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Torbay Council

Listed building outline

Reference Name Listed building Geometry Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
383609 Cemetery Chapel, Including Retaining Walls At Either Side 1209764 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.517986 50.386760,-3.518069 50.386746,-3.518049 50.386694,-3.517965 50.386708,-3.517986 50.386760))) Cemetery chapel and wall. Dated 1861. Coursed and squared Devonian limestone rubble with red-brick quoins and wall tops. Slated roof, gable-end on to street. Consists of a small oblong room with a wide doorway in the middle of front wall and a matching one (now blocked) in centre of rear wall. Gothic style. One storey. Tall, wide chamfered doorway with pointed arch and double plank doors; flanked by 2 lancet windows with pointed arches; 6 panes per window. Above the doorway is a shield inscribed A.D.1861. Front has red-brick quoins and red-brick wall tops, the latter finished with a stone coping and kneelers. Side-walls each have 2 lancet windows with pointed arches (now blocked). Retaining wall finished with red bricks, 3 upright ones alternating with 3 headers; chamfered coping on top. Pilasters break the wall face at regular intervals, these rising above the coping where they have red-brick quoins and gabled caps. INTERIOR of chapel: plain with exposed tie-beam trusses having raking struts from tie to principal. A few original benches remain. An early example of polychrome Gothic. This is a nonconformist chapel with its own cemetery at the rear, abutting the C of E churchyard of St Mary the Virgin (qv). Listing NGR: SX9218055196 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383610 Church Of St Mary The Virgin 1195156 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.518755 50.386145,-3.518847 50.386136,-3.518835 50.386093,-3.519044 50.386071,-3.519052 50.386061,-3.519044 50.386049,-3.519149 50.386038,-3.519147 50.386032,-3.519161 50.386030,-3.519160 50.386022,-3.519146 50.386023,-3.519130 50.385965,-3.519144 50.385963,-3.519143 50.385957,-3.519129 50.385959,-3.519128 50.385950,-3.519022 50.385962,-3.519024 50.385946,-3.519016 50.385939,-3.518959 50.385944,-3.518950 50.385912,-3.518892 50.385918,-3.518900 50.385950,-3.518805 50.385961,-3.518802 50.385917,-3.518714 50.385922,-3.518725 50.385968,-3.518630 50.385978,-3.518634 50.385993,-3.518500 50.386008,-3.518521 50.386088,-3.518652 50.386077,-3.518661 50.386109,-3.518748 50.386101,-3.518755 50.386145))) Parish church. C15, re-roofed by Ashworth in 1867, restored by Tait & Harvey in 1905. Solid roughcast walls with some details in exposed, squared and coursed red sandstone; other details in limestone, probably from Beer. Slated roof with C19 crested ridge-tiles. Nave, N and S aisles, N and S transepts, chancel, N and S chancel chapels, W tower, S porch. Stair turret at W end of each aisle. Windows have Perpendicular tracery, nearly all of it restored in C19; east window of N aisle retains original Beer stone head-tracery. North window of N transept has wooden intersecting tracery. Aisles, transepts and chancel chapels battlemented; beneath the N aisle battlements is a string course with 4 large gargoyles, that on the E possibly medieval. N aisle has old Beer stone doorway with 4-centred arch and hoodmould. West wall of N transept (Churston family pew) has C19 stone doorway with pointed arch. Aisle stair-turrets are polygonal, apparently post-dating the tower; slightly differing from each other in design, but with corbelled, battlemented tops; each has 2 weathered limestone windows, a slit below and a quatrefoil above. Fixed to south wall of S transept a stone sundial with rounded top, this filled with a gilded face with sun rays instead of hair. Tower in 3 tapering stages with set-back buttresses and battlements. Series of 9 limestone slit stair windows up south side of west face, some with square or pointed heads, some quatrefoil-shaped. West doorway of medieval Beer stone, heavily moulded and with pointed arch. Above it a large pointed-arched window with C19 tracery. Second stage has a 2-light window with quatrefoil in the head, also restored; above this is a single-light opening with red sandstone jambs and cinquefoiled limestone arch, now containing a statue of the Virgin Mary. At the base of the third stage is a small, old limestone window with 2 pointed-arched lights. Immediately above this is a large clock face, apparently of 1740 with names of W Clarke and L Edwards, wardens. At top is a belfry opening with 4 cinquefoiled lights under a square hoodmould. North and south faces each have a large blocked window in lowest stage. The south face has in addition second and third-stage windows matching those on the west except that in the upper one the arches are cinquefoiled. N, S and E sides each have a belfry opening like that on the W, together with a clock face added in 1931. South porch is single-storeyed with diagonal buttresses and battlements. Restored pointed-arched limestone doorway with heavily-weathered holy water stoup to its right. Inside are stone seats and a Beer stone lierne star vault springing from corner shafts; centre boss carved with Virgin Mary flanked by angels; further bosses at intersections. 2 carved with animals, the rest with flowers. Original pointed-arched Beer stone doorway into church; above it an inserted niche containing C20 statue of Virgin Mary. INTERIOR: nave and west end of chancel flanked by Beer stone arcades of 5 depressed arches springing from ogee-moulded pillars with attached shafts. Similar tower-arch. Small, pointed-arched, chamfered red sandstone doorways to each of the aisle stair turrets, that to north now blocked. Ogee-headed Beer stone piscinas in chancel and N transept, both with carved basins and stone shelves; that in chancel has cusped arch carved with arms of Bishop Courtenay of Exeter (1478-87). N transept (later converted to Churston family pew) has screen of fluted wooden columns removed from former south gallery of 1792; behind it is a low panelled, inlaid partition. Fittings: early C14 Beer stone font with octagonal base buttressed by 3 grotesque animals; bowl carved with trefoiled ogee crocketed arches; wooden Gothic font cover dated 1908. Under the tower the original clock mechanism (now out of use) of 1740, with maker's plate of William Stumbels, Totnes. Also framed embroidered altar frontel made from early C15 vestments. Monuments: stone coffin lid carved with cross. At either side of chancel, piercing wall with chancel chapel, a late-medieval stone tomb. That to N has quatrefoil-panelled base and carved ogee canopy with traces of old paint; inscribed top of grey stone, said to be for William Hille, vicar 1464-87. Tomb to S also has panelled front; panelled interior with vaulted canopy; no inscription, but in place of effigy an early-medieval stone coffin lid. North chancel chapel has 3 ornate C17 monuments to the Upton family of Lupton. In south chancel chapel a white marble monument of c1720 to Anne Stucley, in the form of a cartouche with a pair of skulls at the base; Cherry and Pevsner suggest Weston as the sculptor. Glass: all but the north window of the N transept contain Victorian or early C20 stained glass. (The Buildings of England: Cherry B: Devon (2nd edition): London: 1989-: 829). Listing NGR: SX9212055119 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383611 Gatehouse And Gates Approximately 20 Metres West North West Of Church Of St Mary The Virgin 1209821 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.519509 50.386077,-3.519499 50.386034,-3.519430 50.386040,-3.519439 50.386084,-3.519509 50.386077))) Gatehouse. Probably c1900, although it may incorporate earlier masonry; gates mid C19. Stone rubble with red sandstone dressings. Flat concrete roof to centre section. Wide, covered passage in centre with small roofless chamber at either side. Single-storeyed. Designed as a Gothic folly. In the centre a tall, wide pointed arch. At either side a smaller pointed arch, that to right chamfered with worn pyramid stops. At either end a segmental-headed window filled with an iron grille. Battlemented parapet, that over the main arch with moulded stone battlements. Inside the main arch a pair of iron gateposts with open Gothic tracery and crenellated tops; moulded inscription MARTIN. EXETER; centres of posts now encased in concrete. Pair of gates with Gothic tracery. Inside the passage is a pointed-arched doorway in each side wall; ceiling with beaded beam and joists. Rear arch matching that at front. The small side-arches have iron gates with decorated finials to the uprights. Inside, defining paths leading to the centre passage are iron railings of similar design. A photograph published c1896 shows a very different gatehouse. The gates and gate piers were already there, but above them was what appeared to be a timber-framed structure, and at either side a cottage. (Gregory C: Brixham in Devonia: Totnes: 1896-). Listing NGR: SX9207655124 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383612 Shipwreck Monument Approximately 40 Metres East Of Church Of St Mary The Virgin 1298268 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.517845 50.386014,-3.517823 50.386029,-3.517831 50.386045,-3.517857 50.386050,-3.517878 50.386039,-3.517871 50.386019,-3.517845 50.386014))) Monument to sailors who died in the great Torbay shipwreck of 11 January 1866. c1866. By Wood of Bristol (inscription). Dressed stone, probably limestone, with some detail in white marble. Square pedestal with moulded base carrying a block carved on south side with a shipwreck scene. Above this is a cross standing on a pile of rocks and having an anchor leaning against it. On the west face of the pedestal is the inscription: OF A FLEET OF 64 BRITISH AND FOREIGN MERCHANT VESSELS ANCHORED IN TORBAY ON THE NIGHT OF JAN 10TH 1866 IN APPARENT SAFETY UPWARDS OF 40 WERE ON THE 11TH DRIVEN FROM THEIR ANCHORS AND WRECKED OR STRANDED MOST OF THEM TOTALLY LOST AND MORE THAN 100 LIVES ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE PERISHED. On the south side of the plinth is another inscription recording that the monument was paid for by the Brixham Shipwrecked Sailors Relief Committee out of the residue of »3,211/9/5 raised by public subscription for the widows and orphans. Enclosing the monument is an iron fence hanging from low square stone posts aligned with the 4 corners. Listing NGR: SX9219055119 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383613 Elberry Farmhouse Including Front Garden Walls 1292446 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.550124 50.403445,-3.550164 50.403470,-3.550202 50.403446,-3.550164 50.403422,-3.550306 50.403331,-3.550377 50.403375,-3.550360 50.403386,-3.550630 50.403556,-3.550686 50.403519,-3.550448 50.403369,-3.550461 50.403361,-3.550431 50.403341,-3.550417 50.403350,-3.550390 50.403333,-3.550422 50.403312,-3.550385 50.403288,-3.550354 50.403309,-3.550347 50.403304,-3.550410 50.403263,-3.549931 50.402960,-3.549556 50.403202,-3.550004 50.403451,-3.550309 50.403643,-3.550361 50.403609,-3.550167 50.403488,-3.550143 50.403504,-3.550061 50.403452,-3.550097 50.403428,-3.550124 50.403445),(-3.550133 50.403348,-3.550069 50.403388,-3.550138 50.403431,-3.550125 50.403438,-3.550066 50.403401,-3.550002 50.403443,-3.549633 50.403237,-3.549660 50.403218,-3.549599 50.403184,-3.549930 50.402970,-3.550397 50.403263,-3.550340 50.403300,-3.550272 50.403257,-3.550211 50.403297,-3.550221 50.403304,-3.550144 50.403354,-3.550193 50.403322,-3.550143 50.403354,-3.550133 50.403348)),((-3.550139 50.403351,-3.550133 50.403347,-3.550133 50.403348,-3.550139 50.403351))) Farmhouse. Mid C19. Solid roughcast walls. Slated roof. 2 rendered chimneys, symmetrically placed on ridge. 2 storeys. 4 windows wide, the outer windows set in gabled cross-wings with plain bargeboards. 6-paned sashes. Subsidiary features: in front of the house (which faces south-east) is a large rectangular garden surrounded by a high wall of Devonian limestone rubble. This has a rounded coping of stones on edge, except for the slightly taller section along Elberry Lane, which has a flat stone coping. The house is part of a planned layout including 2 courtyards of farm buildings (qv) and a cart shed (qv). Listing NGR: SX8993357097 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383614 Farm Buildings To North East And North West Of Elberry Farmhouse Including Walls, Gates And Piers 1195157 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.550597 50.403577,-3.550554 50.403606,-3.550490 50.403563,-3.550461 50.403561,-3.550448 50.403568,-3.550440 50.403585,-3.550487 50.403632,-3.550454 50.403651,-3.550468 50.403660,-3.550455 50.403669,-3.550399 50.403632,-3.550346 50.403664,-3.550617 50.403837,-3.550663 50.403807,-3.550511 50.403712,-3.550685 50.403598,-3.550838 50.403696,-3.550882 50.403668,-3.550858 50.403653,-3.550879 50.403639,-3.550875 50.403617,-3.550767 50.403546,-3.550727 50.403571,-3.550666 50.403532,-3.550630 50.403556,-3.550604 50.403540,-3.550571 50.403562,-3.550597 50.403577))) Farm buildings. Mid C19. Devonian limestone rubble. Slated roofs. Appears to be a planned layout north-west of farmhouse, consisting of 2 rectangular enclosed courtyards with a bank barn between them. Front courtyard has lofted cattle sheds and stables; round house behind barn. Rear courtyard has 2 ranges of single-storeyed buildings, probably calf houses. 1 and 2 storeys. Simple, well-preserved buildings, the openings with arches of stone voussoirs. The 2 yards have separate entrances from Elberry Lane, both with semicircular gate piers, although in the rear yard the left pier has been removed; here, however, the original gate with spear-head uprights survives. The rear yard has a second gate opposite the first, in the south-west wall; this also has semicircular piers. The farmstead, including its farmhouse (qv) and cart shed (qv) is an interesting example of a planned layout not often found in Devon, particularly in so good a state of preservation. It occupies an important position on a public path close to Broadsands Beach and is clearly visible from Broadsands Road. Listing NGR: SX8993357097 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383615 Cart Shed Immediately North East Of Elberry Farmhouse 1209851 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.549856 50.403506,-3.550064 50.403621,-3.550114 50.403585,-3.549905 50.403470,-3.549856 50.403506))) Open-fronted cart shed. Mid C19. Devonian limestone rubble. Slated roof. A simple oblong plan. 1 storey. Front entirely open with oblong-section granite posts supporting the roof. INTERIOR: king-post-and-ridge roof trusses. The cart shed is functionally related to the farmstead, in which the house (qv) and farm buildings (qv) form a tightly-knit layout. Listing NGR: SX8993357097 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383616 6, FORE STREET 1195158 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515558 50.394402,-3.515711 50.394332,-3.515613 50.394193,-3.515394 50.394230,-3.515558 50.394402))) Large house, now shops. Early C19; possibly a remodelling of an earlier house. Solid rendered front. Top of left side wall of stone rubble with red-brick gable. Slated roof; rear slope appears to be more steeply pitched than front. Double-fronted and double-depth with staircase at rear centre. 3 storeys with garret. 3 widely-spaced windows wide. Ground storey has wide centre doorway with bead-moulded surround; flanking pilaster strips, moulded cornice on consoles. Upper-storey windows have sashes with horns; sashes in third storey 2-paned. Second-storey windows have moulded cornices on consoles. Raised quoins in all 3 storeys. Deep flat eaves-cornice, with mouldings at rear of 1 soffit. Small hipped dormer in centre of roof; 2-light wood casement. Matching dormer with pent-roof on rear roof slope. INTERIOR not inspected, but seems to have original staircase with boarded-in balustrade. The house occupies an important position near the junction with Bolton Street and New Road. Listing NGR: SX9237056034 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383617 The Globe Hotel 1209860 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513409 50.395169,-3.513431 50.395150,-3.513512 50.395103,-3.513417 50.395035,-3.513306 50.394925,-3.513153 50.395010,-3.513255 50.395109,-3.513243 50.395116,-3.513355 50.395193,-3.513398 50.395168,-3.513409 50.395169),(-3.513383 50.395086,-3.513360 50.395101,-3.513307 50.395065,-3.513261 50.395021,-3.513198 50.395051,-3.513175 50.395030,-3.513271 50.394980,-3.513383 50.395086))) Public house. Probably early C18, altered early or mid C19. Solid rendered front; rear wing of painted stone rubble. Slated roof. 3 rendered chimneys at rear. Single-depth plan, 2 rooms wide, with through cart entrance in centre. Rear wings to right and left. 3 storeys. 4 windows wide. Plain cart entrance in centre of ground storey; plain panelled double-doors. Windows have plain sashes in recessed box-frames, except for flush frame at left-hand end of third storey. Ground storey differs in having 2 windows to left of entrance; that to right is a C19 shallow canted bay with moulded cornice. Above, in second storey, a large C19 canted bay window with frieze and moulded cornice. Whole front has raised quoins. Coved eaves-cornice. INTERIOR: public rooms on ground floor only inspected. Those to left have some exposed stone rubble, including rear wall, which has wide fireplace with segmental brick arch; to left of it a similar deep niche. Door from passage to right front room has 4-panelled door with raised-and-fielded, 2-fillet ovolo-moulded panels, the 2 upper panels now glazed. Listing NGR: SX9253156125 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383618 Methodist Church Including Front Steps And Railings 1292430 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514999 50.394209,-3.514841 50.394013,-3.514666 50.394093,-3.514701 50.394134,-3.514713 50.394130,-3.514853 50.394295,-3.515017 50.394230,-3.514999 50.394209),(-3.514991 50.394211,-3.515004 50.394229,-3.514856 50.394287,-3.514839 50.394267,-3.514896 50.394246,-3.514909 50.394263,-3.514953 50.394247,-3.514939 50.394230,-3.514991 50.394211),(-3.514939 50.394230,-3.514947 50.394246,-3.514912 50.394258,-3.514900 50.394245,-3.514939 50.394230))) Methodist chapel. 1816, altered 1871 and 1981. Latter by WG Couldrey, Son & Partners, Paignton. Solid rendered walls; some stone rubble exposed in side walls. Hipped slated roof. A simple oblong plan with entrance lobby and gallery staircases on the south; rostrum (rebuilt 1981) on north; galleries on the other 3 sides. Classical style. 2 storeys raised on a high basement. 5-bay front, 5 windows wide. Round-headed central doorway has panelled double-doors incised with key-pattern; panelled reveals; elaborated cobweb fanlight. In front of it a deep Doric porch with eccentric capitals, the front columns probably of iron; flat modillioned hood with foliated boss on soffit. The porch stands on a raised terrace approached by stone steps to left and right. At foot of each flight of steps is a pair of square gate piers with stepped pyramidal caps; simple iron gates, almost certainly later replacements. Between the gates and across the whole front of the terrace is the original iron railing with fluted uprights and standards having spear-head finials. The front is arranged in 5 bays flanked and separated by pilaster strips; raised band above each storey, breaking forward over the strips; upper band surmounted by a parapet. Windows round-arched with 3 large panes in centre and 6 margin-panes at either side; radial bars in the head. The 2 windows flanking the doorway have a slightly different glazing pattern, probably because they were originally doorways: 8 small panes in the centre with 8 margin-panes at either side, radial bars in the head with a dentil-course beneath them. Round-arched windows in both side walls and in both storeys, those in lower tier foreshortened. Glazing similar to front, but with smaller middle panes; some old glass. INTERIOR considerably altered in late C19 (new seating and gallery fronts) and 1981 (entrance lobby and rostrum remodelled). The iron columns supporting the gallery, which curves at the north end, appear to be original; late C19 panelled gallery fronts with diagonal planking, the rail above carried on scrolled iron uprights. Fixed to the north gallery front is a large round clock inscribed MINCHINTON. BRIXHAM. Panelled dado, probably original, in ground storey. Panelled ceiling. Organ, now in north gallery, is shown behind rostrum in 1933 photo kept in the church; it seems to have been newly installed at that date. (The Buildings of England: Cherry B: Devon (2nd ed): 1989-: 831). Listing NGR: SX9242356019 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383619 Vale House 1298269 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.564616 50.395208,-3.564581 50.395067,-3.564451 50.395088,-3.564460 50.395112,-3.564369 50.395132,-3.564392 50.395174,-3.564471 50.395165,-3.564478 50.395195,-3.564530 50.395218,-3.564616 50.395208))) House, probably former farmhouse. C17 or earlier, remodelled and extended at rear early or mid C19. Solid rendered walls (stone rubble exposed inside); rear wing of painted stone rubble. Slated roof. Rendered chimneys on each gable end and on ridge, off-centre to right. 3-room through-passage plan; hall chimney at upper end with narrow inner room beyond. Added stair and kitchen wing at rear of hall. 2 storeys. 4 windows wide. Late C20 half-glazed wooden door. Windows have 2-light wood casements (probably late C20 replacements), each with 2 horizontal glazing bars per light. INTERIOR: hall has chamfered ceiling-beam without stops. Small fireplace with rebuilt lintel. C19 panelled corner cupboard. C19 wooden staircase with thin square balusters and column-newels. C19 kitchen has fireplace with segmental red-brick arch. Old plank door with strap-hinges to rear of through-passage. Listing NGR: SX8889256202 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383620 1, 2 AND 3, HEATH ROAD 1209900 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.508140 50.396460,-3.508220 50.396529,-3.508282 50.396508,-3.508270 50.396499,-3.508364 50.396456,-3.508315 50.396420,-3.508284 50.396418,-3.508213 50.396450,-3.508193 50.396434,-3.508140 50.396460))) Range of 3 cottages abutting rear wall of No.10 Ranscombe Road (qv). Probably early C19. Nos 1 & 2 have solid roughcast fronts; No.3 has front and side wall of painted stone rubble. Slated roofs. Nos 1 & 2 have red-brick chimney on rear wall. No.3 has large, old red-brick chimney on centre of ridge. Nos 1 & 2 lie at right-angles to the rear of No.10 Ranscombe Road, slightly recessed. No.3 abuts Nos 1 & 2 at right-angles, its side wall level with that of No.10, its entrance in the gable-end facing. 2 storeys with garrets. Each cottage is 1 window wide, Nos 1 & 2 a mirrored pair with adjacent centre doorways in a single wide opening. Late C20 half-glazed wood doors. No.1 has 2-light wood casement windows with 10 panes per light, all late C20 replicas. No.2 has 2-light late C20 windows. Each cottage has a dormer gable with glazing matching that in the windows below. No.3 has centre doorway with late C20 half-glazed wood door; late C19 two-light wood casement in each storey above, that in second storey mullioned and transomed, that in third storey with 2 panes per light. No openings in side wall facing Heath Road. Listing NGR: SX9290056267 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383621 Cobblers Cottage (No 1A) And Front Garden Railing At No 1 14195159 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515261 50.395427,-3.515348 50.395501,-3.515405 50.395452,-3.515407 50.395438,-3.515341 50.395381,-3.515261 50.395427))) Pair of houses; Cobblers Cottage described in 1975 list as former workshop. Mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs; No.1 with a pair of roofs hipped to the front. Rendered chimney on centre of roof at No.1. Two storeys; No.1 with an additional lower storey because of a fall in the ground. No.1 is 2 windows wide with a 2-window return front facing down Church Hill East. Towards Higher Street the ground storey has a central door with 1 window to left. This and the upper-storey windows have plain sashes. Deep, flat eaves-cornice, continued on to return front. Cobblers Cottage has central plank door with window at either side, that to left considerably shorter than the other. Single upper-storey window, centrally placed and rising through the eaves to form a dormer-gable with patterned bargeboards. All 3 windows have 2-paned sashes with horns. Boxed eaves-cornice. Subsidiary features: to right of No.1 low stone rubble wall to Church Hill East carrying an iron railing with spear-head uprights. Listing NGR: SX9239156161 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383622 3-9, HIGHER STREET 1209927 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515347 50.395502,-3.515299 50.395460,-3.515059 50.395567,-3.515102 50.395608,-3.515347 50.395502))) Terrace of 4 houses. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs. Rendered chimneys on each gable-end and on party-wall between Nos 7 & 9. Three storeys. Symmetrical front. Each house 1 window wide, the windows to right at Nos 3 & 5 and to left at Nos 7 & 9. Nos 5 & 7 have doorways adjoining in centre of range; No.3 has its doorway to left, that of No.9 to right. Nos 3, 5 & 9 have barred sashes in box-frames; 4 over 4 panes with margin-panes in third storey. No.3 has an extra narrow window with 8-paned fixed sash to left of second and third storeys. No.7 has late C20 windows. Listing NGR: SX9239656170 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383623 12 AND 14, HIGHER STREET 1298270 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515303 50.395671,-3.515332 50.395703,-3.515360 50.395692,-3.515332 50.395661,-3.515354 50.395653,-3.515385 50.395684,-3.515415 50.395673,-3.515319 50.395578,-3.515222 50.395614,-3.515280 50.395679,-3.515303 50.395671)),((-3.515280 50.395679,-3.515279 50.395679,-3.515297 50.395699,-3.515280 50.395679))) Pair of houses. Early/mid C19. Rendered walls with slate roofs and rendered end stacks. Double-depth plan, each with one room to front. 2 storeys and attic; 2-window range. C20 doors with overlights. No.12 has 2/2-pane sashes with horizontal glazing bars; No.14 has 1/1-pane sashes. Mid C20 dormers. INTERIOR not inspected. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9239056184 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383624 16 AND 18, HIGHER STREET 1209933 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515122 50.395649,-3.515212 50.395737,-3.515235 50.395728,-3.515219 50.395707,-3.515246 50.395696,-3.515260 50.395713,-3.515297 50.395699,-3.515222 50.395614,-3.515122 50.395649))) Pair of houses. Early/mid C19. Rendered walls with slate roofs and rendered end stacks. Double-depth plan, each with one room to front. 3 storeys; 2-window range. Plain floating cornices over mid C20 doors. Horned 2/2-pane sashes. INTERIOR not inspected. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9239756186 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383625 20 AND 22, HIGHER STREET 1195160 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515206 50.395732,-3.515122 50.395649,-3.515008 50.395694,-3.515089 50.395776,-3.515193 50.395744,-3.515189 50.395738,-3.515206 50.395732))) Pair of terrace houses and shop of one build. Early C19. Solid rendered fronts with masonry markings. Slated roof with perforated red ridge-tiles. Large rendered chimney on centre of ridge. 3 storeys with garret. Each house 1 window wide with doorways at outer ends of ground storey. No.22 has replica small-paned shop-window with original flanking pilasters; 3-panelled door to right. Windows of both houses have box-framed sashes, those at No.22 each with a single upright glazing-bar. Bracketed eaves-cornice at No.22; plain late C20 boxed one at No.20. Each house has a small dormer window; pent-roofed at No.20, gabled at No.22, the latter with a small-paned wood casement. Listing NGR: SX9240556190 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383626 Nos 25, 27 And 29 Including Building Adjoining No 29 1209940 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514094 50.395996,-3.513965 50.396071,-3.514007 50.396112,-3.514260 50.395967,-3.514211 50.395932,-3.514094 50.395996))) Range of 3 cottages with former pilchard cellar and fish store, latterly museum, abutting. Probably late C18 or early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. No chimneys visible from street. Range of cottages, probably 1 room wide and 2 rooms deep, perched on cliff edge with the houses of Middle Street immediately behind and below. Between Nos 25 & 27 a passage and a flight of steps leads down to the rear of No.60 Middle Street (not included). At the left-hand end is a long pilchard cellar, extending almost to the flight of steps leading down to Middle Street. 2 storeys. Cottages have 3-window front, the right-hand window set under a gabled roof. Segmental-arched doorway to Nos 25 & 26 with hook-hinges at either side. Sash-window to right with 2 more in upper storey, all box-framed and with a single upright glazing-bar. 2 similar windows in right side wall. No.29 has late C20 wood panelled door and 2 late C20 wood-framed windows. Pilchard cellar has half-glazed loading doors to right of upper storey. Two C19 or C20 wood-mullioned windows to left of it. Gable-end to left has double plank-doors. Wide 7-paned wood window with upright glazing bars in upper storey. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9247856223 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383627 The Manor House 1195161 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514917 50.395859,-3.514982 50.395906,-3.515016 50.395890,-3.514991 50.395869,-3.515002 50.395863,-3.514954 50.395818,-3.514965 50.395814,-3.515027 50.395869,-3.515052 50.395857,-3.514917 50.395731,-3.514827 50.395768,-3.514917 50.395859))) Public house. Early/mid C19; could be a remodelling of an earlier structure. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Large rendered chimney behind ridge, to left. 2 storeys with garret. 2 widely-spaced windows wide. Doorway off-centre to left; double-doors, each with 3 flush panels. At either end a canted bay window, probably early C20, with leaded glazing and transom-lights. In centre of upper storeys a large blank rectangular panel with moulded frame. At either side a window with 2-paned sashes. Deep flat eaves-cornice. 2 dormer windows with slightly curved tops and slate-hung sides; 2-light wood casements. The low storey-heights and off-centre doorway suggest that this may have originated as a C17 or earlier house. Listing NGR: SX9242056199 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383628 30 AND 32, HIGHER STREET 1209958 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514899 50.395840,-3.514827 50.395768,-3.514750 50.395800,-3.514823 50.395871,-3.514899 50.395840))) Mirrored pair of houses. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each side wall. 2 storeys with garret. Each house has a window at the outer end of front; paired doorways in centre. Above the latter a moulded cornice with a lugged apron below it, the lugs terminating on small moulded brackets. Windows have barred sashes in box-frames; 6 over 6 panes at No.30, 1 over 1 pane at No.32. Deep flat eaves-cornice. Centrally placed hipped dormer; shared between the 2 houses. Listing NGR: SX9242856206 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383641 2 Lime Kilns At Sx 9247 5562 Approximately 20 Metres South Of Junction With Windmill Hill 1210072 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514061 50.390643,-3.514100 50.390625,-3.514095 50.390533,-3.514071 50.390530,-3.514072 50.390538,-3.514087 50.390539,-3.514090 50.390622,-3.514058 50.390635,-3.514061 50.390643))) Pair of lime kilns. Probably late C18 or early C19. Fronts of roughly-coursed Devonian limestone rubble. Openings have short straight sides and tall sloping heads with narrow flat tops, like flat-topped triangles. Curved, corbelled interiors, each with a small blocked opening at the bottom of the back wall. Higher up above each blocked opening a smaller square one, perhaps an air vent; that to left is lined with bricks. In front of the kilns is a narrow cobbled area. Listing NGR: SX9247055620 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383642 Hole In The Wall Public House 1195165 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512119 50.395664,-3.512211 50.395601,-3.512209 50.395591,-3.512178 50.395575,-3.512142 50.395569,-3.512055 50.395626,-3.512119 50.395664))) Formerly known as: New Quay Inn NEW QUAY LANE. Shown on OS map as No.7. Public house. Early C19. Rendered front and left side walls facing King Street, probably part solid and part timber-framed; painted stone rubble rear wall facing public alleyway. Slated roof. Red-brick chimney on right gable-end. 3 storeys with garret and basement, the latter (because of the sloping site) opening directly on to the alleyway. 2 windows wide with 1 window in carved left side wall, which also faces onto King Street. Ground storey has a pair of 6-panelled doors enclosed in a single doorcase with flanking pilasters and entablatures. Window with C20 louvre to right. To left a 20-paned fixed sash window with door immediately to its right, the latter having 4 flush panels. Upper-storey windows have 8-paned sashes. Rounded left side wall has 18-paned fixed sash window to left; entablature above with panelled frieze. Blocked doorway to right with flanking pilasters and entablature. Barred sash-windows above: 6 over 6 panes in second storey, 8 over 8 panes in third storey. Rear wall has barred sashes and small-paned wood casements. 2 gabled dormers. A Francis Frith photograph of 1922 shows this as the New Quay Inn, the rounded corner tile-hung. Listing NGR: SX9261956179 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383643 14 AND 16, KING STREET 1292330 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512008 50.395741,-3.512085 50.395688,-3.512019 50.395651,-3.512003 50.395655,-3.511944 50.395703,-3.512008 50.395741))) Pair of terrace houses, part of same range as Nos 6, 8 & 10 (qv). Early C19. Solid rendered front; right side wall and rear wall of stone rubble, rear wall of No.16 painted. Slated roof. Chimney on each end wall, that at No.14 of exposed red brick, that at No.16 of painted brick. 3 storeys at front, 4 at rear, where ground-level drops sharply. Mirrored fronts, each 1 window wide, with paired doorways in a wide centre opening. Both doors late C20, but opening has a C19 moulded cement cornice. No.14 has early C19 bow window in ground storey; 14-paned sashes and entablature. Upper-storey windows have 8-paned sashes in box-frames. No.16 has 1990 24-paned wood window in ground storey. Late C19 mullioned-and-transomed wood casements above, each of the lower lights with 2 panes. Rear wall, fronting public alley, has late C20 shop windows in ground storey. French windows and balconies in second storey, 2-paned, box-framed sashes in fourth storey at No.14 and third storey at No.16. Two-light wood casement, each light with 2 panes, in fourth storey at No.16. Listing NGR: SX9262556184 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383644 29 AND 31, KING STREET 1195126 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.511577 50.395746,-3.511684 50.395792,-3.511768 50.395757,-3.511767 50.395749,-3.511668 50.395696,-3.511577 50.395746))) Mirrored pair of houses. Mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each side wall. 3 storeys. Each 2 windows wide with adjacent centre doorways. 4-panelled doors, approached by 3 steps. At opposing ends of ground storey each house has a canted bay window with a moulded top cornice, these being continued over the doorways. Upper-storey windows round-headed in centre, square-headed on the outsides; all have box-frames. 2-paned sashes with a single horizontal glazing-bar in all windows. Small boxed eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9265056188 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383645 33, KING STREET 1298292 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.511597 50.395835,-3.511629 50.395826,-3.511630 50.395819,-3.511677 50.395802,-3.511684 50.395792,-3.511577 50.395746,-3.511505 50.395786,-3.511597 50.395835))) House. Mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Double-depth plan. 3 storeys. 2 windows wide. Ground storey has central doorway flanked by canted bay windows, these having moulded top cornices continued across the doorway. Latter is approached by 2 steps, the first one of Devonian limestone with an old iron shoe scraper at right-hand end. Upper-storey windows plain, with box-framed sashes. Sashes throughout are 2-paned with a single upright glazing-bar and horns. Deep flat eaves-cornice. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9265856195 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383646 The Quayside Hotel (Part Of) 1195127 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.511094 50.396118,-3.511246 50.396023,-3.511144 50.395960,-3.511032 50.396031,-3.510992 50.396008,-3.511014 50.395994,-3.511003 50.395988,-3.511025 50.395973,-3.510982 50.395946,-3.510892 50.396002,-3.511094 50.396118))) Pair of houses, now part of an hotel occupying 4 former houses or their sites. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered fronts lined to imitate ashlar. Slated roofs. Red-brick chimney on left side wall. Right-hand house 4 storeys, left-hand one 3 storeys. Each is 2 windows wide. Right-hand house has 3 bow windows in ground storey; all have 10-paned sashes with horns. Upper-storey windows have box-framed sashes: 2 over 2 panes to right, 8 over 8 panes to left; the 8-paned sashes in second and third storeys appear to be original. Flat boxed eaves-cornice. Left-hand house has late C20 hotel entrance to right. Windows have 2-paned sashes with horns, each sash with a single horizontal glazing-bar. Front flanked by rusticated pilaster strips. Listing NGR: SX9269156222 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383647 51 AND 53, KING STREET 1195128 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510996 50.396198,-3.511031 50.396177,-3.511027 50.396172,-3.511083 50.396134,-3.511079 50.396129,-3.511094 50.396118,-3.510982 50.396053,-3.510966 50.396067,-3.510990 50.396080,-3.510971 50.396094,-3.510953 50.396086,-3.510942 50.396093,-3.510960 50.396103,-3.510904 50.396148,-3.510996 50.396198))) Mirrored pair of houses. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each side wall. 3 storeys; garret at No.53. Each house 1 window wide with paired doorways in the centre, set in a single opening. Door at No.51 is 6-panelled, that at No.53 four-panelled, both with flush bottom panels. Combined flat hood, probably a C20 replacement. In front, 4 steps of Devonian limestone, partly repaired with cement. Each house has a flat-topped, canted bay window in ground storey; that at No.53 is C19 with moulded top cornice and sashes, the middle sashes each with 3 upright glazing bars. Second-storey window at No.51 (segmental-headed) and third-storey window at both houses have barred sashes: 2 over 2 panes in second storey and 6 over 6 panes in third storey of No.51, 4 over 4 panes in third storey of No.53. Rusticated pilaster strips down left side of building and in centre, stopping rather eccentrically above the paired doors. Eaves-cornice with small, closely-set moulded brackets. Flat-topped dormer at No.53, glazed at front and sides. Second-storey window at No.53 widened in C20. Listing NGR: SX9269856230 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383648 Sampford House 1298293 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510877 50.396297,-3.510949 50.396235,-3.510858 50.396184,-3.510829 50.396208,-3.510800 50.396192,-3.510778 50.396210,-3.510808 50.396226,-3.510781 50.396248,-3.510877 50.396297))) House; later subdivided, now guest house. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each side wall. 3 storeys. 3 windows wide. Central doorway and window segmental-headed, the rest flat. Centre doorway and doorway at right-hand end have late C20 panelled wooden doors. Windows in ground and second storeys have 6-paned sashes in box-frames; those in third storey have later wood casements; middle window in both second and third storeys is blind. Flat, boxed eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9271056244 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383649 Harbour View Hotel 1195129 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510712 50.396427,-3.510776 50.396376,-3.510666 50.396319,-3.510601 50.396370,-3.510712 50.396427))) House, now hotel. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimneys on left and right gable-ends. 3 storeys with garret. 2 windows wide. Doorway, set between the ground-storey windows, has moulded cornice on consoles. Windows have barred sashes; only 1 horizontal glazing-bar in ground and second storeys, 6 over 6 panes in third storey. Ground storey has rusticated pilaster strips at each end. Above them, springing from a sill-band in second storey, panelled pilasters rising to the eaves, the panels round-headed. On the left side wall, facing Bay View Steps, the pilaster-strip and panelled pilaster are repeated at the right-hand corner, immediately adjoining those on the street-front. The right side wall has a similar feature, with the top of a panelled pilaster showing above the roof of the adjacent house. Deep flat eaves-cornice (front elevation only). 2 large gabled dormers with 6-panel windows. Listing NGR: SX9272256256 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383650 Kings House 1298294 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510610 50.396511,-3.510644 50.396492,-3.510656 50.396473,-3.510683 50.396460,-3.510693 50.396446,-3.510522 50.396356,-3.510475 50.396386,-3.510486 50.396395,-3.510444 50.396427,-3.510610 50.396511))) Includes: Nos.1, 1A AND 2 BAY VIEW STEPS Lower Brixham. House, now divided into 4 flats. Possibly late C18/early C19, remodelled early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls; right side wall partly slate-hung in upper storeys. Slated roof. 2 brick chimneys on gable-end to right, 1 to left. 3 storeys with basement and garret. 3 windows wide. Ground storey has 6-panelled centre door, the 2 bottom panels flush; lion-head knocker; 3-paned fanlight. Flanking Doric columns with fluted capitals having triglyphed sections of frieze above; cornice or pediment missing. At either side is a bow window with 8-paned sashes. Across the tops of both bows and doorway is a later pent-roof. At left-hand end is a cellar-entrance with double plank doors. Second-storey windows have moulded architraves, friezes and cornices; 2-paned sashes, except that the glazing-bar is missing in the lower left-hand and upper right-hand sashes. In third storey the left-hand window has a moulded architrave and 2-paned sashes; the other 2 windows have been amalgamated into a single metal-framed C20 window. Flanking the 2 upper storeys are panelled pilasters standing on small mouldings at first-floor level. Deep flat eaves-cornice, but with a row of small brackets beneath it, as if for an earlier cornice. Right side wall has small doorway with flanking pilasters and cornice, the pilasters incised with key-pattern. Listing NGR: SX9273156265 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383651 75 AND 77, KING STREET 1195130 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510404 50.396624,-3.510489 50.396562,-3.510370 50.396493,-3.510321 50.396529,-3.510369 50.396556,-3.510359 50.396563,-3.510310 50.396536,-3.510281 50.396557,-3.510404 50.396624))) Mirrored pair of houses. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each end wall. 3 storeys. Each house 1 window wide with adjacent doorways in centre. No.75 has ground-storey square wooden bay window with key-patterned pilasters; entablature with tiny pendants on the architrave and paired modillions to the cornice; 8-paned sashes at the front, 4-paned ones at the sides. Upper-storey windows at No.75 have late C20 plastic frames; all those at No.77 have mid C20 metal frames. Rusticated pilaster strips at each end of the combined front. Boxed eaves-cornice. INTERIORS not inspected, but No.75 is reputed to have an old sail loft at the rear. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9274456278 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383652 The Maritime Inn 1292284 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510404 50.396624,-3.510241 50.396531,-3.510204 50.396557,-3.510248 50.396580,-3.510238 50.396589,-3.510223 50.396580,-3.510179 50.396611,-3.510264 50.396660,-3.510256 50.396667,-3.510271 50.396675,-3.510279 50.396669,-3.510323 50.396691,-3.510364 50.396658,-3.510373 50.396660,-3.510408 50.396636,-3.510404 50.396624))) Public house. Early or mid C19, altered mid/late C19. Solid rendered front; left side wall slate-hung in upper storeys. 2 red-brick chimneys behind ridge. 3 storeys with garret. 3 windows wide. Ground storey has 2 wide canted bay windows flanking round-arched centre doorway. The latter, which is brought forward level with the bays, has flanking pilasters, each with a section of entablature above it; 2-paned semicircular fanlight; 3-panelled double doors, the bottom panels flush. Bays have sashes, those at the front 2-paned; top entablature continued across doorway, where the cornice rises to form a triangular pediment. Upper-storey windows have 2-paned sashes. Deep flat eaves-cornice. 3 dormers. Side elevation to left has sashes similar to those at the front; also two 2-light wood casements with 3 panes per light. 2 similar casements in rear wall, visible from Queens Steps. Listing NGR: SX9275356285 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383653 Waterloo House Including Front And Side Garden Walls, Railings And Gate Piers 1195131 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510196 50.396663,-3.510097 50.396601,-3.510023 50.396620,-3.510009 50.396602,-3.510058 50.396586,-3.510025 50.396566,-3.509906 50.396606,-3.509925 50.396629,-3.509966 50.396616,-3.509981 50.396635,-3.509940 50.396647,-3.510004 50.396726,-3.510196 50.396663)),((-3.510018 50.396743,-3.510175 50.396728,-3.510281 50.396695,-3.510216 50.396660,-3.510209 50.396662,-3.510269 50.396694,-3.510227 50.396710,-3.510113 50.396731,-3.510022 50.396737,-3.510011 50.396724,-3.510004 50.396726,-3.510018 50.396743))) House. Early C19. Solid rendered front; side walls with asbestos slatehanging; stone rubble side wall to service wing. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each side wall. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys with garret. 3 windows wide, with 1 ground-storey window masking service wing to right. Round-arched central doorway with reeded pilasters and moulded archivolt; 3-panelled double doors with matching reveals, the bottom panels flush. Windows in main house have 2-paned sashes. Raised quoins. Small boxed eaves-cornice. Front wall of service-wing is plain, rising to a parapet with plain coping which ramps up in a shallow curve towards the main building; window has plain sashes. Large, flat-topped late C20 dormer on main building. Subsidiary features: the house stands well above street-level, the front garden having a painted stone rubble retaining wall on which stands a plain, original iron railing. At the right-hand end are 2 square, painted stone rubble gate piers with flat caps. The side garden walls are of stone rubble, that to right ramped up in shallow curves in 2 steps. Listing NGR: SX9276856291 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383654 Nos 83 And 85 Including Front Area Walls, Railings And Gate 1210168 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.509818 50.396736,-3.509960 50.396723,-3.509948 50.396672,-3.509918 50.396674,-3.509917 50.396664,-3.509865 50.396669,-3.509857 50.396634,-3.509805 50.396638,-3.509799 50.396624,-3.509684 50.396646,-3.509709 50.396703,-3.509808 50.396688,-3.509818 50.396736)),((-3.509714 50.396763,-3.510018 50.396743,-3.509995 50.396716,-3.509989 50.396718,-3.510006 50.396738,-3.509720 50.396757,-3.509706 50.396715,-3.509697 50.396714,-3.509714 50.396763))) House; its service wing now divided off as a separate house (No.85). Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Hipped slated roof. Rendered chimney on left side wall. House 3 storeys; former service range 2 storeys. Each is 3 windows wide. House has symmetrical front with round-arched central doorway with cornice on consoles; 2-panelled double doors with knocker and old metal letterbox; fanlight with radial bars terminating in small circles. Windows have barred sashes; 6 over 6 panes in ground and second storeys, 3 over 6 panes in third storey. Rusticated pilaster-strip at each end of front. Raised sill-band in second storey. Deep, flat eaves-cornice with a shaped bracket at each corner; gutter decorated with lion-heads. Sill-band and eaves-cornice continued round both side walls, which have no openings. Service wing has late C20 small-paned wood casements and is set well back from the front of the main house. Subsidiary features: the buildings stand well above street level, the area in front of them having a painted stone rubble retaining wall. This is continued upwards to form stone piers at the left-hand and in the middle. From the piers original iron railings with moulded heads to the uprights span the whole frontage, returning at the right-hand end to protect the head of the steps up from the street, where there is a matching gate. At the bottom of the steps there was originally another gate; a tall, square pier of painted stone rubble survives on the right-hand side, with the base of another on the left. Part of the retaining wall has been rendered, apparently in late C20 when garage doors, window and house door were inserted. At the left-hand end is a doorway with brick jamb and segmental arch, probably inserted in late C19. Listing NGR: SX9278056293 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383655 Torfrey, Including Front Garden Walls And Railing 1195132 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.509262 50.396770,-3.509388 50.396762,-3.509378 50.396688,-3.509337 50.396691,-3.509339 50.396713,-3.509324 50.396714,-3.509322 50.396691,-3.509253 50.396695,-3.509262 50.396770)),((-3.509403 50.396782,-3.509252 50.396791,-3.509248 50.396799,-3.509412 50.396786,-3.509406 50.396760,-3.509398 50.396759,-3.509403 50.396782))) House. c1830s-40s. Solid rendered walls; right side wall has asbestos slatehanging. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each side wall. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide. Round-arched central doorway with semicircular hoodmould; panelled door; fanlight with 2 radial bars. Late C19 half-glazed gabled porch with shaped bargeboards. Windows have plain sashes, except centre second-storey window which is blind. Giant pilaster at each end of front, incised with a round-headed panel. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. The house is raised well up above street-level. Subsidiary features: garden has painted stone rubble retaining wall at front, surmounted by iron railing with fleur-de-lys heads to the uprights. At each side of garden is another painted stone rubble wall, that to left ramped up in a shallow curve towards the house. Listing NGR: SX9282356297 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383656 Coastguard Station 1217809 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.510442 50.397031,-3.510508 50.396958,-3.510575 50.396985,-3.510615 50.396930,-3.510400 50.396846,-3.510268 50.396979,-3.510442 50.397031))) Head coastguard station for Brixham. Early C19; restored, altered internally, and extended 1982-4. Stone rubble, partly rendered. Slated roof, hipped towards the harbour. Rendered chimneys with plain stepped caps. L-shaped, with 1982-4 addition in the angle of the L. South-west range formerly had boathouse in basement. 2 storeys with basement where ground falls away towards the harbour. South-west front 4 windows wide. Segmental-headed windows in ground storey, with doorway at right-hand end. Flat-headed windows in upper storey, alternating with canted bay windows that are coved on the underside. The other windows have flat eared architraves with a projecting block on each jamb. Boxed eaves-cornice. Gable-end facing harbour is similar. Wide segmental-arched doorway with plain architrave in basement. Bay window in storey above; 2 flat-headed windows in top storey. Rear range similar in style but without bay windows. Small-paned sashes throughout the building; all seem to have been renewed in 1982-4. INTERIOR almost entirely altered in 1982-4. One mid C19 round-arched iron fireplace with hob grate survives on upper floor. Listing NGR: SX9274056316 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383657 1, MARKET STREET 1195133 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515900 50.394754,-3.515919 50.394795,-3.516091 50.394751,-3.516077 50.394726,-3.515900 50.394754))) House. Probably early C19. Solid rendered walls; some exposed painted stone rubble in right side wall. Slated roof, hipped at the front. Rendered chimney on rear wall. Deep, narrow-fronted building on an island site forming the south side of Pring's Court. Rear part is narrower and at a slightly different angle; 1975 list description says this was originally 2 cottages. An un-named lane runs down beside the left side of the house. 2 storeys. 1 window wide. Ground storey has late C20 six-panelled door. Above it is a 2-light C19 wooden Yorkshire sash, each light of 6 panes. Left side wall has 7 plain sash-windows and a smaller wood-framed window with a single pane of glass. No openings in right side or rear walls. This building forms a group with the well-preserved Nos 1-6 Pring's Court (qv). Listing NGR: SX9234456087 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383658 22, MIDDLE STREET 1217831 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515310 50.395318,-3.515338 50.395300,-3.515290 50.395276,-3.515340 50.395250,-3.515266 50.395194,-3.515204 50.395230,-3.515310 50.395318))) House with shop. Early C19. Solid rendered front. Top of left side wall slate-hung. Slated roof. Brick chimney on right gable-end. 3 storeys. 1 window wide. Plain display window and shop-entrance in ground storey. 6-paned sashes in upper storey windows. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9239456140 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383659 Mayflower Court 1195134 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515074 50.395290,-3.515181 50.395394,-3.515243 50.395372,-3.515323 50.395330,-3.515204 50.395230,-3.515074 50.395290))) Large house, now shops and flats. Probably late C18, altered mid C19 and later. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rebuilt brick chimneys on gable-ends. Double-fronted and double-depth plan; staircase at centre rear. 4 storeys. 3 windows wide, the central windows of 2 lights. Ground storey much altered in late C20. Wide central doorway flanked by fluted pilasters (probably C20 replicas) supporting an original triangular pediment decorated with key-patterns. Doorway now leads into an open lobby with doors to the 2 shops and the flats above; 1975 list description says it then contained a pair of 6-panelled doors. At either side of doorway a late C20 display window. Upper storeys have box-framed sashes. Those in second and third storeys are 2-paned with horns; older ones in fourth storey are smaller, with 3 panes per sash and no horns. The middle second- and third-storey windows have segmental arches; former said by 1975 list description to have had 'pilaster frame'. Deep eaves-cornice with thick moulded brackets. Rear wall has original mullioned windows with glazing bars in second and fourth storeys. The right-hand (north-east) fourth-storey window has what appears to be original glazing in right-hand light; 18 panes of crown glass in wooden glazing bars. In right side wall of fourth storey a small, old window giving a view out to the sea. INTERIOR: ground-floor shop and fourth-storey rooms wholly altered. Other rooms not inspected. Original wooden dogleg staircase rising from ground to fourth storey; thin square balusters, shaped step-ends, handrail ramped up over column-newels. The relatively modest character of the staircase in so large a house raises the possibility that this was designed from the first as offices or a rooming-house. (Horsley JE: A Short History of Brixham: Exeter: 1989-: 14). Listing NGR: SX9240156148 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383660 74, MIDDLE STREET 1217849 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513641 50.396236,-3.513652 50.396226,-3.513688 50.396244,-3.513716 50.396217,-3.513595 50.396169,-3.513555 50.396213,-3.513641 50.396236))) House with shop. Probably C17, refronted early C19; timber-framed cladding added early C20. Rendered timber-framed front; solid side walls, partly at least of stone rubble. Slated roof with gabled hip at front; pierced crested ridge-tiles. Large rendered chimney on right side wall. One room wide and originally probably one room deep, although a small rear room appears to have been partitioned off on each of on each of the upper floors. Small stair projection, probably a later addition, to left. Late C20 rear wing. 3 storeys. 1 window wide. Ground storey has small-paned shop front, probably early C20. Inside it the butt-ends of the side walls are visible, suggesting either that the upper storeys were jettied or, more probably, that the whole front was carried forward in early C19. Upper storeys have patterned timber-framing with projecting pegs. Triple-sashed window (without horns) in each storey; 6 over 6 panes in middle sashes, 2 over 2 panes in outer ones. Eaves-cornice with tiny imitation machicolations carried round left side wall. Small section of right side wall that is exposed has round-arched sash window in each upper storey. Staircase to left has 2-light wood casement window with 2 panes per light. INTERIOR: ground storey has early C19 open cupboard at front of right side wall; curved head and curved shelves. First-floor room has wide fireplace with plain wood lintel. 2 steeply-pitched original roof-trusses with collars pegged to their faces; gouged carpenter's marks; through-purlins; notched apexes without provision for a ridge. Remains of former bakeoven at rear. Listing NGR: SX9251256245 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383661 76, MIDDLE STREET 1217860 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513641 50.396236,-3.513563 50.396215,-3.513528 50.396278,-3.513660 50.396303,-3.513664 50.396295,-3.513648 50.396292,-3.513651 50.396284,-3.513624 50.396275,-3.513641 50.396236))) House with shop. Early C19. Rendered front, probably timber-framed. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on left gable-end; another on right gable-wall, just above the eaves. 3 storeys with garret. 2 windows wide. Ground storey has two C19 shop fronts flanking doorway, which is off-centre to left. Latter has 6-panelled door, the 2 bottom panels flush, the upper ones now glazed; late C20 hood on iron brackets. Bowed shop-front to left has 3 lights; panelled pilaster to left; top entablature. Shop front to right is 6-paned, all the glazing bars upright; flanking pilasters and entablature. Upper-storey windows have moulded architraves and 2-paned sashes. To right of them a solid pilaster-strip, perhaps part of the chimney above. Flat-topped 3-light dormer, probably late C20. Listing NGR: SX9251656249 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383629 48 AND 50, HIGHER STREET 1298271 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514332 50.396044,-3.514420 50.396003,-3.514361 50.395958,-3.514267 50.396002,-3.514332 50.396044))) Mirrored pair of houses. Mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof, hipped to front, gabled to rear. Rendered chimney on each side wall. Probably 1 room wide and 2 rooms deep. 3 storeys. Each house has 1 window per storey, placed at outer ends of front. Adjacent round-arched doorways in centre. These have late C20 wood doors; original linked semicircular hoodmoulds. Late C20 small-paned wood windows at No.48, that in ground storey taking the form of an inset bow. No.50 has late C19 canted bay window in ground storey; sashes, the middle one with a single upright glazing-bar. Plain sash-window in second storey. Barred sash-window in third storey: 8 over 8 panes. Moulded cornice above whole of ground storey. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. Right side wall, facing 'Higher Steps', has barred box-framed sash-window in each of the 2 lower storeys: 6 over 6 panes in ground storey, 8 over 8 panes above. Ground-storey window has hinges for external shutters. Listing NGR: SX9245956222 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383630 Chandlers Cottage 1292391 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514164 50.396172,-3.514068 50.396111,-3.513971 50.396170,-3.514067 50.396232,-3.514164 50.396172))) Mirrored pair of houses. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls, No.56 marked to imitate ashlar. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on right side wall. 3 storeys. Ground and second storeys have a window at each end of front with paired doorways in centre. Third storey of No.58 has 2 windows; No.56 has a single window to right, as if that to left had been blocked. Doorways have a common flat hood on 3 shaped wooden brackets. 6-panelled door at No.56, the 2 bottom panels flush. No.58 has a mid-C19 shop window in ground storey: 6 large panes with moulded frame and mullions. Other 3 ground- and second-storey windows segmental-headed. Second-storey window at No.58 has C20 wood casements and transom-lights. Other window, including those in third storey, have 2-paned sashes in box-frames; all have a single horizontal glazing-bar. Deep flat eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9248256243 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383631 60, HIGHER STREET 1195162 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514039 50.396256,-3.514067 50.396232,-3.513971 50.396170,-3.513873 50.396244,-3.513966 50.396283,-3.514016 50.396244,-3.514039 50.396256))) Formerly known as: Nos.60 AND 62 HIGHER STREET. Mirrored pair of houses, now converted into a single house. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls with traces of ashlar markings. Slated roof with chimney on each gable-wall. 3 storeys. Each house has 1 window per storey, placed at the outer end of its front. Paired round-arched doorways in centre; 4-panelled doors, the 2 bottom panels flush; fanlights with 2 radial bars. Ground storey of left-hand house has 6-paned mid-C19 shop window. Other windows in ground and second storeys have 8-paned sashes; sill-band in second storey. Third-storey windows have 2-paned sashes with horns. Listing NGR: SX9248756247 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383632 Former Windmill In Garden Of No 13 1208112 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.564799 50.399805,-3.564852 50.399783,-3.564863 50.399760,-3.564858 50.399739,-3.564837 50.399721,-3.564794 50.399710,-3.564763 50.399712,-3.564730 50.399727,-3.564713 50.399756,-3.564724 50.399783,-3.564751 50.399799,-3.564799 50.399805))) Former windmill. Probably c1810. Devonian limestone rubble with red-brick window arches. Consists of a round tapered tower, 4 storeys high (to judge from the doorways and windows). Around the base is a low concentric wall approximately the height of the ground storey. This wall is pierced by a doorway in the south side; opposite is a doorway into the ground storey of the tower. Second storey has opposing doorways on each of the east and west sides; lintel to the former has collapsed. Segmental-headed window in each storey on the north and south sides. Roofless. The tower is clearly visible across the common from the A3022. (Minchinton W: Windmills of Devon: Exeter: 1977-: 22-3, 55). Listing NGR: SX8888656715 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383633 8-16, HORSEPOOL STREET 1298272 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521080 50.386397,-3.521100 50.386385,-3.521136 50.386399,-3.521157 50.386388,-3.521080 50.386328,-3.521097 50.386319,-3.521048 50.386283,-3.521032 50.386293,-3.521022 50.386286,-3.521052 50.386261,-3.521083 50.386284,-3.521105 50.386279,-3.521080 50.386243,-3.521069 50.386246,-3.521104 50.386222,-3.521051 50.386204,-3.521055 50.386199,-3.520986 50.386199,-3.520971 50.386187,-3.520923 50.386210,-3.520891 50.386186,-3.520835 50.386218,-3.521080 50.386397))) Terrace of 5 houses. Early and mid C19, possibly incorporating earlier buildings. Solid rendered and roughcast walls. Slated roofs; pitches and shapes vary considerably. Large rendered chimney on ridge at Nos 8 & 10. Small painted stone rubble chimney on ridge between Nos 14 & 16. Small rendered chimney on right end wall at No.16. Two large rendered chimneys at rear, 1 on a rear wing. No.8 double-fronted, the rest single-fronted. 1 house with rear wing. 2 storeys; garrets at Nos 12-16. No.8 is 2 windows wide with doorway between the ground-storey windows. Nos 10-16 are 1 window wide, Nos 10 & 12 with doorway to right, Nos 14 & 16 with doorway to left. No.8 has late C20 plank door; worn doorstep of Devonian limestone. Canted bay window with top entablature to left of ground storey. 2-paned box-framed sashes throughout, each sash with a single horizontal glazing-bar. No.10 has late C20 six-panelled door: 2 old worn steps of Devonian limestone in front of it; shoe scraper attached. To left, canted bay window with 3 pairs of 6-paned sashes; upper storey has sash window with 4 over 8 panes. Nos 12-16 have matching small-paned, box-framed sash-windows: 8 over 12 panes in ground storey, 8 over 8 panes above. No.12 has C19 six-panelled door with original letterbox and attached handle. Late C20 six-panelled door at No.14; three Devonian limestone steps in front of it. No.16 has late C20 glazed wood door with 4 Devonian limestone steps. Gabled dormer at each of Nos 12-16; Nos 12 & 16 have 2-light wood casements, each light of 2 panes, plain wood casement at No.14. Listing NGR: SX9197155145 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383634 Rose Cottage 1209994 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.520699 50.386475,-3.520744 50.386452,-3.520739 50.386446,-3.520848 50.386400,-3.520818 50.386357,-3.520659 50.386399,-3.520692 50.386435,-3.520675 50.386440,-3.520699 50.386475))) House. Early C19; probably a superficial remodelling of a C18 or earlier building incorporating No.13 (not included). Solid rendered walls incised with lines to imitate ashlar; left side wall of painted stone rubble. Slated roof, hipped to left. 2 old red-brick chimneys on left side wall, that to rear heightened in late C19 or early C20. Two storeys. 1 window to left of each storey. Segmental-headed doorway to right; late C20 half-glazed door. To left of ground storey a French window with Gothic glazing in the head: 4-paned centre door with margin-panes, side-lights each of 8 panes, similar in size to the margin-panes. Upper storey has 3-light wood casement with 3 panes per light. Listing NGR: SX9198555167 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383635 Brookdale Including Garden Wall On Street Frontage 1195163 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521791 50.387014,-3.521836 50.387046,-3.521921 50.387006,-3.521756 50.386896,-3.521445 50.386728,-3.521316 50.386668,-3.521478 50.386748,-3.521750 50.386898,-3.521572 50.386981,-3.521626 50.387029,-3.521738 50.386977,-3.521791 50.387014))) Detached house. Early C19. Solid rendered walls; slate-hung left side wall. Tarred, hipped slated roof. 2 rendered chimney behind ridge. Double-fronted with centre stairhall. Rear wing to left. 2 storeys. Symmetrical 3-window front facing south-east. Centre doorway with Greek Doric porch; triglyphed entablature with triangular pediment; 6-panelled door, the top 4 panels now glazed. Moulded reveals and soffit. Windows have 8-paned sashes in box-frames, the middle upper storey window slightly narrower than the rest. Deep, flat eaves-cornice, extending along left side wall (facing the street). Latter has 4 small-paned wood-framed sash and casement windows, irregularly placed and all C20. 3 smaller windows in rear wall; the eaves-cornice also extends to this elevation. Fixed to the wall-face is a street sign DASHPURS in blue and white glazed tiles. Subsidiary features: front garden has a stone rubble wall approx 1.8m high along its Horsepool Street frontage; chamfered coping of stones on edge. Built into it are 2 stone rubble gate piers with pyramidal tops. Listing NGR: SX9191355226 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383636 Hill House Nursing Home Including Front Wall And Gate Piers 1210005 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.523205 50.387787,-3.523259 50.387787,-3.523310 50.387770,-3.523525 50.387585,-3.523532 50.387563,-3.523515 50.387529,-3.523506 50.387534,-3.523523 50.387572,-3.523507 50.387592,-3.523294 50.387770,-3.523248 50.387782,-3.523166 50.387775,-3.523088 50.387748,-3.522907 50.387674,-3.522878 50.387659,-3.522853 50.387627,-3.522833 50.387622,-3.522850 50.387581,-3.522983 50.387626,-3.523253 50.387740,-3.523342 50.387655,-3.523286 50.387631,-3.523268 50.387648,-3.523230 50.387633,-3.523255 50.387608,-3.523242 50.387600,-3.523256 50.387588,-3.523201 50.387562,-3.523163 50.387598,-3.523137 50.387588,-3.523128 50.387597,-3.523089 50.387577,-3.523072 50.387593,-3.523044 50.387581,-3.523060 50.387559,-3.523021 50.387541,-3.522999 50.387561,-3.522880 50.387527,-3.522839 50.387577,-3.522822 50.387627,-3.522847 50.387635,-3.522875 50.387665,-3.523080 50.387753,-3.523205 50.387787))) Detached house, now nursing home. C16 or C17, altered C17/C18 and mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Tiled roof with crested ridge-tiles. 3 old red-brick chimneys on main range to right. Small rendered chimney on left end wall of secondary range to left. Large stone rubble chimney on rear wall of main range. Plan: Main range with rear wing to left. Shorter secondary range abutting left end wall of main range. Exterior: 2 storeys. Main range 6 windows wide. Doorway at left end of ground storey; trellised wood porch; 6-panelled door, the 2 bottom panels flush; panelled reveals. Windows have wood and iron casements. The latter are of 3 and 4 lights with leaded glazing; they occupy all the ground-storey windows, also the first second-storey window on the left and the first 2 on the right. Wood casements are of 2 lights with 4 panes per light. Deep flat eaves-cornice on paired brackets. Secondary range is 3 windows wide. Small-paned wood casements in ground and upper storeys; the 2 right-hand upper-storey windows have gables with plain bargeboards. Subsidiary features: Front garden has old stone rubble retaining wall with 2 square rendered gate piers having flat moulded caps. At right-hand end the wall turns up Mathill Road, in front of the end wall of the house; this section has a chamfered coping of stones on edge. INTERIOR: Chamfered ceiling beams; early C18 staircase with fluted columns has been truncated and a small section survives on ground floor only; 1587 fireback in sitting room; fragments of plank muntin screen. Roof has been raised, trusses of an eighteenth-century character. Listing NGR: SX9181955306 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383637 Greenover Farmhouse Including Front Garden Walls, Gate, Pump And Barn 1210023 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.522437 50.387443,-3.522381 50.387473,-3.522374 50.387487,-3.522299 50.387523,-3.522269 50.387526,-3.522285 50.387539,-3.522267 50.387549,-3.522316 50.387585,-3.522353 50.387565,-3.522434 50.387635,-3.522401 50.387648,-3.522449 50.387693,-3.522700 50.387610,-3.522481 50.387418,-3.522437 50.387443),(-3.522652 50.387620,-3.522615 50.387576,-3.522537 50.387596,-3.522428 50.387503,-3.522480 50.387475,-3.522448 50.387451,-3.522478 50.387432,-3.522683 50.387610,-3.522652 50.387620))) Farmhouse, now private house. Early or mid C17; possibly earlier. Solid rendered walls; left wing of exposed stone rubble. Slated roof, corrugated iron on rear lean-to; 2 large rendered chimneys projecting from front wall; tapered caps heightened at a later date. 3 later rendered chimneys on right wing; 1 on left wing. Plan: 3-room and through-passage; hall and parlour now combined. Full-length rear lean-to, possibly original. Projecting cross-wing at either end, very likely later additions; that to right is part of the old house, that to left converted in 1990-1 from what was probably the threshing-barn. Attached to left side of barn is a lean-to with rounded pillar at front end, possibly a formerly open-fronted cartshed. At rear of barn is a lean-to with 2 small compartments (possibly pigsties) and loft over; said to have been an apple loft. Exterior: 2 storeys. Main range 3 windows wide. Front doorway off-centre to right, has plank door with ornate Gothic iron knocker. To right is a second doorway with plank door, probably a later addition since the side of the wing has been cut away to give access to it. Above both doors a lean-to wooden hood with slated roof. Windows have 3-light wood casements with 6 panes per light; those in ground storey have L-hinges; those in upper storey have slate-hung gables. Wing to right has no windows in gable-end. Its left side wall has an 8-paned fixed wood sash in ground storey and a 3-light wood casement with 6-panes per light and slate-hung gable above. At left-hand end of ground storey is a set-back section of walling with another 8-paned fixed wood sash; the lower left pane was formerly hinged, possibly for the sale of milk. Wing to left has inserted doorway and window in ground storey of gable-end; original ventilation slit above. Left side wall has large central opening, probably the threshing-barn door; to right of it is a large window, possibly a former loading-hatch. In right side wall is a former doorway (now blocked and converted into a window); the front wall of the house has been cut back to make way for it; probably it was the rear door of the threshing floor. Rear wall has 2 wood casement windows, 1 with 3 panes per light, the other with 8 panes per light. The supposed pigsties have plank doors with strap-hinges. INTERIOR: to right of through-passage a stud-and-panel partition, the studs lightly moulded in C17/C18 fashion; similar panelling at stairhead. The 2 left-hand ground-storey rooms have chamfered step-stopped joists running from front to back; no beams. Rear wall of first left-hand room, dividing it from lean-to, is of thick wooden studs evidently designed to be lathed over rather than filled with wattle and daub. Roof of main range appears to have been mostly rebuilt, probably in C19, but three C17 trusses survive at right-hand end; through-purlins, slots for former ridge, collars pegged to faces of principals; gouged carpenter's marks, including an unusual one in the shape of an Arabic 4. The feet of the trusses rise from the wall-tops, where they are boxed in. Subsidiary features: garden has stone rubble front wall with chamfered coping. Rises to form gate piers with flat stone caps opposite front door. Iron gate with 5 round horizontal bars; 2 diagonal braces; side-pieces scrolled at the top. Left side of path to front door has low stone rubble wall with a flat stone coping; iron gate to garden, pairs of uprights joined at the top to form hoops. The rear section of wall has a chamfered red sandstone coping with a three-quarter-round moulding at the top. On the right side of path is a short stretch of similar walling. Under the path itself is a capped well which serves a pump in front of right wing. Pump has an old square lead top with initials W B and date 1746. Said formerly to have been called Hill Farm. Listing NGR: SX9186655299 1975-01-10 1975-01-10

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