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Birmingham City Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
1425 THE BIRMINGHAM (28 CLARENCE ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2012 TPO 1425 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.837753 52.587882,-1.837559 52.587765,-1.836779 52.588216,-1.836978 52.588329,-1.837753 52.587882))) POINT (-1.837267 52.588048) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1424 THE BIRMINGHAM (6 - 20 HILLARIES ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 2012 TPO 1424 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.852544 52.513822,-1.853364 52.514076,-1.853460 52.514051,-1.853681 52.513821,-1.853358 52.513720,-1.853482 52.513572,-1.852903 52.513393,-1.852544 52.513822))) POINT (-1.853112 52.51375) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1427 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING TO 25 WESTMINSTER DRIVE, BRANDWOOD) TPO 2012 TPO 1427 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.897583 52.425440,-1.897234 52.425475,-1.897278 52.425927,-1.897622 52.425958,-1.897583 52.425440))) POINT (-1.897433 52.425699) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1426 THE BIRMINGHAM (85 LANCHESTER ROAD, KINGS NORTON) TPO 2012 TPO 1426 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.926578 52.404559,-1.926627 52.404523,-1.926052 52.404229,-1.925990 52.404265,-1.926578 52.404559))) POINT (-1.926307 52.404392) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1428 THE BIRMINGHAM (1-3 WALMLEY ASH ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2012 TPO 1428 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.799139 52.538344,-1.798846 52.538251,-1.798136 52.538583,-1.798152 52.538599,-1.798581 52.538839,-1.799139 52.538344))) POINT (-1.798644 52.538529) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1429 THE BIRMINGHAM (6 MULROY ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2012 TPO 1429 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.825866 52.571320,-1.825734 52.570668,-1.825700 52.570672,-1.825687 52.570683,-1.825646 52.570685,-1.825619 52.570678,-1.825395 52.570703,-1.825386 52.570714,-1.825346 52.570718,-1.825339 52.570708,-1.825245 52.570716,-1.825481 52.571406,-1.825866 52.571320))) POINT (-1.825576 52.571018) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1432 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJACENT TO 101 SELLY OAK ROAD, BOURNVILLE) TPO 2012 TPO 1432 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.939518 52.425686,-1.939443 52.425521,-1.939339 52.425348,-1.938950 52.425383,-1.938950 52.425427,-1.938963 52.425476,-1.939192 52.425456,-1.939384 52.425701,-1.939518 52.425686))) POINT (-1.939272 52.425492) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
971 THE BIRMINGHAM (359 & 361 CHESTER ROAD, AND 43 WARDEN AVENUE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2003 TPO 971 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.845414 52.541483,-1.845214 52.541389,-1.844616 52.541830,-1.844792 52.541918,-1.844744 52.542072,-1.845365 52.542188,-1.844814 52.541929,-1.845414 52.541483))) POINT (-1.845002 52.541761) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
962 THE BIRMINGHAM (18 WOODLAND ROAD, NORTHFIELD) TPO 2003 TPO 962 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.962075 52.412653,-1.962047 52.412558,-1.962046 52.412491,-1.960963 52.412526,-1.960974 52.412690,-1.962075 52.412653))) POINT (-1.961511 52.41259) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
999 THE BIRMINGHAM (10 WENTWORTH ROAD, FOUR OAKS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 999 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.832151 52.577765,-1.831880 52.577986,-1.833229 52.578631,-1.833455 52.578442,-1.833505 52.578463,-1.833523 52.578447,-1.833474 52.578425,-1.833934 52.578007,-1.833799 52.577987,-1.833668 52.577945,-1.833500 52.577928,-1.833437 52.577894,-1.833438 52.577854,-1.833332 52.577835,-1.833319 52.577878,-1.833155 52.577810,-1.832895 52.578064,-1.832151 52.577765))) POINT (-1.832965 52.57815) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
974 THE BIRMINGHAM (22 AND 24 KEDLESTON ROAD, HALL GREEN) (No. 2) TPO 2004 TPO 974 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.845555 52.421762,-1.845593 52.421659,-1.845623 52.421543,-1.845751 52.421438,-1.845757 52.421409,-1.845062 52.421315,-1.844983 52.421525,-1.844978 52.421684,-1.845555 52.421762))) POINT (-1.845322 52.421535) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
977 THE BIRMINGHAM (239 YARDLEY WOOD ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2003 TPO 977 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.872071 52.441012,-1.872045 52.441114,-1.872592 52.441179,-1.872748 52.441159,-1.873200 52.441206,-1.873234 52.441112,-1.872627 52.441068,-1.872071 52.441012))) POINT (-1.872613 52.441113) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
988 THE BIRMINGHAM (90 HILL HOOK ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2003 TPO 988 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.845831 52.603199,-1.846062 52.603190,-1.845954 52.602768,-1.845822 52.602765,-1.845588 52.602730,-1.845548 52.602738,-1.845548 52.602752,-1.845680 52.602902,-1.845745 52.603000,-1.845816 52.603143,-1.845831 52.603199))) POINT (-1.845845 52.602952) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
973 THE BIRMINGHAM (254-260 DOWER ROAD, 51, 53 AND 57 LITTLE SUTTON LANE AND LAND ADJOINING 47 LITTLE SUTTON LANE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2004 TPO 973 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.822386 52.576776,-1.823228 52.576204,-1.821556 52.575260,-1.821466 52.575390,-1.821357 52.575597,-1.822172 52.575962,-1.822117 52.576077,-1.821295 52.575710,-1.821162 52.575959,-1.821703 52.576192,-1.821629 52.576334,-1.821107 52.576101,-1.821022 52.576263,-1.821050 52.576289,-1.821127 52.576322,-1.822386 52.576776))) POINT (-1.822082 52.576105) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
981 THE BIRMINGHAM (39 KINGSBURY ROAD, ERDINGTON) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2003 TPO 981 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.849756 52.513145,-1.849822 52.513124,-1.849619 52.512938,-1.849619 52.512928,-1.849277 52.512628,-1.849211 52.512655,-1.849756 52.513145))) POINT (-1.849513 52.512883) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
979 THE BIRMINGHAM (143 - 157 RUSSELL ROAD, MOSELEY) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2003 TPO 979 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.899031 52.447803,-1.898831 52.448064,-1.898783 52.448170,-1.898626 52.448587,-1.900096 52.448786,-1.900322 52.448132,-1.899216 52.447976,-1.899333 52.447644,-1.900443 52.447799,-1.900482 52.447687,-1.899372 52.447532,-1.899407 52.447426,-1.899210 52.447401,-1.899110 52.447682,-1.899079 52.447742,-1.899031 52.447803))) POINT (-1.899497 52.448223) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
984 THE BIRMINGHAM (37, CHANTRY ROAD, MOSELEY) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2003 TPO 984 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.890752 52.449442,-1.890528 52.449322,-1.889943 52.449684,-1.890256 52.449828,-1.890752 52.449442))) POINT (-1.890357 52.449577) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1197 THE BIRMINGHAM (23 - 31 BALDWINS LANE, HALL GREEN) TPO 2007 TPO 1197 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.839501 52.420912,-1.839511 52.420842,-1.839520 52.420496,-1.838794 52.420516,-1.838511 52.420470,-1.838227 52.420821,-1.838090 52.420995,-1.838092 52.421008,-1.838067 52.421032,-1.839182 52.421003,-1.839193 52.420921,-1.839501 52.420912))) POINT (-1.838858 52.420763) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1204 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND REAR OF WEBB LANE AND ROBIN HOOD LANE, HALL GREEN) TPO 207 TPO 1204 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.854180 52.427710,-1.854207 52.427669,-1.854462 52.427707,-1.854485 52.427644,-1.854230 52.427616,-1.854246 52.427572,-1.854284 52.427525,-1.854331 52.427433,-1.853897 52.427399,-1.853877 52.427408,-1.853756 52.427386,-1.853718 52.427389,-1.853622 52.427454,-1.853658 52.427468,-1.853648 52.427492,-1.853584 52.427483,-1.853513 52.427531,-1.853782 52.427701,-1.853955 52.427647,-1.854180 52.427710))) POINT (-1.853971 52.427547) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1207 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO REAR OF CUBLEY ROAD & GREEN ROAD, HALL GREEN) TPO 2007 TPO 1207 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.852718 52.437617,-1.852690 52.437636,-1.852669 52.437679,-1.852559 52.437686,-1.852567 52.437612,-1.852436 52.437617,-1.852208 52.437652,-1.851994 52.437673,-1.851900 52.437673,-1.851823 52.437686,-1.851813 52.437698,-1.851638 52.437709,-1.851660 52.437879,-1.851502 52.437919,-1.851440 52.437848,-1.851209 52.437923,-1.850970 52.438017,-1.851378 52.438536,-1.851421 52.438518,-1.851226 52.438280,-1.851226 52.438270,-1.851251 52.438264,-1.851232 52.438235,-1.851478 52.438172,-1.851482 52.438177,-1.851529 52.438167,-1.851535 52.438158,-1.851809 52.438088,-1.851801 52.438072,-1.852639 52.437947,-1.852957 52.437917,-1.852965 52.437949,-1.852992 52.437948,-1.853067 52.438236,-1.853116 52.438230,-1.853033 52.437908,-1.853099 52.437724,-1.853115 52.437700,-1.853144 52.437610,-1.853140 52.437602,-1.852971 52.437614,-1.852718 52.437617))) POINT (-1.852077 52.437898) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1205 THE BIRMINGHAM (8 STRENSHAM ROAD, SPARKBROOK) TPO 2007 TPO 1205 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.892536 52.454247,-1.892098 52.454176,-1.892074 52.454233,-1.892515 52.454298,-1.892536 52.454247))) POINT (-1.892302 52.454238) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1209 THE BIRMINGHAM (70 OXFORD ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2007 TPO 1209 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.880618 52.441319,-1.880823 52.441213,-1.881525 52.440846,-1.881426 52.440771,-1.880763 52.441116,-1.880773 52.441123,-1.880517 52.441252,-1.880618 52.441319))) POINT (-1.881027 52.441043) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1208 THE BIRMINGHAM (23 CHANTRY ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2007 TPO 1208 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.891858 52.449788,-1.891662 52.449751,-1.891325 52.450228,-1.891522 52.450276,-1.891858 52.449788))) POINT (-1.891591 52.450012) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1210 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT CORNER OF BALSALL HEATH ROAD AND PERSHORE ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2007 TPO 1210 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.898266 52.464644,-1.899075 52.464886,-1.899132 52.464881,-1.900216 52.463529,-1.899768 52.463389,-1.899746 52.463370,-1.899650 52.463481,-1.899575 52.463458,-1.899110 52.464047,-1.899041 52.464084,-1.898961 52.464107,-1.898844 52.464112,-1.898730 52.464077,-1.898266 52.464644))) POINT (-1.899252 52.464182) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1213 THE BIRMINGHAM (38 MELVILLE ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2007 TPO 1213 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.947673 52.473888,-1.947567 52.473506,-1.947527 52.473490,-1.947308 52.473482,-1.947270 52.473963,-1.947430 52.473934,-1.947432 52.473940,-1.947673 52.473888))) POINT (-1.947451 52.473725) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1206 THE BIRMINGHAM (POLICE, FIRE STATION AND LAW COURTS, LICHFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2007 TPO 1206 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.824704 52.568737,-1.824632 52.568223,-1.824155 52.568242,-1.824090 52.567636,-1.824174 52.567566,-1.823515 52.567288,-1.823364 52.567231,-1.823361 52.567249,-1.823259 52.567446,-1.823026 52.567876,-1.822775 52.568468,-1.822785 52.568469,-1.822766 52.568511,-1.822754 52.568510,-1.822704 52.568631,-1.822652 52.568796,-1.822638 52.568874,-1.824704 52.568737))) POINT (-1.823626 52.568215) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1216 THE BIRMINGHAM (16 & 22 OLD CHURCH ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 2007 TPO 1216 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.960239 52.454229,-1.960360 52.454047,-1.960377 52.453997,-1.960465 52.453862,-1.960415 52.453840,-1.960289 52.453821,-1.959890 52.453762,-1.959806 52.453763,-1.959745 52.453783,-1.959692 52.453809,-1.959661 52.453834,-1.959621 52.453884,-1.959530 52.454052,-1.960239 52.454229))) POINT (-1.960005 52.453973) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1217 THE BIRMINGHAM (109 SUTTON ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 2007 TPO 1217 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.829734 52.532679,-1.829863 52.532563,-1.828635 52.532072,-1.828409 52.532146,-1.829734 52.532679))) POINT (-1.829161 52.532366) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1218 THE BIRMINGHAM (21 & 23 JORDAN ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2007 TPO 1218 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.826113 52.583603,-1.825719 52.583784,-1.826368 52.584314,-1.826424 52.584293,-1.826420 52.584289,-1.826762 52.584127,-1.826113 52.583603))) POINT (-1.826241 52.583958) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1431 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND BETWEEN 10 AND 12A HARTOPP ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2012 TPO 1431 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.840894 52.581981,-1.840863 52.582007,-1.840875 52.582034,-1.840822 52.582068,-1.840824 52.582081,-1.841295 52.582337,-1.841337 52.582374,-1.841337 52.582410,-1.841320 52.582436,-1.841157 52.582487,-1.841185 52.582520,-1.841274 52.582556,-1.841595 52.582381,-1.840894 52.581981))) POINT (-1.841222 52.582273) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1433 THE BIRMINGHAM (LEA HALL, WOOD LANE, HANDSWORTH) TPO 2012 TPO 1433 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.913447 52.516093,-1.913163 52.516052,-1.912339 52.515957,-1.912078 52.516304,-1.912281 52.516389,-1.912256 52.516431,-1.912260 52.516465,-1.912278 52.516466,-1.912276 52.516504,-1.912292 52.516504,-1.912286 52.516703,-1.912400 52.516726,-1.912529 52.516737,-1.912722 52.516734,-1.912858 52.516719,-1.912918 52.516708,-1.912928 52.516694,-1.912938 52.516643,-1.913063 52.516483,-1.913331 52.516227,-1.913447 52.516093))) POINT (-1.9127 52.516326) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1434 THE BIRMINGHAM (1 REDDICAP HILL, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2012 TPO 1434 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.804570 52.559938,-1.804695 52.559599,-1.804813 52.559284,-1.804662 52.559253,-1.804630 52.559253,-1.804327 52.559754,-1.804241 52.559880,-1.804570 52.559938))) POINT (-1.804551 52.559618) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1437 THE BIRMINGHAM (96A PARK HILL, MOSELEY) TPO 2012 TPO 1437 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.894064 52.452091,-1.893804 52.452269,-1.893431 52.452526,-1.893540 52.452585,-1.894022 52.452256,-1.894168 52.452148,-1.894064 52.452091))) POINT (-1.893801 52.452339) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1439 THE BIRMINGHAM (27 HAYES GROVE, ERDINGTON) TPO 2012 TPO 1439 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.815575 52.530295,-1.815481 52.530264,-1.815528 52.530209,-1.815511 52.530203,-1.815536 52.530173,-1.815403 52.530167,-1.815368 52.530177,-1.815328 52.530206,-1.815290 52.530287,-1.815491 52.530389,-1.815575 52.530295))) POINT (-1.815431 52.530267) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1438 THE BIRMINGHAM (1-3 FOX HOLLIES ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2012 TPO 1438 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.799960 52.541913,-1.799994 52.541926,-1.800012 52.541861,-1.800008 52.541828,-1.799999 52.541815,-1.799963 52.541799,-1.799946 52.541792,-1.799895 52.541797,-1.799787 52.541840,-1.799960 52.541913))) POINT (-1.799925 52.54185) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1435 THE BIRMINGHAM (FORMER WYCHBURY ROAD ALLOTMENT SITE, BARTLEY GREEN) TPO 2012 TPO 1435 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.006450 52.429627,-2.006721 52.429829,-2.006979 52.430002,-2.007229 52.430215,-2.007877 52.430793,-2.007929 52.430816,-2.008021 52.430812,-2.008398 52.430644,-2.008577 52.430546,-2.008676 52.430366,-2.008776 52.430232,-2.008833 52.430080,-2.008938 52.429897,-2.009080 52.429722,-2.009194 52.429608,-2.009410 52.429421,-2.009468 52.429348,-2.009506 52.429220,-2.009510 52.429115,-2.009495 52.429069,-2.009478 52.429045,-2.009397 52.428987,-2.009189 52.428875,-2.008954 52.428776,-2.006450 52.429627))) POINT (-2.008132 52.429735) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1441 THE BIRMINGHAM (8 STUARTS ROAD, STECHFORD) TPO 2012 TPO 1441 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.813330 52.478885,-1.812995 52.478738,-1.812594 52.478753,-1.812626 52.479086,-1.812677 52.479193,-1.812721 52.479222,-1.812772 52.479236,-1.812866 52.479244,-1.812929 52.479233,-1.813114 52.479065,-1.813330 52.478885))) POINT (-1.812894 52.478964) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1440 THE BIRMINGHAM (100 SMIRRELLS ROAD, HALL GREEN) TPO 2012 TPO 1440 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.846627 52.422653,-1.846442 52.422496,-1.846021 52.422686,-1.845946 52.422732,-1.845893 52.422799,-1.845834 52.422976,-1.845844 52.423027,-1.845882 52.423077,-1.846627 52.422653))) POINT (-1.84619 52.422765) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1444 THE BIRMINGHAM (45 WELLINGTON ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2012 TPO 1444 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.912643 52.462205,-1.912250 52.462316,-1.912732 52.462936,-1.912697 52.462949,-1.912956 52.463197,-1.913255 52.463004,-1.912643 52.462205))) POINT (-1.912768 52.462685) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
762 THE BIRMINGHAM (KINGSBURY COMMUNITY CENTRE, KINGSBURY ROAD, ERDINGTON & LAND ADJOINING) TPO 1997 TPO 762 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.847164 52.514291,-1.847887 52.513797,-1.847980 52.513752,-1.847967 52.513725,-1.847923 52.513728,-1.847800 52.513717,-1.847761 52.513727,-1.846815 52.513168,-1.846618 52.513234,-1.846362 52.513304,-1.845946 52.513387,-1.846092 52.513897,-1.846276 52.513821,-1.847164 52.514291))) POINT (-1.84688 52.513702) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
763 THE BIRMINGHAM (103 GOOSEMOOR LANE, ERDINGTON) TPO 1997 TPO 763 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.840742 52.535649,-1.840006 52.535735,-1.839931 52.535483,-1.839335 52.535553,-1.839270 52.535781,-1.839238 52.535754,-1.839173 52.536076,-1.840836 52.535889,-1.840794 52.535796,-1.840742 52.535649))) POINT (-1.839882 52.535797) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
771 THE BIRMINGHAM (26A HARTOPP ROAD, FOUR OAKS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1997 TPO 771 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.842914 52.578458,-1.842797 52.578252,-1.842271 52.578312,-1.842390 52.578535,-1.842472 52.578529,-1.842726 52.578488,-1.842728 52.578476,-1.842813 52.578465,-1.842821 52.578477,-1.842914 52.578458))) POINT (-1.842589 52.578391) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
772 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND NEXT TO FIRE STATION BRISTOL ROAD, SELLY OAK) TPO 1997 TPO 772 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.926323 52.446405,-1.926306 52.446419,-1.926084 52.446491,-1.925992 52.446511,-1.925714 52.446657,-1.925710 52.446677,-1.925928 52.446714,-1.925965 52.446777,-1.924626 52.446549,-1.924558 52.446540,-1.924558 52.446547,-1.924731 52.446840,-1.924985 52.446780,-1.925484 52.446827,-1.925961 52.446911,-1.926257 52.447397,-1.926888 52.447265,-1.926915 52.447306,-1.927621 52.447137,-1.927654 52.447121,-1.927655 52.447101,-1.927591 52.447120,-1.927495 52.447135,-1.927355 52.447125,-1.926857 52.446963,-1.926900 52.446899,-1.926841 52.446866,-1.926638 52.446813,-1.926447 52.446480,-1.926320 52.446400,-1.926323 52.446405))) POINT (-1.926191 52.446901) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
773 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND OFF MOXHULL DRIVE, WALMLEY)TPO 1998 TPO 773 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.807377 52.541832,-1.807606 52.542007,-1.807632 52.541953,-1.807739 52.541638,-1.807911 52.541276,-1.807962 52.541115,-1.807851 52.540452,-1.807831 52.540050,-1.807849 52.539782,-1.807344 52.539766,-1.807005 52.539873,-1.806899 52.539890,-1.806477 52.539903,-1.806224 52.539898,-1.806077 52.539882,-1.805788 52.539825,-1.805531 52.539753,-1.805519 52.539765,-1.805084 52.539794,-1.805917 52.540514,-1.806178 52.540752,-1.806662 52.541263,-1.806816 52.541413,-1.807020 52.541555,-1.807063 52.541607,-1.807143 52.541668,-1.807377 52.541832))) POINT (-1.806931 52.540612) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
774 THE BIRMINGHAM (2 THE SLIEVE, HANDSWORTH WOOD) TPO 1998 TPO 774 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.927003 52.519613,-1.927103 52.519381,-1.926462 52.519344,-1.926452 52.519502,-1.926466 52.519526,-1.926506 52.519553,-1.926592 52.519574,-1.927003 52.519613))) POINT (-1.926764 52.519471) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
775 THE BIRMINGHAM (THE PARK HOUSE PARK ROADCORNER OF SHOWELL GREEN LANE, SPARKHILL) TPO 1998 TPO 775 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.867777 52.448163,-1.867502 52.448387,-1.868308 52.448539,-1.868329 52.448529,-1.868549 52.448208,-1.867899 52.448043,-1.867784 52.448149,-1.867777 52.448163))) POINT (-1.868059 52.448299) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
776 THE BIRMINGHAM (ASTON MANOR BOWLING GREEN, CHURCH ROAD, PERRY BARR) TPO 1998 TPO 776 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.901753 52.527760,-1.902418 52.527558,-1.902430 52.527535,-1.902914 52.527216,-1.902320 52.526892,-1.901883 52.526670,-1.901381 52.526440,-1.901200 52.526349,-1.901012 52.526270,-1.900419 52.526535,-1.900242 52.526604,-1.899871 52.526786,-1.899861 52.526821,-1.900249 52.527112,-1.900646 52.527224,-1.901753 52.527760))) POINT (-1.901388 52.527023) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
777 THE BIRMINGHAM (COLLEGE ROAD/JOCKEY ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1998 TPO 777 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.851663 52.549132,-1.852075 52.549081,-1.852144 52.549072,-1.851746 52.548749,-1.851193 52.549032,-1.851264 52.549173,-1.851663 52.549132))) POINT (-1.851645 52.548996) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
778 THE BIRMINGHAM (146 HILL VILLAGE ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO (No.2) 1998 TPO 778 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.833442 52.594367,-1.833238 52.594144,-1.832032 52.594485,-1.832172 52.594727,-1.832505 52.594648,-1.833043 52.594500,-1.833236 52.594445,-1.833442 52.594367))) POINT (-1.832728 52.594437) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1215 THE BIRMINGHAM (GOOD HOPE HOSPITAL, STAFF CAR PARK, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2007 TPO 1215 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.809308 52.569567,-1.809210 52.569663,-1.809207 52.569684,-1.809258 52.569737,-1.809546 52.569840,-1.809621 52.569856,-1.809759 52.569859,-1.809897 52.569827,-1.810081 52.569607,-1.810047 52.569611,-1.809956 52.569685,-1.809916 52.569698,-1.809837 52.569707,-1.809325 52.569608,-1.809330 52.569596,-1.809325 52.569578,-1.809308 52.569567))) POINT (-1.809598 52.569734) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14

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