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Northumberland County Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
9587 9587 Ashlea, Longframlington yes 0.77 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-05-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.785446 55.301054) Historically a poultry farm, which has been operating as a market garden, this land has become vacant more recently following cessation of business operations. Located outwith a settlement but does comprise brownfield land. A range of buildings and associated infrastructure had been in situ but only hardstanding and rough ground remain following clearance. The land relates to the existing dwelling immediately to the north, the entire site being in common ownership. Despite this, the initial proposals were for two small-scale scheme that together cover the whole site. An outline application for building of 2 homes on the southern part of the site was initially permitted in 2016 (16/01783/OUT). This was followed by another outline consent for the northern parcel, this time for 3 homes (17/01476/OUT). A revised detailed application for construction of 5 units has now been secured across the whole site (18/03182/FUL). This combined scheme supersedes the two smaller proposals permitted earlier. Works started on all 5 plots in 2021 and development is forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2021-12-17 2020-12-17
9590 9590 Eric Tolhurst Centre, Blyth yes 0.1 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2019-05-08 other permissioned POINT(-1.504764 55.128307) Existing two-storey building currently providing commercial and office floorspace in the centre of Blyth. The first-floor and part of the ground floor has been vacant and identified as surplus to requirements. There is also an auction house in situ in part of the building. The redundant floorspace has been identified as having potential to provide residential units through conversion. A prior notification application for works to alter the redundant office floorspace to 8 flats was secured in 2019 (18/04371/OFFRES). The new residential units are identified as being 'serviced accommodation', however, they do constitute self-contained flats (C3), so will result on an additional 8 units being added to the overall housing stock on completion.. The occupied part of the wider building is not impacted by this proposal. Conversion works commenced soon after approval. Development of 8 dwellings completed in the current monitoring year. NB - net gains will be recorded in 2021/22 following publication of the next update of housebuilding data (post 31 March 2022). 2021-12-17 2020-12-17 2021-12-06
9591 9591 East Hartford And District Social Club yes 0.04 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2019-06-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.579663 55.107347) Originally operating as a social club, this two-storey building has been utilised as a public house since 2014. However it is now vacant following closure and has been earmarked for redevelopment. There is also an existing flat in situ providing residential accommodation. This is self-contained (C3) and is complete with an independent access point. An application for conversion to provide 8 flats now permitted (18/04463/FUL). The works will impact on the existing dwelling and, as a result, there will be a net gain of 7 dwellings on completion of works. The flats will be create through extensive alterations to the former bar area and function rooms. Construction works commenced shortly after approval. Development of 8 dwellings (7 net) completed in the current monitoring year. NB - net gains will be recorded in 2021/22 following publication of the next update of housebuilding data (post 31 March 2022). 2021-12-17 2020-12-17 2021-12-06
9592 9592 Land North Of Shaws House Cottages, Bywell yes 0.5 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2019-06-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.941794 54.971323) Farmstead that is occupied by a range of agricultural buildings that are now largely disused. There are a mix of both modern and traditional farm structures in situ, the latter being Grade II listed. These buildings are associated with the listed Shaw's Farmhouse, which is situated adjacent. Whilst a remote location, there may be opportunity for redevelopment in a sustainable manner, likely to be through a sensitive conversion scheme.. Permission was granted for creation of 7 dwellings through works to alter and adapt the traditional listed buildings in 2019 (18/03543/FUL). The consent also includes the demolition of a modern steel-framed barn. Development yet to commence but forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2020-12-17 2020-12-17
9593 9593 1-3 Beaumont Street, Hexham yes 0.04 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2019-12-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.101832 54.971219) A four-storey Grade II listed building within Hexham town centre. Currently partially occupied by a range of uses. This includes a building society on the ground-floor, with the upper floors being utilised by a cafe and retail unit, and large amounts of storage space, much of which is vacant. Potential opportunity to utilise the underused space in the building for residential use. A number of proposals for change and adaptation have been made over the years as the use for the building has changed, including providing commercial, retail and business and bringing small parts of the building in/out of residential use. Most recently, permission was granted in December 2019 for conversion of the three upper floors of the listed property to provide 9 apartments (19/03875/FUL). The works include internal alterations and to create a new independent entrance at street level. The proposal is for a mix of studio, 1-bed and 2-bed flats (all C3). The existing building society and cafe will remain in situ and are not affected by the conversion works. Development yet to commence but forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2020-12-17 2020-12-17
9596 9596 1-7 Priestpopple, Hexham yes 0.09 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.099854 54.969851) Three-storey flat-roofed building dating from the 1960s is located in Hexham town centre. Currently occupied by retail and commercial uses at ground-floor level. The upper floors had previously been utilised as a nightclub and sports bar but have been vacant since closure and there is now scope for conversion to flats. This would provide additional residential units in the town centre. Application for alteration and conversion of first and second floor floorspace to create 12 apartments permitted in 2020 (19/04545/FUL). The existing retail and commercial uses at ground floor level will remain in situ Development yet to commence but forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2020-12-17 2020-12-17
9605 9605 Land at Greenholme Road, Haltwhistle yes 0.15 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.793089 55.031145) Two inter-connected blocks of flats comprising of 16 units that are now no longer considered suitable for modern needs and have now been vacated by former tenants. Identified for redevelopment as part of a renewal of social housing stock which is no longer fit for purpose. Demolition of the existing flats is required prior to new-build progressing. Permission secured in February 2020 for clearance of the site and replacement with 9 houses (19/02706/FUL). The new dwellings are to be 3-bed houses, all for affordable rent. As a result of the clearance, the proposal would result in the overall net loss of 7 dwellings on completion. Works commenced in March 2020 when the demolition of the redundant flats was begun. Forecast for completion within the next 5 years. NB - demolition element of this development was accounted for in the 2020/21 monitoring year. 2021-12-17 2020-12-17
9631 9631 Rudchester Farm Cottage, Heddon-on-the-Wall yes 0.42 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2020-03-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.825427 55.001243) Farmsteading associated with Rudchester Manor. an important Grade II* listed house dating from the 13th Century. The farmstead lies immediately to the south of Hadrian’s Wall and the Roman Fort of Vindobala, comprising a mix of traditional and more modern agricultural buildings, all of which are now redundant to farming use. The traditional buildings are listed and offer an opportunity for conversion, mindful of the listed Manor. An application for alteration and conversion of the listed far, buildings to create 5 dwellings has now been permitted (19/03490/FUL). The proposed works also include demolition of modern barns and extension to an existing unoccupied cottage (no net gain from this aspect). A phased development is envisaged - based on owners ability to afford and finance build-out. Development yet to commence but forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2021-12-17 2020-12-17
4608a 4608a Northern Yard, Pitt Lane, Seghill 0.34 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-10-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.551589 55.068153) Small site that formed a small part of the Seghill Colliery site, although this parcel of land has been vacant for many years. There is a complex planning history to this site, with proposals for redevelopment going back a number of years. Initial outline consent for 5 dwellings (plots 2-6) was approved in 2014. Construction commenced without detailed permission having been secured, with plot-3 being complete and another unit under-construction, before development was halted. A retrospective reserved matters was finally approved in October 2019. As at summer 2021, there are 4 units that remain outstanding, one of which has been commenced (plot-4), with work yet to start on the remaining 3 homes (plots-2, -5 & -6). However, it is understood that construction works have stalled. Until issues are resolved, the outstanding dwellings are considered developable (6-10 years) as a result of uncertainty. Deliverability will be reassessed if/when new evidence is available. NB - this is part of a wider scheme with this scheme adjacent to 3 further plots benefitting from individual full permissions (known as plots-1, -7 & -8), which are identified as separate but associated small sites in the SHLAA (4608b, 4608c, 4608d). 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
5147a 5147a Northumberland College, Ashington (buildings and hardstanding) 7.63 45 50 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.557567 55.172327) Part of an occupied college campus that comprises of existing buildings, land and open space. The site is split in the SHLAA to reflect each element - this record specifically relates to the brownfield land (5147a). A range of buildings and outbuildings, for both teaching and supporting facilities, are on site. The site has been highlighted for redevelopment in the past but there has been recent investment in the site to indicate that this not a short-term plan. This may change if a decision was made to relocate the education facility. The adjacent open space would not be suitable for residential development (5147b). A number of years ago, an outline application for demolition of the existing college buildings and associated facilities and construction of 250 dwellings was permitted (05/00160/OUT). This lapsed without commencement. This was part of a wider project to relocate the campus to an alternative site. Since then, this plan has been reappraised, and permissions have been granted for improved and extended educational facilities (13/01934/FUL, 16/00307/FUL). Only an element of the site is likely to be available and only the brownfield element would be suitable, which is reflected in the indicative yield identified. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
9699 9699 1 The Haven, Prudhoe yes 0.21 not owned by a public authority 2020-05-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.612956 55.237308) Site within Prudhoe town centre, currently occupied by a staggered terrace of 10 bungalows. The current 1-bed dwellings are no longer considered suitable for modern needs. Identified for redevelopment as part of a renewal of social housing stock which is no longer fit for purpose. Clearance of the existing bungalows is required prior to new-build progressing. An application for demolition of the existing units and replacement with 6 dwellings was permitted in 2020 (19/04006/FUL). The new homes will be larger 2-bed bungalows and the development will result in the net loss of 4 units when completed. Recently confirmed that works are yet to commence and decant of the final unit is still required to enable progress. Forecast for completion within the net 5 years. 2021-12-17 2021-12-17
9741 9741 Former Ravensmount Care Home, Alnmouth Road, Alnwick yes 0.22 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.683914 55.407241) Former 3-storey care home that has been closed for a number of years and is currently standing vacant. The building is deteriorating and is at risk of vandalism and the impacts of natural elements. Conversion and alteration of the building is likely to be the most appropriate method of redevelopment. Various options have been considered for the reuse of the building. An initial application for conversion to a 'boutique hotel' was approved in 2016 (16/00451/FUL). Works commenced on this project but have since stalled. After reconsideration, the owner was unable to complete the work and the project was shelved. However, a revised proposal for conversion to 8 flats was approved in 2021. Scheme involves demolition of the old laundry and timber out buildings and retention of the main building for conversion to 'luxury apartments' across three-storeys. As the original permission (2016) for conversion to a hotel has been implemented and it will not lapse, theoretically either scheme could still be progressed. However, it is understood the intention of the landowner/developer is to delivery the residential scheme. Forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2021-12-17 2021-12-17

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