London Borough of Newham
Brownfield land
Reference | Name | Site address | Deliverable | Hazardous substances | Hectares | MinNetDwellings | Minimum net dwellings | Maximum net dwellings | Ownership status | Planning permission date | Planning permission type | Planning permission history | Planning permission status | Site plan URL | Point | Notes | OrganisationLabel | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
HSG6 | HSG6 | 236 Romford Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 9HZ | yes | 0.05 | 10 | 11 | owned by a public authority | 2019-12-17 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.02324 51.545142) | Construction of a four-storey block of flats comprising 11 affordable residential units (Use class C3) consisting of: 2no. 1-bed flats, 5no. 2-bed flats, 3no. 3-bed flats, and 1no. 3-bed Wheelchair adaptable unit to be provided at 'London Affordable Rent';. | 2020-12-11 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG7 | HSG7 | 16 Wordsworth Avenue, manor Park, E12 6SU | yes | 0.13 | 11 | 18 | owned by a public authority | 2020-09-23 | full planning permission || | permissioned | | POINT(0.051285 51.541276) | Started. Redevelopment of site adj to 18 Wordsworth Avenue to provide two terraced residential blocks, two and three storey comprising 11 x 3 bedroom houses together with 3 parking spaces, servicing, cycle parking, landscaping and other works.. | 2021-12-05 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG8 | HSG8 | 42 West Ham Lane, Stratford, London, E15 4PT | 0.05 | 5 | 14 | owned by a public authority | | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.006382 51.537874) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | ||||||||
HSG10 | HSG10 | Former Lea Bon Club, 141 Church Street & John Street, Stratford, London E15 3EY | 0.25 | 5 | 17 | owned by a public authority | 2022-03-18 | full planning permission | | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.013415 51.534416) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | ||||||
HSG11 | HSG11 | 95 Arragon Road, East Ham, London, E6 1QW | 0.15 | 10 | 23 | mixed ownership | | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.045749 51.533344) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | ||||||||
HSG12 | HSG12 | 236-242 Barking Road, East Ham, London, E6 3BB | yes | 0.07 | 7 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-06-30 | full planning permission | | not permissioned | | POINT(0.051153 51.531483) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||
HSG14 | HSG14 | 2-32 (evens) Hartington Road, Canning Town, E16 3NP | 24-38 (evens) Freemasons Road, Canning Town, E16 3NA |Garages at Vandome Close, Canning Town | 1-7 (odds) Vandome Close, Canning Town, E16 3SA | 0.11 | 82 | 113 | mixed ownership | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.027862 51.5119) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||||||
HSG16 | HSG16 | Site former 48-54, Grange Road, Plaistow, London, E13 0EQ | yes | 0.23 | 77 | 77 | owned by a public authority | 2018-05-09 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.023484 51.52492) | Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site including the erection of two residential buildings of 5 and 6 storeys to provide 77 residential units along with landscaping, car and cycle parking and associated works.. | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG17 | HSG17 | Site opposite 1 Kent Street, Court Area, Plaistow, London, E13 8RL | 0.06 | 5 | 10 | owned by a public authority | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.032446 51.524468) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||||||
HSG18 | HSG18 | 33A-35 Doherty Road, Plaistow, London, E13 8DR | yes | 0.07 | 9 | 10 | owned by a public authority | 2018-05-09 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.022599 51.521812) | Redevelopment of the site including erection of a part 3, part 4 storey building to provide 9 residential dwellings (4 x 3 bed flats and 5 x 3 bed houses).. | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG20 | HSG20 | Ashburton Road | Freemasons Road, Canning Town, London, E16 3QL | 1.36 | 255 | 270 | mixed ownership | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.024962 51.513036) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||||||
HSG21 | HSG21 | Land at Corner of 52 Baxter Road/Alnwick Road, West Beckton, London, E16 3EZ | yes | 0.12 | 10 | 15 | mixed ownership | 2018-09-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.039435 51.511563) | Redevelopment of existing vacant site including the erection of part two-storey, part four-storey buildings comprising 15 residential units (6 x 3 bed flats, 2 x 1 bed flats and 7 x 3 bed houses). | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG22 | HSG22 | Balaam Street Garage, 44-46 Balaam Street, Plaistow, London, E13 8AQ | yes | 0.11 | 15 | 21 | mixed ownership | 2019-08-16 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.024755 51.523208) | Demolition of existing auto-fitting centre and erection of 2no. two to four storey blocks comprising a total of 21 apartments (Block A and Block B), together with associated means of access and landscaping.. | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2021-12-17 | ||||
HSG24 | HSG24 | Cyprus 4, Land at Ferndale Street, Beckton, London, E6 | 1.01 | 100 | 180 | owned by a public authority | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.068867 51.509972) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||||||
HSG25 | HSG25 | Excel Site 4, Site Adjacent to Carpark, Seagull Lane, Cannnig Town, London, E16 1AZ | yes | 0.54 | 108 | 243 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-09-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.023379 51.508331) | Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to comprise the delivery of 796 residential dwellings and set within buildings up to ground plus 22 storeys in height, with associated car and cycle parking, landscaping, amenity spaces and other associated works.. | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2021-12-17 | ||||
HSG26 | HSG26 | Excel Site 3, West End Carpark, Western Gateway, Cannnig Town, London, E16 1DR | yes | 0.33 | 66 | 149 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-09-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.022197 51.508258) | Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to comprise the delivery of 796 residential dwellings and set within buildings up to ground plus 22 storeys in height, with associated car and cycle parking, landscaping, amenity spaces and other associated works.. | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG27 | HSG27 | Land Corner of Leonard Street / Newland Street, North Woolwich, London, E16 | 0.11 | 11 | 27 | owned by a public authority | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.050879 51.502289) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||||||
HSG28 | HSG28 | Former Tate Institute, Wythes Road & 18 Albert Road, North Woolwich, London, E16 2DW | 0.23 | 8 | 15 | owned by a public authority | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.049081 51.501636) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||||||
HSG31 | HSG31 | 268 Albert Road & 242 Fernhill Street, North Woolwich, London, E16 2HX | 0.35 | 26 | 56 | owned by a public authority | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.059119 51.500402) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||||||
HSG32 | HSG32 | Abbey House, Bakers Row, Stratford, London, E15 3NB | 0.21 | 42 | 75 | not owned by a public authority | | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.005753 51.532046) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | ||||||||
HSG34 | HSG34 | Garages 3 To 38 Opposite, 1 - 15 David Street, Stratford, London, E15 | yes | 0.1 | 10 | 35 | owned by a public authority | 2020-02-04 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.004234 51.546151) | Construction of a three-storey terrace comprising 12 affordable residential units (use class C3). | 2020-12-10 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG35 | HSG35 | Rear of 100 Rosebery Avenue, Manor Park, London, E12 6PS | 0.23 | 20 | 42 | not owned by a public authority | Not permissioned | | POINT(0.058149 51.544015) | | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | |||||||||
HSG36 | HSG36 | 9-11 Prince Regent Lane (Falcon Carriage site), Plaistow, London, E13 8RH | yes | 0.1 | 15 | 36 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-06-10 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.031593 51.524733) | Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 5 storey building to provide 36 no. flats and associated infrastructure.. | 2019-12-12 | 2017-11-30 | 2023-09-13 | ||||
HSG5 | HSG5 | 3-5 McGrath Road, Forest Gate, London, E15 4FA | yes | 0.158225 | 26 | 29 | owned by a public authority | 2014-12-23 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.015159 51.546127) | 26 Shared Equity Homes, consisting of 19 x 2 bed and 7 x 3 bed. | 2018-12-18 | 2017-11-30 | 2019-12-24 | ||||
HSG13 | HSG13 | 1-4 Nelson Street | High St North, East Ham, London, E6 6EQ | yes | 0.049518 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2017-04-03 | full planning permission || | permissioned | | POINT(0.057412 51.531222) | Refurb & conversion existing: 7 x resi dwellings comprising of 5 x 2 bed & 2 x 2 bed flats with flexi A3/A4 at grd flr. Demo of site, erection of 2 resi build of 2 storeys& part 3/ 4 storeys to provid | 2018-12-18 | 2017-11-30 | 2019-12-24 | ||||
HSG9 | HSG9 | 156 - 158 Katherine Road, East Ham, London, E6 1ER | yes | 0.052282 | 5 | 21 | not owned by a public authority | full planning permission || | permissioned | | POINT(0.047768 51.535939) | Conversion of existing commercial premises, rebuilt rear conservatory to the rear of the 2nd floor, internal & external remodelling to form 9 self-contained dwelling flats. Flats comprising of 1 x 1 b | 2018-12-18 | 2017-11-30 | 2019-12-24 | |||||
HSG30 | HSG30 | Barrier Park North, Carpark Adjacent to Barrier Park, North Woolwich Road, Silvertown, London, E16 | yes | 0.7 | owned by a public authority | 2017-04-11 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.035341 51.501519) | Demolition of the existing ramp and associated structures and redevelopment of the site to deliver 236 residential units and 769 sq. m of flexible floorspace (Use Classes A1-A3, B1, D1 and D2) over 15 floors, together with associated car and cycle parking, landscaping and pedestrian link route to Thames Barrier Park, and associated works.. | 2017-11-30 | 2017-11-30 | 2018-07-05 | ||||||
UPRN: 000046098532 | UPRN: 000046098532 | Baptist Tabernacle, West Ham Lane, Stratford, London, E15 4PT | yes | 0.048542 | 15 | 17 | not owned by a public authority | 2018-12-10 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.007954 51.535871) | Demolition of existing building; erection of a part 1, part 3, part 5/6 storey building comprising replacement church and community use (Class D1) over ground and basement levels together with 17 self-contained flats (comprising 9 x 1, 4 x 2 and 4 x 3 bed), together with associated cycle parking and landscaping. | 2019-12-12 | 2019-12-12 | 2020-04-22 | ||||
010008986537 | UPRN:010008986537 | The Gate House, 230B Grange Road, Plaistow, London, E13 0HG | yes | 0.03 | 5 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-06-16 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.014631 51.525349) | Demolition of existing detached house and redevelopment of site to provide 6 no. residential units | 2022-12-08 | 2022-12-08 | |||||
010023997856 | UPRN:010023997856 | 670 Barking Road, Plaistow, London, E13 9JY | yes | 0.02 | 5 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-06-07 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.032905 51.528098) | Proposed roof extension, alteration of existing building and erection of a part-2, part-3-storey building to add 4 no. dwellings. | 2022-12-08 | 2022-12-08 | |||||
010009002809 | UPRN:010009002809 | 1A Nursery Lane, Forest Gate, London, E7 8BL | yes | 0.04 | 5 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-03-09 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.025133 51.545924) | Town centre location. Redevelopment to provide a four storey building with office at ground floor and 7 flats above (4 x 1 beds, 1 x 2 bed, and 2 x 3beds) | 2022-12-08 | 2022-12-08 | |||||
010008986743 | UPRN:010008986743 | 384 Green Street, Upton Park, London, E13 9AP | yes | 0.03 | 7 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-11-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.034799 51.535824) | Town centre location. Retention of the commercial space at ground floor and the construction of 9 residential units over first, second, third and fourth floors comprising of 3 x 1-bed, 5 x 2-bed and 1 x 3-bed) | 2022-12-08 | 2022-12-08 | |||||
46036814 | UPRN:46036814 | 191 Hermit Road, Canning Town, London, E16 4LA | yes | 0.08 | 5 | 17 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-10-28 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.012122 51.523931) | Remodelling of the existing six building terrace including erection of 3 storey rear extensions, and extensions at roof level to create an additional storey to provide 6no. additional residential units with retention of the existing house at no. 211 Hermit Rd. Various associated alterations including landscaping works and provision of cycle and refuse storage facilities at no. 191 - 211 Hermit Road. | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
10008994973 | UPRN:10008994973 | 277A Green Street, Forest Gate, London, E7 8LJ | yes | 0.04 | 5 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-02-03 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.032957 51.539569) | Town centre location. Prior approval for the change of use from retail space to 3 residential units (Use Class C3). | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
46057743 | UPRN:46057743 | The Britannia, 2 Plaistow Grove, Stratford, London, E15 3ER | yes | 0.01 | 5 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-02-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.012745 51.534136) | Proposed conversion and extension to first floor, construction of new second and third floors to create 1x 1bed 2 person flat, 1x 1bed 1 person flat and 4x 2bed 3 person flats, above existing retained Public House. | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
10009003842 | UPRN:10009003842 | Land At 89 To 93 Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 0EP | yes | 0.63 | 5 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-11-10 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.024657 51.550423) | Town centre location. Proposed development of a part-3, part-4 storey, mixed-use development comprising of ground floor commercial space and nine new dwellings (two 1-bed, four 2-bed, and three 3-bed dwellings) and associated landscaping, refuse and cycle storage. | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
10008996981 | UPRN:10008996981 | 1 Norwich Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 9JJ | yes | 0.01 | 5 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-06-16 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.019216 51.546129) | Construction of ground and first floor side extensions, new second and third floors to create additional four units to a block of flats which have three existing (Total 7 flats consisting of: one studio flat; three, 1-bed [2-person] flats; one 2-bed [4-person] flat; and two 2-bed [3 person] flats). | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
10008996265 | UPRN:10008996265 | Royston Court, Stopford Road, Plaistow, London, E13 0NP | yes | 0.05 | 7 | 25 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-01-29 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.021945 51.535128) | Demolition of existing garages and redevelopment to provide 7 new residential units (Use Class C3) in the form of two storey mews houses on Pelly Road and three storey maisonettes at the corner of Crescent Road, together with the provision of associated hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking and refuse storage facilities. | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
10034508744 | UPRN:10034508744 | 340 - 344 Green Street, Upton Park, London, E13 9AP | yes | 0.05 | 8 | 18 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-11-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.034445 51.536729) | Town centre location. Proposed extension of mixed-use building, comprising of three additional storey's and new frontage to provide 8 no. new self-contained flats and associated amenities. | 2022-11-15 | 2022-11-15 | |||||
46093864 | UPRN:46093864 | Site Rear Of 75 Carnarvon Road, Stratford, London, E15 4LW | yes | 0.03 | 5 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-02-05 | full planning permission || | permissioned | | POINT(0.011073 51.545945) | Erection of three storey block of flats containing 1 x three bedroom flat (4person), 3 x one bedroom flat (2 person) and 1 x one bedroom flat (1 person) including cycle and refuse storage on the ground level. | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
46047746 | UPRN:46047746 | 2 Malmesbury Terrace, Canning Town, London, E16 4PL | yes | 0.03 | 5 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-02-05 | full planning permission | | pending decision | | POINT(0.010853 51.517712) | Town centre location. Construction of a four storey residential block to provide six apartments comprising of: 2no. 2 bed maisonettes, 1no. 3 bedroom town house, 1no. 2 bed flat, 1no. 1 bedroom flat and 1no. 3 bed flat / penthouse site | 2022-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
10008994946 | UPRN:10008994946 | 45 Beckton Road, Canning Town, London, E16 4EA | yes | 0.03 | 10 | 18 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-11-30 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.018491 51.516895) | Construction of five storey building comprising 6 x three bedroom, 2 x one bed flats and 2 x one bedroom flats in the roof space. | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
10008997395 | UPRN:10008997395 | 23 Harold Road, Upton Park, London, E13 0SE | yes | 0.1 | 25 | 28 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-12-10 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.034212 51.535384) | Full planning for demolition of existing prefabricated nursery buildings to enable the construction of a four/five storey, mixed use development to provide a new facility for the nursery and a residential component comprising of 8 no. 1 Bedroom units, 15 no. 2 Bedroom units and 5 no. 3 bedroom units including ancillary waste and bike storage | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | |||||
000046255415 | UPRN:000046255415 | 2A - 2B Windmill Lane, Stratford, London, E15 1PG | yes | 0.07 | 18 | 23 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-12-10 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-6.3e-05 51.545364) | Demolition of the existing outbuildings on site and erection of 23 no. new residential units comprising 6 x 1 bedroom flats, 11 x 2 bedroom flats, 6 x 3 bedroom flats | 2020-12-11 | 2020-12-11 | |||||
000046006351 | UPRN:000046006351 | 2 Boleyn Road, East Ham, London, E6 1QE | yes | 0.16 | 35 | 42 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-02-17 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.041992 51.531488) | Demolition of existing building (Working Mens Club) and the erection of a five storey building comprising replacement community facility (D2) on ground and basement level and residential development to provide 42 new residential units (C3) with associated access and parking. | 2021-12-06 | 2020-12-11 | |||||
000046057912 | UPRN:000046057912 | 196 Plaistow Road, Stratford, London, E15 3HJ | yes | 0.02 | 9 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-12-20 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.015858 51.532436) | Construction of three storey rear extension, roof extension and infill second floor extension and change of use of existing express super market to create 9 new residential flats. | 2020-12-11 | 2020-12-11 | |||||
000046036744 | UPRN:000046036744 | 101-103 Hermit Road, Canning Town, London, E16 4HR | yes | 0.02 | 7 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-12-11 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.012063 51.521221) | Demolition of existing building and construction of a new building of 4 storeys providing 9No. residential dwellings (2 x 1 bedroom, 2 x 2 bedrooms and 5 x 3bedrooms) with associated landscaping works. | 2020-12-11 | 2020-12-11 | |||||
010090323671 | UPRN:010090323671 | Garages 1 To 12, Opposite 1 - 5, Bramall Close, Stratford, London E15 | yes | 0.08 | 12 | 16 | owned by a public authority | 2020-02-04 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.011748 51.549801) | Construction of a four-storey block of flats comprising a total of 16 residential units (Use class C3) consisting of a tenure of 9no. 1-bed flats, 3no. 3-bed flats, 2no. 3-bed Wheelchair units and 2no. 3-bed dwellinghouses to be provided at 'London Affordable Rent' and associated landscaping and boundary treatments and 30 cycle parking spaces. | 2020-12-11 | 2020-12-11 | |||||
010008984059 | UPRN:010008984059 | 17 - 21 New Barn Street, Plaistow, London, E13 8JZ | yes | 0.03 | 5 | 8 | owned by a public authority | 2020-02-04 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.023658 51.521571) | Construction of a three-storey block of flats comprising 8 affordable residential units (use class C3), consisting of 5 no. 1-bed flats, 2 no. 2-bed flats and 1 no 3-bed flat to be provided at 'London Affordable Rent'; and associated landscaping and boundary treatments and 18 cycle spaces. | 2020-12-11 | 2020-12-11 | |||||
010012835052 | UPRN:010012835052 | Francis House, 760 - 762 Barking Road, Plaistow, London, E13 9PJ | yes | 0.11 | 15 | 31 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-01-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.036675 51.529876) | Prior approval for change of use of office use (Class B1(a)) to 31No residential units (Class C3). | 2020-12-11 | 2020-12-11 |
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