London Borough of Southwark
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Uprn | Address text | Point | Geometry | Notes | Organisation | Felled date | Entry date | Start date | End date |
634 | Kings College London Guy’s, Campus, side of Nuffield House, Newcomen Street | 687 | POINT (-0.089379 51.502775) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.089457 51.503029,-0.089469 51.503034,-0.089662 51.502887,-0.089488 51.502809,-0.089599 51.502722,-0.089655 51.502654,-0.089321 51.502528,-0.089274 51.502543,-0.089073 51.502821,-0.089457 51.503029))) | 2023-05-03 | 2023-05-03 | ||||||
640 | 40-43 Great Brownings, London, Southwark SE21 7HP | 689 | POINT (-0.075237 51.4325) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.075213 51.432397,-0.075195 51.432448,-0.075213 51.432481,-0.075238 51.432640,-0.075296 51.432644,-0.075298 51.432634,-0.075276 51.432634,-0.075247 51.432602,-0.075256 51.432553,-0.075240 51.432519,-0.075270 51.432401,-0.075213 51.432397))) | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-20 | ||||||
641 | 5 ANDERTON CLOSE LONDON SE5 8BU | 691 | POINT (-0.087109 51.464335) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.087023 51.464167,-0.086990 51.464178,-0.087004 51.464254,-0.086993 51.464286,-0.086968 51.464300,-0.087187 51.464478,-0.087278 51.464434,-0.087023 51.464167))) | 2023-06-20 | 2023-06-20 | ||||||
643 | RESTAURANT STORY 199 TOOLEY STREET LONDON SE1 2JX | 693 | POINT (-0.077838 51.502813) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.077553 51.502816,-0.077543 51.502829,-0.078146 51.502968,-0.078189 51.502968,-0.078223 51.502956,-0.077700 51.502618,-0.077553 51.502816))) | 2023-07-13 | 2023-07-13 | ||||||
645 | UAL WILSON ANNEX CAMBERWELL SCHOOL OF ARTS WILSON ROAD LONDON SE5 8PB | 694 | POINT (-0.086013 51.473251) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.086489 51.473366,-0.086222 51.472976,-0.085548 51.473148,-0.085663 51.473455,-0.085677 51.473464,-0.086426 51.473424,-0.086489 51.473366))) | 2023-10-05 | 2023-10-05 | ||||||
647 | 1-12 The Garvens, 57 Dulwich Wood Avenue SE19 1HU | 696 | POINT (-0.083219 51.425321) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.083534 51.425398,-0.083484 51.425255,-0.083465 51.425243,-0.083434 51.425163,-0.082914 51.425240,-0.082912 51.425307,-0.082936 51.425325,-0.082990 51.425471,-0.083282 51.425442,-0.083534 51.425398))) | 2023-10-05 | 2023-10-05 | ||||||
648 | GROVE HOUSE DULWICH COMMON LONDON SE21 7EZ | 697 | POINT (-0.070677 51.44192) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.070484 51.441249,-0.070157 51.440958,-0.069615 51.440896,-0.069596 51.440901,-0.069581 51.440921,-0.069592 51.441063,-0.069661 51.441236,-0.069732 51.441516,-0.069830 51.441821,-0.069788 51.441877,-0.070013 51.441942,-0.070054 51.441977,-0.070165 51.441973,-0.070477 51.441883,-0.070704 51.442050,-0.071380 51.442581,-0.071590 51.442807,-0.071698 51.442886,-0.071713 51.442911,-0.071740 51.442916,-0.072111 51.443190,-0.072020 51.443438,-0.072621 51.443511,-0.072582 51.443477,-0.072513 51.443387,-0.072438 51.443254,-0.071553 51.442528,-0.071167 51.442222,-0.071000 51.442105,-0.070896 51.442010,-0.070777 51.441861,-0.070743 51.441807,-0.070680 51.441681,-0.070599 51.441424,-0.070555 51.441319,-0.070484 51.441249))) | 2023-10-05 | 2023-10-05 | ||||||
649 | Land at HARBORD CLOSE, SE5 8AG | 698 | POINT (-0.091655 51.470627) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.091681 51.470713,-0.091745 51.470625,-0.091695 51.470556,-0.091554 51.470591,-0.091614 51.470687,-0.091671 51.470697,-0.091681 51.470713))) | 2023-10-05 | 2023-10-05 | ||||||
650 | 26 LOVE WALK LONDON SE5 8AD | 698 | POINT (-0.091629 51.47082) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.091787 51.470956,-0.091593 51.470652,-0.091466 51.470683,-0.091678 51.470997,-0.091787 51.470956))) | 2023-10-05 | 2023-10-05 | ||||||
651 | 2 Gallery Road, Tiverton Lodge, Dulwich Common, London, SE21 | 699 | POINT (-0.088728 51.441416) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.088359 51.440972,-0.088233 51.440997,-0.088482 51.441420,-0.088521 51.441877,-0.089076 51.441853,-0.089068 51.441241,-0.089031 51.441176,-0.088983 51.441120,-0.088913 51.441075,-0.088778 51.441030,-0.088543 51.440980,-0.088359 51.440972))) | 2023-08-21 | 2023-08-21 | ||||||
652 | Tiverton Lodge, Dulwich Village | 699 | POINT (-0.088276 51.441452) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.088233 51.440997,-0.088208 51.441002,-0.088226 51.441036,-0.088181 51.441045,-0.088163 51.441011,-0.087979 51.441054,-0.087998 51.441088,-0.087951 51.441099,-0.087932 51.441064,-0.087906 51.441070,-0.088123 51.441423,-0.088247 51.441711,-0.088263 51.441947,-0.088436 51.441942,-0.088492 51.441909,-0.088515 51.441878,-0.088482 51.441420,-0.088233 51.440997))) | 2023-10-05 | 2023-10-05 | ||||||
654 | 747-759 & 765-775 Old Kent Road London SE15 1NZ | 702 | POINT (-0.058184 51.480746) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.058304 51.480912,-0.058404 51.480810,-0.058408 51.480779,-0.058498 51.480698,-0.058538 51.480715,-0.058812 51.480454,-0.058344 51.480266,-0.057569 51.481041,-0.058039 51.481220,-0.058232 51.481052,-0.058339 51.480925,-0.058304 51.480912))) | 2024-02-14 | 2024-02-14 | ||||||
655 | Southwark Freehold Land to front 100 Glengall Road, SE15 6RR | 704 | POINT (-0.071971 51.481263) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.072001 51.480789,-0.071974 51.480795,-0.071957 51.480815,-0.072068 51.481023,-0.072058 51.481109,-0.072041 51.481161,-0.071928 51.481415,-0.071817 51.481495,-0.071769 51.481473,-0.071704 51.481358,-0.071646 51.481370,-0.071623 51.481387,-0.071713 51.481549,-0.071794 51.481564,-0.072088 51.481350,-0.072145 51.481286,-0.072166 51.481246,-0.072177 51.481200,-0.072172 51.481139,-0.072001 51.480789))) | 2024-01-24 | 2024-01-24 | ||||||
657 | 25 MANDELA WAY LONDON SE1 5SS | 705 | POINT (-0.077688 51.490101) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.077544 51.490930,-0.077613 51.490867,-0.078574 51.490136,-0.077776 51.489685,-0.077392 51.489514,-0.077342 51.489534,-0.077121 51.489717,-0.076811 51.489997,-0.077482 51.490339,-0.077786 51.490594,-0.077626 51.490682,-0.077629 51.490723,-0.077491 51.490815,-0.077453 51.490835,-0.077392 51.490848,-0.077544 51.490930))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
658 | 109 Park Hall Road, SE21 8ES | 706 | POINT (-0.089092 51.437218) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.088970 51.437150,-0.088925 51.437201,-0.089027 51.437232,-0.089050 51.437246,-0.089262 51.437275,-0.089264 51.437235,-0.089136 51.437204,-0.088970 51.437150))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
659 | NELLYS NURSERY DULWICH SPORT GROUND 102-106 TURNEY ROAD LONDON SE21 7JH | 707 | POINT (-0.092421 51.446945) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.092690 51.447027,-0.092464 51.446776,-0.092159 51.446884,-0.092332 51.447083,-0.092463 51.447081,-0.092690 51.447027))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
662 | Guinness Court, Snowfields, SE1 3TE | 711 | POINT (-0.085054 51.501905) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.085099 51.501884,-0.085034 51.501873,-0.085008 51.501925,-0.085076 51.501936,-0.085099 51.501884))) | 2023-12-19 | 2023-12-19 | ||||||
664 | 149 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0HB | 713 | POINT (-0.093995 51.480262) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.094183 51.480285,-0.094179 51.480231,-0.093809 51.480238,-0.093813 51.480294,-0.094183 51.480285))) | 2024-04-30 | 2024-04-30 | ||||||
668 | 107A Wood Vale | 717 | POINT (-0.062982 51.447046) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.063241 51.447169,-0.063297 51.447186,-0.063361 51.447110,-0.062662 51.446905,-0.062606 51.446982,-0.063241 51.447169))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
670 | The rear of 22-28 Dulwich Wood Avenue | 2088 | POINT (-0.081341 51.426281) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.081430 51.426703,-0.082083 51.426457,-0.081644 51.426024,-0.081411 51.425805,-0.081097 51.425940,-0.081121 51.425978,-0.081102 51.426002,-0.080466 51.426252,-0.080668 51.426329,-0.080900 51.426432,-0.081229 51.426593,-0.081430 51.426703))) | 1995-04-13 | 1995-04-13 | ||||||
671 | Land at Dulwich and Sydenham Hill Golf Club, Grange Lane | 2444 | POINT (-0.073366 51.437925) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.073447 51.438072,-0.073697 51.437828,-0.073386 51.437704,-0.073025 51.438081,-0.073164 51.438134,-0.073259 51.438086,-0.073342 51.438063,-0.073363 51.438039,-0.073447 51.438072))) | 1995-10-26 | 1995-10-26 | ||||||
672 | 153 Court Lane | 17458 | POINT (-0.074608 51.44752) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.074442 51.447740,-0.074843 51.447342,-0.074764 51.447311,-0.074386 51.447684,-0.074442 51.447740))) | 1997-03-24 | 1997-03-24 | ||||||
673 | 41 Holmdene Avenue | 25135 | POINT (-0.095164 51.455007) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.095031 51.455107,-0.095038 51.455112,-0.095347 51.454943,-0.095289 51.454902,-0.094983 51.455070,-0.095031 51.455107))) | 1993-01-08 | 1993-01-08 | ||||||
674 | 12-14 St. Marys Road | 54748 | POINT (-0.055324 51.472264) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.054986 51.472430,-0.055200 51.472394,-0.055821 51.472287,-0.055721 51.472088,-0.054836 51.472236,-0.054924 51.472441,-0.054986 51.472430))) | 2000-04-17 | 2000-04-17 | ||||||
675 | 10 St. Marys Road | 54748 | POINT (-0.05523 51.472446) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.054970 51.472548,-0.055507 51.472456,-0.055539 51.472451,-0.055487 51.472344,-0.054924 51.472441,-0.054970 51.472548))) | 2000-07-06 | 2000-07-06 | ||||||
676 | 4 St. Marys Road | 54748 | POINT (-0.055417 51.472749) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.055190 51.472921,-0.055378 51.472827,-0.055366 51.472818,-0.055428 51.472808,-0.055556 51.472766,-0.055601 51.472748,-0.055630 51.472712,-0.055659 51.472701,-0.055872 51.472643,-0.055840 51.472572,-0.055660 51.472610,-0.055438 51.472699,-0.055063 51.472759,-0.055141 51.472945,-0.055190 51.472921))) | 2000-04-17 | 2000-04-17 | ||||||
691 | 22 Lausanne Road, LONDON SE15 2HU | 718 | POINT (-0.052925 51.471893) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.052503 51.471978,-0.052759 51.471941,-0.053368 51.471855,-0.053350 51.471808,-0.052488 51.471929,-0.052503 51.471978))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
692 | 24 Lausanne Road, LONDON SE15 2HU | 718 | POINT (-0.052912 51.471845) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.052488 51.471929,-0.052783 51.471889,-0.053350 51.471808,-0.053332 51.471762,-0.053227 51.471775,-0.052472 51.471883,-0.052488 51.471929))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
693 | 328 Ivydale Road, LONDON SE15 3DG | 719 | POINT (-0.048754 51.457261) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.048635 51.457130,-0.048575 51.457159,-0.048867 51.457389,-0.048933 51.457360,-0.048635 51.457130))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
694 | 330 Ivydale Road, LONDON SE15 3DG | 719 | POINT (-0.048818 51.457231) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.048933 51.457360,-0.049002 51.457330,-0.048697 51.457099,-0.048635 51.457130,-0.048933 51.457360))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
697 | Buxted Road, Burrow Road, Abbotswood Road, Shaw Road, Talbot Road, East Dulwich | 216 | POINT (-0.082344 51.4596) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.082231 51.457967,-0.080772 51.458540,-0.080629 51.458588,-0.079619 51.458996,-0.080151 51.460037,-0.080181 51.460181,-0.080152 51.460201,-0.080290 51.460277,-0.080363 51.460437,-0.080484 51.460303,-0.080647 51.460204,-0.081143 51.459949,-0.082198 51.459128,-0.082442 51.459194,-0.082535 51.459228,-0.082291 51.459678,-0.082099 51.459970,-0.081933 51.460165,-0.081547 51.460660,-0.081765 51.460784,-0.081863 51.460865,-0.081948 51.460902,-0.082640 51.461394,-0.082705 51.461352,-0.083075 51.461162,-0.083221 51.461040,-0.083338 51.460985,-0.083719 51.460753,-0.083837 51.460713,-0.084005 51.460598,-0.084205 51.460480,-0.084327 51.460378,-0.084369 51.460396,-0.084405 51.460367,-0.084483 51.460325,-0.084681 51.460116,-0.084882 51.459743,-0.084846 51.459722,-0.084518 51.459453,-0.084304 51.459289,-0.084043 51.459054,-0.083811 51.458802,-0.083644 51.458668,-0.083278 51.458342,-0.083239 51.458325,-0.082992 51.458598,-0.082994 51.458625,-0.082980 51.458665,-0.082554 51.459208,-0.082224 51.459110,-0.082808 51.458449,-0.082676 51.458330,-0.082231 51.457967))) | 1993-02-10 | 1993-02-10 | ||||||
698 | 69 Albion Street, London, SE16 7JA | 546 | POINT (-0.051729 51.500445) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.051844 51.500520,-0.051851 51.500515,-0.051813 51.500488,-0.051674 51.500357,-0.051615 51.500389,-0.051661 51.500445,-0.051706 51.500431,-0.051796 51.500544,-0.051844 51.500520))) | 2024-07-11 | |||||||
00479172 | | 526 | Alleyn Park | POINT (-0.085486 51.429219) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00027854 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.094143 51.458041) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00027858 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.093793 51.458394) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00027861 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.093980 51.458118) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00027866 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.093087 51.457888) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00027872 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.090329 51.458481) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00027873 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.090339 51.458380) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00027875 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.090754 51.458152) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00118847 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.093115 51.457859) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00325842 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.091011 51.457995) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00325843 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.091515 51.457705) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00325844 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.091870 51.457494) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00325846 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.092657 51.457223) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00325847 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.092158 51.457413) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00365200 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.092004 51.457383) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00365201 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.092136 51.457292) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00365202 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.092500 51.457160) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 | ||||||
00365203 | | 215 | Casino Avenue | POINT (-0.092970 51.457143) | Data managed in Confirm database | 2025-02-18 |
Showing rows 501 to 550 of 3034