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Newcastle City Council

Listed building outline

Reference Name Listed building Geometry Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
1395156 TREES, MIDDLE DRIVE, WOOLSINGTON 1395156 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.695133 55.027418,-1.695138 55.027355,-1.694864 55.027350,-1.694818 55.027325,-1.694816 55.027352,-1.694619 55.027347,-1.694615 55.027409,-1.694752 55.027412,-1.694796 55.027437,-1.694800 55.027410,-1.695133 55.027418))) Two storey rectangular brick building built in 1967/68 2010-10-27 2010-10-27
1419279 Mea House, Ellison Place 1419279 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.608222 54.976360,-1.608139 54.976187,-1.608243 54.976169,-1.608282 54.976143,-1.608299 54.976117,-1.608287 54.976082,-1.608155 54.976015,-1.608066 54.976028,-1.607998 54.975886,-1.607751 54.975921,-1.607842 54.976117,-1.607708 54.976138,-1.607771 54.976260,-1.607901 54.976233,-1.607976 54.976398,-1.608222 54.976360))) Mea House, Ellison Place 2015-01-26 2015-01-26
1424948 Salvation Army Mens Palace 1424948 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.600749 54.971857,-1.601147 54.971819,-1.601196 54.971808,-1.601866 54.971515,-1.601752 54.971431,-1.601783 54.971414,-1.601710 54.971357,-1.601446 54.971438,-1.600555 54.971678,-1.600620 54.971764,-1.600749 54.971857))) Mens Social Services Centre for the Salvation Army 2015-06-29 2015-06-29
1431012 Roman Catholic Church Of St Charles, Attached Presbytery And Boundary Wall To South And South West, Church Road 1431012 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.617982 55.007623,-1.617976 55.007602,-1.618173 55.007578,-1.618166 55.007536,-1.618236 55.007523,-1.618220 55.007479,-1.618205 55.007474,-1.618146 55.007481,-1.618137 55.007454,-1.618129 55.007455,-1.618120 55.007440,-1.617927 55.007462,-1.617919 55.007446,-1.617897 55.007447,-1.617888 55.007431,-1.617664 55.007457,-1.617635 55.007391,-1.617609 55.007383,-1.617505 55.007394,-1.617484 55.007386,-1.617443 55.007392,-1.617424 55.007406,-1.617469 55.007526,-1.617605 55.007510,-1.617610 55.007523,-1.617709 55.007511,-1.617728 55.007568,-1.617759 55.007592,-1.617816 55.007607,-1.617831 55.007639,-1.617982 55.007623)),((-1.617353 55.007373,-1.617354 55.007378,-1.618091 55.007283,-1.618242 55.007335,-1.618094 55.007279,-1.617353 55.007373))) Roman Catholic Church Of St Charles, Attached Presbytery And Boundary Wall To South And South West, Church Road 2016-05-16 2016-05-16
1431167 First World War memorial To The North West Of The Church Of St Mary, On The Corner Of Newburn Road And Hexham Road 1431167 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.753786 54.995907,-1.753896 54.995881,-1.753969 54.995838,-1.753789 54.995837,-1.753786 54.995907))) First World War memorial To The North West Of The Church Of St Mary, On The Corner Of Newburn Road And Hexham Road 2016-02-17 2016-02-17
1433742 First World War memorial, Darrell Street 1433742 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.635307 55.047644,-1.635309 55.047608,-1.635250 55.047608,-1.635246 55.047642,-1.635307 55.047644))) First World War memorial, Darrell Street 2016-04-18 2016-04-18
1434062 War Memorial Between Saint Silas Church And Brian Roycroft Court, Clifford Street 1434062 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.585602 54.975674,-1.585609 54.975687,-1.585629 54.975694,-1.585657 54.975689,-1.585669 54.975678,-1.585662 54.975662,-1.585642 54.975655,-1.585614 54.975659,-1.585602 54.975674))) War Memorial Between Saint Silas Church And Brian Roycroft Court, Clifford Street 2016-04-15 2016-04-15
1437126 Spiral Nebula Outside The Herschel Building 1437126 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.615700 54.978010,-1.615676 54.977974,-1.615651 54.977979,-1.615672 54.978015,-1.615700 54.978010))) Spiral Nebula Outside The Herschel Building, Off Haymarket Lane, University Of Newcastle 2016-08-02 2016-08-02
1437134 War Memorial, Gosforth Central Park 1437134 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.617870 55.005571,-1.617861 55.005536,-1.617801 55.005543,-1.617812 55.005577,-1.617870 55.005571))) War Memorial, Gosforth Central Park, Moor Road North 2016-08-16 2016-08-16
1437311 Parsons Polygon, Junction Of Blackett Street And Blackett Place 1437311 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.613947 54.974060,-1.613971 54.974077,-1.613990 54.974075,-1.614004 54.974063,-1.614001 54.974052,-1.613981 54.974044,-1.613961 54.974046,-1.613947 54.974060))) Parsons Polygon, Junction Of Blackett Street And Blackett Place 2016-08-02 2016-08-02
1439593 THE WAR MEMORIAL CROSS OF ST CUTHBERT'S CHURCH 1439593 The war memorial cross of St. Cuthbert's Church 2016-11-11 2016-11-11
1439811 WALKER WAR MEMORIAL 1439811 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.551812 54.971054,-1.551789 54.971014,-1.551719 54.971026,-1.551741 54.971066,-1.551812 54.971054))) Walker War Memorial 2017-01-09 2017-01-09
1441600 WAR MEMORIAL TO 5TH NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS, WALKER PARK 1441600 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.548574 54.971425,-1.548555 54.971385,-1.548492 54.971396,-1.548511 54.971435,-1.548574 54.971425))) War Memorial to 5th Northumberland Fusiliers 2017-02-03 2017-02-03
1237343 SOUTH SHOTTON EDGE HOUSE 1237343 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.645482 55.076258,-1.645425 55.076153,-1.645271 55.076182,-1.645332 55.076288,-1.645482 55.076258))) South Shotton Edge House 1987-04-29 1987-04-29
1264152 SOUTH SHOTTON EDGE COTTAGE AND ADJACENT OUTBUILDINGS 1264152 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.645647 55.076301,-1.645721 55.076288,-1.645629 55.076114,-1.645591 55.076119,-1.645601 55.076141,-1.645565 55.076147,-1.645647 55.076301))) South Shotton Edge Cottage and adjacent outbuildings 1987-04-29 1987-04-29
1024786 WAREHOUSE TO WEST OF WAREHOUSE FORMERLY KNOWN AS BAXTER'S 1024786 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.603297 54.970486,-1.603306 54.970499,-1.603332 54.970504,-1.603352 54.970498,-1.603359 54.970482,-1.603344 54.970470,-1.603320 54.970468,-1.603300 54.970477,-1.603297 54.970486))) 1987-03-30 1987-03-30
1320375 WYCLIF BAPTIST CHURCH 1320375 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.645614 54.968468,-1.645622 54.968481,-1.645652 54.968486,-1.645671 54.968479,-1.645676 54.968464,-1.645660 54.968452,-1.645641 54.968450,-1.645619 54.968458,-1.645614 54.968468))) 1987-03-30 1987-03-30
1441351 War memorial outside St Anthony's Church, Walker 1441351 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.555689 54.963685,-1.555718 54.963676,-1.555716 54.963665,-1.555684 54.963660,-1.555673 54.963668,-1.555675 54.963678,-1.555689 54.963685))) 2017-02-14 2017-02-14
1439949 Scotswood War Memorial 1439949 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.691563 54.972065,-1.691628 54.972059,-1.691624 54.972034,-1.691543 54.972036,-1.691563 54.972065))) 2016-12-02 2016-12-02
1438772 Lemington War Memorial 1438772 MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.713955 54.983019,-1.713888 54.983020,-1.713924 54.983066,-1.713955 54.983019))) 2016-10-14 2016-10-14

Showing rows 751 to 770 of 770