Brownfield land
reference | name | site-address | deliverable | hazardous-substances | hectares | MinNetDwellings | minimum-net-dwellings | maximum-net-dwellings | ownership-status | planning-permission-date | planning-permission-type | planning-permission-history | planning-permission-status | site-plan-url | point | notes | OrganisationLabel | organisation | entry-date | start-date | end-date |
BF/035 | BF/035 | Former Bus Depot, Shellness Road, Leysdown-on-Sea, Kent, ME12 4QJ | yes | 0.16 | 10 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(0.926067 51.396175) | Allocated site | 2022-12-21 | 2022-12-21 | |||||||
BF/036 | BF/036 | Little Callum Farm, Basser Hill, Lower Halstow, Kent, ME9 7TY | yes | 1.88 | 9 | 9 | not owned by a public authority | 2022-09-08 | | permissioned | | POINT(0.684961 51.372457) | Applications 20/501002/OUT and 22/501873/OUT | 2022-12-21 | 2022-12-21 | ||||||
BF/037 | BF/037 | Halfway Egg Farm, Featherbed Lane, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8RA | yes | 1.85 | 19 | 19 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-09-16 | | permissioned | | POINT(0.731427 51.369244) | Application 18/506677/HYBRID (includes non-residential development) | 2022-12-21 | 2022-12-21 | ||||||
BF/038 | BF/038 | Former Bus Depot, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4BQ | 0.48 | 51 | 51 | owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(0.743967 51.33897) | Council owned site identified for residential development | 2022-12-21 | 2022-12-21 | ||||||||
BF/039 | BF/039 | Land at Fountain Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3EE | yes | 0.19 | 80 | 80 | owned by a public authority | 2017-01-17 | full planning permission | | not permissioned | | POINT(0.734471 51.34154) | Council owned site identified for residential development | 2022-12-21 | 2022-12-21 | |||||
BF/040 | BF/040 | Cockleshell Walk, St Michael's Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 1AU | 0.39 | 54 | 54 | owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(0.73198 51.34124) | Council owned site identified for residential development | 2022-12-21 | 2022-12-21 | ||||||||
BF/041 | BF/041 | Land West of Rushenden Road, Queenborough, Kent, ME11 5HP | yes | yes | 13.01 | 480 | 480 | mixed ownership | 2017-07-07 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.745428 51.411404) | 16/507298/FULL. The site as a whole forms part of the Queenborough & Rushenden Masterplan and is only partly permissioned with the rest of the site yet to come forward. | 2022-12-21 | 2018-03-20 | ||||
BF/042 | BF/042 | 66 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8PG | yes | 0.02 | 5 | 5 | not owned by a public authority | 2021-06-22 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(0.892309 51.313008) | Application 21/500803/FULL | 2022-12-21 | 2022-12-21 |
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