Stroud District Council
Brownfield land
Reference | Name | Site address | Deliverable | Hazardous substances | Hectares | MinNetDwellings | Minimum net dwellings | Maximum net dwellings | Ownership status | Planning permission date | Planning permission type | Planning permission history | Planning permission status | Site plan URL | Point | Notes | OrganisationLabel | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
BR001 | BR001 | Garage court rear of Marybrook Street car park, Marybrook Street Berkeley | 0.08 | 5 | 5 | owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.458808 51.692418) | Main constraints: Existing garage use. Summary: The site is considered suitable for redevelopment for housing subject to providing adequate car parking for existing residents and future occupants. There is a reasonable prospect that the site will be available in the future and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be redeveloped for high density housing, comprising flats at an average density of about 60 dph, and the suggested yield is 5 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR002 | BR002 | Queens Court, The Bourne Brimscombe | yes | 0.44 | 6 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.176453 51.718852) | Main constraints: Demolition of existing building. Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for housing within five years. The site is available now and it is suitable for redevelopment for housing / community development.. This site could be redeveloped for medium-high density housing comprising flats and townhouses at an average density of 50-75dph, and the suggested yield is up to 30 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR003 | BR003 | Brimscombe Mills & Mill Pond, London Road Brimscombe | yes | 1.46 | 25 | 25 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.194207 51.720424) | Main constraints: Brimscombe Mill Local Plan Site Allocations Policy SA1d; Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER2), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; flood risk, canal and site access. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is allocated in the Local Plan for mixed use redevelopment and is considered suitable for housing/ community development and employment uses. Redevelopment should involve adapting and re-using surviving historic buildings. Most of the site is within Flood Zone 3 and the site should not be developed until the adjoining Cotswold Canal has been reinstated or until a site specific Flood Risk Assessment demonstrates that the site can be safely developed, with more vulnerable development being located within Flood Zone 1 and without increasing flood risk either on or off site. Access will require a solution that does not impact upon the planned route of the reopened canal. The site is available now and there is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for a mix of housing and employment uses including medium to high density housing comprising flats and townhouses at an average density of 50-75dph, and the suggested yield is around 25 units, subject to achieving a satisfactory mix with other uses. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR004 | BR004 | Lakeside Depot, Brimscombe Mills London Road Stroud | yes | 0.24 | 15 | 15 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.194021 51.720838) | Main constraints: Brimscombe Mill Local Plan Site Allocations Policy SA1d; Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER2), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; flood risk, canal and site access. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is allocated with adjacent land in the Local Plan for mixed use redevelopment and is considered suitable for redevelopment for housing / community development and employment uses with scope for adapting and re-using the surviving historic buildings on the southern half of the site. Access will require a solution that does not impact upon the planned route of the reopened canal. The site is available now. and there is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for medium to high density housing comprising flats and townhouses, at an average density of around 75 dph, and the suggested yield is up to 15 units, subject to achieving a satisfactory mix with other uses. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR005 | BR005 | Brimscombe Port, Port Lane Brimscombe | yes | 3.86 | 85 | 150 | owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.189743 51.719074) | Main constraints: Brimscombe Port Local Plan Site Allocations Policy SA1e; Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER1), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; listed buildings; Key Wildlife Site; flood risk. Site investigation required. Summary:The site is allocated in the Local Plan for mixed use redevelopment and is considered suitable for redevelopment for housing /community and tourism development and employment uses. Development would require the demolition of some of the existing industrial buildings and sensitive reuse of historic buildings, together with redevelopment including the reinstatement of the canal and port basin. Most of the site is within Flood Zone 3 and the site should not be developed until the Cotswold Canal has been reinstated or until a site specific Flood Risk Assessment demonstrates that the site can be safely developed, with more vulnerable development being located within Flood Zone 1 and without increasing flood risk either on or off site. The site is planned to come forward for redevelopment within the next 5 years and there is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for medium to high density housing comprising flats and townhouses, offices, light industrial, canal and community uses at an average density of 50-90 dph, and the suggested yield is up to 150 units, subject to achieving a satisfactory mix with other uses. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR006 | BR006 | Bourne Mills, London Road Brimscombe | 0.47 | 10 | 10 | unknown ownership | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.186046 51.717731) | Main constraints: Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; listed buildings, Key Wildlife Site, flood risk and railway viaduct. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is considered suitable for partial reuse, redevelopment and improvement for retail, employment, housing or community purposes, subject to conserving the character of the listed buildings and conservation area.The site is in active use but there is a reasonable prospect that parts of the site will be available for reuse/redevelopment at a point in the future and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be partially reused and redeveloped and improved for retail, employment, housing or community purposes, subject to conserving the character of the listed buildings and conservation area. Conversion of upper floors of mill building and new build on land outside the floodplain could deliver about 10 dwellings at 50 dph. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR007 | BR007 | Units 1 - 8, Ebley Wharf, Stroud | yes | 0.16 | 6 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.249352 51.739858) | Main constraints: Listed Buildings, Ebley Mills Conservation Area, adjoining canal, flood risk Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for housing within five years. The site is available now and it is suitable for the conversion of existing buildings to a range of uses, including housing, subject to conserving the character of the listed buildings and conservation area.. Current planning application for the conversion of the upper three floors of the historic mill building and 2-storey wing to 6no flats. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR008 | BR008 | Coaley Junction, Draycott Cam | yes | 1.75 | 39 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-03-21 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.364718 51.71635) | Main constraints: Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER6) and shape of site. Previous resolution to grant permission subject to conditions. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses including housing within five years. The site is available now and is designated in the Local Plan as an existing employment site suitable for regeneration for mixed use development including housing and employment.. This site could be developed for medium density housing typically comprising a mix of detached, semi -detached and terraced dwellings at an average density of around 35 dph, and the suggested yield for a residential scheme across the net developable area is 39 units. | 2021-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2021-12-01 | |||||
BR009 | BR009 | 20 Rock Road, Cam | 0.09 | 8 | 8 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.378746 51.69577) | Main constraints: Site levels and relation to surrounding residential development. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is located within settlement development limits and is considered suitable for housing. There is no evidence that any of this area is available currently but there is a reasonable prospect that any suitable land will be available at a point in the future for development and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. Site subject to past resolution to grant planning permission, subject to a s106 agreement, for the redevelopment of the site for 8 two bed flats comprising a block of 7 flats and attached flat. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR010 | BR010 | Summerhayes General Stores, The Crescent Cam | yes | 0.11 | 5 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-12-15 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.36691 51.697435) | Main constraints: Delivery Policy EI3:Small employment sites (outside identified employment areas), Delivery Policy EI6: Protecting individual and village shops, public houses and other community uses Summary: The site is located within settlement development limits and is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses, including housing, within 5 years.. Lapsed planning permission for the demolition of the existing shop/ dwelling and redevelopment for 5 dwellings | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR011 | BR011 | Henlow House/ 54 - 60 Silver Street, Silver Street Dursley | yes | 0.13 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.352511 51.680432) | Main constraints: Dursley Conservation Area, listed buildings, existing uses. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for housing within five years. The site is available now and it is suitable for for the conversion of existing buildings to housing or commercial uses, with limited new residential infill development to the rear subject to the scale, massing and detailed design of any development reflecting the historic urban grain of Dursley Conservation Area.. Existing buildings could be converted for housing and commercial uses and the southern part of the site developed for housing as part of a mixed use scheme, and the suggested yield over the net developeable area is around 10 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR012 | BR012 | The Old Dairy/ Land off Prospect Place, Dursley | yes | 0.37 | 10 | 10 | mixed ownership | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.35554 51.681142) | Main constraints: Town centres and retailing Local Plan Core Policy CP12, Dursley Conservation Area, access, multiple ownership, adjacent listed buildings and protected species. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses including housing within five years. The site is available now and is suitable for redevelopment for housing /town centre uses subject to the scale, massing and detailed design of any development reflecting the historic urban grain of Dursley Conservation Area.. This site could be developed for medium/ high density development, comprising terraced housing and apartments at an average density of about 40 dph, and the suggested yield for a residential scheme across the net developable area is 10 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR013 | BR013 | 1-25 Long Street, Dursley | 0.48 | 10 | 11 | mixed ownership | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.353711 51.682199) | Main constraints: Town centres and retailing Local Plan Core Policy CP12, Dursley Conservation Area, listed buildings, existing car parking, access and multiple ownership. Summary: The site is considered suitable for redevelopment for housing/town centre uses subject to the scale, massing and detailed design of any development reflecting the historic urban grain of Dursley Conservation Area. There is no evidence that any of this area is available currently but there is a reasonable prospect that any suitable land will be available at a point in the future for development and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for high density development, comprising apartments at an average density of about 60 dph, subject to providing for parking for existing uses, and the suggested yield for a residential scheme across the net developable area is 11 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR014 | BR014 | 11/11a May Lane, Dursley | yes | 0.04 | 5 | 5 | owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.356871 51.681264) | Main constraints: Dursley Conservation Area Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses including housing within five years. The site is available now and is considered suitable for housing /community/ town centre uses. Any development should consider the re-use of existing historic buildings. The scale, massing and detailed design of any new infill development will need to reflect the character of Dursley Conservation Area and the setting of neighbouring listed buildings.. The existing buildings could be converted and the site developed for apartments at an average density of about 100 dph, and the suggested yield for a residential scheme across the net developable area is 4 - 5 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR015 | BR015 | Dursley Garage, 29 - 31 Kingshill Road Dursley | yes | 0.07 | 7 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | 2023-03-31 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.357799 51.683428) | Main constraints: Existing buildings, access and car parking. Summary:The site is considered deliverable for housing within five years. The site is located within settlement development limits, is available now and is suitable for housing development.. Lapsed planning permission S.13/1882/FUL for the redevelopment of the site for 10 units, comprising 8 three bed terraced townhouses and 2no two-bed flats, creation of two office spaces. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR016 | BR016 | Dockyard Works, Knapp Lane Brimscombe | 1.04 | 20 | 20 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.182701 51.717314) | Main constraints: Dockyard Works Local Plan Site Allocations Policy SA1g; Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER4), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area, demolition of buildings, flood risk. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is allocated in the Local Plan for mixed use redevelopment and is considered suitable for redevelopment for housing /community development and employment uses. Part of the site is within flood zone 3 and will require de-culverting of the Toadsmoor Stream on-site and the reinstatement and maintenance of the adjacent Canal channel off-site to reduce flood risk and improve river corridor functionality. Access will require improvements to the Knapp Lane/Toadsmoor Road/A419 junctions.The site is available now and there is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for medium to high density housing, comprising flats and townhouses, offices and community uses at an average density of 30-50 dph, and the suggested yield is up to 20 units, subject to achieving a satisfactory mix with other uses. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR017 | BR017 | Val D'Or Works, Knapp Lane Brimscombe | 0.42 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned |'Or%20Works%2C%20Brimbscombe%22%2C%22longitude%22%3A-2.180749984702096%2C%22latitude%22%3A51.71739092212225%2C%22isIncludeShareUrl%22%3Atrue%7D&level=11 | POINT(-2.180386 51.717551) | Main constraints: Dockyard Works Local Plan Site Allocations Policy SA1g; Industrial Heritage Conservation Area, demolition of buildings, flood risk. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is allocated in the Local Plan for mixed use redevelopment and is considered suitable for redevelopment for housing /community development and employment uses. Part of the site is within flood zone 3 and will require the reinstatement and maintenance of the adjacent Canal channel off-site to reduce flood risk and improve river corridorfunctionality. Access will require improvements to the Knapp Lane/Toadsmoor Road/A419 junctions. The site is not currently available but there is a reasonable prospect that the site will be available in the medium term and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for medium to high density housing comprising flats and townhouses, offices and community uses, at an average density of 30-50 dph and the suggested yield is up to 10 units, subject to achieving a satisfactory mix with other uses. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR018 | BR018 | The New Lawn, Nailsworth | yes | 2.83 | 52 | 90 | not owned by a public authority || | pending decision | | POINT(-2.237638 51.698838) | Main constraints: Protected outdoor play space. Relocation of Forest Green Football Club Summary: The site is considered suitable for redevelopment for housing / community development subject to the relocation of the football stadium and community uses providing a net benefit to the community in terms of the quality, availability and accessibility of recreational or open space opportunities. The site is in active use and can only come forward for development once suitable replacement facilities are provided. There is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. Taking account of the character of the site and its surroundings, this site could be developed for low to medium density housing development typically comprising a mix of detached, semi -detached and terraced dwellings at an average density of about 20-30 dph, and the suggested yield is around between 52-78 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR019 | BR019 | Daniels Industrial Estate, 104 Bath Road, Stroud | yes | 2.52 | 50 | 111 | not owned by a public authority | 2023-04-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.233523 51.737031) | Main constraints: Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER7), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area.There are existing businesses on the site. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is subject to a Development Control Committee resolution, on 21/11/2017, to grant planning permission subject to a s106 agreement relating to affordable housing and off-site highway improvements. The site is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses including housing within five years. The site is allocated in the Local Plan as suitable for mixed use redevelopment, including employment development, provided there are demonstrable environmental and/or conservation benefits. The site is available now and there is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site.. Mixed use redevelopment comprising up to 50 residential dwellings, new foodstore and food and drink retail unit. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR020 | BR020 | Fern House and Unit 24 Daniels Industrial Estate, Bath Road, Stroud | yes | 0.45 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.232628 51.737474) | Main constraints: Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER7), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area.There are existing businesses on the site. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses including housing within five years. The site is allocated in the Local Plan as suitable for mixed use redevelopment, including employment development, provided there are demonstrable environmental and/or conservation benefits. The site is available now and there is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site.. This site could be partially redeveloped for medum to high density housing including apartments and the suggested yield on this part of the site is around 10 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR021 | BR021 | Land adjacent to Fromehall, Bath Road Rodborough | 0.47 | 5 | 5 | mixed ownership | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.228944 51.742057) | Main constraints: Industrial Heritage Conservation Area, topography, land stability and access. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is considered suitable for housing or community development. However care will be needed as it contributes to the setting of historic buildings as well as the character of the conservation area. There will be a need to retain mature trees and secure safe access improvements to the local road and cycle network. There is no evidence that any of this area is available currently but there is a reasonable prospect that any suitable land will be available at a point in the future for development and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for low density development typically comprising detached, semi -detached dwellings at an average low density of about 20 dph, and the suggested yield is 5 units taking account of levels and the need to retain tree cover. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR023 | BR023 | Former Standish Hospital Site, Horsemarling Lane Standish | yes | 13.07 | 125 | owned by a public authority | 2019-02-14 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.267856 51.7586) | Main constraints: A quality living and working countryside (Local Plan Policy CP15); Cotswold AONB; Tree Preservation Orders; Listed Buildings. Site investigation required. Summary:The site is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses including housing within five years. The site is available now and it is suitable for housing development comprising the sensitive reuse of the historic buildings with the minimum necessary enabling development in order to secure the long term future of this important heritage asset. A comprehensive masterplan and supporting viability justification would be required.. This site could be partly redeveloped for housing and community uses provided that the minimum necessary enabling development is used to secure the reuse and restoration of the heritage buildings. Development is likely to result in a mix of apartments, townhouses, terraced, semi and detached houses. The suggested likely yield is 125 units, but should be the minimum necessary. Part of current application site S.17/2729/FUL. | 2021-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2021-12-01 | |||||
BR024 | BR024 | Stagholt Playing Field Car Park, Gloucester Road Stonehouse | yes | 0.22 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.282837 51.756299) | Main constraints: Adjoining settlement development limits; Local housing need (exception sites) Local Plan Delivery Policy HC4; Existing use of site for changing facilities and carpark associated with the adjacent playing field and as an access to adjoining allotments. Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for housing within five years. The site is available now and the southern part of the site is suitable as an exception site for an affordable housing scheme site, subject to satisfactory replacement of existing changing facilities, car parking and securing appropriate access to adjacent allotments.. This site could partly be developed for low/medium density housing development, as a local housing need exception site, typically comprising terraced dwellings at an average density of about 20-25 dph and the suggested yield is 5 units, subject to the replacement of existing community facilities. | 2019-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2019-12-01 | ||||||||
BR025 | BR025 | Old Station Yard, Station Road Stonehouse | yes | 0.31 | 15 | 15 | not owned by a public authority || | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.293607 51.745986) | Main constraints: Industrial Heritage Conservation Area, Stonehouse Neighbourhood Development Plan. Former railway land. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is considered deliverable for housing within five years. The site is available now and is suitable for housing development.. Lapsed planning permission S.13/2110/FUL for the redevelopment of the site for 15 semi-detached and terraced houses comprising 7no two- bed units and 8no three-bed units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR026 | BR026 | Police station/ Magistrates Court, Parliament Street Stroud | 0.41 | 30 | 45 | owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.214086 51.745448) | Main constraints: Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Plan Opportunitiy Site Policy ZP6, Conservation Area, demolition of existing building. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is identified in the Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan as suitable for redevelopment for a mix of uses including retail and/or public service office uses on the ground floor with residential, hotel and/or office uses on upper floors. The current uses are likely to vacate the site in the short to medium term and there is a reasonable prospect that the site will be available in the future and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for a mix of housing and other town centre uses including medium to high density housing comprising mainly townhouses and apartments and the suggested yield is around 30 - 45 units | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR027 | BR027 | Market Tavern, Cornhill Stroud | yes | 0.11 | 15 | 15 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.215715 51.743917) | Main constraints: Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Plan zonal policy ZP1b, Conservation Area. Summary: The site is considered to be deliverable for a range of uses including housing within five years.The site is identified in the Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan as suitable for redevelopment for a mix of uses including retail on the ground floor with residential and/or commercial uses on upper floors. The site is available now and there is a reasonable prospect that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for a mix of ground floor retail and commercial and/ or housing uses. If for housing only on upper floors, this could include high density housing comprising town houses and apartments and the suggested yield is up to 15 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR028 | BR028 | Lower Wharf Industrial Estate, Wallbridge Stroud | 0.64 | 12 | 17 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.223826 51.744072) | Main constraints: Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER9), Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Plan opportunity site ZP2b; Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; flood risk. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is identified in the Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan as suitable for mixed uses, including potentially residential uses. The western part of the site is safeguarded for the potential recreation of the canal basin alongside with tourist and leisure uses. There is no evidence that the site is available now but there is a reasonable prospect that any suitable land will be available at a point in the future and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be redeveloped for a mix of housing and other uses including employment, tourism and leisure uses. Only the frontage land with Bath Road and land adjacent to the canal would be suitable for residential uses due to the floodplain. A relatively high density flatted development could be delivered, around 75-100 dph and the suggested yield is 12-17 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR029 | BR029 | Railway Land/ car parks, Cheapside Stroud | yes | 1.89 | 75 | 75 | owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.218104 51.743741) | Main constraints: Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Plan railway zone policy ZP3; Stroud Station and Industrial Heritage Conservation Areas; listed building, station operational land and car parks. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is identified in the Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan as part of a wider area suitable for redevelopment comprising station enhancement, public space and other town centre uses including the development of the car parks on the south side of the railway for mixed uses, including residential uses. The site is not being promoted currently but there is a reasonable prospect that the site will be available at a point in the future for redevelopment and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for a mix of housing, station and town centre uses. This could include high density housing comprising town houses and apartments and the suggested yield is up to 75 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR030 | BR030 | Merrywalks Arches, Merrywalks Stroud | yes | 0.2 | 5 | 25 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.22027 51.745347) | Main constraints: Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Plan railway arches development site policy ZP4a; Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; flood risk. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is identified in the Stroud Town Centre Neighbourhood Development Plan as suitable for reuse/ redevelopment for mixed use commercial and residential development. The site has been subject to relatively recent planning permissions for restaurant and public house uses and so although there is no evidence that the site is currently being actively promoted, there is a reasonable prospect that the site will be available in the future for redevelopment and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. This site could be developed for a mix of commercial and housing uses. If for housing only, this could include high density housing comprising town houses and apartments and the suggested yield is 25 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||||
BR031 | BR031 | Lodgemore/Fromehall Mills, Lodgemore Lane Stroud | 1.4 | 40 | 40 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.226504 51.743591) | Main constraints: Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER9), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; listed buildings, flood risk and access. There are existing businesses on site and the site is not being actively promoted at the current time. Site investigation required. Summary: The site is allocated in the Local Plan for mixed use regeneration and is considered suitable for employment and housing uses.The impact on the listed buildings and the integrity of the industrial complex would be likely to preclude any re-development of this site, other than adaptive-re-use of the existing historic buildings. There is no evidence that any of this area is available currently but there is a reasonable prospect that any suitable land will be available at a point in the future for development and that development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. Taking account of the heritage and landscape character of the site and its surroundings, this site could be subject to adaptive-reuse of the existing historic buildings for employment in improved premises and residential with sensitive conversion to apartments. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR032 | BR032 | Land to the rear of Avocet Business Park, Dudbridge Stroud | 5.05 | 50 | 60 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.230918 51.742962) | Main constraints: Regenerating existing employment sites Local Plan Delivery Policy EI2 (ER9), Industrial Heritage Conservation Area; listed buildings, protected outdoor playspace, flood risk and access. Site investigation required. Summary: Parts of this site are allocated in the Local Plan for mixed use, regeneration and considered suitable for housing and employment uses. Scope for redevelopment consisting principally of re-use of existing historic buildings and additional infill to the west of Chestnut Lane. The impact on the setting of the listed buildings and the character of the canal corridor would be likely to preclude development on substantial parts of the site and to constrain it to the previously developed land. There is no evidence that any of this area is available currently but there is a reasonable prospect that any suitable land will be available at a point in the future for development and development as envisaged will be delivered on the site within 15 years.. Part of this site could be redeveloped for a mix of housing and employment uses including conversion of mill buildings. This could include medium to high density housing comprising town houses and apartments and the suggested yield is 50 -60 units. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||||
BR033 | BR033 | Rooksmoor Mills, Bath Road Woodchester Stroud | 1.09 | 54 | mixed ownership | 2018-01-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.230778 51.726823) | Main constraints: Industrial Heritage Conservation Area, flood risk, key wildlife site Summary: The site is the subject of a Development Control Committee resolution, on 21/11/2017, to grant planning permission subject to a s106 agreement, relating to affordable housing overage and contributions, and to publicising the application as a departure from the development plan and as major development affecting the conservation area and setting of listed buildings. The majority of the site comprises brownfield land within settlement development limits, accommodating 46no dwellings, with 8no dwellings proposed on greenfield land outside but adjoining settlement development limits and proposed employment development on brownfield land part within and part outside settlement development limits.. Hybrid application for full planning permission for construction of 54 residential units and outline planning permission for 1,300sqm of commercial floorspace | 2021-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2021-12-01 | ||||||
BR034 | BR034 | Newport Towers Hotel, Newport Berkeley | yes | 1.42 | 39 | 39 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-03-29 | reserved matters approval | permissioned | | POINT(-2.436169 51.676051) | Mixed use development including up to 39no dwellings and a community shop | 2022-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2022-12-01 | |||||
BR035 | BR035 | Land at Friday Street, Arlingham | 0.23 | 7 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2005-05-16 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.422867 51.797327) | Erection of 5no detached and 2no semi-detached dwellings | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||
BR036 | BR036 | Land at Wynstones Drive, Brookthorpe | yes | 1.59 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-09-28 | reserved matters approval | permissioned | | POINT(-2.237294 51.807019) | Hybrid planning application comprising demolition of 5 detached bungalows and 4 flats and erection of 19 residential dwellings (including detailed proposals for 1no detached and 2no semi-detached dwellings (Phase 1) | 2022-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2022-12-01 | |||||
BR037 | BR037 | 91 Westward Road, Stroud | yes | 0.07 | 8 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-01-14 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.242573 51.742273) | Erection of single building incorporating 3no one-bedroom and 7no two-bedroom flats | 2021-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2021-12-01 | ||||
BR038 | BR038 | Tricorn House, Westward Road Ebley Stroud | yes | 0.08 | 40 | 44 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-05-28 | other | permissioned | | POINT(-2.240044 51.743204) | Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of existing office building into 44 individual residential units | 2023-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2023-12-01 | |||||
BR039 | BR039 | Land adjacent to Kantara, Dudbridge Road | 0.11 | 6 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-09-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.238852 51.742514) | Erection of 3no pairs of semi-detached dwellings | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | ||||||
BR040 | BR040 | 18 Woodmancote, Dursley | yes | 0.22 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-09-21 | outline planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.350591 51.678981) | Demolition of existing commercial buildings and erection of ten detached, semi-detached and terraced dwellings | 2019-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2019-12-01 | |||||
BR042 | BR042 | Purton Cottage, Bristol Road Hardwicke | 0.38 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-07-21 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.284216 51.812049) | Erection of 4no detached dwellings and 1no live/work unit including office space | 2019-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2019-12-01 | ||||||
BR043 | BR043 | Land at The Priory, Priory Fields Horsley | 0.03 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | 2008-11-13 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.236195 51.680058) | Erection of 5 dwellings | 2019-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2019-12-01 | ||||||
BR044 | BR044 | Stanley Mills, Ryeford Kings Stanley | yes | 4.85 | 146 | 146 | not owned by a public authority | 2011-12-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.273939 51.736791) | Conversion of Grade I, Grade II and curtilage listed buildings to provide 65no. residential dwellings (comprising a mixture of houses and apartments)and 81 new build dwellings | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR045 | BR045 | Wimberley Mill, Knapp Lane Brimscombe | yes | 4.61 | 104 | 104 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-08-17 | reserved matters approval | permissioned | | POINT(-2.183277 51.716711) | Demolition and clearance of the existing buildings and hardstanding, residential development of up to 104 dwellings | 2022-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2022-12-01 | |||||
BR046 | BR046 | Dark Mills, Toadsmoor Lane Brimscombe | yes | 1.48 | 36 | 36 | not owned by a public authority | 2005-10-11 | reserved matters approval | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.183292 51.716863) | Erection of 36 houses and flats for people of 50 years of age and over | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR048 | BR048 | Locks Mill, Brewery Lane Nailsworth | yes | 1.18 | 9 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 1994-07-12 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.220968 51.692504) | Part implemented planning permission. 11 units outstanding including change of use of mill building to 2nodwellings, demolition of ancillary buildings and erection of 2no dwellings, 7no new build dwellings. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR049 | BR049 | Kites'Nest, 106 Bath Road Stroud | yes | 0.11 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-08-17 | full planning permission | | permissioned |'Nest%22%2C%22longitude%22%3A-2.232992650118392%2C%22latitude%22%3A51.73573150338452%2C%22isIncludeShareUrl%22%3Atrue%7D&level=12 | POINT(-2.232979 51.735477) | Redevelopment of public house site for 10no dwelling units comprising 7no new dwellings and conversion of former public house into 3no flats | 2019-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | 2019-12-01 | |||||
BR050 | BR050 | Police Station, Dudbridge Hill Stroud | yes | 0.17 | 13 | 13 | not owned by a public authority | 2011-11-29 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.231853 51.738896) | Erection of 13 dwellings comprising 6no three-bed and 7no two-bed units in a mix of terraces, back to back flats and a flat over garage | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR052 | BR052 | Land adjoining Stroud Rugby Club , Dudbridge Hill Stroud | yes | 0.51 | 14 | 14 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-12-22 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.23171 51.739301) | 14no dwellings comprising 3no four-bed and 6no three-bed houses and a block of flats containing 1no three-bed and 4no two-bed flats. | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR053 | BR053 | Land at Station Road Bristol Road, Stonehouse | yes | 1.05 | 45 | 49 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-11-24 | reserved matters approval || | permissioned | | POINT(-2.292158 51.748094) | Residential development for 49 units comprising 27no houses and 22no flats | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 | |||||
BR054 | BR054 | Thompson First Ltd Butterow Hill Bowbridge Stroud, | 0.49 | 24 | 24 | not owned by a public authority | 2008-11-27 | reserved matters approval | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.207037 51.737081) | Erection of 24no detached, semi-detached and terraced dwellings | 2024-12-01 | 2017-12-18 |
Showing rows 1 to 50 of 98