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Birmingham City Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
858 THE BIRMINGHAM (15-17 BLAKE LANE, BORDESLEY GREEN) TPO 1999 TPO 858 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.842021 52.476624,-1.841950 52.476492,-1.841343 52.476618,-1.841425 52.476777,-1.842039 52.476654,-1.842021 52.476624))) POINT (-1.84169 52.476635) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
859 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT VICTORIA JUBILEE ALLOTMENTS, OFF CRICK LANE, HANDSWORTH) TPO 1999 TPO 859 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.923462 52.506245,-1.923464 52.506331,-1.923436 52.506384,-1.923391 52.506426,-1.923354 52.506446,-1.923257 52.506463,-1.923379 52.506650,-1.923351 52.506784,-1.923031 52.507063,-1.923037 52.507066,-1.922859 52.507214,-1.922834 52.507216,-1.922193 52.507705,-1.922191 52.507721,-1.921277 52.508342,-1.920822 52.508664,-1.920847 52.508668,-1.920836 52.508700,-1.920993 52.508730,-1.921098 52.508760,-1.921390 52.508883,-1.921806 52.509077,-1.922063 52.509164,-1.922244 52.509220,-1.922473 52.509279,-1.922725 52.509333,-1.922931 52.509367,-1.923240 52.509402,-1.923427 52.509413,-1.923746 52.509419,-1.924013 52.509408,-1.924318 52.509377,-1.924505 52.509347,-1.924861 52.509255,-1.924993 52.508800,-1.925392 52.507706,-1.925471 52.507443,-1.925674 52.506953,-1.925821 52.506556,-1.925335 52.506493,-1.925178 52.506448,-1.925180 52.506442,-1.923462 52.506245))) POINT (-1.92366 52.50797) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
860 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO THE FRONTAGES OF 211b TO 217a HILL VILLAGE ROAD, AND ON THE LAND AT 219 HILL VILLAGE ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1999 TPO 860 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.836150 52.597405,-1.836617 52.597498,-1.836850 52.597571,-1.836947 52.597612,-1.837053 52.597672,-1.837364 52.597898,-1.838171 52.597652,-1.838018 52.597479,-1.837282 52.597725,-1.837211 52.597672,-1.836911 52.597517,-1.836627 52.597439,-1.836204 52.597337,-1.836150 52.597405))) POINT (-1.837388 52.597641) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
880 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT EDGBASTON GOLF CLUB ADJACENT TO 86 PRIORY ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 1999 TPO 880 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.916358 52.460515,-1.916385 52.460523,-1.916435 52.460466,-1.916584 52.460509,-1.916618 52.460464,-1.916624 52.460450,-1.916620 52.460434,-1.916675 52.460381,-1.916397 52.460291,-1.916256 52.460464,-1.916312 52.460482,-1.916317 52.460502,-1.916358 52.460515))) POINT (-1.91646 52.460413) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
849 THE BIRMINGHAM (20 ANDERTON PARK ROAD, SPARKHILL) TPO 1999 TPO 849 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.874325 52.450705,-1.874491 52.450691,-1.874450 52.450382,-1.874251 52.450408,-1.874320 52.450583,-1.874325 52.450705))) POINT (-1.874384 52.45054) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
803 THE BIRMINGHAM (1 JAFFRAY ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 1999 TPO 803 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.847570 52.518188,-1.847654 52.518179,-1.847822 52.517959,-1.847522 52.517879,-1.847371 52.518079,-1.847333 52.518113,-1.847296 52.518126,-1.847570 52.518188))) POINT (-1.847574 52.518042) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
785 THE BIRMINGHAM (HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, TRINITY HILL, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1998 TPO 785 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.821555 52.564603,-1.821567 52.564612,-1.821755 52.564542,-1.821762 52.564550,-1.822175 52.564420,-1.822034 52.564302,-1.821864 52.564133,-1.821832 52.564117,-1.821768 52.564098,-1.821532 52.564057,-1.821249 52.563971,-1.821193 52.563998,-1.821176 52.564018,-1.821175 52.564050,-1.821223 52.564195,-1.821399 52.564450,-1.821555 52.564603))) POINT (-1.821624 52.564291) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
720 THE BIRMINGHAM (3 REDDICAP HILL, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1995 TPO 720 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.804658 52.559702,-1.804570 52.559938,-1.804898 52.559970,-1.805123 52.559355,-1.804813 52.559284,-1.804658 52.559702))) POINT (-1.804849 52.559637) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
714 THE BIRMINGHAM (BORDESLEY LEISURE GARDENS BROADWAY AVENUE,BORDESLEY GREEN) TPO 1996 TPO 714 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.836421 52.482555,-1.836420 52.482583,-1.836851 52.482608,-1.837131 52.482621,-1.837703 52.482616,-1.837845 52.482598,-1.838005 52.482566,-1.838223 52.482541,-1.838795 52.482514,-1.839154 52.482516,-1.839158 52.482378,-1.839150 52.482177,-1.838828 52.482209,-1.838439 52.482216,-1.838243 52.482196,-1.838308 52.482043,-1.838285 52.481992,-1.838225 52.481970,-1.838145 52.481953,-1.837966 52.481849,-1.837858 52.481756,-1.837950 52.481698,-1.838000 52.481698,-1.838156 52.481577,-1.838135 52.481566,-1.838305 52.481443,-1.838308 52.481424,-1.838286 52.481409,-1.837633 52.481179,-1.837199 52.480925,-1.837260 52.480714,-1.837292 52.480642,-1.837345 52.480563,-1.837111 52.480195,-1.836873 52.480254,-1.836651 52.480291,-1.836713 52.480507,-1.836707 52.480744,-1.836689 52.480826,-1.836644 52.480949,-1.836556 52.481142,-1.836534 52.481212,-1.836512 52.481598,-1.836477 52.481772,-1.836425 52.481871,-1.836392 52.481911,-1.836308 52.481978,-1.836173 52.482046,-1.836257 52.482105,-1.836428 52.482194,-1.836439 52.482209,-1.836421 52.482555))) POINT (-1.83736 52.481754) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
3 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT REAR OF BILTON GRANGE ROAD, CHARLBURY CRESCENT AND WELFORD AVENUE, YARDLEY) TPO 1951 TPO 3 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.800043 52.467901,-1.800069 52.467880,-1.800062 52.467831,-1.799180 52.467337,-1.799092 52.467355,-1.798767 52.467570,-1.798792 52.467623,-1.799492 52.468273,-1.799578 52.468275,-1.800043 52.467901))) POINT (-1.799413 52.467791) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1531 THE BIRMINGHAM (44 WOODLAND ROAD, NORTHFIELD) TPO 2015 TPO 1531 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.961020 52.411210,-1.961291 52.411209,-1.961446 52.411217,-1.961446 52.411182,-1.961107 52.411065,-1.961020 52.411210))) POINT (-1.961212 52.411161) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
145 THE BIRMINGHAM (1180 ALDRIDGE ROAD GREAT BARR) TPO 1973 TPO 145 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.905398 52.551183,-1.906258 52.551076,-1.906223 52.550967,-1.906842 52.550902,-1.906776 52.550795,-1.905314 52.550946,-1.905398 52.551183))) POINT (-1.905965 52.550982) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
133 THE BIRMINGHAM (313 HAGLEY ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 1975 TPO 133 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.950896 52.473223,-1.950895 52.473042,-1.950921 52.472510,-1.950947 52.472454,-1.950520 52.472380,-1.950264 52.473139,-1.950896 52.473223))) POINT (-1.950643 52.472824) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
192 THE BIRMINGHAM (SITE CORNER OF WAKE GREEN ROAD & BELLE WALK, MOSELEY) TPO 1972 TPO 192 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.872836 52.443097,-1.872676 52.443724,-1.872619 52.443894,-1.872738 52.443913,-1.872949 52.444006,-1.873019 52.444055,-1.873162 52.444129,-1.873528 52.444263,-1.873749 52.444374,-1.873858 52.444449,-1.873942 52.444490,-1.874079 52.444537,-1.874145 52.444538,-1.874185 52.444525,-1.875381 52.443351,-1.875358 52.443309,-1.875241 52.443289,-1.874246 52.443180,-1.872836 52.443097))) POINT (-1.873887 52.443699) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
195 THE BIRMINGHAM (203 YARDLEY FIELDS ROAD, STECHFORD) TPO 1976 TPO 195 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.802604 52.479232,-1.802595 52.479018,-1.802385 52.479022,-1.802428 52.479670,-1.802621 52.479669,-1.802604 52.479232))) POINT (-1.802507 52.47934) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
219 THE BIRMINGHAM (87 LICHFIELD ROAD AND 3 WYVERN ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1976 TPO 219 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.825105 52.572086,-1.825169 52.572074,-1.825065 52.571908,-1.825132 52.571892,-1.825008 52.571703,-1.825217 52.571661,-1.825170 52.571581,-1.825094 52.571490,-1.824313 52.571651,-1.824401 52.571801,-1.824449 52.571905,-1.824041 52.571999,-1.824018 52.571962,-1.823740 52.572019,-1.823841 52.572158,-1.823832 52.572167,-1.823890 52.572234,-1.823958 52.572282,-1.824039 52.572300,-1.824165 52.572290,-1.825105 52.572086))) POINT (-1.824569 52.571931) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
243 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING THE MANOR, MANOR DRIVE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1977 TPO 243 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.830691 52.561136,-1.830568 52.561072,-1.830194 52.561068,-1.829634 52.561081,-1.829640 52.561218,-1.829755 52.561216,-1.829998 52.561243,-1.830046 52.561253,-1.830146 52.561291,-1.830200 52.561300,-1.830364 52.561302,-1.830540 52.561269,-1.830642 52.561210,-1.830672 52.561174,-1.830691 52.561136))) POINT (-1.830178 52.561169) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
247 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT REAR OF 110 ROSEMARY HILL ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1977 TPO 247 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.857705 52.594913,-1.857934 52.595061,-1.858038 52.594995,-1.858203 52.595094,-1.858409 52.595220,-1.858308 52.595281,-1.858536 52.595418,-1.858868 52.595182,-1.859250 52.595406,-1.859261 52.595399,-1.859361 52.595453,-1.859517 52.595561,-1.859599 52.595468,-1.858812 52.595001,-1.859052 52.594820,-1.859055 52.594808,-1.859314 52.594494,-1.859276 52.594471,-1.859422 52.594342,-1.859086 52.594148,-1.858899 52.594232,-1.858854 52.594206,-1.857705 52.594913))) POINT (-1.858678 52.594803) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
263 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING RIVER TAME HAMSTEAD HILL GREAT BARR) TPO 1978 TPO 263 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.927725 52.527905,-1.928208 52.528123,-1.928235 52.528074,-1.928225 52.528072,-1.928252 52.528018,-1.928426 52.527754,-1.928412 52.527729,-1.928443 52.527681,-1.928483 52.527672,-1.928544 52.527564,-1.927864 52.527209,-1.927458 52.527064,-1.927115 52.526953,-1.926127 52.526900,-1.926179 52.526947,-1.926365 52.527019,-1.926636 52.527082,-1.926755 52.527120,-1.927026 52.527257,-1.927096 52.527303,-1.927248 52.527376,-1.927459 52.527537,-1.927498 52.527617,-1.927518 52.527686,-1.927591 52.527794,-1.927652 52.527859,-1.927725 52.527905))) POINT (-1.927636 52.527444) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1001 THE BIRMINGHAM (THE RECTORY, RECTORY ROAD, NORTHFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 1001 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.963895 52.412765,-1.963642 52.412423,-1.963549 52.412437,-1.963389 52.412480,-1.963363 52.412494,-1.963353 52.412510,-1.963323 52.412609,-1.963318 52.412726,-1.963357 52.412910,-1.963829 52.412782,-1.963837 52.412794,-1.963869 52.412786,-1.963860 52.412773,-1.963895 52.412765))) POINT (-1.963556 52.412667) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1011 THE BIRMINGHAM (61 ST. MARY'S ROW AND LAND ADJOINING 61 & 63 ST. MARY'S ROW, MOSELEY) TPO 2004 TPO 1011 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.885050 52.446119,-1.885211 52.446485,-1.885110 52.446612,-1.885521 52.446651,-1.885712 52.446365,-1.885959 52.446034,-1.885773 52.446020,-1.885545 52.446029,-1.885268 52.446074,-1.885241 52.446087,-1.885228 52.446113,-1.885192 52.446120,-1.885133 52.446097,-1.885050 52.446119))) POINT (-1.885462 52.446298) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1010 THE BIRMINGHAM (163 MANEY HILL ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 1010 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.815451 52.549407,-1.815379 52.549290,-1.814711 52.549477,-1.814813 52.549608,-1.815451 52.549407))) POINT (-1.81508 52.549448) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1012 THE BIRMINGHAM (648 AND 650 CHURCH ROAD, YARDLEY) TPO 2004 TPO 1012 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.797698 52.481048,-1.797988 52.480818,-1.796594 52.480634,-1.796339 52.480866,-1.797035 52.480975,-1.797479 52.481029,-1.797698 52.481048))) POINT (-1.797154 52.480845) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1009 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING 47 LITTLE SUTTON LANE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 1009 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.821556 52.575260,-1.821466 52.575390,-1.821487 52.575406,-1.821526 52.575411,-1.821734 52.575509,-1.821908 52.575608,-1.821969 52.575666,-1.822242 52.575831,-1.822320 52.575690,-1.821556 52.575260))) POINT (-1.821909 52.575542) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1014 THE BIRMINGHAM (50 CARPENTER ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2004 TPO 1014 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.917527 52.465065,-1.917693 52.464667,-1.917765 52.464625,-1.917352 52.464482,-1.917252 52.464546,-1.917034 52.465031,-1.917527 52.465065))) POINT (-1.917386 52.464794) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1013 THE BIRMINGHAM (EDGBASTON CROQUET CLUB AND THE POLICE SPORTS GROUND, RICHMOND HILL ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2004 TPO 1013 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.934358 52.464347,-1.932783 52.464419,-1.932898 52.464718,-1.932972 52.464704,-1.933044 52.464872,-1.933104 52.465037,-1.934423 52.464921,-1.934374 52.464502,-1.934354 52.464412,-1.934358 52.464347))) POINT (-1.933652 52.464672) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1019 THE BIRMINGHAM (168 OAK TREE LANE, BOURNVILLE) TPO 2004 TPO 1019 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.940764 52.430941,-1.940764 52.430931,-1.939969 52.430869,-1.939970 52.430857,-1.939769 52.430845,-1.939715 52.430821,-1.939649 52.430811,-1.939647 52.430838,-1.939631 52.430838,-1.939617 52.430849,-1.939609 52.431063,-1.939610 52.431070,-1.939631 52.431079,-1.939624 52.431105,-1.939607 52.431106,-1.939588 52.431123,-1.939604 52.431140,-1.940354 52.431201,-1.940439 52.431222,-1.940557 52.431269,-1.940690 52.431094,-1.940722 52.431040,-1.940764 52.430941))) POINT (-1.940154 52.431031) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
994 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO THE REAR OF 44-54 WOOD END LANE, ERDINGTON) TPO 2004 TPO 994 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.843623 52.521148,-1.843987 52.520989,-1.843869 52.520792,-1.844331 52.520613,-1.844268 52.520497,-1.843829 52.520630,-1.843749 52.520526,-1.843826 52.520502,-1.843640 52.520303,-1.843370 52.520397,-1.842932 52.520600,-1.843623 52.521148))) POINT (-1.843591 52.520706) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1020 THE BIRMINGHAM (72 COURT OAK ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 2004 TPO 1020 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.965886 52.459730,-1.965874 52.459405,-1.965731 52.459403,-1.965729 52.459730,-1.965886 52.459730))) POINT (-1.965805 52.45957) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1018 THE BIRMINGHAM (BOURNVILLE PARISH CHURCH, LINDEN ROAD, BOURNVILLE) TPO 2004 TPO 1018 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.935110 52.428710,-1.935020 52.428837,-1.934757 52.428866,-1.934542 52.429044,-1.935423 52.429447,-1.935565 52.429334,-1.935673 52.429292,-1.935772 52.429276,-1.935823 52.429257,-1.935864 52.429229,-1.935888 52.429178,-1.935822 52.428940,-1.935780 52.428693,-1.935744 52.428656,-1.935713 52.428642,-1.935632 52.428636,-1.935172 52.428694,-1.935110 52.428710))) POINT (-1.935324 52.429018) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1026 THE BIRMINGHAM (26 AND 28 FOUR OAKS ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 1026 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.832691 52.582616,-1.832268 52.582275,-1.831782 52.582500,-1.831948 52.582720,-1.832070 52.582912,-1.832492 52.582795,-1.832444 52.582732,-1.832691 52.582616))) POINT (-1.832218 52.582594) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1015 THE BIRMINGHAM (MOORLAND COURT, MELVILLE ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2004 TPO 1015 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.947121 52.473476,-1.946628 52.473459,-1.946607 52.473460,-1.946592 52.473472,-1.946583 52.473499,-1.946539 52.473994,-1.947073 52.474014,-1.947121 52.473476))) POINT (-1.94683 52.473736) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1344 THE BIRMINGHAM (137 KINGSBURY ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 2010 TPO 1344 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.843940 52.515465,-1.843536 52.514873,-1.843342 52.514931,-1.843619 52.515485,-1.843940 52.515465))) POINT (-1.843622 52.515206) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1340 THE BIRMINGHAM (65 & 67 CADNAM CLOSE, HARBORNE) TPO 2010 TPO 1340 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.953902 52.447222,-1.953900 52.447122,-1.953906 52.447090,-1.953895 52.447090,-1.953895 52.446865,-1.953888 52.446849,-1.953656 52.446803,-1.953365 52.446758,-1.953007 52.446758,-1.952801 52.446719,-1.952738 52.446718,-1.952630 52.446745,-1.952672 52.446803,-1.952717 52.446898,-1.952772 52.447069,-1.952808 52.447334,-1.952838 52.447330,-1.952824 52.447281,-1.953180 52.447239,-1.953201 52.447299,-1.953834 52.447236,-1.953902 52.447222))) POINT (-1.953288 52.447011) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1339 THE BIRMINGHAM (41 DIMMINGSDALE BANK, QUINTON) TPO 2010 TPO 1339 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.001407 52.453637,-2.000890 52.453279,-2.000625 52.453411,-2.000557 52.453366,-2.000489 52.453365,-2.000474 52.453460,-1.999929 52.453432,-1.999864 52.453875,-1.999829 52.454217,-2.000380 52.454065,-2.000514 52.453980,-2.000856 52.453832,-2.001407 52.453637))) POINT (-2.000476 52.453709) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1346 THE BIRMINGHAM (14-20 BENNETT ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2010 TPO 1346 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.853853 52.591584,-1.853737 52.591621,-1.853649 52.591637,-1.853429 52.591644,-1.853305 52.591630,-1.852999 52.592147,-1.853721 52.592591,-1.854417 52.592002,-1.853853 52.591584))) POINT (-1.853679 52.592044) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1349 THE BIRMINGHAM (19 LADYWOOD ROAD, FOUR OAKS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2010 TPO 1349 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.835530 52.578273,-1.835683 52.578072,-1.835659 52.578057,-1.835654 52.578042,-1.835671 52.578007,-1.835709 52.577992,-1.835736 52.577993,-1.835813 52.577873,-1.834456 52.577721,-1.834442 52.577720,-1.834424 52.577778,-1.834037 52.577737,-1.833963 52.577979,-1.834123 52.578000,-1.835530 52.578273))) POINT (-1.834916 52.577962) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1353 THE BIRMINGHAM (ASHFURLONG HALL, TAMWORTH ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2010 TPO 1353 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.805988 52.580850,-1.805731 52.580553,-1.805585 52.580360,-1.805545 52.580257,-1.805507 52.580128,-1.805485 52.580005,-1.805396 52.579779,-1.805329 52.579648,-1.805259 52.579456,-1.805175 52.579291,-1.805104 52.579176,-1.804936 52.578987,-1.804733 52.578776,-1.804621 52.578833,-1.804643 52.578850,-1.804565 52.578882,-1.804547 52.578867,-1.804466 52.578900,-1.804444 52.578898,-1.804375 52.578844,-1.804341 52.578797,-1.804530 52.578684,-1.804502 52.578669,-1.804239 52.578743,-1.804086 52.578777,-1.803612 52.578988,-1.803562 52.579001,-1.803391 52.579077,-1.803166 52.579161,-1.801771 52.579517,-1.801362 52.579654,-1.801260 52.579700,-1.800992 52.579793,-1.800964 52.579833,-1.799058 52.580689,-1.798637 52.580922,-1.798723 52.581128,-1.798864 52.581255,-1.798927 52.581249,-1.798979 52.581231,-1.799090 52.581215,-1.799171 52.581187,-1.799220 52.581159,-1.799311 52.581137,-1.799396 52.581268,-1.799695 52.581686,-1.799710 52.581722,-1.800755 52.581492,-1.801162 52.581389,-1.801282 52.581390,-1.801566 52.581345,-1.802416 52.581300,-1.802405 52.581310,-1.802449 52.581529,-1.802653 52.581483,-1.802703 52.581466,-1.802766 52.581432,-1.802855 52.581362,-1.802882 52.581303,-1.802879 52.581259,-1.804077 52.581148,-1.804327 52.581131,-1.805744 52.581075,-1.805731 52.581054,-1.805736 52.581032,-1.805687 52.580950,-1.805988 52.580850))) POINT (-1.802648 52.580367) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1352 THE BIRMINGHAM (210-214 RECTORY ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2010 TPO 1352 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.806248 52.566430,-1.806349 52.566419,-1.806417 52.566413,-1.806422 52.566412,-1.806417 52.566412,-1.806374 52.566249,-1.806363 52.566204,-1.806238 52.566052,-1.806149 52.566058,-1.806120 52.565962,-1.805875 52.565976,-1.805814 52.566452,-1.805816 52.566484,-1.806248 52.566430))) POINT (-1.806082 52.56624) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1355 THE BIRMINGHAM (8-14 BUTLER'S ROAD, HANDSWORTH WOOD) TPO 2010 TPO 1355 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.922264 52.516849,-1.923098 52.516493,-1.923313 52.516405,-1.923150 52.516239,-1.922062 52.516706,-1.922264 52.516849))) POINT (-1.922698 52.516548) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1357 The Birmingham (72 Lichfield Road, Sutton Coldfield) TPO 2010 TPO 1357 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.823113 52.571368,-1.823097 52.571341,-1.823107 52.571335,-1.823095 52.571314,-1.823055 52.571278,-1.823059 52.571267,-1.823026 52.571248,-1.823000 52.571235,-1.822878 52.571235,-1.822545 52.571335,-1.822194 52.571460,-1.822389 52.571647,-1.823113 52.571368))) POINT (-1.822656 52.571422) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1358 THE BIRMINGHAM (155 RUSSELL ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2010 TPO 1358 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.900443 52.447799,-1.900482 52.447684,-1.899372 52.447532,-1.899407 52.447426,-1.899210 52.447401,-1.899113 52.447674,-1.899064 52.447761,-1.899031 52.447803,-1.899266 52.447836,-1.899333 52.447644,-1.900443 52.447799))) POINT (-1.899641 52.447648) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1508 THE BIRMINGHAM (WATERLINKS HOUSE PARKING AREA, LORD STREET, NECHELLS) TPO 2014 TPO 1508 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.885877 52.490099,-1.885590 52.489743,-1.885419 52.489717,-1.885101 52.489818,-1.884719 52.489999,-1.884677 52.490069,-1.884900 52.490387,-1.885877 52.490099))) POINT (-1.885252 52.490042) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-12
1416 THE BIRMINGHAM (64 PEREIRA ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 2012 TPO 1416 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.954315 52.466014,-1.954382 52.466096,-1.955253 52.465879,-1.955172 52.465794,-1.954315 52.466014))) POINT (-1.954785 52.465945) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1417 THE BIRMINGHAM (10A BRACEBRIDGE ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2012 TPO 1417 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.835813 52.577873,-1.835950 52.577637,-1.835996 52.577539,-1.835987 52.577514,-1.835932 52.577496,-1.835496 52.577445,-1.835389 52.577825,-1.835813 52.577873))) POINT (-1.835681 52.577657) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1418 THE BIRMINGHAM (32 RICHMOND HILL ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2012 TPO 1418 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.934339 52.463086,-1.934360 52.462909,-1.934345 52.462869,-1.934323 52.462841,-1.934267 52.462802,-1.934051 52.462693,-1.933595 52.463050,-1.934339 52.463086))) POINT (-1.934048 52.462929) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1423 THE BIRMINGHAM (94 WEST AVENUE, HANDSWORTH WOOD) TPO 2012 TPO 1423 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.927214 52.524075,-1.927313 52.523942,-1.927416 52.523739,-1.927296 52.523734,-1.927168 52.523908,-1.927061 52.524023,-1.927214 52.524075))) POINT (-1.927248 52.523906) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1420 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJACENT TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE, BROAD STREET, LADYWOOD) TPO 2012 TPO 1420 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.910451 52.478204,-1.910198 52.478305,-1.910223 52.478338,-1.910296 52.478331,-1.910369 52.478337,-1.910435 52.478355,-1.910499 52.478388,-1.910550 52.478375,-1.910437 52.478223,-1.910451 52.478204))) POINT (-1.910389 52.478303) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1419 THE BIRMINGHAM (252-260 BROAD STREET, LADYWOOD) TPO 2012 TPO 1419 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.911750 52.477088,-1.911638 52.477049,-1.910969 52.477548,-1.911044 52.477589,-1.911076 52.477587,-1.911098 52.477575,-1.911150 52.477543,-1.911750 52.477088))) POINT (-1.911356 52.477323) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1422 THE BIRMINGHAM (REAR OF 8 CHARLEVILLE ROAD, LOZELLS) TPO 2012 TPO 1422 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.918297 52.499587,-1.918315 52.499455,-1.918321 52.499455,-1.918332 52.499340,-1.918218 52.499339,-1.918185 52.499583,-1.918297 52.499587))) POINT (-1.918259 52.499461) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14

Showing rows 801 to 850 of 1097