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Guildford Borough Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
BLR_063 BLR_063 Builders Yard, 9 Down Road, Guildford, GU1 2PX yes 0.36 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2021-05-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5423 51.2417) 20/P/01402, granted 2021-05-05, now lapsed. Erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings with associated off-street parking and gardens following the change of use of the existing builders' yard and demolition of the existing building (renewal of application 17/P/01191). 2024-11-04 2018-10-19
BLR_064 BLR_064 Bell And Colvill (Horsley), Epsom Road, West Horsley, Leatherhead, KT24 6AU yes 1.4 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2018-01-25 full planning permission| not permissioned POINT(-0.4551 51.2609) 17/P/01580 granted 2018-01-25, now lapsed. Erection of ten dwellings (three pairs of 3-bed semi-detached, two pairs of 4 bed semi-detached) with associated access improvements, car parking and landscaping following demolition of existing workshop, showroom, three residential properties and removal of hardstanding. 21/P/02374, submitted 11 Nov 2021, for construction of 15 residential units with associated car parking and landscaping, following demolition of existing car showroom. Refused at appeal on 20 July 2023. 2024-11-04 2018-10-19
BLR_065 BLR_065 Mount Manor House, 16 The Mount, Guildford, GU2 4HN yes 0.13 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5791 51.2345) 20/P/02093 Change of use from B1 Office to C3 Residential and creation of 1 x 2 bed apartment, 6 x 1 bedroom flats and a residential dwelling. Construction of a new infill single storey rear extension with basement. 2021-12-01 2018-10-19
BLR_066 BLR_066 Hill Villa, Coopers Yard, Frog Grove Lane, Wood Street Village, Guildford, GU3 3HD yes 0.26 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.638 51.2642) 17/P/01970 Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to form 2 houses and associated garaging and parking. Development completed at 17/03/2021. 2021-12-01 2018-10-19 2021-03-17
BLR_067 BLR_067 The Founders Studio, The Guildford School Of Acting, Millbrook, Guildford yes 0.03 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2018-03-14 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-0.5744 51.2341) 17/P/02214, granted 2018-03-14, now lapsed. Erection of 3 storey building comprising A1, A2 and B1a uses on the ground floor and 4 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed flats above following demolition of existing building. 2021-12-01 2018-10-19
BLR_069 BLR_069 Stoke Mill, Woking Road, Guildford, GU1 1QA yes 0.45 21 21 not owned by a public authority 2020-09-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.571 51.2496) 20/W/00091 Prior notification for a proposed change of use from existing Class B1(a) (Offices) to Class C3 (dwellinghouse) comprising 21 residential units. Permission lapsed on 21/9/2023; furthermore, the site would only be considered suitable for residential use under a planning application subject to submission of evidence of active and comprehensive marketing for loss of the existing office use in accordance with Local Plan: Strategy and Sites Policy E3. 2023-10-12 2018-10-19 2023-09-21
BLR_070 BLR_070 Stoughton Social Club, 172 Worplesdon Road, Guildford yes 0.14 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-11 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-0.5935 51.2557) 18/P/00043, granted 2018-06-11, now lapsed. Extension, refurbishment and change of use of a vacant social club to 14 flats, including associated landscaping works, construction of a refuse and cycle store and parking provision. 2021-12-01 2018-10-19
BLR_071 BLR_071 Day Nursery, 56 Epsom Road, Guildford, GU4 7AA yes 0.08 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2018-08-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5615 51.2374) 18/P/00323. Creation of six flats following change of use from D1 (Nursery) to C3 (Residential) use. Development completed 27/10/2020. 2021-11-18 2018-10-19 2020-10-27
BLR_072 BLR_072 Roseberry, Keens Lane, Guildford, GU3 3JS yes 0.26 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-26 other permissioned POINT(-0.5988 51.2618) 18/P/00058, granted 2018-03-09, now lapsed. Proposed erection of eight two storey dwellinghouses following demolition of existing buildings. 18/W/00103 granted 2018-10-26. Prior notification for a Change of Use from B1(a) (Offices) to C3 (Residential). Development completed as of 20/06/2024. 2024-11-04 2018-12-04 2024-06-20
BLR_073 BLR_073 Inner Court, Pewley Hill, Guildford, GU1 3SP yes 0.03 1 2 not owned by a public authority 2019-11-07 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-0.5647 51.2317) 19/P/01220, approved 7 November 2019, now lapsed. Proposed erection of a two storey replacement dwelling following demolition of the existing dwelling; enlargement of existing drive. Permission lapsed. 2022-11-23 2018-10-31
BLR_074 BLR_074 Oldlands Field Yard, Garlicks Arch Copse, Portsmouth Road, Ripley, GU2 6EL 0.32 10 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned 2018-11-02 2018-11-02 2019-11-02
BLR_075 BLR_075 53 Chantry View Road, Guildford, GU1 3XT yes 0.57 1 1 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5653 51.2281) 15/P/02169 Erection of one six bedroom dwelling and one seven bedroom dwelling following demolition of 53 Chantry View Road. Development started 1/4/2020. 2020-11-09 2019-11-01 2020-04-01
BLR_076 BLR_076 28b Boxgrove Avenue, Guildford, GU1 1XG yes 0.28 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2018-12-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5494 51.2494) 17/P/01975 Demolition of existing dwelling and redevelopment to provide 3 detached five bedroom dwellings. Development completed 1/4/20. 2021-12-01 2019-11-01 2020-04-01
BLR_077 BLR_077 Old Manor House Cottages, Upper Street, Shere, Guildford, GU5 9JE yes 0.59 1 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.4663 51.2208) 17/P/00035. Alterations (internal and external), extension, refurbishment and subdivision of 1 and 2 Old Manor Cottages into 3 new dwellings.Development completed 01/04/2020. 2021-12-01 2019-11-01 2020-04-01
BLR_078 BLR_078 Land to the rear of 2 Ash Street and at 4a Ash Street, Aldershot, Guildford, GU12 6LT yes 0.18 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.7278 51.2442) 17/P/02286, granted 2018-10-23. First floor roof extension and ground floor extensions to existing building at 4a Ash Street, Ash and conversion to create six flats; demolition of existing buildings to the rear of 2 Ash Street and erection of four flats with associated parking, cycle/bin storage, amenity space and landscaping. Development started 06/01/2022. 2024-11-04 2019-11-01 2022-01-06
BLR_079 BLR_079 47 Station Road East, Ash Vale, Guildford, GU12 5LY yes 0.13 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2018-07-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.7255 51.2716) 18/P/00095. Erection of six one bedroom apartments together with four two bedroom apartments following demolition of existing bungalow and four mobile homes. Development completed 20/04/2021. 2021-12-01 2019-11-01 2021-04-20
BLR_080 BLR_080 74 New Road, and land to the rear of 76 to 88 New Road, Chilworth, Guildford, GU4 8LU yes 0.38 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2018-08-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5413 51.2137) 18/P/00257 Proposed erection of nine x two storey dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling. Development started 03/03/2020; appears to be complete. 2024-11-04 2019-11-01 2020-03-03
BLR_081 BLR_081 Ripley Village Hall, High Street, Ripley yes 0.39 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.4956 51.2987) 18/P/01192 Proposed erection of nine x two storey dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling. Development started 30/04/2021. 2021-12-01 2019-11-01 2021-04-30
BLR_082 BLR_082 Land rear of 90 - 96, New Road, Chilworth, GU4 8LU yes 0.19 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-01-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5405 51.2138) 18/P/02248 Erection of 5 dwellings (2 semi-detached & 3 terrace) with associated car parking and landscaping. Development started 03/03/2020; appears to be complete. 2024-11-04 2019-11-01 2020-03-03
BLR_083 BLR_083 33 Manor Road, Tongham, Farnham, GU10 1BL yes 0.31 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.7304 51.2375) 18/P/02310 Demolish garage, erect replacement garage and five detached dwellinghouses (3 x three-bed and 2 x four-bed) and construct new access road along with associated ancillary works. Development started on 20/04/2021. 2022-11-01 2019-11-01 2021-04-20
BLR_084 BLR_084 Units 2 & 3 Pannells Court, Guildford, GU1 4EU yes 0.02 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2018-08-17 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-0.5702 51.2372) 18/W/00082, granted 2018-08-17, now lapsed. Prior notification for a proposed change of use of the ground and first floors from (class B1(a)) offices to (class C3) residential. Development appears to be completed as of Nov 2022. 2022-11-01 2019-11-01 2022-11-01
BLR_085 BLR_085 11, Annandale Road, Guildford, GU2 4LR yes 0.07 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.5868 51.234) 19/P/01313 Demolition of all existing buildings and the erection of two residential buildings comprising of 12 x 1 bedroom apartments, to include the construction of two bin stores and a comprehensive landscaping scheme. Development completed 08/11/2022. 2023-10-12 2020-11-09 2022-11-08
BFLR2017_001 BFLR2017_001 107 Poyle Road, Tongham, Farnham, GU10 1DY yes 0.49 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-10-02 outline planning permission permissioned Reserved matters received 13 November 2017 pursuant to outline planning permission 15/P/02267, granted on appeal on 16/08/2016.. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of six dwellings all matters reserved except access (amended plans received on 28/01/2016). 2017-11-30 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_002 BFLR2017_002 Foreman Manor, Foreman Road, Ash, Guildford, GU12 6HE yes 0.26 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-01-27 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/02133. Erection of 9 dwellings following the demolition of Foreman Manor 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_003 BFLR2017_003 Land at Guildford Park Road Surface Car Park, Guildford GU2 7NF yes 2.15 160 owned by a public authority 2017-01-23 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/01290. Demolition of existing garage buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 160 residential apartments and houses (Use Class C3) with new infrastructure, parking, access, landscaping, cycle storage and associated facilities including private and communal amenity space together with a five storey 541 space multi-storey public car park (Sui Generis) and 825 sqm. (GEFA) flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class A1, B1 and D2) on the ground floor of the multi-storey car park 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_004 BFLR2017_004 Land at, 109 South Lane, Ash, Guildford, GU12 6NL yes 1.08 20 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-09 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 14/P/01637. Erection of a residential development comprising 21 dwellings (4 x 2 bed, 5 x 3 bed, 7 x 4 bed and 5 x 5 bed units) with associated access, parking and landscaping, following demolition of existing dwelling 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_005 BFLR2017_005 Land to the rear of 57, Manor Road, Tongham, GU10 1BA yes 0.31 9 mixed ownership 2016-11-30 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/01913. Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access garages, carports and parking 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_006 BFLR2017_006 The Apple Tree, Southway, Guildford, GU2 8DT yes 0.4 18 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-08 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/00802. Erection of 1 x 2 storey block of ten apartments (4 x 2 bed & 6 x 1 bed) and 1 x 3 storey block of eight apartments (3 x 1 bed & 5 x 2 bed) together with associated car parking, recycling area, cycle store and new landscaping 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_007 BFLR2017_007 The Flat, Dental Care, 26 Farnham Road, Guildford, GU2 4JN yes 0.28 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-05 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 17/P/00051. Increase in ridge height to enable the addition of a two bedroom second floor flat. New external access stairs and door, dormer window and six rooflights to side elevations and Juliette balcony to rear (description amended 13/01/2017). 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_008 BFLR2017_008 Wey Corner, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4TT yes 0.38 56 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-11 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/00752. Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to provide two four storey buildings comprising 56 residential units including affordable housing (Use Class C3) together with associated car parking and landscaping works 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_009 BFLR2017_009 Windyridge, 46 Pewley Hill, Guildford, GU1 3SP yes 0.95 1 owned by a public authority 2016-11-17 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/01401. Proposed two x two storey detached dwellings with rooms in loft and detached garages and associated access works, following demolition of existing property 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_010 BFLR2017_010 17-23 Market Street, Guildford yes 0.02 6 not owned by a public authority 2015-10-29 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 15/P/01266 . Conversion of existing upper floor storage areas to six (3x1 bed, 3x2 bed) self contained flats. 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_011 BFLR2017_011 Great Goodwin Drive Garages, Great Goodwin Drive, Guildford yes 0.14 6 not owned by a public authority 2014-12-05 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 14/P/00979 . Erection of three pairs of semi-detached two storey houses with front and rear gardens and associated access and parking 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_012 BFLR2017_012 Land to the rear of Woodbridge Hill Filling Station, Aldershot Road, Guildford, GU2 8AG yes 0.22 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-01 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/01824. Erection of four two bedroom houses and two pairs of semi-detached three bedroom houses with rooms in the roof associated parking and access from Aldershot Road. 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_013 BFLR2017_013 28-30, 32 and 34-36 Chertsey Street, Guildford, GU1 4HD yes 0.16 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-02-22 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 16/P/01915. Conversion of existing office space B1 (offices) to C3 (Residential) above retail units and shop floor to the rear of retail unit at 28-30, 32 and 34-36 to create 1x one bedroom and 7x two bedroom apartments with additional windows, alterations to existing windows, additional doorways with replacement windows, re-cladding, rooflights, landscaping and bin and cycle stores. 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_014 BFLR2017_014 14-15 Quarry Street, Guildford, GU1 3UY yes 0.05 9 not owned by a public authority 2014-11-14 full planning permission permissioned Application ref. 14/P/01519 . Change of use of office building to form nine individual flats, together with alterations to fenestration and provision of new refuse and cycle store, following demolition of existing single storey rear extension. 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_015 BFLR2017_015 Works, Poyle Road, Tongham, GU10 1DS 0.12 10 10 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_016 BFLR2017_016 Public House, Oxenden Road, Tongham 0.17 15 15 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_017 BFLR2017_017 Builders Yard (Elms Garden), Glaziers Lane, Normandy yes 1.25 15 15 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_018 BFLR2017_018 Courier House, Aldershot Road, Ash 0.6 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-31 full planning permission Not permissioned Application ref. 16/P/02004. Demolition of existing office/distribution building and erection of 9 houses (7x3 bed and 2x4 bed), 5x2 bed flats and a religious meeting hall (D1 use) 2017-12-05 2017-12-05 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_019 BFLR2017_019 Slyfield Area Regeneration Project, Guildford 40 1000 1000 mixed ownership Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A24 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_020 BFLR2017_020 Land at Westway, off Aldershot Road, Guildford yes 0.56 38 38 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A19 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_021 BFLR2017_021 Land at Guildford Cathedral, Alresford Road, Guildford 3.28 93 93 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A15 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_022 BFLR2017_022 The Plaza, Portsmouth Road, Guildford yes 0.38 90 90 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A1 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_023 BFLR2017_023 Jewsons, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford 0.64 175 175 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A5 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_024 BFLR2017_024 Surrey Police Headquarters, Mount Browne, Sandy Lane, Guildford 5.9 116 116 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A32 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_025 BFLR2017_025 Former Pond Meadow School, Pond Meadow, Guildford yes 0.6 11 11 owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A20 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_026 BFLR2017_026 Land between Farnham Road and the Mount, Guildford 0.64 70 70 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A3 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_027 BFLR2017_027 Land at Coltsfoot Drive, 1 Bryony Road and garages, Guildford 0.64 18 18 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05
BFLR2017_028 BFLR2017_028 Land between Gill Avenue and Rosalind Frankin Close, Guildford 2.36 61 61 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned 2017 Submission Local Plan allocation ref. A16 2017-09-27 2017-09-27 2018-07-05

Showing rows 51 to 100 of 138