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London Borough of Ealing

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
OIS7a OIS7a OIS7a Former GSK site, Greenford Green yes 10.49 1965 not owned by a public authority 2017-09-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.342113 51.548123) This site forms part of a larger allocation. For the purpose of the register the allocation boundary has also been amended to remove the Greenwich School of Management and the head offices of Ferrero. It also excludes much of the allocation south of the canal (with the exception of the bakery. Land south of Rockware Avenue is also recorded as a seperate entry. The site has an extant permission (164694FUL) for a residential led mixed use development.. Phased redevelopment comprising a residential-led mixed use masterplan incorporating 1,965 residential units (164694FUL). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
OIS7c OIS7c OIS7c Greenford - South of Rockware Avenue 0.62 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.344478 51.542461) The site forms part of a larger allocation. The allocation promotes this part of the site for mixed use development including residential and commercial. Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for inclusion on the register, and developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for a given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
OIS8c OIS8c OIS8c St Bernard's Hospital Phase S3 2.48 214 not owned by a public authority 2013-07-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.34832 51.506678) Permission PP/2012/4008 relates to phases S2 and S3 which in total will provide 306 new residential units. A total of 92 units have been completed in phase S2. A further 214 units are proposed in phase S3.. Phases S2-S3 - Demolition of A block, Mott House, the gym and Butler House, various extensions to the Asylum buildings and some detached buildings, internal and external alterations to the Asylum building including the erection of extensions to blocks B, C, D, E and F in conjunction with the conversion of the Asylum buildings to 256 residential units and erection of a three storey building and a four storey building with underground car parking area at the Eastern end of the Asylum buildings to provide an additional 50 residential units. Of the 306 units permissioned, 214 units are proposed in phase S3 (Ref. PP/2012/4008). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
P/2012/0708 P/2012/0708 South Action Estate - Phases 7.2-11 (excluding 9.1) yes 9.25 5 owned by a public authority 2013-08-13 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.272871 51.504443) The outline permission (P/2012/0708) relates to the wider estate. Earlier phases have secured full permission (through reserved matters), and have either started or have commenced. This entry relates to the outstanding phases which presently have outline permission only. A figure of 5 is given under 'mimimum net dwellings', as this is the thresold for entry on to the register, and the net figure for the remaining phases is unclear.. Outline planning application (reserving Appearance; Means of Access; Landscaping; Layout and Scale for later determination) for the continued regeneration of the South Acton Estate comprising of the demolition of buildings locations specified in the site address (including residential units, 521sqm of retail shops, 2,434sqm of community/ office facilities, hotel, garages and associated areas) and the erection of a maximum of 2,350 residential units, a maximum of 1,050sqm of flexible A1 (retail) / A3 (restaurant and cafe) / B1 (office) / D1 (community) uses, of which 600sqm is to be A1 (retail) use, a further 2,348sqm of D1 (community) / B1 (office) space (to include a minimum of 926sqm for provision of a community centre and youth club), energy centre, alterations to allotments, re-sited and enhanced open space and play facilities, landscaping, highway works and 1,128 car parking spaces (Ref. P/2012/0708). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
P/2014/3193 P/2014/3193 Land to rear of 11-15 The Mall, W5 yes 0.14 14 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.300116 51.514369) Extant permission is in place for 14 units.. Re-development of land at the rear of Nos 11 to 15 The Mall to provide a part single, part two, part three, part four and part five storey building with basement, comprising 14 self-contained flats (6 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU1 SOU1 SOU1 Southall Market, 44-92 High Street, UB1 1.13 5 mixed ownership not permissioned POINT(-0.372691 51.510425) The allocation promotes mixed use development appropriate to the town centre, including the retention and refurbishment of listed building and provision of a street market. Residential accommodation on the upper floors and at ground level along Boyd Avenue may be acceptable. Further advice is set out in the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (2014). Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for inclusion on the register, and where appropriate developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for the given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU10 SOU10 SOU10 Johnson Street 2.89 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.394478 51.502953) The allocation promotes mixed use development for residential and buisness use. Further advice is set out in the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (2014). Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for inclusion on the register, and where appropriate developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for the given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU2 SOU2 SOU2 Iceland, Quality Foods and 63-95 South Road, UB1 1.23 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.377062 51.508356) The allocation promotes mixed use development appropriate to the town centre. Further advice is set out in the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (2014). Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for inclusion on the register, and where appropriate developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for the given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU3a SOU3a SOU3a Former Sorting Office, South Road, UB1 yes 0.32 41 not owned by a public authority 2017-02-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.378721 51.507621) The site forms part of a larger allocation. Extant permission is in place for 41 units.. Residential led mixed-use redevelopment of the site consisting of part one, part two, part three, part four and part five storey building to provide 41 x residential units on the first, second, third and fourth floors (Ref. PP/2015/4921). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU3b SOU3b SOU3b Beaconsfield Road / South Road, UB1 2.89 5 mixed ownership not permissioned POINT(-0.379776 51.50813) Note the allocation assumes continued but consolidated education and community uses, with the introduction of complementary town centre uses, and some residential. The adjacent post office site which forms part of the same allocation has permission for 41 units. Further advice is set out in the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (2014). Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for inclusion on the register, and where appropriate developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for the given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU4 SOU4 SOU4 Southall Crossrail Station, South Road/Park Avenue yes 4.79 5 mixed ownership not permissioned POINT(-0.376021 51.506756) The allocation promotes the comprehensive redevelopment of the site with mixed uses appropriate to the town centre around the Crossrail Station and community/employment/residential to the east of the existing footbridge. Further advice is also set out in the Southall Gateway SPD. Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for eligibility for inclusion on the register, and developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for the site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) and Southall Gateway SPD (2015) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU5b SOU5b SOU5b Southall West (Southall Waterside) Phases B-I yes 29.88 3132 not owned by a public authority 2010-10-29 outline planning permission|| permissioned POINT(-0.391581 51.505842) This entry forms part of a larger allocation, which benefits from outline planning permission for up to 3750 residential units. Phase A has been omitted from this entry as this part of the development now has full planning permission (through reserved matters 160115REM), and is currently being implemented. Phase A will deliver 618 units. Reserved matter applications for the other phases have yet to be submitted.. The remediation of the land and redevelopment of the site to deliver a large mixed use development including residential (up to 3750 units). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU6a SOU6a SOU6a Southall East - The Arches yes 0.66 176 not owned by a public authority 2016-10-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.377411 51.505552) The site forms part of a larger allocation. The site has extant permission for 176 units.. Retention and alteration of facades of building and redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use development with offices (Use Class B1 (a) at ground floor level (double height) with four eight storey extensions above containing 176 residential flats (64 one-bed, 96 two-bed, 14 three-bed and 2 four-bed) (Ref. PP/2013/5696). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU6c SOU6c SOU6c Southall East - Middlesex Business Centre yes 4.78 5 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-0.373795 51.504941) The site forms part of a larger allocation. The decision for an outline permission (PP/2014/6440) for 835 units is currently pending awaiting the signing of a legal agreement. Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the mimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for eligibility for inclusion on the register, and it does not have regard to the pending application. Where appropriate developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved optimum level of development for a given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU6d SOU6d SOU6d Southall East - Honda Garage yes 0.42 170 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.375555 51.504289) The site forms part of a larger allocation. The site has extant permission for 170 units.. Redevelopment of the site to provide a 5-12 storey perimeter building to accommodate 170 residential units, amenity space at first, fifth, seventh and eight floor level, car and cycle parking, refuse storage, vehicular access from Bridge Road and landscaping (Ref. 164160FUL). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU6e SOU6e SOU6e Southall East - The Limes 0.55 5 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.377486 51.505018) The site forms part of a larger allocation. Further advice is set out in the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (2014). Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for inclusion on the register, and where appropriate developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for the given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) and Southall Gateway SPD (2015) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU6f SOU6f SOU6f Southall East - Esso Petrol Station yes 0.15 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.375757 51.504959) The site forms part of a larger allocation. Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the mimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for eligibility for inclusion on the register, and developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved optimum level of development for the site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) and Southall Gateway SPD (2015) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU8a SOU8a SOU8a The Green, The Green/Featherstone Road/Dominion Road 7.74 5 mixed ownership not permissioned POINT(-0.382476 51.503861) The allocation promotes mixed use development appropriate to the town centre, with continued protection of existing industrial uses on the Featherstone, Dominion and Suterwalla estates as a Locally Significant Industrial Site and retention of the Dominion Arts Centre. Further advice is also set out in the Southall Green SPD. For the purpose of this register the allocation boundary has been amended to remove Pheonix House, which has been redeveloped in recent years accommodating 149 residential units. Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the minimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for eligibility for inclusion on the register, and developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for a given site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) and Southall Green SPD (2017) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU8b SOU8b SOU8b The Green - Kings House yes 0.11 5 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-0.379805 51.505011) The site forms part of a larger allocation. The decision (164285FUL) for 77 units is currently pending awaiting the signing of a legal agreement. Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the mimum net. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SOU9a SOU9a SOU9a 2-16 Western Road - Car wash and Coach/Skip storage yard, Western Road yes 0.18 5 mixed ownership pending decision POINT(-0.383472 51.501236) For the purpose of the register the allocation boundary has been amended to remove the church and Western Road Public Open Space, as these are subject to separate plans which don't entail any new residential elements. These include permission (PP/2014/2871) to reorganise public open space, and plans to build a new muti faith centre on the site. Whilst a resolution to grant (PP/2013/0997) has been given for 45 residential units on the former car wash/coach site, the decision has yet to be issued awaiting the signing of a legal agreement. Whilst an estimate of 5 is given for the mimum net number of dwellings, this is the size threshold for eligibility for inclusion on the register, and it does not have regard to the pending decision. Where appropriate developments may need to exceed this in order to demonstrate that they have achieved an optimum level of development for the site.. See allocation in Development Sites DPD (2013) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20

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