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West Suffolk Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
BF006 BF006 Warren Close, Brandon yes 0.39 23 23 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(0.626067 52.446127) Brownfield, previous library and preschool 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF007 BF007 Land Off Gas House Lane, Brandon yes 0.35 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2019-01-09 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(0.630629 52.447851) Brownfield, previous gasworks 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF012 BF012 Land rear of 65, 69, 73 Station Road, Lakenheath yes 0.81 24 24 unknown ownership not permissioned POINT(0.52088 52.424083) Brownfield- gardens within settlement boundary, but not town 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF015 BF015 District Council Offices, College Heath Road, Mildenhall yes 2.01 89 89 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.519095 52.345761) Brownfield- Council offices 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF016 BF016 Land At Wamil Court, Mildenhall yes 0.62 18 18 owned by a public authority 2020-09-03 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(0.504367 52.342109) Brownfield - care home 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF019 BF019 Former Swimming Pool Site, Newmarket yes 0.26 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-10 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(0.397791 52.24134) Brownfield - old swimming pool site and disused public house within settlement boundary 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF020 BF020 St Felix Middle School Site, Newmarket yes 1.39 50 50 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.400877 52.256987) Mixed - outbuildings associated with school, in settlement boundary 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF021 BF021 Land Off Turnpike Road, Red Lodge yes 2.56 132 132 mixed ownership not permissioned POINT(0.482763 52.303196) Mixed - residential, haulage depot, garage 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF031 BF031 Bury St Edmunds Garden Centre, Bury St Edmunds yes 1.37 30 30 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.729281 52.235442) Brownfield - garden centre 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF032 BF032 Garages And Bus Depot, Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds yes 0.65 50 50 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.719265 52.246987) Brownfield - bus depot and car repairs/ dealership 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF033 BF033 Hospital Site, Hospital Road, Bury St Edmunds yes 1.59 45 45 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.702912 52.241886) Brownfield - hospital 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF035 BF035 Land At Ram Meadow, Bury St Edmunds yes 0.98 84 84 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.721007 52.24888) Mixed - football ground 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF037 BF037 School Yard, Bury St Edmunds yes 0.28 32 32 mixed ownership not permissioned POINT(0.709696 52.246721) Brownfield - auctioneers and car park 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF039 BF039 Station Hill, Bury St Edmunds yes 1.41 300 300 not owned by a public authority 2017-01-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.712326 52.252605) Brownfield - underused railway sidings and vacant land 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF040 BF040 Tayfen Road, Bury St Edmunds yes 2.2 100 100 mixed ownership 2020-07-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.709096 52.251052) Brownfield - commercial/ vacant uses and decommissioned gas holder 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF041 BF041 Weymed Site, Bury St Edmunds yes 0.37 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.719258 52.241843) Brownfield - vacant County council offices 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF042 BF042 Atterton And Ellis Site, Haverhill yes 0.56 39 39 not owned by a public authority 2010-04-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.446965 52.077393) Brownfield - engineering works 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF044 BF044 FormerGasworks,WithersfieldRoad,Haverhill yes 0.25 10 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.433842 52.087269) Brownfield - gasworks 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF045 BF045 Former Westfield Primary School, Manor Road, Haverhill yes 0.44 14 14 owned by a public authority 2019-10-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.449248 52.080978) Brownfield - previous school 2020-12-17 2017-09-01 2023-08-10
BF052 BF052 Cornwallis Court Bury St Edmunds yes 0.33 39 39 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.706798 52.242204) Brownfield - Care home 2020-12-17 2019-12-01 2023-08-10
BF063 BF063 RL Insulations Norfolk Road Bury St Edmunds 0.3 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2019-10-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.707322 52.258772) Brownfield - commercial use B1/B8 2020-12-17 2019-12-01 2023-08-10
BF065 BF065 Land west of Thingoe Hill yes 0.49 14 14 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(0.709315 52.25441) Brownfield- scaffolding yard 2020-12-17 2019-12-17 2023-08-10
BF072 BF072 Social Services Camps Road yes 0.36 17 17 owned by a public authority 2017-11-02 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(0.433095 52.082754) Brownfield - court room and offices 2020-12-17 2019-12-01 2023-08-10
BF073 BF073 Oakfield Surgery Vicaridge Road yes 0.38 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.412884 52.243918) Brownfield- former doctor's surgery 2020-12-17 2019-12-01 2023-08-10
BF074 BF074 Windsor Road Valley Way garages yes 0.4 13 13 not owned by a public authority 2018-05-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.393263 52.244981) Brownfield - garages 2020-12-17 2019-12-01 2023-08-10
BF076 BF076 5 High Street Haverhill yes 0.38 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2019-01-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.438921 52.08343) Brownfield- shop and nightclub 2020-12-17 2019-12-01 2023-08-10
BF082 BF082 The Vixen Millfields Way yes 0.29 17 17 mixed ownership 2017-09-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.444303 52.084764) Brownfield- public house 2020-12-17 2019-12-01 2023-08-10