Dover District Council
Tree preservation zone
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Tree preservation zone type | Geometry | Point | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
TPO/79/00002/1/1 | Situated immediately south-east of the north entra | TPO/79/00002 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.340113 51.253606,1.340134 51.253641,1.339909 51.253806,1.339895 51.253867,1.339848 51.253972,1.339809 51.253951,1.339787 51.253969,1.339790 51.253998,1.339694 51.254003,1.339659 51.253983,1.339934 51.253694,1.340074 51.253584,1.340113 51.253606))) | POINT (1.339891 51.253809) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-10-09 | |||
TPO/77/00013/1/1 | Situated approximately 80 feet due south of The Do | TPO/77/00013 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.375305 51.225371,1.375263 51.225342,1.375391 51.225281,1.375427 51.225308,1.375317 51.225364,1.375305 51.225371))) | POINT (1.375345 51.225326) | 2024-06-28 | 1977-12-22 | |||
TPO/90/00003/1/1 | Situated on the south western boundary of the land | TPO/90/00003 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.158512 51.187607,1.158467 51.187565,1.159712 51.187129,1.159751 51.187169,1.158512 51.187607))) | POINT (1.159103 51.18737) | 2024-06-28 | 1990-07-26 | |||
TPO/89/00001/1/1 | Situated close to the front western boundary and c | TPO/89/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.392825 51.224231,1.393158 51.224222,1.393172 51.224227,1.393177 51.224258,1.392919 51.224267,1.393054 51.224452,1.392995 51.224467,1.392825 51.224231))) | POINT (1.392979 51.224306) | 2024-06-28 | 1989-05-11 | |||
TPO/88/00009/1/1 | Situated on the eastern, southern and western side | TPO/88/00009 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.307568 51.125662,1.307462 51.125672,1.307483 51.125653,1.307636 51.125571,1.307727 51.125493,1.307767 51.125418,1.307756 51.125280,1.308102 51.125191,1.308708 51.125521,1.308448 51.125682,1.308435 51.125577,1.308464 51.125552,1.308458 51.125508,1.308449 51.125487,1.308402 51.125447,1.308378 51.125414,1.308330 51.125393,1.308181 51.125356,1.308002 51.125356,1.307930 51.125376,1.307868 51.125412,1.307747 51.125557,1.307685 51.125598,1.307562 51.125653,1.307568 51.125662))) | POINT (1.308136 51.125407) | 2024-06-28 | 1989-02-02 | |||
TPO/85/00004/1/1 | Situated in the northern corner of the front garde | TPO/85/00004 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.225994 51.230458,1.226128 51.230524,1.225978 51.230622,1.225326 51.230469,1.225303 51.230458,1.225402 51.230356,1.225474 51.230331,1.225569 51.230320,1.225653 51.230330,1.225806 51.230410,1.225994 51.230458))) | POINT (1.225706 51.230467) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-06-26 | |||
TPO/84/00003/1/1 | Situated adjacent to the southern boundaried of OS | TPO/84/00003 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.371389 51.187131,1.371413 51.187079,1.371488 51.186967,1.371568 51.186879,1.371671 51.186789,1.371973 51.186575,1.372139 51.186475,1.372319 51.186382,1.372372 51.186364,1.372517 51.186464,1.372112 51.186686,1.372280 51.186803,1.372445 51.186949,1.372741 51.186855,1.372703 51.186939,1.371942 51.187115,1.371456 51.187247,1.371343 51.187203,1.371389 51.187131))) | POINT (1.371972 51.186868) | 2024-06-28 | 1984-08-15 | |||
TPO/75/00007/1/1 | North Western boundary of rear garden of Braeside, | TPO/75/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.275626 51.155407,1.275680 51.155386,1.275722 51.155382,1.275744 51.155409,1.275735 51.155463,1.275707 51.155471,1.275668 51.155460,1.275636 51.155436,1.275626 51.155407))) | POINT (1.275691 51.155425) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-01-15 | |||
TPO/83/00003/1/1 | Situated on the south western boundary of the midd | TPO/83/00003 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.345993 51.198090,1.346655 51.197595,1.346718 51.197630,1.346051 51.198132,1.345993 51.198090))) | POINT (1.346352 51.197863) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-09-15 | |||
TPO/76/00005/1/1 | Situated within the gardens adjoining to Mill Lane | TPO/76/00005 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.237219 51.185462,1.237374 51.185545,1.236989 51.185830,1.236839 51.185935,1.236767 51.185976,1.236602 51.186031,1.236478 51.185978,1.236521 51.185941,1.236706 51.185840,1.236818 51.185768,1.236944 51.185668,1.237111 51.185555,1.237219 51.185462))) | POINT (1.23694 51.185761) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-11-30 | |||
TPO/88/00005/1/1 | Situated towards the eastern boundary of the old r | TPO/88/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.399524 51.216716,1.399575 51.216695,1.399955 51.216999,1.400007 51.217035,1.400089 51.217064,1.400062 51.217103,1.399949 51.217066,1.399817 51.216967,1.399524 51.216716))) | POINT (1.399803 51.21691) | 2024-06-28 | 1988-10-06 | |||
TPO/82/00011/1/1 | Situated on the North Eastern boundary of the gard | TPO/82/00011 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.180245 51.174189,1.180361 51.174086,1.180619 51.173939,1.180725 51.173859,1.180843 51.173751,1.180979 51.173684,1.181045 51.173625,1.181073 51.173642,1.181075 51.173648,1.180847 51.173842,1.180680 51.173962,1.180423 51.174109,1.180382 51.174141,1.180320 51.174220,1.180245 51.174189))) | POINT (1.180657 51.17393) | 2024-06-28 | 1982-07-02 | |||
TPO/85/00006/1/1 | Situated towards the North East corner of OS parce | TPO/85/00006 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.238955 51.232509,1.238844 51.232446,1.238826 51.232414,1.238826 51.232362,1.238875 51.232272,1.238992 51.232131,1.239064 51.232072,1.239166 51.232014,1.239247 51.232007,1.239332 51.232029,1.239400 51.232059,1.239437 51.232098,1.239445 51.232266,1.239421 51.232387,1.239432 51.232415,1.239488 51.232458,1.239726 51.232565,1.239777 51.232632,1.239763 51.232698,1.239708 51.232759,1.239671 51.232779,1.239599 51.232783,1.239542 51.232773,1.238955 51.232509))) | POINT (1.239274 51.232402) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/06/00014/1/1 | North west boundary of Timbers | TPO/06/00014 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.381400 51.151452,1.381311 51.151405,1.381310 51.151398,1.381335 51.151388,1.381425 51.151438,1.381421 51.151448,1.381400 51.151452))) | POINT (1.381367 51.15142) | 2024-06-28 | 2007-03-13 | |||
TPO/99/00005/1/1 | North boundary of Stour Lodge | TPO/99/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.348013 51.273802,1.347998 51.273800,1.347993 51.273787,1.348138 51.273725,1.348216 51.273642,1.348303 51.273530,1.348300 51.273437,1.348315 51.273422,1.348334 51.273419,1.348366 51.273521,1.348276 51.273642,1.348194 51.273732,1.348013 51.273802))) | POINT (1.348237 51.273621) | 2024-06-28 | 2000-02-03 | |||
TPO/99/00009/1/1 | Western boundary of Stonar Close with Ramsgate Roa | TPO/99/00009 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.343215 51.277033,1.343849 51.277953,1.344143 51.278331,1.344138 51.278354,1.344109 51.278360,1.344087 51.278353,1.342931 51.276731,1.342983 51.276716,1.343215 51.277033))) | POINT (1.34352 51.277515) | 2024-06-28 | 2000-04-06 | |||
TPO/00/00007/1/1 | South east corner of Playing Field | TPO/00/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.398307 51.222512,1.398314 51.222481,1.398489 51.222412,1.398555 51.222367,1.398617 51.222297,1.398669 51.222146,1.398701 51.222151,1.398656 51.222302,1.398606 51.222362,1.398557 51.222402,1.398490 51.222441,1.398307 51.222512))) | POINT (1.398549 51.222349) | 2024-06-28 | 2000-10-17 | |||
TPO/04/00002/1/1 | Western boundary of site between TR3012 5447 and T | TPO/04/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.295622 51.242937,1.295617 51.242928,1.295622 51.242921,1.295645 51.242920,1.295706 51.242973,1.295955 51.243266,1.295958 51.243278,1.295950 51.243288,1.295928 51.243293,1.295916 51.243286,1.295622 51.242937))) | POINT (1.295794 51.243109) | 2024-06-28 | 2004-04-27 | |||
TPO/79/00005/1/1 | Forming OS Parcel no: 9325 and situated due west o | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.290233 51.214166,1.290122 51.214049,1.289985 51.213860,1.290600 51.213652,1.291504 51.213394,1.291548 51.213548,1.291593 51.213773,1.291500 51.214251,1.291454 51.214576,1.291429 51.214632,1.291398 51.214669,1.291136 51.214778,1.290970 51.214823,1.290915 51.214806,1.290837 51.214766,1.290753 51.214692,1.290484 51.214430,1.290233 51.214166))) | POINT (1.290938 51.21409) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/80/00005/1/1 | Situated on the north western boundary of OS Parce | TPO/80/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.370161 51.183498,1.370119 51.183519,1.369838 51.183321,1.369998 51.183300,1.370067 51.183350,1.370012 51.183382,1.370010 51.183400,1.370025 51.183417,1.370161 51.183498))) | POINT (1.369995 51.183384) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-10-21 | |||
TPO/07/00005/1/1 | North-west boundary of land on north-east side tra | TPO/07/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.379706 51.153547,1.379826 51.153673,1.379798 51.153684,1.379168 51.153000,1.379201 51.152990,1.379706 51.153547))) | POINT (1.379488 51.153326) | 2024-06-28 | 2007-05-09 | |||
TPO/69/00002/1/1 | Northern Boundary of Recreation Ground | TPO/69/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.385900 51.200033,1.384865 51.200269,1.384845 51.200224,1.385879 51.199990,1.385900 51.200033))) | POINT (1.385369 51.20013) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-08-15 | |||
TPO/10/00003/1/1 | Situated in the front garden of 85 London Road | TPO/10/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.277511 51.146421,1.277566 51.146401,1.277582 51.146419,1.277526 51.146439,1.277511 51.146421))) | POINT (1.277546 51.14642) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-05-14 | |||
TPO/85/00008/1/1 | Situated on the western boundary of the field area | TPO/85/00008 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.310802 51.239359,1.311887 51.240537,1.311745 51.240605,1.310881 51.239633,1.310926 51.239618,1.310692 51.239367,1.310802 51.239359))) | POINT (1.311322 51.240021) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-01-14 | |||
TPO/01/00003/1/1 | between TR 3077 5449 and TR 3079 5450 | TPO/01/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.305345 51.242935,1.305357 51.242950,1.305332 51.243007,1.305309 51.243014,1.304925 51.242950,1.304914 51.242934,1.304938 51.242880,1.304963 51.242872,1.305345 51.242935))) | POINT (1.305136 51.242943) | 2024-06-28 | 2001-06-21 | |||
TPO/76/00012/1/1 | Situate on land within the gardens of St.Andrews R | TPO/76/00012 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.294413 51.136699,1.294472 51.136735,1.294443 51.136752,1.294410 51.136736,1.293977 51.136905,1.294015 51.136947,1.293837 51.136960,1.293799 51.136901,1.294027 51.136842,1.294413 51.136699))) | POINT (1.294083 51.136846) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-12-21 | |||
TPO/09/00017/1/1 | Group of four Oak trees situated on the rear, sout | TPO/09/00017 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.222209 51.187436,1.222178 51.187426,1.222170 51.187403,1.222145 51.187373,1.222147 51.187349,1.222164 51.187325,1.222160 51.187298,1.222166 51.187286,1.222204 51.187270,1.222293 51.187285,1.222309 51.187303,1.222287 51.187344,1.222290 51.187375,1.222237 51.187428,1.222209 51.187436))) | POINT (1.222222 51.187347) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-01-04 | |||
TPO/07/00004/1/1 | Situated at the top of a bank, to the rear of the | TPO/07/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.380253 51.152739,1.380242 51.152739,1.380200 51.152702,1.380195 51.152689,1.380201 51.152680,1.380210 51.152680,1.380253 51.152720,1.380253 51.152739))) | POINT (1.380225 51.152709) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-01-04 | |||
TPO/97/00005/13/1 | TR 3225 4197 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.318100 51.129863,1.318203 51.129828,1.318217 51.129840,1.318234 51.129901,1.318233 51.129944,1.318227 51.129977,1.318211 51.130004,1.318185 51.130017,1.318134 51.130025,1.318070 51.129958,1.318096 51.129950,1.318054 51.129887,1.318100 51.129863))) | POINT (1.318157 51.129927) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/85/00006/13/1 | Situated due South of the Nonington College refect | TPO/85/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.239349 51.227000,1.239247 51.226978,1.239093 51.226925,1.239034 51.226889,1.239023 51.226872,1.239023 51.226851,1.239068 51.226819,1.239169 51.226785,1.239202 51.226782,1.239235 51.226802,1.239373 51.226740,1.239352 51.226722,1.239351 51.226711,1.239387 51.226687,1.239562 51.226645,1.239601 51.226650,1.239610 51.226660,1.239605 51.226674,1.239390 51.226919,1.239372 51.226976,1.239349 51.227000))) | POINT (1.239316 51.226831) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/79/00005/13/1 | Forming OS Parcel no: 3961 and situated adjoining | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.284128 51.218166,1.283960 51.218194,1.283644 51.218273,1.282510 51.216840,1.282974 51.216696,1.283223 51.217075,1.283895 51.217899,1.284128 51.218166))) | POINT (1.283302 51.217496) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/85/00006/9/1 | Situated immediately North East of the Nonington C | TPO/85/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.242170 51.228921,1.242164 51.228869,1.242271 51.228802,1.242431 51.228757,1.242570 51.228830,1.242592 51.228852,1.242605 51.228892,1.242564 51.228888,1.242548 51.228854,1.242236 51.228878,1.242243 51.228909,1.242237 51.228914,1.242170 51.228921))) | POINT (1.242373 51.228836) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/79/00005/9/1 | Forming OS Parcel nos: 0199 (in part), 0695, 0486, | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.293772 51.220623,1.293677 51.220600,1.292549 51.220751,1.292684 51.220903,1.292527 51.220954,1.292398 51.220843,1.292368 51.220794,1.291847 51.220281,1.290358 51.218725,1.290277 51.218605,1.290249 51.218502,1.290249 51.218395,1.290263 51.218318,1.290028 51.217948,1.289780 51.217641,1.289618 51.217470,1.291838 51.216782,1.292036 51.217110,1.291924 51.217187,1.292251 51.217673,1.292415 51.217956,1.292225 51.218306,1.292103 51.218551,1.293518 51.219443,1.293593 51.219914,1.293610 51.220094,1.292673 51.220150,1.292812 51.220314,1.293596 51.220281,1.293655 51.220322,1.293670 51.220398,1.293772 51.220623))) | POINT (1.291736 51.218793) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/83/00003/8/1 | Situated in the north western boundary of Sutton V | TPO/83/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.344822 51.197570,1.345171 51.197777,1.345107 51.197819,1.344758 51.197617,1.344822 51.197570))) | POINT (1.344963 51.197695) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-09-15 | |||
TPO/97/00005/8/1 | TR 3211 4196 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.316026 51.129903,1.316265 51.129784,1.316294 51.129780,1.316319 51.129787,1.316326 51.129803,1.316323 51.129818,1.316088 51.129939,1.316045 51.129939,1.316019 51.129915,1.316026 51.129903))) | POINT (1.316175 51.129861) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/90/00004/7/1 | Situated in the eastern corner of the land which s | TPO/90/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.232043 51.188747,1.232030 51.188771,1.231995 51.188783,1.231950 51.188774,1.231932 51.188751,1.231946 51.188725,1.231983 51.188713,1.232027 51.188723,1.232043 51.188747))) | POINT (1.231988 51.188748) | 2024-06-28 | 1990-07-26 | |||
TPO/84/00003/7/1 | Situated adjacent to the north-eastern and eastern | TPO/84/00003 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.377101 51.186423,1.377099 51.186436,1.376922 51.186536,1.376902 51.186668,1.376869 51.186790,1.375840 51.187315,1.375786 51.187282,1.375747 51.187239,1.375734 51.187210,1.375838 51.187209,1.376048 51.187124,1.376157 51.187038,1.376218 51.186974,1.376267 51.186951,1.376431 51.186902,1.376529 51.186862,1.376643 51.186807,1.376715 51.186755,1.376727 51.186726,1.376727 51.186589,1.376791 51.186388,1.376686 51.186270,1.376577 51.186108,1.376557 51.186090,1.376629 51.186049,1.376653 51.186051,1.376685 51.186070,1.377025 51.186307,1.377083 51.186368,1.377098 51.186396,1.377101 51.186423))) | POINT (1.37661 51.186661) | 2024-06-28 | 1984-08-15 | |||
TPO/83/00003/7/1 | Situated on the south western boundary of Sutton V | TPO/83/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.344810 51.197549,1.345582 51.196972,1.345656 51.197010,1.344884 51.197588,1.344810 51.197549))) | POINT (1.345232 51.19728) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-09-15 | |||
TPO/87/00006/7/1 | Situated on the eastern boundary of the rear garde | TPO/87/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.337573 51.256509,1.337468 51.256478,1.337796 51.256050,1.337717 51.256029,1.337746 51.255993,1.337913 51.256038,1.337592 51.256465,1.337593 51.256477,1.337573 51.256509))) | POINT (1.337694 51.256248) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-06-04 | |||
TPO/69/00002/7/1 | Eastern Boundary of Recreation Ground | TPO/69/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.385952 51.198850,1.386106 51.199109,1.385911 51.199158,1.385757 51.198887,1.385952 51.198850))) | POINT (1.385931 51.199002) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-08-15 | |||
TPO/79/00005/19/1 | Forming OS Parcel No: 1812 and 1096, and situated | TPO/79/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.279238 51.212159,1.279528 51.212458,1.279869 51.212840,1.281287 51.214388,1.281100 51.214439,1.279080 51.212220,1.278386 51.211445,1.278384 51.211435,1.278453 51.211437,1.278535 51.211460,1.278638 51.211513,1.279238 51.212159))) | POINT (1.279879 51.212975) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/85/00006/19/1 | Situated immediately to the North of the Sports Ha | TPO/85/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.243567 51.229510,1.243557 51.229529,1.243523 51.229539,1.243489 51.229529,1.243479 51.229515,1.243492 51.229491,1.243522 51.229483,1.243554 51.229491,1.243567 51.229510))) | POINT (1.243523 51.229511) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/85/00006/16/1 | Situated immediately to the North of the sunken ga | TPO/85/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.239541 51.226618,1.239494 51.226519,1.239492 51.226393,1.239593 51.226402,1.239594 51.226476,1.239653 51.226562,1.239667 51.226601,1.239541 51.226618))) | POINT (1.239563 51.226511) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/97/00005/15/1 | TR 3221 4187 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317428 51.129023,1.317420 51.128997,1.317443 51.128983,1.317511 51.128967,1.317565 51.128974,1.317625 51.129057,1.317633 51.129090,1.317628 51.129107,1.317593 51.129126,1.317550 51.129115,1.317499 51.129087,1.317428 51.129023))) | POINT (1.317534 51.129041) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/79/00005/15/1 | Situated in the field forming OS Parcel no: 5640 t | TPO/79/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.286148 51.214810,1.286133 51.214863,1.286092 51.214902,1.286031 51.214929,1.285959 51.214940,1.285873 51.214932,1.285801 51.214902,1.285760 51.214863,1.285745 51.214817,1.285758 51.214772,1.285797 51.214732,1.285868 51.214700,1.285928 51.214691,1.286003 51.214695,1.286070 51.214716,1.286131 51.214765,1.286148 51.214810))) | POINT (1.285946 51.214815) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-13 | |||
TPO/85/00006/15/1 | Situated on the open spaced area which is immediat | TPO/85/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.237425 51.226597,1.237774 51.226805,1.237730 51.226835,1.237375 51.226629,1.237425 51.226597))) | POINT (1.237573 51.226715) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/85/00006/11/1 | Situated immediately North and East of the car par | TPO/85/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.241130 51.227178,1.240587 51.227417,1.240582 51.227420,1.240613 51.227481,1.240506 51.227568,1.240484 51.227556,1.240583 51.227477,1.240543 51.227412,1.241108 51.227169,1.241117 51.227166,1.241130 51.227178))) | POINT (1.240751 51.227355) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/97/00005/17/1 | TR 3220 4185 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317203 51.128923,1.317210 51.128904,1.317256 51.128880,1.317302 51.128887,1.317317 51.128900,1.317324 51.128923,1.317308 51.128945,1.317279 51.128960,1.317237 51.128955,1.317206 51.128941,1.317203 51.128923))) | POINT (1.317264 51.128921) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/79/00002/5/1 | Situated on the north-east side of the southern ac | TPO/79/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.341029 51.253626,1.341108 51.253562,1.341334 51.253431,1.341383 51.253414,1.341450 51.253420,1.341095 51.253663,1.341029 51.253626))) | POINT (1.341222 51.253536) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-10-09 | |||
TPO/97/00005/5/1 | Centred on grid reference TR 3211 4201 | TPO/97/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.316300 51.130300,1.315943 51.130484,1.315818 51.130540,1.315736 51.130553,1.315682 51.130528,1.315681 51.130512,1.315692 51.130500,1.316291 51.130205,1.316398 51.130093,1.316472 51.130139,1.316300 51.130300))) | POINT (1.316081 51.130352) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 |
Showing rows 51 to 100 of 556