Middlesbrough Borough Council
Brownfield land
Reference | Name | Site address | Deliverable | Hazardous substances | Hectares | MinNetDwellings | Minimum net dwellings | Maximum net dwellings | Ownership status | Planning permission date | Planning permission type | Planning permission history | Planning permission status | Site plan URL | Point | Notes | OrganisationLabel | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
BR15 | BR15 | 7-13 Waterloo Road | yes | 0.04 | 60 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-06-13 | outline planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ZZZZSKKUSK339 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br15-7-13-waterloo-roadjpg | POINT(-1.238065 54.568794) | Outline planning permission for erection of 1no student accommodation building comprising 60no units (demolition of existing building) | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | |||||
BR16 | BR16 | L/B Rochester Rd, Eastbourne Rd and Mulgrave Rd | yes | 0.16 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-04-27 | full planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ONZXX0KUMPA00 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br16-lb-rochester-rd-eastbourne-rd-and-mulgrave-rdjpg | POINT(-1.237617 54.55798) | Erection of 6no 2 bed detached bungalows | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | |||||
BR18 | BR18 | Former Liberty's PH, Longlands Road, Longlands | 0.27 | 8 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br18-former-libertys-phjpg | POINT(-1.220956 54.566457) | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||||||
BR20 | BR20 | 45-49 Albert Road | 0.05 | 11 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-07-22 | other | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=ZZZZSKKUSK940 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br20-45-49-albert-roadjpg | POINT(-1.234835 54.576907) | Conversion of former retail use (A1) and Office (B1) to 11 residential flats (C3), 6 1B and 5 3B units. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR21 | BR21 | Land at St Agnes Church, Easterside | 0.18 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br21-land-st-agnes-churchjpg | POINT(-1.215722 54.542589) | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||||||
BR22 | BR22 | L/R 50-60 Hutton Road, Longlands | yes | 0.31 | 28 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-12-01 | outline planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=OWMA2IKUI6T00 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br22-lr-50-60-hutton-roadjpg | POINT(-1.216007 54.564034) | Outline application for residential development comprising 3no apartment blocks (28 no apartments in total) with associated access and parking | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | |||||
BR24 | BR24 | Farndale Road | 0.42 | 42 | not owned by a public authority | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ZZZZSMKUSK293 | not permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br24-farndale-roadjpg | POINT(-1.220183 54.559172) | Lapsed applicaion for 2 1/2 storey care home comprising 50 no beds, with external/internal communal facilities and associated works, including car parking/access and landscaping and boundary treatment. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||||
BR27 | BR27 | Former Marton Hotel and Country Club, Stokesley Road, Marton | 1.08 | 38 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br27-former-marton-hotel-and-country-club-stokesley-roadjpg | POINT(-1.203008 54.534237) | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||||||
BR29 | BR29 | 303-307 Linthorpe Road | 0.04 | 8 | not owned by a public authority | 2013-05-20 | full planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ZZZZSMKUSK701 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br29-303-307-linthorpe-roadjpg | POINT(-1.240017 54.567773) | Change of use to 2no hot food takeaways on ground floor, 1no residential dwelling at rear & 7no flats, alterations to elevations. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR31 | BR31 | Rear of Crescent Road | 0.12 | 72 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-05-16 | full planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ZZZZSKKUSK359 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br31-rear-crescent-roadjpg | POINT(-1.242431 54.566018) | Erection of 3 storey student residential accommodation containing 6no 12 studios with associated access, parking with 2no alley gates. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR33 | BR33 | Middlesbrough Warehousing, James Street, North Ormesby | 2.42 | 85 | mixed ownership | not permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br33-middlesbrough-warehousing-james-streetjpg | POINT(-1.21004 54.573522) | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||||||
BR34 | BR34 | 35 Park Road South | 0.06 | 22 | not owned by a public authority | 2014-07-23 | reserved matters approval | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ZZZZSRKUSK311 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br34-35-park-road-southjpg | POINT(-1.238783 54.562616) | Demolition of existing building and the erection of a 4.5 storey block comprising 10no 2bed & 12no 1 bed self contained flats with parking and landscaping. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR37 | BR37 | 56 Cargo Fleet Road | 0.11 | 13 | not owned by a public authority | 2014-12-14 | full planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ZZZZSTKUSK978 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br37-56-cargo-fleet-roadjpg | POINT(-1.183202 54.553329) | Part 2 storey, part 3 storey residential block of 13no. 2B flats with car park and associated works. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR39 | BR39 | 57 Grange Road | 0.01 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-03-30 | full planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ZZZZSLKUSK244 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br39-57-grange-roadjpg | POINT(-1.238296 54.574628) | Conversion of upper floor to create 5no self contained flats with 8no pitched roof dormers to front and side. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR40 | BR40 | 278 Parliament Road | 0.03 | 8 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-11-22 | full planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=ODWM4OKU00300 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br40-278-parliment-roadjpg | POINT(-1.2541 54.570718) | Conversion to 8no student flats to include external alterations to existing elevations including new roof lights, windows and doors and erection of new boundary wall. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR41 | BR41 | Newham House, 96-98 Borough Road | 0.02 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-03-15 | full planning permission | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=OFR9BTKUK0T00 | permissioned | https://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/files/brownfields-register-br44-lower-gosford-lower-feversham-street-middlehavenjpg | POINT(-1.234924 54.572989) | Conversion of second and third floors from offices (A2) to 12no self-contained residential units (C3) and alterations to the front elevation. | 2017-12-11 | 2017-12-11 | 2023-04-11 | ||||||
BR51 | BR51 | Longlands Road/Douglas Street | 0.13 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | https://publicaccess.middlesbrough.gov.uk/online-applications/caseDetails.do?caseType=Application&keyVal=ZZZZSNKUSK159 | not permissioned | POINT(-1.222091 54.566167) | Erection of 4/5 storey block comprising 17no. Cluster flats with associated access and car parking. | 2018-03-31 | 2018-03-31 | 2023-04-11 | |||||||||
BR53 | BR53 | 1 Acklam Road | 0.37 | 13 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | POINT(-1.259629 54.559204) | 2018-03-31 | 2018-03-31 | 2023-04-11 |
Showing rows 51 to 68 of 68