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Elmbridge Borough Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
92 92 9 Esher Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 4JZ yes 0.0678 12 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511780&startNorthing=164432 POINT(-0.395635 51.367958) Mixed use development of 12 flats scheme with associated parking at basement and first floor level 2021-01-11 2021-01-11
123 123 Idis House, Churchfield Road, Weybridge, KT13 8DB yes 0.1331 24 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-29 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2625%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2625&address:PARAM=Idis%20House,%20%20Churchfield%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%208DB&northing:PARAM=164771&easting:PARAM=507331 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507361&startNorthing=164795 POINT(-0.458982 51.372072) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
109 109 Thamesview House, Felix Road, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 2SL yes 0.5906 33 not owned by a public authority 2021-01-26 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272019/3601%27&appno:PARAM=2019/3601&address:PARAM=Thamesview%20House,%20%20Felix%20Road,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%202SL&northing:PARAM=167057&easting:PARAM=510280 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510372&startNorthing=167027 POINT(-0.415049 51.391558) Development of part six/ part nine-storey building to create 97 residential units (C3) and ground floor unit for a nursery (D1) with associated bin and cycle stores, parking, access and landscaping following demolition of existing buildings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
110 110 10 Brittain Road, Hersham,Walton-on-Thames, KT12 4LR yes 0.0629 7 not owned by a public authority 2021-02-10 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/2498%27&appno:PARAM=2020/2498&address:PARAM=10%20Brittain%20Road,%20Hersham,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%204LR&northing:PARAM=164330&easting:PARAM=511995 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511995&startNorthing=164330 POINT(-0.39258 51.366999) Detached two-storey building with rooms in the roof space containing 8 flats, detached cycle and bin stores and asscoaited parking following demolition of existing house and garage 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
118 118 8-14 Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 9JL yes 0.5192 47 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-16 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3223%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3223&address:PARAM=8-14%20Oatlands%20Drive%20Weybridge%20Surrey%20KT13%209JL&northing:PARAM=166331&easting:PARAM=509513 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509393&startNorthing=166306 POINT(-0.429336 51.385266) Development comprising 51 flats with associated parking, access and landscaping demolition of existing houses 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
113 113 Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, KT13 0QU yes 1.0359 57 not owned by a public authority 2021-02-24 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3345%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3345&address:PARAM=Members%20Hill,%20%20Brooklands%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200QU&northing:PARAM=162804&easting:PARAM=507273 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507370&startNorthing=162740 POINT(-0.459472 51.353599) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
119 119 241 Brooklands Road, Weybridge, KT13 0RH yes 0.404 32 not owned by a public authority 2021-08-13 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/1868%27&appno:PARAM=2021/1868&address:PARAM=241%20Brooklands%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200RH&northing:PARAM=162859&easting:PARAM=507462 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507428&startNorthing=162839 POINT(-0.45861 51.354478) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
120 120 243 Brooklands Road, Weybridge, KT13 0RH yes 0.3455 17 not owned by a public authority 2021-08-13 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/1870%27&appno:PARAM=2021/1870&address:PARAM=243%20Brooklands%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200RH&northing:PARAM=162886&easting:PARAM=507438 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507414&startNorthing=162899 POINT(-0.458793 51.35502) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
166 166 Weybridge Centre for the Community, Churchfield Place, Weybridge, KT13 8BZ yes 0.0581 8 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507404&startNorthing=164777 POINT(-0.45837 51.371902) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
125 125 6 The Heights, Weybridge, KT13 0XP yes 1.3503 10 not owned by a public authority 2021-12-10 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2032%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2032&address:PARAM=6%20The%20Heights,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200XP&northing:PARAM=162558&easting:PARAM=507205 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507209&startNorthing=162565 POINT(-0.461836 51.352057) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
114 114 Two Oaks, Castleview Road, Weybridge, KT13 9AA yes 0.1501 12 not owned by a public authority 2021-05-26 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/0395%27&appno:PARAM=2021/0395&address:PARAM=Two%20Oaks,%20%20Castleview%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%209AA&northing:PARAM=164787&easting:PARAM=507875 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507887&startNorthing=164789 POINT(-0.45143 51.371919) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 12 dwellings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
172 172 8-14 Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 9JL yes 0.5192 47 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-16 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3223%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3223&address:PARAM=8-14%20Oatlands%20Drive%20Weybridge%20Surrey%20KT13%209JL&northing:PARAM=166331&easting:PARAM=509513 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509393&startNorthing=166306 POINT(-0.429336 51.385266) Development comprising 51 flats with associated parking, access and landscaping demolition of existing houses 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
117 117 145 Hersham Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 5NR yes 0.1 16 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-24 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/1222%27&appno:PARAM=2020/1222&address:PARAM=145%20Hersham%20Road,%20Hersham,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%205NR&northing:PARAM=165079&easting:PARAM=511009 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511011&startNorthing=165068 POINT(-0.40648 51.373825) Part three/ part four-storey detached building comprising 18 flats and 1 retail (74.07 sqm) with associated parking and communal areas following demolition of existing houses and retail unit 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
121 121 Beechwood Court, Station Avenue, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1LT yes 0.1765 10 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-10 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2579%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2579&address:PARAM=Beechwood%20Court,%20%20Station%20Avenue,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%201LT&northing:PARAM=165050&easting:PARAM=510472 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510476&startNorthing=165038 POINT(-0.414172 51.37366) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 10 dwellings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
122 122 Walton Lodge, Bridge Street, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1BT yes 0.2704 20 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-10 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2591%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2591&address:PARAM=Walton%20Lodge,%20%20Bridge%20Street,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%201BT&northing:PARAM=166405&easting:PARAM=509620 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509614&startNorthing=166417 POINT(-0.426127 51.386221) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
169 169 Pineview, Fairmile Park Road, Cobham, KT11 2PG yes 0.2351 6 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512943&startNorthing=160873 POINT(-0.380063 51.335739) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
126 126 Bevendean Cottage, Warren Lane, Oxshott, Leatherhead, KT22 0SU yes 0.3922 14 not owned by a public authority 2021-03-21 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272019/3471%27&appno:PARAM=2019/3471&address:PARAM=Bevendean%20Cottage,%20%20Warren%20Lane,%20Oxshott,%20Leatherhead,%20KT22%200SU&northing:PARAM=160787&easting:PARAM=514345 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514327&startNorthing=160759 POINT(-0.360241 51.334438) Detached two-storey building containing 15 apartments with rooms in the roof space, dormer windows, basement parking, bin/garden store, associated landscaping and parking and close up of existing vehicle access from Warren Lane following demolition of existing house and outbuildings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
128 128 37 Homefield Road, Walton-On-Thames, KT12 3RE yes 0.1164 8 not owned by a public authority 2022-03-03 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/0944%27&appno:PARAM=2021/0944&address:PARAM=37%20Homefield%20Road,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%203RE&northing:PARAM=166690&easting:PARAM=512419 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512418&startNorthing=166695 POINT(-0.385759 51.388172) Detached two-storey block with rooms in the roof space and dormer windows comprising 7 flats and a pair of semi-detached two-storey houses with rooms in the roof space following demolition of existing house. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
129 129 Beechcroft Manor, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 9NY yes 1.6934 11 not owned by a public authority 2022-03-17 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/0086%27&appno:PARAM=2022/0086&address:PARAM=Beechcroft%20Manor%20Weybridge%20Surrey%20KT13%209NY&northing:PARAM=165143&easting:PARAM=508869 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=508688&startNorthing=165266 POINT(-0.439781 51.376054) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 11 dwellings. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
130 130 Garages and playground to the side and rear of 61- 69 Rodney Road 24-30 Ambleside Avenue 10-12 Edgehill Court and Flats 7-11 12-14 St Johns Drive Surrey yes 0.1113 6 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-11 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3499%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3499&address:PARAM=Playground,%20%20Rodney%20Close,%20Walton-On-Thames&northing:PARAM=166090&easting:PARAM=511289 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511299&startNorthing=166091 POINT(-0.402023 51.382964) Two terraces of 3 two-storey houses, bin and cycle stores, parking, landscaping and play area following demolition of existing garages. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
131 131 45 More Lane, Esher, Surrey KT10 8AP yes 0.2663 25 not owned by a public authority 2022-05-31 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/1791%27&appno:PARAM=2021/1791&address:PARAM=45%20More%20Lane%20Esher%20Surrey%20KT10%208AP&northing:PARAM=165461&easting:PARAM=513554 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513540&startNorthing=165455 POINT(-0.370037 51.376804) Development comprising 25 flats in 2 blocks with associated parking and amenity areas. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
132 132 Copsem Manor, 50 Copsem Lane, Esher,Surrey, KT10 9HJ yes 0.3613 6 not owned by a public authority 2022-05-31 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2254%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2254&address:PARAM=Copsem%20Manor,%2050%20Copsem%20Lane,%20Esher,%20KT10%209HJ&northing:PARAM=162058&easting:PARAM=514018 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513969&startNorthing=162039 POINT(-0.364968 51.346015) Three pairs of two-storey semi-detached houses with rooms in the roof space, associated access driveway from Copsem Lane, parking, refuse storage and hard and soft landscaping. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
142 142 Garages to the rear of Foxwarren, Claygate, KT10 0LA yes 0.1186 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=515841&startNorthing=162940 POINT(-0.337808 51.353734) 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
133 133 23-27 High Street, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 3DH yes 0.0775 10 not owned by a public authority 2022-07-01 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/1231%27&appno:PARAM=2022/1231&address:PARAM=25%20High%20Street,%20Cobham,%20KT11%203DH&northing:PARAM=159994&easting:PARAM=510854 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510868&startNorthing=159993 POINT(-0.410111 51.328237) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA: Change of Use from Commercial, Business and Service (E) to Residential (C3). 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
134 134 1-15 Hillbrook Gardens, Weybridge, KT13 0SP yes 0.4181 5 not owned by a public authority 2022-07-20 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/1239%27&appno:PARAM=2022/1239&address:PARAM=1%20Hillbrook%20Gardens,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200SP&northing:PARAM=163298&easting:PARAM=507483 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507482&startNorthing=163297 POINT(-0.457696 51.358585) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 5 dwellings. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
135 135 363 to 367 Molesey Road, Walton-On-Thames, Surrey, KT12 3PF yes 0.111 6 not owned by a public authority outline planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/3072%27&appno:PARAM=2021/3072&address:PARAM=Site%20Of%20363%20To%20367,%20%20Molesey%20Road,%20Walton-On-Thames&northing:PARAM=165748&easting:PARAM=512183 not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512180&startNorthing=165750 POINT(-0.389476 51.379725) Development of terrace of 4 two-storey houses and a terrace of 3 two-storey houses with associated parking and cycle and refuse store following demolition of existing buildings (Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale). 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
136 136 16 Sandy Lane, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 2EQ, yes 0.1176 6 not owned by a public authority 2022-11-24 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/1998%27&appno:PARAM=2022/1998&address:PARAM=16%20Sandy%20Lane%20Walton-on-Thames%20Surrey%20KT12%202EQ&northing:PARAM=167145&easting:PARAM=511004 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510996&startNorthing=167136 POINT(-0.40605 51.392416) Development comprising 2 terraces of three two-storey houses with rooms in the roof space following demolition of existing buildings. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
146 146 47 Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0TA yes 0.3611 25 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=516385&startNorthing=166656 POINT(-0.328785 51.387023) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
137 137 Jolly Boatman and Hampton Court Station Redevelopment Area, Hampton Court Way, East Molesey, KT8 9AE, yes 1.473 97 owned by a public authority 2022-07-08 full planning permission permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=515396&startNorthing=168322 POINT(-0.342452 51.402199) 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
162 162 133-135 Walton Road, East Molesey, KT8 0DT yes 0.1049 8 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514368&startNorthing=168166 POINT(-0.357274 51.401005) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
88 88 40 Fairmile Lane, Cobham, KT11 2DQ yes 0.219 12 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512345&startNorthing=160080 POINT(-0.388893 51.32873) 2019-12-03 2019-12-03
108 108 75 Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 9LN yes 0.2271 9 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509192&startNorthing=165660 POINT(-0.432421 51.379498) Redevelopment to provide 6x2 bed apartments and 4x3 bed houses following demolition of existing building with associated access from Beverley Close. 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
138 138 Manor Court, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8RF yes 0.4556 11 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507861&startNorthing=164859 POINT(-0.451782 51.372553) 2023-06-07 2023-06-07
171 171 40 New Road, Esher, KT10 9NU yes 0.2934 6 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514450&startNorthing=164418 POINT(-0.357301 51.3673) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
152 152 Esher Place, 30 Esher Place Avenue, Esher, KT10 8PZ yes 1.9705 22 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513397&startNorthing=164919 POINT(-0.372261 51.372015) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
141 141 Willow House, Mairfair House and Amberhurst, 4B Claremont Lane, Esher, KT10 9DW yes 0.5145 57 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513965&startNorthing=164233 POINT(-0.364324 51.365735) 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
148 148 Brook House and Thames Honda, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0EG yes 0.3921 30 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=516787&startNorthing=167023 POINT(-0.32289 51.390239) 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
154 154 4-6 Manor Road South and 4 Greenways, Hinchley Wood yes 0.2707 33 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=515655&startNorthing=165154 POINT(-0.339759 51.373672) LAA 2022 site
155 155 30 Copsem Lane, Esher, KT10 9HE yes 0.5544 21 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514058&startNorthing=163455 POINT(-0.363238 51.358724) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
161 161 Cedar Road Car Park, Cedar Road, Cobham, KT11 2AA yes 0.053 5 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510910&startNorthing=160074 POINT(-0.409483 51.328957) LAA 2022 site
168 168 52 Fairmile Lane, Cobham, KT11 2DF yes 0.2839 7 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512318&startNorthing=160362 POINT(-0.389192 51.33127) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
144 144 Weybridge Hospital and car park, 22 Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DW yes 0.8399 30 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507266&startNorthing=164921 POINT(-0.460308 51.373223) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
145 145 Hersham Shopping Centre, Molesey Road, Hersham yes 1.3932 200 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511592&startNorthing=164095 POINT(-0.398441 51.364966) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
149 149 East Molesey Car Park, Walton Road, East Molesey yes 0.3923 23 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514581&startNorthing=167980 POINT(-0.354273 51.39929) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
159 159 Corner Cottage, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0TQ yes 0.0906 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=516377&startNorthing=166735 POINT(-0.328874 51.387734) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
160 160 Quadrant Court Yard, Quadrant Way, Weybridge, KT13 8DR yes 0.1628 15 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507067&startNorthing=164747 POINT(-0.463218 51.371696) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
165 165 Park House, Pratts Lane, Hersham, KT12 4RR yes 0.0466 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511663&startNorthing=164533 POINT(-0.397284 51.368889) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
116 116 Homebase, New Zealand Avenue, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1XA yes 0.9917 209 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-21 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/0832%27&appno:PARAM=2020/0832&address:PARAM=Site%20Of%20Homebase,%20%20New%20Zealand%20Avenue,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%201XA&northing:PARAM=166146&easting:PARAM=509927 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=5099949&startNorthing=166182 POINT(-0.421538 51.38384) Development comprising 222 units of care accommodation with associated communal facilities, landscaping, parking, accesses (vehicular and pedestrian), public realm, biycle stores and sub-station following demolition of existing buildings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
153 153 Café Rouge, Portsmouth Road, Esher, KT10 9AD yes 0.1565 20 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514710&startNorthing=165537 POINT(-0.353207 51.377306) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
156 156 Garages to the west of 17 Grenside Road, Weybridge, KT13 8PY yes 0.0744 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507738&startNorthing=165385 POINT(-0.453389 51.377304) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08

Showing rows 101 to 150 of 152