Dover District Council
Tree preservation zone
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Tree preservation zone type | Geometry | Point | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
TPO/90/00004/5/1 | Situated to the west of the of the White Hall, Eyt | TPO/90/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.231275 51.188508,1.231260 51.188534,1.231230 51.188544,1.231187 51.188538,1.231164 51.188514,1.231172 51.188491,1.231208 51.188475,1.231248 51.188479,1.231271 51.188495,1.231275 51.188508))) | POINT (1.23122 51.188509) | 2024-06-28 | 1990-07-26 | |||
TPO/83/00003/5/1 | Situated on the South Eastern boundary of the Cara | TPO/83/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.347088 51.197707,1.347006 51.197769,1.346927 51.197722,1.346950 51.197705,1.346724 51.197576,1.346781 51.197531,1.347088 51.197707))) | POINT (1.346913 51.19765) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-09-15 | |||
TPO/69/10001/5/1 | Part Parcels 0834, 1241 and 1852 on TR Sheet 3155 | TPO/69/10001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.311259 51.251180,1.311849 51.251617,1.312305 51.251996,1.312336 51.252027,1.312349 51.252052,1.312360 51.252118,1.312347 51.252139,1.312230 51.252163,1.312142 51.252000,1.311652 51.251601,1.311189 51.251250,1.311169 51.251191,1.311125 51.251180,1.310727 51.250778,1.310913 51.250735,1.311158 51.251081,1.311259 51.251180))) | POINT (1.311558 51.251452) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-07-15 | |||
TPO/85/00006/5/1 | Situated on the North Eastern boundary of the Noni | TPO/85/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.243850 51.230510,1.243806 51.230487,1.243784 51.230465,1.243781 51.230448,1.243818 51.230410,1.244115 51.230183,1.244156 51.230175,1.244223 51.230186,1.244264 51.230206,1.244300 51.230243,1.243850 51.230510))) | POINT (1.244036 51.230329) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/87/00006/5/1 | Situated close to the south eastern boundary of th | TPO/87/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.337476 51.255934,1.337530 51.255941,1.337540 51.255956,1.337511 51.255970,1.337454 51.255977,1.337423 51.255976,1.337404 51.255962,1.337403 51.255952,1.337418 51.255941,1.337476 51.255934))) | POINT (1.337468 51.255955) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-06-04 | |||
TPO/69/00002/5/1 | Southern Boundary of Recreation Ground | TPO/69/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.383996 51.198860,1.385138 51.198581,1.385219 51.198707,1.384064 51.198987,1.383996 51.198860))) | POINT (1.384606 51.198784) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-08-15 | |||
TPO/90/00004/6/1 | Situated close to the north western boundary of th | TPO/90/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.231260 51.188636,1.231251 51.188657,1.231214 51.188672,1.231171 51.188666,1.231148 51.188640,1.231156 51.188619,1.231195 51.188603,1.231241 51.188611,1.231260 51.188636))) | POINT (1.231204 51.188638) | 2024-06-28 | 1990-07-26 | |||
TPO/76/00005/6/1 | Situated within the gardens adjoining to Mill Lane | TPO/76/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.238823 51.186399,1.238869 51.186402,1.238876 51.186488,1.238791 51.186491,1.238784 51.186401,1.238823 51.186399))) | POINT (1.23883 51.186445) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-11-30 | |||
TPO/87/00006/6/1 | Situated immediately to the north east of Worth Co | TPO/87/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.337100 51.256413,1.337556 51.256541,1.337491 51.256641,1.337454 51.256668,1.337422 51.256683,1.337409 51.256680,1.337395 51.256675,1.337380 51.256645,1.337340 51.256609,1.337222 51.256550,1.337097 51.256507,1.337033 51.256468,1.337009 51.256436,1.337003 51.256388,1.337100 51.256413))) | POINT (1.337298 51.25653) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-06-04 | |||
TPO/68/10003/6/1 | Parcels 3666 and 5672 on TR Sheet 3155 Statenborou | TPO/68/10003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.314404 51.252575,1.314448 51.252559,1.314573 51.252560,1.314679 51.252591,1.314749 51.252599,1.314791 51.252615,1.315002 51.252640,1.315049 51.252652,1.315055 51.252673,1.315041 51.252709,1.314884 51.252740,1.314863 51.252738,1.314727 51.252701,1.314637 51.252694,1.314538 51.252640,1.314442 51.252626,1.314402 51.252607,1.314391 51.252588,1.314404 51.252575))) | POINT (1.314736 51.252648) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-02-17 | |||
TPO/83/00003/6/1 | Situated on the south eastern boundary of the cara | TPO/83/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.345623 51.196976,1.345686 51.196928,1.345733 51.196966,1.346344 51.197275,1.346381 51.197310,1.346444 51.197351,1.346382 51.197391,1.346288 51.197324,1.345623 51.196976))) | POINT (1.346043 51.197161) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-09-15 | |||
TPO/84/00003/6/1 | Situated adjacent to the north-western boundary of | TPO/84/00003 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.375421 51.187529,1.375337 51.187469,1.375295 51.187429,1.375274 51.187396,1.375270 51.187362,1.375313 51.187194,1.375686 51.187205,1.375741 51.187283,1.375803 51.187333,1.375421 51.187529))) | POINT (1.375497 51.187335) | 2024-06-28 | 1984-08-15 | |||
TPO/97/00005/6/1 | TR 3213 4197 | TPO/97/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.316340 51.129923,1.316534 51.129821,1.316566 51.129825,1.316582 51.129841,1.316572 51.129864,1.316390 51.129966,1.316351 51.129968,1.316335 51.129960,1.316325 51.129941,1.316340 51.129923))) | POINT (1.316453 51.129896) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/62/00001/6/1 | The grounds of the property known as Hazling Dane | TPO/62/00001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.244403 51.188869,1.244467 51.188932,1.244514 51.188964,1.244142 51.189110,1.244076 51.189080,1.244071 51.189065,1.244081 51.189027,1.244100 51.188989,1.244403 51.188869))) | POINT (1.244275 51.188991) | 2024-06-28 | 1963-01-30 | |||
TPO/69/00002/6/1 | Western Boundary of Recreation Ground | TPO/69/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.384837 51.200275,1.384670 51.200310,1.383899 51.198874,1.383996 51.198860,1.384542 51.199866,1.384675 51.199976,1.384837 51.200275))) | POINT (1.384392 51.199666) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-08-15 | |||
TPO/79/00002/6/1 | Situated immediately due east to the rear of Upton | TPO/79/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.341379 51.253825,1.341548 51.253694,1.341584 51.253714,1.341416 51.253846,1.341379 51.253825))) | POINT (1.341481 51.25377) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-10-09 | |||
TPO/97/00005/4/1 | On north east boundary centred on grid reference T | TPO/97/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317601 51.130598,1.317931 51.130374,1.317916 51.130348,1.317915 51.130321,1.317947 51.130272,1.318193 51.130130,1.318273 51.130110,1.318338 51.130108,1.318420 51.130123,1.318470 51.130145,1.317673 51.130639,1.317601 51.130598))) | POINT (1.318055 51.130325) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/90/00004/4/1 | Situated close to the south eastern corner of the | TPO/90/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.231533 51.188343,1.231518 51.188367,1.231479 51.188377,1.231443 51.188368,1.231426 51.188347,1.231440 51.188322,1.231478 51.188311,1.231514 51.188319,1.231533 51.188343))) | POINT (1.231479 51.188344) | 2024-06-28 | 1990-07-26 | |||
TPO/85/00004/4/1 | Situated to the south-west of Old Court House and | TPO/85/00004 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.224791 51.229269,1.224841 51.229458,1.224843 51.229490,1.224465 51.229837,1.224876 51.230018,1.225284 51.230177,1.225199 51.230264,1.224598 51.229994,1.224330 51.229887,1.224306 51.229872,1.224282 51.229839,1.224266 51.229774,1.224791 51.229269))) | POINT (1.224678 51.229786) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-06-26 | |||
TPO/76/00005/4/1 | Situated within the gardens adjoining to Mill Lane | TPO/76/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.238375 51.186116,1.237943 51.186418,1.237900 51.186392,1.238334 51.186086,1.238375 51.186116))) | POINT (1.23814 51.186252) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-11-30 | |||
TPO/69/10001/4/1 | Part Parcel 1852 on TR Sheet 3155 abutting and on | TPO/69/10001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.311348 51.251997,1.311997 51.251883,1.312073 51.251942,1.311480 51.252041,1.311348 51.251997))) | POINT (1.311728 51.251965) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-07-15 | |||
TPO/97/00005/3/1 | On north west and north boundaries adjacent to God | TPO/97/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.315219 51.131876,1.313887 51.131217,1.313950 51.131212,1.314064 51.131273,1.314265 51.131240,1.314440 51.131198,1.314477 51.131200,1.314609 51.131240,1.314631 51.131251,1.314664 51.131285,1.314614 51.131426,1.314658 51.131466,1.314757 51.131498,1.314859 51.131490,1.314988 51.131451,1.315038 51.131460,1.315055 51.131475,1.315044 51.131516,1.314972 51.131569,1.314946 51.131606,1.314934 51.131641,1.314951 51.131680,1.314973 51.131701,1.315034 51.131728,1.315109 51.131742,1.315311 51.131740,1.315485 51.131692,1.315781 51.131554,1.315845 51.131610,1.315410 51.131846,1.315402 51.131842,1.315344 51.131861,1.315219 51.131876))) | POINT (1.31482 51.131523) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-11-06 | |||
TPO/79/00002/3/1 | Situated on the south-west side of the southern ac | TPO/79/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.341404 51.253222,1.341437 51.253194,1.341548 51.253254,1.341508 51.253281,1.341404 51.253222))) | POINT (1.341475 51.253238) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-10-09 | |||
TPO/84/00001/3/1 | Situated in the southern section of OS Plot No 504 | TPO/84/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.298435 51.214906,1.298836 51.214844,1.298855 51.214893,1.298459 51.214956,1.298435 51.214906))) | POINT (1.298645 51.2149) | 2024-06-28 | 1984-04-05 | |||
TPO/76/00005/3/1 | Situated within the gardens adjoining to Mill Lane | TPO/76/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.237825 51.186178,1.237670 51.186291,1.237614 51.186259,1.237773 51.186149,1.237825 51.186178))) | POINT (1.237719 51.18622) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-11-30 | |||
TPO/87/00006/3/1 | Situated immediately to the north west of Worth Co | TPO/87/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.336501 51.256336,1.336488 51.256285,1.336589 51.256303,1.336600 51.256354,1.336573 51.256348,1.336501 51.256336))) | POINT (1.336544 51.256319) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-06-04 | |||
TPO/85/00006/3/1 | Situated to the North and West of the main buildin | TPO/85/00006 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.240163 51.228049,1.240149 51.228066,1.240099 51.228077,1.240034 51.228143,1.240021 51.228207,1.239980 51.228313,1.239958 51.228497,1.239966 51.228520,1.240177 51.228733,1.240189 51.228784,1.240177 51.228835,1.240138 51.228908,1.240097 51.228945,1.240025 51.228977,1.239786 51.229048,1.239219 51.228886,1.239300 51.228857,1.239343 51.228831,1.239393 51.228786,1.239418 51.228736,1.239411 51.228655,1.239358 51.228572,1.239251 51.228478,1.239010 51.228381,1.238762 51.228316,1.238464 51.228294,1.238293 51.228303,1.237950 51.228353,1.237563 51.228377,1.237428 51.228374,1.237364 51.228362,1.237305 51.228310,1.237294 51.228277,1.237301 51.228236,1.237344 51.228173,1.237360 51.228134,1.237411 51.228073,1.237478 51.228023,1.237819 51.227813,1.237877 51.227796,1.238017 51.227796,1.238094 51.227807,1.238129 51.227822,1.238192 51.227912,1.238219 51.227926,1.238291 51.227929,1.238373 51.227966,1.238414 51.227975,1.238522 51.227990,1.238700 51.227984,1.238809 51.227998,1.238912 51.227972,1.239099 51.227823,1.239138 51.227804,1.239236 51.227796,1.239534 51.227804,1.239635 51.227826,1.240151 51.228023,1.240163 51.228049))) | POINT (1.239011 51.228276) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/85/00005/3/1 | Situated on the north western (part) north eastern | TPO/85/00005 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.229816 51.126947,1.229876 51.126874,1.229901 51.126884,1.230142 51.127028,1.230423 51.127245,1.230768 51.127457,1.231021 51.127598,1.231825 51.127979,1.232287 51.128180,1.232455 51.128248,1.232543 51.128272,1.232649 51.128221,1.232892 51.127879,1.233068 51.127582,1.233123 51.127473,1.233149 51.127411,1.233251 51.126930,1.233241 51.126849,1.233189 51.126750,1.233097 51.126661,1.232874 51.126488,1.232721 51.126386,1.232385 51.126231,1.232144 51.126130,1.232214 51.126060,1.232460 51.126164,1.232807 51.126325,1.232972 51.126433,1.233090 51.126524,1.233203 51.126612,1.233307 51.126714,1.233370 51.126832,1.233382 51.126931,1.233278 51.127427,1.233192 51.127609,1.233013 51.127910,1.232755 51.128274,1.232609 51.128344,1.232538 51.128356,1.232413 51.128328,1.232120 51.128210,1.231610 51.127983,1.230938 51.127661,1.230678 51.127516,1.230327 51.127301,1.230046 51.127084,1.229816 51.126947))) | POINT (1.232126 51.12738) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-07-22 | |||
TPO/07/00005/3/1 | South-west of track from Convent Close | TPO/07/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.379676 51.153045,1.379655 51.153028,1.379658 51.153006,1.379740 51.152954,1.379780 51.152944,1.379806 51.152950,1.379824 51.152966,1.379843 51.153034,1.379828 51.153056,1.379784 51.153064,1.379676 51.153045))) | POINT (1.379758 51.153009) | 2024-06-28 | 2007-05-09 | |||
TPO/64/00002/3/1 | In the front garden of Kirkdale, 149 London Road, | TPO/64/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.271006 51.151438,1.270996 51.151457,1.270971 51.151466,1.270938 51.151461,1.270921 51.151443,1.270928 51.151424,1.270957 51.151413,1.270989 51.151418,1.271006 51.151438))) | POINT (1.270963 51.15144) | 2024-06-28 | 1964-04-14 | |||
TPO/90/00004/3/1 | Situated to the south east of the White Hall, Eyth | TPO/90/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.231459 51.188294,1.231446 51.188318,1.231410 51.188330,1.231371 51.188324,1.231348 51.188298,1.231362 51.188272,1.231402 51.188260,1.231443 51.188270,1.231459 51.188294))) | POINT (1.231404 51.188295) | 2024-06-28 | 1990-07-26 | |||
TPO/77/00012/3/1 | Situated south-east of Alkham (The Firs) | TPO/77/00012 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.226495 51.131456,1.226397 51.130996,1.226674 51.131071,1.226790 51.131093,1.227662 51.131119,1.227912 51.131155,1.228192 51.131221,1.228713 51.131381,1.229124 51.131554,1.229164 51.131531,1.229366 51.131229,1.229715 51.131368,1.230526 51.131725,1.230698 51.131797,1.230724 51.131800,1.230748 51.131793,1.230842 51.131723,1.231424 51.131255,1.231418 51.131391,1.231332 51.131650,1.231399 51.131659,1.231455 51.131584,1.231503 51.131566,1.231571 51.131574,1.231573 51.131613,1.231569 51.132008,1.231501 51.132006,1.231447 51.132821,1.231373 51.132896,1.231233 51.132980,1.231127 51.133019,1.230977 51.133048,1.230549 51.132860,1.230174 51.132730,1.229419 51.132449,1.228068 51.132060,1.228597 51.131596,1.228109 51.131494,1.227893 51.131464,1.227680 51.131458,1.227047 51.131490,1.226858 51.131493,1.226500 51.131486,1.226495 51.131456))) | POINT (1.229633 51.131954) | 2024-06-28 | 1978-03-15 | |||
TPO/90/00003/2/1 | Situated towards the south eastern corner of the l | TPO/90/00003 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.160437 51.187153,1.160370 51.187125,1.160657 51.186901,1.160701 51.186946,1.160596 51.187024,1.160437 51.187153))) | POINT (1.16054 51.187031) | 2024-06-28 | 1990-07-26 | |||
TPO/81/00004/2/1 | Situated on the north-western boundary and western | TPO/81/00004 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.377050 51.218294,1.377153 51.218334,1.377046 51.218450,1.377189 51.218566,1.377103 51.218633,1.376886 51.218456,1.377050 51.218294))) | POINT (1.377041 51.218462) | 2024-06-28 | 1981-04-16 | |||
TPO/84/00001/2/1 | All trees situated in the eastern section of OS Pl | TPO/84/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.299022 51.215095,1.299109 51.215086,1.299257 51.215488,1.299364 51.215805,1.299275 51.215816,1.299022 51.215095))) | POINT (1.299195 51.215452) | 2024-06-28 | 1984-04-05 | |||
TPO/83/00003/2/1 | Situated on the south western side of the main acc | TPO/83/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.347776 51.198231,1.347824 51.198242,1.347837 51.198263,1.347786 51.198304,1.347765 51.198301,1.347697 51.198264,1.347698 51.198252,1.347718 51.198236,1.347776 51.198231))) | POINT (1.347768 51.198263) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-09-15 | |||
TPO/76/00001/2/1 | Land to the south-east of Dover Road, St Margarets | TPO/76/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.369390 51.154671,1.369153 51.154857,1.369195 51.154877,1.368883 51.155116,1.368657 51.155017,1.369189 51.154581,1.369390 51.154671))) | POINT (1.369023 51.154855) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-09-24 | |||
TPO/76/00005/2/1 | Situated within the gardens adjoining to Mill Lane | TPO/76/00005 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.236613 51.187025,1.236564 51.186998,1.236617 51.186959,1.236938 51.186806,1.236980 51.186804,1.236999 51.186816,1.236998 51.186829,1.236977 51.186844,1.236613 51.187025))) | POINT (1.236781 51.186911) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-11-30 | |||
TPO/87/00006/2/1 | Situated in the paddock area that borders the sout | TPO/87/00006 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.338595 51.255150,1.338319 51.255522,1.337913 51.256038,1.336768 51.255738,1.336305 51.256358,1.335987 51.256275,1.335996 51.256261,1.335989 51.256240,1.335960 51.256227,1.335924 51.256232,1.335902 51.256254,1.335571 51.256178,1.335988 51.255573,1.336058 51.255461,1.338559 51.255135,1.338595 51.255150))) | POINT (1.337041 51.255682) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-06-04 | |||
TPO/62/00001/2/1 | The grounds of the property known as Hazling Dane | TPO/62/00001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.242402 51.187814,1.243551 51.187261,1.243626 51.187291,1.243647 51.187337,1.243664 51.187427,1.243660 51.187443,1.243595 51.187500,1.243596 51.187511,1.243610 51.187522,1.243684 51.187535,1.243707 51.187557,1.243709 51.187573,1.243689 51.187596,1.243642 51.187625,1.243598 51.187632,1.243549 51.187657,1.243512 51.187661,1.243484 51.187649,1.243469 51.187632,1.243466 51.187610,1.243472 51.187603,1.243464 51.187595,1.243395 51.187614,1.243332 51.187606,1.243127 51.187777,1.243054 51.187818,1.242970 51.187827,1.242776 51.187812,1.242678 51.187819,1.242556 51.187848,1.242506 51.187879,1.242402 51.187814))) | POINT (1.243158 51.187594) | 2024-06-28 | 1963-01-30 | |||
TPO/79/00002/2/1 | Situated on the Deal to Sandwich Road frontage of | TPO/79/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.340074 51.253584,1.340411 51.253318,1.340509 51.253367,1.340152 51.253627,1.340074 51.253584))) | POINT (1.340292 51.25347) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-10-09 | |||
TPO/99/00009/2/1 | Screening north and east sides of garages, frontag | TPO/99/00009 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.344996 51.278251,1.344987 51.278224,1.344991 51.278206,1.345012 51.278200,1.345032 51.278227,1.345037 51.278265,1.345018 51.278276,1.344726 51.278316,1.344710 51.278315,1.344698 51.278288,1.344848 51.278270,1.344996 51.278251))) | POINT (1.344887 51.278274) | 2024-06-28 | 2000-04-06 | |||
TPO/85/00005/2/1 | Situated close to the eastern boundary of the wood | TPO/85/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.230741 51.125523,1.230769 51.125495,1.230794 51.125482,1.230855 51.125476,1.230897 51.125482,1.231462 51.125744,1.231363 51.125857,1.231277 51.125829,1.231262 51.125846,1.231257 51.125876,1.231231 51.125908,1.231330 51.125940,1.231183 51.125953,1.231018 51.125987,1.230943 51.126011,1.230754 51.126103,1.230634 51.126082,1.230802 51.125641,1.230689 51.125614,1.230741 51.125523))) | POINT (1.230989 51.125785) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-07-22 | |||
TPO/68/10003/2/1 | Parcel 3666 on TR Sheet 3155 Statenborough House, | TPO/68/10003 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.314218 51.252958,1.314308 51.252800,1.314363 51.252678,1.314420 51.252643,1.314473 51.252638,1.314522 51.252645,1.314558 51.252670,1.314563 51.252678,1.314464 51.252839,1.314413 51.252979,1.314374 51.253007,1.314332 51.253010,1.314256 51.252997,1.314230 51.252981,1.314218 51.252958))) | POINT (1.314387 51.252824) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-02-17 | |||
TPO/65/00004/2/1 | Walmer Court Farm Estate, Walmer, Deal | TPO/65/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.386429 51.203793,1.386612 51.203753,1.386852 51.203721,1.387271 51.203672,1.387497 51.203659,1.387580 51.203676,1.387632 51.203711,1.387635 51.203760,1.387622 51.203819,1.387580 51.203882,1.387514 51.203913,1.387211 51.203987,1.387041 51.204010,1.386887 51.204021,1.386569 51.204010,1.386489 51.203999,1.386346 51.203968,1.386279 51.203926,1.386256 51.203892,1.386267 51.203860,1.386299 51.203834,1.386429 51.203793))) | POINT (1.386985 51.203849) | 2024-06-28 | 1966-01-12 | |||
TPO/69/00002/2/1 | South of 375 Dover Road, Walmer | TPO/69/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.387540 51.199625,1.387252 51.199716,1.387159 51.199620,1.387434 51.199534,1.387540 51.199625))) | POINT (1.387346 51.199624) | 2024-06-28 | 1969-08-15 | |||
TPO/01/00001/2/1 | Between 2684 4583 and 2694 4578 | TPO/01/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.243279 51.166668,1.243471 51.166555,1.243694 51.166444,1.244103 51.166316,1.244473 51.166241,1.244606 51.166238,1.244697 51.166257,1.244718 51.166274,1.244392 51.166328,1.244041 51.166415,1.243910 51.166461,1.243692 51.166552,1.243361 51.166719,1.243279 51.166668))) | POINT (1.243926 51.16644) | 2024-06-28 | 2001-02-27 | |||
TPO/85/00006/2/1 | Situated towards the middle of the sports area con | TPO/85/00006 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.240434 51.230287,1.240556 51.230256,1.240577 51.230267,1.240598 51.230315,1.240590 51.230373,1.240452 51.230566,1.240450 51.230590,1.240476 51.230615,1.240525 51.230640,1.240671 51.230693,1.240797 51.230753,1.240965 51.230867,1.241019 51.230933,1.241044 51.230992,1.241045 51.231045,1.241014 51.231080,1.240923 51.231156,1.240866 51.231187,1.240715 51.231216,1.240455 51.231236,1.240239 51.231240,1.240040 51.231231,1.239908 51.231210,1.239865 51.231191,1.239854 51.231163,1.239858 51.231132,1.239881 51.231079,1.240147 51.230715,1.240223 51.230567,1.240434 51.230287))) | POINT (1.240445 51.230902) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-10-11 | |||
TPO/67/00002/2/1 | Banks of Delf fronting on 'Adelfi' New Street | TPO/67/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.341124 51.272669,1.341145 51.272584,1.341146 51.272503,1.341181 51.272504,1.341192 51.272510,1.341186 51.272594,1.341167 51.272667,1.341136 51.272677,1.341124 51.272676,1.341124 51.272669))) | POINT (1.341161 51.272588) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-09-15 | |||
TPO/64/00002/2/1 | Land abutting the South-West side of the A2 Trunk | TPO/64/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.270738 51.151630,1.270868 51.151473,1.270881 51.151466,1.270914 51.151468,1.270957 51.151483,1.270950 51.151521,1.270620 51.151895,1.270551 51.151891,1.270535 51.151876,1.270537 51.151865,1.270738 51.151630))) | POINT (1.270752 51.151679) | 2024-06-28 | 1964-04-14 |
Showing rows 101 to 150 of 556