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Plymouth City Council

Listed building outline

Reference Name Listed building Geometry Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
740-1/7/235 DRAKE'S ISLAND, Ablution Blocks MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.154621 50.355830,-4.154882 50.355763,-4.154852 50.355715,-4.154591 50.355782,-4.154621 50.355830))) Barracks ablution block. c1830-35. Stone rubble, faced in dressed limestone to S and E sides; dry slate roof with coped gable ends; rendered stack at W end. Rectangular plan, the ground floor with doorways to the N front, 1st-floor doorways to S front fr 1990-12-19 1990-12-19
740-1/7/236 DRAKE'S ISLAND, Barracks MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.155221 50.355699,-4.154668 50.355838,-4.154724 50.355927,-4.155269 50.355796,-4.155260 50.355781,-4.155278 50.355776,-4.155272 50.355765,-4.155290 50.355761,-4.155266 50.355723,-4.155239 50.355730,-4.155221 50.355699))) Military barracks for island garrison. c1830-35, or possibly of C18 origin, remodelled c1860. Rendered stone with exposed granite quoins, parapet coping, gable coping and sills; slate 2-span roof; Plymouth limestone ashlar axial and lateral stacks. Doubl 1990-12-19 1990-12-19
740-1/7/237 DRAKE'S ISLAND, Commanding Officer's House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.154476 50.355899,-4.154487 50.355801,-4.154471 50.355800,-4.154476 50.355758,-4.154450 50.355756,-4.154446 50.355788,-4.154419 50.355787,-4.154419 50.355799,-4.154359 50.355796,-4.154356 50.355824,-4.154313 50.355822,-4.154312 50.355833,-4.154212 50.355828,-4.154209 50.355856,-4.154183 50.355855,-4.154181 50.355885,-4.154476 50.355899))) Commanding officer's house to island garrison. Late C18, extended c1830s. Slatestone rubble to ground floor, the W wing with granite quoins, the E wing with limestone quoins and plinth; rendered 1st floor to both parts; dry slate roofs with coped gable e 1990-12-19 1990-12-19
740-1/7/238 DRAKE'S ISLAND, Guardhouse MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.154259 50.356054,-4.154322 50.356091,-4.154374 50.356055,-4.154312 50.356017,-4.154259 50.356054))) Original function not known but later used as a guardhouse. Early C19 with later C19 alterations. Slate and limestone rubble with granite quoins, and with brick arches and patching; dry slate hipped roof. Small single-cell rectangular building. The origi 1990-12-19 1990-12-19
740-1/67/869 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Church of St Catherine MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137522 50.363918,-4.137492 50.363919,-4.137493 50.363948,-4.137433 50.363950,-4.137434 50.363979,-4.137421 50.363980,-4.137425 50.364047,-4.137498 50.364045,-4.137501 50.364099,-4.137608 50.364097,-4.137606 50.364058,-4.137631 50.364057,-4.137629 50.364040,-4.137675 50.364040,-4.137671 50.363973,-4.137649 50.363973,-4.137648 50.363953,-4.137632 50.363953,-4.137630 50.363924,-4.137556 50.363918,-4.137555 50.363888,-4.137521 50.363892,-4.137522 50.363918))) Church (Royal Chapel) at fort. 1667-1688 on site of C14 chapel, enlarged and partly rebuilt in 1845, the E wall of the chancel rebuilt following damage in World War II and the chancel renovated. Plymouth limestone rubble and Plymouth limestone brought to 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/67/870 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Cookhouse MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137381 50.365288,-4.137325 50.365281,-4.137319 50.365303,-4.137288 50.365300,-4.137234 50.365484,-4.137547 50.365519,-4.137567 50.365442,-4.137549 50.365440,-4.137552 50.365431,-4.137778 50.365456,-4.137803 50.365364,-4.137755 50.365359,-4.137760 50.365341,-4.137774 50.365342,-4.137795 50.365268,-4.137447 50.365225,-4.137436 50.365267,-4.137386 50.365262,-4.137381 50.365288))) Barracks cookhouse at fort. 1902-1905, by T Rogers Kitsell, architect for the War Office. Dressed Plymouth limestone brought to course; dry slate gabled roofs with stone coped gables; dressed stone axial stack with moulded entablature towards right. PLAN 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/871 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Governor's House and steps to doorways MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.138357 50.365016,-4.138311 50.365011,-4.138308 50.365028,-4.138352 50.365033,-4.138320 50.365170,-4.138275 50.365167,-4.138273 50.365184,-4.138316 50.365188,-4.138300 50.365256,-4.138369 50.365263,-4.138366 50.365278,-4.138392 50.365281,-4.138396 50.365265,-4.138466 50.365272,-4.138477 50.365227,-4.138514 50.365231,-4.138520 50.365206,-4.138485 50.365203,-4.138509 50.365101,-4.138560 50.365106,-4.138565 50.365080,-4.138516 50.365075,-4.138543 50.364962,-4.138370 50.364966,-4.138357 50.365016))) Governor' house at fort, now offices. 1667-75, extended c1770 for the Board of Ordnance; altered mid-late C20. MATERIALS: coursed Plymouth limestone with granite drip courses and dressed granite doorways; dry slate parallel roofs with bracketed eaves and 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/872 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Great Store MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136636 50.364207,-4.136781 50.364302,-4.137004 50.364160,-4.136994 50.364154,-4.137021 50.364137,-4.137029 50.364142,-4.137170 50.364052,-4.137025 50.363959,-4.136636 50.364207))) Storehouse, later barracks, now store and offices. 1667-75, for the Board of Ordnance, converted to barracks 1844. MATERIALS: Plymouth limestone rubble with granite drip courses and parapet coping; single deep slate roof with coped gables and plain parap 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/873 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Guardhouse MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137998 50.365451,-4.138042 50.365455,-4.138077 50.365317,-4.137920 50.365307,-4.137887 50.365429,-4.137895 50.365440,-4.137998 50.365451))) Guardhouse. 1667-1675, by the Ordnance Board, completely rebuilt c1745. Render on probable rubble; dry slate hipped roofs. Rectangular plan plus full-width open verandah along the front. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys; 3-window range with irregular disposition of o 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/874 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Junior Ranks Club MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137168 50.365664,-4.137252 50.365583,-4.136939 50.365437,-4.136916 50.365432,-4.136877 50.365469,-4.136895 50.365478,-4.136853 50.365517,-4.136842 50.365512,-4.136789 50.365559,-4.136863 50.365592,-4.136869 50.365587,-4.136894 50.365598,-4.136873 50.365617,-4.137059 50.365700,-4.137086 50.365675,-4.137121 50.365693,-4.137140 50.365689,-4.137168 50.365664))) Junior ranks mess. 1898-1900, by T Rogers Kitsell, architect to the War Office. Plymouth limestone brought to course; dry slate roofs with coped gable ends; axial stone stack towards right and larger gable stack to taller front part of rear wing, both wi 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/875 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Main barracks MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137313 50.365092,-4.137299 50.365077,-4.137216 50.365106,-4.137230 50.365121,-4.137068 50.365176,-4.137060 50.365167,-4.136986 50.365194,-4.136993 50.365203,-4.136916 50.365229,-4.136842 50.365142,-4.136889 50.365126,-4.136842 50.365070,-4.136795 50.365086,-4.136722 50.364999,-4.136789 50.364975,-4.136732 50.364907,-4.136680 50.364924,-4.136651 50.364889,-4.136678 50.364880,-4.136658 50.364856,-4.136631 50.364865,-4.136614 50.364844,-4.136612 50.364824,-4.136648 50.364812,-4.136590 50.364744,-4.136525 50.364766,-4.136449 50.364677,-4.136496 50.364661,-4.136450 50.364604,-4.136401 50.364621,-4.136331 50.364538,-4.136404 50.364512,-4.136412 50.364521,-4.136484 50.364497,-4.136477 50.364487,-4.136617 50.364439,-4.136645 50.364472,-4.136774 50.364427,-4.136749 50.364394,-4.136726 50.364402,-4.136658 50.364319,-4.136572 50.364348,-4.136589 50.364368,-4.136434 50.364420,-4.136407 50.364388,-4.136322 50.364417,-4.136350 50.364450,-4.136196 50.364503,-4.136192 50.364497,-4.136175 50.364503,-4.136517 50.364909,-4.136335 50.364973,-4.136348 50.364993,-4.136533 50.364928,-4.136875 50.365332,-4.136890 50.365328,-4.136884 50.365321,-4.137043 50.365268,-4.137073 50.365303,-4.137151 50.365276,-4.137140 50.365264,-4.137158 50.365258,-4.137138 50.365235,-4.137285 50.365185,-4.137300 50.365204,-4.137384 50.365174,-4.137313 50.365092))) Soldier's barracks and recreation block. 1897 and 1899 datestones; by T Rogers Kitsell, architect for the War Office; altered internally and to rear mid C20. MATERIALS: dressed Plymouth limestone brought to course; dry slate roofs with projecting eaves; 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/66/876 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Married Quarters and Sergeants' Quarters MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.139049 50.364730,-4.138513 50.364468,-4.138435 50.364534,-4.138488 50.364560,-4.138474 50.364571,-4.138512 50.364589,-4.138524 50.364580,-4.138615 50.364624,-4.138602 50.364635,-4.138647 50.364656,-4.138659 50.364646,-4.138750 50.364690,-4.138735 50.364701,-4.138777 50.364722,-4.138790 50.364710,-4.138876 50.364752,-4.138862 50.364764,-4.138905 50.364786,-4.138923 50.364774,-4.138970 50.364796,-4.139049 50.364730))) Married quarters and sergeants' quarters at fort. 1895-1900, probably by T Rogers Kitsell, architect for the War Office. Dressed Plymouth limestone brought to course, rendered at rear; dry slate roof with 4 cross wing roofs, all with coped gables; wide r 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/877 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Officers' Quarters and Mess MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.138109 50.364276,-4.138201 50.364283,-4.138205 50.364262,-4.138285 50.364265,-4.138295 50.364220,-4.138331 50.364219,-4.138335 50.364203,-4.138298 50.364201,-4.138302 50.364183,-4.138280 50.364181,-4.138283 50.364172,-4.138173 50.364163,-4.138169 50.364180,-4.138100 50.364174,-4.138107 50.364137,-4.138122 50.364138,-4.138129 50.364105,-4.138114 50.364104,-4.138121 50.364062,-4.138155 50.364065,-4.138169 50.363995,-4.138002 50.363981,-4.137984 50.364075,-4.138010 50.364077,-4.137961 50.364327,-4.137936 50.364325,-4.137922 50.364396,-4.137991 50.364402,-4.137988 50.364416,-4.138051 50.364421,-4.138056 50.364394,-4.138097 50.364397,-4.138092 50.364424,-4.138159 50.364429,-4.138161 50.364414,-4.138310 50.364426,-4.138306 50.364444,-4.138404 50.364452,-4.138408 50.364434,-4.138458 50.364438,-4.138470 50.364376,-4.138420 50.364372,-4.138424 50.364354,-4.138411 50.364346,-4.138116 50.364323,-4.138119 50.364307,-4.138104 50.364299,-4.138109 50.364276))) Officers' quarters and mess in fort. 1895, by T Rogers Kitsell, architect for the War Office. MATERIALS: dressed Plymouth limestone brought to course and with moulded dressings including hoodmoulds and parapet strings; dry slate roofs with coped gables, 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/878 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: School MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.138425 50.365417,-4.138430 50.365400,-4.138447 50.365401,-4.138457 50.365358,-4.138281 50.365339,-4.138253 50.365457,-4.138411 50.365474,-4.138425 50.365417))) Soldier's school in fort. 1895-1905, probably by T Rogers Kitsell. Dressed Plymouth limestone brought to course; dry slate roofs with coped gables and projecting eaves. L-shaped plan. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys; 2-window range entrance front. Mullioned or singl 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/67/879 THE BARBICAN, Royal Citadel: Transit Accommodation MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135880 50.364375,-4.135980 50.364341,-4.135991 50.364355,-4.135966 50.364363,-4.136006 50.364412,-4.136196 50.364347,-4.136158 50.364300,-4.136128 50.364310,-4.136119 50.364299,-4.136148 50.364289,-4.136098 50.364229,-4.135984 50.364268,-4.135972 50.364253,-4.135933 50.364266,-4.135945 50.364280,-4.135833 50.364318,-4.135880 50.364375))) Former hospital. Mid C18, built by the Ordnance Board. Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings, all rendered except for the centre and right of the ground floor at the front and the mid-floor band. Rectangular plan. EXTERIOR: symmetrical 5-win 1998-07-08 1998-07-08
740-1/57/349 ABBEY PLACE, Plymouth, (North West side) Prysten House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.139821 50.369510,-4.139635 50.369497,-4.139561 50.369507,-4.139560 50.369521,-4.139581 50.369547,-4.139584 50.369572,-4.139994 50.369604,-4.139999 50.369585,-4.140035 50.369589,-4.140041 50.369553,-4.140061 50.369561,-4.140084 50.369556,-4.140087 50.369537,-4.140072 50.369536,-4.140088 50.369366,-4.139855 50.369357,-4.139845 50.369363,-4.139835 50.369445,-4.139823 50.369449,-4.139819 50.369468,-4.139828 50.369475,-4.139821 50.369510))) (Formerly Listed as:FINEWELL STREET, Plymouth Prysten House) Large merchant's house. c1498, extended 1635, built for Thomas Yogge who died in 1509 (Pevsner), rear truncated when Abbey Hall was built and some 1920s restoration. Plymouth limestone rubble 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/41/628 ACRE PLACE, Stoke, (North West side) Nos.18-23 (Consecutive) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.170503 50.377591,-4.170593 50.377640,-4.170617 50.377622,-4.170672 50.377652,-4.170680 50.377646,-4.170722 50.377668,-4.170774 50.377660,-4.170653 50.377595,-4.170674 50.377579,-4.170775 50.377633,-4.170793 50.377620,-4.170809 50.377628,-4.170824 50.377616,-4.170708 50.377554,-4.170733 50.377535,-4.170840 50.377592,-4.170860 50.377578,-4.170919 50.377616,-4.170937 50.377605,-4.170894 50.377579,-4.170907 50.377569,-4.170883 50.377557,-4.170900 50.377543,-4.170796 50.377487,-4.170820 50.377469,-4.170932 50.377537,-4.170943 50.377526,-4.170929 50.377517,-4.170942 50.377510,-4.170931 50.377503,-4.170944 50.377494,-4.170853 50.377443,-4.170873 50.377428,-4.170985 50.377490,-4.171021 50.377464,-4.170908 50.377401,-4.170931 50.377383,-4.170842 50.377330,-4.170503 50.377591))) Planned terrace of 6 houses. Early/mid C19, probably after design by Foulston. Stucco with plinth and mid-floor band; dry slate roof with deep eaves; hipped roof dormer to each house except house left of centre; brick end stacks. Double-depth plan, each 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/56/711 ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse, (South side) Nos.47-53 (Consecutive) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.156628 50.370384,-4.156635 50.370408,-4.156584 50.370413,-4.156605 50.370490,-4.157376 50.370404,-4.157323 50.370216,-4.157225 50.370228,-4.157257 50.370340,-4.157216 50.370345,-4.157195 50.370270,-4.157143 50.370276,-4.157152 50.370307,-4.157103 50.370313,-4.157115 50.370355,-4.157093 50.370357,-4.157084 50.370329,-4.157035 50.370340,-4.157042 50.370363,-4.157018 50.370366,-4.157007 50.370325,-4.156955 50.370331,-4.156939 50.370275,-4.156917 50.370278,-4.156927 50.370311,-4.156902 50.370313,-4.156920 50.370374,-4.156872 50.370379,-4.156848 50.370293,-4.156818 50.370297,-4.156824 50.370315,-4.156798 50.370318,-4.156814 50.370386,-4.156741 50.370395,-4.156724 50.370328,-4.156658 50.370335,-4.156664 50.370354,-4.156622 50.370359,-4.156628 50.370384))) (Formerly Listed as: ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse Nos.47-54 (Consecutive) The Adelaide Inn) Includes: No.1 The Famous Firkin Public House ADELAIDE PLACE Stonehouse. Planned terrace of small houses, one of which is a public house. Mid C19 to designs by Jo 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/56/705 ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse, (North side) Nos.1-9 (Consecutive) The Royal Adelaide Arms (No.9) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.157132 50.370610,-4.157179 50.370605,-4.157196 50.370663,-4.157221 50.370660,-4.157233 50.370705,-4.157176 50.370711,-4.157185 50.370743,-4.157268 50.370734,-4.157254 50.370681,-4.157271 50.370679,-4.157265 50.370655,-4.157285 50.370652,-4.157279 50.370630,-4.157288 50.370629,-4.157278 50.370595,-4.157369 50.370584,-4.157396 50.370678,-4.157449 50.370672,-4.157402 50.370502,-4.156536 50.370602,-4.156571 50.370725,-4.156616 50.370721,-4.156603 50.370674,-4.156694 50.370664,-4.156714 50.370734,-4.156820 50.370728,-4.156798 50.370651,-4.156898 50.370639,-4.156915 50.370700,-4.156964 50.370694,-4.156947 50.370634,-4.156977 50.370631,-4.157004 50.370725,-4.157100 50.370714,-4.157094 50.370691,-4.157119 50.370688,-4.157099 50.370614,-4.157132 50.370610))) Planned terrace of small houses, one later converted to a public house. Mid C19, to designs by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; roofs hidden behind parapet with moulded cornice, the end ones with altered pediments to front; brick end stacks. Do 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/56/706 ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse, (South side) Nos.10-19 (Consecutive) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.155485 50.370834,-4.155505 50.370832,-4.155498 50.370806,-4.155516 50.370804,-4.155540 50.370890,-4.155596 50.370883,-4.155582 50.370830,-4.155601 50.370828,-4.155592 50.370796,-4.155617 50.370793,-4.155631 50.370838,-4.155682 50.370832,-4.155667 50.370779,-4.155704 50.370775,-4.155719 50.370828,-4.155777 50.370821,-4.155763 50.370769,-4.155795 50.370765,-4.155810 50.370816,-4.155871 50.370810,-4.155856 50.370758,-4.155892 50.370754,-4.155906 50.370805,-4.155960 50.370799,-4.155947 50.370748,-4.155985 50.370744,-4.155999 50.370795,-4.156062 50.370788,-4.156048 50.370737,-4.156084 50.370733,-4.156105 50.370805,-4.156115 50.370814,-4.156159 50.370810,-4.156136 50.370726,-4.156180 50.370721,-4.156199 50.370792,-4.156228 50.370789,-4.156239 50.370835,-4.156285 50.370831,-4.156281 50.370815,-4.156291 50.370813,-4.156282 50.370785,-4.156299 50.370783,-4.156280 50.370711,-4.156379 50.370699,-4.156397 50.370763,-4.156447 50.370757,-4.156407 50.370614,-4.155456 50.370720,-4.155485 50.370834))) Planned terrace of small houses. Mid C19 to designs by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; roofs hidden behind stuccoed parapet, most houses with moulded cornice, and the end house on the left (No.10) with pediment and entablature over giant end pi 1992-09-18 1992-09-18
740-1/56/707 ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse, (North side) Nos.24, 25 AND 26 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.154843 50.370940,-4.154902 50.370932,-4.154887 50.370879,-4.154937 50.370873,-4.154912 50.370781,-4.154611 50.370815,-4.154593 50.370826,-4.154647 50.371022,-4.154757 50.371010,-4.154740 50.370950,-4.154794 50.370945,-4.154780 50.370893,-4.154802 50.370890,-4.154816 50.370942,-4.154832 50.370940,-4.154839 50.370964,-4.154849 50.370963,-4.154843 50.370940),(-4.154679 50.370956,-4.154666 50.370906,-4.154705 50.370901,-4.154719 50.370952,-4.154679 50.370956))) 3 houses in planned terrace. Mid C19 to designs by John Foulston. Stucco with some stucco detail; asbestos slate roofs with projecting eaves over simple entablature, No.25 with its original dentilled cornice; 3 roof dormers; rendered end stacks to Nos 24 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/56/708 ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse, (South side) Nos.28-34 (Consecutive) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.154626 50.370632,-4.154589 50.370636,-4.154557 50.370516,-4.154501 50.370522,-4.154557 50.370722,-4.155207 50.370649,-4.155152 50.370450,-4.155099 50.370455,-4.155131 50.370574,-4.155050 50.370582,-4.155017 50.370464,-4.154963 50.370471,-4.154994 50.370589,-4.154961 50.370593,-4.154942 50.370522,-4.154913 50.370526,-4.154901 50.370478,-4.154868 50.370481,-4.154899 50.370600,-4.154866 50.370603,-4.154846 50.370532,-4.154794 50.370537,-4.154815 50.370611,-4.154776 50.370614,-4.154758 50.370543,-4.154729 50.370546,-4.154723 50.370521,-4.154693 50.370524,-4.154711 50.370598,-4.154695 50.370600,-4.154701 50.370623,-4.154677 50.370626,-4.154647 50.370507,-4.154595 50.370512,-4.154626 50.370632))) Planned terrace of small houses. Mid C19 to designs by John Foulston. Stucco or render; dry slate and asbestos slate roofs with projecting eaves; brick end stacks. Double-depth plan, each house with one room at the front and entrance on its left. 2 store 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/56/709 ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse, (South side) Nos.35-39 (Consecutive) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.155811 50.370579,-4.155777 50.370444,-4.155718 50.370451,-4.155732 50.370506,-4.155695 50.370511,-4.155682 50.370455,-4.155532 50.370471,-4.155546 50.370527,-4.155504 50.370532,-4.155490 50.370476,-4.155427 50.370482,-4.155441 50.370538,-4.155358 50.370547,-4.155338 50.370470,-4.155309 50.370474,-4.155300 50.370436,-4.155279 50.370438,-4.155329 50.370632,-4.155811 50.370579))) Part of a planned terrace of small houses. Mid C19 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate and asbestos slate roofs behind stuccoed parapet, pediment to No.36 (left), moulded entablature to No.38; roof dormers; brick end stacks. Double-dep 1992-09-18 1992-09-18
740-1/56/710 ADELAIDE STREET, Stonehouse, (South side) Nos.42-45 AND 45A (Consecutive) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.155991 50.370559,-4.156363 50.370518,-4.156380 50.370507,-4.156340 50.370371,-4.156283 50.370377,-4.156305 50.370442,-4.156286 50.370444,-4.156273 50.370393,-4.156250 50.370396,-4.156263 50.370446,-4.156220 50.370451,-4.156203 50.370385,-4.156100 50.370396,-4.156116 50.370461,-4.156024 50.370472,-4.156009 50.370424,-4.155957 50.370429,-4.155991 50.370559))) (Formerly Listed as: ADELAIDE STREET Nos.42-45 (Consecutive)) Part of planned terrace of houses. Mid C19 to designs by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs behind stuccoed parapets, Nos 43 and 44 with moulded entab 1992-09-18 1992-09-18
740-1/65/712 ADMIRAL'S HARD, Stonehouse, (North side) No.6 Bryon Villa including area railings and wall in front MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.163907 50.365770,-4.163885 50.365701,-4.163862 50.365701,-4.163862 50.365687,-4.163708 50.365686,-4.163708 50.365713,-4.163695 50.365713,-4.163695 50.365735,-4.163707 50.365735,-4.163706 50.365775,-4.163907 50.365770))) Detached villa. Mid C19. Stucco or render with stucco detail; dry slate roof, hipped on the left, over tall eaves entablature with consoles; segmental-roofed dormers with 4-pane horned sashes; cast-iron ogee gutters. Double-depth plan with probably 2 r 1989-07-31 1989-07-31
740-1/64/715 ADMIRALTY ROAD, (North side (off)) Stonehouse, Devil's Point Blockhouse MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.167173 50.359838,-4.167207 50.359827,-4.167219 50.359810,-4.167185 50.359777,-4.167133 50.359776,-4.167130 50.359799,-4.167173 50.359838))) Blockhouse. Probably 1509-1539. Rubble with granite dressings. Irregular (stretched) octagonal plan with doorway to landward side and gunports to seaward side (the longer sides). Chamfered granite doorway spanned by shallow 2-centred arch; pair of squar 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/41/629 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) No.1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.168139 50.375751,-4.168215 50.375761,-4.168235 50.375630,-4.168177 50.375622,-4.168181 50.375610,-4.168198 50.375612,-4.168224 50.375602,-4.168246 50.375606,-4.168258 50.375569,-4.168232 50.375566,-4.168242 50.375537,-4.168098 50.375518,-4.168055 50.375647,-4.168123 50.375656,-4.168117 50.375675,-4.168162 50.375678,-4.168139 50.375751))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.1) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail including plinth and mid-floor string; dry slate hipped roofs with projecting eaves; tall rendered stacks, over front and re 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/41/630 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) No.2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.168004 50.375524,-4.168068 50.375487,-4.168080 50.375467,-4.168039 50.375455,-4.168066 50.375418,-4.167904 50.375371,-4.167833 50.375468,-4.167787 50.375455,-4.167779 50.375467,-4.167894 50.375503,-4.167914 50.375496,-4.168004 50.375524))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.2) Villa in planned group. 1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail and slatehanging to part of right-hand return; bitumen-grouted slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; 4 x 2-stage rendered 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/41/631 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) No.4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.167739 50.375189,-4.167748 50.375178,-4.167624 50.375138,-4.167610 50.375147,-4.167536 50.375244,-4.167600 50.375265,-4.167599 50.375276,-4.167485 50.375342,-4.167533 50.375376,-4.167690 50.375288,-4.167667 50.375281,-4.167691 50.375249,-4.167716 50.375257,-4.167739 50.375228,-4.167715 50.375220,-4.167739 50.375189))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.4) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; rendered stacks over the side walls. Double-depth plan with entrance hall behi 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/41/632 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) No.5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.167426 50.375069,-4.167412 50.375084,-4.167390 50.375077,-4.167334 50.375116,-4.167497 50.375173,-4.167503 50.375166,-4.167520 50.375172,-4.167547 50.375157,-4.167581 50.375119,-4.167553 50.375109,-4.167586 50.375069,-4.167452 50.375023,-4.167391 50.375057,-4.167426 50.375069))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.5) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with plinth and sill band; bitumen-grouted slate hipped roof with paired brackets to projecting eaves; rendered stack on right. Double-depth pl 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/41/633 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) No.6 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.167204 50.375016,-4.167193 50.375029,-4.167296 50.375065,-4.167307 50.375052,-4.167344 50.375064,-4.167364 50.375039,-4.167394 50.375038,-4.167411 50.375027,-4.167411 50.375012,-4.167398 50.375000,-4.167431 50.374960,-4.167300 50.374918,-4.167260 50.374969,-4.167216 50.374955,-4.167143 50.374996,-4.167204 50.375016))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.6) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Incised stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; panelled stuccoed stacks with moulded cornices, the stack central to e 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/41/634 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) No.7 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.167062 50.374843,-4.166887 50.374941,-4.166957 50.375007,-4.167017 50.374983,-4.167001 50.374965,-4.167010 50.374960,-4.167003 50.374952,-4.166990 50.374957,-4.166976 50.374943,-4.167025 50.374916,-4.167054 50.374926,-4.167069 50.374916,-4.167191 50.374957,-4.167217 50.374926,-4.167237 50.374929,-4.167256 50.374905,-4.167272 50.374905,-4.167296 50.374874,-4.167269 50.374865,-4.167276 50.374854,-4.167127 50.374803,-4.167079 50.374850,-4.167062 50.374843))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.7) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with mid-floor string and other stucco detail; bitumen-grouted slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; rendered stacks over the side walls. Do 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/42/635 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) No.8 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.167062 50.374843,-4.167029 50.374829,-4.167044 50.374813,-4.167088 50.374829,-4.167109 50.374801,-4.167070 50.374788,-4.167106 50.374741,-4.166953 50.374685,-4.166943 50.374696,-4.166900 50.374680,-4.166862 50.374721,-4.166905 50.374737,-4.166847 50.374799,-4.166957 50.374837,-4.166846 50.374903,-4.166887 50.374941,-4.167062 50.374843))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport No.8) Villa in planned group. c1827 by John Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; slate hipped roof with projecting eaves; rendered stacks over the side walls. Double-depth plan with entrance hall behind l 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/41/636 ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, (North East side) Iron railings, walls and gates to road frontage of Albemarle Villas MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.168186 50.375549,-4.168180 50.375571,-4.168196 50.375597,-4.168254 50.375613,-4.168310 50.375593,-4.168332 50.375540,-4.168320 50.375516,-4.167161 50.374399,-4.167106 50.374376,-4.167049 50.374377,-4.166745 50.374460,-4.166713 50.374477,-4.166702 50.374503,-4.166707 50.374530,-4.166734 50.374552,-4.166775 50.374559,-4.166816 50.374550,-4.166836 50.374533,-4.167068 50.374470,-4.168186 50.375549))) (Formerly Listed as: ALBEMARLE VILLAS, Devonport Nos.1-8 (Consecutive)) Road-frontage walls, railings, and gate-piers and the gates to No.8 (qv). c1827. Low rubble walls with Plymouth limestone coping surmounted by cast-iron railings with arrow-head sha 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/55/637 ALBERMARLE VILLAS, Stoke, K6 Telephone Kiosk in front of No.8 (561660) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.166751 50.374478,-4.166755 50.374492,-4.166782 50.374514,-4.166823 50.374522,-4.166879 50.374502,-4.166892 50.374475,-4.166888 50.374461,-4.166861 50.374439,-4.166819 50.374432,-4.166763 50.374451,-4.166751 50.374478))) Telephone kiosk, type K6. Designed 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Made by Sarron & Co of Stirlingshire. Cast-iron. Square kiosk with domed roof. Unperforated crowns to top panels and margin glazing to windows and door. Relating to a fine group of villa 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/41/638 ALBERT ROAD, Stoke, (South side) Nos.1 AND 3 and attached forecourt railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.168923 50.379267,-4.168930 50.379267,-4.168909 50.378858,-4.168964 50.378856,-4.168960 50.378773,-4.168673 50.378784,-4.168675 50.378816,-4.168786 50.378814,-4.168787 50.378850,-4.168804 50.378850,-4.168812 50.379045,-4.168718 50.379046,-4.168720 50.379108,-4.168610 50.379109,-4.168611 50.379140,-4.168499 50.379141,-4.168490 50.378896,-4.168390 50.378898,-4.168408 50.379279,-4.168644 50.379276,-4.168643 50.379260,-4.168677 50.379260,-4.168679 50.379277,-4.168924 50.379274,-4.168923 50.379267))) Asylum (orphanage), now offices. Mid-late C19, extended 1879. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roofs, the centre roof on bracketed cornice, the lower flanking roofs on modillion cornices over a moulded entablature; 1 rendered stack left of ce 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/41/639 ALBERT ROAD, Stoke, (South side) Nos.9, 11, 11A, 13 & 15 Outram Terrace MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.170174 50.379039,-4.170145 50.379029,-4.170120 50.379032,-4.170111 50.379047,-4.170035 50.379056,-4.170019 50.379045,-4.169997 50.379047,-4.169982 50.379062,-4.169975 50.379041,-4.169780 50.379064,-4.169818 50.379165,-4.170200 50.379122,-4.170174 50.379039))) 2 pairs of houses. c1860s. Stucco with stucco detail; slate roofs on 2 levels with coped ends and moulded eaves cornice; 2 rendered axial stacks and original stuccoed end stack on right with moulded entablature. Double-depth plan, each pair with paired 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/57/254 ALFRED STREET, Hoe, (North side) Nos.1-15 (Odd) and attached road-frontage walls and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.144973 50.367550,-4.144975 50.367589,-4.145030 50.367588,-4.145027 50.367536,-4.145083 50.367535,-4.145080 50.367421,-4.144282 50.367453,-4.144301 50.367631,-4.144353 50.367629,-4.144347 50.367564,-4.144393 50.367562,-4.144399 50.367622,-4.144424 50.367621,-4.144423 50.367609,-4.144450 50.367608,-4.144446 50.367560,-4.144477 50.367559,-4.144479 50.367580,-4.144494 50.367579,-4.144496 50.367607,-4.144544 50.367606,-4.144539 50.367557,-4.144591 50.367555,-4.144593 50.367576,-4.144615 50.367576,-4.144614 50.367567,-4.144633 50.367567,-4.144632 50.367553,-4.144667 50.367552,-4.144669 50.367573,-4.144708 50.367572,-4.144708 50.367564,-4.144729 50.367563,-4.144728 50.367549,-4.144763 50.367548,-4.144765 50.367568,-4.144783 50.367568,-4.144785 50.367596,-4.144800 50.367596,-4.144801 50.367606,-4.144820 50.367606,-4.144820 50.367596,-4.144839 50.367595,-4.144836 50.367545,-4.144859 50.367544,-4.144860 50.367553,-4.144876 50.367554,-4.144880 50.367614,-4.144917 50.367613,-4.144915 50.367592,-4.144936 50.367592,-4.144932 50.367539,-4.144952 50.367538,-4.144953 50.367550,-4.144973 50.367550))) Planned terrace of houses. c1820s-30s, possibly by Foulston. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs behind parapet with moulded entablature and cornice, the right-hand house with turned balustrade to centre of parapet; segmental-roo 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/43/350 APSLEY ROAD, Plymouth, (North West side) Royal Eye Infirmary MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.138449 50.380856,-4.138763 50.380739,-4.138777 50.380754,-4.138871 50.380729,-4.138883 50.380713,-4.138928 50.380696,-4.138916 50.380683,-4.139027 50.380641,-4.139033 50.380648,-4.139050 50.380641,-4.139087 50.380643,-4.139130 50.380611,-4.139125 50.380606,-4.139270 50.380550,-4.139282 50.380564,-4.139308 50.380554,-4.139313 50.380560,-4.139371 50.380531,-4.139302 50.380455,-4.139331 50.380443,-4.139286 50.380392,-4.139222 50.380415,-4.139244 50.380440,-4.139191 50.380463,-4.139197 50.380471,-4.139101 50.380506,-4.139077 50.380494,-4.139043 50.380494,-4.139021 50.380505,-4.139013 50.380519,-4.138963 50.380538,-4.138936 50.380533,-4.138910 50.380539,-4.138891 50.380559,-4.138898 50.380582,-4.138806 50.380615,-4.138800 50.380607,-4.138770 50.380618,-4.138757 50.380604,-4.138730 50.380614,-4.138721 50.380605,-4.138657 50.380628,-4.138695 50.380668,-4.138650 50.380685,-4.138634 50.380669,-4.138560 50.380696,-4.138571 50.380714,-4.138524 50.380732,-4.138506 50.380716,-4.138424 50.380747,-4.138445 50.380770,-4.138419 50.380779,-4.138435 50.380797,-4.138404 50.380808,-4.138449 50.380856))) Eye infirmary. 1897 by Charles King and EW Lister. Red brick with limestone dressings including string courses; tiled hipped roofs with crested ridges and bracketed eaves, the 2 roofs over the taller towers flanking the entrance bay with half-conical fro 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/83/584 ARCADIA ROAD, Plymstock, Elburton, (South West side) Battershill House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.065816 50.358322,-4.065705 50.358357,-4.065741 50.358405,-4.065857 50.358371,-4.065880 50.358403,-4.066060 50.358346,-4.066046 50.358320,-4.066074 50.358311,-4.066059 50.358291,-4.066037 50.358298,-4.066012 50.358267,-4.065912 50.358294,-4.065906 50.358286,-4.065887 50.358291,-4.065890 50.358298,-4.065816 50.358322))) Probable farmhouse, now 2 houses. Probably C17 or early C18. Rubble, mostly rendered at the front, otherwise painted; hipped roof: left-hand part of roof is scantle slate with some C17 crested clay ridge tiles, otherwise dry slate; 2 large gabled lateral 1977-04-18 1977-04-18
740-1/83/583 ARCADIA ROAD, Plymstock, Elburton, (South West side) Hendy's Cottages Nos.1, 2 and 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.065586 50.358203,-4.065586 50.358155,-4.065432 50.358149,-4.065322 50.358134,-4.065332 50.358184,-4.065586 50.358203))) Row of cottages. C18. Rendered, formerly painted rubble walls; corrugated asbestos roof with 3 small gabled roof dormers at rear; large end stacks, the left-hand stack outbuilt. Rectangular plan. 2 storeys; long, low 3-window range. C20 2-light casements 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/65/794 ARTILLERY TOWERS, Stonehouse, Firestone Bay Firestone Bay Tower MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161249 50.361494,-4.161253 50.361507,-4.161279 50.361518,-4.161310 50.361512,-4.161320 50.361501,-4.161295 50.361430,-4.161233 50.361442,-4.161188 50.361428,-4.161144 50.361435,-4.161112 50.361461,-4.161106 50.361486,-4.161137 50.361511,-4.161249 50.361494))) Blockhouse tower for coastal defence. 1537-39, remodelled in the C19. Stone rubble with some granite dressings; flat roof behind embattled parapet. Polygonal plan, extended to the north-west in the C19. ,EXTERIOR: 2 storeys; irregularly-disposed openings 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/57/255 ATHENAEUM STREET, Hoe, (West side) Nos.1-4 (Consecutive) and attached forecourt walls and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.146008 50.367025,-4.145966 50.367019,-4.145967 50.366996,-4.145792 50.366987,-4.145791 50.367220,-4.145968 50.367221,-4.145967 50.367194,-4.146062 50.367199,-4.146064 50.367168,-4.146076 50.367169,-4.146077 50.367139,-4.145968 50.367136,-4.145968 50.367079,-4.145984 50.367079,-4.145984 50.367088,-4.146045 50.367090,-4.146041 50.367026,-4.146008 50.367025))) (Formerly Listed as: ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos.1-4 AND 10-14 (Consecutive)) 2 pairs of houses, part of planned street. c1829, attributed to Foulston. MATERIALS: stucco, with traces of incised blocking out, on probable rubble, with stucco detail; a 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/57/256 ATHENAEUM STREET, Hoe, (West side) Nos.10-14 (Consecutive) and attached forecourt walls and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.145963 50.367545,-4.145964 50.367529,-4.146047 50.367535,-4.146046 50.367527,-4.146069 50.367526,-4.146067 50.367497,-4.145790 50.367499,-4.145787 50.367788,-4.145965 50.367778,-4.145962 50.367740,-4.146036 50.367737,-4.146033 50.367718,-4.145996 50.367719,-4.145995 50.367701,-4.145963 50.367701,-4.145961 50.367641,-4.146083 50.367636,-4.146082 50.367603,-4.146092 50.367602,-4.146090 50.367572,-4.145997 50.367574,-4.145997 50.367583,-4.145965 50.367584,-4.145964 50.367567,-4.145997 50.367566,-4.145996 50.367555,-4.145960 50.367555,-4.145963 50.367545))) (Formerly Listed as: ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos.1-4 AND 10-14 (Consecutive)) Half pair (the other half destroyed in the Blitz and rebuilt) and 2 pairs of houses in planned street. c1829, attributed to John Foulston. Stucco, with stucco detail, on p 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/57/257 ATHENAEUM STREET, Hoe, (East side) Nos.15-19 (Consecutive) and attached forecourt walls and railings to No.19 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.145451 50.367761,-4.145452 50.367787,-4.145348 50.367790,-4.145348 50.367806,-4.145309 50.367807,-4.145309 50.367821,-4.145282 50.367821,-4.145282 50.367840,-4.145350 50.367839,-4.145350 50.367854,-4.145455 50.367853,-4.145456 50.367882,-4.145394 50.367882,-4.145394 50.367893,-4.145457 50.367892,-4.145457 50.367906,-4.145344 50.367907,-4.145345 50.367921,-4.145292 50.367921,-4.145293 50.367944,-4.145255 50.367944,-4.145255 50.367960,-4.145327 50.367960,-4.145326 50.367969,-4.145348 50.367969,-4.145348 50.367976,-4.145460 50.367976,-4.145460 50.368003,-4.145315 50.368004,-4.145316 50.368018,-4.145461 50.368014,-4.145462 50.368029,-4.145350 50.368032,-4.145352 50.368055,-4.145317 50.368056,-4.145318 50.368073,-4.145662 50.368060,-4.145610 50.367758,-4.145451 50.367761))) (Formerly Listed as ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos. 15-19, 22-30 and 31),,Terrace of two and a half (No. 15) pairs of houses. c1829, attributed to John Foulston. Stucco, with stucco detail, on probable rubble; dry slate roof to No.18, otherwise asbestos 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/57/259 ATHENEUM STREET, Hoe, (East side) Nos.30 AND 31 and attached forecourt walls and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.145430 50.367077,-4.145612 50.367084,-4.145610 50.366969,-4.145374 50.366938,-4.145364 50.366969,-4.145429 50.366978,-4.145430 50.367013,-4.145348 50.367007,-4.145346 50.367044,-4.145430 50.367046,-4.145430 50.367077))) (Formerly Listed as: ATHENAEUM STREET, Plymouth Nos.15-19, 22-30 AND 31) Includes: No.83 CITADEL ROAD Hoe. Pair of houses in planned street. 1829, attributed to John Foulston, remodelled late C19. Stucco, with stucco detail, on probable rubble; dry sl 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/62/98 THE PARADE, Barbican, No.7 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136590 50.368374,-4.136681 50.368371,-4.136670 50.368263,-4.136695 50.368262,-4.136672 50.368056,-4.136549 50.368061,-4.136590 50.368374))) Formerly known as: No.50 VAUXHALL STREET. Includes: Nos.1-4 BARBICAN COURT Barbican. Warehouse incorporating remains of merchant's house, now flats. C17 house; fireplace wall extended to create warehouse with datestone inscribed 'T.V. 1810'. Plymouth l 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/62/99 VAUXHALL STREET, Barbican, (South side) No.54 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136393 50.368128,-4.136453 50.368394,-4.136541 50.368385,-4.136508 50.368115,-4.136393 50.368128))) (Formerly Listed as: WOOLSTER STREET, Plymouth No.50) Includes: No.5 BARBICAN COURT Barbican. Warehouse. Early C19. Plymouth limestone rubble with some dressed quoins and brick segmental arches over the openings; asbestos slate half-hipped roof with end 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/50/455 BARBICAN ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) Nos.3 AND 5 Grange Cottages MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046791 50.383974,-4.046796 50.383988,-4.046980 50.383994,-4.046991 50.383945,-4.046983 50.383944,-4.046986 50.383928,-4.046975 50.383927,-4.046977 50.383934,-4.046805 50.383927,-4.046716 50.383937,-4.046724 50.383966,-4.046753 50.383963,-4.046756 50.383977,-4.046791 50.383974))) (Formerly Listed as: BARBICAN ROAD, Plympton St Maurice Nos.4 AND 5) 2 small houses. C17. Render on probable rubble, slate-hung gable at rear; steep slate roofs; 2 dormer windows: 1 gabled, 1 hipped; lateral stack to front left in 2 stages, rendered sta 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/49/456 BARBICAN ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) Castle Hayes Cottage MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050785 50.384420,-4.050796 50.384484,-4.050788 50.384485,-4.050792 50.384501,-4.050909 50.384496,-4.050894 50.384458,-4.050909 50.384457,-4.050905 50.384437,-4.050896 50.384437,-4.050882 50.384410,-4.050785 50.384420))) Cottage. Mid C19. Rubble with red brick arches; steep dry slate roof with 2 steep-pitched gables and porch gable, all with shaped barge boards, plus small gabled dormer over porch; rendered gable stack on the left and lateral stack to rear right. 2-room 1975-05-01 1975-05-01

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