Dover District Council
Tree preservation zone
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Tree preservation zone type | Geometry | Point | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
TPO/09/00020/2/1 | Situated on the eastern boundary of Admiralty Mews | TPO/09/00020 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.402595 51.217281,1.402561 51.217273,1.402551 51.217261,1.402543 51.217155,1.402556 51.217138,1.402591 51.217131,1.402615 51.217136,1.402630 51.217148,1.402638 51.217258,1.402625 51.217274,1.402595 51.217281))) | POINT (1.402591 51.217206) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-01-21 | |||
TPO/67/00005/2/1 | Group between Manwood Road and Millwall | TPO/67/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.345237 51.272403,1.345225 51.272452,1.345185 51.272496,1.345121 51.272528,1.345029 51.272544,1.344947 51.272538,1.344875 51.272514,1.344822 51.272476,1.344798 51.272436,1.344794 51.272411,1.344797 51.272386,1.344813 51.272354,1.344860 51.272313,1.344929 51.272285,1.345009 51.272274,1.345077 51.272279,1.345161 51.272307,1.345218 51.272354,1.345237 51.272403))) | POINT (1.345015 51.272409) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-03-11 | |||
TPO/04/00006/2/1 | Situated rear of new dwelling on the eastern bound | TPO/04/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.306845 51.246779,1.306907 51.246929,1.306899 51.246942,1.306881 51.246942,1.306863 51.246925,1.306835 51.246877,1.306826 51.246776,1.306845 51.246779))) | POINT (1.306861 51.246867) | 2024-06-28 | 2012-03-27 | |||
TPO/87/00012/2/1 | Situated along the south western boundary of the l | TPO/87/00012 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.293376 51.122438,1.293411 51.122400,1.294309 51.122775,1.294959 51.123034,1.294923 51.123070,1.293376 51.122438))) | POINT (1.294159 51.122734) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-09-03 | |||
TPO/11/00002/2/1 | Southern corner of the site, at the junctions of H | TPO/11/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.398775 51.178814,1.398765 51.178834,1.398745 51.178836,1.398725 51.178830,1.398685 51.178799,1.398663 51.178795,1.398558 51.178845,1.398544 51.178842,1.398525 51.178821,1.398672 51.178743,1.398687 51.178745,1.398775 51.178814))) | POINT (1.398656 51.178797) | 2024-06-28 | 2011-03-22 | |||
TPO/11/00008/2/1 | Situated on the north east boundary at Beech Tree | TPO/11/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.330901 51.245793,1.330823 51.245855,1.330811 51.245859,1.330789 51.245851,1.330795 51.245829,1.330866 51.245771,1.330899 51.245772,1.330901 51.245793))) | POINT (1.330845 51.245813) | 2024-06-28 | 2011-11-07 | |||
TPO/94/00007/2/1 | Along northern boundaryof the plot of land | TPO/94/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.401063 51.188415,1.401172 51.188417,1.400824 51.188497,1.400617 51.188476,1.400637 51.188407,1.401063 51.188415))) | POINT (1.400833 51.188445) | 2024-06-28 | 1995-02-02 | |||
TPO/06/00008/2/1 | Situated on south-west boundary, adjoining 'Berkel | TPO/06/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.382102 51.150572,1.382136 51.150555,1.382152 51.150560,1.382269 51.150630,1.382282 51.150653,1.382279 51.150668,1.382248 51.150682,1.382208 51.150676,1.382168 51.150659,1.382081 51.150604,1.382081 51.150590,1.382102 51.150572))) | POINT (1.382182 51.150621) | 2024-06-28 | 2006-07-04 | |||
TPO/23/00018/1/1 | TPO/23/00018 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.273081 51.147013,1.273125 51.147040,1.273131 51.147061,1.273121 51.147079,1.273087 51.147107,1.273053 51.147113,1.273008 51.147105,1.272991 51.147092,1.272980 51.147042,1.272994 51.147028,1.273056 51.147005,1.273081 51.147013))) | POINT (1.273053 51.147061) | 2024-06-28 | 2024-01-23 | ||||
TPO/67/30001/1/1 | On land abutting and on the North-East side of San | TPO/67/30001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.376870 51.219791,1.376890 51.219806,1.376896 51.219863,1.376885 51.219881,1.376855 51.219887,1.376829 51.219871,1.376831 51.219816,1.376840 51.219798,1.376870 51.219791)),((1.392860 51.199007,1.393151 51.199571,1.393129 51.199595,1.392888 51.199691,1.392805 51.199611,1.392959 51.199553,1.392827 51.199367,1.392711 51.199295,1.392710 51.199047,1.392860 51.199007))) | POINT (1.392344 51.200064) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-03-08 | |||
TPO/22/00014/1/1 | Located on verge to east of Hills Court Road | TPO/22/00014 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.287772 51.278773,1.287844 51.278784,1.287864 51.278809,1.287869 51.278838,1.287830 51.278860,1.287778 51.278868,1.287714 51.278862,1.287680 51.278843,1.287674 51.278806,1.287694 51.278788,1.287720 51.278770,1.287772 51.278773))) | POINT (1.28777 51.27882) | 2024-06-28 | 2023-01-20 | |||
TPO/67/00005/1/1 | Between Fields Numbers 3433 and 4810 | TPO/67/00005 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.343993 51.265421,1.343631 51.265233,1.343472 51.265139,1.343438 51.265102,1.343444 51.265073,1.343486 51.265038,1.343603 51.265106,1.343730 51.265152,1.344756 51.265609,1.345398 51.265925,1.346090 51.266215,1.346346 51.266354,1.346462 51.266399,1.346506 51.266404,1.346554 51.266394,1.346647 51.266355,1.346724 51.266304,1.347522 51.265713,1.347603 51.265694,1.347717 51.265695,1.347743 51.265727,1.347730 51.265754,1.347332 51.265990,1.346751 51.266414,1.346539 51.266524,1.346498 51.266526,1.346474 51.266522,1.346224 51.266416,1.345758 51.266198,1.345598 51.266135,1.343993 51.265421))) | POINT (1.345558 51.265859) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-03-11 | |||
TPO/67/00001/1/1 | Northern and eastern boundaries of Hawksdown House | TPO/67/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.392927 51.199135,1.393151 51.199575,1.393129 51.199595,1.392888 51.199691,1.392805 51.199611,1.392959 51.199553,1.392827 51.199367,1.392711 51.199295,1.392710 51.199047,1.392860 51.199007,1.392927 51.199135))) | POINT (1.392906 51.199346) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-10-19 | |||
TPO/80/00004/1/1 | Situated immediately to the north east of the prop | TPO/80/00004 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.328789 51.132976,1.329108 51.132643,1.329395 51.133135,1.329247 51.133125,1.329153 51.133107,1.328789 51.132976))) | POINT (1.3291 51.132931) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-19 | |||
TPO/85/00002/1/1 | Situated on the rear boundary of the rear garden t | TPO/85/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.233668 51.162502,1.234119 51.162608,1.234112 51.162643,1.234096 51.162679,1.233811 51.162621,1.233634 51.162571,1.233668 51.162502))) | POINT (1.233878 51.162592) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-05-13 | |||
TPO/18/00004/1/1 | Situated on the western boundary backing onto 56 a | TPO/18/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.289666 51.163842,1.289696 51.163830,1.289750 51.163878,1.289723 51.163891,1.289666 51.163842))) | POINT (1.289708 51.16386) | 2024-06-28 | 2018-11-22 | |||
TPO/17/00004/1/1 | Situated to the south of No 21 Courtland Avenue an | TPO/17/00004 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.296070 51.155136,1.294902 51.156293,1.294860 51.156264,1.294560 51.156148,1.295000 51.155710,1.295357 51.155396,1.295598 51.155153,1.296070 51.155136))) | POINT (1.295278 51.155691) | 2024-06-28 | 2017-06-12 | |||
TPO/16/00011/1/1 | Situated on the South-Western boundary of King Lea | TPO/16/00011 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.293080 51.113152,1.293159 51.113170,1.293135 51.113203,1.293103 51.113197,1.292952 51.113424,1.292896 51.113410,1.292960 51.113319,1.293080 51.113152))) | POINT (1.293019 51.113284) | 2024-06-28 | 2017-06-12 | |||
TPO/16/00005/1/1 | On the rear garden boundary of Lindale Cottage | TPO/16/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.347336 51.255830,1.347328 51.255858,1.347292 51.255889,1.347257 51.255902,1.347199 51.255909,1.347150 51.255904,1.347101 51.255886,1.347071 51.255859,1.347064 51.255836,1.347073 51.255809,1.347100 51.255785,1.347140 51.255768,1.347188 51.255760,1.347247 51.255764,1.347290 51.255778,1.347325 51.255804,1.347336 51.255830))) | POINT (1.3472 51.255834) | 2024-06-28 | 2017-01-27 | |||
TPO/83/10005/1/1 | Situated on the Kingsdown Road frontage of the Old | TPO/83/10005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.402369 51.189313,1.402369 51.189147,1.402473 51.189147,1.402476 51.189174,1.402462 51.189222,1.402473 51.189289,1.402466 51.189312,1.402369 51.189313))) | POINT (1.402419 51.189229) | 2024-06-28 | 1983-10-27 | |||
TPO/87/00017/1/1 | Situated on the western side of the access to Feld | TPO/87/00017 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.331589 51.256407,1.331599 51.256394,1.331560 51.256383,1.331591 51.256353,1.332057 51.256469,1.332076 51.256485,1.332096 51.256520,1.332103 51.256586,1.332031 51.256535,1.331589 51.256407))) | POINT (1.331855 51.256453) | 2024-06-28 | 1988-03-03 | |||
TPO/85/00007/1/1 | Situated on land adjoining the east side of the ra | TPO/85/00007 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.345394 51.283079,1.345348 51.282307,1.345346 51.281116,1.345324 51.280972,1.345296 51.280878,1.345365 51.280884,1.345404 51.281146,1.345392 51.281426,1.345405 51.281870,1.345414 51.282040,1.345437 51.282200,1.345480 51.282966,1.345477 51.283073,1.345394 51.283079))) | POINT (1.345394 51.282125) | 2024-06-28 | 1985-12-13 | |||
TPO/09/00009/1/1 | South east boundary of Little Statenborough House, | TPO/09/00009 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.312856 51.252271,1.312863 51.252232,1.312880 51.252226,1.313158 51.252301,1.313170 51.252330,1.313163 51.252341,1.313147 51.252344,1.312869 51.252282,1.312856 51.252271))) | POINT (1.313006 51.252286) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-10-06 | |||
TPO/77/00007/1/1 | Situated on the south-eastern side of field 5505 a | TPO/77/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.303004 51.247953,1.302918 51.247993,1.302604 51.247748,1.302692 51.247708,1.303004 51.247953))) | POINT (1.302804 51.24785) | 2024-06-28 | 1977-12-19 | |||
TPO/07/00008/1/1 | Land rear of St Margaret's (Bushley House), Mill L | TPO/07/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.303440 51.244786,1.303374 51.244759,1.303358 51.244741,1.303349 51.244718,1.303367 51.244690,1.303396 51.244681,1.303871 51.244640,1.303898 51.244645,1.303903 51.244654,1.303926 51.244805,1.303917 51.244815,1.303625 51.244838,1.303440 51.244786))) | POINT (1.303667 51.244739) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-09-23 | |||
TPO/09/00011/1/1 | On the lower terrace rear of flats 1-6 and 7-12 Sa | TPO/09/00011 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317210 51.129491,1.317187 51.129484,1.317182 51.129464,1.317214 51.129432,1.317268 51.129418,1.317302 51.129425,1.317309 51.129434,1.317306 51.129443,1.317210 51.129491))) | POINT (1.317241 51.129451) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-10-06 | |||
TPO/15/00012/1/1 | Boundary of Hougham Lodge, adjoining Plough Garage | TPO/15/00012 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.260205 51.111862,1.260129 51.111823,1.260823 51.111290,1.260890 51.111331,1.260205 51.111862))) | POINT (1.260509 51.111579) | 2024-06-28 | 2016-01-12 | |||
TPO/15/00009/1/1 | Rear garden | TPO/15/00009 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.395744 51.220305,1.395702 51.220273,1.395691 51.220277,1.395328 51.220020,1.395325 51.220000,1.395246 51.219941,1.395695 51.219733,1.395810 51.219808,1.395495 51.219949,1.395869 51.220245,1.395744 51.220305))) | POINT (1.395567 51.220013) | 2024-06-28 | 2016-01-13 | |||
TPO/13/00006/1/1 | Situated on the north west, Dover Road boundary | TPO/13/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.398592 51.208667,1.398618 51.208657,1.398710 51.208736,1.398682 51.208746,1.398592 51.208667))) | POINT (1.398651 51.208702) | 2024-06-28 | 2013-06-14 | |||
TPO/57/00001/1/1 | South side of trunk road A2, east of Dunromin, m | TPO/57/00001 | area | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.242829 51.162732,1.242806 51.162669,1.244554 51.162461,1.246027 51.162225,1.247690 51.162041,1.247366 51.162311,1.246461 51.162569,1.246230 51.162238,1.245403 51.162485,1.245069 51.162546,1.244697 51.162602,1.244331 51.162650,1.243983 51.162683,1.243666 51.162700,1.243337 51.162702,1.242829 51.162732))) | POINT (1.245612 51.162408) | 2024-06-28 | 1957-12-13 | |||
TPO/99/00010/1/1 | South of 11 Gordon Road, Old Park, Whitfield, Dove | TPO/99/00010 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.289904 51.152045,1.290341 51.151993,1.290304 51.152149,1.290304 51.152332,1.290268 51.152401,1.290197 51.152450,1.290117 51.152403,1.289963 51.152269,1.289950 51.152252,1.289949 51.152235,1.289959 51.152218,1.289979 51.152208,1.289832 51.152065,1.289904 51.152045))) | POINT (1.290132 51.152191) | 2024-06-28 | 2000-05-04 | |||
TPO/80/00003/1/1 | Situated on the northern boundary of the field for | TPO/80/00003 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.238996 51.164275,1.238991 51.164199,1.239119 51.164225,1.239342 51.164244,1.239489 51.164244,1.239509 51.164208,1.239576 51.164230,1.239837 51.164361,1.239832 51.164376,1.239350 51.164329,1.239229 51.164325,1.238996 51.164275))) | POINT (1.239401 51.164288) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-08-28 | |||
TPO/09/00014/1/1 | Group of trees on the south east boundary, frontin | TPO/09/00014 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.320315 51.155284,1.320330 51.155291,1.320328 51.155301,1.320313 51.155305,1.320003 51.155179,1.319988 51.155172,1.319986 51.155160,1.320010 51.155148,1.320315 51.155284))) | POINT (1.320147 51.155223) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-01-04 | |||
TPO/91/00001/1/1 | All trees situated close to the front boundary of | TPO/91/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.249997 51.160701,1.250057 51.160738,1.249949 51.160822,1.249934 51.160927,1.249855 51.160934,1.249826 51.160812,1.249997 51.160701))) | POINT (1.249922 51.160818) | 2024-06-28 | 1991-11-07 | |||
TPO/13/00008/1/1 | Situated on the south east boundary at Palmerston, | TPO/13/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.375914 51.146896,1.375923 51.146902,1.375918 51.146916,1.375841 51.146957,1.375775 51.146932,1.375750 51.146904,1.375767 51.146888,1.375843 51.146855,1.375914 51.146896))) | POINT (1.375836 51.146907) | 2024-06-28 | 2014-02-26 | |||
TPO/09/00002/1/1 | Situated on the northern side of the access drive | TPO/09/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.378557 51.148519,1.378472 51.148466,1.378392 51.148442,1.378399 51.148417,1.378498 51.148449,1.378580 51.148507,1.378557 51.148519))) | POINT (1.378485 51.148465) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-05-06 | |||
TPO/06/00007/1/1 | On the south western boundary of Bay Trees, The Dr | TPO/06/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.378529 51.150608,1.378489 51.150578,1.378459 51.150540,1.378462 51.150500,1.378490 51.150477,1.378610 51.150451,1.378676 51.150449,1.378951 51.150498,1.378940 51.150513,1.378678 51.150467,1.378597 51.150470,1.378511 51.150488,1.378483 51.150507,1.378483 51.150536,1.378501 51.150560,1.378551 51.150597,1.378529 51.150608))) | POINT (1.378652 51.150498) | 2024-06-28 | 2006-07-04 | |||
TPO/06/00004/1/1 | Situated in the garden of Lenox abutting Granville | TPO/06/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.384577 51.152333,1.384281 51.152212,1.384329 51.152177,1.384621 51.152297,1.384577 51.152333))) | POINT (1.384452 51.152255) | 2024-06-28 | 2006-03-03 | |||
TPO/09/00020/1/1 | Situated on the eastern boundary of Admiralty Mews | TPO/09/00020 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.402654 51.217918,1.402628 51.217912,1.402615 51.217898,1.402607 51.217789,1.402618 51.217772,1.402638 51.217765,1.402670 51.217770,1.402684 51.217788,1.402690 51.217899,1.402679 51.217911,1.402654 51.217918))) | POINT (1.402649 51.217841) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-01-21 | |||
TPO/10/00001/1/1 | Situated on the north east side of the access foot | TPO/10/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.312878 51.127806,1.312540 51.128000,1.312518 51.127989,1.312859 51.127793,1.312878 51.127806))) | POINT (1.312699 51.127897) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-05-14 | |||
TPO/96/00006/1/1 | North west boundary of The Osier Beds | TPO/96/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.341568 51.265062,1.341553 51.265082,1.341357 51.264978,1.341296 51.264935,1.341094 51.264701,1.340821 51.264446,1.340654 51.264304,1.340644 51.264281,1.340665 51.264268,1.340704 51.264269,1.341016 51.264554,1.341145 51.264690,1.341300 51.264879,1.341364 51.264928,1.341534 51.265021,1.341561 51.265042,1.341568 51.265062))) | POINT (1.341081 51.264663) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-07-05 | |||
TPO/67/00004/1/1 | East and North of Field 0394 | TPO/67/00004 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.354465 51.272674,1.354441 51.272716,1.354454 51.272947,1.354443 51.273166,1.353923 51.273234,1.353865 51.273246,1.353856 51.273258,1.353848 51.273243,1.353775 51.273246,1.353600 51.273287,1.353525 51.273314,1.353282 51.273367,1.353070 51.273397,1.352082 51.273475,1.351842 51.273505,1.351658 51.273537,1.351339 51.273572,1.349927 51.273711,1.349144 51.273760,1.349119 51.273746,1.349109 51.273720,1.349113 51.273703,1.349140 51.273673,1.349176 51.273655,1.349318 51.273631,1.350454 51.273539,1.351645 51.273419,1.352135 51.273307,1.352795 51.273291,1.353078 51.273265,1.353244 51.273237,1.353422 51.273189,1.354051 51.273063,1.354168 51.273023,1.354203 51.273005,1.354239 51.272970,1.354240 51.272738,1.354200 51.272516,1.353718 51.271879,1.353686 51.271859,1.353624 51.271837,1.353566 51.271836,1.353496 51.271848,1.353456 51.271841,1.353439 51.271819,1.353462 51.271794,1.353706 51.271731,1.354465 51.272674))) | POINT (1.352421 51.273196) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-05-11 | |||
TPO/64/00001/1/1 | On the north-east side of Woodland Way, Woodnesbor | TPO/64/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.311474 51.265291,1.311486 51.265274,1.311521 51.265272,1.311744 51.265352,1.311520 51.265582,1.311305 51.265505,1.311431 51.265379,1.311474 51.265291))) | POINT (1.311524 51.265424) | 2024-06-28 | 1964-11-25 | |||
TPO/08/00003/1/1 | North west corner of land at Gobery Hill, adjacent | TPO/08/00003 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.221365 51.277181,1.221143 51.277144,1.221034 51.277126,1.221071 51.277025,1.221365 51.277181))) | POINT (1.221157 51.277111) | 2024-06-28 | 2008-05-14 | |||
TPO/87/00012/1/1 | Situated close to the northern boundary of the lan | TPO/87/00012 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.293592 51.123478,1.293181 51.123448,1.292666 51.123396,1.292766 51.123298,1.293020 51.123393,1.293613 51.123447,1.293592 51.123478))) | POINT (1.29306 51.123405) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-09-03 | |||
TPO/77/00012/1/1 | Situated due west of River Minnis Farm (Gorsehill | TPO/77/00012 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.256014 51.140635,1.255904 51.140428,1.255678 51.140068,1.255616 51.140033,1.255600 51.140036,1.255422 51.139910,1.255420 51.139863,1.255401 51.139825,1.255341 51.139767,1.255292 51.139686,1.255262 51.139598,1.255033 51.139337,1.255011 51.139321,1.254918 51.139279,1.254761 51.139244,1.254712 51.139240,1.254440 51.139278,1.254341 51.139211,1.254213 51.139083,1.254144 51.139028,1.253864 51.138895,1.253621 51.138738,1.253528 51.138607,1.253441 51.138456,1.253358 51.138371,1.253053 51.138119,1.252871 51.138011,1.252722 51.137937,1.252426 51.137850,1.252198 51.137804,1.252120 51.137774,1.252029 51.137713,1.251861 51.137560,1.251564 51.137325,1.251257 51.137136,1.251146 51.137047,1.251053 51.136987,1.250384 51.136640,1.249599 51.136291,1.249199 51.136095,1.248956 51.135915,1.248839 51.135864,1.248525 51.135770,1.248467 51.135729,1.248448 51.135687,1.248451 51.135657,1.250265 51.134400,1.250741 51.134033,1.250946 51.134163,1.251316 51.134378,1.251701 51.134569,1.251736 51.134604,1.251729 51.134621,1.251738 51.134644,1.251842 51.134721,1.251981 51.134806,1.252036 51.134873,1.252061 51.134949,1.252062 51.134998,1.252050 51.135053,1.252004 51.135116,1.252010 51.135139,1.252233 51.135287,1.252519 51.135116,1.253079 51.134824,1.253373 51.135388,1.253066 51.135541,1.254220 51.136471,1.254804 51.136905,1.256143 51.137849,1.255882 51.137924,1.255726 51.138031,1.255511 51.138214,1.255284 51.138461,1.255399 51.138580,1.255755 51.138883,1.256638 51.139600,1.257345 51.140464,1.257563 51.140769,1.257598 51.140852,1.257568 51.140917,1.257350 51.141142,1.257318 51.141155,1.257248 51.141162,1.257132 51.141137,1.257089 51.141165,1.256336 51.140718,1.256151 51.140653,1.256014 51.140635))) | POINT (1.252978 51.137079) | 2024-06-28 | 1978-03-15 | |||
TPO/77/00005/1/1 | Situated on land between St Clare Road and Liverpo | TPO/77/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.395209 51.200753,1.395250 51.200738,1.395291 51.200737,1.395335 51.200747,1.395404 51.200788,1.395427 51.200814,1.395430 51.200850,1.395422 51.200863,1.395372 51.200885,1.395324 51.200887,1.395259 51.200868,1.395187 51.200822,1.395182 51.200777,1.395209 51.200753))) | POINT (1.395306 51.200812) | 2024-06-28 | 1977-11-10 | |||
TPO/78/00008/1/1 | Situated on the southern slopes of Elms Vale and t | TPO/78/00008 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.278974 51.121691,1.278961 51.121778,1.278937 51.121812,1.278716 51.121946,1.278662 51.121993,1.278542 51.122053,1.278276 51.122207,1.278212 51.122230,1.278128 51.122278,1.277716 51.122181,1.277451 51.122107,1.277160 51.122050,1.275760 51.121706,1.275219 51.121563,1.273819 51.121261,1.273328 51.121164,1.271405 51.120813,1.271125 51.120789,1.270619 51.120810,1.270345 51.120775,1.270065 51.120713,1.269967 51.120705,1.270011 51.120618,1.269977 51.120605,1.270115 51.120408,1.270320 51.120153,1.270747 51.119596,1.270965 51.119659,1.271358 51.119741,1.272943 51.119999,1.273573 51.120122,1.273779 51.120224,1.273834 51.120241,1.273995 51.120286,1.274355 51.120365,1.274768 51.120469,1.275278 51.120673,1.275562 51.120736,1.276271 51.120799,1.276730 51.120908,1.277722 51.121072,1.277864 51.121137,1.278345 51.121245,1.278502 51.121324,1.278715 51.121412,1.278808 51.121466,1.278907 51.121554,1.278959 51.121625,1.278974 51.121691))) | POINT (1.274432 51.120926) | 2024-06-28 | 1978-07-27 | |||
TPO/72/00002/1/1 | The Quarry, Minnis Lane | TPO/72/00002 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.270149 51.141946,1.269876 51.142275,1.269785 51.142532,1.269168 51.142436,1.268953 51.142376,1.268774 51.142302,1.268783 51.142292,1.268812 51.142285,1.268881 51.142277,1.268968 51.142279,1.268951 51.142338,1.269196 51.142391,1.269203 51.142373,1.269298 51.142383,1.269320 51.142281,1.269545 51.142205,1.269651 51.142135,1.269683 51.142095,1.269736 51.142056,1.270028 51.141975,1.270080 51.141935,1.270149 51.141946))) | POINT (1.269615 51.142282) | 2024-06-28 | 1973-09-17 | |||
TPO/12/00007/1/1 | Situated on the north west boundary adjacent to Mi | TPO/12/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.389408 51.214825,1.389585 51.214957,1.389957 51.215190,1.389869 51.215238,1.389368 51.214884,1.389353 51.214847,1.389408 51.214825))) | POINT (1.389655 51.21504) | 2024-06-28 | 2012-07-05 |
Showing rows 301 to 350 of 556