Dover District Council
Tree preservation zone
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Tree preservation zone type | Geometry | Point | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
TPO/11/00002/1/1 | On the south east boundary, adjacent to Northcote | TPO/11/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.398867 51.178889,1.398868 51.178901,1.398818 51.178937,1.398791 51.178932,1.398791 51.178921,1.398823 51.178899,1.398802 51.178882,1.398807 51.178870,1.398834 51.178866,1.398867 51.178889))) | POINT (1.398829 51.178901) | 2024-06-28 | 2011-03-22 | |||
TPO/09/00006/1/1 | South west, Wingham Lane boundary of The Oaks, Win | TPO/09/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.200978 51.271195,1.201497 51.271007,1.201817 51.270914,1.202216 51.270783,1.202241 51.270784,1.202257 51.270797,1.202244 51.270817,1.201896 51.270931,1.201488 51.271053,1.201012 51.271226,1.200978 51.271219,1.200972 51.271210,1.200978 51.271195))) | POINT (1.201613 51.270999) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-05-06 | |||
TPO/95/00003/1/1 | On land separating 71 from 75 and 79 Canute Road | TPO/95/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.401679 51.237753,1.401801 51.237604,1.401841 51.237617,1.401719 51.237765,1.401679 51.237753))) | POINT (1.40176 51.237685) | 2024-06-28 | 1995-11-21 | |||
TPO/13/00002/1/1 | Situated on the north eastern boundary of the gard | TPO/13/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.377063 51.146306,1.377067 51.146320,1.377051 51.146343,1.376986 51.146380,1.376943 51.146388,1.376917 51.146375,1.376930 51.146346,1.377000 51.146307,1.377031 51.146300,1.377063 51.146306))) | POINT (1.376993 51.146344) | 2024-06-28 | 2013-03-28 | |||
TPO/16/00004/1/1 | At the top of the bank along Molland Lane, directl | TPO/16/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.272280 51.279531,1.272293 51.279546,1.272035 51.279648,1.271911 51.279680,1.271867 51.279628,1.272209 51.279470,1.272280 51.279531))) | POINT (1.272084 51.279579) | 2024-06-28 | 2017-01-27 | |||
TPO/87/00005/1/1 | Situated on the parcel of land which abuts Meadow | TPO/87/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.236431 51.191071,1.236572 51.191074,1.236563 51.191187,1.236512 51.191346,1.236466 51.191408,1.236335 51.191405,1.236334 51.191363,1.236272 51.191361,1.236296 51.191103,1.236426 51.191107,1.236431 51.191071))) | POINT (1.236419 51.191235) | 2024-06-28 | 1987-06-04 | |||
TPO/06/00002/1/1 | North west boundary, fronting Granville Road | TPO/06/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.382824 51.151550,1.382921 51.151552,1.382962 51.151572,1.382979 51.151591,1.382908 51.151602,1.382840 51.151568,1.382824 51.151550))) | POINT (1.382904 51.151574) | 2024-06-28 | 2006-03-03 | |||
TPO/06/00008/1/1 | Situated on north-west boundary, adjoining 'Berkel | TPO/06/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.381649 51.150925,1.381903 51.150766,1.381931 51.150765,1.381930 51.150782,1.381765 51.150874,1.381693 51.150931,1.381663 51.150937,1.381649 51.150925))) | POINT (1.381793 51.150849) | 2024-06-28 | 2006-07-04 | |||
TPO/77/00006/1/1 | Situated on the south-west boundary of the propert | TPO/77/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.302505 51.190456,1.302576 51.190511,1.302523 51.190534,1.302490 51.190510,1.302284 51.190607,1.302242 51.190579,1.302445 51.190477,1.302505 51.190456))) | POINT (1.302412 51.190527) | 2024-06-28 | 1977-11-10 | |||
TPO/97/00002/1/1 | North east boundary of 61 Burgess Road | TPO/97/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.207209 51.229739,1.207231 51.229742,1.207254 51.229764,1.207243 51.229785,1.207221 51.229803,1.207186 51.229820,1.207141 51.229827,1.207098 51.229801,1.207096 51.229783,1.207104 51.229777,1.207209 51.229739))) | POINT (1.207176 51.229784) | 2024-06-28 | 1997-07-05 | |||
TPO/94/00001/3/1 | Situated on east-west internal fence at Brook Farm | TPO/94/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.235430 51.266038,1.235429 51.266012,1.235534 51.266006,1.235714 51.266002,1.235717 51.266030,1.235430 51.266038))) | POINT (1.235574 51.26602) | 2024-06-28 | 1994-05-05 | |||
TPO/91/00001/3/1 | All trees situated close to the front boundary of | TPO/91/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.250412 51.160430,1.250464 51.160460,1.250329 51.160540,1.250297 51.160510,1.250412 51.160430))) | POINT (1.250378 51.160484) | 2024-06-28 | 1991-11-07 | |||
TPO/80/00004/3/1 | Situated on the north western boundary of the pro | TPO/80/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.327996 51.132598,1.328034 51.132580,1.328432 51.132781,1.328399 51.132804,1.327996 51.132598))) | POINT (1.328217 51.132692) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-19 | |||
TPO/79/00003/3/1 | Situated on the south western boundary of the Scou | TPO/79/00003 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.398525 51.180364,1.399173 51.179568,1.399600 51.179077,1.399699 51.179118,1.399529 51.179330,1.399355 51.179569,1.398646 51.180417,1.398525 51.180364))) | POINT (1.399104 51.179762) | 2024-06-28 | 1979-02-26 | |||
TPO/70/00001/3/1 | Lousyberry Wood east of The Avenue and to the nort | TPO/70/00001 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.281352 51.151465,1.281184 51.151594,1.280989 51.151703,1.280905 51.151738,1.279838 51.152111,1.279393 51.152256,1.278553 51.152437,1.277421 51.152646,1.276828 51.152785,1.276112 51.152999,1.276067 51.152979,1.275949 51.152953,1.273109 51.151644,1.273215 51.151418,1.273403 51.151057,1.273533 51.151069,1.276034 51.151772,1.276076 51.151800,1.277054 51.151560,1.277361 51.151506,1.277585 51.151457,1.278179 51.151304,1.277573 51.150471,1.281352 51.151465))) | POINT (1.277239 51.15183) | 2024-06-28 | 1970-11-25 | |||
TPO/76/00001/3/1 | Situate on land on the southern side of Dover Road | TPO/76/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.369273 51.155269,1.369524 51.155042,1.369611 51.155082,1.369390 51.155289,1.369273 51.155269))) | POINT (1.369447 51.155171) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-09-24 | |||
TPO/85/00008/3/1 | Situated on the rear boundary to plot 4, eastry pa | TPO/85/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.310012 51.238198,1.310105 51.238341,1.309951 51.238389,1.309856 51.238249,1.310012 51.238198))) | POINT (1.309981 51.238294) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-01-14 | |||
TPO/09/00011/3/1 | On the upper terrace to the rear of flats 1-6 Samp | TPO/09/00011 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317363 51.129522,1.317349 51.129521,1.317343 51.129505,1.317377 51.129482,1.317430 51.129458,1.317453 51.129455,1.317466 51.129465,1.317429 51.129500,1.317363 51.129522))) | POINT (1.317404 51.129489) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-10-06 | |||
TPO/08/00006/3/1 | Side boundary adjacent to Bradfield | TPO/08/00006 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.392212 51.198462,1.392197 51.198454,1.392192 51.198441,1.392342 51.198393,1.392358 51.198403,1.392357 51.198417,1.392212 51.198462))) | POINT (1.392277 51.198428) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-05-27 | |||
TPO/06/00014/3/1 | South west boundary of Timbers | TPO/06/00014 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.381524 51.151195,1.381504 51.151194,1.381496 51.151182,1.381616 51.151088,1.381642 51.151095,1.381642 51.151101,1.381524 51.151195))) | POINT (1.381569 51.151142) | 2024-06-28 | 2007-03-13 | |||
TPO/02/00003/3/1 | Western boundary of 7 Brookside Grid ref 2864 4426 | TPO/02/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.268050 51.151894,1.268015 51.151882,1.268000 51.151854,1.268006 51.151843,1.268035 51.151845,1.268061 51.151879,1.268059 51.151892,1.268050 51.151894))) | POINT (1.268031 51.151868) | 2024-06-28 | 2002-08-12 | |||
TPO/94/00007/3/1 | Along eastern boundary of the plot of land | TPO/94/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.401063 51.188415,1.401231 51.188178,1.401255 51.188167,1.401336 51.188168,1.401249 51.188301,1.401241 51.188326,1.401172 51.188417,1.401063 51.188415))) | POINT (1.401201 51.188296) | 2024-06-28 | 1995-02-02 | |||
TPO/10/00003/3/1 | Situated in the centre of the front boundary of 85 | TPO/10/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.277650 51.146593,1.277524 51.146660,1.277514 51.146618,1.277522 51.146593,1.277541 51.146575,1.277618 51.146553,1.277650 51.146593))) | POINT (1.277574 51.146601) | 2024-06-28 | 2010-05-14 | |||
TPO/99/00010/3/1 | To rear of 10-12 France Road, Old Park, Whitfield, | TPO/99/00010 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.289491 51.151805,1.289426 51.151845,1.289181 51.151652,1.289206 51.151640,1.289491 51.151805))) | POINT (1.289347 51.15175) | 2024-06-28 | 2000-05-04 | |||
TPO/67/00004/3/1 | Between fields 1689 and 3687 | TPO/67/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.357158 51.271958,1.357771 51.272458,1.357963 51.272586,1.357974 51.272627,1.357956 51.272644,1.357838 51.272574,1.357204 51.272068,1.356832 51.271721,1.356556 51.271384,1.356389 51.271209,1.356345 51.271179,1.356317 51.271131,1.356334 51.271125,1.356443 51.271193,1.356558 51.271333,1.357100 51.271919,1.357158 51.271958))) | POINT (1.357151 51.271942) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-05-11 | |||
TPO/09/00002/3/1 | Situtated toward the western corner of the side ga | TPO/09/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.378213 51.148214,1.378022 51.148079,1.378067 51.148056,1.378255 51.148191,1.378213 51.148214))) | POINT (1.378139 51.148135) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-05-06 | |||
TPO/67/00005/3/1 | Group between Manwood Road and Millwall | TPO/67/00005 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.344808 51.272111,1.344796 51.272161,1.344746 51.272211,1.344679 51.272240,1.344586 51.272253,1.344492 51.272240,1.344435 51.272217,1.344381 51.272169,1.344365 51.272128,1.344379 51.272070,1.344422 51.272027,1.344500 51.271993,1.344566 51.271983,1.344661 51.271990,1.344742 51.272021,1.344789 51.272062,1.344808 51.272111))) | POINT (1.344586 51.272118) | 2024-06-28 | 1967-03-11 | |||
TPO/76/00004/3/1 | Contained within the curtilage of Gillows Paddock | TPO/76/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.389255 51.197990,1.389273 51.198013,1.388836 51.198171,1.388815 51.198150,1.388932 51.198110,1.389255 51.197990))) | POINT (1.389048 51.19808) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-09-24 | |||
TPO/16/00007/3/1 | On the north side of the main drive leading from t | TPO/16/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.267759 51.148374,1.267735 51.148353,1.267732 51.148332,1.267747 51.148289,1.267889 51.148183,1.267970 51.148149,1.268075 51.148125,1.268217 51.148124,1.268331 51.148132,1.268430 51.148172,1.268400 51.148273,1.268194 51.148224,1.268024 51.148232,1.267969 51.148251,1.267759 51.148374))) | POINT (1.268087 51.148212) | 2024-06-28 | 2017-01-27 | |||
TPO/11/00002/3/1 | At the north west of the site known as Green Leave | TPO/11/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.398287 51.179218,1.398188 51.179177,1.398015 51.179031,1.398326 51.178879,1.398428 51.178944,1.398436 51.178957,1.398426 51.178996,1.398372 51.179056,1.398393 51.179129,1.398375 51.179178,1.398324 51.179218,1.398287 51.179218))) | POINT (1.398256 51.17905) | 2024-06-28 | 2011-03-22 | |||
TPO/91/00001/4/1 | All trees situated close to the front boundary of | TPO/91/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.250636 51.160275,1.250740 51.160266,1.250767 51.160332,1.250630 51.160372,1.250521 51.160430,1.250458 51.160398,1.250636 51.160275))) | POINT (1.250622 51.160341) | 2024-06-28 | 1991-11-07 | |||
TPO/94/00007/4/1 | In south-eastern corner of the plot of land | TPO/94/00007 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.401048 51.188239,1.401067 51.188232,1.401166 51.188231,1.401181 51.188241,1.401165 51.188264,1.401093 51.188268,1.401053 51.188261,1.401043 51.188250,1.401048 51.188239))) | POINT (1.401112 51.188248) | 2024-06-28 | 1995-02-02 | |||
TPO/80/00004/4/1 | Situated on the north western boundary of the prop | TPO/80/00004 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.328399 51.132804,1.328432 51.132781,1.328819 51.132947,1.328789 51.132976,1.328399 51.132804))) | POINT (1.328614 51.132879) | 2024-06-28 | 1980-06-19 | |||
TPO/79/00003/4/1 | Situated on the western boundary of the Scout Camp | TPO/79/00003 | woodland | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.398698 51.180929,1.398951 51.180971,1.399123 51.180971,1.399207 51.180957,1.399378 51.180899,1.399331 51.181812,1.398659 51.182075,1.398665 51.181813,1.398698 51.180929))) | POINT (1.399001 51.181449) | 2024-06-28 | 1979-02-26 | |||
TPO/89/00002/4/1 | Situated on the bank which is located in the South | TPO/89/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.288485 51.137481,1.288481 51.137497,1.288466 51.137511,1.288432 51.137521,1.288388 51.137514,1.288363 51.137486,1.288368 51.137467,1.288381 51.137455,1.288422 51.137444,1.288467 51.137455,1.288485 51.137481))) | POINT (1.288424 51.137483) | 2024-06-28 | 1989-04-20 | |||
TPO/76/00001/4/1 | Situate on land on the north-easterly side of Stat | TPO/76/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.369818 51.155459,1.370208 51.155232,1.370279 51.155279,1.369905 51.155510,1.369818 51.155459))) | POINT (1.370048 51.155373) | 2024-06-28 | 1976-09-24 | |||
TPO/09/00011/4/1 | On the middle terrace rear of flats 1-6 Samphire C | TPO/09/00011 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.317389 51.129439,1.317387 51.129427,1.317439 51.129395,1.317466 51.129381,1.317490 51.129381,1.317489 51.129409,1.317468 51.129429,1.317434 51.129440,1.317389 51.129439))) | POINT (1.317445 51.129414) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-10-06 | |||
TPO/06/00014/4/1 | South east boundary of Timbers | TPO/06/00014 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.381938 51.151239,1.381834 51.151185,1.381834 51.151178,1.381855 51.151170,1.381958 51.151223,1.381950 51.151237,1.381938 51.151239))) | POINT (1.381896 51.151204) | 2024-06-28 | 2007-03-13 | |||
TPO/09/00002/4/1 | Situated on the south east boundary of the garden | TPO/09/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.378667 51.148122,1.378628 51.148148,1.378500 51.148082,1.378539 51.148056,1.378667 51.148122))) | POINT (1.378583 51.148102) | 2024-06-28 | 2009-05-06 | |||
TPO/85/00008/4/1 | Situated on the rear boundary to plot 5, eastry pa | TPO/85/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.309993 51.238376,1.310091 51.238538,1.310056 51.238548,1.309951 51.238389,1.309993 51.238376))) | POINT (1.310021 51.23846) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-01-14 | |||
TPO/01/00001/7/1 | Between 2698 4578 and 2708 4577 | TPO/01/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.246487 51.166100,1.246498 51.166121,1.246495 51.166147,1.246421 51.166183,1.246368 51.166196,1.245625 51.166270,1.245349 51.166287,1.245307 51.166287,1.245276 51.166277,1.245266 51.166245,1.245291 51.166159,1.245336 51.166148,1.246408 51.166085,1.246463 51.166086,1.246487 51.166100))) | POINT (1.245846 51.166182) | 2024-06-28 | 2001-02-27 | |||
TPO/79/00003/7/1 | Situated as an isolated group north east of the dw | TPO/79/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.401272 51.180988,1.401263 51.181029,1.401225 51.181065,1.401158 51.181103,1.401110 51.181115,1.401017 51.181116,1.400953 51.181107,1.400875 51.181067,1.400846 51.181040,1.400839 51.181014,1.400859 51.180956,1.400887 51.180922,1.400959 51.180884,1.401050 51.180865,1.401134 51.180881,1.401241 51.180926,1.401267 51.180951,1.401272 51.180988))) | POINT (1.401056 51.180995) | 2024-06-28 | 1979-02-26 | |||
TPO/85/00008/7/1 | Situated on the rear boundary to plot 8, eastry pa | TPO/85/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.310338 51.238763,1.310415 51.238913,1.310271 51.238925,1.310179 51.238778,1.310338 51.238763))) | POINT (1.3103 51.238843) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-01-14 | |||
TPO/64/00002/7/1 | Land abutting the road at Park Road Dairy, 34 Park | TPO/64/00002 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.272484 51.151206,1.272805 51.151044,1.272840 51.151040,1.272870 51.151058,1.272872 51.151074,1.272856 51.151092,1.272465 51.151292,1.272429 51.151291,1.272414 51.151282,1.272407 51.151270,1.272410 51.151252,1.272484 51.151206))) | POINT (1.272638 51.151166) | 2024-06-28 | 1964-04-14 | |||
TPO/01/00001/11/1 | Between 2687 4601 and 2698 4597 | TPO/01/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.243754 51.168392,1.243709 51.168394,1.243682 51.168363,1.243726 51.168328,1.243801 51.168292,1.245206 51.167910,1.245367 51.167868,1.245441 51.167857,1.245453 51.167924,1.245309 51.167973,1.245191 51.168010,1.244043 51.168309,1.243754 51.168392))) | POINT (1.244592 51.168122) | 2024-06-28 | 2001-02-27 | |||
TPO/79/00003/9/1 | Situated as a group immediately due south of the m | TPO/79/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.399006 51.182533,1.399080 51.182534,1.399066 51.182600,1.398869 51.182604,1.398809 51.182634,1.398787 51.182669,1.398793 51.182682,1.398823 51.182696,1.399007 51.182702,1.399006 51.182748,1.398465 51.182773,1.398397 51.182763,1.398634 51.182527,1.399006 51.182533))) | POINT (1.398732 51.182651) | 2024-06-28 | 1979-02-26 | |||
TPO/85/00008/9/1 | Situated on the rear boundary to plot 10, eastry p | TPO/85/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.310540 51.239063,1.310714 51.239249,1.310802 51.239359,1.310692 51.239367,1.310606 51.239276,1.310571 51.239286,1.310384 51.239077,1.310540 51.239063))) | POINT (1.310592 51.239208) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-01-14 | |||
TPO/01/00001/9/1 | Between 2707 4578 and 2711 4578 | TPO/01/00001 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.246374 51.166304,1.246384 51.166260,1.246439 51.166219,1.247027 51.166192,1.247047 51.166200,1.247064 51.166264,1.247049 51.166284,1.247010 51.166296,1.246846 51.166314,1.246471 51.166323,1.246386 51.166314,1.246374 51.166304))) | POINT (1.246725 51.16626) | 2024-06-28 | 2001-02-27 | |||
TPO/85/00008/8/1 | Situated on the rear boundary to plot 9, eastry pa | TPO/85/00008 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.310415 51.238913,1.310540 51.239063,1.310384 51.239077,1.310271 51.238925,1.310415 51.238913))) | POINT (1.310403 51.238996) | 2024-06-28 | 1986-01-14 | |||
TPO/79/00003/8/1 | Situated as a group immediately to the east of the | TPO/79/00003 | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((1.399306 51.182585,1.399272 51.182538,1.399566 51.182453,1.399855 51.182406,1.399879 51.182469,1.399589 51.182522,1.399306 51.182585))) | POINT (1.399585 51.182492) | 2024-06-28 | 1979-02-26 |
Showing rows 351 to 400 of 556