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London Borough of Barnet


Reference Name Tree preservation order Uprn Address text Point Geometry Notes Organisation Felled date Entry date Start date End date
TRE/HE/68/T3 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206762 51.616772) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.206782 51.616771,-0.206758 51.616760,-0.206745 51.616771,-0.206752 51.616780,-0.206769 51.616782,-0.206782 51.616771))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/68/T4 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206867 51.617352) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.206885 51.617351,-0.206862 51.617340,-0.206849 51.617354,-0.206872 51.617362,-0.206885 51.617351))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/68/T5 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206987 51.61803) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.207004 51.618029,-0.206992 51.618018,-0.206968 51.618027,-0.206980 51.618040,-0.206996 51.618039,-0.207004 51.618029))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/68/T6 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206822 51.618719) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.206841 51.618720,-0.206822 51.618708,-0.206805 51.618718,-0.206819 51.618731,-0.206841 51.618720))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/68/T7 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206828 51.618468) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.206846 51.618469,-0.206834 51.618458,-0.206810 51.618466,-0.206824 51.618480,-0.206846 51.618469))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/68/T8 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206755 51.618089) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.206773 51.618088,-0.206750 51.618077,-0.206737 51.618091,-0.206760 51.618099,-0.206773 51.618088))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/68/T9 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206727 51.617795) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.206745 51.617795,-0.206726 51.617783,-0.206709 51.617797,-0.206730 51.617806,-0.206745 51.617795))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/68/T10 The London Borough of Barnet (Burtonhole Lane, NW7) Tree Preservation Order 1997 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts 1990. TRE/HE/68 POINT (-0.206574 51.617135) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.206593 51.617136,-0.206574 51.617124,-0.206557 51.617133,-0.206571 51.617147,-0.206593 51.617136))) 2025-03-03 1997-01-13
TRE/HE/7/T1 Borough of Hendon (Broomfield Lodge, Green Lane, Edgware) Tree Preservation Order made under The Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 TRE/HE/7 POINT (-0.294562 51.626365) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.294549 51.626360,-0.294547 51.626369,-0.294560 51.626376,-0.294580 51.626366,-0.294568 51.626355,-0.294549 51.626360))) 2025-03-03 1956-02-09
TRE/HE/7/T2 Borough of Hendon (Broomfield Lodge, Green Lane, Edgware) Tree Preservation Order made under The Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 TRE/HE/7 POINT (-0.294574 51.626267) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.294559 51.626262,-0.294565 51.626277,-0.294590 51.626270,-0.294581 51.626258,-0.294559 51.626262))) 2025-03-03 1956-02-09
TRE/HE/7/T3 Borough of Hendon (Broomfield Lodge, Green Lane, Edgware) Tree Preservation Order made under The Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 TRE/HE/7 POINT (-0.294566 51.626104) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.294553 51.626098,-0.294552 51.626109,-0.294562 51.626114,-0.294584 51.626105,-0.294570 51.626093,-0.294553 51.626098))) 2025-03-03 1956-02-09
TRE/HE/7/T4 Borough of Hendon (Broomfield Lodge, Green Lane, Edgware) Tree Preservation Order made under The Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 TRE/HE/7 POINT (-0.294666 51.625758) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.294653 51.625752,-0.294651 51.625761,-0.294662 51.625768,-0.294684 51.625759,-0.294674 51.625748,-0.294653 51.625752))) 2025-03-03 1956-02-09
TRE/HE/7/T5 Borough of Hendon (Broomfield Lodge, Green Lane, Edgware) Tree Preservation Order made under The Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 TRE/HE/7 POINT (-0.294812 51.625842) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.294800 51.625836,-0.294797 51.625845,-0.294807 51.625852,-0.294830 51.625845,-0.294820 51.625832,-0.294800 51.625836))) 2025-03-03 1956-02-09
TRE/HE/7/T6 Borough of Hendon (Broomfield Lodge, Green Lane, Edgware) Tree Preservation Order made under The Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 TRE/HE/7 POINT (-0.295042 51.626022) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.295029 51.626017,-0.295027 51.626027,-0.295039 51.626033,-0.295060 51.626023,-0.295047 51.626012,-0.295029 51.626017))) 2025-03-03 1956-02-09
TRE/HE/71/T1 The London Borough of Barnet Former RAF East Camp, Aerodrome Road, London NW4 Tree Preservation Order 2003 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/71 POINT (-0.243026 51.595313) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.243051 51.595312,-0.243029 51.595296,-0.243001 51.595308,-0.243005 51.595321,-0.243023 51.595328,-0.243044 51.595323,-0.243051 51.595312))) 2025-03-03 2003-12-23
TRE/HE/71/T2 The London Borough of Barnet Former RAF East Camp, Aerodrome Road, London NW4 Tree Preservation Order 2003 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/71 POINT (-0.238335 51.594677) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.238360 51.594676,-0.238338 51.594660,-0.238310 51.594672,-0.238314 51.594685,-0.238332 51.594692,-0.238353 51.594687,-0.238360 51.594676))) 2025-03-03 2003-12-23
TRE/HE/71/T3 The London Borough of Barnet Former RAF East Camp, Aerodrome Road, London NW4 Tree Preservation Order 2003 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/71 POINT (-0.237841 51.594386) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.237867 51.594386,-0.237861 51.594376,-0.237840 51.594370,-0.237823 51.594375,-0.237816 51.594387,-0.237826 51.594399,-0.237846 51.594402,-0.237867 51.594386))) 2025-03-03 2003-12-23
TRE/HE/72/T1 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204233 51.614648) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204255 51.614648,-0.204234 51.614634,-0.204212 51.614647,-0.204233 51.614661,-0.204255 51.614648))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T2 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204061 51.613979) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204082 51.613978,-0.204061 51.613964,-0.204039 51.613977,-0.204054 51.613991,-0.204073 51.613989,-0.204082 51.613978))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T3 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.203881 51.61377) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.203903 51.613770,-0.203881 51.613756,-0.203859 51.613769,-0.203880 51.613783,-0.203903 51.613770))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T4 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204163 51.613389) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204185 51.613390,-0.204164 51.613376,-0.204142 51.613389,-0.204163 51.613403,-0.204185 51.613390))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T5 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204361 51.613339) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204384 51.613338,-0.204362 51.613324,-0.204340 51.613338,-0.204349 51.613349,-0.204368 51.613351,-0.204384 51.613338))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T6 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204904 51.612801) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204927 51.612801,-0.204906 51.612787,-0.204888 51.612793,-0.204884 51.612805,-0.204911 51.612814,-0.204927 51.612801))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T7 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204309 51.613084) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204332 51.613083,-0.204310 51.613069,-0.204288 51.613083,-0.204297 51.613094,-0.204316 51.613096,-0.204332 51.613083))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T8 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.203885 51.613039) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.203907 51.613039,-0.203886 51.613025,-0.203863 51.613038,-0.203884 51.613052,-0.203907 51.613039))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T9 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204074 51.61254) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204095 51.612540,-0.204074 51.612526,-0.204052 51.612539,-0.204073 51.612553,-0.204095 51.612540))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/72/T10 The London Borough of Barnet Former Inglis Barracks, Frith Lane, NW7 Tree Preservation Order 2001 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999 TRE/HE/72 POINT (-0.204514 51.61175) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.204535 51.611750,-0.204514 51.611736,-0.204492 51.611749,-0.204513 51.611763,-0.204535 51.611750))) 2025-03-03 2001-11-26
TRE/HE/73/T1 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.24972 51.605886) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249734 51.605887,-0.249724 51.605878,-0.249705 51.605884,-0.249718 51.605896,-0.249734 51.605887))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T2 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249876 51.605761) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249890 51.605761,-0.249881 51.605752,-0.249861 51.605759,-0.249874 51.605770,-0.249890 51.605761))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T3 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249898 51.605706) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249912 51.605706,-0.249903 51.605697,-0.249883 51.605704,-0.249896 51.605715,-0.249912 51.605706))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T4 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249474 51.605471) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249488 51.605472,-0.249478 51.605463,-0.249459 51.605469,-0.249472 51.605481,-0.249488 51.605472))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T5 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249307 51.604723) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249321 51.604723,-0.249303 51.604714,-0.249292 51.604725,-0.249311 51.604732,-0.249321 51.604723))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T6 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249316 51.604608) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249330 51.604608,-0.249313 51.604599,-0.249301 51.604609,-0.249320 51.604617,-0.249330 51.604608))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T7 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249389 51.604409) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249403 51.604409,-0.249386 51.604400,-0.249374 51.604411,-0.249393 51.604418,-0.249403 51.604409))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T8 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249352 51.603971) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249365 51.603972,-0.249356 51.603963,-0.249337 51.603969,-0.249350 51.603981,-0.249365 51.603972))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T9 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249506 51.60374) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249521 51.603741,-0.249512 51.603732,-0.249492 51.603739,-0.249501 51.603749,-0.249521 51.603741))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T10 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249772 51.603642) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249786 51.603642,-0.249769 51.603633,-0.249757 51.603643,-0.249776 51.603651,-0.249786 51.603642))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T11 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249799 51.603536) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249814 51.603536,-0.249802 51.603527,-0.249785 51.603533,-0.249794 51.603545,-0.249814 51.603536))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T12 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249793 51.603397) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249808 51.603398,-0.249793 51.603388,-0.249780 51.603395,-0.249789 51.603406,-0.249808 51.603398))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T13 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249775 51.603103) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249790 51.603104,-0.249777 51.603094,-0.249761 51.603103,-0.249771 51.603112,-0.249790 51.603104))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T14 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249534 51.603137) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249548 51.603137,-0.249539 51.603128,-0.249519 51.603135,-0.249532 51.603146,-0.249548 51.603137))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T15 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.249209 51.603079) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.249224 51.603080,-0.249211 51.603070,-0.249195 51.603077,-0.249204 51.603088,-0.249224 51.603080))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T16 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248696 51.603175) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248709 51.603176,-0.248700 51.603167,-0.248681 51.603173,-0.248694 51.603185,-0.248709 51.603176))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T17 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248167 51.603171) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248182 51.603172,-0.248168 51.603162,-0.248153 51.603169,-0.248162 51.603180,-0.248182 51.603172))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T18 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248134 51.603567) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248148 51.603567,-0.248139 51.603558,-0.248119 51.603565,-0.248130 51.603576,-0.248148 51.603567))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T19 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248583 51.603768) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248597 51.603768,-0.248588 51.603759,-0.248568 51.603766,-0.248581 51.603777,-0.248597 51.603768))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T20 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248125 51.603812) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248140 51.603813,-0.248130 51.603804,-0.248111 51.603810,-0.248120 51.603821,-0.248140 51.603813))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T21 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248131 51.603885) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248146 51.603886,-0.248133 51.603876,-0.248117 51.603884,-0.248126 51.603894,-0.248146 51.603886))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T22 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248118 51.603973) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248133 51.603974,-0.248122 51.603965,-0.248104 51.603971,-0.248115 51.603983,-0.248133 51.603974))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15
TRE/HE/73/T23 The London Borough of Barnet Douglas Bader Estate, Grahame Park, NW9 Tree Preservation Order 2000 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999. TRE/HE/73 POINT (-0.248596 51.60403) MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.248611 51.604030,-0.248600 51.604021,-0.248582 51.604029,-0.248593 51.604039,-0.248611 51.604030))) 2025-03-03 2000-09-15