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Cheshire West and Chester Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
FRO/0037 FRO/0037 Land at 3 to 15 Bridge Lane, Frodsham 0.16 6 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.716932 53.298561) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
GOR/0176 GOR/0176 Greysfield, Ferma Lane, Barrow, CH3 7HT 0.77 10 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.799158 53.212126) Change of use from C2 to 13 residential units-COMPLETE 2019-12-01 2019-12-01 2021-01-12
GRB/0004 GRB/0004 King Edward Buildings/ Bensons site and surrounding land, Christleton 0.34 11 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.864867 53.189478) In active use, part redeveloped - REMOVED 2021-01-12 2017-12-21 2024-10-01
GRB/0005 GRB/0005 Former Deva Service Station, Whitchurch Road, Boughton, Chester 0.158 12 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.8601 53.189233) Redevelopment of site for 12 dwellings-COMPLETE 2019-12-01 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
GRB/0056 GRB/0056 Foxwood, Caldy Valley Road, Great Boughton Chester Cheshire CH3 5PR 0.2 7 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.855619 53.187253) Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of 7no new two storey houses and associated garages and external works-EXPIRED 2019-12-01 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
HAG/0063 HAG/0063 Abbey Lodge, Abbey Lane, Hartford, CW8 1LX 0.46 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-04-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.547446 53.243625) Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 6no detached dwellings and pair of semi-detached dwellings-COMPLETE 2019-01-21 2019-01-21 2021-01-12
HAG/0075 HAG/0075 Mid Cheshire College site, Hartford Campus, Chester Road, Hartford, CW8 1LJ 3.794 108 owned by a public authority 2020-04-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.536621 53.249303) Demolition of college buildinsg and erection of 108 dwellings.-UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2023-01-16 2021-01-12 2023-01-16
HAG/0077 HAG/0077 Land at Hartford High School, Greenbank Lane, Northwich 0.684 27 not owned by a public authority 2022-02-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.533602 53.248401) 19/02804/FUL Demolition of depot building and house and erection of 27 affordable dwellings 2023-01-16 2023-01-16
HAP/0003 HAP/0003 Land at Decoy Farm, Lache Lane, Marlston cum Lache, Chester 1.13 20 not owned by a public authority 2016-09-20 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.927929 53.159183) Mixed use development comprising up to 24 dwellings and 24 commercial units with associated access-COMPLETE 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
HAP/0040 HAP/0040 Land to rear of 45-51 Percy Road / 15-17 Eaton Road, Handbridge 0.29 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.886859 53.181788) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
HAP/0042 HAP/0042 Land to rear of 2 -14 Bradford Street, Handbridge, Chester 0.14 5 not owned by a public authority 2018-03-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.886106 53.18266) Demolition of existing depot shed, erection of five dwellings-New permission 18/04937/FUL-COMPLETE 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
HAP/0043 HAP/0043 Watertower off Eaton Mews, Handbridge 0.33 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.889546 53.181295) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
HEL/0005 HEL/0005 INEOS Compounds UK Limited, Chester Road, Helsby 1.88 69 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-16 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-2.777206 53.265857) Demolition of buildings and erection of up to 69 dwellings and associated access-COMPLETE 2019-12-01 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
HEL/0029 HEL/0029 MERE'S EDGE (Phase 4) land at Helsby Sports and Social Club, Chester Road, Helsby 1.6 119 not owned by a public authority 2019-06-03 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-2.777195 53.263185) 18/04391/REM Erection of 119 dwellings - STALLED 2024-10-01 2017-12-21
HEL/0025 HEL/0025 Land at Cable Drive, Helsby 7.349 241 not owned by a public authority 2021-12-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.7784 53.265149) 20/00324/FUL Demolition and erection of 241 dwellings and apartments-UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2024-10-01 2023-01-16
LEM/0013 LEM/0013 726 Chester Road, Ellesmere Port 0.31 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.937659 53.272739) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
LEM/0024 LEM/0024 The Sutton, Gleneagles Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port 0.223 17 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.942635 53.276726) Redeveloped for alternative use - REMOVED 2024-10-01 2019-12-01 2024-10-01
LEM/0032 LEM/0032 Chester Road Garden Centre, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port 1.17 48 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.927326 53.259553) Erection of 48 affordable dwellings-COMPLETE 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
MAL/0122 MAL/0122 The Cedars, Old Hall Street, Malpas 0.415 21 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.761983 53.018205) Demolition and erection of 21 retirement living apartments-COMPLETE 2021-01-12 2019-12-01 2023-01-16
MAR/0029 MAR/0029 Land north of Chapel Street, Wincham 1.97 55 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.490553 53.273394) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
MAR/0070 MAR/0070 Land at 7 Tunnel Road, Barnton, Northwich 0.396 13 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.548127 53.268922) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
MAR/0073 MAR/0073 Malvern House, Old Road, Anderton with Marbury, Northwich. CW9 6AG 0.63 9 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.533404 53.273632) 15/01549/OUT Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site for residential use (up to nine dwellings) - EXPIRED 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
MAR/0074 MAR/0074 Garage site off Townfield Lane, Barnton, Northwich 0.2175 6 not owned by a public authority 2018-05-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.553232 53.276136) Erection of 6no dwellings-COMPLETE 2019-01-21 2019-01-21 2021-01-12
MAR/0115 MAR/0115 Black Greyhound Hotel, Hall Lane, Wincham, Northwich. CW9 6DG 0.78 16 not owned by a public authority 2023-05-03 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-2.478652 53.278383) 21/02795/REM Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 12 apartments and 4 terraced bungalows 2024-10-01 2019-01-21
NEH/0016 NEH/0016 Land off West Street (adjacent railway line), Hoole, Chester 2.85 114 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.885041 53.20071) 2024-10-01 2019-01-21
NEH/0018 NEH/0018 Land off Lightfoot Street, Hoole Road (Lightfoot Street West), Hoole, Chester 0.54 12 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.879723 53.197832) 2024-10-01 2017-12-21
NEH/0019 NEH/0019 Land off Lightfoot Street, Hoole Road (Lightfoot Street East), Hoole, Chester 1.281 26 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.87601 53.196606) 2024-10-01 2017-12-21
NEH/0028 NEH/0028 Former car sales garage and public house, Hoole Bridge, Hoole Road, Hoole, Chester 0.335 15 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.881638 53.198466) 2024-10-01 2017-12-21
NEH/0036 NEH/0036 Land off Brookside Terrace, Hoole, Chester (See NEH/0016) 1.775 0 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.883407 53.199303) 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 2024-10-01
NEH/0051 NEH/0051 The Grange, 1 Hoole Road, Chester CH2 3NQ 0.09 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-10-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.880484 53.198193) Conversion of office space into 6no residential apartments - COMPLETE. 2019-12-01 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
NEH/0066 NEH/0066 Former day nursery, Alder Grove, Chester 0.204 7 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.857571 53.202556) Demolition and erection of 7 dwellings - COMPLETE 2021-01-12 2019-12-01 2023-01-16
NEH/0076 NEH/0076 White Gables, Plas Newton Lane, Chester, CH2 1PR 0.286 13 not owned by a public authority 2019-04-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.871297 53.213826) Demolition of buildings and erection of 13 dwellings.-COMPLETE 2023-01-16 2021-01-12 2024-10-01
NEH/0098 NEH/0098 The Limes Hotel, 12 Hoole Road, Chester, CH2 3NJ 0.1 6 not owned by a public authority 2021-02-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.876335 53.200564) 20/02470/FUL Change of use from guest house to self-contained residential flats-COMPLETE 2024-10-01 2023-01-16 2024-10-01
NES/0001 NES/0001 Romney Close garage site, Neston CH63 9RJ 0.18 8 owned by a public authority 2016-11-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.059527 53.285868) Demolition of garages and erection of a two storey residential block containing 8x1bed apartments-COMPLETE 2019-12-01 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
NES/0017 NES/0017 Former Fiveways Dairy, Liverpool Road, Neston 0.428 10 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-12 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-3.053971 53.303493) Redevelopment of dairy to 10 dwellings-COMPLETE 2019-12-01 2019-12-01 2021-01-12
NES/0035 NES/0035 8 to 30 Brook Street, Neston 0.14 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-3.062919 53.289854) Neston NP site 2017-12-21 2017-12-21
NES/0058 NES/0058 Gittins Warehouse, Brook Street, Neston 0.15 6 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-3.063881 53.290222) Demolition of building and erection of three-storey building containing six flats - COMPLETE 2023-01-16 2023-01-16 2024-10-01
NET/0005 NET/0005 Land off Netherpool Road, Ellesmere Port 0.38 18 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.920541 53.292121) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
NET/0011 NET/0011 Site of former Foxfields Public House, Poole Hall Road, Ellesmere Port 0.71 0 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.920171 53.294603) Refused - REMOVED 2021-01-12 2017-12-21 2024-10-01
NET/0023 NET/0023 Land at Station Road, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port 0.26 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.94232 53.285713) 2021-01-12 2019-01-21
NOL/0027 NOL/0027 Land at Chester Way, Victoria Bridge, Northwich 0.29 52 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.512444 53.259571) 10/00991/FUL Erection of class C2 residential accommodation with care, 52 (1, 2 and 3 bed) apartments for 60+ years - EXPIRED 2024-10-01 2017-12-21
NOL/0028 NOL/0028 Dane House, Chester Way, Northwich,CW9 5JG 0.11 15 not owned by a public authority 2017-01-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.512313 53.259249) Change of use and conversion to residential, creating 15 apartments for assisted living-COMPLETE. 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 2019-12-01
NOW/0029 NOW/0029 Land to the north of Watling Street, Northwich 2.28 100 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.512927 53.26126) 2024-10-01 2017-12-21
NOW/0030B NOW/0030B 211-215 Manchester Road, Northwich 0.1852 0 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.482661 53.266714) Demolition and erection of 10 dwellings-EXPIRED - Alternative permission implemented 2023-01-16 2019-12-01 2024-10-01
NOW/0036 NOW/0036 Land at Station Road, Northwich 1.78 60 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.501693 53.261786) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
NOW/0037 NOW/0037 Land south of Chester Road, off Peter Street, Northwich 0.73 44 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.499703 53.262637) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
NOW/0038 NOW/0038 Watling Street (Council offices), Northwich 0.7 25 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.513591 53.260346) Demolition and redevelopmet - COMPLETE 2021-01-12 2017-12-21 2021-01-12
NOW/0039 NOW/0039 Weaver Shopping extension, Chester Way, Northwich 0.72 26 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.510101 53.261472) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
NOW/0040 NOW/0040 Land adjacent Kershaw Building, Ash Street, Northwich 3.17 89 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.505794 53.263474) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21
NOW/0042 NOW/0042 Land at Leicester Street, Northwich 1.81 51 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.502977 53.263551) 2021-01-12 2017-12-21

Showing rows 301 to 350 of 471