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Salford City Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
S/BAR/003 S/BAR/003 91 Barton Lane, Eccles 0.22 15 15 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.341964 53.480512) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/BAR/004 S/BAR/004 M And J Motors, Barton Lane, Eccles, M30 0HX yes 0.17 8 10 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-25 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.350523 53.476846) Outline planning permission - 17/70060/OUT - Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/BAR/009 S/BAR/009 Land formerly 140 Trafford Road, Eccles 0.23 13 13 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-2.34779 53.481026) Undetermined planning application 15/66736/OUT. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/027 S/BAR/027 70-71 Barton Road, Eccles, Manchester yes 0.14 25 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.355147 53.476297) Planning permission 16/68643/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 25 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/039 S/BAR/039 4 Lewis Street, Eccles 0.02 1 1 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.354342 53.481812) Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/057 S/BAR/057 Land between 53 and 55 Nelson Street, Eccles, M30 0GZ yes 0.05 4 not owned by a public authority 2014-12-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.355428 53.484475) Planning permission 14/65579/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 4 houses. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/070 S/BAR/070 61 Cromwell Road, Eccles, Salford, M30 0GX yes 0.02 3 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.3518 53.484126) Planning permission 17/69846/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 4 apartments and loss of one house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/071 S/BAR/071 Red Lion, 12 Chapel, Street, Eccles, M30 0RQ yes 0.01 3 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.358721 53.481934) Planning permission 15/66295/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 4 apartments. Loss of 1 apartment. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/075 S/BAR/075 Former council storage and distribution place, 25 Clifford Street, Eccles, M30 7HR yes 0.17 9 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.363126 53.477177) Planning permission 16/67990/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 9 houses. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/077 S/BAR/077 272 Liverpool Road, Eccles, M30 0RZ yes 0.01 2 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.356454 53.482185) Planning permission 16/68460/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/078 S/BAR/078 119-125 Liverpool Road, Eccles, Manchester, M30 0ND yes 0.02 3 not owned by a public authority 2016-05-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.348791 53.483129) Planning permission 16/67714/P3JPA. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 3 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/079 S/BAR/079 63 Liverpool Road, Eccles, M30 0WB yes 0.01 1 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.347496 53.483134) Planning permission 16/68014/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 apartments and loss of one house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/080 S/BAR/080 94 Shakespeare Crescent, Eccles, M30 0PE yes 0.01 1 not owned by a public authority 2016-09-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.352831 53.483493) Planning permission 16/68412/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 apartments. Loss of one house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/082 S/BAR/082 232 Liverpool Road, Eccles, Salford, M30 0PF yes 0 2 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.353504 53.482705) Planning permission 16/67712/FU. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BAR/083 S/BAR/083 White Lion, 127-133 Liverpool Road, Eccles, M30 0ND yes 0.02 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-10-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.349004 53.483099) Planning permission 17/70158/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 apartments. Loss of 1 apartment. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BEL/016 S/BEL/016 Land at Boothstown Basin 0.74 18 18 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.411581 53.499522) Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BEL/032 S/BEL/032 Malkins Wood Farm, Vicars Hall Lane, Worsley, M28 1JA yes 0.06 2 not owned by a public authority 2014-12-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.427205 53.486385) Planning permission 14/65498/P3MPA Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 houses. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BEL/033 S/BEL/033 Land adjacent to 45 Hindburn Drive, Worsley, Manchester, M28 1XY yes 0.02 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.41537 53.511575) Planning permission 17/69772/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 1 house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BEL/034 S/BEL/034 500 Ellenbrook Road, Worsley, M28 1ES yes 0.03 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.410597 53.508335) Planning permission 17/69404/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 1 house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BEL/035 S/BEL/035 Land adjacent to 45 Hindburn Drive, Worsley, M28 1XY yes 0.02 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-09-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.41537 53.511575) Planning permission 17/70397/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 1 house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BRO/004 S/BRO/004 Former Royal Archer Public House, Lower Broughton Road 0.48 36 36 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.264023 53.491479) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/BRO/010 S/BRO/010 Land to the north of Priory Grove, Salford, M7 2HF yes 0.23 7 not owned by a public authority 2015-01-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.267595 53.503597) Planning permission14/65517/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 7 houses. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BRO/032 S/BRO/032 Land Formerly Griffin Hotel, Lower Broughton Road, Salford yes 0.28 57 59 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.269781 53.498968) Full planning permission - 17/70056/FUL - Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/BRO/043 S/BRO/043 Manchester Alloys & Metals, Meadow Road, Salford, M7 1PA 0.42 42 42 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-19 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.267828 53.489371) Outline planning permission - 14/64798/OUT - Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/BRO/062 S/BRO/062 238 Lower Broughton Road, Salford 0.01 1 1 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.267685 53.49661) Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BRO/087 S/BRO/087 Castle Green, 342-344 Lower Broughton Road, Salford, M7 2HY yes 0.15 16 16 not owned by a public authority 2016-05-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.269007 53.501274) Full planning permission - 15/66855/FUL - Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/BRO/090 S/BRO/090 Land formerly 178 and 180 Great Clowes Street, Salford, M7 1XU yes 0.03 2 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.259148 53.498202) Planning permission16/68552/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 houses. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BRO/091 S/BRO/091 17 Alexander Gardens, Salford, M7 1RY yes 0.32 3 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.258859 53.49277) Planning permission16/69286/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 39 apartments, loss of 35 apartments and 1 house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BRO/092 S/BRO/092 212 Great Clowes Street, Salford, M7 2ZS yes 0.05 14 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.260281 53.500009) Planning permission16/68998/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 14 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/BRO/093 S/BRO/093 4A Great Cheetham Street West, Salford, M7 2JE yes 0.01 3 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.269499 53.499295) Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 3 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/CAD/004 S/CAD/004 Land at Astley Road (former council offices) 0.81 28 28 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.430737 53.43892) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/CAD/017 S/CAD/017 155a Liverpool Road, Cadishead yes 0.04 1 1 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.436956 53.42529) Expired permission 14/65278/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/CAD/021 S/CAD/021 1 Moss Lane, Cadishead 0.18 9 9 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.438319 53.426408) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/CAD/022 S/CAD/022 Land Adjacent To The Locks, Forebay Drive, Off Cadishead Way, Irlam 0.16 16 16 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.412148 53.442318) Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/CAD/048 S/CAD/048 Former Red Rose Inn, 665/667, Liverpool Road, Irlam 0.08 9 9 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.432271 53.432546) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/CAD/051 S/CAD/051 Land west of Hayes Road 5.89 200 200 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.437424 53.422762) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/CAD/100 S/CAD/100 Animal Ark and Edale, Macdonald Road, Irlam, Salford, M44 5LHA yes 0.29 8 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-03 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.43263 53.438131) Planning permission15/66757/OUT. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 9 houses. Loss of 1 house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/CAD/102 S/CAD/102 Land adjacent to 10 Tramway Road, Irlam, M44 5BE yes 0.12 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.428341 53.436891) Full planning permission - 16/68145/FUL - Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/CAD/103 S/CAD/103 47 Lords Street, Cadishead, M44 5EH yes 0.01 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.444581 53.425208) Planning permission17/69669/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 1 apartment. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/CAD/104 S/CAD/104 176A Liverpool Road, Cadishead, Irlam, M44 5DD yes 0.01 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.438205 53.425165) Planning permission17/69560/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 1 apartment. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/CAD/105 S/CAD/105 62 Liverpool Road, Cadishead, M44 5AF yes 0.02 1 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.4346 53.429977) Planning permission 17/69834/P3JPA. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 1 house. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/CLA/013 S/CLA/013 57 Russell Road, Salford, M6 8WQ yes 0.03 2 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.319773 53.496375) Planning permission 16/68470/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/ECC/001 S/ECC/001 Land rear of 87 To 89 Rocky Lane, Eccles, M30 9LS 0.38 17 17 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-2.34913 53.494145) Planning permission 17/69400/OUT pending determination. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/ECC/008 S/ECC/008 Barn Garage, 20 Wellington Road, Eccles 0.03 8 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.335727 53.486372) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/ECC/013 S/ECC/013 Crown Theatre, Church Street, Eccles yes 0.2 82 82 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.343431 53.483552) Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/ECC/033 S/ECC/033 J Fletcher Engineering, Lansdowne Road, Eccles, M30 9PD yes 0.65 50 50 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.351637 53.488568) Full planning permission - 18/71247/FUL - Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/ECC/064 S/ECC/064 65 Regent Street, Eccles, Salford, M30 0BP yes 0.01 2 not owned by a public authority 2015-03-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.332119 53.483739) Planning permission 14/65815/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 2 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/ECC/066 S/ECC/066 Eccles and District Scouts, Cromwell Road, Eccles, M30 0GT yes 0.12 8 not owned by a public authority 2016-01-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.34991 53.484591) Planning permission 15/66440/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 8 houses. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30
S/ECC/067 S/ECC/067 Fox Street, Eccles, Salford, M30 0BJ yes 0.23 24 24 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.334576 53.483583) Full planning permission - 15/67275/FUL - Construction not started as of 31 March 2019. Planning permission details as of 31 March 2019. 2019-12-11 2017-12-01
S/ECC/068 S/ECC/068 Units 8 and 11, Delta Works, Chadwick Road, Eccles, M30 0WU yes 0.08 11 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.345561 53.48483) Planning permission 15/65864/FUL. Construction status not started as of 31 March 2017. Planning permission details as of 27 October 2017.. Gross addition of 11 apartments. 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 2023-05-30

Showing rows 1 to 50 of 526