Mid Sussex District Council
Brownfield land
Reference | Name | Site address | Deliverable | Hazardous substances | Hectares | MinNetDwellings | Minimum net dwellings | Maximum net dwellings | Ownership status | Planning permission date | Planning permission type | Planning permission history | Planning permission status | Site plan URL | Point | Notes | OrganisationLabel | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
SHLAAID83 | SHLAAID83 | Burgess Hill Station yard/car park, Burgess Hill | 1.75 | 100 | 100 | mixed ownership | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.128577 50.952991) | Local Plan allocated. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | ||||||||
SHLAAID84 | SHLAAID84 | The Oaks Centre, Junction Road, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.42 | 12 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.123408 50.959312) | Local Plan allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID92 | SHLAAID92 | Open air market, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.4 | 25 | 25 | owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.129538 50.956901) | Local Plan Allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID106 | SHLAAID106 | Station Goods Yard, Hassocks | 1.35 | 70 | 70 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.14731 50.92323) | SSHAD allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | ||||||||
SHLAAID375 | SHLAAID375 | National Tyre Centre, 60 Keymer Road, Hassocks | 0.14 | 20 | 20 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.140114 50.923707) | No further information available. | 2022-01-20 | 2017-12-12 | ||||||||
SHLAAID441 | SHLAAID441 | 67-69 Railway Approach, East Grinstead | 0.09 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.013918 51.126516) | East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan allocation. Pending planning application on part site; DM/22/0302 | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | ||||||||
SHLAAID446 | SHLAAID446 | 48-50 Junction Road, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.38 | 6 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.123345 50.956768) | No further information available. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID447 | SHLAAID447 | The Emperor Restaurant, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.05 | 12 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-07-20 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.130303 50.956529) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/17/4575 - Demolition of existing restaurant and ancillary staff accommodation. Creation of 12 new flats with a new restaurant and retail space on the ground floor | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID470 | SHLAAID470 | Wealden House, Lewes Road, Ashurst Wood | yes | 1.6 | 54 | 50 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-11-11 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(0.016104 51.113286) | Proposed new build residential development consisting of 54 units following the demolition of all existing site buildings. DM/22/2832 - resubmission pending | 2023-01-23 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID480 | SHLAAID480 | Courtmeadow School, Hanlye Lane, Cuckfield | yes | 0.64 | 13 | 10 | owned by a public authority | 2022-06-15 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.12951 51.015603) | DM/21/3755. Cuckfield Neighbourhood Plan allocation | 2023-01-26 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID510 | SHLAAID510 | Imberhorne Lane car park, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead | yes | 0.18 | 18 | 18 | owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.034132 51.136254) | East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID544 | SHLAAID544 | Western side of Victoria Road, Burgess Hill | 4.4 | 68 | 80 | mixed ownership | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.149561 50.954845) | Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Plan allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | ||||||||
SHLAAID559 | SHLAAID559 | East Grinstead Delivery Office, 76 London Road, East Grinstead | 0.15 | 12 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.009771 51.12564) | East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | ||||||||
SHLAAID597 | SHLAAID597 | Land rear of Devon Villas, Western Road, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.25 | 9 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-12-15 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.094644 50.996666) | Residential development comprising of 4no 3 bed semi detached dwellings and 5no apartments. Amended plans received 18th May showing revised elevations to proposed flats and houses | 2022-01-20 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID619 | SHLAAID619 | Beech Hurst Depot, Bolnore Road, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.8 | 0 | 24 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-08-27 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.118955 50.997042) | Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide 18 dwellings. | 2023-01-26 | 2017-12-13 | 2023-01-26 | ||||
SHLAAID646 | SHLAAID646 | The Garage, 1 Janes Lane, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.13 | 9 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.117664 50.965738) | 12/01690/FUL - lapsed. Lapsed planning permission for 9 units.. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||||
SHLAAID729 | SHLAAID729 | Land adjacent to Greenstede House, Wood Street, East Grinstead | yes | 0.1 | 11 | 11 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-09-21 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.016105 51.127362) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/4308. Erection of new residential apartment building incorporating four storeys of accommodation to include 3 x 1 bedroom apartments and 8 x 2 bedroom apartments, over undercroft parking and refuse, recycling and bicycle storage.. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID732 | SHLAAID732 | The Priory, Syresham Gardens, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.6 | 53 | 53 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-08-05 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.098827 50.995203) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/3508. Conversion of former convent building (B1 and D1 use) and part of former Chapel (A3 use) to 41 residential units (17no. 1 bed, 17no. 2 bed, and 7no. 3 bed flats) together with associated internal and external alterations. Construction of one new build residential block for 12 residential units (5no. 1 bed, and 7no. 2 bed flats. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID744 | SHLAAID744 | NCP Car Park, Harlands Road, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.21 | 40 | 65 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-02-14 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | pending decision | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.107759 51.005677) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/17/2384. Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-14 | 2017-12-14 | |||||
SHLAAID756 | SHLAAID756 | Land at the Brow, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.79 | 100 | 100 | mixed ownership | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.135053 50.956008) | Burgess Hill Neighbourhood Plan allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID763 | SHLAAID763 | Carpet Right, 220 - 228 London Road, East Grinstead | 0.14 | 24 | 24 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.016812 51.129526) | No further details available.. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | ||||||||
SHLAAID824 | SHLAAID824 | Fire Station, The Brow, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.24 | 20 | 20 | owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.135635 50.955946) | No further details available.. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID843 | SHLAAID843 | 37-35 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.62 | 145 | not owned by a public authority | outline planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | pending decision | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.10413 51.003802) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/17/3413. Outline planning application for redevelopment of the site to provide up to 145 new residential units including 30% affordable housing and 1209 sq. metres of commercial floorspace (A2 use class), together with associated car parking. All matters to be reserved except from access.. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2023-08-16 | ||||||
SHLAAID847 | SHLAAID847 | East Grinstead Police Station, College Lane, East Grinstead | yes | 0.42 | 22 | 11 | owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.003648 51.130299) | 11 units as part of a mixed use scheme.. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID36 | SHLAAID36 | Land adjacent to Station Goods Yard, Keymer Road, Hassocks | yes | 0.31 | 16 | 16 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.147713 50.923684) | Small Site Housing Allocation. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID82 | SHLAAID82 | Motorcycle Workshop (former G&W Motors), London Road, Bolney | 0.3 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.198234 50.996503) | Bolney Neighbourhood Plan allocated. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | ||||||||
SHLAAID188 | SHLAAID188 | Land opposite Newlands, (Spring Field Shaw), London Road, Balcombe | yes | 0.3 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.136103 51.056944) | Balcombe Neighbourhood Plan allocation. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||||
SHLAAID324 | SHLAAID324 | Meadway Garage, Lowdells Lane, East Grinstead | yes | 0.16 | 7 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-11-04 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.023258 51.137709) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/16/3264 - 2 No. 1 Bedroom flats, 5 No. 2 bedroom flats with associated car parking. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID768 | SHLAAID768 | Martells Store, 1-4 Normans Gardens and 38A Queens Road, East Grinstead | yes | 0.5 | 129 | 129 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-05-22 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.009883 51.124805) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/5067. Demolition of the existing retail premises on the on the northern side of Queens Walk along with 1-4 Normans Gardens and 26-38a Queens Road for mixed use development comprising new retail (1,624sqm) and 129 residential apartments along with necessary supporting infrastructure to include: waste and refuse facilities, plant and ventilation, servicing, car parking and cycle storage. (Amended plans received). http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID45 | SHLAAID45 | Former Sewage Works, Fairbridge Way, Burgess Hill | yes | 10.5 | 325 | 325 | not owned by a public authority | 2014-06-24 | outline planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.134564 50.968882) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/19/1895 - pending - Development comprising the redevelopment of the former sewage treatment works to provide up to 325 residential dwellings (Class C3), the relocation of the existing residential gypsy site, a community hall with associated access and landscaping at Fairbridge Way, Burgess Hill. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID199 | SHLAAID199 | Land to rear of 151 Western Road, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.39 | 14 | 14 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-02-23 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.09261 50.999007) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/3636 - Demolition of existing garage buildings and erection of 14 no houses and 1 no 180sqm B1 use building | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID321 | SHLAAID321 | Seaspace House, Brighton Road, Handcross | yes | 0.2 | 7 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-07-19 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.201048 51.052555) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/17/0587 - Proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of 7 no. residential units: 4 x 3 bed semi-detached house and 3 x 3 bed terraced houses with associated parking and landscaping works. | 2022-01-20 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID369 | SHLAAID369 | Phoenix House, 53-59 Lingfield Road, East Grinstead | yes | 0.16 | 9 | 11 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-05-28 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.017113 51.132982) | Reserved Matters application for the approval of the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for demolition of existing buildings to provide 9 no. two/three bedroom dwellings with associated parking and landscaping, following outline application DM/19/1256 (Amended plans received 15 March 2021) (Amended plans received 15 April 2021) | 2022-01-20 | 2022-01-20 | |||||
SHLAAID444 | SHLAAID444 | Warrenside, College Lane, East Grinstead | yes | 0.17 | 12 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | 2014-05-14 | outline planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | Not permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.00295 51.12632) | Neighbourhood Plan allocationPlanning Permission Reference: 12/01877/OUT - Lapsed | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID472 | SHLAAID472 | Stafford House, 91 Keymer Road, Hassocks | yes | 0.8 | 14 | 14 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-09-19 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.133569 50.922973) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/3309 - Conversion of Stafford House into 4 apartments and erection of 10 houses in the grounds. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID531 | SHLAAID531 | Land north of 99 Reed Pond Walk, Franklands Village, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.48 | 24 | 18 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-12-22 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.089363 50.995824) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/22/1371 (supersedes DM/18/4118) - Proposed residential development of 24 x 2 bed flats. | 2023-01-26 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID728 | SHLAAID728 | Ravenswood Hotel, Horsted Lane, Sharpthorne | yes | 3.19 | 12 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-07-24 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.037549 51.054843) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/2013 - Conversion and change of use of existing building currently used as a hotel and venue (C1) to 12 residential units (C3) 1x one bed, 8x two bed, 2x three bed, 1x six bed. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID730 | SHLAAID730 | 69 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill | yes | 0.18 | 14 | 14 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-01-08 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.150317 50.955967) | Planning Permission Reference: 14/03097/FUL - Demolition of existing building and the construction of 2 x four bedroom houses and 12 x two bedroom flats with associated car parking and landscaping | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID746 | SHLAAID746 | Land south of Phoenix House, Cantelupe Road, East Grinstead | yes | 0.1 | 12 | 12 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-09-23 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.007599 51.124906) | Completed. Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/0855 - The erection of 12no. flats consisting of 7no. two bed flats and 5no. 1 bed flats | 2022-01-20 | 2017-12-13 | 2022-01-20 | ||||
SHLAAID759 | SHLAAID759 | Tower Car Sales, Tower Close, East Grinstead | yes | 0.05 | 9 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-03-07 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.013981 51.129709) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/21/3534 (DM/17/1537 lapsed) Demolition of car sales office and workshop and erection of part 2/part 3 storey building comprising 8 apartments with 8 parking spaces. 'Amended plans received 11th November showing a revised design of the proposed building and one additional flat (9 in total). | 2023-01-26 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID765 | SHLAAID765 | Slaugham Manor, Slaugham Place, Slaugham. | yes | 2.3 | 24 | 24 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-12-21 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.204499 51.034154) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/16/2531 - Hybrid application consisting of demolition of 6 buildings and outline application (access, landscaping, layout, and scale) for construction of 15 new dwellings, and full application for the conversion and extension of the retained Manor House into 9 flats and change of use and extension of Ryders into a single dwelling. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID767 | SHLAAID767 | 11 Boltro Road, Haywards Heath | yes | 0.01 | 7 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-10-09 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.106356 51.003728) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/3360 - Determination as to whether prior notification is required for the change of use of office (B1) to 7 no. residential units | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID773 | SHLAAID773 | Superdrug, 78 London Road, East Grinstead | yes | 0.44 | 10 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-02-15 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.009938 51.126007) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/21/2992: Conversion of upper floors to provide 2 x 1 bedroom and 8 x 2 bedroom flats including roof extensions and alterations, cycle storage, refuse provision and associated works. (supersedes DM/18/0285) | 2023-01-26 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID778 | SHLAAID778 | Wallis Centre, De La Warr Road, East Grinstead | yes | 0.18 | 7 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-02-28 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/brownfield-land-register/ | POINT(-0.004768 51.126315) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/16/3196. Demolition of existing community centre (D1) and the erection of 7 residential units. http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-licensing-building-control/planning-policy/local-development-framework/evidence-base/strategic-housing-land-availability-assessment/ | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID488 | SHLAAID488 | Palmers Autocare Centre, Turners Hill Road, Crawley Down | yes | 0.18 | 8 | 8 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-08-04 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.087955 51.124944) | Planning Permission reference: DM/17/1660 - Erection of eight dwellings following demolition of previous commercial building. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID528 | SHLAAID528 | Martlets Shopping Centre, Burgess Hill | yes | 2.27 | 142 | 142 | mixed ownership | 2016-02-26 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.132781 50.955813) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/3858 - Demolition of multi-storey car park, public library, community building and offices. Provision of additional retail floor space (Class A1-A5), residential units (Class C3), a multi-screen cinema (Class D2), public library (Class D1), a hotel (Class C1), the reconfiguration and expansion of existing car park, amendments to the site access, public realm improvements including landscaping and other associated works. | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID430 | SHLAAID430 | Victoria House, College Road, Ardingly | yes | 0.09 | 5 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-05-17 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.078872 51.048308) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/15/4856 - Residential development of 5 two storey dwellings: 2x 4 bedroom semi-detached, 2x 3 bedroom semi-detached, 1x 3 bedroom detached. Together with ancillary site development | 2017-12-13 | 2017-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID923 | SHLAAID923 | 49 Queens Road East Grinstead | yes | 0.15 | 14 | 14 | not owned by a public authority | 2018-01-26 | full planning permission | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.010515 51.125217) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/17/2725 - Conversion of a D1 educational building to 14 no. residential apartments with new additional set back third floor and infilling of existing undercroft areas. Associated car parking, landscaping, cycle spaces, amenity areas, 1.1m high metal fence and new ramp. | 2018-12-13 | 2018-12-13 | |||||
SHLAAID926 | SHLAAID926 | 18 Station Road East Grinstead | yes | 0.02 | 6 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-06-06 | other | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.016199 51.127975) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/17/1634 - Proposed Change of Use from ground floor to second floor of office (B1) building to residential (C3) comprising 6 x one bed residential units. | 2018-12-13 | 2018-12-13 | 2020-12-08 | ||||
SHLAAID954 | SHLAAID954 | 3 Heath Sqaure Boltro Road Haywards Heath | yes | 0.01 | 6 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-07-24 | other | https://pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications/ | permissioned | https://www.midsussex.gov.uk/planning-building/evidence-supporting-documents/ | POINT(-0.106979 51.002775) | Planning Permission Reference: DM/17/2328 - Proposed change of use from office use (Class B1(a)) to 6 no. dwellings (Class C3) | 2018-12-13 | 2018-12-13 | 2020-12-08 |
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