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Northumberland County Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
2379x 2379x Bearsbridge Sawmill (brownfield parcel) 0.49 5 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.341725 54.911168) Site of a sawmill complex in a highly rural location. The facility is no longer operations but a range of industrial buildings and associated infrastructure and storage land remains. Despite peripheral setting there could be scope for redevelopment through a small-scale residential project on part f the land. The overall SHLAA site is mixed in nature but the reduced yield indicated recognises a focus on the brownfield parcel. Brownfield element (0.49ha) considered to be suitable for small-scale development - a yield of around 5 dwellings can be calculated based on methodological approach. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (2379) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 0.84ha. A saved Tynedale Local Plan allocation for 10 dwellings covers part of site. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
2399 2399 Former Goods Yard to the West of Haltwhistle Station, Tyne View Road, Haltwhistle 1.45 27 30 owned by a public authority 2008-05-29 not permissioned POINT(-2.465911 54.967485) The former goods yard at Haltwhistle station, comprising vacant hardstanding, some of which is overgrown. The land as been out of use for a number of years, with the most recent use being as open-air storage, but remains in Network Rail ownership. The Tyne Valley railway line is immediately to the north and River South Tyne adjacent to south.. Setting offers a potentially attractive location for residential development, although some constraints of access are identified. Remediation also likely due to former use. Outline permission for residential development of up to 50 homes was secured previously but has now lapsed (T/20041143). A subsequent application submitted in 2011 to extend this but was eventually disposed without determination (11/00905/FUL). Saved Tynedale Local Plan allocation for 30 dwellings also covers site . Whilst the previous consent was for up to 50 dwellings, a reduced indicative yield of 30 units is identified in the SHLAA, appropriate given the setting and site constraints. Recently confirmed that the land is available for redevelopment and that a proposal for a revised residential scheme is to be considered again. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
2470x 2470x Newlands (brownfield parcel) 3.49 18 20 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.854786 54.900825) Extensive, isolated derelict industrial land formerly home to the Marley Tiles factory. Comprises of a large industrial site in the countryside, which has been out of use since closure of the factory in 2008. The former factory and office buildings are in very poor repair and the site is largely derelict. The site has been identified and proposed for redevelopment for a number of years. The remaining buildings and industrial infrastructure require demolition prior to being redeveloped, as part of a significant clearance of the whole site. An initial application for residential development was refused as long ago as 2000 (T/20000109). A revised proposal to construct 109 houses following clearance has been refused in 2019 (18/02239/FUL). The subsequent appeal against this decision was dismissed in October 2021. This proposal was focused on the brownfield element of the site, the footprint of the factory buildings and associated hardstanding. Notwithstanding this recent refusal, potential may exist for a residential scheme, but at an appropriate scale for the setting. Being a mixed site of both brownfield and greenfield land, the much reduced yield of 20 dwellings indicated in the SHLAA recognises development of discreet parcel of overall brownfield land (3.49ha). For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 2470) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 20.93ha. Potential may still exist for residential development, but a scheme will have to overcome the significant constraints and concerns highlighted and be of any appropriate scale for the rural location.. The site remains available. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
2497 2497 Bus Station Site, Priestpopple, Hexham yes 0.16 36 36 owned by a public authority 2015-11-08 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-2.099387 54.969812) Land in town centre that was previously the site of Hexham bus station. Now vacant following relocation of the facility and identified as a key redevelopment opportunity. Proposals for mixed-use redevelopment have been made on a number of occasions over the years, in part and as part of a wider scheme with adjacent land (2258, 2497). This planning history goes back over a long period. An initial permission for redevelopment of the bus station site, providing retail units and 30 flats, was granted in 1992 (T/92/E/398,T/950511). Despite renewal, this lapsed. A number of years later a revised scheme was submitted for tandem redevelopment of both parcels. A revised application for a complex mixed-use scheme of residential development and retail, commercial and office floorspace was permitted but again lapsed without commencement (15/02794/FUL). A total of 36 dwellings were proposed, comprising of 5 houses and 31 apartments in three blocks. The proposal included part demolition, reconstruction, alteration and conversion of the existing buildings. It has recently been confirmed that a revised scheme is going to be proposed in due course. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. Any future redevelopment is likely to be in combination with adjacent land (2258, 2497). There will be opportunity for a higher density development in this location, probably with an apartment scheme. The potential yield is recorded against the former bus station record (see 2497). An application for extensive and complex redevelopment works, including part demolition, reconstruction, alteration and conversion of a range of buildings to create a mixed-use development, including to create 36 dwellings and commercial floorspace, was permitted in 2015 (15/02794/FUL)..The proposed scheme would deliver floorspace for retail, commercial and office premises, alongside the development of 5 houses and 31 flats across three apartment blocks. The site encompasses two parcels of land (2497, 2258) and encompasses an operating bus station, photography studio, a former ropery, various vacant buildings, as well as areas of vacant land. This permission lapsed due to non-implementation. Another application for demolition of the ropery and construction of 6 dwellings was withdrawn prior to determination (13/03838/FUL). This scheme only encompassed the old ropery building on the eastern parcel (2258), An earlier application for demolition of the existing building and construction of 17 apartments and 2 office units, was permitted in 2006 (T/20061115). This scheme was for the bulk of the eastern parcel, but excluding the old ropery (2258), Similarly, this permission lapsed due to non-implementation. An earlier outline application for part clearance and construction of retail units and 30 flats was permitted in 2005 (T/950511). This was a renewal of an earlier permission, dating from 1992 (T/92/E/398). A revised application for a complex mixed-use scheme of residential development and retail, commercial and office floorspace was permitted but again lapsed without commencement (15/02794/FUL). A total of 36 dwellings were proposed, comprising of 5 houses and 31 apartments in three blocks. The proposal included part demolition, reconstruction, alteration and conversion of the existing buildings. Whilst previous schemes have not progressed, it still considered to be developable in the medium- to longer-term. It has recently been confirmed that a revised scheme is going to be proposed in due course. Any future redevelopment is likely to be in combination with adjacent land (2258, 2497). There will be opportunity for a higher density development in this location, probably with an apartment scheme. The potential yield is recorded against one record (see 2497). 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
2536 2536 Coal Cells at Haydon Bridge Railway Station (3), Haydon Bridge 0.35 7 8 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.245567 54.975427) Former railway land, adjacent to the Tyne Valley line, Part of the former goods yard site at Haydon Bridge station, it is now vacant and no longer in use. Identified as having potential for redevelopment to provide residential units, with a smaller-scale scheme probably being appropriate given the identified constraints. Remediation likely due to historic use. The indicative density recognises the setting and constraints to development. Recently confirmed that the site is available for redevelopment and a proposal is being considered in due course. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
2554x 2554x West Orchard House, Allendale Road, Hexham (brownfield parcel) 0.24 0 0 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.10996 54.969048) Site to the west of Hexham town centre comprising of the existing West Orchard House, associated land and adjacent vacant land. The north east of the site had also been occupied by an ambulance station and associated classrooms for training/teaching, but this had been cleared following earlier relocation. The site/building has had a number of other uses, including a funeral directors, garages, and offices for the Red Cross. Largely brownfield site with small element of greenfield land. The overall SHLAA site is mixed but a reduced yield recognises a focus on the brownfield land (0.24ha) . Brownfield element as been considered suitable for small-scale development of 6 units in the past. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 2554) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 0.43ha. A number of proposals for (re)development have been put forward over the years. This includes for the whole site and in part. Two parallel applications, for demolition of the redundant ambulance station and associated classrooms, refurbishment of the main building, and construction of a new office block, were refused (12/00327/CON, 12/00355/FUL). A revised proposal was then permitted (12/03311/CON, 12/03310/FUL). This proposals is for the northern part of the site. Another application for building of a single dwelling on land to the rear has now also been permitted (15/03735/FUL). This is for the southern part of the site. Following recent reappraisal, it is no longer considered that any further potential for residential development now remains. No future residential development is now forecast from the site. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17 2020-11-18
2610 2610 The Old School, Bellingham 0.42 8 9 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.254224 55.146089) Vacant former railway land that has been vacant for many years since closure of the route. The site is on the alignment of the old trackbed and was also the site of cattle pens. Offers potential for small-scale residential scheme within the settlement, with yield indicated representative of the site constraints. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
2739 2739 Prospect House (Council Offices), Hallgate, Hexham yes 0.18 16 16 owned by a public authority 2019-03-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.099923 54.971573) Grade II listed building within Hexham town centre. Originally built in the 18th Century, it has been extended and alerted a number of times since. Latterly provided local authority office accommodation but has now been declared surplus. The building is now vacant and available for a redevelopment project. Two alternative schemes has recently been approved. The first was for development of 16 flats and 2 cottages, through part demolition, alteration and conversion of the listed building and construction of new-build homes (17/04070/FUL). The second, for 16 units in total, again by part demolition, extension and conversion of the Grade II listed office buildings, construction of a new three-storey apartment block to form 14 flats, and then 2 additional cottages (19/01910/FUL). Works include demolition of the former council chamber and construction of an extension to the rear, followed by construction of a 3-storey apartment block. The amended scheme has reduced the yield from the initial proposal from the initial 18 units. Both permissions were extant concurrently and either scheme could be theoretically delivered. Now under-construction, with developer progressing the revised 2019 scheme. The developer has recently confirmed that works will be completed in late 2021, with full occupation envisaged in early 2022. 2021-12-17 2016-06-30
3000 3000 Scots Gap Auction Mart, Scots Gap 1.67 27 30 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.93858 55.171976) Operating auction mart that comprises extensive buildings, associated facilities and land. The site represents a sizeable area of brownfield land in a rural location. However, given the presence of an operational business, which performs an important role in the local community, the site is not available in the short-term. Relocation is not currently being considered by the owners but potential for redevelopment may exist in the longer-term. Recently confirmed that this will not be before 2029. This could be either in whole or part, depending on future commercial and business requirements. Any residential development would need to be reflective of the wider village and isolated location. In light of this an indicative yield of 30 dwellings is considered fitting. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3017 3017 East Farm & Factory Unit, Longhirst Road, Pegswood yes 0.56 27 27 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-1.647323 55.181286) Redundant agricultural buildings and vacant land in the heart of Pegswood. Mainly brownfield with a very small greenfield element, including some Grade II listed buildings. Identified for redevelopment for a number of years. Yield indicated is capacity of the brownfield element. An initial outline application for 17 dwellings, through part demolition, conversion an new-build, was disposed of without determination in 2018 (15/04203/OUT). A revised proposal has since been submitted. This is for a total of 30 dwellings, with the application now minded to approve, with only S106 agreement remaining outstanding (18/00168/FUL). The works involve demolition of an existing bungalow, part demolition of agricultural bluing's, conversion of the remaining listed farm buildings to create 2 units and construction of 26 new-build homes and 4 affordable bungalows. The scheme also includes the refurbishment of a flat above former shop/cafe (not net gain from this aspect). If permitted, the proposal will result in the net gain of 27 dwellings on completion. Final permission is yet to be granted and, until there is more certainty available, the scheme is considered developable in the longer-term (year-6 onwards). Deliverability will be reappraised if the current application is permitted. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
3024 3024 NCC Council Offices, Newgate Street, Morpeth yes 0.39 12 12 owned by a public authority 2019-11-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.692834 55.17059) Grade II listed former local authority offices in the town centre. The building is now surplus, vacant and offers opportunity for redevelopment through conversion. A relatively high density is considered to be appropriate, recognising the location within central Morpeth and likelihood of a conversion to flats. An initial application for 17 dwellings, provided through a combination of conversation and new-build development, was refused and dismissed on appeal (17/00884/FUL.). After this, two alternative schemes have recently been permitted. The first is for alteration and conversion of the listed building to 13 flats, alongside construction of 4 new dwellings on land to the rear (18/00336/FUL). Subsequently, a revised scheme, just focussed on the listed building conversion to create 12 apartments, has since been permitted (19/00692/FUL). This does not include any new-build aspect. Both permissions were concurrently extant, meaning either could be delivered. However, the developer has recently commenced on the revised scheme for 12 units. The first units were completed in 2020/21, with the remained to follow in 2021/22. NB - the development of bungalows to the rear of the site (from the original 2017 application) has since been subject to a separate proposal and application (18/04456/FUL). This project is now identified as a discreet small site (11021). 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
3035 3035 Lynemouth Scrapyard, Albion Terrace, Lynemouth 0.69 9 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.549894 55.215454) Land at the edge of the settlement currently utilised for caravan storage. Whilst in use the site may be available in the future. There may be requirement for relocation of the existing business before redevelopment could be progressed. A small-scale scheme is considered to be fitting given the site and locality. The site is outwith the identified settlement boundary. An existing business remains operating from the site and there has been no recent indication of relocation and/or change in circumstances. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3036 3036 Queen Street Garages, Park Road, Lynemouth 0.33 7 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.54544 55.211825) Site formerly occupied by domestic garages but now vacant following clearance. Potential for redevelopment of land within an existing residential area of Lynemouth through a small infill scheme. There may be opportunity for development at a slightly higher density, appropriate to surrounding established residential development. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3049 3049 Post Office, West Market Street, Lynemouth 0.01 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2009-06-05 not permissioned POINT(-1.537544 55.212443) Existing end of terrace retail unit with a flat at first floor level. Now also function as the post office, following closure of the adjacent petrol filling station and shop that had previously housed this service (3076). Following recent reappraisal, now considered suitable for a development of a lower yield and classified as a small site. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30 2020-11-19
3052 3052 Hadston Industrial Estate (North), Hadston 2.61 53 59 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-1.607017 55.29743) Vacant land that forms part of a larger industrial estate. This particular parcel has been unused for over a decade and comprises of hardstanding and overgrown areas following earlier clearance of former buildings. The southern part of the estate is in control of Homes England and comprises f two parcels that are surplus and available for redevelopment (3052, 3053). Land to the north continues to be occupied by a range of business and a number of commercial and industrial units are in situ. Any partial redevelopment of the site would need to carefully consider the needs of operational employment land to the north and the relationship to adjacent housing. An outline application for demolition and redevelopment for 65 homes was withdrawn in 2018 (17/01887/OUT). This proposal was not progressed but encompassed the two vacant adjacent parcels of land, part of the wider industrial estate (3052, 3053). Landowner still intends to bring the site forward for redevelopment. A revised application for 80 homes has been submitted in 2021 and is currently pending consideration (21/02551/FUL). Currently considered developable later in the plan period. Both deliverability and yield will be reappraised is this current proposal is permitted. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
3059 3059 Benfield VW Garage, Castle Bank, Morpeth 0.19 7 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.686879 55.165247) Former commercial garage site that is vacant following closure a few years ago, with the remaining buildings in a dilapidated state. Would offer an appropriate location for infill residential development. Demolition of remaining derelict buildings would be required prior to redevelopment An increased density could be fitting for the town centre location, possibly through a flat/apartment scheme. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
3068 3068 Gas Works, Gas House Lane, Morpeth 0.23 8 9 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.681916 55.167588) Former gasworks site on the edge of the town centre. The former industrial buildings and gasholders were cleared at an earlier date and there is an opportunity for infill redevelopment. Given the location, the indicative yield reflects potential for a scheme at a slightly increased density, potentially a flatted scheme. Remediation of the land may be necessary due to past use. The land has been utilised for storage recently, enabled by an approval for change of use (16/00598/FUL). The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
3069 3069 Goose Hill Police Station, Castle Bank, Morpeth yes 0.56 32 32 not owned by a public authority 2020-11-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.684274 55.165222) Former police station that has been sold following relocation to a new site within Morpeth. Identified for redevelopment for residential use, with a scheme is likely to involve conversion of the existing buildings alongside an element of new-build. An application to provide a total of 32 units was permitted in November 2020, having been under consideration for some time (17/02588/FUL). Project consists of refurbishment of the main building, garages and stables into 6 apartments and 1 house, and the demolition of workshops, buildings, and former police houses to enable construction of a further 18 apartments and 7 houses. Site has been sold to new owners to progress enable development. Construction works yet to commence but forecast for delivery with 5 years. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
3074x 3074x St George's Hospital (land north), Morpeth (brownfield parcel) yes 20.8 282 282 owned by a public authority 2018-05-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.689111 55.179019) Second phase of the strategic redevelopment of St. George's Hospital site comprising of a range of buildings and a large area of associated land. The facility is now vacant, surplus to requirements and available for redevelopment. This follows the completion of the new St. George's Hospital facility. Identified for a strategic mixed-use redevelopment. Demolition of the remaining 12 buildings was initially undertaken (15/01620/DEMGDO). A hybrid permission (full and outline) was then secured for 875 homes, alongside a wide range of supporting uses (16/00994/FULES). As well as residential development, the scheme includes a local centre to potentially provide a range of retail, food and drink, community, leisure and businesses uses, alongside associated open space and strategic infrastructure. Site is a mix of brownfield and greenfield land with the former involving redevelopment of existing buildings. Brownfield element (c.20ha) represents around one-third of the site area - a yield of around 282 dwellings can be calculated based on methodological approach. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 3074) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 64.51ha. Detailed application yet to be submitted for residential aspect but reserved matters currently pending for site-wide infrastructure (expected to be determined in December 2021). Landowner anticipates first completions in 2022/23, with a long-term build-out programme to follow. NB - see separate record for Phase-1 (3397). 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
3076 3076 Lynemouth Garage, West Market Street, Lynemouth 0.05 5 6 not owned by a public authority 2009-06-05 not permissioned POINT(-1.537466 55.212334) Former petrol filling station, comprising the forecourt and associated buildings. The site has not been utilised as a garage for a number of years, but the associated former shop has more latterly been utilised as 2 retail units, including as a post office, with 2 flats at first floor level. However, retails use has now ceased and the flat-roofed building has been in a poor state of repair. The post office has moved to another shop immediately adjacent (3049). The former garage forecourt is now occupied by a car wash business and is therefore not available in the immediate term. Permission was granted for redevelopment of the site with 6 flats some years ago, but wat never implemented and lapsed (CM/20090251). This would have seen the demolition of the existing building, clearance and a new-build block of 6 apartments constructed. An existing business remains operating from the site and there has been no recent indication of relocation and/or change in circumstances. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3084 3084 Ponteland Library, Thornhill Road, Ponteland yes 0.08 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.744118 55.051205) Former library that has is surplus to requirements following relocation of the facility in 2017. Site comprises of the now vacant flat-roofed 1960s-era building and adjacent car park. Demolition of the library is required prior to redevelopment. An application for clearance and erection of 25 units has been permitted (16/04427/FUL). The scheme is for a total of 25 apartments, provided through a pair of three-storey apartment blocks, linked by a glass walkway at second-floor level. Development of 25 dwellings completed in 2018/19. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17 2019-12-17
3101 3101 Lynemouth Conveyor (south), Lynemouth 42.83 200 200 not owned by a public authority 2008-02-20 not permissioned POINT(-1.527835 55.208164) Strategic area of brownfield land to the south of the village, site of the former Lynemouth Colliery. Offers potential for a significant redevelopment project, regenerating former industrial land that has been vacant since the final closure of the pit. Significant remediation likely to due to former use. An outline application for up to 200 homes was live for a number of years but was eventually disposed of in 2019 (CM/20090157). This proposal was for a mixed-use scheme and included employment and community uses alongside residential development across two sites (3101. 3496). Identified yield reflecting a confined to development on brownfield land. Despite the previous proposal not coming to fruition, the land is considered to still have potential to support a residential scheme, although this will need to be at scale appropriate Part of the site is proposed for designation as priority open space and outwith the identified settlement boundary in the Local Plan. No residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3133 3133 Pegswood Garage (former), Longhirst Road, Pegswood 0.17 5 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.645508 55.182296) Commercial garage site and associated land, comprising a workshop and outbuildings. The site was vacant for a time but is now occupied by a tyre business. There is also an associated two-storey dwelling on the site. During the period the site was unused, it was identified for redevelopment. Works would require demolition of the existing garage and remediation. Identified yield could be towards the lower range of what is appropriate given the location. A previous proposal for demolition of the garage premises and construction of 10 dwellings was submitted but later withdrawn (15/04227/FUL). An existing business remains operating from the site and there has been no recent indication of relocation and/or change in circumstances. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3325 3325 Garage Site, Fourth Row, Linton 0.59 14 15 not owned by a public authority 2010-03-26 not permissioned POINT(-1.588601 55.215725) Site that has been occupied domestic garages, sheds and small-scale outbuildings, a few of which remain in situ. The southern part of the site is now largely vacant and overgrown following earlier clearance. The northern part of the site comprises of hardstanding, utilised for vehicle storage for the adjacent industrial land. This immediate adjacent land was previously part of the Linton Colliery site until closure. Any remaining structures would require clearance. Identified for redevelopment for a number of years, with outline permission for residential development first granted in 2003 (03/D/0614). A detailed scheme was then consented for 5 detached dwellings but this permission lapsed, despite renewal (CM/200610322, 10/S/00036/VARYCO,). Despite the earlier proposal not being progressed, it is still considered that potential for redevelopment still exists. The identified yield reflects adjacent residential development. The immediate availability of the site is uncertain. It is considered to still have potential in the longer-term, but residential development is forecast later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3358 3358 Karva Furniture, Grangemoor Road, Widdrington Station 0.67 11 12 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.628178 55.24068) Disused factory site to the west of Widdrington Station, and not within the main settlement. The complex comprises of flat-roofed buildings, largely single storey, but are now derelict and in an increasing state of disrepair. The land had previously been part of Stobswood drift mine, housing the pithead baths, lamp room and associated outbuildings. On closure, an industrial workshop was constructed, which was utilised for furniture manufacturing for many years. The site has been vacant for some time and is no longer considered suitable for modern industrial/commercial use. A range of buildings are currently in situ and would require clearance prior to redevelopment. An initial outline application was refused in 2006 (CM/20060524). A revised proposal, for demolition and development of 13 homes, theoretically remains to be determined (CM/20070970). However there has been no progress with this application for many years. A much more recent proposal to build 9 homes on clearance was then submitted but later withdrawn (17/00204/FUL). Recently confirmed that the landowner still intends to redevelop the site and progress the live planning application. Noting the long planning history, it remains available. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3406 3406 Nordstrom House, Manor Grange, Broomhill yes 0.27 18 18 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-18 outline planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.612392 55.303459) Former factory and associated land that is unoccupied following closure in 2009. The premises had latterly been utilised for manufacturer of clothing, but has now been vacant for a number of years. Demolition of derelict buildings, the majority single-storey, flat-roof structures, is would be required prior to redevelopment of the site. The remainder of the site is vacant. The site has a long-running planning history going back a number of years. An initial outline permission were approved but lapsed despite being extended (CM/01/D/043, CM/04/D/651)., A revised proposal was then permitted, for demolition and redevelopment with 18 homes, but again expired with implementation despite renewal (CM/20090540, 13/00968/VARYCO, A more outline permission for clearance and construction 18 units was granted but has also now lapsed (16/01201/OUT). The site has now been sold. Recently confirmed that redevelopment will not be progressed immediately, but that the site is still available and that the new landowner is to consider the opportunity for redevelopment in the future. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
3427 3427 Police HQ, Ponteland yes 21.77 253 253 owned by a public authority 2018-01-22 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.761283 55.059929) Former Northumbria Police HQ to the northern edge of Ponteland, that was declared surplus following relocation to a new site in central Newcastle. First developed in 1902 to provide cottage homes for children, the original buildings are Grade II listed. The existing it then became a teacher training college in 1962 and saw extensive development following this.. Many of the buildings were constructed in the 1960s and are of low-quality, many being in a poor state of repair. The Police Authority took occupation of the site in 1982 but it is not longer required for operational purposes and available for redevelopment. There a large number of existing buildings on site, providing office and administrative accommodation, and training facilities, the vast majority of which require demolition. The exceptions will be the retention of the existing communications centre, which is to remain in police use, and the listed buildings at the centre of the site. The latter are identified on a separate parcel (3427a). Redevelopment has been proposed for many years. The original proposal for redevelopment was withdrawn (CM/20080775). A revised scheme for mixed-use redevelopment was then approved in outline (14/01442/OUT). Detailed permission for 253 new homes has recently followed (17/02747/REM). The vast majority of the site is brownfield in nature - although there is a very small element of greenfield land the yield represents the capacity of the brownfield land. Comprehensive development of the site is now underway. Delivery programme to continue and overall development anticipated to be completed within the next 3 years (2023/24). NB - see separate record for associated conversion scheme providing an additional 22 units (3427a). 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
3486x 3486x Moorhouse Farm, Stannington Station (brownfield parcel) 1.1 14 15 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.667819 55.128148) Farm shop, cafe, former agricultural buildings and associated land. The site would not be available in the short-term due to the operational business. Mixed site comprising both brownfield and greenfield land, but the latter is beyond the settlement limit and not considered suitable. Overall SHLAA site includes both elements of the but reduced yield indicated recognises brownfield land (1.10ha) which represents over half of the site area and is considered to be suitable for small scale development of 15 units. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (3486) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 1.92ha. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
3491 3491 Stobswood Brickworks, Stobswood yes 7.55 19 104 not owned by a public authority 2015-05-07 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.625441 55.24582) Land at the former Stobswood Colliery and associated brickworks. The site has been cleared in recent times following cessation of the industrial uses, with all the previous buildings and associated infrastructure gradually having been cleared as the site has declined. This culminated with clearance of the brickworks in 2005 following final closure, Now fully vacant, comprising of the footprint of former buildings and hardstanding, much of which is overgrown. Demolition waste still occupies the site following the clearance and significant remediation is still required prior to redevelopment. Somewhat peripheral location, being located to the far side of the ECML to the rest of Stobswood and Widdrington Station, although offers a chance for a comprehensive redevelopment of derelict industrial land. Significant remediation is required before development can begin. Provision of a residential scheme has been proposed for a number of years and there is a complex planning history to the site. The original proposal for 36 units was refused (05/D/773). A revised outline permission for 26 homes was permitted but not progressed (CM/20061042). Following this, a hybrid consent was secured for 149 homes, the majority of which were in outline (CM/20090001). It included full planning permission for a small-scale scheme of 19 dwellings, a phase-1 to development. Initial site works have implemented this permission and it will not lapse. An application to vary this was approved in 2020, reducing the overall total to 104 homes (17/04653/VARYCO). However, in a recent Section 73 application, the applicant proposes to expand the phase-1 area to encompass 50 dwellings rather than the 19 previously indicated. So it is yet to be confirmed how many dwellings will be constructed and what elements of the permission will be delivered due to the complex nature of the planning history.. The permitted scheme includes a combined heat and power plant, enterprise space, allotments and associated open space. It is noted that a number of obstacles and constraints are evident, factors that have led to viability/deliverable to be questioned in the past. However, the hybrid permission remains extant, with it recently confirmed the landowner is continue to make progress towards delivering a residential scheme. Whilst no recent progress has been made, it is intended to progress with satisfying planning conditions shortly. Delivery forecast to begin within the next 5 years, with overall completion forecast for the 6-10 year period. 2021-12-17 2016-06-30
3500x 3500x Netherton Park (land at) (brownfield parcel) yes 3.28 36 36 not owned by a public authority 2021-02-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.659321 55.118645) Former local authority residential care institution and associated land that is now surplus to requirements. Relatively peripheral setting, lying outside a settlement. The site formed Netherton Park Secure Children’s Home, consisting buildings and associated areas of hardstanding and land. The facilities were housed in one main building and then a number of smaller properties. Following review, in 2012 the site was declared surplus to requirements and available for redevelopment. This was part of wider proposal to relocate to smaller community homes in local areas, rather than operate a centralised facility at this location. The care units and administrative buildings were gradually vacated following this decision. A redevelopment scheme will involve demolition of the empty buildings, some of which are in a poor state of repair. Outline planning permission is in place for redevelopment for up to 85 units (14/00808/OUT). A reserved matters application was approved in February 2021 (20/02069/REM). Site is mixed in nature, with the brownfield element (3.28ha) representing almost half of the site area - a yield of around 36 dwellings can be calculated based on methodological approach. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 3500) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 7.89ha. Recently confirmed that the site has been sold in summer 2021, but developer confirms intention to progress with preparation and demolition, and that overall delivery is forecast within the next 5 years. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
3549 3549 Druridge Avenue, Hadston 0.28 6 7 not owned by a public authority 2008-07-14 not permissioned POINT(-1.600914 55.29201) Vacant site offering potential opportunity for infill development, with former buildings having been cleared. A previous permission for construction of 3 three-bed houses and 4 two-bed bungalows lapsed without being started (CM/20080381). 2019-12-17 2016-06-30
3651x 3651x Mitford Water Treatment Works (brownfield parcel) yes 1.6 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-02 reserved matters approval permissioned POINT(-1.71915 55.165523) Site of a former water treatment works, comprising a filter house and pump house, as well as hardstanding and land used for open-air storage. Now surplus to NWL requirements. Identified for redevelopment following clearance of the vacant buildings and redundant infrastructure. an earlier date. This also included works to cap existing boreholes within the pumping station, enabled by an earlier consent (12/01665/DEMGDO). An outline application for residential development was initially permitted (14/02721/OUT). This was followed by reserved matters for 7 dwellings following clearance (15/03842/REM). A revised detailed application has now been permitted for he site for 8 units (17/01360/REM). Site mainly comprises of brownfield in nature and, although there is some greenfield land, the yield indicated recognises focus on brownfield element (1.60ha). For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (3651) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 3.05ha. The most recent detailed permission supersedes the earlier one. Development has now commenced and it is the revised scheme for 8 units that is being built-out. First units delivered in 2020/21, with remainder anticipated for completion in 2021/22. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
4564x 4564x High House Farm, Front Street, Bebside (brownfield parcel) 0.1 7 8 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-1.562039 55.126979) Mixed site at edge of settlement, historically occupied by a farmstead but is now disused, and comprising of vacant buildings, hardstanding and a small element of greenfield land. The remnants of the original use will require clearance prior to redevelopment. This parcel has now been identified for redevelopment as part of a much larger proposal, across a large area of land at Bebside (4564, 4726, 9089). An outline application for a large mixed-use development, including construction of 327 dwellings and commercial floorspace, is currently pending consideration (19/00428/OUT). This significant scheme is described as a 'Lifetime Neighbourhood', with the supporting commercial development being in the form of retail units. This particular parcel only forms a very small proportion of the overall scheme. The yield identified in the SHLAA reflects focus on the brownfield aspect (0.10ha). For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 4564) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 0.55 ha. The current proposal indicates the site is available for development. If the current application is permitted, the deliverability of development will be reappraised. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
4573 4573 Former Bates Colliery Site (Phase/Area 1), Blyth yes 13.8 142 257 not owned by a public authority 2017-10-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.523369 55.13333) Former Bates Colliery site that is subject to a significant redevelopment project following extensive remediation. Work has commenced on Phase 1 of the development and completion of this phase is expected in 2023/24. This aspect relates to an application for development of 142 two-, three- and four-bed semi and detached dwellings (16/04622/FUL). The original permission was for 257 homes (12/03370/REM). It is understood that remaining element of the site will not be delivered at the present time, but could be progressed in due course. This rest of the land has been given an indicative capacity of 115 dwellings in the SHLAA, the remaining balance from the original permission (for 257 homes). The whole site will remain on the BF Register at the present time. 2019-12-17 2016-06-30
4655 4655 Westfield, Church Street, Cramlington 0.18 6 7 not owned by a public authority 2008-04-02 not permissioned POINT(-1.582286 55.084654) Large plot within the urban environment that is currently occupied by a single house, associated outbuildings and land to the rear. The site part occupied by an existing dwelling and any proposal is likely to involve demolition prior to redevelopment. Indicative yield represents slightly higher density fitting for location, potentially through a flatted scheme. A previous permission for site clearance and replacement with 6 unit apartment block and 3 cottages (07/00598/FUL). This permission had been allowed on appeal but lapsed as no start was made. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
4663 4663 Land around and including Malvins House Close, Blyth yes 0.45 43 48 not owned by a public authority 2014-01-12 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-1.529614 55.126444) Vacant site had previously been occupied by a dwelling and residential care home (C2). These buildings had been demolished at an earlier date after becoming surplus. Within an established residential area. An initial outline application for residential development was submitted in 2004 (B/04/00644/OUT). The S106 was never signed for this. Despite this, a reserved matters application for 48 homes were then allowed on appeal in 2007 (B/06/00225/FUL). This scheme comprised of 33 flats, 9 terraced houses, 4 detached houses and 2 bungalows. Although later extended, this permission lapsed (10/S/00290/VARYCO). Redevelopment remains an opportunity for urban infill,. The high density identified considered to reflect the setting and likely proposals for an apartment/flatted scheme. The immediate availability of the site is uncertain. It is considered to still have potential in the longer-term, but residential development is forecast later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
4669x 4669x Link House Buildings and Land, Links Road, Blyth (brownfield parcel) 0.51 14 15 not owned by a public authority 2010-03-14 not permissioned POINT(-1.501168 55.108782) Area of land at the edge of the settlement that is part occupied by derelict outbuildings and the remainder being a paddock. The site was previously occupied by a residential property, but this had been cleared at an earlier date.. It has been subject to numerous redevelopment proposals over the years, for a range of uses. A permission for 15 new build dwellings and a pub/hotel, lapsed without progress (09/S/00330/OUT). Another hybrid application for a variety of uses, including a 30-bed hotel (C1), was submitted but later withdrawn (18/04255/FUL). The latest permission is for a mixed-use scheme, with scope for retail, food and drink, leisure and business floorspace (19/04140/FUL) This does not include any residential development. Although the SHLAA site is mixed, the reduced yield indicated recognises a focus on the brownfield aspect (0.51ha). For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 4669) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 1.36ha. Earlier proposals for redevelopment were not delivered. The latest permission does not include any housing development but there may be potential remaining on land not covered by the current permission, with availability recently confirmed by the landowner. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
4713 4713 Cramlington Fire Station 0.57 12 13 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.569223 55.102014) Former fire station and land to the eastern edge of Cramlington, now surplus following closure in 2012 and relocation to a new site. Offers redevelopment opportunity following demolition of the vacant buildings. A proposal for conversion of the existing building to office and storage/distribution floorspace has recently been granted (15/00205/COU). The ground-floor is to be converted to a warehouse and workshops, the first-floor to office space. Despite this, potential for small-scale residential scheme could remain in the future but the site not available at the current time. Any development is likely to be in the long-term and no delivery is forecast within the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30 2020-11-24
4736 4736 Commissioners Quay, Quay Road, Blyth yes 2.11 44 49 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-31 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-1.499901 55.12612) Brownfield site that is largely vacant although some buildings and hardstanding remain. Offers a good opportunity for redevelopment in the urban area. A planning permission was previously consented for scheme of 49 two- three- and four-bed dwellings but this has now lapsed (15/01941/FUL). Approximately half of the overall SHLAA sites was covered by that application. Potential still remains for redevelopment of the site in the longer-term. . 2019-12-17 2016-06-30
4754 4754 13 Allensgreen, Church Street, Cramlington 0.08 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2016-05-12 full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-1.581814 55.084922) Existing apartment block and adjacent land within Cramlington. This has been identified for redevelopment in the past and there may be opportunity for intensification through redevelopment. Likely to be through a combination of conversion, extension and remodelling of the building and additional new-build construction. A number of applications to this effect have been permitted, and renewed, but all have lapsed without work starting (B/07/00447/FUL, 11/01565/FUL, 16/00880/FUL). Each scheme is essential the same. The latest approval was for works included alteration to the building to create 4 additional flats and demolition of a domestic garage with replacement by 1 new dwelling. The existing apartment block currently contains 8 flats, the proposed works resulting in 13 units on the site (5 net additions). It has recently been confirmed that the remains available but it is now understood that it would have to be sold prior to scheme progressing. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
4757 4757 East Cramlington Farm House, The Paddock, Cramlington 0.76 7 8 not owned by a public authority 2007-12-04 not permissioned POINT(-1.565728 55.081801) Former farmstead, consisting of vacant former agricultural buildings and adjacent land towards the eastern edge of Cramlington. Originally a working farm, it has been utilised as an equestrian centre in latter years. Three main buildings and additional outbuildings are in varying states, with some derelict. Opportunity for redevelopment, potentially through conversion of the existing buildings an/or new-build. There is a long planning history to the site and it has been highlighted to provide a residential scheme for some years. An outline permission was originally granted in 1999 for conversion of the farm buildings to 7 homes and construction of 1 further dwelling, but lapsed (B/99/C/0195/P). A revised outline planning permission for up to 9 homes, also through of conversion and new-build aspects, was later granted but again lapsed without implementation (07/00533/OUT). More recently identified as an allocated housing site in the Cramlington Neighbourhood Plan ('made'). Relatively low density identified recognises constraints. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
4772 4772 Units 21E-21G Briardale Road & 29-33 Cowpen Hall Road, Blyth 0.06 5 6 not owned by a public authority 2007-12-04 not permissioned POINT(-1.540532 55.127519) Existing single-storey flat-roofed building, currently utilised as retail units. This building was previously proposed for significant alterations to provide residential units alongside the existing commercial floorspace. Consent was previously secured for 6 maisonettes above retail units but scheme was not progressed and lapsed (07/00539/FUL). The proposed extension works were to be an enormous undertaking. The project was to involve alteration of the single-storey flat-roofed building with construction of two floors of apartments, with the retail floorspace being reconfigured at ground-floor level. This permission was never implemented and it is highly unlikely a similar proposal would be revisited. There may still be scope for residential use, but this is likely to be through clearance and redevelopment. Relatively high density reflective of setting and likely nature of an appropriate scheme. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
4791 4791 Land at Bebside Motors, Front Street, Bebside 0.26 14 15 not owned by a public authority 2008-02-05 not permissioned POINT(-1.561048 55.127209) Commercial units that had originally been garage premises. When utilised for this earlier purposes, the site comprised of a variety of buildings hosting a number of tenants relating to the motor industry. This included car sales showroom and workshops for servicing and repair. This use continued until relatively recent times. The site was identified for residential development a number of years ago. Demolition of the existing buildings and clearance of the site would be required prior to this. Outline consent for 15 dwellings was secured but lapsed without progress (07/00601/OUT). Since then, the site has continue to be utilised for business use, although the make up of the site has changed and it is now occupied by the Fat Butcher Ltd. Gradual conversion and extension of the existing buildings has been undertaken to provide wholesale retail premises, storage facilities and most recently a restaurant, bar and amusement arcade. These changes have been enabled by a number permissions (14/04264/COU, 16/00942/FUL, 16/03176/FUL, 16/03225/FUL). An existing business remains operating from the site and there has been no recent indication of relocation and/or change in circumstances. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
4796 4796 Second Hand Shop, King Street, Blyth 0.03 5 6 not owned by a public authority 2008-04-01 not permissioned POINT(-1.511189 55.031211) Existing retail premises and adjacent land within Blyth town centre. The site is part occupied by a dilapidated two-storey building forming part of the main terrace, with a shop on the ground-floor and storage space above. The rest of the site consists of vacant brownfield land. Opportunity for redevelopment for residential use may existing, potentially through conversion and/or new-build development. In the latter scenario, demolition of the existing building is likely to be required. A number of years ago, permission was granted for demolition and construction of a new building comprising of retail and residential floorspace, how this lapsed without implementation (B/08/00054/FUL). The new building was to consist of 3 ground-floor retail units with 6 flats above. A subsequent extension of time limit was refused and the appeal dismissed (11/00064/VARYCO). The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
4812 4812 Former Nursery site and Car Park adjoining Newsham First School, Wharton Street, Blyth yes 0.34 0 0 owned by a public authority 2017-06-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.529717 55.113649) Former school site, declared surplus and available for redevelopment following closure. Demolition and clearance of the school and associated buildings was progressed following an initial approval (B/08/00110/CPO). This was part of a wider proposal for renewal of education facilities, with the consent also enabling construction of a new 2-storey primary school land immediately adjacent to the east. After opening of the new school, permission was then granted for construction of 14 bungalows on the previous cleared land (16/04102/FUL). Development of 14 dwellings completed in 2018/19. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30 2019-12-17
5020 5020 Essendene, Kenilworth Road, Ashington 0.3 11 12 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.573344 55.181491) Previously the site of a local authority day care centre that has recently been demolished following closure. The facility had provided specialist support for elderly and disabled persons. There was no residential accommodation on site. Land now ready for redevelopment, offering infill opportunity within Ashington. A higher indicative yield would be appropriate given the character of adjacent residential development. Previously Council-owned, the site has now been sold. However the business is currently in operation and there has been no recent indication that this will change. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
5021 5021 Pembroke Court, Woodlea, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea 0.28 5 6 not owned by a public authority 2012-07-13 not permissioned POINT(-1.511775 55.187622) Existing residential care home consisting of self-contained sheltered housing units. It has been identified previously that the existing building may have potential for alteration to provide additional residential units through intensification. The building had originally been a flat-roofed structure, but was altered by creating a mansard-style roofspace (09/E/00308/FUL). After completion of these works, an application was refused for conversion of the new roof space to create 6 additional flats (10/S/00393/FUL). A revised proposal, also for conversion of the roof space to provide 6 extra flats, was then permitted but lapsed without a start (11/01075/FUL). The immediate availability of the site is uncertain. It is considered to still have potential in the longer-term, but residential development is forecast later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
5028 5028 West End Service Station, North Seaton Road, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea 0.09 7 8 not owned by a public authority 2011-07-26 not permissioned POINT(-1.519734 55.178803) Originally a petrol filling station, the premises are now operating as a commercial garage, for sales and vehicle maintenance. Potential for redevelopment has been highlighted in the past. This would require demolition and remediation of the site prior to a scheme progressing. Outline permission was granted for demolition of petrol station and redevelopment of site for 12 apartments, but this lapsed due to non-commencement, despite renewal (06/00393/OUT, 10/S/00536/VARYCO). At the time of this application, the site was unused and vacant. Since then a garage business has been occupying the site for a number of years. A retrospective application for temporary use for car sales and maintenance was permitted and then renewed more recently (10/S/00531/COU, 16/04392/COU). An existing business remains operating from the site and there has been no recent indication of relocation and/or change in circumstances. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
5035 5035 23 Station Road, Bedlington 0.07 9 10 not owned by a public authority 2008-02-13 not permissioned POINT(-1.571009 55.138638) Former commercial garage premises that has latterly been vacant. Now offers chance for infill, although the existing buildings would require demolition prior to redevelopment. The main building was originally a chapel, which had latterly been converted to a garage for vehicle maintenance and servicing. Relatively high yield representative of location and previous proposals for an apartment scheme that would be in keeping with setting. An earlier application for clearance and construction of 10 apartments was approved but lapsed (07/00250/FUL). A subsequent application to extend time limit was submitted but then withdrawn (10/S/00570/VARYCO). Therefore the original permission lapsed. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30
5037 5037 Land to the rear 91 North Seaton Road, Ashington 0.05 9 10 not owned by a public authority 2008-06-26 not permissioned POINT(-1.568425 55.18044) Mixed site within Ashington, comprises existing buildings and vacant land. The parcel is currently occupied by a workshop and associated vacant land, an a existing terraced house and retail unit. Redevelopment could be pursued through a combination part demolition, new-build and/or conversion. Higher yield recognises potential for scheme of higher density urban infill. A previous permission involved provision of 8 flats and 2 houses following clearance of the workshop, but lapsed (08/00113/FUL) The site has now been sold but it has recently been confirmed by the new landowner that it remains available and that options for redevelopment are being explored. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2016-06-30

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