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South Oxfordshire District Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
P17/S4127/PDO P17/S4127/PDO Building 1 (DAF Trucks) Kingsmead Business Park Howland Road Thame, OX9 3FB yes 1.14 45 45 not owned by a public authority 2018-01-17 other permissioned POINT(-0.958537 51.741181) Change of use from offices (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) to comprise 45 flats with ancillary facilities and parking.. 2018-12-21 2018-12-03 2022-01-04
P17/S1865/FUL P17/S1865/FUL The Railway Hotel24 Station RoadWheatley OX33 1ST yes 0.26 15 15 not owned by a public authority 2018-03-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.139857 51.746378) Demolition of the former Railway Inn and the creation of 16 retirement dwellings for people aged 55 and over, repositioning of vehicular and pedestrian access into the site and associated open space and landscaping.. 2018-12-21 2018-12-03 2022-01-04
P17/S3501/FUL P17/S3501/FUL 69 - 71 Peppard Road Sonning Common RG4 9RN yes 0.17 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2018-02-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.976137 51.517739) Demolition of existing dwellings and erection of three pairs of semi-detached dwellings (2 x 2-bedroom, 2 x 3-bedroom, 2 x 4-bedroom) and two 3-bay carports and formation of new vehicular access (number of dwellings reduced, layout and design altered as shown on amended plans received 18th January 2018). 2018-12-21 2018-12-03 2022-01-04
P12/S1424/FUL P12/S1424/FUL Townlands Hospital York Road HENLEY-ON-THAMES RG9 2EB yes 2.4 97 97 not owned by a public authority 2013-03-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.909204 51.538986) The amended scheme (P15/S2956/FUL) results in an additional assisted unit, therefore the proposal includes a 64 bed care home, 34 assisted living units and 12 key worker apartments which totals 110 units overall. However, a care home (Use Class C2) is calculated as 80% of the total (therefore 0.8*64=51). Therefore the overall capacity is 46+51=97.. Proposed health and social well being campus comprising conversion and demolition of existing hospital buildings, structures and walls, and redevelopment of the site to provide replacement 18 bed community hospital, 12 bed palliative care facility, 64 no.bed care home, 45 assisted living units and key worker apartments. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P15/S1880/O (SHELAA: 184) P15/S1880/O (SHELAA: 184) Didcot A yes 9.7 280 400 not owned by a public authority outline planning permission pending decision POINT(-1.262251 51.61749) Minimum net dwellings is based on the planning application(P15/S1880/O) as it has a resolution to grant permission. Only the dwellings within South Oxfordshire have been included in the total.. Mixed use redevelopment comprising up to 400 dwellings (120 of which are in Vale of White Horse). 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P15/S2685/FUL P15/S2685/FUL Woodcote NDP Site 16: Former Reservoir site, Greenmore yes 0.45 20 20 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.06867 51.527294) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall.. Erection of 20 new dwellings and formation of new access, driveway and parking including the demolition of the pump house. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
P16/S0375/FUL P16/S0375/FUL Woodcote NDP Site 02: Woodcote Garden Centre, Reading Road yes 0.24 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.065653 51.534554) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall.. Demolition of existing garden centre structures and erection of 9 new dwellings. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S1227/FUL P16/S1227/FUL JHHNDP Site U: Wilkins Yard Deanfield Avenue HENLEY-ON-THAMES Oxon RG9 1UE yes 0.23 23 23 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.908544 51.535248) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall.. Demolition of existing depository and offices and erection of 14 open market and 9 affordable flats. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S3922/FUL (SHELAA 200) P16/S3922/FUL (SHELAA 200) Atalanta Garage, Beggars bush Hill, Benson OX10 6PL yes 0.33 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.077892 51.606674) Demolition of garages, workshops and offices and replaced with six dwellings with car parking. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S4117/FUL P16/S4117/FUL 40 Oakley Road, Chinnor, Oxon, OX39 4ES yes 0.181949 6 20 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.914959 51.698741) The minimum number of net dwellings is 20 as it is based on both a prior approval and a permission. The prior approval relates to the change of use of the building to 14 apartments (P16/S4085/PDO) and the permission relates to the conversion of the roof into six flats (P16/S4117/FUL). The two schemes can both be built out on the site. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S4177/FUL (SHELAA 401) P16/S4177/FUL (SHELAA 401) Bloom Buildings, West End, Cholsey, OX10 9LR yes 0.684657 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.163389 51.569208) Demolition of a range of existing B8 storage buildings and the erection of five dwellings. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S4234/FUL P16/S4234/FUL Northfield House, 11 Northfield End, HENLEY-ON-THAMES, RG9 2JG yes 0.097588 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.905168 51.540747) Change of use from office to six two-bedroom flats. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P17/S0259/FUL P17/S0259/FUL The Mill at Sonning (Theatre) Ltd Sonning Eye RG4 6TY yes 0.53 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.915948 51.476014) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
P17/S3853/FUL (SHELAA 867) P17/S3853/FUL (SHELAA 867) The Walled Garden, Badgemore Park Golf Club, Badgemore, RG9 4NR yes 0.5 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-12-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.924417 51.542597) Removal of existing buildings and erection of five dwelling houses (two 3-bed dwellings, a 4-bed dwelling and two 5-bed dwellings) within existing walled garden; provision of private amenity space, car parking, bin and cycle storage (alternative to scheme approved under permission P17/S0709/FUL). (As amended to insert a ground floor window to Unit 4) related to P16/S2039/FUL. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P17/S2178/PDO P17/S2178/PDO Girdler House, Quebec Road, Henley on Thames, RG9 1EY yes 0.05 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-10 other permissioned POINT(-0.899432 51.531045) Change of use of existing building - Class B1(a) (offices) - to create 5 dwellings - Class C3 (dwellinghouses). 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P17/S2446/FUL P17/S2446/FUL 291 Reading Road, HENLEY-ON-THAMES, RG9 1EL yes 0.1 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-09-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.89626 51.528704) Partial demolition of the existing building and its conversion to two dwellings, erection of a garage block with a flat above and the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
SHELAA: 1034 SHELAA: 1034 Oxford Brookes University Campus, Wheatley yes 21.47 0 300 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.129351 51.749628) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA (Autumn 2017). 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
SHELAA: 1050 SHELAA: 1050 Vanalloys Business Park, Stoke Row (3) yes 0.99 6 6 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.018372 51.550218) Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
SHELAA: 1085 SHELAA: 1085 Land to the rear of Thames Court, Goring yes 0.33 8 8 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.136945 51.523275) Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
SHELAA: 1195 SHELAA: 1195 Land to the north of Fane Drive, Berinsfield (3) yes 0.46 11 11 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.171128 51.666462) Large majority of site is Brownfield. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
SHELAA: 148 SHELAA: 148 Land north of B4526, Cray's Pond yes 0.19 7 7 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.069082 51.516273) Large majority of site is Brownfield. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
P15/S2159/O (SHELAA: 185) P15/S2159/O (SHELAA: 185) Didcot Gateway yes 4.34 300 300 mixed ownership outline planning permission pending decision POINT(-1.242455 51.61017) Minimum net dwellings is based on the planning application (P15/S2159/O ) as it has a resolution to grant permission.. Outline planning application for demolition of existing buildings and a mixed use development comprised of up to 300 residential units (use class C3), a 70-bed hotel (use class C1), up to 800sqm gym (use class D2), up to 2,400sqm retail uses (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), up to 1,800 sqm commercial office floorspace (use class B1), a replacement nursery school (use class D1) and a decked car park of up to three levels and supporting infrastructure.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S3525/FUL (SHELAA: 202) P16/S3525/FUL (SHELAA: 202) Thames Valley Police Station, Thame yes 0.32 8 41 not owned by a public authority 2018-09-28 full planning permission permissioned,%20Thame.pdf POINT(-0.977773 51.749433) Redevelopment to form 41 sheltered apartments for the elderly. 2018-12-21 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
SHELAA: 274 SHELAA: 274 Vauxhall Barracks, Didcot yes 8.25 0 300 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.253981 51.612717) Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
P15/S3387/FUL (SHELAA: 302) P15/S3387/FUL (SHELAA: 302) CABI, Mongewell yes 7.33 91 91 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-31 full planning permission permissioned,%20Mongewell.pdf POINT(-1.118072 51.589926) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall.. Demolition of existing buildings and creation of a new headquarters for CABI, erection of 91 dwellinghouses, comprising open market and affordable housing, provision of open space, landscaping and parking and other associated works. The residential part of the proposal is made in full while the CABI headquarters part is made in outline form with all matters reserved for future consideration except access.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P17/S2624/PDO (SHELAA: 308) P17/S2624/PDO (SHELAA: 308) DAF, Thame yes 4.3 45 91 not owned by a public authority 2017-09-08 other permissioned,%20Thame.pdf POINT(-0.959442 51.740892) Large majority of site is Brownfield. The minimum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated on the SHELAA (97) rather than the prior approval (45). This is because the prior approval only relates to the conversion of the building and not the overall site where there is potential for a higher capacity.. Change of use from offices (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) to comprise 45 flats -. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P10/W0093 (SHELAA: 335) P10/W0093 (SHELAA: 335) Dovehouse Farm, Cuddesdon (1) yes 1.68 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2014-06-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.130206 51.723199) Large majority of site is Brownfield. Conversion of traditional buildings into office accommodation and three residential conversions, and five new build residential units. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P15/S3848/FUL (SHELAA: 347) P15/S3848/FUL (SHELAA: 347) Goodsons Industrial Mews, Thame yes 1.01 29 29 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.972928 51.745902) Redevelopment of Goodsons Industrial Mews retaining existing commercial units 1A, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 in employment use. Alteration of unit 1-4 to provide 4 no apartments at first floor. Demolition of units 5, 6, 7, 8 and erection of 8 houses, 2 maisonettes and 15 flats (29 residential units in total). 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
SHELAA: 360 SHELAA: 360 Stuart Turner, Greys Road, Henley-on-Thames yes 0.75 23 23 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-0.90619 51.535982) Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
P15/S3385/FUL (SHELAA: 390) P15/S3385/FUL (SHELAA: 390) The Workshop, Newtown Road, Henley-on-Thames yes 0.46 64 64 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.893628 51.528454) Large majority of site is Brownfield. Minimum net dwellings for a care home (Use Class C2) is calculated as 80% of the total (therefore 0.8*80=64). Demolition of existing building and erection of an 80 bed care home (C2 use). 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S1514/FUL (SHELAA: 395) P16/S1514/FUL (SHELAA: 395) 13-16 St Martins Street, Wallingford yes 0.32 22 22 not owned by a public authority 2016-10-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.125882 51.598949) Redevelopment of the Former Waitrose to create 22 retirement apartments and two ground floor retail units. 2018-12-21 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S2593/FUL (SHELAA: 398) P16/S2593/FUL (SHELAA: 398) Sydney Harrison, House Mill Road, Lower Shiplake yes 0.43 16 16 not owned by a public authority 2017-02-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.882435 51.509267) Removal of existing buildings and the redevelopment of the site to provide 4x1 bedroom flats, 8x2 bedroom flats, together with 4x5 bedroom houses. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P16/S2932/FUL (SHELAA: 399) P16/S2932/FUL (SHELAA: 399) South Oxford Business Centre Lower Road Garsington yes 0.64 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.15651 51.701479) Conversion, external and internal alterations of former indoor riding school to create 8 x two bedroom first floor flats and 2 x one bedroom ground floor flats.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P17/S0322/O (SHELAA: 402) P17/S0322/O (SHELAA: 402) Hughendon Motors, London Road, Milton Common yes 0.27 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-23 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.053858 51.724291) Demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of five detached two-storey dwellings. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
SHELAA: 822 SHELAA: 822 The Downs, Wheatley Road, Garsington yes 1.14 31 31 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.15544 51.725541) Large majority of site is Brownfield. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
P16/S0375/FUL (SHELAA: 824) P16/S0375/FUL (SHELAA: 824) Land at Woodcote Garden Centre, Woodcote yes 0.39 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.065972 51.534466) Large majority of site is Brownfield.. Demolition of existing garden centre structures and erection of 9 new dwellings. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P17/S0024/RM (SHELAA: 853) P17/S0024/RM (SHELAA: 853) Land at Highlands Farm, Henley-on-Thames yes 33.57 170 536 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-24 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-0.931931 51.525914) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. The minimum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calulated in the SHELAA (536). This is because the planning permission of 170 dwellings only relates to part of the site and not the overall site where there is potential for a higher capacity.. Reserved matters approval for the phased development of the demolition of existing buildings and construction of up to 170 dwellings along with up to 2,000 m2 B1 employment space and associated infrastructure.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
SHELAA: 869 SHELAA: 869 Foxcovert Farm, Woodcote yes 0.7 0 17 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.078956 51.52617) Large majority of site is Brownfield. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
SHELAA: 870 SHELAA: 870 Land at Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield yes 1.08 0 24 not owned by a public authority outline planning permission pending decision POINT(-1.176195 51.660545) Minimum net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA rather than the planning application which is still pending a decision.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
P11/W2357 (SHELAA: 940) P11/W2357 (SHELAA: 940) Mongewell Park (Carmel College), Mongewell yes 30.92 166 166 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.121725 51.583883) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall.. Redevelopment to provide 166 residential dwellings (C3), refurbishment of Grade II and Grade II* listed buildings.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2022-01-04
SHELAA: 949 SHELAA: 949 Henley College, Henley-on-Thames yes 11.33 0 184 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-0.915777 51.535423) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
SHELAA: 979 SHELAA: 979 Lord William's Lower School, Thame yes 7.93 0 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned's%20Lower%20School.pdf POINT(-0.961971 51.744268) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
SHELAA: 991 SHELAA: 991 Chiltern's End, Henley-on-Thames yes 0.96 0 27 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned's%20End.pdf POINT(-0.918179 51.530212) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA.. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
SHELAA: 999 SHELAA: 999 Land east of Goring Road, Woodcote yes 0.46 107 107 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned POINT(-1.077628 51.527689) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. Mininum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calculated in the SHELAA. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22
P17/S0709/FUL (SHELAA 867) P17/S0709/FUL (SHELAA 867) yes 0.495788 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.924417 51.542597) 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2020-10-07
P17/S1355/FUL P17/S1355/FUL yes 0.174923 30 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.895658 51.527934) The minimum number of net dwellings is 30 as it is based on both a prior approval and a permission. The prior approval relates to the change of use of the building to 23 apartments (P16/S3796/PDO) and the permission relates to the conversion of the roof into six flats (P17/S1355/FUL). Both of these schemes can be built out on the site. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2020-10-07
SHELAA: 824 (P16/S0375/FUL) SHELAA: 824 (P16/S0375/FUL) yes 0.39 9 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.065972 51.534466) Large majority of site is Brownfield. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2020-10-07
SHELAA: 853 (P17/S0024/RM) SHELAA: 853 (P17/S0024/RM) yes 33.5682 536 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-24 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-0.931931 51.525914) Partially Brownfield site. Forms part of a larger site overall. The minimum number of net dwellings is based on the capacity calulated in the SHELAA (536). This is because the planning permission of 170 dwellings only relates to part of the site and not the overall site where there is potential for a higher capacity. 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 2020-10-07
P19/S4482/FUL P19/S4482/FUL 1, 3 and 5, Park Hill, Wheatley, OX33 1ND yes 0.17 60 60 not owned by a public authority 2020-12-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.139346 51.749639) 2021-12-22 2021-12-22
P21/S2624/FUL P21/S2624/FUL 114 Broadway, Didcot, OX11 8AB yes 0.03 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.238143 51.606339) 2021-12-22 2021-12-22

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