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Plymouth City Council

Listed building outline

Reference Name Listed building Geometry Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
740-1/40/436 MARKET ROAD, Plympton, (East side) Howard Tomb approx 40m S of Church of St Mary Blessed Virgin MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.058525 50.388081,-4.058539 50.388107,-4.058575 50.388123,-4.058597 50.388124,-4.058619 50.388122,-4.058653 50.388105,-4.058665 50.388078,-4.058661 50.388064,-4.058635 50.388042,-4.058593 50.388034,-4.058537 50.388054,-4.058525 50.388081))) Chest tomb. 16-- to William Howard and Francis his wife who died 1694. Coursed Plymouth limestone with projecting lid, rectangular on plan. 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/40/437 MARKET ROAD, Plympton, (East side) Warring Tomb approx 5m S of Church of St Mary Blessed Virgin MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.058574 50.388390,-4.058578 50.388404,-4.058605 50.388426,-4.058646 50.388434,-4.058703 50.388414,-4.058715 50.388387,-4.058700 50.388361,-4.058664 50.388345,-4.058643 50.388344,-4.058621 50.388346,-4.058587 50.388363,-4.058574 50.388390))) Chest tomb. C17 to William Warring of Colebrook, who died 1672; his wife Elizabeth who died 1673 and John who died in 1674; inscribed initials T H, possibly the initials of the mason. Dressed coursed Plymouth limestone with projecting slate lid with skul 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/41/656 MASTERMAN ROAD, Stoke, (North side) Mount Pleasant Blockhouse MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.168363 50.381360,-4.168162 50.381304,-4.168147 50.381314,-4.168108 50.381310,-4.168080 50.381330,-4.168094 50.381344,-4.168086 50.381354,-4.168066 50.381356,-4.168052 50.381377,-4.168065 50.381390,-4.168045 50.381422,-4.168022 50.381424,-4.168008 50.381444,-4.168022 50.381457,-4.168002 50.381486,-4.167979 50.381489,-4.167964 50.381511,-4.167978 50.381524,-4.167957 50.381556,-4.167931 50.381560,-4.167933 50.381565,-4.167955 50.381588,-4.167977 50.381579,-4.168016 50.381591,-4.168018 50.381602,-4.168053 50.381611,-4.168070 50.381603,-4.168109 50.381614,-4.168114 50.381629,-4.168233 50.381661,-4.168247 50.381654,-4.168286 50.381664,-4.168290 50.381676,-4.168316 50.381683,-4.168366 50.381677,-4.168401 50.381653,-4.168551 50.381418,-4.168527 50.381412,-4.168516 50.381400,-4.168363 50.381360))) (Formerly Listed as: BLOCKHOUSE ROAD, Devonport Mount Pleasant Blockhouse) Gun battery, built to defend Plymouth Dock (now Devonport Docks) and known locally as the Pattypan. Mid C18. Brick walls and granite flags as paving to surfaces. Overall square p 1954-01-25 1954-01-25
740-1/40/438 MERAFIELD ROAD, Plympton, (South side) Nos.1 AND 3 Marcliff MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.061490 50.385601,-4.061487 50.385624,-4.061590 50.385622,-4.061587 50.385645,-4.061666 50.385643,-4.061669 50.385625,-4.061686 50.385625,-4.061687 50.385533,-4.061577 50.385534,-4.061573 50.385548,-4.061498 50.385541,-4.061490 50.385601))) Farmhouse, later 2 cottages, now again one house. C17 or C18. Render on rubble; steep corrugated asbestos roofs; brick end stack on left, axial stack towards left, large rendered end stack on right and 3 dormer windows breaking the eaves, the left-hand 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/47/439 MERAFIELD ROAD, Plympton, (East side) Merafield Farmhouse and Nos.1, 2 and 3 Merafield Farm Cottages MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.076446 50.383994,-4.076420 50.383908,-4.076335 50.383919,-4.076383 50.384082,-4.076352 50.384085,-4.076380 50.384182,-4.076285 50.384193,-4.076290 50.384210,-4.076217 50.384213,-4.076235 50.384274,-4.076521 50.384247,-4.076501 50.384178,-4.076543 50.384172,-4.076533 50.384139,-4.076491 50.384144,-4.076446 50.383994))) (Formerly Listed as: MERAFIELD ROAD, Plympton Merafield Farmhouse. Nos 2 & 3 Merafield Farm Cottages) Farmhouse and 3 attached cottages (including extra attached item). Farmhouse probably C18, cottages possibly C17. Rendered rubble; dry slate roofs laid 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/47/539 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.082534 50.381930,-4.082540 50.381883,-4.082683 50.381892,-4.082748 50.381458,-4.082738 50.381458,-4.082732 50.381440,-4.082670 50.381436,-4.082647 50.381456,-4.082536 50.381449,-4.082542 50.381407,-4.082443 50.381401,-4.082438 50.381442,-4.082318 50.381434,-4.082306 50.381413,-4.082255 50.381411,-4.082238 50.381424,-4.082226 50.381422,-4.082212 50.381513,-4.082194 50.381512,-4.082171 50.381667,-4.082188 50.381668,-4.082177 50.381738,-4.082199 50.381765,-4.082244 50.381768,-4.082273 50.381748,-4.082318 50.381751,-4.082320 50.381737,-4.082344 50.381738,-4.082323 50.381866,-4.082358 50.381868,-4.082356 50.381885,-4.082410 50.381888,-4.082406 50.381907,-4.082390 50.381906,-4.082387 50.381921,-4.082534 50.381930))) Large country house remodelled from great house. C16 and C17 core is the remains of the former house of Sir John Bagg, but the predominant character of the house is the result of a phased remodelling of the house in the C18, much of this work designed by 1952-04-23 1952-04-23
740-1/6/540 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Amphitheatre in grounds of Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.092345 50.381849,-4.092497 50.381821,-4.092470 50.381759,-4.092315 50.381788,-4.092345 50.381849))) Screen wall fronting grottos and situated in a commanding position overlooking the River Plym. Late C18. Rusticated granite ashlar with 3 bays of round arches surmounted by a parapet with rusticated piers and with a moulded cornice; now roofless. Behind 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/6/541 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Chapel at Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.083068 50.382203,-4.083395 50.382219,-4.083404 50.382157,-4.083380 50.382157,-4.083382 50.382146,-4.083364 50.382144,-4.083363 50.382154,-4.083334 50.382154,-4.083334 50.382144,-4.083316 50.382143,-4.083315 50.382153,-4.083284 50.382151,-4.083283 50.382141,-4.083265 50.382139,-4.083265 50.382150,-4.083217 50.382148,-4.083203 50.382147,-4.083204 50.382137,-4.083186 50.382136,-4.083185 50.382146,-4.083153 50.382144,-4.083154 50.382135,-4.083095 50.382139,-4.083096 50.382131,-4.083079 50.382131,-4.083076 50.382152,-4.083060 50.382152,-4.083061 50.382165,-4.083075 50.382166,-4.083073 50.382181,-4.083057 50.382181,-4.083056 50.382192,-4.083070 50.382195,-4.083068 50.382203))) Barn, later converted to chapel. Possibly late medieval and converted 1743 on rainwater head, the conversion attributed to Stockman who designed the Orangery (qv) and possibly the garden house. Local rubble, mostly rendered; dry slate hipped roof behind 1960-03-29 1960-03-29
740-1/47/542 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Former Laundry, Brewhouse, Timber Store & Carpenters' Shop at Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.082585 50.382604,-4.082578 50.382649,-4.082856 50.382665,-4.082865 50.382606,-4.082669 50.382593,-4.082753 50.381991,-4.082597 50.381982,-4.082540 50.382327,-4.082630 50.382331,-4.082598 50.382522,-4.082542 50.382518,-4.082530 50.382601,-4.082585 50.382604))) Laundry, brewhouse and office, part later timber store and carpenters' shop serving large country house. C17, C18 and C19. Local rubble with some granite dressings and some render; dry slate roofs on 3 levels, the end roofs hipped. Overall an L-shaped pl 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/6/543 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Garden House at Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.088849 50.382379,-4.088891 50.382374,-4.088904 50.382358,-4.088894 50.382323,-4.088861 50.382314,-4.088807 50.382319,-4.088790 50.382349,-4.088796 50.382370,-4.088829 50.382381,-4.088849 50.382379))) Summerhouse. c1772 possibly by Stockman who designed the Orangery (qv). Roughcast render with plinth, impost string and embattled parapet over string; flat roof. Fairly small octagonal plan. Single storey over basement; alternate sides blind, the others 1960-03-29 1960-03-29
740-1/6/544 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Garden Temple (known as Fanny's Bower) in grounds of Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.083881 50.383095,-4.083947 50.383092,-4.083944 50.383069,-4.083880 50.383070,-4.083881 50.383095))) Belvedere resembling a temple. Late C18, built for Parker. Dressed granite columns, otherwise stucco on rubble; dry slate roof. Shallow small rectangular plan with open colonnade at the front. Distyle-in-antae arrangement of Tuscan columns to the front w 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/6/547 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Orangery at Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.084258 50.382735,-4.084261 50.382747,-4.084276 50.382747,-4.084277 50.382736,-4.084289 50.382736,-4.084290 50.382763,-4.084336 50.382763,-4.084337 50.382776,-4.084465 50.382781,-4.084467 50.382741,-4.084540 50.382743,-4.084540 50.382756,-4.084568 50.382756,-4.084578 50.382674,-4.084263 50.382666,-4.084258 50.382735))) Orangery to large country house (qv). Designed 1773 by Stockman based on a proposal by Richmond, a landscape designer employed at Saltram; damaged by fire in 1932 and since restored. Wooden structure on a granite ashlar plinth; dry slate hipped roof with 1960-03-29 1960-03-29
740-1/47/545 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Gate-Piers approx. 550m south-east of Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.074964 50.379565,-4.074968 50.379579,-4.074995 50.379601,-4.075036 50.379609,-4.075092 50.379589,-4.075105 50.379562,-4.075090 50.379536,-4.075032 50.379519,-4.074976 50.379538,-4.074964 50.379565))) Pair of gate-piers at carriage entrance to large country house (qv), originally at Boringdon Hall, Boringdon Hill (qv). Rusticated granite ashlar piers with plinths, moulded cornices and shaped caps surmounted by ball finials. Each pier is square on plan 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/47/546 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side) Plympton, Saltram Park Gate-Piers north-east of north-east Lodge (lodge not included) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.076515 50.384807,-4.076529 50.384834,-4.076587 50.384851,-4.076609 50.384849,-4.076643 50.384832,-4.076655 50.384805,-4.076651 50.384791,-4.076625 50.384769,-4.076583 50.384761,-4.076527 50.384781,-4.076515 50.384807))) Gate-piers, walls and terminal piers at carriage entrance to Saltram House (qv), possibly originally from Boringdon Hall, Boringdon Hill (qv). Possibly C17 but more likely C18 and copied from the C17 piers from Boringdon. Rusticated granite ashlar piers 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/47/548 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Railings and gates east and south-east of Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.082027 50.381418,-4.082248 50.381431,-4.082269 50.381426,-4.082298 50.381405,-4.082302 50.381377,-4.082281 50.381353,-4.082241 50.381342,-4.082006 50.381325,-4.081722 50.381317,-4.081488 50.381318,-4.081295 50.381328,-4.081262 50.381343,-4.081247 50.381366,-4.081258 50.381412,-4.081279 50.381437,-4.081836 50.381758,-4.082169 50.381783,-4.082229 50.381769,-4.082247 50.381744,-4.082246 50.381730,-4.082225 50.381705,-4.082185 50.381694,-4.081895 50.381674,-4.081442 50.381410,-4.081717 50.381407,-4.082027 50.381418))) Gates and railings surrounding part of garden of large country house (qv). Probably early C19 incorporating C17 fragments. Wrought-iron railings over a granite plinth of re-used C17 chamfered fragments of mullioned windows which presumably had become ava 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/47/549 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Stable Block at Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.081258 50.380842,-4.081234 50.380841,-4.081231 50.380868,-4.081158 50.380864,-4.081155 50.380886,-4.081067 50.380881,-4.081034 50.381083,-4.081054 50.381085,-4.081050 50.381121,-4.081079 50.381122,-4.081077 50.381140,-4.081117 50.381143,-4.081115 50.381160,-4.081586 50.381185,-4.081632 50.380852,-4.081359 50.380836,-4.081282 50.380699,-4.081188 50.380721,-4.081258 50.380842),(-4.081305 50.380896,-4.081304 50.380910,-4.081488 50.380920,-4.081489 50.380911,-4.081520 50.380912,-4.081493 50.381113,-4.081225 50.381098,-4.081254 50.380894,-4.081305 50.380896))) Stable block, coachman's cottage and coach house to large country house (qv). Mid C18, for the Parkers. Mellow red brick laid to Flemish bond; dry slate hipped roofs; brick stacks to coach house and coachman's cottage, and another stack to ancillary buil 1960-03-29 1960-03-29
740-1/47/551 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Walls and gate-piers east of Coach House at Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.080754 50.380942,-4.080758 50.380956,-4.080785 50.380978,-4.080826 50.380986,-4.080882 50.380966,-4.080895 50.380939,-4.080880 50.380913,-4.080822 50.380896,-4.080766 50.380915,-4.080754 50.380942))) Walls and gate-piers. C18. Rubble walls with some reused C17 dressed stone fragments in the piers. Semicircular on plan with square-on-plan gate-piers. This wall and the coach house (part of the Stable Block, qv) enclose a cobbled yard which also gives a 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/8/550 MERAFIELD ROAD, (West side (off)) Plympton, Saltram Park Stag Lodge, including inner and outer gate-piers to Saltram House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.069549 50.375150,-4.069553 50.375164,-4.069580 50.375186,-4.069621 50.375193,-4.069643 50.375191,-4.069677 50.375174,-4.069690 50.375147,-4.069686 50.375133,-4.069659 50.375111,-4.069617 50.375104,-4.069561 50.375123,-4.069549 50.375150))) Pair of lodges and gate-piers to carriage entrance of large country house (qv). Probably early C19. Freestone ashlar, each structure with plinth and moulded entablature with fluted frieze; squat pyramidal lead roofs with central stacks with moulded entab 1960-03-29 1960-03-29
740-1/11/851 MILFORD LANE, Tamerton Foliot, Nos.1 AND 2 West Park House Cottages and Waterford Cottage MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.156273 50.427393,-4.156231 50.427394,-4.156251 50.427441,-4.156293 50.427433,-4.156371 50.427556,-4.156434 50.427539,-4.156348 50.427393,-4.156351 50.427314,-4.156283 50.427312,-4.156275 50.427319,-4.156273 50.427393))) (Formerly Listed as: TAMERTON FOLIOT Nos.1 and 2 West Park House Cottage) Row of cottages and former shop. Early C19. Rendered walls except for slatehanging to 1st floor above the shopfront; rag slate roofs including short roof with hipped front and swe 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/54/156 MILITARY ROAD, Devonport, (West side) Main Gateway at Raglan Barracks (barracks not included) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.172328 50.371717,-4.172392 50.371794,-4.172515 50.371752,-4.172452 50.371675,-4.172464 50.371672,-4.172457 50.371664,-4.172445 50.371668,-4.172432 50.371651,-4.172444 50.371647,-4.172438 50.371640,-4.172427 50.371644,-4.172401 50.371611,-4.172411 50.371608,-4.172404 50.371600,-4.172393 50.371604,-4.172381 50.371588,-4.172393 50.371584,-4.172386 50.371575,-4.172373 50.371579,-4.172313 50.371505,-4.172190 50.371546,-4.172249 50.371620,-4.172233 50.371625,-4.172240 50.371634,-4.172257 50.371629,-4.172270 50.371646,-4.172253 50.371652,-4.172259 50.371660,-4.172277 50.371654,-4.172303 50.371687,-4.172288 50.371692,-4.172293 50.371699,-4.172309 50.371693,-4.172321 50.371709,-4.172304 50.371715,-4.172311 50.371723,-4.172328 50.371717))) Entrance gateway with flanking guard houses to former barracks (former barracks not included). 1853-56 by Captain Fowke RE, for the Admiralty Works Department. Dressed Plymouth limestone brought to course and freestone dressings; roof hidden behind parap 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/57/292 MILLBAY ROAD, Hoe, (South side) Duke of Cornwall Hotel and attached forecourt walls and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.149729 50.367918,-4.149749 50.367930,-4.149960 50.367825,-4.149967 50.367831,-4.150030 50.367800,-4.150022 50.367793,-4.150220 50.367693,-4.150251 50.367661,-4.150256 50.367613,-4.150216 50.367572,-4.150185 50.367581,-4.150112 50.367575,-4.150107 50.367568,-4.149964 50.367551,-4.149957 50.367576,-4.149898 50.367569,-4.149894 50.367581,-4.149824 50.367574,-4.149819 50.367599,-4.149734 50.367534,-4.149677 50.367562,-4.149658 50.367548,-4.149630 50.367563,-4.149549 50.367574,-4.149502 50.367596,-4.149489 50.367628,-4.149503 50.367636,-4.149504 50.367654,-4.149398 50.367705,-4.149729 50.367918))) (Formerly Listed as: MILLBAY ROAD, Plymouth Duke of Cornwall Hotel) Large hotel. 1865 by C Forster Hayward of London, built to cater for the GWR passengers to Millbay. MATERIALS: coursed Plymouth limestone rubble with mostly granite dressings including 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/57/293 MILLBAY ROAD, Hoe, (North side) New Continental Hotel and attached forecourt walls and railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.148578 50.368738,-4.148812 50.368645,-4.148925 50.368752,-4.149128 50.368675,-4.149122 50.368669,-4.149254 50.368619,-4.149159 50.368514,-4.149250 50.368479,-4.149229 50.368456,-4.149138 50.368490,-4.149102 50.368436,-4.149090 50.368436,-4.149040 50.368382,-4.149050 50.368373,-4.149037 50.368356,-4.149022 50.368357,-4.149011 50.368346,-4.148659 50.368478,-4.148453 50.368528,-4.148433 50.368556,-4.148447 50.368579,-4.148437 50.368596,-4.148525 50.368718,-4.148555 50.368748,-4.148578 50.368738))) (Formerly Listed as: MILLBAY ROAD, Plymouth Continental Hotel) Large hotel. c1870s, built to cater for the GWR passengers to Millbay. Stucco with stucco detail. Dry slate mansard roofs behind balustraded parapets; attic windows; stuccoed end and axial s 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/42/657 MOLESWORTH ROAD, Stoke, (East side) Nos.44-70 (Even) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160263 50.376736,-4.159709 50.375967,-4.159586 50.376003,-4.159603 50.376025,-4.159454 50.376069,-4.159504 50.376138,-4.159651 50.376094,-4.159680 50.376133,-4.159532 50.376178,-4.159583 50.376247,-4.159730 50.376202,-4.159761 50.376243,-4.159611 50.376288,-4.159661 50.376356,-4.159809 50.376312,-4.159826 50.376333,-4.159839 50.376351,-4.159689 50.376396,-4.159740 50.376464,-4.159887 50.376421,-4.159903 50.376442,-4.159917 50.376462,-4.159770 50.376506,-4.159821 50.376576,-4.159970 50.376532,-4.159998 50.376571,-4.159849 50.376615,-4.159899 50.376684,-4.160048 50.376640,-4.160077 50.376680,-4.159929 50.376724,-4.159979 50.376793,-4.160129 50.376748,-4.160146 50.376770,-4.160263 50.376736))) (Formerly Listed as: MOLESWORTH ROAD, Devonport Nos.44-70 (Even)) Terrace of houses. c1860-80. Brick, most of which is painted; dry slate stepped roofs with large front gables with exposed purlin ends; large brick end stacks. Simple Gothic style. Double- 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/42/663 MOLESWORTH ROAD, Stoke, (West side) No.61 Rosehill Villas MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160889 50.376728,-4.160809 50.376669,-4.160684 50.376745,-4.160865 50.376856,-4.160951 50.376805,-4.160866 50.376748,-4.160894 50.376732,-4.160889 50.376728))) Includes: No.272 STUART ROAD Stoke. Detached villa. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roof behind stuccoed parapet with moulded cornice; stuccoed end stacks with moulded cornices. Double-depth plan with probably 2 rooms at the front f 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/42/658 MOLESWORTH ROAD, Stoke, (West side) Nos.89 AND 91 Penlee House and Netherton MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162673 50.379164,-4.162682 50.379138,-4.162701 50.379141,-4.162699 50.379150,-4.162796 50.379169,-4.162800 50.379160,-4.162852 50.379170,-4.162897 50.379082,-4.162770 50.379058,-4.162777 50.379044,-4.162666 50.379023,-4.162669 50.379016,-4.162613 50.379005,-4.162610 50.379014,-4.162587 50.379009,-4.162582 50.379018,-4.162572 50.379016,-4.162555 50.379052,-4.162566 50.379054,-4.162541 50.379108,-4.162489 50.379091,-4.162479 50.379111,-4.162602 50.379134,-4.162598 50.379142,-4.162673 50.379164))) Unequal pair of villas. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roofs with modillion cornices; stuccoed lateral stacks with moulded cornices, some of them as linked pairs. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; irregular articulated front. Mostly ori 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/42/659 MOLESWORTH ROAD, Stoke, (East side) Nos.102 AND 104 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162974 50.380336,-4.162943 50.380297,-4.162987 50.380283,-4.162918 50.380191,-4.162875 50.380204,-4.162842 50.380160,-4.162608 50.380232,-4.162636 50.380270,-4.162625 50.380273,-4.162634 50.380285,-4.162760 50.380246,-4.162791 50.380288,-4.162808 50.380283,-4.162836 50.380322,-4.162710 50.380361,-4.162740 50.380403,-4.162974 50.380336))) (Formerly Listed as: MOLESWORTH ROAD, Devonport Nos.102 AND 104) Pair of villas. Early-mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roofs with deep eaves; central rendered stack. Double-depth plan with central 2 bays projecting flanked by the ent 1994-05-01 1994-05-01
740-1/42/660 MOLESWORTH ROAD, Stoke, (East side) Nos.106 AND 108 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162983 50.380347,-4.162706 50.380430,-4.162717 50.380444,-4.162747 50.380441,-4.162766 50.380466,-4.162711 50.380482,-4.162722 50.380496,-4.162913 50.380437,-4.162975 50.380520,-4.162842 50.380560,-4.162875 50.380604,-4.163033 50.380555,-4.163045 50.380571,-4.163132 50.380544,-4.163093 50.380493,-4.163136 50.380480,-4.163065 50.380384,-4.163021 50.380398,-4.162983 50.380347))) (Formerly Listed as: MOLESWORTH ROAD, Devonport Nos.106 AND 108) Pair of villas. Early-mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roofs with projecting eaves; central rendered stack. Double-depth plan pair with 2 rooms at the front plus entranc 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/42/661 MOLESWORTH ROAD, Stoke, (East side) Nos.112-134 (Even) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.163248 50.380605,-4.163131 50.380639,-4.163149 50.380664,-4.163031 50.380697,-4.163077 50.380765,-4.163196 50.380731,-4.163227 50.380777,-4.163109 50.380810,-4.163155 50.380876,-4.163274 50.380842,-4.163290 50.380865,-4.163307 50.380891,-4.163187 50.380924,-4.163233 50.380990,-4.163353 50.380957,-4.163382 50.380999,-4.163264 50.381032,-4.163312 50.381101,-4.163431 50.381068,-4.163462 50.381113,-4.163342 50.381146,-4.163389 50.381214,-4.163508 50.381180,-4.163525 50.381204,-4.163541 50.381227,-4.163422 50.381261,-4.163469 50.381328,-4.163588 50.381294,-4.163605 50.381319,-4.163723 50.381287,-4.163248 50.380605))) Planned terrace of houses. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs in 3 steps behind stuccoed parapet with moulded cornice; stuccoed end stacks with moulded cornices to Nos 120 and 122. Double-depth plan, each pair with 2 fr 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/68/603 MOUNT BATTEN POINT, Plymstock, Mount Batten Tower MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.129155 50.359622,-4.129143 50.359645,-4.129146 50.359671,-4.129165 50.359693,-4.129196 50.359708,-4.129235 50.359714,-4.129274 50.359709,-4.129318 50.359685,-4.129331 50.359661,-4.129320 50.359624,-4.129277 50.359598,-4.129219 50.359593,-4.129182 50.359603,-4.129155 50.359622))) Coastal defence tower, set at the top of a cliff and quarried face. 1660s on the site of an earlier battery. Plymouth limestone rubble with some granite dressings; flat lead roof behind an embattled parapet with string course. PLAN: round plan, originall 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/44/320 MOUNT GOULD ROAD, Lipson, (North side) Lipson Terrace Nos.1-7 (consec) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.124484 50.378417,-4.124417 50.378488,-4.124408 50.378487,-4.124422 50.378462,-4.124413 50.378460,-4.124442 50.378408,-4.124354 50.378384,-4.124361 50.378373,-4.124328 50.378366,-4.124322 50.378377,-4.124214 50.378352,-4.124220 50.378342,-4.124188 50.378335,-4.124182 50.378345,-4.124076 50.378320,-4.124081 50.378310,-4.124052 50.378303,-4.124046 50.378314,-4.123978 50.378298,-4.123984 50.378287,-4.123954 50.378281,-4.123947 50.378291,-4.123839 50.378267,-4.123845 50.378256,-4.123817 50.378250,-4.123810 50.378261,-4.123668 50.378228,-4.123675 50.378215,-4.123633 50.378206,-4.123627 50.378218,-4.123485 50.378185,-4.123490 50.378177,-4.123460 50.378170,-4.123455 50.378179,-4.123297 50.378143,-4.123262 50.378204,-4.123295 50.378212,-4.123300 50.378220,-4.123366 50.378228,-4.123347 50.378260,-4.123339 50.378258,-4.123297 50.378333,-4.123434 50.378364,-4.123428 50.378379,-4.123444 50.378386,-4.123477 50.378392,-4.123486 50.378375,-4.123578 50.378396,-4.123627 50.378323,-4.123645 50.378327,-4.123598 50.378399,-4.123626 50.378405,-4.123617 50.378423,-4.123682 50.378437,-4.123727 50.378348,-4.123740 50.378351,-4.123746 50.378374,-4.123794 50.378385,-4.123759 50.378448,-4.123789 50.378455,-4.123835 50.378370,-4.123879 50.378380,-4.123870 50.378398,-4.123907 50.378406,-4.123886 50.378444,-4.123910 50.378450,-4.123941 50.378393,-4.123987 50.378403,-4.123952 50.378469,-4.123959 50.378470,-4.123953 50.378481,-4.123990 50.378489,-4.124036 50.378415,-4.124122 50.378434,-4.124088 50.378495,-4.124138 50.378506,-4.124171 50.378446,-4.124192 50.378450,-4.124156 50.378516,-4.124179 50.378521,-4.124216 50.378455,-4.124286 50.378472,-4.124277 50.378488,-4.124463 50.378532,-4.124559 50.378434,-4.124484 50.378417))) (Formerly Listed as: MOUNT GOLD ROAD, Plymouth Lipson Terrace Nos.1-8 (consec)) Planned terrace of houses (former No.8 combined with No.7). Early C19. Stucco or render; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs behind parapet with heavy moulded cornice; No.4 wit 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/54/157 MOUNT WISE, Devonport, Admiralty House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.170709 50.366681,-4.169607 50.366837,-4.169635 50.366919,-4.169609 50.366923,-4.169622 50.366960,-4.169574 50.366967,-4.169583 50.366995,-4.170174 50.366917,-4.170200 50.366930,-4.170207 50.366948,-4.170241 50.366943,-4.170234 50.366924,-4.170244 50.366907,-4.170488 50.366863,-4.170759 50.366828,-4.170709 50.366681))) House. c1789-93. Plymouth limestone rubble with Plymouth limestone dressings including arches and 1st-floor sill string; dry slate hipped roofs behind moulded stone parapets; large ashlar end and rear stacks to central block. Large double-depth plan, ove 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/54/158 MOUNT WISE, Devonport, Hamoaze House and attached forecourt railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.171660 50.367496,-4.171686 50.367531,-4.171757 50.367509,-4.171750 50.367500,-4.171795 50.367486,-4.171816 50.367513,-4.171962 50.367468,-4.172022 50.367547,-4.172144 50.367509,-4.172046 50.367379,-4.172293 50.367302,-4.172180 50.367157,-4.171550 50.367350,-4.171660 50.367496))) Large house on naval base. 1795, built for the Duke of Richmond and later extended. Plymouth limestone ashlar with mid-floor and sill strings; dry slate hipped roofs behind moulded stone parapets; ashlar stacks to rear of front wings and rendered end sta 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/54/161 MOUNT WISE, Devonport, Mount Wise House MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.171542 50.367699,-4.171633 50.367670,-4.171516 50.367532,-4.171289 50.367606,-4.171333 50.367661,-4.171370 50.367649,-4.171388 50.367671,-4.171335 50.367689,-4.171385 50.367751,-4.171542 50.367699))) House. 1808-10. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate hipped roof behind stucco parapet with moulded cornice. Large square plan with 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall. 3 storeys; nearly symmetrical 6-window front with doorway to 3rd fr 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/54/162 MOUNT WISE, Devonport, Scott Memorial MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.171872 50.366562,-4.171787 50.366529,-4.171736 50.366584,-4.171820 50.366617,-4.171872 50.366562))) Memorial obelisk with statue. 1913, by Albert H Hodge. Dressed stone and bronze. Square on plan. Monument with stepped and moulded base with bronze panel to each of the 4 sides; tapered obelisk with moulded entablature and stepped cap surmounted by a bro 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/43/341 MUTLEY PLAIN, Mutley, (West side) Mutley Baptist Church including Spurgeon Hall and Caretaker's Cottage MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134306 50.380794,-4.134326 50.380794,-4.134336 50.380808,-4.134302 50.380821,-4.134339 50.380859,-4.134424 50.380825,-4.134410 50.380794,-4.134302 50.380664,-4.134131 50.380689,-4.134121 50.380684,-4.134006 50.380706,-4.134009 50.380714,-4.133997 50.380721,-4.134007 50.380743,-4.134024 50.380748,-4.134048 50.380810,-4.133983 50.380823,-4.133991 50.380841,-4.133977 50.380847,-4.133735 50.380894,-4.133732 50.380887,-4.133656 50.380902,-4.133677 50.380947,-4.133709 50.380948,-4.133713 50.380954,-4.133704 50.380956,-4.133719 50.380990,-4.133729 50.380988,-4.133725 50.381000,-4.133700 50.381007,-4.133721 50.381049,-4.133691 50.381056,-4.133698 50.381074,-4.133685 50.381076,-4.133698 50.381105,-4.133712 50.381103,-4.133718 50.381115,-4.134090 50.381047,-4.134068 50.380992,-4.134122 50.380983,-4.134126 50.380972,-4.134207 50.380959,-4.134151 50.380821,-4.134206 50.380812,-4.134210 50.380821,-4.134238 50.380833,-4.134272 50.380827,-4.134286 50.380807,-4.134283 50.380798,-4.134306 50.380794))) (Formerly Listed as: MUTLEY PLAIN (West side) Mutley Baptist Church) Large Baptist chapel. 1867, by J Ambrose of Plymouth, gas vents by Shillito & Sherland of Manchester, extended 1907 with Spurgeon Hall, caretaker's cottage (also known as The Lodge) an 1996-06-04 1996-06-04
740-1/41/666 NELSON GARDENS, Stoke, (South side) Nos.1 AND 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.168158 50.377502,-4.168136 50.377452,-4.168157 50.377449,-4.168150 50.377432,-4.168129 50.377436,-4.168125 50.377426,-4.168093 50.377432,-4.168062 50.377363,-4.168027 50.377358,-4.167998 50.377363,-4.167990 50.377376,-4.167972 50.377384,-4.167804 50.377416,-4.167802 50.377410,-4.167764 50.377404,-4.167734 50.377410,-4.167724 50.377425,-4.167713 50.377427,-4.167738 50.377482,-4.167715 50.377486,-4.167729 50.377516,-4.167674 50.377527,-4.167698 50.377580,-4.167826 50.377562,-4.167823 50.377555,-4.167838 50.377552,-4.167845 50.377568,-4.167884 50.377560,-4.167877 50.377543,-4.168014 50.377517,-4.168024 50.377536,-4.168062 50.377529,-4.168054 50.377512,-4.168084 50.377506,-4.168088 50.377514,-4.168158 50.377502))) Pair of villas at the front end of a planned group. 1860s. Stucco with stucco detail; roof behind balustraded parapet with moulded cornice; stuccoed end stacks, most with moulded entablature. Double-depth plan, narrower at rear, each house with probably 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/41/667 NELSON GARDENS, Stoke, (South side) Nos.3 AND 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.167217 50.377511,-4.167189 50.377517,-4.167241 50.377654,-4.167315 50.377642,-4.167326 50.377669,-4.167412 50.377655,-4.167400 50.377626,-4.167481 50.377612,-4.167492 50.377640,-4.167580 50.377626,-4.167568 50.377598,-4.167636 50.377587,-4.167610 50.377523,-4.167626 50.377521,-4.167580 50.377406,-4.167548 50.377411,-4.167565 50.377451,-4.167459 50.377469,-4.167436 50.377458,-4.167398 50.377464,-4.167380 50.377482,-4.167352 50.377472,-4.167329 50.377420,-4.167290 50.377404,-4.167235 50.377414,-4.167214 50.377444,-4.167238 50.377506,-4.167217 50.377511))) Pair of villas in planned group. 1860s. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate and asbestos slate mansard roof over bracketed entablature; 8 pedimented mansard dormers; stuccoed end stacks with moulded entablature. Double-depth plan. ,EXTERIOR: 2 storeys p 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/42/668 NELSON GARDENS, Stoke, (South side) Nos.5 AND 6 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.166854 50.377752,-4.166943 50.377737,-4.166931 50.377709,-4.167078 50.377683,-4.167089 50.377711,-4.167183 50.377695,-4.167172 50.377667,-4.167199 50.377662,-4.167157 50.377554,-4.167111 50.377537,-4.167081 50.377542,-4.167060 50.377571,-4.166854 50.377606,-4.166816 50.377589,-4.166777 50.377596,-4.166759 50.377620,-4.166804 50.377730,-4.166842 50.377724,-4.166854 50.377752))) Pair of villas in planned group. 1860s. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roof over bracketed entablature; 8 pedimented mansard dormers; stuccoed end stacks with moulded entablature. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys plus attic over basement; overa 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/42/904 NELSON GARDENS, Stoke, (South side) Nos.7 AND 8 and attached forecourt walls and iron railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.166506 50.377814,-4.166777 50.377766,-4.166717 50.377625,-4.166684 50.377612,-4.166650 50.377618,-4.166630 50.377644,-4.166598 50.377649,-4.166580 50.377636,-4.166557 50.377635,-4.166536 50.377648,-4.166535 50.377660,-4.166418 50.377680,-4.166384 50.377665,-4.166343 50.377672,-4.166326 50.377694,-4.166382 50.377835,-4.166506 50.377814))) Pair of large villas in planned group. Mid C19 (shown on 1860 map). Incised stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roof over front and rear eaves entablature of fairly widely-spaced brackets; each house with 4 mansard windows with pediments (simila 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/42/669 NELSON GARDENS, Stoke, (South side) Nos.9 AND 10 Lady Hamilton House and attached forecourt railings MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.166045 50.377856,-4.166060 50.377892,-4.166363 50.377838,-4.166305 50.377697,-4.166209 50.377713,-4.166204 50.377701,-4.166110 50.377717,-4.166115 50.377730,-4.166026 50.377745,-4.166053 50.377810,-4.166028 50.377815,-4.166045 50.377856))) (Formerly Listed as: NELSON GARDENS, Devonport Nos.9 AND 10) Pair of houses, now 1 house. Early-mid C19. Stucco with band above ground floor; slate hipped mansard roof behind moulded parapet; 6 segmental-roofed dormers with 6-pane sashes. Double-depth p 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/41/670 NELSON GARDENS, Stoke, Entrance walls and gate-piers to Nelson Gardens MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.168268 50.377504,-4.168269 50.377487,-4.168250 50.377462,-4.168189 50.377449,-4.168150 50.377462,-4.168103 50.377509,-4.168098 50.377537,-4.168124 50.377564,-4.168102 50.377575,-4.168088 50.377601,-4.168097 50.377629,-4.168117 50.377652,-4.168108 50.377712,-4.168126 50.377738,-4.168163 50.377752,-4.168206 50.377749,-4.168225 50.377741,-4.168247 50.377717,-4.168258 50.377629,-4.168202 50.377567,-4.168237 50.377545,-4.168268 50.377504))) Includes: Entrance gate-piers and walls to Nelson Gardens TRAFALGAR ROAD Stoke. Walls and gate-piers at carriage entrance to planned group of villas. 1860s. Plymouth limestone squared and laid to diminishing courses; dressed limestone plinth and copings, 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/62/27 NEW STREET, Barbican, (North side) Nos.1-4 (Consecutive) Warehouse formerly occupied by Metherell & Son Ltd. & by Westcraft MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.137127 50.367221,-4.137150 50.367151,-4.137161 50.367152,-4.137194 50.367056,-4.136860 50.367068,-4.136362 50.367050,-4.136383 50.367107,-4.136513 50.367111,-4.136510 50.367151,-4.136552 50.367153,-4.136555 50.367112,-4.136806 50.367121,-4.136806 50.367155,-4.136838 50.367155,-4.136839 50.367120,-4.137087 50.367109,-4.137074 50.367163,-4.137023 50.367157,-4.137009 50.367207,-4.137127 50.367221))) (Formerly Listed as: NEW STREET, Plymouth Warehouse occupied by Metherell's & Sheperd & Bone Ltd. and Westcraft) Large warehouse. Early C19. Plymouth limestone rubble with segmental brick arches over the openings; tarred slate roof, hipped to left-hand 1973-10-26 1973-10-26
740-1/62/28 NEW STREET, Barbican, (North side) No.12 The Robin Hood Club MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135468 50.367069,-4.135598 50.367083,-4.135622 50.367003,-4.135544 50.366994,-4.135526 50.367047,-4.135473 50.367042,-4.135468 50.367069))) (Formerly Listed as: NEW STREET, Plymouth The Robin Hood) Shop with residential accommodation. Late C18 or early C19. Rubble with stuccoed ground floor; new dry slate hipped roof; brick stack on left. Corner-site plan. 2 storeys, over cellar on left; 2- 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/29 NEW STREET, Barbican, (North side) No.15 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135117 50.367155,-4.135135 50.367091,-4.135164 50.367092,-4.135224 50.366956,-4.135129 50.366939,-4.135086 50.367016,-4.135034 50.367126,-4.135117 50.367155))) (Formerly Listed as: NEW STREET, Plymouth No.15) Warehouse, now converted to flats. Probably early C19. Rubble with dressed stone or selected stone as quoins and rubble segmental arches to original openings and brick arches to later or altered openings; 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/33 NEW STREET, Barbican, (South West side) No.22 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134493 50.366507,-4.134476 50.366397,-4.134390 50.366397,-4.134407 50.366512,-4.134493 50.366507))) (Formerly Listed as: NEW STREET, Plymouth No.22) Warehouse converted into flats. Early C19, incorporating wall of earlier building. Plymouth limestone rubble with dressed or selected quoins and shallow segmental arches over the openings; hipped concrete 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/34 NEW STREET, Barbican, (South West side) Nos.24 AND 25 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134440 50.366569,-4.134526 50.366673,-4.134584 50.366608,-4.134601 50.366615,-4.134617 50.366601,-4.134601 50.366582,-4.134572 50.366593,-4.134557 50.366575,-4.134617 50.366551,-4.134607 50.366539,-4.134632 50.366522,-4.134610 50.366512,-4.134595 50.366524,-4.134601 50.366531,-4.134440 50.366569))) House with shop and house being repaired at time of survey. C17, remodelled in the C18 and further remodelled in the mid C19. Stucco to front; dry slate mansard roof with 4 horned sashes; 2 lateral rendered stacks at rear. Overall U-shaped plan including 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/62/47 NEW STREET, Barbican, Bollards and steps in front of Nos.23 and 24 (No.23 not included) MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134368 50.366628,-4.134431 50.366610,-4.134392 50.366567,-4.134341 50.366581,-4.134368 50.366628))) Bollards and steps. Probably early C19. Tall cannon-shaped granite bollards and dressed granite steps with granite setts between. 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/62/35 NEW STREET, Barbican, (South side (off)) No.27 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.134721 50.366622,-4.134800 50.366648,-4.134811 50.366632,-4.134906 50.366653,-4.134960 50.366550,-4.135036 50.366558,-4.135104 50.366554,-4.135151 50.366384,-4.134765 50.366336,-4.134704 50.366549,-4.134666 50.366602,-4.134721 50.366622),(-4.134786 50.366522,-4.134797 50.366483,-4.134839 50.366478,-4.134860 50.366460,-4.134866 50.366428,-4.134956 50.366438,-4.134934 50.366523,-4.134874 50.366515,-4.134867 50.366538,-4.134786 50.366522))) Group of warehouses built around a courtyard. Late C18 and early C19. Plymouth limestone rubble walls with segmental brick arches over most of the openings; half-hipped and gable-ended mostly slate roofs. Warehouses on 4 sides of a courtyard approached b 1998-11-09 1998-11-09
740-1/62/36 NEW STREET, Barbican, (South side) No.31 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135001 50.366858,-4.135024 50.366829,-4.135025 50.366783,-4.135010 50.366781,-4.135031 50.366736,-4.134964 50.366726,-4.134907 50.366835,-4.135001 50.366858))) (Formerly Listed as: NEW STREET, Plymouth No.31) Town house, now a restaurant. Probably early C19, possibly a remodelling of much older house. Painted stone rubble with segmental brick arches; slate roof; stump of stack at rear. Single-depth plan plus re 1975-05-01 1975-05-01
740-1/62/37 NEW STREET, Barbican, (South side) No.32 Elizabethan House Museum MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135025 50.366783,-4.135024 50.366829,-4.134999 50.366864,-4.135077 50.366884,-4.135110 50.366825,-4.135113 50.366791,-4.135025 50.366783))) (Formerly Listed as: NEW STREET, Plymouth No.32 (Elizabethan House Museum)) Merchant's house. Probably very early C17, restored in the 1926 by AS Parker. MATERIALS: render on timber frame to jettied front with slate-roofed jetties, painted rubble side w 1954-01-25 1954-01-25

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