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Shropshire Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
20/05065/OUT 20/05065/OUT Flax Mill, Spring Gardens, Shrewsbury, Shropshire yes 1.7 120 120 owned by a public authority 2021-05-10 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.743543 52.71982) Hybrid Planning Permission (20/05065/OUT) including outline planning permission for around 120 residential dwellings. | SAMDev Plan Allocation SHREW198. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2023-08-01
20/05309/FUL 20/05309/FUL 1 Glenburn Gardens, Shrewsbury, SY2 5SY yes 0.07 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2021-03-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.720894 52.719079) Full Planning Permission (20/05309/FUL) granted for the erection of 5 dwellings on the site of an existing dwelling and its curtilage. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2022-03-31
20/05338/FUL 20/05338/FUL 16 Castle Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 2BB yes 0.03 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2021-04-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.751247 52.70981) Development completed. 2024-04-18 2023-08-01 2024-04-18
20/05387/FUL 20/05387/FUL 5 - 9 Cross Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2NF yes 0.03 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2021-03-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.054701 52.859419) Full Planning Permission (20/05387/FUL) for the conversion of the upper 3 floors of 5-9 Cross Street to 9 apartments). | Development completed. 2025-02-28 2022-03-31 2025-02-28
21/00735/FUL 21/00735/FUL Proposed Residential Development Land East Of 56 Salop Road, Oswestry, Shropshire yes 0.13 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.050696 52.857207) Full Planning Permission (21/00735/FUL) for the erection of 3 dwellings and 3No apartments. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2023-08-01
21/02720/FUL 21/02720/FUL Redevelopment For Proposed Nursing Care Home, Victoria Road, Oswestry, SY11 2HX yes 0.53 80 80 not owned by a public authority 2021-10-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.050076 52.854273) Full Planning Permission (21/02720/FUL) for redevelopment to provide a 80 bedroom Nursing Care Home following demolition of existing buildings. | As the site includes the formation of C2 care home facilities, as such the ratio applied to communal accommodation is applied consistent with the Housing Delivery Test. This ratio is based on the national average number of adults in all households, with a ratio of 1.9. 80/1.9 = 42 dwellings. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2023-08-01
21/03849/FUL 21/03849/FUL Proposed Residential Development Adj Harry Hotspur, Harlescott Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire yes 0.17 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2021-12-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.735951 52.741156) Full Planning Permission (21/03849/FUL) granted for 6 dwellings. | Development completed. 2025-02-28 2023-08-01 2025-02-28
21/03954/FUL 21/03954/FUL Hartlands Rest Home, Whitehall Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 5AD yes 0.18 11 11 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.739559 52.708337) Full Planning Permission (21/03954/FUL) for erection of extensions to a Care Home to provide 11 additional bedrooms. single and two storey rear extension, with single storey side extension. | As the site includes the formation of C2 care home facilities, as such the ratio applied to communal accommodation is applied consistent with the Housing Delivery Test. This ratio is based on the national average number of adults in all households, with a ratio of 1.9. 11/1.9 = 6 dwellings. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2023-08-01
21/05261/OUT 21/05261/OUT Albrighton Sports And Social Club, Cross Road, Albrighton, WV7 3QT yes 0.15 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2022-01-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.282281 52.63289) Outline Planning Permission (21/05261/OUT) for 8 dwellings. | Full Planning Permission (22/01876/FUL) subsequently granted on the site for 12 dwellings. | Development completed. 2025-02-28 2023-08-01 2025-02-28
22/05074/FUL 22/05074/FUL Fairfield Close, Gobowen, Shropshire yes 0.88 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2023-01-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.036312 52.897392) Full Planning Permission (22/05074/FUL) for the demolition of 24 dwellings and replacement with 32 dwellings. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2023-08-01
LUD057 LUD057 Former Depot, Riddings Road, Ludlow yes 0.48 21 21 not owned by a public authority 2024-12-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.702585 52.371318) The site has been proposed for allocation within the draft Shropshire Local Plan. | Full Planning Permission (24/02501/FUL) granted for 21 dwellings on the site. Site is located within the existing development boundary and is considered suitable, likely to become available, achievable and viable. | The site is considered developable in the medium term. 2025-02-28 2022-03-31
SMH038 SMH038 Former Ifton Heath Primary School, St Martins yes 0.6 18 18 owned by a public authority 2021-11-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.004309 52.927692) The site has been proposed for allocation within the draft Shropshire Local Plan. | Full Planning Permission (20/02248/FUL) granted for 35 dwellings on the site. | Part of the site is brownfield (Approx 40%) and part is greenfield (Approx 60%). The brownfield element of the site is approximately 0.6ha, whilst the total site size is some 1.49ha. | It is anticipated that the brownfield component of the site has a capacity for approximately 18 dwellings, whilst the total site capacity is some 35 dwellings. | The map shows the full extent of the site and not only the brownfield area. | Development completed. 2025-02-28 2022-03-31 2025-02-28
19/05380/FUL 19/05380/FUL Supermarket, Upper Galdeford, Ludlow, SY8 1QF yes 0.22 19 19 not owned by a public authority 2022-10-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.715113 52.368278) Full Planning Permission (19/05280/FUL) granted for 19 dwellings. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
21/01638/OUT 21/01638/OUT Proposed Residential Development Land To The East Of Stoneleigh Close, Acton Burnell, Shropshire yes 0.32 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2022-05-09 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.693474 52.616284) Outline Planning Permission (21/01638/OUT) granted for 9 dwellings. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
21/04211/FUL 21/04211/FUL Greenacres Rural Training Centre, Fenemere Lane, Fenemere, Baschurch, SY4 2JA yes 0.51 8 8 owned by a public authority 2022-09-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.817261 52.777844) Full Planning Permission (21/04211/FUL) granted for 8 dwellings. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
21/04577/FUL 21/04577/FUL Site Of Radbrook College, Radbrook Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 9BJ yes 1.71 26 26 not owned by a public authority 2023-01-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.778659 52.700917) Full Planning Permission (21/04577/FUL) granted for 26 dwellings. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
22/01208/FUL 22/01208/FUL 15 And 15A Queen Street, Market Drayton, Shropshire yes 0.02 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2022-06-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.483393 52.904454) Full Planning Permission (22/01208/FUL) granted for 6 dwellings. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
22/01504/FUL 22/01504/FUL 24 Ludlow Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 5AG yes 0.5 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2022-08-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.432533 52.534205) Full Planning Permission (22/0504/FUL) granted for 5 dwellings. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
22/02988/OUT 22/02988/OUT Ambulance Station Site, Queensway, Whitchurch, Shropshire yes 0.18 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2024-08-01 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-2.678064 52.963298) Outline and Reserved Matters Permissions (22/02988/OUT, 24/01299/REM, 24/01300/REM and 24/01414/REM) granted for 5 dwellings. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
22/05041/FUL 22/05041/FUL Carreg Llwyd Church, Laburnum Drive, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2QR yes 0.06 22 22 not owned by a public authority 2023-01-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.043499 52.855747) Full Planning Permission (22/05041/FUL) for conversion of building to 22 co-living apartments. | As the site includes the formation of C2 care home facilities, as such the ratio applied to communal accommodation is applied consistent with the Housing Delivery Test. This ratio is based on the national average number of adults in all households, with a ratio of 1.9. 22/1.9 = 12 dwellings. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18
22/05178/FUL 22/05178/FUL Victoria Garage, Scotland Street, Ellesmere, Shropshire, SY12 0DG yes 0.22 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2023-03-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.895674 52.906017) Full Planning Permission (22/05178/FUL) for 8 dwellings. | The site is considered deliverable. 2025-02-28 2024-04-18

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