London Borough of Barnet
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Uprn | Address text | Point | Geometry | Notes | Organisation | Felled date | Entry date | Start date | End date |
TRE/HE/8/T1 | The London Borough of Barnet (Housing Site No. 14 Lawrence Street, Mill Hill, NW7) Forestry Act 1951 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1947 | TRE/HE/8 | POINT (-0.239739 51.623446) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.239819 51.623447,-0.239799 51.623413,-0.239749 51.623396,-0.239693 51.623405,-0.239666 51.623426,-0.239660 51.623444,-0.239679 51.623478,-0.239716 51.623493,-0.239745 51.623495,-0.239797 51.623480,-0.239819 51.623447))) | 2025-03-03 | 1956-06-11 | ||||||
TRE/HE/8/T2 | The London Borough of Barnet (Housing Site No. 14 Lawrence Street, Mill Hill, NW7) Forestry Act 1951 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1947 | TRE/HE/8 | POINT (-0.241389 51.622939) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.241453 51.622940,-0.241448 51.622923,-0.241433 51.622909,-0.241383 51.622898,-0.241336 51.622914,-0.241323 51.622938,-0.241334 51.622962,-0.241380 51.622979,-0.241430 51.622969,-0.241447 51.622956,-0.241453 51.622940))) | 2025-03-03 | 1956-06-11 | ||||||
TRE/HE/8/T3 | The London Borough of Barnet (Housing Site No. 14 Lawrence Street, Mill Hill, NW7) Forestry Act 1951 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1947 | TRE/HE/8 | POINT (-0.244517 51.624502) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.244589 51.624503,-0.244584 51.624485,-0.244569 51.624471,-0.244519 51.624457,-0.244467 51.624469,-0.244445 51.624500,-0.244450 51.624518,-0.244465 51.624533,-0.244515 51.624547,-0.244567 51.624534,-0.244589 51.624503))) | 2025-03-03 | 1956-06-11 | ||||||
TRE/HE/8/T4 | The London Borough of Barnet (Housing Site No. 14 Lawrence Street, Mill Hill, NW7) Forestry Act 1951 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1947 | TRE/HE/8 | POINT (-0.245082 51.62465) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.245155 51.624651,-0.245135 51.624619,-0.245084 51.624605,-0.245033 51.624617,-0.245016 51.624632,-0.245010 51.624649,-0.245030 51.624681,-0.245081 51.624695,-0.245132 51.624682,-0.245149 51.624668,-0.245155 51.624651))) | 2025-03-03 | 1956-06-11 | ||||||
TRE/HE/8/T5 | The London Borough of Barnet (Housing Site No. 14 Lawrence Street, Mill Hill, NW7) Forestry Act 1951 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1947 | TRE/HE/8 | POINT (-0.244604 51.623384) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.244675 51.623385,-0.244671 51.623368,-0.244655 51.623353,-0.244605 51.623339,-0.244553 51.623351,-0.244531 51.623383,-0.244551 51.623415,-0.244601 51.623429,-0.244653 51.623416,-0.244675 51.623385))) | 2025-03-03 | 1956-06-11 | ||||||
TRE/HE/8/T6 | The London Borough of Barnet (Housing Site No. 14 Lawrence Street, Mill Hill, NW7) Forestry Act 1951 made under The Town and Country Planning Act 1947 | TRE/HE/8 | POINT (-0.242744 51.622349) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.242816 51.622350,-0.242796 51.622318,-0.242745 51.622304,-0.242694 51.622316,-0.242671 51.622348,-0.242691 51.622380,-0.242742 51.622394,-0.242793 51.622381,-0.242810 51.622367,-0.242816 51.622350))) | 2025-03-03 | 1956-06-11 | ||||||
23/TPO/014/T1 | 21 Tillingbourne Gardens (Tree Preservation order 23/TPO/014) | 23/TPO/014 | POINT (-0.197035 51.590897) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.197032 51.590887,-0.197019 51.590893,-0.197022 51.590905,-0.197051 51.590902,-0.197051 51.590893,-0.197032 51.590887))) | 2025-03-03 | 2023-08-08 | ||||||
23/TPO/020/T1 | Tree Preservation Order at Woodview Lodge Hendon Wood Lane NW7 4HS (23/TPO/020) | 23/TPO/020 | POINT (-0.240046 51.640056) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.240044 51.640048,-0.240032 51.640056,-0.240036 51.640063,-0.240060 51.640060,-0.240057 51.640050,-0.240044 51.640048))) | 2025-03-03 | 2023-12-18 | ||||||
23/TPO/022/T1 | Tree Preservation Order at 53 Princes Park Avenue (23/TPO/022) | 23/TPO/022 | POINT (-0.208155 51.581958) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.208153 51.581949,-0.208143 51.581952,-0.208143 51.581963,-0.208158 51.581967,-0.208170 51.581960,-0.208166 51.581951,-0.208153 51.581949))) | 2025-03-03 | 2023-12-04 | ||||||
24/TPO/001/T1 | 103 Oakwood Road London NW11 6RJ (Tree Preservation Order 24/TPO/001) | 24/TPO/001 | POINT (-0.184798 51.584993) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.184794 51.584984,-0.184783 51.584997,-0.184809 51.584999,-0.184811 51.584990,-0.184794 51.584984))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-03-04 | ||||||
TPO/CA/242/T1 | The London Borough of Barnet Land between Barnet Road and Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Herts Tree Preservation Order 1991 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts, 1971 to 1974 | TPO/CA/242 | POINT (-0.218706 51.651636) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.218691 51.651645,-0.218717 51.651647,-0.218725 51.651634,-0.218713 51.651626,-0.218695 51.651627,-0.218687 51.651634,-0.218691 51.651645))) | 2025-03-03 | 1991-08-15 | ||||||
TPO/CA/242/T2 | The London Borough of Barnet Land between Barnet Road and Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Herts Tree Preservation Order 1991 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts, 1971 to 1974 | TPO/CA/242 | POINT (-0.219296 51.651654) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.219282 51.651661,-0.219308 51.651664,-0.219316 51.651651,-0.219290 51.651642,-0.219278 51.651651,-0.219282 51.651661))) | 2025-03-03 | 1991-08-15 | ||||||
TPO/CA/242/T3 | The London Borough of Barnet Land between Barnet Road and Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Herts Tree Preservation Order 1991 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts, 1971 to 1974 | TPO/CA/242 | POINT (-0.219516 51.651698) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.219502 51.651705,-0.219527 51.651708,-0.219535 51.651695,-0.219510 51.651686,-0.219499 51.651692,-0.219502 51.651705))) | 2025-03-03 | 1991-08-15 | ||||||
TPO/CA/242/T4 | The London Borough of Barnet Land between Barnet Road and Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Herts Tree Preservation Order 1991 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts, 1971 to 1974 | TPO/CA/242 | POINT (-0.217543 51.650149) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.217529 51.650157,-0.217551 51.650161,-0.217563 51.650147,-0.217551 51.650138,-0.217533 51.650139,-0.217525 51.650146,-0.217529 51.650157))) | 2025-03-03 | 1991-08-15 | ||||||
TPO/CA/242/T5 | The London Borough of Barnet Land between Barnet Road and Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Herts Tree Preservation Order 1991 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts, 1971 to 1974 | TPO/CA/242 | POINT (-0.21734 51.650301) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.217326 51.650309,-0.217347 51.650313,-0.217360 51.650302,-0.217348 51.650290,-0.217334 51.650290,-0.217322 51.650298,-0.217326 51.650309))) | 2025-03-03 | 1991-08-15 | ||||||
TPO/CA/242/T6 | The London Borough of Barnet Land between Barnet Road and Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Herts Tree Preservation Order 1991 made under The Town and Country Planning Acts, 1971 to 1974 | TPO/CA/242 | POINT (-0.217474 51.650482) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.217460 51.650490,-0.217477 51.650494,-0.217494 51.650482,-0.217486 51.650472,-0.217468 51.650471,-0.217456 51.650479,-0.217460 51.650490))) | 2025-03-03 | 1991-08-15 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T1 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.184028 51.595486) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.184024 51.595472,-0.184007 51.595480,-0.184012 51.595496,-0.184032 51.595500,-0.184048 51.595492,-0.184044 51.595476,-0.184024 51.595472))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T2 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.184142 51.595584) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.184138 51.595570,-0.184121 51.595578,-0.184125 51.595593,-0.184145 51.595597,-0.184163 51.595587,-0.184160 51.595576,-0.184138 51.595570))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T3 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.184131 51.595758) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.184127 51.595744,-0.184108 51.595755,-0.184114 51.595768,-0.184134 51.595772,-0.184152 51.595763,-0.184150 51.595750,-0.184127 51.595744))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T4 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.18423 51.59584) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.184226 51.595825,-0.184208 51.595836,-0.184214 51.595850,-0.184234 51.595854,-0.184252 51.595845,-0.184250 51.595832,-0.184226 51.595825))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T5 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.184371 51.595944) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.184368 51.595929,-0.184353 51.595935,-0.184350 51.595949,-0.184371 51.595958,-0.184390 51.595952,-0.184393 51.595938,-0.184368 51.595929))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T6 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.184326 51.596322) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.184323 51.596309,-0.184307 51.596316,-0.184308 51.596329,-0.184326 51.596336,-0.184347 51.596328,-0.184343 51.596313,-0.184323 51.596309))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T7 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.183665 51.595717) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.183661 51.595703,-0.183645 51.595711,-0.183644 51.595722,-0.183664 51.595731,-0.183683 51.595725,-0.183684 51.595709,-0.183661 51.595703))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/005/T8 | Tree Preservation Order at Land Between Briarfield Avenue And Rosemary Avenue Accessed From Tangle Tree Close, N3 (24/TPO/005) | 24/TPO/005 | POINT (-0.183749 51.595675) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.183745 51.595660,-0.183726 51.595671,-0.183732 51.595685,-0.183753 51.595689,-0.183768 51.595683,-0.183771 51.595669,-0.183745 51.595660))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/006/T1 | Development Site At Former West Finchley Bowling Tree Preservation Order (24/TPO/006) | 24/TPO/006 | POINT (-0.185443 51.596591) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.185439 51.596578,-0.185423 51.596586,-0.185427 51.596601,-0.185447 51.596605,-0.185463 51.596597,-0.185459 51.596582,-0.185439 51.596578))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/006/T2 | Development Site At Former West Finchley Bowling Tree Preservation Order (24/TPO/006) | 24/TPO/006 | POINT (-0.185169 51.59677) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.185164 51.596753,-0.185144 51.596762,-0.185149 51.596781,-0.185173 51.596786,-0.185191 51.596779,-0.185192 51.596760,-0.185164 51.596753))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/006/T3 | Development Site At Former West Finchley Bowling Tree Preservation Order (24/TPO/006) | 24/TPO/006 | POINT (-0.185049 51.59671) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.185044 51.596693,-0.185026 51.596700,-0.185025 51.596719,-0.185053 51.596727,-0.185074 51.596717,-0.185069 51.596698,-0.185044 51.596693))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-05-23 | ||||||
24/TPO/007/T1 | Trento 21 Barnet Road EN5 3HB (Tree Preservation Order 24/TPO/007) | 24/TPO/007 | POINT (-0.220631 51.650976) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.220628 51.650964,-0.220613 51.650971,-0.220617 51.650985,-0.220638 51.650988,-0.220649 51.650981,-0.220648 51.650970,-0.220628 51.650964))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-07-10 | ||||||
24/TPO/007/T2 | Trento 21 Barnet Road EN5 3HB (Tree Preservation Order 24/TPO/007) | 24/TPO/007 | POINT (-0.220576 51.650946) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.220572 51.650933,-0.220556 51.650940,-0.220560 51.650955,-0.220579 51.650959,-0.220597 51.650949,-0.220591 51.650936,-0.220572 51.650933))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-07-10 | ||||||
24/TPO/007/T3 | Trento 21 Barnet Road EN5 3HB (Tree Preservation Order 24/TPO/007) | 24/TPO/007 | POINT (-0.22033 51.650985) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.220327 51.650972,-0.220311 51.650980,-0.220315 51.650994,-0.220330 51.650998,-0.220349 51.650990,-0.220348 51.650978,-0.220327 51.650972))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-07-10 | ||||||
24/TPO/008/T1 | 73 King Edward Road EN5 5AU (Tree Preservation Order 24/TPO/008) | 24/TPO/008 | POINT (-0.189101 51.651964) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.189099 51.651955,-0.189087 51.651960,-0.189090 51.651971,-0.189114 51.651970,-0.189114 51.651959,-0.189099 51.651955))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-07-10 | ||||||
24/TPO/009/T1 | Site Of Former East Barnet Library Tree Preservation Order (24/TPO/009) | 24/TPO/009 | POINT (-0.161431 51.644221) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.161429 51.644213,-0.161418 51.644218,-0.161419 51.644227,-0.161442 51.644229,-0.161444 51.644217,-0.161429 51.644213))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-07-30 | ||||||
24/TPO/014/T1 | Tree Preservation Order at Ravens Lawn Tennis Club, Friary Road, London N12 9PD (24/TPO/014) | 24/TPO/014 | POINT (-0.168821 51.619539) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.168819 51.619530,-0.168809 51.619534,-0.168809 51.619544,-0.168831 51.619546,-0.168835 51.619536,-0.168819 51.619530))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-11-08 | ||||||
24/TPO/014/T2 | Tree Preservation Order at Ravens Lawn Tennis Club, Friary Road, London N12 9PD (24/TPO/014) | 24/TPO/014 | POINT (-0.168812 51.619734) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.168808 51.619726,-0.168797 51.619738,-0.168822 51.619740,-0.168822 51.619730,-0.168808 51.619726))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-11-08 | ||||||
24/TPO/014/T3 | Tree Preservation Order at Ravens Lawn Tennis Club, Friary Road, London N12 9PD (24/TPO/014) | 24/TPO/014 | POINT (-0.168627 51.619716) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.168624 51.619708,-0.168614 51.619712,-0.168614 51.619723,-0.168641 51.619722,-0.168640 51.619712,-0.168624 51.619708))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-11-08 | ||||||
24/TPO/014/T4 | Tree Preservation Order at Ravens Lawn Tennis Club, Friary Road, London N12 9PD (24/TPO/014) | 24/TPO/014 | POINT (-0.168404 51.619701) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.168402 51.619693,-0.168390 51.619701,-0.168394 51.619708,-0.168419 51.619704,-0.168413 51.619694,-0.168402 51.619693))) | 2025-03-03 | 2024-11-08 | ||||||
25/TPO/001/T1 | 84 West Heath Road NW3 7UJ Tree Preservation Order (25/TPO/001) | 25/TPO/001 | POINT (-0.192569 51.565035) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.192567 51.565027,-0.192556 51.565032,-0.192559 51.565042,-0.192583 51.565039,-0.192578 51.565028,-0.192567 51.565027))) | 2025-03-03 | 2025-01-21 | ||||||
25/TPO/001/T2 | 84 West Heath Road NW3 7UJ Tree Preservation Order (25/TPO/001) | 25/TPO/001 | POINT (-0.193347 51.564684) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.193344 51.564675,-0.193334 51.564680,-0.193335 51.564689,-0.193349 51.564693,-0.193361 51.564686,-0.193359 51.564679,-0.193344 51.564675))) | 2025-03-03 | 2025-01-21 | ||||||
25/TPO/001/T3 | 84 West Heath Road NW3 7UJ Tree Preservation Order (25/TPO/001) | 25/TPO/001 | POINT (-0.193341 51.564648) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.193339 51.564641,-0.193328 51.564647,-0.193331 51.564655,-0.193354 51.564653,-0.193352 51.564643,-0.193339 51.564641))) | 2025-03-03 | 2025-01-21 |
Showing rows 6151 to 6189 of 6189