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Rother District Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
RDCBLR0001 RDCBLR0001 St George's Church, Cantelupe Road, Bexhill 0.08 6 6 not owned by a public authority||| not permissioned POINT(0.484334 50.840243) Lapsed permission RR/2009/1382/P. This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. December 2022 - there is currently no evidence that the site is available and as such the entry is closed and an end date is added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2022-10-01
RDCBLR0002 RDCBLR0002 Tower House, Hilders Cliff, Rye 0.1 6 6 not owned by a public authority|| not permissioned POINT(0.734769 50.952334) Lapsed permission RR/2010/2676/P. January 2024 - there is currently no evidence that the site is available and as such the entry is closed and an end data is added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2023-10-01
RDCBLR0004 RDCBLR0004 30-34 Dorset Road, Bexhill 0.11 10 10 not owned by a public authority|||| not permissioned POINT(0.483418 50.841719) Lapsed permission RR/2019/429/P. This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. December 2020 - New application only for 30 Dorset Road currently under assessment. Site to be reviewed once the application is determined, which may result in the current site to be removed (end date added) from the register. December 2021 - The outline application for 30 Dorset Road was granted (RR/2020/577/P) and has been entered onto the register as entry RDCBLR0055. As such, an end date of 20/05/21 has been added to this entry as that is the date the outline permission for 30 Dorset Road was decided. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2021-05-20
RDCBLR0005 RDCBLR0005 207 Cooden Drive, Bexhill yes 0.11 5 5 not owned by a public authority||||||||||||||||||||| not permissioned POINT(0.430671 50.833179) Lapsed permission RR/2013/1963/P. This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. December 2022 - there is currently no evidence that the site is available and as such the entry is closed and an end date is added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2022-10-01
RDCBLR0006 RDCBLR0006 Lydd Road Garage, Lydd Road, Camber yes 0.13 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-17 full planning permission||||| not permissioned POINT(0.798014 50.934879) Lapsed permission. RR/2015/2361/P - Mixed use development comprising a terrace of 5 x two bedroom town houses and a commercial unit (flexible use for purposes within A1 (shop) / A2 (financial & professional services) / B1(a) (office) / D1 (clinic) or D2 (assembly and leisure)) together with parking and landscaping. January 2024 - whilst the permission as amended by RR/2017/1754/P has lapsed there is no evidence to suggest the land is not suitable for residential development. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0007 RDCBLR0007 Ruskin House, Bodiam Business Park, Junction Road, Bodiam yes 0.14 11 11 not owned by a public authority|| not permissioned POINT(0.522714 51.000928) RR/2015/2965/PN3 - Permitted development, prior approval not required. Proposed Change of use to convert existing office building into eleven flats of either one or two bedrooms. Decided 01/12/2015. December 2020 development on site has commenced, therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed and an end date has been added. December 2020 the site has been developed, therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2020-03-01
RDCBLR0008 RDCBLR0008 Former Countrycraft Site, George Hill, Robertsbridge yes 0.11 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-18 full planning permission|||||| permissioned POINT(0.474508 50.983791) RR/2015/3106/P - Erection of 5 dwellings together with access and parking arrangements. December 2020 the site has been developed, therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2019-01-01
RDCBLR0009 RDCBLR0009 85 Ashdown Road, Bexhill 0.05 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2015-04-13 outline planning permission||| not permissioned POINT(0.489055 50.842211) Lapsed permission RR/2015/462/P. December 2022 - whilst the planning permission has lapsed there is no evidence to suggest the land is not suitable for residential development. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0010 RDCBLR0010 Chintings, Upper Sea Road, Bexhill 0.06 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-03 full planning permission|||||| not permissioned POINT(0.477494 50.84278) “Lapsed permission. This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. RR/2015/655/P - Outline: Proposed demolition of buildings. Erection of 14 new flats with parking spaces. December 2022 - whilst the planning permission has lapsed there is no evidence to suggest the land is not suitable for residential development. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0011 RDCBLR0011 2a Sackville Road, Bexhill yes 0.04 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2020-09-04 full planning permission|||||| permissioned POINT(0.469211 50.84033) RR/2020/155/P - Erection of a four-storey combined commercial & residential development to accommodate an A1 use at ground floor & 6 self-contained flats (3 X 1B, 2 X 2B, 1 X Studio) on subsequent first, second & third floors with refuse & cycle storage at the rear and side of the property. January 2024 - whilst the planning permission has lapsed there is no evidence to suggest the land is not suitable for residential development. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0012 RDCBLR0012 40-42 Cooden Sea Road, Bexhill yes 0.07 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2020-09-08 full planning permission|||||||||| permissioned POINT(0.433271 50.843846) RR/2020/1170/P - Alterations and extensions of existing building from 1 retail unit (A1) and 1 dwelling (A3) to form 3 x commercial units (A1/A2) and 8no. additional dwellings (C3). December 2022 - the site has been developed and therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2022-10-01
RDCBLR0013 RDCBLR0013 17 & 17A Dorset Road South, Bexhill yes 0.07 4 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-06-27 full planning permission|||||||| not permissioned POINT(0.482856 50.84103) This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. RR/2016/569/P (renewed through RR/2018/3007 but for 11 flats) - Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a building comprising 12 apartments and an open sided garage block for 4 cars (resubmission of planning approval RR/2010/2485/P). Another permission on the site (RR/2018/1696/P) also reduced the net number of dwellings to 4 (11 gross), although the site is still capable of delivering 5 net dwellings and should therefore remain on the register. A further variation of conditions (RR/2022/547/P) was approved which would see the number of flats reduced to 9 flats. December 2024 - the site has been developed and therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2024-10-01
RDCBLR0014 RDCBLR0014 45-47 Barnhorn Road, Bexhill yes 0.06 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2017-09-20 full planning permission| not permissioned POINT(0.427116 50.844325) Lapsed permission. This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The minimum net dwellings figure of 6 relates only to the brownfield part of this site, the whole site, including the greenfield part, has a permission for 8 dwellings (RR/2016/2430/P - Proposed demolition of two existing large dwelling houses and construction of eight 2 bedroom apartments and two 3 bedroom apartments across two blocks with associated parking and landscaping). December 2022 - there is currently no evidence that the site is available and as such the entry is closed and an end date is added. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2022-10-01
RDCBLR0015 RDCBLR0015 79 - 85 London Road - Rear of, Bexhill yes 0.06 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-09-14 full planning permission||| permissioned POINT(0.468955 50.844095) RR/2017/460/P - Redevelopment of site with terrace of 5 houses. A preliminary risk assessment based on a Site walkover survey and a desk study has indicated that the environmental risks associated with the site were low, and that a further intrusive site investigation was not required. This assessment is based on all materials currently stored on site being removed. The former stables are likely to contain droppings from pigeons and other vermin, which will present a health hazard to demolition workers, and must be removed in a controlled manner. Wooden doors and other items are probably coated with lead paint. Careful control of dust during demolition will be necessary. It is recommended that an asbestos survey of the buildings be conducted prior to demolition. On removal of the demolition rubble and existing floor slabs, it is recommended that the Site soils be inspected and photographed for signs of undetected on site contamination, particularly of oil spills. December 2021 - The site has commenced development and therefore an end date will be added on completion. December 2024 - the site has been developed and therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added 2024-10-01 2017-10-01 2024-10-01
RDCBLR0016 RDCBLR0016 Land at Moleynes Mead, Fryatts Way, Bexhill yes 0.42 24 26 not owned by a public authority 2022-04-06 full planning permission|||||| permissioned POINT(0.451064 50.852945) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the DaSA for some 24 dwellings, of which 30% are affordable. See Policy BEX7 of the DaSA ( The site is subject to an outline planning application (reference RR/2017/2452/P) for 24 dwellings, which has delegated approval subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 agreement relating to the requirement for 30% affordable housing; the management of a wildlife area; and SuDS. December 2021: A subsequent application was received (RR/2020/565/P) for 26 dwellings, of which 8 would be affordable, which has delegated approval subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement. December 2022 - this site now has planning permission and has commenced and therefore an end date will be added on completion. December 2024 - the site is nearing completion as of October 2024. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0017 RDCBLR0017 Land south of Terminus Road, Bexhill yes 0.15 10 10 mixed ownership 2018-12-20 outline planning permission|||||||||||||||||||||| not permissioned POINT(0.467145 50.84049) This site is allocated in the DaSA for some 10 dwellings. Appropriate boundary landscaping will need to be provided and built development is restricted to the eastern part of the site resulting in an 8 metre built development exclusion zone from the main river culvert which passes along the western boundary. See Policy BEX8 of the DaSA ( December 2022 - planning permission (RR/2018/2453/P) has lapsed but the site is still allocated so remains on the register. January 2024 - planning permission (RR/2021/625/P) has been granted on part of the allocated site for a car showroom. December 2024 - no change. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0018 RDCBLR0018 Land at Michael Tyler Furniture, Woodlands Way, Hastings yes 0.99 40 40 not owned by a public authority outline planning permission|| not permissioned POINT(0.576362 50.88553) This site is allocated in the DaSA for some 40 dwellings, of which 30% are affordable. Suitable provision should be made for children’s play space in the form of a Local Area for Play (LAP). Development should not intrude into views from the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to the north. The tree belt on the west and north of the site should be strengthened. Parts of the site are located within areas that have surface water drainage issues and provision should be made for an acceptable connection to the local sewerage system in agreement with the service provider. The site may also contain Japanese Knotweed. See Policy HAS2 of the DaSA ( The application (RR/2015/2264/P) was withdrawn on 25/05/2022 but will remain on the register as it is an allocated site. Decemebr 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0019 RDCBLR0019 Land east of Hobbs Lane, Beckley Four Oaks yes 0.28 4 6 not owned by a public authority|||||||||| not permissioned POINT(0.653368 50.989443) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The part of the former business site that included landscaping has been excluded for the purposes of this register. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the DaSA for some 14 dwellings, of which 40% should be affordable. Access should be achieved off Hobbs Lane to the satisfaction of the Highways Authority. Screen tree and hedgerow planting employing native species should be provided on the eastern boundaries of the site. The tree belt on the northern boundary should be retained and enhanced with additional planting. A new footpath is provided to link the new development to the existing Hobbs Lane footway. A ground survey will need to be undertaken as part of any planning application. The former industrial use of part of the site could have led to ground contamination, and appropriate surveys will need to be undertaken as part of the planning application process, with the need to employ appropriate measures to mitigate any such contamination. Developer’s contributions should be made towards open space, specifically play provision for children and young people, in lieu of on-site provision. See Policy BEC1 of the DaSA ( December 2024 - RR/2023/2129/P: Outline: Erection of 23 dwellings on the whole allocated site was withdrawn on 11/07/2024 but the site will remain on the register as it is an allocated site. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0020 RDCBLR0020 Land at the Former Putting Green Site, Camber yes 0.2 10 10 owned by a public authority 2024-07-30 full planning permission|||| permissioned POINT(0.794293 50.934546) This site is allocated in the DaSA for some 10 dwellings, of which 40% are affordable. The site lies within Flood Zone 2. A Flood Risk Assessment would need to be submitted as part of any planning application to demonstrate that the development will be safe for its lifetime, taking account of the vulnerability of its users, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and where possible, reduce flood risk overall. Residential development should not be provided on the ground floor due to flood risk but general living accommodation could be acceptable, subject to the FRA. The site is next to an SSSI. Development should not adversely affect the dunes. Built development should be focused on the southern section of the site to avoid overlooking and a reduction in light for the adjacent residential development to the north and west. A new footway alongside the site’s southern boundary should be provided to link the new development to the existing Marchants Drive footway. The development should not adversely affect the integrity of the adjacent Natura 2000 Sites and should support the implementation of the Sustainable Access and Recreation Management Strategy (SARMS) as appropriate. See Policy CAM1 of the DaSA ( Regard should also be given to the Council’s adopted Camber Village Supplementary Planning Document (2014) ( December 2024 - RR/2021/2947/P: Erection of 10no. dwellings with new vehicular access, car parking with hard and soft landscaping has been granted permission. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0023 RDCBLR0023 Land at the Stonework Cottages, Rye Harbour yes 1.59 40 40 not owned by a public authority|| not permissioned POINT(0.7584 50.938511) The site is allocated in the DaSA for some 40 dwellings, of which 30% are affordable. Access should be achieved off Harbour Road. Screening employing native species should be provided on the boundaries of the site. Appropriate fencing should be erected to maintain an effective barrier between the site and the adjacent Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay SSSI, SPA and Ramsar Site. Development should not adversely impact upon the neighbouring Rye Harbour SSSI. The site lies within Flood Zone 3a so any scheme will be subject to both the sequential and exception tests. Habitable rooms should not be provided on the ground floor. Dwellings should be flood resilient/resistant. Furthermore, essential infrastructure should be designed and constructed to remain operational and safe in times of flood. Given the commercial history of the site there may be contamination in the ground. The water table is particularly shallow beneath the surface of the site (within 1-2 metres) and could be leeching of contaminants from other areas of the estate. A proposal would have to undertake a land contamination assessment with any planning application that demonstrated any risks could be managed appropriately through the re-development process. An appropriate foul and surface water drainage scheme should include surface water protection measures and where practicable, elements of SuDS, in accordance with Policy DEN5 in the DaSA Local Plan, whilst also taking into account of the high water table and the risk of contamination on the site. The development should not adversely affect the integrity of the adjacent Natura 2000 Sites and should support the implementation of the Sustainable Access and Recreation Management Strategy (SARMS) as appropriate. The development would need to respect the setting of the Grade II listed School House and Grade II Church of the Holy Spirits located west of the site. See Policy RHA1 of the DaSA ( December 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0024 RDCBLR0024 Former Care Home, Moorhurst, A28, Westfield yes 0.22 10 10 owned by a public authority|||| pending decision POINT(0.580633 50.915188) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the DaSA for some 40 Retirement Living/Sheltered dwellings. Safe access to the A28 should be demonstrated, with preference to utilising the previously established access. Boundary trees and vegetation should be retained and enhanced with new native species landscape planting provided to fill in gaps. Communal gardens/amenity open space should be provided on-site to a minimum of 25sqm per dwelling unit. Provision should be made for an upgraded footway along the A28 connecting to the village core, together with safe means of accessing it from the site; an enhanced pedestrian link westwards along footpath 27 connecting to Cottage Lane; and a bus stop adjacent to the site. See Policy WES2 of the DaSA ( RR/2021/3010/P: Construction of a 64 bed care home (use class C2) over 2 storeys to include landscaping, access, and car parking was refused and is currently subject to an appeal. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0025 RDCBLR0025 Land at Pestalozzi, Sedlescombe 0.32 6 8 not owned by a public authority||||||| not permissioned POINT(0.544328 50.927795) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the Sedlescombe Neighbourhood Plan for some 6 - 8 dwellings. A scheme should make provision for 1 and 2-bed houses and flats, of no more than two storeys in height, a proportion of which will be made available as affordable homes giving first preference to eligible employees or volunteers in perpetuity. It should include a viability appraisal that demonstrates the minimum number of open market dwellings required to cross-subsidise the refurbishment or replacement of the volunteers’ accommodation. It should incorporate a landscape scheme that mitigates any visual impact on the surrounding countryside. It should preserve the area of the site designated as Priority Habitat. It should comprise appropriate works to improve Ladybird Lane provided they do not include any additional lighting. It should identify and agree to an alternative location for the estate management facility. It should demonstrate that any new access will have an acceptable impact on the character of the Brede Valley and demonstrated to be visually contained from public viewpoints. See Policy 3 of the Sedlescombe Neighbourhood Plan ( December 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0026 RDCBLR0026 Land at Sedlescombe Sawmills, Sedlescombe yes 0.51 6 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.527576 50.95506) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the Sedlescombe Neighbourhood Plan. Any proposals should make provision for an employment scheme, comprising the reuse and/or redevelopment of existing buildings for employment purposes increasing the square footage from 9,250 to approx. 12,000 sq. ft. provided the employment scheme is completed and available for occupation prior to the final occupation of the housing scheme. It should preserve the area of the site designated as Priority Habitat. It should make provision for a residential scheme, comprising only open market dwellings, provided; the number of dwellings is assessed to be the minimum required to cross-subsidise the employment scheme, based on a submitted viability appraisal; the design of all the dwellings makes sufficient provision for dedicated office and/or workshop space for the benefit of the occupants; makes provision for a holiday accommodation scheme; and includes the demolition of existing buildings and structures that detract from the scenic beauty of the adjoining landscape. See Policy 5 of the Sedlescombe Neighbourhood Plan ( December 2024 - No changes. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0027 RDCBLR0027 Mill Site, Robertsbridge yes 2.17 54 87 not owned by a public authority 2022-02-17 full planning permission||||||||| not permissioned POINT(0.474033 50.990412) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan. Estimates of the housing capacities of the sites have varied; those in the submission Neighbourhood Plan and those of the Local Authority gave figures ranging from 85-100 dwellings. The Examiner found that the capacities of each site allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan were presently uncertain and that they will be a reflection of the size and mix of units within any planning application, having due regard to Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan policies. Policy HO2 of the Neighbourhood Plan allocates at least 1,200sqm of employment floorspace including 280sqm of Class A3 uses and 920sqm of B1 uses. A scheme will be subject to both the sequential and exception tests given the location of part of the site in the flood zone. The site is also affected by some surface water flooding. Due to the flooding issues, a safe access will need to be provided to the A21 that is useable during a flood event. The site is partially located within the Conservation Area and Public Rights of Way pass through the site. See Policy HO2 of the Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan ( On this site an application (RR/2017/382/P) has been granted permission for 96 residential units, non-residential floorspace comprising of 280 sqm (use class A3) and 920 sqm (use class B1) with associated access, car/cycle parking, open amenity space, strategic landscaping and green infrastructure and including restoration works to the Mill Building and Oast House. December 2024 - whilst this application has lapsed the site will remain on the register as it is an allocated site. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0028 RDCBLR0028 Tilling Green, Rye yes 0.26 7 8 owned by a public authority| not permissioned POINT(0.722393 50.951831) This site is allocated in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for at least 20 dwellings and a replacement community centre (up to 500 sqm), with up to 10% being self/custom build subject to a number of criteria, for instance the design of new development shall be sympathetic to the building form and materials used in surrounding buildings and provide appropriate external amenity areas for both the dwellings and the community centre; the community centre is to be retained in-situ or replaced before the last dwelling is occupied and a flood risk assessment shall be demonstrating that the residential development is safe for its lifetime; lastly car parking should be provided according to appropriate standards. See Policy H3 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan ( December 2024 - No changes. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0029 RDCBLR0029 Freda Gardham School site, Rye yes 0.72 18 22 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.741334 50.95307) This site is allocated in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for at least 30 dwellings, at least 10% of which will be self/custom build subject to a number criteria such as access, flood risk assessment that demonstrate that the residential development it is safe for its lifetime; the development shall include appropriate treatment to the south and west boundaries to protect the countryside and habitats beyond; and no development can commence until the flood mitigation works by the EA for the eastern bank of the River Rother have been fully implemented; furthermore the layout should ensure access to the existing sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and upsizing purposes. See Policy H7 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan ( December 2024 - No changes. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0030 RDCBLR0030 Former High School Site and Drill Halls, Down Road, Bexhill yes 2.18 35 54 mixed ownership outline planning permission||||||||||||||||| pending decision POINT(0.467261 50.846991) This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes a small element of greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the DaSA for either some 35 houses or some 36 flats and 18 houses. In both cases, 30% of the dwelling units shall be affordable. Any proposals should include: a high quality wet and dry sports and leisure facility of up to 6,500sqm; a complementary commercial development, including up to a 100-bed hotel, plus up to 4 units of restaurant space totalling around 400sqm; car-parking to serve the development, along with associated car/coach parking and drop-off area for the adjacent school; and provision for the retention and enhancement of boundary planting on the northern boundary. If required, the current users of the Drill Hall have been provided for at an alternative location. Development of the site should be through a comprehensive masterplan and should focus on an accessible, sustainable and high-quality leisure hub facility, creating a landmark leisure destination through high-quality buildings and public realm on this highly prominent gateway site into the town. See Policy BEX4 of the DaSA ( There is a current outline planning application RR/2019/430/P, for part of this site, including the greenfield element, which has had a grant of planning permission subject to S106, for up to 52 dwellings and mixed-use leisure centre and ancillary car parking. The application site overlaps the allocation site; however, it excludes the MOD Drill Hall. The application site has also been included in the Register. Please see entry RDCBLR0052. December 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2017-10-01
RDCBLR0031 RDCBLR0031 St Andrew's Church, Wickham Avenue, Bexhill yes 0.08 11 11 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-20 full planning permission|||| permissioned POINT(0.468145 50.840047) RR/2018/273/P - Conversion of redundant church building into 11 flats including external alterations and erection of bin store and bike/external store building. December 2020 - development on site has commenced, therefore, for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2018-10-01 2019-01-01
RDCBLR0032 RDCBLR0032 Oliver's Printers, Eastwood Road, Bexhill yes 0.24 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2018-02-13 full planning permission||||||| permissioned POINT(0.46185 50.845414) RR/2018/2052/P - Demolition of existing building and erection of 13 dwellings comprising 11 x 2 bedroom houses and 2 x 3 bedroom houses together with parking and access. RR/2019/139/P - Erection of three dwellings (amendment to Plots 12 and 13 to include an additional dwelling (Plot 14) and car parking space as a revision to planning permission no. RR/2018/2052/P). December 2020 the site has been developed, therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added 2024-10-01 2018-10-01 2019-05-01
RDCBLR0033 RDCBLR0033 58-60 Devonshire Road, Bexhill yes 0.03 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-27 full planning permission| permissioned POINT(0.473646 50.838239) RR/2017/2122/P - Conversion of upper floors to 6 self-contained flats. December 2020 - development on site has commenced, therefore, for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2018-10-01 2019-06-13
RDCBLR0034 RDCBLR0034 128 Dorset Road, Bexhill yes 0.11 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-03 full planning permission| permissioned POINT(0.488874 50.846811) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, has permission for 14 dwellings (RR/2018/13/P - Change of use from care home to 14no. flats together with parking, removal of external means of escape, provision of two rear dormers and altered/additional windows). December 2020 the site has been developed, therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2018-10-01 2018-07-01
RDCBLR0035 RDCBLR0035 124 Dorset Road, Bexhill yes 0.07 13 13 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.488184 50.846663) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, has permission for 13 dwellings (RR/2018/14/P - Change of use from care home to 13no. flats together with parking, partial removal of bay on the east (side) elevation and minor external alterations).December 2020 the site has been developed, therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2018-10-01 2019-01-01
RDCBLR0036 RDCBLR0036 Skinners of Rye, Rye yes 0.05 6 6 mixed ownership 2021-11-25 full planning permission| permissioned POINT(0.736066 50.953086) Demolition of existing workshop. Erection of 4 new units with commercial use on the ground floor and residential on upper storeys. Refurbishment of existing three storey commercial unit, approximately 159 sqm; creation of two new apartments on the first and second floors. Provision or 6 parking spaces and retention of one of the existing vehicle accesses to the site. The site includes an area of the car park to the east which is subject to a lease agreement with Rother District Council. This area would be retained for car parking. The area has been excluded from the site as it is not suitable for residential development. The former use as a motor vehicle repair workshop could have led to contamination of the ground/ground water due to the use of oils, solvents and other chemicals. A contaminated land assessment along with an associated remedial strategy has been conditioned under RR/2017/909/P. December 2022 - the site has had another permission granted (RR/2021/1162/P) for: Demolition of existing garage workshop for new development of 7 flat & retail units. Conversion of existing timber framed building. The site has also completed development and therefore an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2018-10-01 2022-10-01
RDCBLR0037 RDCBLR0037 The Warren Yard, Catsfield yes 1.21 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2019-06-05 full planning permission||||||||| permissioned POINT(0.446409 50.907322) This site was previously split into two areas - the eastern side was proposed for housing and the western side was proposed for commercial development. Each area was subject to separate planning applications but both sites were linked by a S106 agreement. A new permission, reference number RR/2018/1309/P (Revised scheme for the redevelopment of the site to provide a new office building with associated parking and 6 No. houses) has since been granted. This permission combines the previous two separate applications. Under this revised permission, the residential part is proposed to the western side and commercial to the eastern side. It should be noted that the residential development is only acceptable as it is enabling development for the redevelopment of the existing commercial use of the wider site. December 2020 the site has been developed, therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added . 2024-10-01 2018-10-01 2020-03-01
RDCBLR0038 RDCBLR0038 Land at Northeye (Former UAE Technical Training Project), Bexhill yes 6.36 140 140 owned by a public authority|||| not permissioned POINT(0.408429 50.848355) This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The site is allocated in the DaSA for some 140 dwellings, of which 30% should be provided as affordable housing. A full size adult football pitch and/or a senior cricket pitch should be provided on the northern part of the site, alongside associated ancillary changing and parking facilities to serve the playing pitch. Highway access should be provided from Wartling Drive and Principal Close, via Coneyburrow Lane, alongside offsite highway works to make the development acceptable in highway terms. In accordance with policy DEN5 ‘Sustainable Drainage’ at least two forms of appropriate SuDS should be incorporated and an appropriate assessment under the Habitat Regulations demonstrates beyond reasonable scientific doubt that these can be delivered on the site and that the development can otherwise proceed, with mitigation if necessary, without harming the integrity of the adjacent Pevensey Levels Special Area of Conservation/Ramsar site. Flood zone 3 should be kept free from development. Suitable provision should be made for children’s play space in the form of both a Locally Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) and a Local Area for Play (LAP). The Public Right of Way (PROW) should be reinstated through the middle of the site, following the stream corridor together with a financial contribution towards improvements to the existing PROW network in the locality. A travel plan is included to promote the use of alternative travel choices other than the private car, including off-site measures to support cycling and walking and other sustainable transport modes to encourage the use of public transport, car sharing and electric, low and ultra-low emission vehicles in compliance with Core Strategy Policy TR3. Improvements should also be made to existing local bus stop infrastructure and a financial contribution towards improving local bus services is provided. Provision should be made for the retention and enhancement of existing landscape buffers with locally characteristic native tree and shrub planting, particularly on the western and northern boundaries. A connection should be provided to the local sewerage system at the nearest point of adequate capacity, in collaboration with the service provider. Development of the site should be through a Green Infrastructure framework and landscape led masterplan. See Policy BEX10 of the DaSA ( December 2024 - The Government has purchased the site for a potential alternative use but it is understood to not be progressing this (as of 9 December 2024). In any instance, as the site is still formally allocated it shall remain on the register. 2024-10-01 2018-10-01
RDCBLR0039 RDCBLR0039 Land adj Rainbow Trout, Chitcombe Road, Broad Oak yes 0.25 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2020-03-04 full planning permission| permissioned POINT(0.597195 50.948666) “This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the DaSA for a comprehensive scheme comprising a public house and residential development of some 20 dwellings of which 40% are affordable. Any proposal for development would need to retain the public house currently on site and a new vehicular and pedestrian access would need to be achieved on site together with appropriate boundary treatment. See Policy BRO2 of the DaSA ( On this site planning permission was granted (RR/2018/1813/P) for the development of 8 dwellings, of which 3 are affordable units (2 as shared ownership and 1 as affordable rent). December 2021 - The site has been development and therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01 2021-06-08
RDCBLR0040 RDCBLR0040 48 Ferry Road, Rye yes 0.03 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.729107 50.951216) RR/2018/1828/P - Change of use of night club and private members club to residential use with parking and A3 use on the ground floor. December 2022 - the site has been developed and therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01 2022-10-01
RDCBLR0041 RDCBLR0041 8 Chandler Road, Bexhill yes 0.1 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2023-03-31 other permissioned POINT(0.460346 50.845707) Application RR/2019/487/P for the proposed demolition of the existing commercial factory and construction of five new houses was withdrawn by the applicant following concerns raised by the LPA in relation to inadequate information submitted in relation to parking and access and for the overall bulk of the proposed building. The site is however considered capable of delivering some 5 or more dwellings in the form of a flatted development. January 2024 - a prior notification application was submitted to convert part of the ground floor into 4 units. It was determinted that prior approval was not required and therefore the scheme was considered accetable within the definition of the legislation, in this case Class MA of Schedule 2, Part 3 of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, that governs permitted development and prior approvals. Under the legislation, development must be completed within three years of the date of permission. December 2024 - this site has commenced development and therefore an end date will be added on completion. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0042 RDCBLR0042 17-19 Tower Street, Rye yes 0.12 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2019-08-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.734467 50.953024) RR/2017/2217/P - Refurbishment of existing units. Change of use of 6 units from commercial to residential. Change of use of former stable block to offices and/or shops. Minor landscaping works to the courtyard. December 2022 - this site has commenced development and therefore an end date will be added on completion. December 2024 - this site is still under construction. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0043 RDCBLR0043 Bridge Point, Rock Channel, Rye yes 1.04 11 11 not owned by a public authority 2020-05-22 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(0.732168 50.947573) This site is part of a larger site which has been allocated in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for at least 30 dwellings. In this site the design of any proposed scheme shall be innovative, of high architectural quality to enhance setting against the Rye Conservation Area and having regard to its riverside location, with green spaces, improved and accessible riverside walks; the site access should be via the existing track; a site specific flood risk assessment should demonstrate that the development it is safe for its lifetime; furthermore development in this site shall be designed so that if it is developed in phases, the form of the development does not prejudice the redevelopment of adjacent land; lastly occupation of the development should be phased to align with the delivery of sewerage infrastructure. See Policy H4 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan ( A full planning application for a mixed use development is permissioned on this site. RR/2019/789/P - Conversion of existing redundant warehouse into a new multi-purpose arts centre, to include workshops, gallery space, mixed use art space and rehearsal space with 3 x live/work artist accommodation units above. Demolition of existing river cafe building with new two storey replacement riverside restaurant and single holiday let accommodation. Construction of 5 new riverside dwellings along with partial demolition of the eastern part of the existing warehouse building and part conversion to form 3 new mews dwellings together with the creation of a new public park and riverside walkway, re-positioning of existing private road and works to include parking, vehicular access improvements and landscaping. January 2024 - RR/2019/789/P has lapsed but as this permission only formed part of the larger allocation, the site will remain on the Register. December 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0044 RDCBLR0044 Rock Channel, Rye yes 1.18 19 19 not owned by a public authority| not permissioned POINT(0.73283 50.948169) This site is part of a larger site which has been allocated in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for 30 dwellings. The adopted policy in the Neighbourhood Plan for the entire site, including the greenfield part, sets out that the design of any scheme shall be innovative, of high architectural quality to enhance setting against the Rye Conservation Area and having regard to its riverside location, with green spaces, improved and accessible riverside walks; the site access should be via the existing track; a site specific flood risk assessment should demonstrate that the development it is safe for its lifetime; furthermore development in this site shall be designed so that if it is developed in phases, the form of the development does not prejudice the redevelopment of adjacent land; lastly occupation of the development should be phased to align with the delivery of sewerage infrastructure. See Policy H4 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan ( December 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0045 RDCBLR0045 Winchelsea Road (East Side), Rye yes 1.71 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2021-07-12 full planning permission||||||||| permissioned POINT(0.730634 50.948122) This site is allocated in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for mixed-use, including at least 10 dwellings, car parking or B1 employment. Development in this site shall be designed so that if it is developed in phases, the form of the development does not prejudice the redevelopment of adjacent land; the design shall be of high architectural quality having regard to Rye Conservation Area; there should be provision of riverside green spaces and access for the England South East Coastal Path; Any scheme shall enable views from the south to the cliff face maximising visual permeability, and with roof heights set not to obstruct longer views from the countryside towards the Citadel; A site specific flood risk assessment should demonstrate that the residential development is safe for the lifetime of the development incorporating appropriate flood resilient and resistant measures including safe access and escape routes where required. See Policy H5 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan ( Part of the site know as Grist Mill has been granted permission (RR/2019/1779/P) for 'Demolition of existing warehouse structure and replacement with new two storey building containing ground floor commercial space and 2 x 3 bedrooms flats above. The site also has permission (RR/2020/2083/P) for 'Demolition of existing warehouse structure and replacement with new two storey building containing four two bedrooms flats (alternative to planning permission RR/2019/1779/P).' December 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0046 RDCBLR0046 Winchelsea Road (West Side), Rye yes 1.49 20 20 not owned by a public authority|||||| not permissioned POINT(0.72887 50.948154) This site is allocated in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for mixed-use, including at least 20 dwellings and B1 employment. Development in this site shall be designed so that if it is developed in phases, the form of the development does not prejudice the redevelopment of adjacent land; the design shall create a strong sense of place and buildings should be orientated to allow views through to the marsh to the south-west; A site specific flood risk assessment should demonstrate that the residential development is safe for the lifetime of the development incorporating appropriate flood resilient and resistant measures including safe access and escape routes where required; occupation of the development should be phased to align with the delivery of sewerage infrastructure. See Policy H6 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan ( December 2024 - three applications are undeterminned on the site: RR/2024/949/P (Erection of part two/part four storey building comprising 44 one and two bedroom retirement living units for older persons with associated communal facilities, parking and landscaping.), RR/2024/960/P (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 16no. dwellings with access, parking and landscaping with associated works.), and RR/2024/976/P (Demolition of the existing buildings and construction of a new food store (Use Class E(a)), with access, car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated works.) 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0047 RDCBLR0047 Former Thomas Peacocke School Site, Rye yes 0.76 35 38 not owned by a public authority 2020-10-23 full planning permission||||||||||| not permissioned POINT(0.728627 50.952261) This brownfield site is part of a larger site that includes greenfield land. The whole site, including the greenfield part, is allocated in the Rye Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for at least 50 dwellings. A site specific flood risk assessment should demonstrate that the residential development is safe for the lifetime of the development incorporating appropriate flood resilient and resistant measures including safe access and escape routes where required; Any development should be designed to avoid any damage to the belt of trees adjacent to the railway which is protected by Tree Preservation Order; Access for any scheme shall be carefully designed to be safe, accessible for pedestrians and cyclists as well as vehicles and avoid conflict with the nearby level crossing of the railway; parking provision on the site should be in accordance with local standards and the occupation of the development shall be phased to align with the delivery of sewerage infrastructure. See Policy H8 of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan ( An application for the whole site, including the greenfield part (RR/2017/1778/P) for a residential development of 63 units has lapsed. December 2024 - Application RR/2024/1/P: Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site for Retirement Living apartments including communal facilities, car parking and landscaping; custom build residential dwellings; and residential dwellings with associated landscaping, car parking and other associated infrastructure is undetermined. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0048 RDCBLR0048 Land adjacent to the Station Car Park, Crowhurst yes 0.08 6 6 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.501758 50.888205) This site is allocated in the Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan (adopted July 2019) for 6 dwellings and it should provide affordable housing in accordance with the relevant policies. The development shall have regard to the High Weald AONB and it should be supported by a tree survey; it shall comprise 1 or 2 bedroom units in the form of flats or apartments, any building should be of a traditional architectural vernacular and shall not exceed 2 storeys; access and parking shall be safe and adequate for both current residents and future occupiers. See Policy CH3 of the Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan ( December 2024 - no changes. 2024-10-01 2019-10-01
RDCBLR0003 RDCBLR0003 The Warren Yard, Catsfield yes 0.74 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-29 reserved matters approval|||||| permissioned The adjoining commercial scheme (covered by a separate reserved matters application and outside of the site boundary shown) has been commenced. The housing permission has yet to be implemented. Both sites are linked by an S106 agreement.. Construction of six private houses 2017-10-01 2017-10-01 2018-07-05
RDCBLR0021 RDCBLR0021 Land at the Central Car Park, Camber 0.66 10 10 owned by a public authority||||| not permissioned This site is proposed to be allocated in the DaSA for some 10 dwellings, as well as commercial, operational uses (beach patrol office, police/medical offices) and some car parking. Access should be achieved off Old Lydd Road. Any loss of parking spaces as a result of redevelopment should be provided elsewhere in the locality. The site lies within Flood Zones 2 and 3. A Flood Risk Assessment should be submitted as part of an application. Residential development should not be provided on the ground floor due to flood risk but commercial uses would be acceptable on the ground floor. The site is next to an SSSI. Development should not destabilise the integrity of the dunes. Regard should also be given to the Council’s adopted Camber Village Supplementary Planning Document (2014). See draft Policy CAM2 in the DaSA ( 2017-10-01 2017-10-01 2018-07-05
RDCBLR0022 RDCBLR0022 Caravan Tech premises, High Street, Hurst Green 0.51 15 15 not owned by a public authority|||||| not permissioned This site is proposed to be allocated in the DaSA for some 15 dwellings, of which 40% are affordable. This is an existing retail/commercial site so development is dependent upon the relocation of the current occupier. Vehicular access should be provided off the A21 and the scheme layout should retain a frontage onto the A21. The scheme layout should respect neighbouring amenities.. See draft Policy HUR2 in the DaSA ( 2017-10-01 2017-10-01 2018-07-05
RDCBLR0049 RDCBLR0049 92 London Road, Bexhill yes 0.08 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2020-08-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.469096 50.845202) RR/2019/2289/P - Proposed extension & change of use of hotel/public house to form offices at ground floor and 10no. self-contained flats at first & second floor. January 2024 - the site has been developed and therefore for the purposes of the register this entry is now closed, and an end date has been added. 2024-10-01 2020-10-01 2023-09-20
RDCBLR0050 RDCBLR0050 Bexhill Indoor Market, 28-34 Western Road, Bexhill yes 0.09 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2020-07-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.471378 50.840252) RR/2019/2302/P - Change of use of first floors to 7 No 1 bed flats, and the erection of an extension upwards to the rear and into the loft space including rear facing dormer creating additional 4 No. 1 bedroom and 1 No. 2 bedroom flats. All ground floor retail units, indoor market and arcade to be retained. January 2024 - whilst the planning permission has lapsed there is no evidence to suggest the land is not suitable for residential development. 2024-10-01 2020-10-01

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