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Harborough District Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
1001 1001 Ex-garage site at Naseby Square/ Newcombe St, Market Harborough yes 0.47 20 16 not owned by a public authority 2021-12-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.921698 52.472177) Site forms part of a larger site with planning permission (20/01802/FUL) for net 20 affordable units 2022-12-31 2017-11-07
1002 1002 Former Travis Perkins site, Clarence Street, Market Harborough yes 0.37 44 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.913617 52.479036) Complete 2020-07-31 2017-11-07 2020-07-31
1003 1003 Former Harboro' Rubber site, 124 - 128, St Mary's Rd, Market Harborough yes 0.43 45 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.912919 52.478117) 21/01384/NMA planning permission to allow phased implementation of original concent (ref 16/01663/FUL) for 45 dwellings and appartments (with site 1004) 2022-12-31 2017-11-07
1004 1004 West of footbridge, Rockingham Road, Market Harborough yes 0.14 28 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-23 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-0.910284 52.478613) 21/01384/NMA planning permission to allow phased implementation of original concent (ref 16/01663/FUL) for 28 dwellings and appartments (with site 1003). 2022-12-31 2017-11-07
1005 1005 Merrie Monk, 38 Station Road, Dunton Bassett yes 0.18 2 not owned by a public authority 2014-05-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.186081 52.512262) Removed as below threshold 2020-07-31 2017-11-07 2020-07-31
1006 1006 Old Station Yard, Rockingham Road, Great Easton 0.96 28 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.725748 52.529319) Removed as not sustainable location/countryside location/development would be contrary to Great Easton NP 2020-07-31 2017-11-07 2020-07-31
1007 1007 Midland Handling Equipment Ltd., Stretton Road, Great Glen 0.75 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.03342 52.575511) Removed as in employment use. 2020-07-31 2017-11-07 2020-07-31
1008 1008 Land at Fishers Farm, Main Street, Foxton yes 0.75 11 not owned by a public authority 2019-11-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.967965 52.50618) Removed as does not meet brownfield definition 2020-07-31 2017-11-07 2020-07-31
1009 1009 Garden Centre adjacent to 80 Dunton Road, Broughton Astley yes 0.4 8 not owned by a public authority 2021-07-15 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.209499 52.51938) Permission for erection of 8 dwellings (20/02016/REM) 2020-07-31 2017-11-07
1010 1010 Self Unlimited East Midlands Region, Melton Road, Shangton yes 2.9 26 not owned by a public authority 2019-12-19 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-0.938169 52.561246) Permission (16/00034/OUT) for up to 27 dwellings (now 26). Under construction. Several completions on site come forward as self build. Numerous reserved matters permissions. 2020-07-31 2017-11-07
1011 1011 Clover Court, Hearth Street, Market Harborough yes 0.26 11 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.927293 52.479453) Complete 2020-07-31 2017-11-07 2020-07-31
1012 1012 7 - 35 Knights Close, Billesdon yes 0.57 18 not owned by a public authority 2015-10-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.941523 52.618867) Complete 2020-07-31 2017-11-07 2020-07-31
1013 1013 Former railway station, Station Street, Kibworth Beauchamp yes 0.63 26 not owned by a public authority 2016-04-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.990528 52.53775) Permission for 26 dwellings (15/00787/FUL). Under construction with 10 completions to date. 2022-12-31 2017-11-07
1014 1014 Car/lorry park, Gaulby Road, Billesdon 0.22 7 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.940374 52.612884) Allocated as a reserve site for housing in the Billesdon Neighbourhood Plan (2014). 2020-07-31 2017-11-07
1015 1015 Swiftway Centre, Lutterworth yes 0.14 16 not owned by a public authority 2022-12-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.199942 52.463695) Planning permission (21/01823/FUL) for 13 flats and 3 dwellings. 2022-12-31 2020-07-31
1016 1016 Brooklands, 34 Northampton Road, Market Harborough yes 0.1 8 not owned by a public authority 2020-03-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.919455 52.475948) Planning permission (19/01683/FUL) for erection of a two-storey building to create 8 apartments 2020-07-31 2020-07-31
1017 1017 White Hart Garage, Leicester Road, Billesdon yes 0.22 10 not owned by a public authority 2020-03-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.939966 52.619239) Planning permission (18/00635/FUL) for erection of 10 dwellings. 2022-12-31 2020-07-31
1018 1018 Telford Way Garages, Telford Way, Thurnby yes 0.1 9 not owned by a public authority 2018-02-13 outline planning permission not permissioned POINT(-1.052707 52.634269) Lapsed planning permission (17/00958/OUT) for the erection of 9 dwellings. 2022-12-31 2020-07-31
1019 1019 Abattoir Site, South Kilworth 0.3 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.113137 52.432261) Allocated for housing in South Kilworth NP as part of larger site. Whole site capacity shown. 2022-12-31 2020-07-31
A/MH/HSG/46 A/MH/HSG/46 yes 0.46 11 16 unknown ownership not permissioned POINT(-0.921698 52.472177) 2017-11-07 2017-11-07 2021-01-08
A/MH/HSG/58 A/MH/HSG/58 yes 0.38 44 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-0.913617 52.479036) Application (ref 17/00686/FUL) for erection of 44 retirement living apartments 2017-11-07 2017-11-07 2021-01-08
A/MH/HSG/59 A/MH/HSG/59 yes 0.43 46 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-0.912919 52.478117) Application for 3 sites (ref 16/01663/FUL) for 73 houses & apartments + change of use of vacant flour mill to offices 2017-11-07 2017-11-07 2021-01-08
A/DB/HSG/03 A/DB/HSG/03 yes 0.18 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2014-05-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.186081 52.512262) Permission (ref 16/01978/FUL) for one pair of semi-detached dwellings (Resubmission of 14/00367/FUL) 2017-11-07 2017-11-07 2021-01-08
RC014/10 RC014/10 0.75 8 8 unknown ownership not permissioned Lapsed planning consent (ref. 05/01168/FUL) for 8 units. 2017-11-07 2017-11-07 2021-01-08
A/BL/HSG/02 A/BL/HSG/02 yes 0.22 7 7 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.940374 52.612884) Site forms access to a larger site subject to withdrawn proposal (ref. 12/01783/FUL) for 70 units on greenfield site 2017-11-07 2017-11-07 2021-01-08
1020 1020 Rear of 2 High Street, Great Easton 0.52 11 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.747944 52.528664) Allocated in Great Easton Neighoburhood Plan (2018) for 11 dwellings 2022-12-31 2022-12-31
1021 1021 20 Abbey Street, Market Harborough yes 0.04 9 not owned by a public authority 2021-02-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.924674 52.478986) Planning permission (20/01379/FUL) for 9 dwellings 2022-12-31 2022-12-31
1022 1022 Ambulance Station, Leicester Road, Market Harborough yes 0.52 42 not owned by a public authority 2020-10-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.932438 52.487424) Planning permission (19/00461/FUL) for 76-bed care home (Use Class C2). Equivalent to 42 units in 5 YHLS. 2022-12-31 2022-12-31
1023 1023 Fisher German, 40 High Street, Market Harborough yes 0.24 21 not owned by a public authority 2022-09-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.924425 52.480229) Planning permission (20/00770/FUL) for 21 dwellings 2022-12-31 2022-12-31
1024 1024 Station House Livery Yard, Medbourne 0.47 12 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.821732 52.534032) Allocated in Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan for around 12 dwellings (on part with buildings) 2022-12-31 2022-12-31
1025 1025 787 Uppingham Road, Thurnby yes 0.47 40 not owned by a public authority 2021-04-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.986893 52.630244) Planning permission (20/00370/FUL) for erection of a 73 bed residential care home (Use Class C2). Equivalent of 40 units in 5YHLS. 2022-12-31 2022-12-31
1026 1026 Clarkes of Great Glen Ltd, New Road, Kibworth Beauchamp yes 0.33 8 not owned by a public authority 2021-05-26 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.987974 52.537005) Outline planning permission (ref: 21/00143/OUT) for demolition of factory unit and erection of 8 dwellings 2022-12-31 2022-12-31