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Plymouth City Council

Listed building outline

Reference Name Listed building Geometry Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
740-1/62/80 THE BARBICAN, Barbican, Two K6 Telephone Kiosks NE of The Navy Public House, No.34 Southside Street MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134752 50.367477,-4.134756 50.367491,-4.134782 50.367513,-4.134824 50.367520,-4.134880 50.367501,-4.134892 50.367474,-4.134888 50.367460,-4.134861 50.367438,-4.134820 50.367431,-4.134798 50.367433,-4.134764 50.367450,-4.134752 50.367477))) 2 telephone kiosks, type K6. Designed 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Made by various contractors. Cast-iron. Square kiosks with domed roofs. Unperforated crowns to top panels and margin glazing to windows and doors. 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/57/294 THE CRESCENT, Hoe, (South side) No.1 and attached forecourt wall and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.145905 50.368328,-4.145937 50.368353,-4.146101 50.368295,-4.146022 50.368155,-4.146012 50.368105,-4.145845 50.368139,-4.145905 50.368328))) (Formerly Listed as: THE CRESCENT, Plymouth Nos.1-12 (Consecutive)) House at end of planned crescent. c1833 for John Marshall by George Wightwick (Colvin). Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roof behind stepped parapet with centre break; brick 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/57/295 THE CRESCENT, Hoe, (South side) Nos.2-12 (Consecutive) and attached forecourt walls and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.146030 50.368166,-4.146101 50.368295,-4.146327 50.368241,-4.146494 50.368221,-4.146664 50.368213,-4.146905 50.368212,-4.147132 50.368221,-4.147375 50.368262,-4.147436 50.368127,-4.147402 50.368120,-4.147413 50.368093,-4.147367 50.368085,-4.147356 50.368111,-4.147268 50.368095,-4.147277 50.368071,-4.147230 50.368063,-4.147222 50.368086,-4.147167 50.368078,-4.147158 50.368102,-4.147103 50.368098,-4.147105 50.368049,-4.146951 50.368045,-4.146953 50.368094,-4.146852 50.368095,-4.146851 50.368048,-4.146698 50.368048,-4.146701 50.368095,-4.146611 50.368098,-4.146606 50.368046,-4.146445 50.368052,-4.146452 50.368103,-4.146363 50.368112,-4.146352 50.368064,-4.146176 50.368093,-4.146197 50.368142,-4.146103 50.368162,-4.146081 50.368153,-4.146030 50.368166))) (Formerly Listed as: THE CRESCENT, Plymouth Nos.1-12 (Consecutive). Part of planned crescent. c1860s after a design by George Wightwick. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roofs behind parapet with band; attic windows, most with sashes; render 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/66/296 THE HOE, Hoe, Observation Tower by the Dome (Dome not included) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.142568 50.363921,-4.142592 50.363917,-4.142598 50.363909,-4.142591 50.363895,-4.142560 50.363893,-4.142547 50.363903,-4.142551 50.363916,-4.142568 50.363921))) Observation tower in public park. Late C19. Granite plinth otherwise Plymouth limestone brought to course and with embattled parapet with cavetto parapet cornice. Small octagonal plan with low chamfered doorway with planked door at the landward end and s 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/66/297 THE HOE, Hoe, Shelter by Smeaton's Tower, The Promenade MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.141741 50.364282,-4.141745 50.364252,-4.141633 50.364248,-4.141630 50.364277,-4.141741 50.364282))) Shelter in public park. Late C19. Cast-iron frame with wooden partitions and seats; hipped dry slate roof with deep projecting eaves. Rectangular plan with recessed seat on each side. The roof is carried on central column at either end and 4 pairs of sle 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/66/298 THE HOE, Hoe, Shelter immediately west of Smeaton's Tower, The Promenade MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.143454 50.364402,-4.143469 50.364374,-4.143357 50.364348,-4.143341 50.364376,-4.143454 50.364402))) Shelter in public park. Late C19. Cast-iron frame, wooden partitions and seats; hipped dry slate roof with deep projecting eaves. Rectangular plan with recessed seat on each side. The roof is carried on central column at either end and 4 pairs of turned 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/66/299 THE HOE, Hoe, Shelter immediately west of the Belvedere, Hoe Road MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.145326 50.364774,-4.145319 50.364747,-4.145206 50.364759,-4.145214 50.364787,-4.145326 50.364774))) Shelter in public park. Late C19. Cast-iron frame with wooden partitions and seats; hipped dry slate roof with deep projecting eaves. Rectangular plan with seat recessed to each side. Roof is carried on central column at either end and 4 pairs of turned 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/2/905 THE LAWNS, Crownhill, Church of The Ascension MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135787 50.404987,-4.135661 50.404872,-4.135684 50.404862,-4.135641 50.404809,-4.135552 50.404753,-4.135524 50.404721,-4.135497 50.404712,-4.135460 50.404728,-4.135471 50.404748,-4.135462 50.404752,-4.135499 50.404792,-4.135393 50.404842,-4.135371 50.404822,-4.135266 50.404871,-4.135287 50.404890,-4.135243 50.404910,-4.135260 50.404925,-4.135235 50.404936,-4.135269 50.404980,-4.135316 50.405008,-4.135314 50.405048,-4.135297 50.405086,-4.135349 50.405096,-4.135431 50.405091,-4.135417 50.405051,-4.135421 50.405005,-4.135521 50.404958,-4.135630 50.405057,-4.135787 50.404987))) Church. 1956-58. Potter and Hare. Local multi-coloured stone rubble in greys and browns; some rendered areas; stone window dressings; pitched slated roof to eaves. ,PLAN / EXTERIOR: cruciform hall-church plan with aisles and piers rising to the roof. Sha 1998-09-25 1998-09-25
740-1/62/87 THE PARADE, Barbican, (North side) No.9 Premises of AE Monson MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136315 50.368268,-4.136424 50.368256,-4.136393 50.368128,-4.136278 50.368141,-4.136315 50.368268))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth No.9) Warehouse on wharf. 1847 datestone. Rusticated Plymouth limestone ashlar pilaster piers spanned by dressed segmental arches to ground floor, otherwise coursed rubble front with Plymouth limestone dressings inc 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/88 THE PARADE, Barbican, (North side) No.12 Three Crowns Public House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135949 50.368385,-4.135875 50.368242,-4.135706 50.368281,-4.135769 50.368412,-4.135903 50.368377,-4.135912 50.368395,-4.135949 50.368385))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth Three Crowns Public House) Public house. Probably C17, extended or remodelled mid C19. MATERIALS: stucco with stucco detail; tarred slate roofs: mansard roof at the front behind a balustraded parapet with an entabla 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/89 THE PARADE, Barbican, (South side) No.15 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136156 50.367767,-4.136173 50.367707,-4.136167 50.367704,-4.136172 50.367683,-4.136085 50.367677,-4.136065 50.367756,-4.136156 50.367767))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth No.15) Corner shop premises. Mid C19. Incised stucco with stucco detail; roof hidden behind balustraded parapet with twist balusters above a heavy moulded and modillioned cornice. Single-depth corner-site plan. 3 sto 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/91 THE PARADE, Barbican, (South side) No.16 The Maritime Public House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136331 50.367694,-4.136302 50.367798,-4.136392 50.367817,-4.136436 50.367708,-4.136331 50.367694))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth No.16) Shop premises, now a public house. Early C19. Incised stucco to front, rubble to right-hand return and slate-hung to upper floors; roof not visible behind parapet with string. Double-depth plan. 4 storeys; sy 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/92 THE PARADE, Barbican, (South side) No.18 Old Custom House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136541 50.367803,-4.136526 50.367854,-4.136672 50.367869,-4.136686 50.367815,-4.136541 50.367803))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth No.18 (Old Custom House)) Merchant's house, later used as customs house, now a shop. 1586 and inscription 'A 1623 K' over right-hand doorway. Coursed Plymouth limestone rubble with granite dressings; steep dry slate 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/62/93 THE PARADE, Barbican, (South side) No.23 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137151 50.367928,-4.137227 50.367938,-4.137291 50.367864,-4.137219 50.367843,-4.137151 50.367928))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth No.23) Town house with later shop. C18 front, possibly older core. Painted brick front with chamfered stucco quoins and stucco entablature with modillions and moulded cornice to brick parapet with stucco upper moulde 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/94 THE PARADE, Barbican, (South side) No.24 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137227 50.367938,-4.137332 50.367949,-4.137401 50.367878,-4.137304 50.367848,-4.137227 50.367938))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth No.24) Town house with later shop. C18 with possibly earlier core. Rendered front with stucco moulded parapet cornices; asbestos slate mansard roof with 2 dormer with early C19 hornless sashes with thin glazing bars. 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/90 THE PARADE, Barbican, (South side) Barbican Gallery MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136156 50.367767,-4.136302 50.367798,-4.136331 50.367694,-4.136263 50.367686,-4.136253 50.367728,-4.136170 50.367718,-4.136156 50.367767))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth Barbican Gallery) Warehouse on wharf. Probably C18. Stucco front with dressed Plymouth limestone piers flanking the centre bay; fairly steep dry slate hipped roof. Shallow-depth plan. 3 storeys; 3-bay front with end 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/95 THE PARADE, Barbican, (North side) Custom House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136357 50.368404,-4.136278 50.368141,-4.135964 50.368190,-4.136099 50.368450,-4.136357 50.368404))) (Formerly Listed as: PARADE, Plymouth Custom House) (Formerly Listed as: WOOLSTER STREET, Plymouth Nos.46 AND 48) Includes: Nos.58 AND 60 VAUXHALL STREET Barbican. Custom house with bonded warehouses. 1820. By David Laing (his 1st job as Surveyor of th 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/66/302 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, Armada Memorial MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.141581 50.365305,-4.141622 50.365331,-4.141670 50.365330,-4.141708 50.365305,-4.141708 50.365288,-4.141669 50.365265,-4.141617 50.365265,-4.141582 50.365288,-4.141581 50.365305))) (Formerly Listed as: THE HOE, Plymouth Armada Memorial) Memorial. 1888. By Herbert A Gribble, architect and W Charles May, sculptor. Dressed granite with bronze fittings and sculpture. Octagonal stepped base to square panelled plinth with entablature, ra 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/66/303 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, Drake Statue MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.142820 50.365298,-4.142820 50.365222,-4.142705 50.365223,-4.142707 50.365300,-4.142820 50.365298))) (Formerly Listed as: THE HOE, Plymouth Drake Statue) Memorial with statue. 1884. By JE Boem, sculptor. Dressed granite. Square plan. Stepped base to vermiculated plinth ramped in to polished pink granite chest with moulded white granite cornice and slope 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/66/300 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, Elliott Terrace Nos 1-8 (consec) including No.6A and walls & gate-piers MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.145664 50.365536,-4.144879 50.365522,-4.144853 50.365771,-4.145652 50.365777,-4.145664 50.365765,-4.145664 50.365536))) (Formerly Listed as: THE PROMENADE, Plymouth Elliott Terrace Nos 1-6 (consec). No.6A. Nos 7 and 8) Planned terrace of 9 houses. Mid C19, possibly by George Wightwick. MATERIALS: stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roof, hipped returns at the en 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/66/306 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, Park-keeper's Lodge MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.140146 50.365468,-4.140160 50.365448,-4.140237 50.365470,-4.140272 50.365420,-4.140262 50.365418,-4.140269 50.365408,-4.140252 50.365403,-4.140259 50.365394,-4.140204 50.365377,-4.140190 50.365396,-4.140138 50.365381,-4.140117 50.365410,-4.140086 50.365401,-4.140056 50.365442,-4.140146 50.365468))) Park-keepers lodge. 1887-88. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate roof with projecting eaves and verge with exposed purlins and shaped barge board; hipped roof to centre of front and sprocketed to further projection over verandah on 3 sides; cast-iron st 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/66/304 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, K6 Telephone Kiosk (adjacent to Park-keeper's Lodge) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.140150 50.365186,-4.140154 50.365200,-4.140180 50.365222,-4.140222 50.365229,-4.140244 50.365227,-4.140278 50.365210,-4.140290 50.365183,-4.140286 50.365169,-4.140260 50.365147,-4.140218 50.365140,-4.140196 50.365142,-4.140162 50.365159,-4.140150 50.365186))) (Formerly Listed as: PLYMOUTH HOE K6 Telephone Kiosk adjacent to Park Keepers House) Telephone kiosk, type K6. Designed 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Made by various contractors. Cast-iron. Square base with domed roof. Unperforated crowns to top pane 1990-04-26 1990-04-26
740-1/57/307 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, Prince Christian Victor Memorial MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.139491 50.366291,-4.139584 50.366262,-4.139538 50.366203,-4.139446 50.366231,-4.139491 50.366291))) (Formerly Listed as: THE HOE, Plymouth Prince Christian Victor Memorial) War memorial. 1902 erected in memory of Christian Victor, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein, who died in the Boer War. Polished pink granite partly fluted obelisk on a plinth with bronze 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/66/301 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, The Esplanade Nos 1-8 (consec) and forecourt walls & railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.144749 50.365526,-4.143765 50.365515,-4.143760 50.365613,-4.143772 50.365615,-4.143765 50.365679,-4.144735 50.365690,-4.144749 50.365526))) (Formerly Listed as: THE PROMENADE, Plymouth The Esplanade Nos 1-8 (consec)) Planned terrace of villas. 1836 by George Wightwick. MATERIALS: stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roofs, except for No.3 with asbestos slate, hipped at the ends, all 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/66/308 THE PROMENADE, Hoe, The Grand Hotel MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.146306 50.365740,-4.146347 50.365737,-4.146286 50.365482,-4.145847 50.365528,-4.145855 50.365549,-4.145847 50.365550,-4.145844 50.365762,-4.145872 50.365775,-4.146306 50.365740))) (Formerly Listed as: THE PROMENADE, Plymouth The Berni Grand Hotel) Large hotel. c1870. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roof over a moulded eaves cornice surmounted by a low cast-iron balustrade; pilastered, round-arched attic window with mo 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/66/309 PLYMOUTH The Hoe Smeaton's Tower MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.141849 50.364389,-4.141874 50.364388,-4.141905 50.364371,-4.141910 50.364350,-4.141901 50.364335,-4.141862 50.364321,-4.141827 50.364327,-4.141811 50.364339,-4.141808 50.364368,-4.141849 50.364389))) (Formerly listed as The Smeaton Tower, THE PROMENADE, Hoe, previously listed as: THE HOE, Plymouth, The Smeaton Tower),,25/01/54 GV I Resited upper part of the former Eddystone Lighthouse. 1759 by John Smeaton, erected here on new base in 1882. Circular 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/7/423 THE SOUND, Plymouth Sound, The Breakwater and Lighthouse MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.158252 50.334246,-4.157124 50.334001,-4.154566 50.333475,-4.141712 50.332910,-4.141571 50.332916,-4.140908 50.332981,-4.137689 50.333333,-4.137695 50.333360,-4.137690 50.333361,-4.137594 50.333297,-4.137235 50.333333,-4.137144 50.333463,-4.137090 50.333467,-4.136998 50.333515,-4.136958 50.333564,-4.136943 50.333618,-4.136953 50.333669,-4.136994 50.333733,-4.137035 50.333775,-4.137124 50.333842,-4.137188 50.333868,-4.137252 50.333883,-4.137369 50.333892,-4.137478 50.333868,-4.137537 50.333839,-4.137568 50.333805,-4.137585 50.333755,-4.141696 50.333315,-4.145436 50.333460,-4.148520 50.333608,-4.148710 50.333608,-4.148764 50.333601,-4.148862 50.333627,-4.148893 50.333627,-4.148889 50.333635,-4.148637 50.333640,-4.148608 50.333658,-4.148596 50.333695,-4.148300 50.333776,-4.148362 50.333878,-4.148573 50.333828,-4.148553 50.333790,-4.148666 50.333756,-4.149000 50.333774,-4.149065 50.333784,-4.149065 50.333779,-4.149440 50.333790,-4.149467 50.333782,-4.149479 50.333761,-4.149507 50.333771,-4.149517 50.333756,-4.149484 50.333744,-4.149486 50.333723,-4.149459 50.333682,-4.149414 50.333670,-4.149198 50.333658,-4.149201 50.333626,-4.149189 50.333617,-4.149441 50.333627,-4.149585 50.333637,-4.149587 50.333653,-4.152343 50.333780,-4.154540 50.333891,-4.158298 50.334651,-4.158288 50.334702,-4.158315 50.334762,-4.158266 50.334781,-4.158287 50.334803,-4.158331 50.334786,-4.158480 50.334853,-4.158599 50.334875,-4.158810 50.334877,-4.158865 50.334868,-4.158949 50.334839,-4.159034 50.334792,-4.159088 50.334750,-4.159134 50.334702,-4.159163 50.334652,-4.159179 50.334600,-4.159183 50.334552,-4.159176 50.334479,-4.159150 50.334422,-4.159096 50.334361,-4.158998 50.334286,-4.158931 50.334292,-4.158795 50.334177,-4.158252 50.334246))) Breakwater and lighthouse. Begun 1811 by Sir John Rennie, engineer, with William Knight as the resident architect. Completed in 1841 (Pevsner) with a lighthouse at one end. Built of stone with ramped ends. Long rectangular plan plus ends which are splaye 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/54/181 THEATRE OPE, Devonport, (South side) No.3 The Shakespeare Public House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.172731 50.369655,-4.172708 50.369663,-4.172699 50.369651,-4.172679 50.369658,-4.172748 50.369741,-4.172778 50.369748,-4.172962 50.369686,-4.172892 50.369601,-4.172773 50.369641,-4.172749 50.369613,-4.172707 50.369628,-4.172731 50.369655))) Public house. c1870-80. Stucco; slate or asbestos slate hipped roof behind heavily-moulded parapet entablature; stuccoed lateral stack with moulded cornice near centre of front. Shallow double-depth plan with entrance to splayed corner. 3 storeys; 2:1:4- 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/54/180 THEATRE OPE, Devonport, (South side) Nos.4 AND 5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.172256 50.369769,-4.172228 50.369778,-4.172310 50.369876,-4.172686 50.369746,-4.172603 50.369648,-4.172566 50.369661,-4.172608 50.369710,-4.172399 50.369782,-4.172379 50.369759,-4.172305 50.369785,-4.172323 50.369807,-4.172296 50.369816,-4.172256 50.369769))) Terrace of 2 pairs of houses, probably married quarters to barracks. Mid-late C19. Plymouth limestone brought to course; asbestos slate roof with sprocketed eaves; tall rendered axial stacks. Shallow-depth plan. 2 storeys; pair of symmetrical 5-window fr 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/37/337 THORN PARK, Mannamead, Urinal MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.132740 50.387692,-4.132763 50.387692,-4.132763 50.387661,-4.132741 50.387661,-4.132740 50.387692))) (Formerly Listed as: THORN PARK, Plymouth Urinal) Urinal. Early C20 by Mc Farlane of Glasgow. Cast-iron; roof with verge cresting and diminutive dog gargoyle. Ovoid-plan single stall type with entrance spiralling in. External panels with geometric patte 1984-09-04 1984-09-04
740-1/40/447 UNDERWOOD ROAD, Plympton, (North side) No.21 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.059839 50.385866,-4.059830 50.385808,-4.059719 50.385814,-4.059736 50.385897,-4.059839 50.385894,-4.059839 50.385866))) House in row, later used as a shop, now reinstated as a house. Probably C17. Roughcast render on probable rubble; diamond-pattern asbestos slate roof; probable rear lateral stack. Plan now 2 rooms deep including later rear lean-to; 1 room at the front. 2 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/40/448 UNDERWOOD ROAD, Plympton, (North side) No.23 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.059643 50.385872,-4.059730 50.385865,-4.059719 50.385814,-4.059639 50.385818,-4.059643 50.385872))) Small house in row. Probably C18, or possibly a remodelling of a C17 house. Roughcast render on probable rubble; asbestos slate roof rear lateral stack with 3 old clay pots. Single-depth plan with probably a room on either side of an entrance lobby. 2 st 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/40/449 UNDERWOOD ROAD, Plympton, (North side) No.25 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.059639 50.385818,-4.059541 50.385824,-4.059549 50.385901,-4.059644 50.385895,-4.059639 50.385818))) Small house in row. C18 or possibly a remodelling of a C17 house. Painted rubble; steep slate roof; rendered brick end stacks. Single-depth plan plus extension to rear right. 2 storeys; nearly symmetrical 2-window front. C20 2-light casement windows and 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/40/450 UNDERWOOD ROAD, Plympton, (South side) Nos.26 AND 28 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.059978 50.385714,-4.060204 50.385685,-4.060174 50.385578,-4.060110 50.385589,-4.060123 50.385629,-4.060103 50.385632,-4.060108 50.385645,-4.060098 50.385647,-4.060084 50.385617,-4.059972 50.385638,-4.059993 50.385692,-4.059970 50.385696,-4.059978 50.385714))) Former ropery, now a shop and a house. C18. Painted rubble walls with some brick arches; steep dry slate roof; brick end stacks. Rectangular plan. 3 storeys; 2-window range. Central 2nd floor window blocked; wide window openings under segmental arches ex 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/40/451 UNDERWOOD ROAD, Plympton, (South side) No.30 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.059931 50.385723,-4.059978 50.385714,-4.059970 50.385696,-4.059993 50.385692,-4.059972 50.385638,-4.059915 50.385648,-4.059931 50.385723))) Probable manager's house of former ropery (qv). C18. Rubble walls with segmental brick arches; slate roof with heightened eaves; end brick stacks. Shallow-depth plan with probably 2 front rooms flanking a central entrance hall. 2 storeys; symmetrical 3-w 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/40/452 UNDERWOOD ROAD, Plympton, (South side) No.32 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.059931 50.385723,-4.059913 50.385600,-4.059861 50.385604,-4.059866 50.385630,-4.059856 50.385631,-4.059859 50.385642,-4.059846 50.385644,-4.059850 50.385665,-4.059792 50.385669,-4.059791 50.385658,-4.059781 50.385655,-4.059774 50.385624,-4.059743 50.385627,-4.059755 50.385675,-4.059780 50.385673,-4.059791 50.385738,-4.059931 50.385723))) Small house in row. C17. Rubble walls containing some C17 dressed fragments, with some render being removed at time of survey, limewashed rubble at rear; steep corrugated asbestos roof; rubble stack on left with brick upper part. PLAN: irregular plan wit 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/48/453 UNDERWOOD ROAD, Plympton, (South side) Nos.114 AND 114A MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.056663 50.385270,-4.056818 50.385313,-4.056860 50.385238,-4.056814 50.385225,-4.056800 50.385246,-4.056756 50.385234,-4.056781 50.385217,-4.056737 50.385204,-4.056723 50.385224,-4.056699 50.385218,-4.056663 50.385270))) House. Late C17. Painted rubble; steep asbestos slate roof with large end stack on left and C20 stack on right plus 2 large rubble lateral stacks to rear. Single-depth plan. 2 storeys; 2-window range with sash breaking eaves on the left. Sash with glazin 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/57/832 UNION STREET, Stonehouse, (South side) Former Palace Theatre and Great Western Hotel MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.153507 50.369646,-4.153511 50.369673,-4.153862 50.369662,-4.153853 50.369536,-4.153842 50.369537,-4.153820 50.369245,-4.153295 50.369275,-4.153299 50.369322,-4.153482 50.369314,-4.153488 50.369381,-4.153302 50.369387,-4.153324 50.369652,-4.153507 50.369646))) (Formerly Listed as: UNION STREET, Stonehouse Academy Theatre & Great Western Hotel (Palace Theatre)) Former variety theatre and hotel. Opened 5th September 1898. Architects JT Wimpris and Arber. Auditorium damaged by fire in December 1898 and re-opened 1974-10-24 1974-10-24
740-1/62/96 VAUXHALL QUAY, Barbican, Monsens Warehouse (Breton House) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134613 50.368989,-4.134578 50.368904,-4.134306 50.368968,-4.134326 50.369041,-4.134390 50.369040,-4.134613 50.368989))) (Formerly Listed as: VAUXHALL QUAY, Plymouth Breton House) Warehouse on wharf. Early-mid C19, converted to flats early 1970's. Plymouth limestone rubble with segmental brick arches over the openings. Rectangular plan. 3 storeys; 2:1:2-bay front with cent 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/97 VAUXHALL QUAY, Barbican, Store occupied by AC Stidwell Ltd. MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.133999 50.369066,-4.134291 50.369043,-4.134326 50.369041,-4.134306 50.368968,-4.134192 50.368976,-4.134006 50.368993,-4.133999 50.369066))) (Formerly Listed as: VAUXHALL QUAY, Plymouth Store occupied by AC Stidwell Ltd) Warehouse. Early C19. Painted rubble walls; corrugated asbestos hipped roof. Rectangular plan, plus later lean-to on the left. Low 3 storeys; 2 window openings with segmental 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/101 VAUXHALL STREET, Barbican, (South East side) No.94 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134613 50.368989,-4.134652 50.368982,-4.134640 50.368951,-4.134681 50.368944,-4.134693 50.368972,-4.134794 50.368949,-4.134758 50.368860,-4.134578 50.368904,-4.134613 50.368989))) (Formerly Listed as:VAUXHALL STREET, Plymouth No.94) (Formerly Listed as: VAUXHALL QUAY, Plymouth Warehouse adjoining Breton House) Includes: Warehouse facing Vauxhall Quay VAUXHALL QUAY Barbican. Warehouse on wharf with integral account house. Early C1 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/100 VAUXHALL STREET, Barbican, (South side) No.56 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136357 50.368404,-4.136453 50.368394,-4.136424 50.368256,-4.136315 50.368268,-4.136357 50.368404))) (Formerly Listed as: WOOLSTER STREET, Plymouth No.49) Bonded warehouse. Early C19. Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings; dry slate mansard roof end on to the street. Deep narrow plan. Tall and narrow, 3 storeys plus attic storey; symmetrica 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/104 VAUXHALL STREET, Barbican, (South side) Nos.82 AND 84 Barbican Antiques Centre MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135100 50.368722,-4.135274 50.368673,-4.135281 50.368654,-4.135185 50.368524,-4.135055 50.368568,-4.135044 50.368553,-4.135022 50.368559,-4.135033 50.368574,-4.135002 50.368583,-4.135061 50.368659,-4.135086 50.368652,-4.135096 50.368666,-4.135081 50.368670,-4.135088 50.368681,-4.135073 50.368684,-4.135100 50.368722))) 2 pairs of warehouses, now used as 1 shop. Mid/late C19. Plymouth limestone rubble with brick dressings including brick mid-floor band to upper floors, stucco to ground floor of street front; hipped slate parallel roofs, each roof divided by a coping. Ov 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/62/102 VAUXHALL STREET, Barbican, (West side) Nos.115-131 (Consecutive) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135474 50.369926,-4.135535 50.369920,-4.135531 50.369903,-4.135440 50.369912,-4.135425 50.369861,-4.135512 50.369851,-4.135500 50.369811,-4.135413 50.369821,-4.135403 50.369786,-4.135461 50.369781,-4.135455 50.369749,-4.135296 50.369755,-4.135275 50.369773,-4.135320 50.369940,-4.135474 50.369926))) (Formerly Listed as:VAUXHALL STREET, Barbican Nos.115-137 (Consecutive)) Terrace of local authority housing (renumbered so that 132-137 no longer exist). Completed 1898, by James Paton, Borough Engineer and Architect. Painted brick walls, concrete floors 1988-12-19 1988-12-19
740-1/62/103 VAUXHALL STREET, Barbican, (East side) No.140 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134994 50.370310,-4.135152 50.370331,-4.135188 50.370213,-4.135055 50.370203,-4.135022 50.370211,-4.134994 50.370310))) Mortuary, now a shop. Late C19. Plymouth limestone brought to course and freestone dressings; dry slate roof, hipped on the right. Rectangular plan. Single storey; 3-bay front with central pedimented bay broken forward. Plinth, transom string, parapet en 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/42/700 WELLINGTON STREET, Stoke, (West side) No.12 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.166556 50.375092,-4.166640 50.375085,-4.166642 50.375096,-4.166719 50.375088,-4.166717 50.375078,-4.166687 50.375080,-4.166675 50.375018,-4.166698 50.375016,-4.166696 50.375003,-4.166620 50.375010,-4.166618 50.374998,-4.166536 50.375006,-4.166556 50.375092))) House in terrace. Early C19. Slatehanging to front over plinth; dry slate roof; 2 brick lateral stacks at rear. Double-depth plan with 2 front rooms flanking a central entrance hall or passage. 2 storeys; near-symmetrical 3-window front with doorway left 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/42/701 WELLINGTON STREET, Stoke, (West side) No.13 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.166691 50.375091,-4.166642 50.375096,-4.166640 50.375085,-4.166556 50.375092,-4.166575 50.375173,-4.166856 50.375147,-4.166853 50.375129,-4.166701 50.375141,-4.166691 50.375091))) House in terrace. Early C19. Slatehanging to front; asbestos slate roof; 2 brick lateral stacks at rear. Double-depth plan with 2 front rooms flanking an entrance hall or passage. 2 storeys; near-symmetrical 3-window front with doorway left of centre. Pr 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/38/338 WESTERN COLLEGE ROAD, Mannamead, (North side) Nos.5-17 (Odd) Former Western College (original block) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.131631 50.385451,-4.131652 50.385449,-4.131652 50.385502,-4.131638 50.385502,-4.131638 50.385525,-4.131653 50.385525,-4.131653 50.385556,-4.131676 50.385556,-4.131675 50.385563,-4.131719 50.385578,-4.131762 50.385579,-4.131763 50.385553,-4.131818 50.385553,-4.131817 50.385536,-4.131823 50.385536,-4.131824 50.385518,-4.131815 50.385518,-4.131821 50.385465,-4.131815 50.385464,-4.131815 50.385443,-4.131800 50.385443,-4.131799 50.385432,-4.131847 50.385432,-4.131846 50.385523,-4.131918 50.385524,-4.131918 50.385485,-4.131905 50.385485,-4.131906 50.385434,-4.131974 50.385433,-4.131974 50.385455,-4.131961 50.385454,-4.131962 50.385506,-4.131952 50.385514,-4.131952 50.385535,-4.131960 50.385539,-4.131959 50.385582,-4.132041 50.385582,-4.132124 50.385527,-4.132125 50.385514,-4.132158 50.385514,-4.132159 50.385433,-4.132178 50.385432,-4.132178 50.385397,-4.132157 50.385397,-4.132157 50.385390,-4.132092 50.385389,-4.132093 50.385373,-4.132062 50.385372,-4.132062 50.385346,-4.132029 50.385346,-4.132029 50.385337,-4.132001 50.385337,-4.132000 50.385347,-4.131895 50.385347,-4.131894 50.385338,-4.131862 50.385338,-4.131861 50.385349,-4.131798 50.385348,-4.131809 50.385339,-4.131803 50.385332,-4.131788 50.385337,-4.131774 50.385327,-4.131780 50.385320,-4.131766 50.385316,-4.131758 50.385324,-4.131731 50.385324,-4.131725 50.385316,-4.131711 50.385320,-4.131717 50.385328,-4.131686 50.385345,-4.131699 50.385351,-4.131420 50.385353,-4.131419 50.385359,-4.131366 50.385360,-4.131364 50.385381,-4.131316 50.385381,-4.131315 50.385413,-4.131305 50.385412,-4.131298 50.385432,-4.131318 50.385432,-4.131317 50.385453,-4.131301 50.385453,-4.131301 50.385462,-4.131292 50.385462,-4.131291 50.385490,-4.131305 50.385490,-4.131305 50.385497,-4.131321 50.385497,-4.131330 50.385506,-4.131355 50.385506,-4.131366 50.385497,-4.131378 50.385497,-4.131378 50.385506,-4.131412 50.385506,-4.131412 50.385443,-4.131444 50.385443,-4.131444 50.385457,-4.131455 50.385457,-4.131455 50.385447,-4.131477 50.385447,-4.131477 50.385463,-4.131465 50.385463,-4.131465 50.385508,-4.131476 50.385508,-4.131475 50.385528,-4.131492 50.385535,-4.131520 50.385535,-4.131529 50.385528,-4.131575 50.385535,-4.131592 50.385526,-4.131594 50.385501,-4.131606 50.385501,-4.131605 50.385469,-4.131589 50.385469,-4.131591 50.385452,-4.131631 50.385451))) Congregational theological college. 1861. By J Hine. Plymouth limestone rubble brought to course and Bath stone dressings; steep dry slate roofs, spire to taller entrance porch and steep pyramidal roofs to lower wings set back at left and right; coped ov 1997-12-10 1997-12-10
740-1/10/866 WHITSONCROSS LANE, Tamerton Foliot, (North West side) Cressy Cottage MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.154993 50.429848,-4.155014 50.429808,-4.154987 50.429702,-4.154794 50.429740,-4.154817 50.429788,-4.154850 50.429782,-4.154861 50.429802,-4.154911 50.429786,-4.154917 50.429816,-4.154953 50.429815,-4.154955 50.429843,-4.154993 50.429848))) (Formerly Listed as: TAMERTON FOLIOT Cressy Cottage) Detached village house. C18 and extended slightly later. Painted rubble walls and mostly wooden lintels; asbestos slate hipped roof; rendered end stack on the left and axial stack over original end wal 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/23/123 WIDEY LANE, Crownhill, (East side) Widey Grange MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.126500 50.404985,-4.126538 50.405006,-4.126591 50.404965,-4.126420 50.404875,-4.126367 50.404916,-4.126383 50.404924,-4.126348 50.404953,-4.126321 50.404938,-4.126283 50.404967,-4.126340 50.404998,-4.126319 50.405014,-4.126403 50.405059,-4.126500 50.404985))) (Formerly Listed as: WIDEY LANE, Crownhill Widey Grange. Gate piers to west of Widey Grange) Probable farmhouse, later a small country house. Probably C17, the front remodelled early C19. Stucco; dry slate hipped roof with projecting eaves, at the front 1975-05-01 1975-05-01

Showing rows 551 to 600 of 756