Plymouth City Council
Listed building outline
Reference | Name | Listed building | Geometry | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
740-1/49/457 | BARBICAN ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (South side (off)) Remains of Castle | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048450 50.383588,-4.048378 50.383568,-4.048282 50.383572,-4.048244 50.383585,-4.048217 50.383604,-4.048194 50.383654,-4.048217 50.383694,-4.048255 50.383724,-4.048302 50.383744,-4.048347 50.383752,-4.048345 50.383731,-4.048274 50.383703,-4.048245 50.383678,-4.048236 50.383656,-4.048244 50.383627,-4.048271 50.383603,-4.048310 50.383593,-4.048414 50.383602,-4.048450 50.383588))) | Remains of castle keep on motte. Probably C12, but may be early C13. Killas rubble walls about 3m thick and surviving in places to about 4m high; putlog holes. PLAN: circular on plan with evidence for doorway to its S side with deep draw-bar slot on its | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/78/596 | BARTON ROAD, Plymstock, Hooe (Lower), Pair of Lime Kilns approx 260m NE of Church of St John, Church Hill Road | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.113379 50.356005,-4.113393 50.356032,-4.113451 50.356049,-4.113492 50.356040,-4.113517 50.356017,-4.113519 50.356003,-4.113515 50.355989,-4.113489 50.355967,-4.113447 50.355959,-4.113406 50.355968,-4.113382 50.355991,-4.113379 50.356005))) | Pair of lime kilns. Probably early-mid C19. Plymouth limestone and slatestone rubble. Back-to-back kilns built into bank at rear. Each kiln has a limestone round-arched opening (swallow) which fronts a corbelled vault. The front wall is bowed. The lime k | 1989-12-07 | 1989-12-07 | |||
740-1/58/351 | BEAUMONT ROAD, Plymouth, (North side) Beaumont House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.130894 50.372671,-4.131033 50.372660,-4.131026 50.372611,-4.131203 50.372595,-4.131212 50.372639,-4.131355 50.372626,-4.131323 50.372475,-4.131175 50.372487,-4.131176 50.372497,-4.131007 50.372513,-4.131005 50.372503,-4.130862 50.372518,-4.130894 50.372671))) | (Formerly Listed as: BEAUMONT PARK, Plymouth Beaumont House (Central Chest Clinic)) Country house. C18, remodelled and extended early C19 and late C20. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate roofs, the roof of the original house steep and with rendered en | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/58/352 | BEAUMONT ROAD, Plymouth, (South side) Church of St Jude | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.127734 50.372842,-4.127698 50.372806,-4.127665 50.372820,-4.127649 50.372793,-4.127632 50.372799,-4.127596 50.372764,-4.127583 50.372769,-4.127589 50.372776,-4.127540 50.372796,-4.127532 50.372789,-4.127520 50.372793,-4.127528 50.372801,-4.127481 50.372820,-4.127475 50.372814,-4.127464 50.372818,-4.127471 50.372824,-4.127426 50.372843,-4.127419 50.372836,-4.127405 50.372842,-4.127412 50.372848,-4.127364 50.372868,-4.127353 50.372858,-4.127282 50.372893,-4.127264 50.372894,-4.127309 50.372938,-4.127297 50.372943,-4.127303 50.372949,-4.127267 50.372964,-4.127275 50.372972,-4.127284 50.372969,-4.127372 50.373057,-4.127412 50.373041,-4.127433 50.373062,-4.127446 50.373057,-4.127441 50.373052,-4.127528 50.373021,-4.127513 50.373006,-4.127560 50.372987,-4.127576 50.372988,-4.127571 50.372982,-4.127618 50.372962,-4.127635 50.372963,-4.127630 50.372957,-4.127679 50.372938,-4.127687 50.372943,-4.127699 50.372938,-4.127707 50.372947,-4.127722 50.372941,-4.127713 50.372932,-4.127748 50.372917,-4.127756 50.372925,-4.127770 50.372920,-4.127758 50.372908,-4.127768 50.372904,-4.127759 50.372894,-4.127748 50.372899,-4.127732 50.372883,-4.127742 50.372878,-4.127731 50.372868,-4.127721 50.372872,-4.127704 50.372855,-4.127734 50.372842))) | Anglican church. 1875-76 by James Hine, spire completed 1881. Plymouth limestone brought to course and limestone dressings; dry slate roofs with coped gable ends. Early and mid Gothic style. PLAN: nave, chancel, N and S aisles, N and S transepts and NW t | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/43/354 | BEDFORD TERRACE, Plymouth, (North East side) No.9 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134900 50.376891,-4.134947 50.376806,-4.134885 50.376790,-4.134890 50.376782,-4.134878 50.376779,-4.134882 50.376772,-4.134857 50.376766,-4.134838 50.376776,-4.134777 50.376761,-4.134726 50.376847,-4.134795 50.376864,-4.134778 50.376892,-4.134812 50.376901,-4.134829 50.376873,-4.134900 50.376891))) | Villa. c1840-50. Stucco with stucco Gothic detail; roof hidden behind embattled parapet with moulded cornice; stuccoed end stacks. Double-depth plan. 3 storeys; symmetrical 3-window front. Plinth, mid-floor strings, square hoodmoulds over openings with c | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/85/592 | BELLE VUE ROAD, (North West side) Plymstock, Hooe (Higher) Hooe Manor | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.107491 50.350680,-4.107512 50.350689,-4.107532 50.350672,-4.107511 50.350662,-4.107555 50.350623,-4.107589 50.350638,-4.107638 50.350594,-4.107663 50.350605,-4.107695 50.350576,-4.107671 50.350565,-4.107696 50.350542,-4.107682 50.350536,-4.107732 50.350491,-4.107684 50.350469,-4.107588 50.350555,-4.107558 50.350542,-4.107546 50.350554,-4.107537 50.350549,-4.107489 50.350593,-4.107416 50.350559,-4.107368 50.350602,-4.107355 50.350595,-4.107338 50.350611,-4.107351 50.350617,-4.107307 50.350657,-4.107382 50.350691,-4.107338 50.350731,-4.107437 50.350777,-4.107485 50.350734,-4.107449 50.350718,-4.107491 50.350680))) | Country house, now divided into flats. 1777 for Christopher Harris. Caen stone ashlar with plinth, mid-floor bands and rusticated quoins; dry slate hipped roof with central valley and with a moulded and modillion cornice; large ashlar stacks: 4 axial sta | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/85/593 | BELLE VUE ROAD, (North West side) Plymstock, Hooe (Higher) Entrance gate-piers east of Hooe Manor | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.106666 50.350643,-4.106670 50.350657,-4.106697 50.350679,-4.106738 50.350687,-4.106794 50.350667,-4.106806 50.350641,-4.106792 50.350614,-4.106734 50.350597,-4.106678 50.350616,-4.106666 50.350643))) | Gate-piers and screen walls. Late C18. Ashlar piers and coped rubble walls. Square-on-plan piers and cyma-plan walls. Piers have plinths and fluted friezes to moulded caps. | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/85/594 | BELLE VUE ROAD, (South East side) Plymstock, Hooe (Higher) Gate-piers on opposite side of road to Hooe Manor | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.106542 50.350585,-4.106546 50.350599,-4.106572 50.350621,-4.106614 50.350629,-4.106670 50.350609,-4.106682 50.350582,-4.106668 50.350556,-4.106632 50.350540,-4.106610 50.350539,-4.106588 50.350541,-4.106554 50.350558,-4.106542 50.350585))) | Pair of gate-piers. Late C18. Ashlar square-on-plan piers with plinths and fluted friezes to moulded caps. | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/85/595 | BELLE VUE ROAD, (North West side) Plymstock, Hooe (Higher) The Retreat | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.106651 50.351045,-4.106680 50.351001,-4.106547 50.350967,-4.106592 50.350895,-4.106611 50.350900,-4.106626 50.350876,-4.106607 50.350872,-4.106612 50.350865,-4.106546 50.350848,-4.106550 50.350841,-4.106559 50.350843,-4.106620 50.350747,-4.106594 50.350740,-4.106616 50.350706,-4.106558 50.350691,-4.106536 50.350726,-4.106506 50.350719,-4.106445 50.350815,-4.106474 50.350823,-4.106377 50.350976,-4.106539 50.351017,-4.106531 50.351030,-4.106589 50.351044,-4.106597 50.351031,-4.106651 50.351045))) | Detached house. Late C18. Render or stucco on probable rubble; dry slate hipped roof with modillion cornice at the front, returned slightly at either end; large brick axial stacks. Square double-depth plan plus single-storey wing on the left. ,EXTERIOR: | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/41/644 | BEYROUT PLACE, Stoke, (North side) No.5 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.169436 50.377595,-4.169492 50.377552,-4.169488 50.377490,-4.169509 50.377490,-4.169509 50.377474,-4.169528 50.377474,-4.169528 50.377492,-4.169577 50.377487,-4.169635 50.377443,-4.169631 50.377420,-4.169438 50.377415,-4.169436 50.377595))) | End of terrace house. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; roof behind stuccoed parapet with moulded and bracketed cornice. Tapered corner-site plan with canted end on left. 2 storeys; symmetrical 3-window front plus splay on left of canted end bay with w | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/41/645 | BEYROUT PLACE, Stoke, (North side) Nos.6-10 (Consecutive) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.169436 50.377595,-4.169438 50.377415,-4.168976 50.377415,-4.168979 50.377502,-4.169017 50.377502,-4.169017 50.377611,-4.169073 50.377611,-4.169073 50.377502,-4.169106 50.377501,-4.169109 50.377613,-4.169164 50.377612,-4.169159 50.377501,-4.169197 50.377501,-4.169199 50.377611,-4.169254 50.377611,-4.169251 50.377501,-4.169286 50.377500,-4.169287 50.377614,-4.169345 50.377614,-4.169344 50.377500,-4.169376 50.377500,-4.169381 50.377637,-4.169436 50.377595))) | 5 terraced houses. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; asbestos slate mansard roof over stuccoed parapet with moulded and bracketed cornice; segmental-roofed mansard dormers; brick and rendered end stacks. Double-depth plan, each house with 1 front room | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/4/615 | BICKHAM ROAD, St Budeaux, Ernesettle House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.187481 50.408748,-4.187279 50.408723,-4.187268 50.408760,-4.187241 50.408756,-4.187235 50.408779,-4.187264 50.408782,-4.187252 50.408823,-4.187344 50.408834,-4.187341 50.408846,-4.187378 50.408851,-4.187368 50.408888,-4.187452 50.408898,-4.187457 50.408884,-4.187514 50.408891,-4.187525 50.408851,-4.187453 50.408843,-4.187481 50.408748))) | Detached house. Early C19. Stucco with rusticated quoins; steep dry slate roof with modillion eaves cornice; tall stuccoed end stacks built forward of ridge. Double-depth or double-pile plan with entrance hall behind right-hand room. 2 storeys; symmetric | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/31/424 | BORINGDON HILL, Plympton, (West side) No.61 Muttram Cottage | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.054139 50.396473,-4.054141 50.396414,-4.054130 50.396413,-4.054131 50.396405,-4.054022 50.396403,-4.054018 50.396530,-4.054095 50.396531,-4.054097 50.396473,-4.054139 50.396473))) | (Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Muttram Cottage) House. C18. Rubble and probably cob with rendered front; new slate steep main roof, slurried slate to lean-to; rendered stack over large outbuilt breast on the left; brick stack on the right | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/6/531 | BORINGDON HILL, Plympton, Boringdon, Boringdon Hall | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.056502 50.401849,-4.056512 50.401843,-4.056538 50.401859,-4.056690 50.401760,-4.056748 50.401796,-4.056979 50.401643,-4.056885 50.401585,-4.056929 50.401556,-4.056865 50.401517,-4.056838 50.401534,-4.056777 50.401497,-4.056703 50.401546,-4.056736 50.401567,-4.056691 50.401597,-4.056732 50.401622,-4.056644 50.401680,-4.056604 50.401655,-4.056561 50.401681,-4.056600 50.401706,-4.056443 50.401810,-4.056502 50.401849))) | (Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Boringdon House) Great house. Medieval origins, the present structure predominantly C17 but containing some C16 detail, and, following a period of neglect, partly rebuilt late C20. MATERIALS: coursed rubble | 1952-02-20 | 1952-02-20 | |||
740-1/6/532 | BORINGDON HILL, Plympton, Boringdon, Outbuildings north-east of Boringdon Hall | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.056443 50.401810,-4.056043 50.402065,-4.055565 50.401745,-4.055495 50.401789,-4.055431 50.401748,-4.055383 50.401780,-4.055507 50.401862,-4.055492 50.401871,-4.055557 50.401916,-4.055632 50.401869,-4.056037 50.402141,-4.056502 50.401849,-4.056443 50.401810))) | (Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Outbuildings north-east of Boringdon House) Outbuildings, presumably a threshing barn and granary to great house, now converted to residential accommodation. C17 and later. Local rubble with some stone dress | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/6/533 | BORINGDON HILL, Plympton, Boringdon, Pair of gate-piers at entrance to Boringdon Hall | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.056540 50.401371,-4.056554 50.401397,-4.056570 50.401407,-4.056612 50.401414,-4.056634 50.401412,-4.056668 50.401395,-4.056680 50.401368,-4.056676 50.401354,-4.056650 50.401332,-4.056608 50.401325,-4.056552 50.401344,-4.056540 50.401371))) | (Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON HILL, Plympton Pair of gate piers at entrance to south of Boringdon House) Gate-piers to great house. Probably late C17 for the Parkers of Boringdon. Rusticated granite ashlar with plinths, moulded cornices and shaped caps | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/72/611 | BORINGDON ROAD, (South East side) Plymstock, Turnchapel No.1 (Mansion House) Boringdon Terrace | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.116876 50.358727,-4.116790 50.358666,-4.116757 50.358683,-4.116677 50.358624,-4.116617 50.358657,-4.116728 50.358739,-4.116711 50.358749,-4.116730 50.358761,-4.116747 50.358752,-4.116783 50.358778,-4.116876 50.358727))) | (Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON TERRACE Plymstock, Turnchapel No.1 (Mansion House)) House. Early C19. Incised stucco with stucco detail; fairly steep dry slate roof behind tall 3-bay parapet with round-headed piers; stuccoed end stacks, and brick stack | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/71/612 | BORINGDON ROAD, (South East side) Plymstock, Turnchapel Nos.2-12 (Consecutive) Boringdon Terrace | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.116790 50.358666,-4.116876 50.358727,-4.117558 50.358347,-4.117421 50.358249,-4.117405 50.358258,-4.117454 50.358294,-4.117442 50.358300,-4.117337 50.358223,-4.117314 50.358236,-4.117331 50.358248,-4.117310 50.358267,-4.117392 50.358327,-4.117378 50.358335,-4.117297 50.358275,-4.117265 50.358294,-4.117347 50.358352,-4.117309 50.358373,-4.117239 50.358322,-4.117217 50.358334,-4.117286 50.358386,-4.117254 50.358404,-4.117086 50.358291,-4.117066 50.358301,-4.117136 50.358353,-4.117092 50.358376,-4.117129 50.358403,-4.117152 50.358390,-4.117206 50.358430,-4.117165 50.358453,-4.117139 50.358435,-4.117113 50.358451,-4.117091 50.358435,-4.117061 50.358451,-4.117107 50.358486,-4.117040 50.358522,-4.116990 50.358485,-4.116944 50.358511,-4.116973 50.358532,-4.117006 50.358514,-4.117027 50.358531,-4.116980 50.358557,-4.116961 50.358543,-4.116946 50.358550,-4.116966 50.358565,-4.116951 50.358573,-4.116877 50.358519,-4.116845 50.358537,-4.116865 50.358552,-4.116850 50.358561,-4.116903 50.358600,-4.116885 50.358611,-4.116810 50.358555,-4.116783 50.358570,-4.116748 50.358544,-4.116729 50.358554,-4.116755 50.358574,-4.116731 50.358587,-4.116816 50.358651,-4.116790 50.358666))) | (Formerly Listed as: BORINGDON TERRACE Plymstock, Turnchapel Nos.2-12 (Consecutive)) Terrace of small houses. Early C19. Mostly incised stucco, some render; fairly steep dry slate roofs to Nos 2-4, otherwise replaced with asbestos slate, Nos 9-11 with | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/62/2 | BRETONSIDE, Barbican, (North side) Nos.21 AND 23 Kings Head Public House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135197 50.370826,-4.135216 50.370826,-4.135218 50.370848,-4.135338 50.370845,-4.135339 50.370880,-4.135375 50.370879,-4.135372 50.370789,-4.135357 50.370789,-4.135350 50.370687,-4.135175 50.370695,-4.135197 50.370826))) | (Formerly Listed as: BRETON SIDE, Plymouth Nos.21 AND 23 (Kings Head Public House)) Public house. C17, remodelled late C19. Rendered studwork or brick front with tall parapet concealing steep asbestos roof plus 2 parallel hipped roofs at right angles to | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/62/3 | BRETONSIDE, Barbican, (South side) Nos.50, 52 AND 54 Mayflower House (Eric Cole & Partners) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.133645 50.370628,-4.133723 50.370769,-4.133774 50.370777,-4.133951 50.370739,-4.133926 50.370688,-4.133804 50.370712,-4.133754 50.370619,-4.133728 50.370624,-4.133720 50.370609,-4.133645 50.370628))) | (Formerly Listed as: BRETON SIDE, Plymouth Nos.50-54 (Even)) House. 1655 but front mostly rebuilt early C20. Render to ground floor and rear wing; slatehanging to 1st floor of front block; very steep dry slate roof to front with polygonal left-hand end | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/62/4 | BRETONSIDE, Barbican, (South side) Arches at St Martin's Gate School (school not included) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135630 50.370549,-4.135617 50.370610,-4.135635 50.370635,-4.135695 50.370648,-4.135717 50.370644,-4.135748 50.370625,-4.135769 50.370565,-4.135763 50.370538,-4.135750 50.370526,-4.135712 50.370513,-4.135669 50.370517,-4.135651 50.370525,-4.135630 50.370549))) | (Formerly Listed as: BRETON SIDE, Plymouth Arches at St Martin's Gate Secondary School) 2 doorways built into later wall. C17. 2 dressed granite chamfered doorways with 4-centred arches built into a rendered and painted wall. These doorways were the ent | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/62/5 | BUCKWELL STREET, Barbican, (West side) No.12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.138221 50.369258,-4.138213 50.369215,-4.138109 50.369214,-4.138115 50.369258,-4.138221 50.369258))) | (Formerly Listed as: BUCKWELL STREET, Plymouth No.12) Merchant's house. Late C17 with C20 restored front. Stone rubble side walls; render on timber frame to front end; dry slate roof hipped and with deep projection at the front; slate roofed hoods on fl | 1981-12-21 | 1981-12-21 | |||
740-1/14/616 | BUDSHEAD ROAD, St Budeaux, (West side) Agaton Farmhouse | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.174469 50.413845,-4.174471 50.413836,-4.174424 50.413829,-4.174428 50.413815,-4.174389 50.413809,-4.174386 50.413820,-4.174294 50.413809,-4.174291 50.413818,-4.174171 50.413803,-4.174156 50.413852,-4.174277 50.413867,-4.174263 50.413909,-4.174330 50.413918,-4.174325 50.413931,-4.174450 50.413946,-4.174469 50.413885,-4.174457 50.413883,-4.174469 50.413845))) | (Formerly Listed as: ST BUDEAUX Agaton Farmhouse) Farmhouse. C17, remodelled and extended C18 and C19. Stuccoed front, otherwise local rubble; dry slate roofs with some brick end stacks. Overall L-shaped plan with 2 attached wings at rear left, one wing | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/15/317 | BUTT PARK ROAD, Honicknowle, (North West side) No.17 Warwick Park House, including garden wall and piers | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.155819 50.411078,-4.155863 50.411099,-4.155844 50.411114,-4.155896 50.411139,-4.155915 50.411124,-4.155984 50.411158,-4.155954 50.411182,-4.155990 50.411200,-4.156061 50.411139,-4.156002 50.411109,-4.156026 50.411090,-4.155966 50.411061,-4.155977 50.411051,-4.155955 50.411041,-4.155943 50.411050,-4.155881 50.411019,-4.155803 50.411071,-4.155819 50.411078))) | (Formerly Listed as: HONICKNOWLE Warwick Park House. Garden wall to Warwick Park House) Detached house on site of manor house. c1800. Slatehanging to front, otherwise rendered; dry Delabole slate roof behind moulded stuccoed parapet; 3 dormer windows; 2 | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/718 | CAROLINE PLACE, Stonehouse, (North side) Nos.5-9 (Consecutive) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160228 50.367394,-4.160226 50.367365,-4.160248 50.367304,-4.159636 50.367211,-4.159634 50.367202,-4.159613 50.367198,-4.159615 50.367207,-4.159510 50.367189,-4.159540 50.367305,-4.159600 50.367298,-4.159596 50.367286,-4.159610 50.367288,-4.159607 50.367277,-4.159632 50.367280,-4.159640 50.367306,-4.159683 50.367313,-4.159726 50.367319,-4.159722 50.367293,-4.159779 50.367302,-4.159787 50.367330,-4.159812 50.367334,-4.159834 50.367417,-4.159852 50.367416,-4.159837 50.367355,-4.159869 50.367352,-4.159861 50.367315,-4.159959 50.367337,-4.159965 50.367319,-4.159994 50.367323,-4.159987 50.367342,-4.160017 50.367346,-4.160012 50.367360,-4.160055 50.367367,-4.160070 50.367404,-4.160092 50.367402,-4.160087 50.367371,-4.160228 50.367394))) | Planned terrace of houses. Mid C19. Stucco; dry slate roofs with deep front eaves; brick end stacks. Double-depth plan, each house with probably 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall. 2 storeys; each house a symmetrical 3-bay front with r | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/61/719 | CAROLINE PLACE, Stonehouse, (North side) Nos.10-19 (Consecutive) including forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.159374 50.367167,-4.159360 50.367121,-4.159339 50.367115,-4.158297 50.367236,-4.158280 50.367243,-4.158279 50.367258,-4.158298 50.367325,-4.158287 50.367326,-4.158292 50.367345,-4.158302 50.367344,-4.158334 50.367463,-4.158383 50.367457,-4.158359 50.367368,-4.158413 50.367362,-4.158418 50.367381,-4.158479 50.367378,-4.158472 50.367353,-4.158547 50.367345,-4.158555 50.367367,-4.158594 50.367363,-4.158588 50.367341,-4.158721 50.367326,-4.158727 50.367352,-4.158765 50.367348,-4.158758 50.367321,-4.158825 50.367314,-4.158833 50.367346,-4.158872 50.367342,-4.158864 50.367310,-4.158918 50.367304,-4.158941 50.367398,-4.158992 50.367392,-4.158969 50.367298,-4.159040 50.367291,-4.159062 50.367372,-4.159099 50.367367,-4.159079 50.367286,-4.159129 50.367281,-4.159150 50.367361,-4.159178 50.367358,-4.159193 50.367416,-4.159221 50.367413,-4.159184 50.367275,-4.159236 50.367269,-4.159257 50.367350,-4.159288 50.367347,-4.159299 50.367391,-4.159322 50.367389,-4.159289 50.367264,-4.159340 50.367258,-4.159366 50.367356,-4.159423 50.367350,-4.159374 50.367167))) | (Formerly Listed as: CAROLINE PLACE, Stonehouse Nos.11-19 (Consecutive)) Planned terrace of houses. Mid C19, altered C20. Stucco with stucco detail, ground floor originally rusticated throughout, Nos 14 and 16 with roughcast render; dry slate roofs wit | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/62/49 | NEW STREET, Barbican, (South side) Nos.41 AND 42 Saccone and Speed Ltd. Warehouse | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135888 50.366978,-4.136190 50.366991,-4.136141 50.366744,-4.136106 50.366740,-4.136105 50.366724,-4.135872 50.366705,-4.135872 50.366750,-4.135885 50.366750,-4.135888 50.366978))) | (Formerly Listed as: NEW STREET, Plymouth Saccone and Speed Ltd. Warehouse) Includes: Saccone and Speed Ltd. Warehouse CASTLE DYKE LANE Barbican. Pair of large warehouses. c1800. Plymouth limestone rubble walls with dressed quoins, jambstones and vousso | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/57/356 | CATHERINE STREET, Plymouth, (East side) Church of St Andrew | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.139500 50.369640,-4.139486 50.369634,-4.139476 50.369640,-4.139486 50.369647,-4.139450 50.369823,-4.139433 50.369831,-4.139442 50.369837,-4.139603 50.369849,-4.139594 50.369882,-4.139584 50.369888,-4.139593 50.369895,-4.139681 50.369898,-4.139680 50.369905,-4.139697 50.369907,-4.139698 50.369900,-4.139782 50.369913,-4.139792 50.369907,-4.139784 50.369901,-4.139793 50.369867,-4.139884 50.369876,-4.139877 50.369900,-4.139947 50.369906,-4.139954 50.369882,-4.140145 50.369902,-4.140159 50.369861,-4.140172 50.369862,-4.140176 50.369851,-4.140237 50.369857,-4.140236 50.369868,-4.140255 50.369869,-4.140258 50.369859,-4.140290 50.369853,-4.140293 50.369840,-4.140271 50.369839,-4.140281 50.369798,-4.140306 50.369800,-4.140308 50.369786,-4.140295 50.369785,-4.140298 50.369775,-4.140278 50.369773,-4.140281 50.369762,-4.140262 50.369760,-4.140260 50.369771,-4.140208 50.369766,-4.140211 50.369755,-4.140193 50.369753,-4.140202 50.369707,-4.140168 50.369703,-4.140173 50.369675,-4.140139 50.369671,-4.140141 50.369650,-4.140156 50.369642,-4.140148 50.369635,-4.140140 50.369640,-4.140022 50.369627,-4.140020 50.369635,-4.139870 50.369622,-4.139844 50.369631,-4.139773 50.369626,-4.139764 50.369614,-4.139739 50.369624,-4.139667 50.369620,-4.139660 50.369602,-4.139549 50.369591,-4.139536 50.369643,-4.139500 50.369640))) | Large parish church, the largest in Devon. Mid C15-late C15 on older site; tower paid for by Thomas Yogge, a merchant, in 1460; John Dew, a mason, worked on the S aisle in 1481-82; John Andrew worked on St Mary's aisle in 1481-82; some restoration by Joh | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/57/357 | CATHERINE STREET, Plymouth, (West side) Dispensary | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.140643 50.369065,-4.140638 50.369130,-4.140612 50.369129,-4.140609 50.369167,-4.140637 50.369168,-4.140632 50.369235,-4.140663 50.369236,-4.140658 50.369294,-4.140765 50.369298,-4.140775 50.369182,-4.140823 50.369183,-4.140819 50.369078,-4.140643 50.369065))) | Dispensary. 1807-09. Plymouth limestone ashlar front; some slatehanging at rear; dry slate roof behind parapet with band and coping; ashlar end stacks. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; symmetrical 5-window front with plinth and voussoirs to segmental arches | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/57/414 | CATHERINE STREET, Plymouth, (East side) St Andrew's Abbey Hall and Church House Assembly Room | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.140072 50.369536,-4.140288 50.369556,-4.140303 50.369374,-4.140088 50.369366,-4.140072 50.369536))) | Church hall and assembly rooms. 1895 on rainwater head. Plymouth limestone rubble with freestone dressings including moulded mid-floor string; steep dry slate roof with coped gable ends and an embattled parapet at the front with a moulded and carved cor | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/57/358 | CATHERINE STREET, Plymouth, (West side) Synagogue | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.140633 50.369332,-4.140467 50.369319,-4.140451 50.369398,-4.140688 50.369418,-4.140702 50.369348,-4.140732 50.369350,-4.140735 50.369335,-4.140652 50.369324,-4.140650 50.369333,-4.140633 50.369332))) | Synagogue. Founded 1762, remodelled interior 1862 and to front and rear after 1874. Stuccoed walls; dry slate roof with coped gable ends; stepped acroterion to front gable. Rectangular aisle-less plan. EXTERIOR: single storey; 2-windows to front end with | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/57/722 | CECIL STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) St Boniface School | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.150792 50.373208,-4.151001 50.373537,-4.151090 50.373512,-4.151106 50.373536,-4.151015 50.373561,-4.151099 50.373672,-4.151118 50.373667,-4.151138 50.373696,-4.151151 50.373693,-4.151174 50.373728,-4.151346 50.373682,-4.151323 50.373647,-4.151313 50.373649,-4.151278 50.373596,-4.151262 50.373600,-4.151208 50.373508,-4.151190 50.373513,-4.151097 50.373371,-4.151067 50.373378,-4.150995 50.373268,-4.151057 50.373252,-4.151002 50.373169,-4.151039 50.373158,-4.151029 50.373144,-4.150792 50.373208))) | Bishop's house, now a school. 1859, probably by JA Hansom, enlarged 1899. Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings including string courses; steep dry slate roofs with coped gables; rear gabled dormers breaking the eaves and hipped dormers fron | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/42/342 | CENTRAL PARK AVENUE, Pennycomequick, (North West side) Russell Place Nos. 5, 6 and 7 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.146304 50.378458,-4.146713 50.378311,-4.146910 50.378241,-4.146855 50.378179,-4.146818 50.378191,-4.146803 50.378176,-4.146774 50.378186,-4.146761 50.378179,-4.146711 50.378198,-4.146718 50.378205,-4.146704 50.378211,-4.146730 50.378241,-4.146727 50.378253,-4.146678 50.378270,-4.146673 50.378264,-4.146646 50.378267,-4.146614 50.378278,-4.146603 50.378288,-4.146609 50.378295,-4.146554 50.378313,-4.146520 50.378277,-4.146462 50.378297,-4.146504 50.378347,-4.146411 50.378381,-4.146395 50.378362,-4.146371 50.378370,-4.146341 50.378336,-4.146231 50.378373,-4.146304 50.378458))) | (Formerly Listed as: CENTRAL PARK AVENUE, Plymouth Russell Place Nos 5-7 (consec)) Former gatehouse of Devonport Prison. 1849 (Pevsner). Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings of a lighter colour; steep dry slate roofs plus embattled tower w | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/54/128 | CHAPEL STREET, Devonport, (West side) Nos.41-45 (Consecutive) Former Crown Hotel | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.173914 50.370175,-4.173892 50.370171,-4.173866 50.370187,-4.174040 50.370439,-4.174215 50.370392,-4.174209 50.370382,-4.174161 50.370395,-4.174152 50.370383,-4.174203 50.370370,-4.174183 50.370340,-4.174112 50.370359,-4.174092 50.370328,-4.174126 50.370318,-4.174116 50.370305,-4.174105 50.370308,-4.174079 50.370267,-4.174174 50.370294,-4.174188 50.370290,-4.174139 50.370220,-4.173914 50.370175))) | Includes: Former Crown Hotel CUMBERLAND STREET Devonport. Planned terrace of houses with corner public house. Original public house sign with relief lettering: 'CROWN HOTEL 1880'. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roof behind balustraded para | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/54/129 | CHAPEL STREET, Devonport, (East side) Church of St Aubyn including attached walls & walls to north & south | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.174563 50.372007,-4.174899 50.371905,-4.174727 50.371676,-4.174370 50.371782,-4.174423 50.371847,-4.174339 50.371875,-4.174416 50.371972,-4.174508 50.371941,-4.174563 50.372007))) | (Formerly Listed as: CHAPEL STREET, Devonport Church of St Aubyn) (Formerly Listed as: CHAPEL STREET, Devonport Walls immediately to north & south of Church of St Aubyn) Anglican church, formerly a proprietary chapel. 1771, the 1st new church for the e | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/54/130 | CHAPEL STREET, Devonport, (East side) Manor Office (Atkey Goodman & Co. & National Provincial) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.174581 50.371475,-4.174501 50.371497,-4.174517 50.371520,-4.174493 50.371526,-4.174464 50.371483,-4.174352 50.371514,-4.174383 50.371560,-4.174417 50.371551,-4.174424 50.371560,-4.174383 50.371572,-4.174360 50.371565,-4.174230 50.371601,-4.174284 50.371670,-4.174570 50.371591,-4.174557 50.371572,-4.174583 50.371565,-4.174573 50.371552,-4.174625 50.371537,-4.174581 50.371475))) | Large house and attached houses, now offices. Late C18. MATERIALS: painted brick with pilasters to principal left-hand return front; rendered brick road front with stuccoed rusticated pilasters flanking house fronts and mid-floor string; slatehanging to | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/58/359 | CHARLES CROSS, Plymouth, Charles Church | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135976 50.371726,-4.136044 50.371722,-4.136045 50.371730,-4.136057 50.371729,-4.136056 50.371719,-4.136081 50.371711,-4.136080 50.371701,-4.136067 50.371702,-4.136063 50.371674,-4.136078 50.371673,-4.136077 50.371666,-4.136046 50.371659,-4.136046 50.371652,-4.135991 50.371661,-4.135990 50.371655,-4.135975 50.371655,-4.135977 50.371642,-4.135965 50.371639,-4.135963 50.371645,-4.135885 50.371649,-4.135879 50.371600,-4.135886 50.371594,-4.135875 50.371590,-4.135870 50.371597,-4.135837 50.371593,-4.135838 50.371599,-4.135585 50.371609,-4.135593 50.371666,-4.135572 50.371661,-4.135573 50.371667,-4.135542 50.371669,-4.135541 50.371662,-4.135505 50.371671,-4.135515 50.371675,-4.135517 50.371688,-4.135506 50.371688,-4.135507 50.371699,-4.135518 50.371698,-4.135524 50.371745,-4.135513 50.371745,-4.135515 50.371755,-4.135527 50.371755,-4.135528 50.371767,-4.135549 50.371771,-4.135615 50.371763,-4.135623 50.371822,-4.135646 50.371826,-4.135655 50.371826,-4.135654 50.371820,-4.135727 50.371822,-4.135727 50.371816,-4.135792 50.371812,-4.135794 50.371818,-4.135854 50.371809,-4.135862 50.371815,-4.135867 50.371808,-4.135906 50.371812,-4.135912 50.371805,-4.135902 50.371799,-4.135895 50.371748,-4.135978 50.371744,-4.135976 50.371726))) | Parish church ruin. 1640-1658, one of very few established churches built during the Commonwealth, tower completed 1708, the present stone spire replacing a wooden one in 1766, 2 small C19 accretions, interior refitted 1828-29 by JH Ball (now lost); gutt | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/58/360 | CHARLES CROSS, Plymouth, Lanyon's Almshouses (Lanyon House) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135287 50.372083,-4.135323 50.372202,-4.135307 50.372204,-4.135316 50.372236,-4.135200 50.372250,-4.135143 50.372101,-4.135026 50.372117,-4.135100 50.372322,-4.135420 50.372284,-4.135438 50.372270,-4.135379 50.372073,-4.135287 50.372083))) | Corporation almshouses. 1868 by Robert Hodges, built on site of almshouses founded in 1679. Rendered brick; dry slate roof fronted by alternate stepped gables and gables with acroteria; tall 2-stage axial stacks. Tudor Gothic style detail. Curved shallow | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/41/131 | CHARLOTTE STREET, Devonport, (West side) Nos.17, 18 AND 19 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.177895 50.379419,-4.177937 50.379555,-4.178051 50.379541,-4.178045 50.379524,-4.178147 50.379511,-4.178143 50.379498,-4.178207 50.379489,-4.178203 50.379475,-4.178039 50.379497,-4.178033 50.379478,-4.178114 50.379467,-4.178109 50.379454,-4.178125 50.379452,-4.178120 50.379437,-4.178024 50.379449,-4.178017 50.379430,-4.178102 50.379418,-4.178094 50.379393,-4.177895 50.379419))) | 3 small houses in a terrace. Early C19. Slatehanging; wooden doorcases; dry slate roofs to Nos 17 and 18, asbestos slate to No.19, stepped roof; brick stacks over party walls, many old pots. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; each house with 1-window-range fr | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/25/239 | CHURCH HILL, Eggbuckland, (North East side) No.1 Bowden Farm | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.118320 50.403705,-4.118310 50.403692,-4.118442 50.403642,-4.118387 50.403576,-4.118312 50.403600,-4.118331 50.403624,-4.118286 50.403641,-4.118273 50.403641,-4.118260 50.403627,-4.118209 50.403649,-4.118262 50.403720,-4.118320 50.403705))) | (Formerly Listed as: CHURCH HILL, Eggbuckland Bowden) Farmhouse. Probably C17. Render on probable rubble. Dry slate roof, hipped on the right and to rear of cross wing on the left; large rendered rubble stack to front of wing and a large lateral stack t | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/29/240 | CHURCH HILL, Eggbuckland, (South West side) Church of St Edward, King of the West Saxons | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.114996 50.400727,-4.114938 50.400722,-4.114933 50.400750,-4.114776 50.400737,-4.114768 50.400777,-4.114689 50.400770,-4.114671 50.400862,-4.115042 50.400893,-4.115048 50.400862,-4.115060 50.400849,-4.115052 50.400827,-4.115075 50.400815,-4.115076 50.400804,-4.115067 50.400803,-4.115068 50.400797,-4.115004 50.400798,-4.115013 50.400757,-4.114991 50.400755,-4.114996 50.400727))) | (Formerly Listed as: EGG BUCKLAND Church of St Edward, King of the West Saxons) Parish church. c1430, chancel and N aisle after 1864, 2-storey NE vestry 1907 by TR Kitsell. Slatestone rubble with granite dressings except for 1906 extension of rock-faced | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/78/597 | CHURCH HILL ROAD, (East side) Plymstock, Hooe (Lower) Church of St John | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.116781 50.354812,-4.116943 50.354810,-4.116941 50.354738,-4.116925 50.354738,-4.116924 50.354706,-4.116860 50.354707,-4.116858 50.354665,-4.116806 50.354666,-4.116808 50.354707,-4.116651 50.354709,-4.116652 50.354737,-4.116630 50.354737,-4.116631 50.354752,-4.116476 50.354754,-4.116477 50.354804,-4.116484 50.354804,-4.116485 50.354823,-4.116536 50.354823,-4.116537 50.354863,-4.116604 50.354863,-4.116602 50.354806,-4.116633 50.354806,-4.116633 50.354818,-4.116781 50.354812))) | (Formerly Listed as: CHURCH HILL ROAD Plymstock, Lower Hooe Parish Church of St John's) Parish church. 1855 by William White. Plymouth limestone rubble walls with limestone dressings; very steep dry slate roofs; bellcote with paired openings over the W | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/77/598 | CHURCH HILL ROAD, (East side) Plymstock, Hooe (Lower) St John's Church Hall | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.117001 50.355004,-4.116980 50.354975,-4.116959 50.354979,-4.116875 50.354825,-4.116855 50.354825,-4.116849 50.354811,-4.116781 50.354812,-4.116782 50.354861,-4.116836 50.354856,-4.116847 50.354878,-4.116802 50.354887,-4.116828 50.354940,-4.116758 50.354955,-4.116787 50.355011,-4.116854 50.354998,-4.116875 50.355039,-4.116966 50.355019,-4.116999 50.355052,-4.117177 50.354978,-4.117144 50.354945,-4.117001 50.355004))) | Church hall and former vicarage or schoolhouse. 1855 by William White. Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings; very steep dry slate roofs, the hall roof extended late C20 and sweeping very low at the front; truncated rubble stack over origina | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/458 | CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (West side) No.1 St Maurice House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047635 50.383076,-4.047648 50.383129,-4.047679 50.383127,-4.047686 50.383145,-4.047726 50.383142,-4.047708 50.383037,-4.047694 50.383037,-4.047675 50.382956,-4.047506 50.382972,-4.047526 50.383084,-4.047635 50.383076))) | Town house. Late C18. Render on probable studwork; dry slate hipped roof with 3 flat-roofed dormers with slate-hung cheeks; moulded eaves cornice. PLAN: double-depth plan with 2 unequal-sized front rooms flanking an entrance hall; 1st floor extended out | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/50/459 | CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (East side) No.4 Island House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047401 50.383170,-4.047382 50.383095,-4.047148 50.383120,-4.047152 50.383135,-4.047165 50.383134,-4.047170 50.383152,-4.047254 50.383152,-4.047263 50.383190,-4.047310 50.383186,-4.047309 50.383178,-4.047401 50.383170))) | House with later shop, later reinstated as a house. C18. Rendered front, otherwise stone rubble; steep dry slate roof with late C19 crested clay ridge tiles; 2 hipped roof dormers with slate-hung cheeks and terracotta finials; brick end stack on the rig | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/462 | CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.12 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047061 50.383366,-4.047085 50.383404,-4.047167 50.383377,-4.047095 50.383298,-4.047022 50.383320,-4.047061 50.383366))) | (Formerly Listed as: CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice No.12) Town house, probably a merchant's house. Mid-late C18. Polychrome rubble walls with flat brick arches to 1st floor and segmental brick arches to ground floor; slate roof with modillion eaves c | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/463 | CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.16 Winson House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047025 50.383357,-4.047013 50.383352,-4.046988 50.383365,-4.046968 50.383333,-4.046938 50.383340,-4.046958 50.383373,-4.046941 50.383376,-4.046932 50.383359,-4.046889 50.383369,-4.046931 50.383440,-4.047085 50.383404,-4.047034 50.383330,-4.047022 50.383320,-4.047000 50.383326,-4.047025 50.383357))) | (Formerly Listed as: CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice No.16 Winson House) Fairly large town house. Mid-late C18. Polychrome rubble walls with segmental brick arches; slate roof with modillion eaves cornice; rendered end stacks. Shallow-depth plan with 2 | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/62/6 | BUCKWELL STREET, Barbican, (East side) Granite archway adjoining north of Breton Arms Public House (PH not included) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137457 50.369703,-4.137440 50.369734,-4.137439 50.369762,-4.137465 50.369785,-4.137506 50.369794,-4.137563 50.369776,-4.137593 50.369718,-4.137580 50.369692,-4.137546 50.369675,-4.137482 50.369681,-4.137457 50.369703))) | (Formerly Listed as: BUCKWELL STREET, Plymouth Granite archway adjoining north of the Breton Arms Public House) Doorway, resited in C20 rubble wall (not included). C16. Dressed granite moulded doorway with 4-centred arch with carved spandrels. | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/464 | CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) Church of St Thomas | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046816 50.383589,-4.046794 50.383582,-4.046802 50.383616,-4.046595 50.383618,-4.046586 50.383608,-4.046580 50.383611,-4.046593 50.383622,-4.046593 50.383657,-4.046548 50.383657,-4.046550 50.383725,-4.046562 50.383724,-4.046563 50.383761,-4.046553 50.383768,-4.046865 50.383761,-4.046864 50.383732,-4.046893 50.383732,-4.046893 50.383719,-4.046936 50.383719,-4.046923 50.383598,-4.046931 50.383589,-4.046916 50.383595,-4.046816 50.383589))) | Parish church. Mainly C15, the tower rebuilt 1446, restored 1878 by EH Sedding; nave roof 1905 copied from original roof by Hine and Odgers. Rubble walls with granite dressings; dry slate roofs. PLAN: nave; chancel; N and S aisles; W tower and 2-storey S | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/50/465 | CHURCH ROAD, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) Churchyard wall and lychgate | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046870 50.383523,-4.046884 50.383515,-4.046859 50.383497,-4.046845 50.383505,-4.046870 50.383523))) | Churchyard wall and lychgate. Probably C18. Stone rubble low wall with rubble coping. Wall is immediately S of the church, continued to the E side and the north and returned to the limit of the churchyard to the west. Old iron gate to N entrance with squ | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 |
Showing rows 51 to 100 of 756