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London Borough of Southwark

Article 4 direction area

Reference Name Article 4 direction Permitted development rights Uprns Address texts Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
356 THE SHIP AGROUND PUBLIC HOUSE 356 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.070611 51.500712,-0.070638 51.500589,-0.070456 51.500568,-0.070423 51.500635,-0.070470 51.500640,-0.070466 51.500654,-0.070514 51.500660,-0.070511 51.500669,-0.070444 51.500661,-0.070440 51.500673,-0.070611 51.500712))) POINT (-0.070538 51.500634) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
357 SIR ROBERT PEEL 357 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.096595 51.484268,-0.096711 51.484386,-0.096745 51.484374,-0.096737 51.484364,-0.096758 51.484355,-0.096772 51.484368,-0.096829 51.484347,-0.096705 51.484225,-0.096595 51.484268))) POINT (-0.09671 51.484306) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
358 RED LION 358 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.093310 51.484500,-0.093522 51.484680,-0.093567 51.484675,-0.093582 51.484550,-0.093564 51.484531,-0.093352 51.484450,-0.093310 51.484500))) POINT (-0.093466 51.48456) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
359 THE GLADSTONE 359 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.093696 51.489400,-0.093770 51.489484,-0.093915 51.489436,-0.093842 51.489352,-0.093696 51.489400))) POINT (-0.093806 51.489418) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
360 LORD CLYDE 360 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.095465 51.502845,-0.095597 51.502881,-0.095625 51.502841,-0.095637 51.502843,-0.095653 51.502820,-0.095632 51.502814,-0.095664 51.502770,-0.095553 51.502737,-0.095524 51.502743,-0.095465 51.502845))) POINT (-0.095566 51.502808) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
361 The Crown 361 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.104862 51.501449,-0.104966 51.501453,-0.104999 51.501481,-0.105044 51.501487,-0.105081 51.501465,-0.105083 51.501407,-0.105118 51.501408,-0.105117 51.501442,-0.105170 51.501408,-0.105065 51.501323,-0.105005 51.501375,-0.104865 51.501372,-0.104862 51.501449))) POINT (-0.105008 51.50141) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
362 The Tankard 362 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.097082 51.490211,-0.097225 51.490177,-0.097236 51.490192,-0.097302 51.490176,-0.097248 51.490098,-0.097058 51.490145,-0.097048 51.490155,-0.097082 51.490211))) POINT (-0.097174 51.490156) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
363 The Angel at Rotherhithe 363 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.059035 51.500707,-0.059033 51.500697,-0.059137 51.500686,-0.059112 51.500582,-0.059096 51.500577,-0.058957 51.500589,-0.058990 51.500711,-0.059035 51.500707))) POINT (-0.059047 51.50064) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
364 JOINERS ARMS 364 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.092940 51.472408,-0.092921 51.472330,-0.092628 51.472404,-0.092636 51.472418,-0.092575 51.472441,-0.092582 51.472452,-0.092596 51.472449,-0.092604 51.472464,-0.092593 51.472466,-0.092600 51.472478,-0.092641 51.472469,-0.092646 51.472475,-0.092940 51.472408))) POINT (-0.092771 51.472408) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
365 DOVER CASTLE PH 365 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.092830 51.500532,-0.092981 51.500478,-0.092832 51.500369,-0.092765 51.500407,-0.092761 51.500423,-0.092830 51.500532))) POINT (-0.092856 51.500452) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
366 Pommeler's Rest 366 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.076967 51.502476,-0.077218 51.502539,-0.077318 51.502397,-0.077319 51.502374,-0.077175 51.502278,-0.077108 51.502377,-0.077044 51.502361,-0.076967 51.502476))) POINT (-0.077159 51.502421) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
367 THE MAYFLOWER 367 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.053575 51.501855,-0.053669 51.501833,-0.053646 51.501774,-0.053625 51.501778,-0.053593 51.501722,-0.053512 51.501740,-0.053575 51.501855))) POINT (-0.05359 51.50179) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
368 Ship & Whale Public House 368 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.034327 51.496901,-0.034306 51.496793,-0.034052 51.496816,-0.034066 51.496893,-0.033998 51.496900,-0.034008 51.496933,-0.034327 51.496901))) POINT (-0.034178 51.496863) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
369 THE MONTPELIER 369 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.070268 51.467702,-0.070375 51.467687,-0.070390 51.467668,-0.070291 51.467453,-0.070162 51.467474,-0.070268 51.467702))) POINT (-0.070279 51.467577) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
370 MILLER OF MANSFIELD 370 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.087359 51.502169,-0.087416 51.502165,-0.087421 51.502181,-0.087473 51.502175,-0.087479 51.502184,-0.087647 51.502161,-0.087624 51.502095,-0.087659 51.502091,-0.087637 51.502032,-0.087455 51.502063,-0.087348 51.502062,-0.087359 51.502169))) POINT (-0.087504 51.502112) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
371 ROSE & CROWN 371 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.094698 51.503870,-0.094835 51.503892,-0.094855 51.503885,-0.094912 51.503770,-0.094835 51.503756,-0.094853 51.503720,-0.094782 51.503707,-0.094698 51.503870))) POINT (-0.094806 51.503809) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
372 Stormbird 372 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.090309 51.474154,-0.090420 51.474164,-0.090436 51.474032,-0.090420 51.474018,-0.090334 51.474012,-0.090309 51.474154))) POINT (-0.090375 51.474089) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
373 George Canning 373 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.086055 51.468124,-0.086260 51.468072,-0.086208 51.467990,-0.086004 51.468040,-0.086055 51.468124))) POINT (-0.086131 51.468057) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
374 THE LORD NELSON 374 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.074217 51.486848,-0.074416 51.486664,-0.074344 51.486633,-0.074308 51.486628,-0.074256 51.486625,-0.074231 51.486648,-0.074208 51.486640,-0.074108 51.486742,-0.074101 51.486780,-0.074107 51.486802,-0.074217 51.486848))) POINT (-0.074242 51.486726) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
375 THE MARKET PORTER 375 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.091214 51.505352,-0.091281 51.505404,-0.091306 51.505410,-0.091453 51.505359,-0.091355 51.505282,-0.091214 51.505352))) POINT (-0.091332 51.50535) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
376 The Good Intent P H 376 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.094219 51.487834,-0.094337 51.487970,-0.094450 51.487933,-0.094372 51.487839,-0.094348 51.487847,-0.094336 51.487834,-0.094360 51.487825,-0.094334 51.487795,-0.094219 51.487834))) POINT (-0.094335 51.487884) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
377 The Libertine 377 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.097112 51.500625,-0.097262 51.500666,-0.097284 51.500638,-0.097249 51.500629,-0.097327 51.500524,-0.097205 51.500489,-0.097112 51.500625))) POINT (-0.097221 51.500577) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
378 SHIP 378 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.096616 51.499404,-0.096833 51.499551,-0.096898 51.499502,-0.096748 51.499395,-0.096616 51.499404))) POINT (-0.09677 51.499463) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
379 CANTERBURY ARMS 379 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.102848 51.482830,-0.102838 51.482821,-0.102918 51.482783,-0.102812 51.482701,-0.102686 51.482759,-0.102673 51.482772,-0.102713 51.482807,-0.102735 51.482798,-0.102802 51.482854,-0.102848 51.482830))) POINT (-0.102796 51.482775) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
380 THE BRIDGE HOUSE 380 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.076488 51.503259,-0.076704 51.503312,-0.076751 51.503243,-0.076556 51.503194,-0.076488 51.503259))) POINT (-0.076624 51.503252) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
381 THE KENTISH DROVERS 381 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.070217 51.473857,-0.070097 51.473648,-0.070060 51.473655,-0.070050 51.473636,-0.070116 51.473624,-0.070066 51.473524,-0.069896 51.473578,-0.070068 51.473892,-0.070217 51.473857))) POINT (-0.070055 51.473709) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
382 CHINA HALL 382 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.049687 51.494714,-0.049753 51.494742,-0.049815 51.494686,-0.049848 51.494700,-0.049814 51.494729,-0.049847 51.494744,-0.049873 51.494722,-0.049891 51.494729,-0.049908 51.494716,-0.049942 51.494731,-0.050036 51.494675,-0.049878 51.494601,-0.049854 51.494600,-0.049736 51.494697,-0.049718 51.494689,-0.049687 51.494714))) POINT (-0.04987 51.494677) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
383 The Ship 383 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.055103 51.500586,-0.055050 51.500553,-0.055030 51.500558,-0.054990 51.500516,-0.054954 51.500522,-0.054858 51.500565,-0.054897 51.500607,-0.054884 51.500612,-0.054901 51.500658,-0.054987 51.500628,-0.055000 51.500643,-0.055032 51.500632,-0.055019 51.500617,-0.055103 51.500586))) POINT (-0.054968 51.500585) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
384 THE ANCHOR BANKSIDE 384 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.093131 51.507433,-0.093292 51.507238,-0.093214 51.507214,-0.093256 51.507159,-0.093206 51.507145,-0.093180 51.507180,-0.093155 51.507171,-0.093140 51.507189,-0.093046 51.507151,-0.093026 51.507175,-0.093003 51.507167,-0.092993 51.507178,-0.092942 51.507162,-0.092935 51.507172,-0.092822 51.507148,-0.092803 51.507213,-0.092793 51.507310,-0.093131 51.507433))) POINT (-0.093033 51.507272) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
385 Kings Arms 385 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.075660 51.501471,-0.075693 51.501507,-0.075712 51.501516,-0.075703 51.501527,-0.075724 51.501575,-0.075779 51.501599,-0.075895 51.501496,-0.075743 51.501430,-0.075711 51.501428,-0.075660 51.501471))) POINT (-0.07577 51.501507) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
386 WHELAN'S FREE HOUSE 386 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.047418 51.492909,-0.047470 51.492872,-0.047589 51.492815,-0.047532 51.492767,-0.047362 51.492841,-0.047418 51.492909))) POINT (-0.047471 51.492833) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
387 Black Horse 387 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.087881 51.496482,-0.087970 51.496550,-0.088016 51.496528,-0.088027 51.496536,-0.088146 51.496482,-0.088041 51.496402,-0.087881 51.496482))) POINT (-0.088013 51.496479) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
388 THE LEATHER EXCHANGE 388 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.084618 51.500454,-0.084738 51.500469,-0.084799 51.500336,-0.084681 51.500315,-0.084618 51.500454))) POINT (-0.084709 51.500393) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
389 Hollydale Tavern 389 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.056254 51.469688,-0.056517 51.469651,-0.056503 51.469609,-0.056456 51.469615,-0.056445 51.469588,-0.056471 51.469584,-0.056464 51.469559,-0.056214 51.469605,-0.056254 51.469688))) POINT (-0.056361 51.469627) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
390 The Camberwell Arms 390 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.088384 51.473887,-0.088450 51.473728,-0.088306 51.473703,-0.088226 51.473885,-0.088384 51.473887))) POINT (-0.08834 51.473801) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
391 The Union Jack Nolia Gallary 391 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.101527 51.503554,-0.101760 51.503556,-0.101769 51.503431,-0.101623 51.503430,-0.101622 51.503453,-0.101609 51.503454,-0.101610 51.503462,-0.101623 51.503462,-0.101623 51.503470,-0.101596 51.503471,-0.101596 51.503445,-0.101524 51.503446,-0.101527 51.503554))) POINT (-0.10165 51.503496) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
392 Bunch of Grapes 392 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.089093 51.505002,-0.089218 51.505054,-0.089319 51.504956,-0.089290 51.504945,-0.089268 51.504968,-0.089168 51.504929,-0.089093 51.505002))) POINT (-0.0892 51.504989) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
393 Anchor Tap 393 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.075812 51.503569,-0.075948 51.503621,-0.075982 51.503613,-0.076064 51.503521,-0.075950 51.503476,-0.075934 51.503494,-0.075899 51.503481,-0.075812 51.503569))) POINT (-0.07594 51.503548) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
394 ROSE & CROWN P H 394 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.105775 51.505703,-0.105819 51.505691,-0.105810 51.505660,-0.105836 51.505660,-0.105836 51.505649,-0.105804 51.505644,-0.105781 51.505649,-0.105755 51.505604,-0.105730 51.505615,-0.105723 51.505610,-0.105672 51.505642,-0.105736 51.505733,-0.105785 51.505720,-0.105775 51.505703))) POINT (-0.105749 51.505667) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
395 PRINCE WILLIAM HENRY 395 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.104113 51.505475,-0.104122 51.505237,-0.103997 51.505235,-0.103989 51.505474,-0.104113 51.505475))) POINT (-0.104055 51.505355) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
396 The Waverley Arms 396 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.046940 51.461261,-0.047002 51.461342,-0.047025 51.461346,-0.047157 51.461305,-0.047257 51.461239,-0.047230 51.461222,-0.047262 51.461201,-0.047237 51.461185,-0.047219 51.461191,-0.047213 51.461182,-0.047110 51.461212,-0.047134 51.461244,-0.047115 51.461250,-0.047088 51.461218,-0.046940 51.461261))) POINT (-0.047102 51.461265) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
397 ALLEYNS HEAD 397 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.088408 51.436940,-0.088408 51.436947,-0.088505 51.436944,-0.088505 51.436935,-0.088556 51.436933,-0.088656 51.436823,-0.088648 51.436821,-0.088678 51.436788,-0.088618 51.436766,-0.088607 51.436778,-0.088560 51.436761,-0.088570 51.436749,-0.088516 51.436730,-0.088375 51.436733,-0.088216 51.436796,-0.088249 51.436828,-0.088242 51.436831,-0.088357 51.436939,-0.088408 51.436940))) POINT (-0.088448 51.436833) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
398 THE MUG HOUSE 398 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.088235 51.506496,-0.088365 51.506511,-0.088379 51.506477,-0.088250 51.506461,-0.088235 51.506496))) POINT (-0.088307 51.506486) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
399 THE GEORGE 399 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.083493 51.495391,-0.083586 51.495335,-0.083587 51.495315,-0.083464 51.495238,-0.083433 51.495259,-0.083403 51.495239,-0.083449 51.495212,-0.083358 51.495155,-0.083331 51.495171,-0.083316 51.495162,-0.083268 51.495191,-0.083290 51.495206,-0.083241 51.495235,-0.083493 51.495391))) POINT (-0.083415 51.495273) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
400 THE BLUE ANCHOR P H 400 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.062536 51.492349,-0.062521 51.492450,-0.062556 51.492512,-0.062767 51.492501,-0.062672 51.492362,-0.062536 51.492349))) POINT (-0.062625 51.492437) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
401 OLD THAMESIDE INN 401 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.090526 51.507097,-0.090986 51.507172,-0.091075 51.506985,-0.091061 51.506998,-0.091019 51.506981,-0.091013 51.506996,-0.090796 51.506953,-0.090807 51.506932,-0.090580 51.506894,-0.090563 51.506979,-0.090526 51.507097))) POINT (-0.090784 51.507039) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
402 The Salt Quay 402 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.047433 51.504691,-0.047473 51.504696,-0.047462 51.504725,-0.047517 51.504760,-0.047500 51.504772,-0.047545 51.504799,-0.047665 51.504726,-0.047613 51.504692,-0.047651 51.504590,-0.047723 51.504575,-0.047673 51.504489,-0.047538 51.504520,-0.047528 51.504546,-0.047489 51.504540,-0.047433 51.504691))) POINT (-0.047567 51.504635) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
403 The Tiger 403 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.092617 51.473894,-0.092729 51.473777,-0.092723 51.473760,-0.092589 51.473697,-0.092528 51.473730,-0.092521 51.473725,-0.092490 51.473731,-0.092419 51.473768,-0.092454 51.473793,-0.092482 51.473784,-0.092617 51.473894))) POINT (-0.092591 51.473784) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
404 THE DUKE OF YORK 404 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.099526 51.499328,-0.099578 51.499326,-0.099580 51.499311,-0.099597 51.499311,-0.099594 51.499324,-0.099652 51.499323,-0.099680 51.499209,-0.099658 51.499196,-0.099520 51.499205,-0.099526 51.499328))) POINT (-0.099595 51.49926) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11
405 PRINCE ALBERT 405 None given MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.072429 51.468257,-0.072411 51.468188,-0.072261 51.468217,-0.072257 51.468207,-0.072201 51.468217,-0.072194 51.468220,-0.072199 51.468229,-0.072142 51.468241,-0.072162 51.468286,-0.072297 51.468271,-0.072300 51.468280,-0.072429 51.468257))) POINT (-0.072293 51.468241) Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted 2024-07-11

Showing rows 301 to 350 of 479