 51.149659,1.273176 51.149676))) | POINT (1.273016 51.14979) | 2024-06-28 | 2022-05-23 | |||
TPO/68/10003/5/1 | Parcels 466 and 5672 on TR Sheet 3155, Statenborou | TPO/68/10003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.316414 51.253355,1.316431 51.253360,1.316458 51.253389,1.316529 51.253432,1.316529 51.253453,1.316482 51.253501,1.316484 51.253548,1.316432 51.253576,1.316374 51.253562,1.316359 51.253548,1.316352 51.253516,1.316269 51.253468,1.316253 51.253455,1.316251 51.253439,1.316261 51.253421,1.316358 51.253352,1.316414 51.253355))) | POINT (1.316396 51.253457) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-02-17 | |||
TPO/62/00001/5/1 | The grounds of the property known as Hazling Dane | TPO/62/00001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.245123 51.188559,1.245272 51.188664,1.244514 51.188964,1.244467 51.188932,1.244403 51.188869,1.244437 51.188829,1.244467 51.188817,1.244582 51.188805,1.244634 51.188751,1.244764 51.188728,1.244797 51.188719,1.244840 51.188693,1.244890 51.188683,1.245103 51.188588,1.245123 51.188559))) | POINT (1.244822 51.188769) | 2024-06-28 | 1963-01-30 | |||
TPO/86/00002/4/1 | Situated on the south eastern boundary of the grou | TPO/86/00002 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.272240 51.148122,1.272471 51.148163,1.272631 51.148217,1.272594 51.148241,1.272544 51.148258,1.272307 51.148248,1.272055 51.148214,1.271856 51.148161,1.271787 51.148152,1.271703 51.148148,1.271645 51.148154,1.271547 51.148188,1.271507 51.148135,1.271805 51.148122,1.272240 51.148122))) | POINT (1.272163 51.148179) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-08-20 | |||
TPO/85/00006/4/1 | Situated on the North Eastern boundary of OS parce | TPO/85/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.243206 51.230902,1.243186 51.230864,1.243196 51.230830,1.243238 51.230790,1.243377 51.230699,1.243434 51.230678,1.243487 51.230674,1.243534 51.230678,1.243556 51.230689,1.243206 51.230902))) | POINT (1.24335 51.230771) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/01/00001/4/1 | Between 2699 4597 and 2724 4584 | TPO/01/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.245714 51.167754,1.246605 51.167459,1.247686 51.167014,1.248328 51.166824,1.248341 51.166800,1.248387 51.166782,1.248444 51.166769,1.248482 51.166772,1.248663 51.166714,1.248773 51.166727,1.248780 51.166771,1.248452 51.166858,1.248139 51.166955,1.245781 51.167841,1.245714 51.167754))) | POINT (1.247231 51.167255) | 2024-06-28 | 2001-02-27 | |||
TPO/83/00003/3/1 | Situated on the South Eastern boundary of the Cara | TPO/83/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.347483 51.197923,1.347494 51.197915,1.347808 51.198082,1.347753 51.198122,1.347442 51.197954,1.347483 51.197923))) | POINT (1.347625 51.198019) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-09-15 | |||
TPO/69/10001/3/1 | Part Parcel 9151 on TR Sheet 3055 and Part Parcel | TPO/69/10001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.311480 51.252041,1.311616 51.252320,1.311207 51.252398,1.310905 51.252420,1.310446 51.252436,1.309464 51.252433,1.308261 51.252502,1.307844 51.252512,1.307845 51.252444,1.308128 51.252443,1.309011 51.252411,1.309635 51.252377,1.310084 51.252383,1.310747 51.252375,1.311160 51.252345,1.311483 51.252288,1.311376 51.252058,1.311480 51.252041))) | POINT (1.309904 51.252387) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-07-15 | |||
TPO/79/00005/2/1 | Forming OS Parcel no: 8315 and situated due southw | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.290233 51.214166,1.289810 51.214089,1.288565 51.212424,1.289225 51.212534,1.289725 51.213387,1.289985 51.213863,1.290122 51.214049,1.290233 51.214166))) | POINT (1.28939 51.213221) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/85/00004/2/1 | Situated adjoining the southern side of the drivew | TPO/85/00004 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.225905 51.230395,1.225978 51.230358,1.226093 51.230385,1.226188 51.230424,1.226237 51.230421,1.226370 51.230368,1.226387 51.230281,1.226454 51.230418,1.226210 51.230507,1.226166 51.230499,1.226029 51.230426,1.225905 51.230395))) | POINT (1.226214 51.230421) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-06-26 | |||
TPO/81/00007/2/1 | Situated on the southern boundary to plot no 13 | TPO/81/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.306617 51.245622,1.306705 51.245618,1.306708 51.245645,1.306619 51.245649,1.306617 51.245622))) | POINT (1.306662 51.245634) | 2024-06-28 | 1981-06-25 | |||
TPO/07/00005/2/1 | North-east boundary of land on north-east side of | TPO/07/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.379957 51.153638,1.379939 51.153620,1.380581 51.153359,1.380599 51.153377,1.380266 51.153511,1.379957 51.153638))) | POINT (1.380269 51.153498) | 2024-06-28 | 2007-05-09 | |||
TPO/10/00016/2/1 | Situated on the south east boundary of Woodside, A | TPO/10/00016 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.158687 51.182727,1.158676 51.182719,1.158678 51.182709,1.158698 51.182703,1.158714 51.182708,1.158916 51.182792,1.158992 51.182827,1.158992 51.182833,1.158966 51.182842,1.158687 51.182727))) | POINT (1.158831 51.182772) | 2024-06-28 | 2011-03-02 | |||
TPO/81/00004/1/1 | Situated on the south-eastern boundary and souther | TPO/81/00004 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.377275 51.218079,1.377873 51.218559,1.377796 51.218594,1.377324 51.218228,1.377291 51.218231,1.377214 51.218273,1.377131 51.218217,1.377275 51.218079))) | POINT (1.37748 51.218316) | 2024-06-28 | 1981-04-16 | |||
TPO/84/00001/1/1 | Forming OS Plot No 3439 and OS Plot No 3650 and si | TPO/84/00001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.298041 51.216347,1.297750 51.216374,1.297627 51.216378,1.297149 51.216376,1.296578 51.214686,1.296743 51.214651,1.296798 51.214773,1.297306 51.216270,1.297429 51.216275,1.297835 51.216260,1.297880 51.216276,1.297922 51.216303,1.298024 51.216294,1.298041 51.216347))) | POINT (1.297077 51.215663) | 2024-06-28 | 1984-04-05 | |||
TPO/87/00015/1/1 | Situated towards the northern corner of the rear g | TPO/87/00015 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.233751 51.191155,1.233856 51.191177,1.233451 51.191381,1.233279 51.191347,1.233751 51.191155))) | POINT (1.233567 51.191273) | 2024-06-28 | 1988-01-14 | |||
TPO/15/00002/1/1 | North of 12 York and Albany Close | TPO/15/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.389544 51.203911,1.389537 51.203941,1.389505 51.203971,1.389470 51.203986,1.389411 51.203996,1.389350 51.203991,1.389312 51.203978,1.389275 51.203951,1.389261 51.203922,1.389267 51.203892,1.389292 51.203865,1.389332 51.203845,1.389390 51.203834,1.389442 51.203837,1.389489 51.203850,1.389528 51.203877,1.389544 51.203911))) | POINT (1.389402 51.203915) | 2024-06-28 | 2015-05-15 | |||
TPO/10/00004/1/1 | Chalksole House, grid ref: 2499:4304 | TPO/10/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.215237 51.142449,1.215244 51.142428,1.215310 51.142354,1.215361 51.142350,1.215385 51.142364,1.215377 51.142389,1.215301 51.142462,1.215265 51.142465,1.215237 51.142449))) | POINT (1.215311 51.142406) | 2024-06-28 | 2011-06-23 | |||
TPO/85/00005/1/1 | Situated in the southern corner of the woodland | TPO/85/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.230690 51.125503,1.230678 51.125528,1.230608 51.125508,1.230377 51.125304,1.229721 51.125246,1.229640 51.125227,1.229728 51.125016,1.229798 51.124925,1.230607 51.125342,1.230668 51.125415,1.230684 51.125501,1.230690 51.125503))) | POINT (1.230087 51.125198) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-07-22 | |||
TPO/86/00002/1/1 | All trees situated on the western and southern ban | TPO/86/00002 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.269742 51.149562,1.269700 51.149556,1.269678 51.149362,1.269641 51.149370,1.269607 51.149247,1.269623 51.149205,1.269656 51.149192,1.269663 51.149150,1.269662 51.149015,1.269691 51.148640,1.269698 51.148607,1.269756 51.148599,1.269777 51.148562,1.269936 51.148411,1.269819 51.148426,1.269732 51.148421,1.269733 51.148416,1.270028 51.148308,1.270303 51.148254,1.270299 51.148357,1.270118 51.148359,1.270016 51.148380,1.269957 51.148434,1.269925 51.148516,1.269820 51.148578,1.269806 51.148599,1.269813 51.148617,1.269808 51.148636,1.269777 51.148664,1.269771 51.148690,1.269778 51.148740,1.269755 51.148768,1.269728 51.148890,1.269713 51.149059,1.269714 51.149169,1.269742 51.149402,1.269742 51.149562))) | POINT (1.269836 51.148772) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-08-20 | |||
TPO/97/00005/14/1 | TR 3225 4193 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.318213 51.129804,1.318186 51.129785,1.318124 51.129713,1.318076 51.129682,1.317999 51.129654,1.317874 51.129644,1.317778 51.129614,1.317707 51.129560,1.317684 51.129529,1.317674 51.129499,1.317724 51.129482,1.317825 51.129477,1.317904 51.129484,1.318007 51.129513,1.318339 51.129751,1.318213 51.129804))) | POINT (1.31799 51.12961) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/97/00005/12/1 | TR 3224 4195 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317833 51.129697,1.317999 51.129721,1.318022 51.129749,1.318019 51.129778,1.318000 51.129798,1.317925 51.129835,1.317893 51.129834,1.317758 51.129795,1.317715 51.129743,1.317710 51.129714,1.317732 51.129700,1.317833 51.129697))) | POINT (1.317869 51.12976) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/79/00005/12/1 | Forming OS Parcel no: 5767 and situated due west o | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.288120 51.216809,1.288218 51.217078,1.288115 51.217259,1.288047 51.217335,1.287978 51.217393,1.287820 51.217470,1.287451 51.217671,1.287419 51.217700,1.287398 51.217732,1.287392 51.217774,1.287403 51.217805,1.287535 51.217946,1.287543 51.218001,1.287524 51.218054,1.285039 51.218959,1.284632 51.218556,1.284542 51.218450,1.284506 51.218393,1.284497 51.218344,1.284503 51.218310,1.284555 51.218243,1.284869 51.218020,1.285059 51.217914,1.285127 51.217886,1.286220 51.217528,1.286663 51.217369,1.286702 51.217347,1.287509 51.217034,1.288114 51.216789,1.288120 51.216809))) | POINT (1.286298 51.217951) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/97/00005/9/1 | TR 3214 4190 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.316405 51.129403,1.316639 51.129284,1.316685 51.129284,1.316707 51.129294,1.316714 51.129310,1.316710 51.129326,1.316475 51.129446,1.316433 51.129446,1.316406 51.129423,1.316405 51.129403))) | POINT (1.316559 51.129364) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/85/00006/8/1 | Situated close to the South West side of the main | TPO/85/00006 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.241451 51.227256,1.241168 51.227004,1.242063 51.226380,1.242433 51.226524,1.242706 51.226660,1.242540 51.226827,1.241714 51.227383,1.241551 51.227356,1.241451 51.227256))) | POINT (1.241919 51.226874) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/76/00005/7/1 | Situated within the gardens adjoining to Mill Lane | TPO/76/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.239181 51.186561,1.239223 51.186583,1.239216 51.186593,1.238610 51.187024,1.238491 51.186959,1.238528 51.186932,1.238625 51.186985,1.239181 51.186561))) | POINT (1.23888 51.1868) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-11-30 | |||
TPO/97/00005/11/1 | TR 3222 4194 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317563 51.129625,1.317504 51.129589,1.317502 51.129577,1.317523 51.129570,1.317587 51.129569,1.317625 51.129581,1.317677 51.129628,1.317682 51.129671,1.317640 51.129661,1.317563 51.129625))) | POINT (1.317601 51.129612) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/09/00009/2/1 | South east boundary of Little Statenborough House, | TPO/09/00009 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.313268 51.252369,1.313212 51.252353,1.313238 51.252337,1.313283 51.252346,1.313279 51.252365,1.313268 51.252369))) | POINT (1.313252 51.252352) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-10-06 | |||
TPO/07/00003/1/1 | North west boundary of the rear garden | TPO/07/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.380278 51.152461,1.380257 51.152472,1.380231 51.152448,1.380249 51.152439,1.380278 51.152461))) | POINT (1.380254 51.152455) | 2024-06-28 | 2007-05-09 | |||
TPO/23/00013/1/1 | A group of 2 No. Yew trees | TPO/23/00013 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.236215 51.185441,1.236228 51.185448,1.236235 51.185464,1.236217 51.185477,1.236143 51.185500,1.236120 51.185499,1.236103 51.185488,1.236101 51.185476,1.236141 51.185449,1.236167 51.185441,1.236215 51.185441))) | POINT (1.236167 51.185469) | 2024-06-28 | 2023-11-30 | |||
TPO/23/00008/1/1 | Situated along the western boundary of the propert | TPO/23/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.335154 51.277309,1.335114 51.277315,1.335117 51.277264,1.335143 51.277164,1.335215 51.276957,1.335247 51.276886,1.335298 51.276865,1.335154 51.277309))) | POINT (1.335197 51.277094) | 2024-06-28 | 2023-10-03 | |||
TPO/23/00015/1/1 | Located in south eastern corner of site | TPO/23/00015 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.348751 51.271508,1.348820 51.271531,1.348829 51.271542,1.348821 51.271559,1.348789 51.271587,1.348772 51.271592,1.348736 51.271596,1.348705 51.271587,1.348682 51.271563,1.348671 51.271525,1.348723 51.271504,1.348751 51.271508))) | POINT (1.348747 51.27155) | 2024-06-28 | 2023-12-18 | |||
TPO/23/00009/1/G1 | Located within the front garden | TPO/23/00009 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.213444 51.101570,1.213469 51.101584,1.213473 51.101601,1.213463 51.101618,1.213464 51.101657,1.213440 51.101671,1.213421 51.101671,1.213407 51.101666,1.213351 51.101583,1.213354 51.101574,1.213369 51.101569,1.213444 51.101570))) | POINT (1.213418 51.101613) | 2024-06-28 | 2023-10-05 | |||
TPO/23/00017/1/1 | TPO/23/00017 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.288439 51.277207,1.288483 51.277232,1.288490 51.277282,1.288478 51.277306,1.288432 51.277319,1.288351 51.277311,1.288302 51.277256,1.288319 51.277223,1.288380 51.277207,1.288439 51.277207))) | POINT (1.288402 51.277262) | 2024-06-28 | 2024-01-31 | ||||
TPO/21/00018/2/1 | Situated on the south western boundary facing Lond | TPO/21/00018 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.272737 51.149997,1.272740 51.150040,1.272712 51.150064,1.272656 51.150066,1.272628 51.150029,1.272706 51.149975,1.272737 51.149997))) | POINT (1.272691 51.150026) | 2024-06-28 | 2022-05-23 |
Showing rows 201 to 250 of 556