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Birmingham City Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
1212 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO REAR OF 26 MOOR GREEN LANE, MOSELEY) TPO 2007 TPO 1212 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.896843 52.443177,-1.896893 52.443141,-1.896946 52.443084,-1.897313 52.442460,-1.896963 52.442372,-1.896491 52.443069,-1.896679 52.443112,-1.896786 52.443147,-1.896843 52.443177))) POINT (-1.89691 52.442775) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1219 THE BIRMINGHAM (FORMER HIGHCROFT HOSPITAL, ERDINGTON) TPO 2007 TPO 1219 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.854262 52.519682,-1.854246 52.519414,-1.852776 52.519503,-1.852791 52.519700,-1.852868 52.520038,-1.852856 52.520138,-1.852911 52.520415,-1.852943 52.520440,-1.853005 52.520441,-1.855055 52.520274,-1.855146 52.520671,-1.856489 52.520569,-1.856235 52.519497,-1.856275 52.519444,-1.856300 52.519426,-1.856528 52.519368,-1.856491 52.519277,-1.855871 52.519430,-1.855861 52.519414,-1.855748 52.519440,-1.855757 52.519456,-1.855253 52.519578,-1.855243 52.519561,-1.855129 52.519588,-1.855140 52.519604,-1.855127 52.519607,-1.854262 52.519682))) POINT (-1.854705 52.519986) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1220 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT HEADLEY CROFT, KINGS NORTON) TPO 2007 TPO 1220 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.946594 52.400140,-1.946603 52.400126,-1.947252 52.399936,-1.947231 52.399909,-1.947488 52.399745,-1.947579 52.399834,-1.947771 52.399777,-1.947787 52.399796,-1.947862 52.399845,-1.947958 52.399971,-1.948220 52.399893,-1.948235 52.399867,-1.947966 52.399549,-1.947247 52.399016,-1.947189 52.399004,-1.947144 52.399007,-1.946044 52.399383,-1.945972 52.399429,-1.945937 52.399477,-1.945929 52.399513,-1.945952 52.399570,-1.946442 52.400323,-1.946495 52.400354,-1.946572 52.400369,-1.946644 52.400358,-1.946737 52.400330,-1.946594 52.400140))) POINT (-1.946947 52.399618) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1221 THE BIRMINGHAM (47-55 RUSSELL BANK ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD KINGS NORTON) TPO 2007 TPO 1221 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.850469 52.594853,-1.850424 52.594866,-1.850344 52.594872,-1.850280 52.594862,-1.850218 52.594839,-1.849518 52.595150,-1.849941 52.595685,-1.850937 52.595292,-1.850469 52.594853))) POINT (-1.8502 52.595235) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1224 THE BIRMINGHAM (ALL SAINTS CHURCH, 2 WALSALL ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2007 TPO 1224 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.840583 52.586141,-1.840338 52.586110,-1.840120 52.586092,-1.839564 52.586077,-1.839660 52.586290,-1.839651 52.586292,-1.839778 52.586527,-1.839709 52.586557,-1.839725 52.586571,-1.839625 52.586613,-1.839807 52.586730,-1.840105 52.586743,-1.840242 52.586778,-1.840290 52.586748,-1.840314 52.586760,-1.840380 52.586725,-1.840447 52.586761,-1.841030 52.586361,-1.840685 52.586176,-1.840583 52.586141))) POINT (-1.840228 52.586405) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1223 THE BIRMINGHAM (61 - 69 PENNS LANE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2007 TPO 1223 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.822342 52.536330,-1.822077 52.536302,-1.821720 52.536250,-1.821328 52.536175,-1.821187 52.536398,-1.820922 52.537083,-1.820835 52.537065,-1.820728 52.537198,-1.820849 52.537211,-1.820863 52.537167,-1.821939 52.537232,-1.822342 52.536330))) POINT (-1.821593 52.536733) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1226 THE BIRMINGHAM (18 BEECH ROAD, BOURNVILLE) TPO 2008 TPO 1226 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.937055 52.425943,-1.936170 52.426032,-1.936193 52.426113,-1.937078 52.426025,-1.937055 52.425943))) POINT (-1.936625 52.426028) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1229 THE BIRMINGHAM (MONMOUTH ROAD AND CROMWELL LANE, BARTLEY GREEN) TPO 2008 TPO 1229 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.990392 52.435155,-1.990284 52.435080,-1.990176 52.434990,-1.989970 52.434783,-1.989865 52.434642,-1.989820 52.434559,-1.989772 52.434440,-1.989759 52.434372,-1.989761 52.434312,-1.989868 52.433383,-1.989765 52.433337,-1.988202 52.433303,-1.988209 52.433379,-1.988237 52.433424,-1.988328 52.433527,-1.988527 52.433722,-1.988620 52.433856,-1.988689 52.434032,-1.988749 52.434228,-1.988754 52.434257,-1.988736 52.434343,-1.988769 52.434367,-1.988772 52.434469,-1.988748 52.434737,-1.988703 52.434933,-1.988710 52.434997,-1.988699 52.435086,-1.988718 52.435195,-1.988737 52.435392,-1.988755 52.435760,-1.989073 52.435734,-1.989625 52.435655,-1.990149 52.435289,-1.990392 52.435155)),((-1.986611 52.433135,-1.986646 52.433059,-1.986608 52.433028,-1.986324 52.432909,-1.986297 52.432929,-1.986377 52.433123,-1.986482 52.433169,-1.986611 52.433135)),((-1.989481 52.433096,-1.989453 52.433146,-1.989457 52.433159,-1.990080 52.433171,-1.990095 52.433152,-1.989693 52.433066,-1.989481 52.433096))) POINT (-1.989238 52.43445) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1230 THE BIRMINGHAM (MERRITTS HILL, BARTLEY GREEN) TPO 2008 TPO 1230 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.986535 52.425618,-1.986453 52.425918,-1.986371 52.426158,-1.986632 52.426189,-1.986673 52.426184,-1.986667 52.426176,-1.987520 52.426220,-1.987563 52.426213,-1.987743 52.426123,-1.987816 52.426075,-1.987870 52.426027,-1.987852 52.426012,-1.988091 52.425577,-1.987877 52.425581,-1.987221 52.425625,-1.986744 52.425630,-1.986535 52.425618))) POINT (-1.987202 52.425894) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1231 THE BIRMINGHAM (WEST HEATH HOSPITAL, REDNAL ROAD, KINGS NORTON) TPO 2007 TPO 1231 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.952403 52.399408,-1.953158 52.399179,-1.953011 52.399018,-1.952954 52.398944,-1.952227 52.398151,-1.952168 52.398100,-1.952730 52.397904,-1.952272 52.397401,-1.952211 52.397421,-1.952152 52.397427,-1.952071 52.397463,-1.951025 52.397815,-1.952403 52.399408))) POINT (-1.952113 52.398354) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1233 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO REAR OF 5 - 7A, PARK HILL, MOSELEY) TPO 2008 TPO 1233 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.889966 52.449881,-1.889731 52.449814,-1.889702 52.449837,-1.889706 52.449858,-1.889609 52.449997,-1.889401 52.450283,-1.889274 52.450431,-1.889547 52.450505,-1.889966 52.449881))) POINT (-1.889629 52.450166) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1234 THE BIRMINGHAM (4 WOODBOURNE ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2008 TPO 1234 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.951023 52.469958,-1.951070 52.469964,-1.951467 52.469232,-1.950918 52.469107,-1.950848 52.469248,-1.950562 52.469900,-1.950773 52.469919,-1.951023 52.469958))) POINT (-1.951005 52.46954) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1238 THE BIRMINGHAM (29 GOODBY ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2008 TPO 1238 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.904337 52.446537,-1.904155 52.446520,-1.903732 52.446981,-1.903976 52.447045,-1.904239 52.446711,-1.904337 52.446537))) POINT (-1.904045 52.446786) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1237 THE BIRMINGHAM (778 CHESTER ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 2008 TPO 1237 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.825723 52.531017,-1.825684 52.530995,-1.825713 52.530979,-1.825552 52.530853,-1.825464 52.530895,-1.825475 52.530903,-1.824950 52.531322,-1.825027 52.531379,-1.825078 52.531388,-1.825190 52.531383,-1.825300 52.531352,-1.825339 52.531332,-1.825757 52.531044,-1.825723 52.531017))) POINT (-1.825372 52.531145) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1214 THE BIRMINGHAM (112 VIVIAN ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 2008 TPO 1214 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.954324 52.456642,-1.954135 52.456763,-1.954818 52.457344,-1.955024 52.457251,-1.954563 52.456843,-1.954324 52.456642))) POINT (-1.954574 52.456996) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1236 THE BIRMINGHAM (ST. JOHN'S ROAD CAR PARK, ST. JOHN'S ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 2008 TPO 1236 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.947132 52.460026,-1.947078 52.459982,-1.947014 52.459897,-1.946654 52.460038,-1.946743 52.460122,-1.946692 52.460141,-1.946683 52.460133,-1.946633 52.460154,-1.946652 52.460173,-1.946609 52.460192,-1.946505 52.460098,-1.945898 52.460335,-1.946259 52.460716,-1.946904 52.460488,-1.946724 52.460296,-1.946956 52.460117,-1.947132 52.460026))) POINT (-1.946496 52.460338) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1235 THE BIRMINGHAM (70 MAXWELL AVENUE, LOZELLS) TPO 2008 TPO 1235 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.916693 52.512907,-1.916756 52.512801,-1.916348 52.512716,-1.916295 52.512723,-1.916266 52.512745,-1.916226 52.512836,-1.916693 52.512907))) POINT (-1.916485 52.512811) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1232 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO NORTH OF HOLLY HILL NURSING HOME, RUBERY LANE, LONGBRIDGE) TPO 2008 TPO 1232 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.011246 52.401704,-2.011246 52.401685,-2.011148 52.401426,-2.009887 52.401581,-2.009476 52.401640,-2.009611 52.402013,-2.009855 52.401979,-2.010238 52.401911,-2.010469 52.401862,-2.010729 52.401795,-2.011246 52.401704))) POINT (-2.010324 52.401704) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1245 THE BIRMINGHAM (22 WHEELEYS ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2008 TPO 1245 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.913510 52.468977,-1.913414 52.469150,-1.913934 52.469279,-1.914033 52.469170,-1.913510 52.468977))) POINT (-1.913707 52.469138) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1240 THE BIRMINGHAM (2 FOURLANDS AVENUE, WALMLEY) TPO 2008 TPO 1240 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.817003 52.535619,-1.817089 52.535263,-1.817028 52.535248,-1.816899 52.535272,-1.816711 52.535520,-1.816689 52.535571,-1.816690 52.535593,-1.817003 52.535619))) POINT (-1.81691 52.535449) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
813 THE BIRMINGHAM (SITE FRONTING MANOR ROAD, MANOR HILL AND BIRMINGHAM ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1999 TPO 813 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.825953 52.560279,-1.826003 52.560231,-1.826291 52.560371,-1.826237 52.560390,-1.826198 52.560433,-1.826084 52.560754,-1.826053 52.560820,-1.825993 52.560914,-1.825998 52.560920,-1.825974 52.560929,-1.826177 52.561151,-1.826277 52.561224,-1.826447 52.561293,-1.826591 52.561327,-1.827076 52.561411,-1.827047 52.561239,-1.827022 52.560952,-1.826721 52.560962,-1.826672 52.560820,-1.826645 52.560764,-1.826683 52.560632,-1.826852 52.560668,-1.826886 52.560555,-1.827147 52.560153,-1.826892 52.560093,-1.826970 52.559962,-1.827034 52.559896,-1.827101 52.559758,-1.826744 52.559653,-1.826364 52.559774,-1.826264 52.559798,-1.825884 52.559930,-1.825744 52.560017,-1.825587 52.560136,-1.825953 52.560279))) POINT (-1.826504 52.560468) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
814 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT 1 COURT OAK ROAD, HARBORNE) TPO 1999 TPO 814 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.962180 52.459779,-1.961865 52.459765,-1.961825 52.459769,-1.961761 52.459802,-1.961739 52.459830,-1.961735 52.459869,-1.961747 52.459893,-1.962100 52.460221,-1.962147 52.459932,-1.962159 52.459926,-1.962180 52.459779))) POINT (-1.961983 52.459929) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
815 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT 67 JERVIS CRESCENT, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1999 TPO 815 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.857747 52.593306,-1.857874 52.593198,-1.857262 52.592971,-1.857079 52.593149,-1.857057 52.593183,-1.857073 52.593222,-1.857140 52.593256,-1.857621 52.593436,-1.857747 52.593306))) POINT (-1.857445 52.593203) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
816 THE BIRMINGHAM (JAMES GRACIE CENTRE, WAKE GREEN ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 1999 TPO 816 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.877662 52.443541,-1.878234 52.443649,-1.878242 52.443661,-1.878263 52.443666,-1.879011 52.443789,-1.879516 52.443884,-1.879542 52.443877,-1.879572 52.443882,-1.879589 52.443898,-1.879807 52.443934,-1.880236 52.443510,-1.879988 52.443396,-1.880214 52.443182,-1.880173 52.443163,-1.880315 52.443044,-1.879887 52.442841,-1.879587 52.442971,-1.879576 52.442992,-1.879483 52.443041,-1.879378 52.442966,-1.879166 52.443030,-1.878490 52.442709,-1.878221 52.442903,-1.878213 52.442920,-1.878139 52.442983,-1.877874 52.443182,-1.877700 52.443337,-1.877587 52.443461,-1.877635 52.443523,-1.877662 52.443541))) POINT (-1.879031 52.443342) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
503 THE BIRMINGHAM (15 BEECHGLADE, HANDSWORTH WOOD) TPO 1987 TPO 503 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.933399 52.521686,-1.933322 52.521604,-1.933008 52.521715,-1.932837 52.521784,-1.932668 52.521888,-1.932720 52.521940,-1.932977 52.521835,-1.933399 52.521686))) POINT (-1.933037 52.521765) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
505 THE BIRMINGHAM ( 39 FOUR OAKS ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 1987 TPO 505 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.839501 52.584289,-1.839027 52.583997,-1.838995 52.583937,-1.838967 52.583913,-1.838909 52.583910,-1.838621 52.584039,-1.838949 52.584295,-1.839181 52.584191,-1.839409 52.584337,-1.839501 52.584289))) POINT (-1.839004 52.584121) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
509 THE BIRMINGHAM (33 RICHMOND HILL ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 1987 TPO 509 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.936705 52.462803,-1.935448 52.462652,-1.935247 52.462613,-1.934615 52.462538,-1.934559 52.462853,-1.936455 52.463036,-1.936705 52.462803))) POINT (-1.935546 52.462801) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
523 THE BIRMINGHAM (59 AND 61 SELLY WICK ROAD, SELLY PARK) TPO 1987 TPO 523 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.921284 52.443283,-1.921515 52.443231,-1.921018 52.442764,-1.920724 52.442473,-1.920747 52.442337,-1.920816 52.442276,-1.921046 52.442151,-1.920480 52.441707,-1.920441 52.441715,-1.920127 52.441850,-1.919920 52.441991,-1.919910 52.441986,-1.919758 52.442090,-1.919521 52.442190,-1.920046 52.442518,-1.919883 52.442614,-1.919930 52.442646,-1.919822 52.442727,-1.920006 52.442834,-1.919989 52.442843,-1.919993 52.442947,-1.920092 52.443178,-1.920194 52.443295,-1.920188 52.443301,-1.920362 52.443415,-1.920457 52.443501,-1.920807 52.443399,-1.921284 52.443283))) POINT (-1.920484 52.442639) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
982 THE BIRMINGHAM (34 AND 36 BLACKROOT ROAD AND 35 LADYWOOD ROAD, FOUR OAKS) TREE PRESERVATION ORDER 2003 TPO 982 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.834547 52.574371,-1.835504 52.574300,-1.835476 52.574181,-1.836123 52.574157,-1.836083 52.574098,-1.836088 52.574067,-1.836110 52.574036,-1.836117 52.573990,-1.836091 52.573837,-1.836071 52.573815,-1.836024 52.573786,-1.835945 52.573762,-1.835874 52.573745,-1.835765 52.573745,-1.835306 52.573814,-1.835309 52.573821,-1.834471 52.573943,-1.834502 52.574074,-1.834547 52.574371))) POINT (-1.835284 52.574052) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
992 THE BIRMINGHAM (21 CROWN LANE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2003 TPO 992 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.849858 52.589703,-1.849701 52.589787,-1.850517 52.590305,-1.850678 52.590218,-1.849858 52.589703))) POINT (-1.850191 52.590005) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
996 THE BIRMINGHAM (ROSE AND CROWN PUBLIC HOUSE, 294 GRAVELLY LANE, ERDINGTON) TPO 2003 TPO 996 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.840172 52.534054,-1.838836 52.533912,-1.838794 52.533961,-1.838497 52.534248,-1.838711 52.534264,-1.840306 52.534429,-1.840172 52.534054))) POINT (-1.839451 52.534168) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1000 THE BIRMINGHAM (8 BRACEBRIDGE ROAD, FOUR OAKS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 1000 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.834175 52.577297,-1.833524 52.577218,-1.833386 52.577666,-1.834037 52.577737,-1.834175 52.577297))) POINT (-1.83378 52.577479) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
998 THE BIRMINGHAM (476 LICHFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 998 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.837089 52.594933,-1.836994 52.594824,-1.836162 52.595021,-1.836249 52.595142,-1.837089 52.594933))) POINT (-1.836619 52.594981) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
985 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND AT THE CORNER OF FIELD LANE AND HAYLEY GREEN ROAD, BARTLEY GREEN) TPO 2003 TPO 985 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.003657 52.433780,-2.003788 52.433851,-2.003816 52.433824,-2.003805 52.433820,-2.003841 52.433786,-2.003776 52.433763,-2.003657 52.433780))) POINT (-2.00376 52.433799) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1520 THE BIRMINGHAM (269 MONMOUTH DRIVE, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2015 TPO 1520 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.860276 52.556571,-1.859944 52.556479,-1.859699 52.556785,-1.859638 52.556850,-1.859606 52.556933,-1.859920 52.557013,-1.860276 52.556571))) POINT (-1.859932 52.556747) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
995 THE BIRMINGHAM (128 PORTLAND ROAD AND 383 GILLOTT ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2003 TPO 995 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.949768 52.476147,-1.949634 52.476338,-1.949646 52.476354,-1.950447 52.476616,-1.950632 52.476375,-1.949768 52.476147))) POINT (-1.950133 52.476375) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
989 THE BIRMINGHAM (229 YARDLEY FIELDS ROAD, STECHFORD) TPO 2003 TPO 989 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.801475 52.479661,-1.801683 52.479664,-1.801688 52.479540,-1.801671 52.479540,-1.801668 52.479479,-1.801687 52.479462,-1.801741 52.479025,-1.801463 52.478999,-1.801452 52.479273,-1.801475 52.479661))) POINT (-1.801582 52.479318) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
990 THE BIRMINGHAM (93 REDDINGS ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2003 TPO 990 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.900786 52.444590,-1.901332 52.444560,-1.901414 52.444538,-1.901430 52.444523,-1.901435 52.444505,-1.901414 52.444467,-1.901190 52.444196,-1.900728 52.444215,-1.900786 52.444590))) POINT (-1.901047 52.444399) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
993 THE BIRMINGHAM (24 WAKE GREEN ROAD, MOSELEY) TPO 2003 TPO 993 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.880800 52.444127,-1.880912 52.444016,-1.881184 52.443741,-1.880991 52.443647,-1.880813 52.443885,-1.880700 52.444102,-1.880800 52.444127))) POINT (-1.880933 52.443878) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1005 THE BIRMINGHAM (63 TAYLOR ROAD, KINGS HEATH) TPO 2004 TPO 1005 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.888599 52.422448,-1.888523 52.422474,-1.888699 52.422970,-1.888726 52.423043,-1.888811 52.423022,-1.888599 52.422448))) POINT (-1.888666 52.422751) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1008 THE BIRMINGHAM (65 WELLINGTON ROAD, EDGBASTON) TPO 2004 TPO 1008 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.909194 52.463053,-1.908631 52.462404,-1.908344 52.462496,-1.908913 52.463136,-1.909194 52.463053))) POINT (-1.908769 52.46277) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1003 THE BIRMINGHAM (19 MULROY ROAD AND 53 ROCKINGHAM GARDENS, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2004 TPO 1003 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.828904 52.570421,-1.828992 52.570419,-1.828999 52.570425,-1.829314 52.570409,-1.829309 52.570297,-1.829253 52.569866,-1.829098 52.569877,-1.829063 52.569898,-1.829042 52.569928,-1.828912 52.569919,-1.828910 52.569884,-1.828856 52.569875,-1.828913 52.570408,-1.828904 52.570421))) POINT (-1.82909 52.570156) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1307 THE BIRMINGHAM (9 - 23 ALLENS CROFT ROAD, KINGS HEATH) TPO 2009 TPO 1307 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.910291 52.424957,-1.909996 52.425270,-1.909811 52.425469,-1.910307 52.425640,-1.910864 52.425128,-1.910768 52.425094,-1.910746 52.425108,-1.910685 52.425110,-1.910625 52.425074,-1.910291 52.424957))) POINT (-1.91032 52.425298) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1312 THE BIRMINGHAM (363 COURT LANE, ERDINGTON) TPO 2009 TPO 1312 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.849719 52.541313,-1.849695 52.541228,-1.849577 52.541231,-1.849454 52.541252,-1.849043 52.541417,-1.848936 52.541476,-1.848991 52.541544,-1.849495 52.541351,-1.849719 52.541313))) POINT (-1.849331 52.541366) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1315 THE BIRMINGHAM (114 LICHFIELD ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2009 TPO 1315 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.825651 52.574503,-1.825596 52.574457,-1.825130 52.574672,-1.825184 52.574717,-1.825651 52.574503))) POINT (-1.825391 52.574587) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1316 THE BIRMINGHAM (GREENLANDS, HARRISON ROAD, SUTTON COLDFIELD) TPO 2009 TPO 1316 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.849363 52.598598,-1.849161 52.598407,-1.848980 52.598188,-1.848891 52.598036,-1.848153 52.598355,-1.848257 52.598433,-1.848735 52.598919,-1.849334 52.598683,-1.849363 52.598598))) POINT (-1.848787 52.598487) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1320 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO THE FRONT OF THE HALL, WINSON GREEN ROAD, BIRMINGHAM) TPO 2009 TPO 1320 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.938406 52.488519,-1.938448 52.488459,-1.938445 52.488432,-1.938479 52.488424,-1.938457 52.488213,-1.938426 52.488215,-1.938423 52.488177,-1.938392 52.488142,-1.938351 52.488138,-1.938328 52.488156,-1.938271 52.488385,-1.938265 52.488461,-1.938406 52.488519))) POINT (-1.938374 52.488337) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1321 THE BIRMINGHAM (20 - 22 ALWOLD ROAD, BARTLEY GREEN) TPO 2009 TPO 1321 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.978571 52.442390,-1.978691 52.442186,-1.978757 52.441989,-1.978673 52.441904,-1.977715 52.441807,-1.977605 52.442214,-1.978242 52.442313,-1.978571 52.442390))) POINT (-1.978187 52.44208) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1318 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND ADJOINING 2 WYNFIELD GARDENS, KINGS HEATH) TPO 2009 TPO 1318 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.891009 52.420367,-1.891094 52.420653,-1.891182 52.420634,-1.891196 52.420657,-1.891209 52.420660,-1.891218 52.420686,-1.891209 52.420690,-1.891237 52.420766,-1.891573 52.420713,-1.891552 52.420668,-1.891498 52.420411,-1.891371 52.420349,-1.891009 52.420367))) POINT (-1.891299 52.420541) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14
1324 THE BIRMINGHAM (LAND TO THE REAR OF 258-264 SHORT HEATH ROAD, ERDINGTON) TPO 2009 TPO 1324 area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.856523 52.530774,-1.856125 52.530738,-1.855865 52.530713,-1.855864 52.530726,-1.856523 52.530785,-1.856523 52.530774))) POINT (-1.856185 52.530749) The shaded area represents those properties which fall within the outline of a Tree Preservation Order. To precisely identify trees protected by the Order, you can request a copy of the tree preservation order at the following <a href= target=_blank>link</a>. 2025-03-14

Showing rows 901 to 950 of 1097