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West Northamptonshire Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
BFR0001 BFR0001 Brixworth: Old Station Yard, Station Road NN6 9BP yes 2.86 9 9 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.914196 52.337844) DA/2013/0066: Erection of industrial and housing units. Development started, but stalled. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0002 BFR0002 Hannington: Henry's of Hannington, Red House Lane NN6 9FN yes 0.45 6 6 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.78692 52.33868) DA/2016/0797: Erection of six detached dwellings. Development started, but stalled. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0003 BFR0003 Deanshanger: Hayes Road MK19 6HP yes 1.58 18 25 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.884866 52.050589) S/2014/1941/OUT: Redevelopment of the former Elementis Works site for 15 custom-built detached dwellings, 3 live/work units, 7 self-contained employment units 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0004 BFR0004 Silverstone: Infant School, High Street NN12 8US yes 0.35 4 4 Public 1970-01-01 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.027166 52.090384) S/2022/2158/RES: Conversion of school building to two dwellings. Demolition of other school buildings and erection of two additional dwellings 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0005 BFR0005 Towcester: Green Lane Nursery NN12 6JD 1.47 31 31 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.00298 52.125048) Commercial use of nursery has ceased. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0006 BFR0006 Brackley: 25 Manor Road NN13 6FY yes 0.14 8 8 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.147961 52.029792) S/2016/1802/FUL: Demolition of existing garages / garage building and erection of 8 residential units 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0008 BFR0008 Whittlebury: Home Farm Business Park NN12 8XS yes 0.79 14 14 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.996551 52.092739) RM WNS/2022/1897/MAR: Consent for 14 dwellings approved 15/06/23 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0012 BFR0012 Cogenhoe: 35 Station Road NN7 1LT yes 0.3 4 9 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.789297 52.237409) WNS/2022/1085/OUT: Outline consent for 4 No. self build plots. Supersedes S/2019/2477/FUL (9 dwellings). Retained on register as site >0.25ha 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0013 BFR0013 Wootton: Former Sewage Works, Quinton Road NN4 6LS 1.16 17 17 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.880859 52.195574) Part of Former Wootton Sewage Works. Part of the site is within Floodzone 2,3 and 3B. Allocated in Local Plan (Part 2). 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0014 BFR0014 Northampton: Ransome Road/Nunn Mills Road NN4 8AA 11.85 224 500 Public not permissioned POINT(-0.889065 52.22791) WNN/2023/0027: Residential development of 217 no dwellings. Not yet decided Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0015 BFR0015 Northampton: Railway Station Car Park, St Andrews Road NN1 2PB 2.13 280 280 Public not permissioned POINT(-0.905571 52.237658) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). WNN/2023/0083 (OL 280 units) not yet decided Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0016 BFR0016 Northampton: Bective Works/Jabez House, Bective Road NN2 7TQ yes 0.53 99 168 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.898396 52.26435) N/2019/0612: purpose-built student accommodation comprising 385no rooms with 420no bed-space. WNN/2022/1147: Redevelopment of Bective Works to create 99no dwellings - approved 10/11/2023. Not yet implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0017 BFR0017 Northampton: Southbridge/Nunn Mills NN4 8FS/NN4 8GT yes 0.36 73 73 mixed ownership 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.892798 52.230884) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). Planning history associated with residential development largely completed. 94 dwellings outstanding on two parts of the site. N/2021/0335 for 28 apartments. Not yet implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0018 BFR0018 Northampton: Car Garage Workshops, 409 Harlestone Road NN5 6PB 1.09 35 35 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.943578 52.255276) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). No permissions. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0019 BFR0019 Northampton: Former St Crispins Hospital, St Crispin Drive NN5 4DN yes 2.75 235 235 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.957725 52.243308) N/2015/1454: demolition, restoration/conversion to 13 apartments, restoration of admin building, conversion to 4 apartments, erection of 120 apartments and 98 houses (235 dwellings total). Under construction Dec 2024. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0021 BFR0021 Northampton: St Peters Way/ Court Road/ Freeschool Street NN1 1ST 1.17 5 5 mixed ownership not permissioned POINT(-0.901899 52.235886) Allocated for mixed use including residential in Northampton Local Plan Part 2. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0023 BFR0023 Northampton: University of Northampton Avenue Campus, St Georges Avenue NN2 6JA yes 6.03 200 200 Public 1970-01-01 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.891054 52.251211) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). N/2016/0810 outline: up to 200 units approved 19/3/2021. RM WNN/2021/0927: 104 dwellings approved. Under construction Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0024 BFR0024 Northampton: Belgrave House, Greyfriars NN1 2ER yes 0.21 122 122 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.896091 52.239298) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). N/2019/0755 Change of Use to Residential for social housing to create 122 apartments. Work not commenced Dec 24. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0026 BFR0026 Northampton: Former Dairy Crest Depot, Horsley Road NN2 6LS 1.11 35 35 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.902714 52.252599) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). Units demolished under N/2019/0223. No further permissions on site. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0027 BFR0027 Northampton: Former Bus Station, Greyfriars NN1 2ER 1.75 400 400 Public not permissioned POINT(-0.895384 52.239941) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2) for mixed use including residential. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0028 BFR0028 Northampton: 194 - 200 Kingsthorpe Grove NN2 6PD yes 0.15 9 9 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.892089 52.255843) WNN/2021/0066: Alterations and extensions to provide 9no additional apartments. Not yet implemented April 24. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0030 BFR0030 Northampton: 83 - 103 Trinity Avenue NN2 6LD yes 0.19 9 9 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.892142 52.255634) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). WNN/2021/0066 not implemented as of Dec 24. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0034 BFR0034 Northampton: 98 - 100 Abington Street NN1 2BP yes 0.05 13 13 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.890184 52.239055) WNN/2021/1011: Extensions to provide 13 apartments. WNN/2021/1011: Erection of part first and second floor extensions to provide 13no apartments. Not implemented Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0035 BFR0035 Northampton: Eastern District Social Club, Crestwood Road NN3 8JJ 0.2 5 5 Public not permissioned POINT(-0.829534 52.267543) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). Previous permissions lapsed. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0038 BFR0038 Northampton: Ryland Soans Garage, Harlestone Road NN5 6PD 1.93 62 62 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.942179 52.254965) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2) 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0039 BFR0039 Northampton: St Giles Clinic, 67 St Giles Street NN1 1JF yes 0.09 60 60 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.891328 52.237842) N/2016/1138: Demolition and construction of mixed use building containing 60 residential units and two commercial units. Site cleared, construction not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0040 BFR0040 Northampton: 2 Castilian Terrace NN1 1LD 0.01 5 5 en not permissioned POINT(-0.892018 52.237216) N/2017/0623: Conversion of building into 5no apartments. Lapsed. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0041 BFR0041 Northampton: Rose & Claret PH, Hunsbury Hill Road NN4 9UW yes 0.17 11 11 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.926749 52.220928) N/2019/0234: Demolition of existing Public House and erection of 11no residential units. Housing not yet implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0042 BFR0042 Northampton: 106 - 110 Abington Street NN1 2BP 0.03 9 9 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.889549 52.239286) N/2019/0730: Demolition of warehouse to rear of 106-110 Abington Street and construction of 9no flats. Lapsed. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0043 BFR0043 Northampton: 4 - 10 Hazelwood Road NN1 1LN 0.1 6 14 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.89051 52.236307) N/2020/0621: PN Change of Use to 14no Apartments and WNN/2021/0573: PN Change of Use to 6 Apartments - both lapsed Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0044 BFR0044 Northampton: Railway Station (Railfreight), St Andrews Road NN1 2SD 5.68 188 200 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.906156 52.240575) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2), identified as proposed allocation in West Northamptonshire Local Plan (Reg 18). No active permissions on site. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0046 BFR0046 Northampton: Ransome Road Gateway, Ransome Road NN4 8AA 0.15 25 25 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.896149 52.227716) Allocated in Northampton Local Plan (Part 2). No active permissions on site. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0048 BFR0048 Northampton: Sazerac, 20 Castilian Street NN1 1JX 0.04 13 13 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.892258 52.237371) WNN/2021/0514: Change of Use from Restaurant/Bar (Use Class E/Sui Generis) to 13no Flats. Lapsed Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0050 BFR0050 Northampton: 1st and 2nd Floors, 6 Abington Street NN1 2AJ 0.01 11 11 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.895211 52.237656) N/2018/1372: Change of Use to Residential with extension to provide 11no flats. Lapsed. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0051 BFR0051 Northampton: 98-100 Abington Street NN1 2BP yes 0.05 13 13 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.890182 52.239056) WNN/2021/1011: Erection of part first and second floor extensions to provide 13no apartments. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0053 BFR0053 Northampton: 3 - 5 Wood Hill NN1 2DA 0.11 8 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.895185 52.237456) N/2019/0270: Change of Use to 20no units for student accommodation. Lapsed 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0060 BFR0060 Northampton: 208 - 210 Kettering Road NN1 4BN yes 0.03 5 5 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.882379 52.246141) WNN/2022/0494: Conversion of existing first and second floors to 5no self-contained flats. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0061 BFR0061 Northampton: Kings House, 40 Billing Road NN1 5BA 0.09 8 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.880701 52.2383) N/2020/1416: Prior Notification of Change of Use from Offices (Use Class E) to 8no Flats (Use Class C3). Lapsed 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0062 BFR0062 Northampton: 30 - 32 Wycliffe Road NN1 5JF yes 0.04 6 6 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.86991 52.240824) WNN/2021/0593: Change of Use from Commercial Offices to 5no One Bedroom Flats and 1no Two Bedroom Flat. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0065 BFR0065 Northampton: Former Pearce Leatherworks, Wellingborough Road NN3 9BG yes 0.54 28 28 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.827353 52.257061) N/2020/1516: Conversion to 28no flats. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0067 BFR0067 Northampton: 195 - 201 Wellingborough Road NN1 4ED yes 0.07 8 8 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.878456 52.241977) WNN/2022/1368: Change of Use from Existing First Floor Retail Unit (Use Class E) to 8no Flats (Use Class C3). Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0068 BFR0068 Northampton: 153 - 165 Bridge Street NN1 1QF yes 0.21 66 66 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.896412 52.232051) N/2020/1497: Outline Planning Application for six storey building to provide up to 66no one and two bedroom Flats and Apartments with associated infrastructure. Allowed on appeal. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0069 BFR0069 Northampton: 123 - 135 Bridge Street NN1 1QF yes 0.32 104 168 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.896659 52.232696) WNN/2023/0324: OL for up to 6 storey building providing 104 Flats and Apartments. N/2020/1474: OL for 7 storey building providing upto 168 flats and apartments. Appeal allowed. 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0070 BFR0070 Northampton: Car Park, Albert Place NN1 2BQ yes 0.03 14 14 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.891802 52.239313) WNN/2021/0949: Development of 14no Apartments. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0071 BFR0071 Northampton: 65 St Giles Street NN1 1JF yes 0.03 10 10 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.891663 52.237794) N/2021/0474: Change of Use from Offices (Use Class E) to Mixed Use and 10 no Flats (Use Class C3). Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0072 BFR0072 Northampton: Campbell Works, Clarke Road NN1 4PW yes 0.04 5 5 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.872134 52.246571) N/2021/0226: Construction of 5no new apartments above the Cube Disability Day Centre. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0075 BFR0075 Northampton: 34 - 34A Gold Street NN1 1RS yes 0.13 31 31 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.899302 52.237116) WNN/2022/0152: Conversion of First and Second Floors to 31no Apartments. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0076 BFR0076 Northampton: 42 - 48 Abington Street NN1 2AP yes 0.1 30 30 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 other permissioned POINT(-0.892758 52.243364) WNN/2022/0172: Conversion of Ground Floor Retail Unit and part demolition and conversion of First and Second Floors into 30no Residential Units (Use Class C3). Awaiting completion of legal agreement Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0077 BFR0077 Northampton: 26 Clare Street NN1 3JF yes 0.04 5 5 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.888735 52.243326) WNN/2022/0180: Change of Use from Commercial to 5no One Bedroom Flats. Not implemented April 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
BFR0078 BFR0078 Northampton: 69 Booth Rise NN3 6HP yes 0.12 8 8 not owned by a public authority 1970-01-01 other permissioned POINT(-0.849595 52.276619) WNN/2022/0019: Prior Notification of construction of two additional floors to create 8no new Dwellinghouses at 69-71 Booth Rise. Not implemented Dec 24 1970-01-01 1970-01-01

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