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Torbay Council

Listed building outline

Reference Name Listed building Geometry Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
383638 Former Stable Immeadiately North East Of N0 25, Greenover Farmhouse 1195164 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.522273 50.387781,-3.522401 50.387739,-3.522330 50.387652,-3.522203 50.387694,-3.522273 50.387781))) Stable. C18 or C19. Stone rubble. Corrugated-iron roof. 2 storeys. Ground storey has wide centre doorway with segmental arch of voussoirs; hinges for double doors. At either side a smaller doorway with similar segmental arch. Plank doors. 2 loading hatches in upper storey, a large one in centre, a very small one at left-hand end; both have plank doors with strap-hinges. Left side wall has a further doorway to left of ground storey; loading hatch above. Said formerly to have belonged to Greenover Farmhouse (qv). Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9187755313 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383639 Greenover Orchard 1292355 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.522374 50.387902,-3.522512 50.387874,-3.522421 50.387763,-3.522294 50.387806,-3.522374 50.387902))) Former shippon belonging to Greenover Farmhouse (qv); now a house. C18 or C19, converted to house in 1980s. Stone rubble. Slated roof. 2 storeys. Ground storey has wide segmental-arched doorway at either end; arches with voussoirs, those to left of poorer quality, suggesting a later insertion. In centre 2 windows with similar arches, that to right possibly a later insertion. 1 window in upper storey. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9187255327 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383640 The Goat House 1298273 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521555 50.386724,-3.521647 50.386721,-3.521645 50.386701,-3.521697 50.386699,-3.521692 50.386636,-3.521633 50.386638,-3.521628 50.386573,-3.521539 50.386576,-3.521555 50.386724))) Farmhouse, now private house. Late medieval, superficially altered early or mid C19. Solid roughcast walls; left gable-end slate-hung. Tiled roof. Red-brick chimney on left end wall. Rendered chimney with offsets and red-brick shaft on right end wall. 2 chimneys on rear wall: rendered to left, red-brick in centre. Probably 3-room cross-passage plan, judging by position of door. 2 storeys. 4 windows wide. Plank door with iron wreath-knocker, strap-hinges; flat wooden hood on concrete brackets. Windows mostly have 3-light wood casements with 8 panes per light; some have old hinges. Window to right of doorway differs in having a pair of sash-windows. INTERIOR: Largely early C18 with later alterations, although a flagged cross-passage survives, flanked by C18 or later plank partitions. Right-hand room has open fireplace with renewed lintel and fragmentary remains of stair turret walls. Probably early C20 stair in right-hand room. Early C18 two-panel doors on ground floor and to axial first-floor passage. Roof construction C18 or later. Listing NGR: SX9192555196 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383662 1 AND 3, MILTON STREET 1195135 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.520828 50.385832,-3.520883 50.385806,-3.520898 50.385820,-3.520917 50.385811,-3.520931 50.385824,-3.520971 50.385806,-3.520981 50.385815,-3.521004 50.385805,-3.520994 50.385796,-3.521030 50.385779,-3.520943 50.385702,-3.520774 50.385785,-3.520828 50.385832))) Pair of houses in a single range. Early C19, probably a remodelling of a C17 or C18 structure. Solid rendered walls, lined to imitate masonry. Slated roof. Rendered chimney with flat cap on ridge above party-wall; another on right end wall. 2 storeys. No.1 is 2 windows wide; No.3 is 3 windows wide. Both have centre doorways. Plastic door and window frames at No.1. No.3 has box-framed, 2-paned sashes. Late C20 glazed wood door. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9197155094 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383663 5 AND 7, MILTON STREET 1217876 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521037 50.385785,-3.521066 50.385772,-3.521043 50.385751,-3.521097 50.385726,-3.521119 50.385746,-3.521151 50.385731,-3.521059 50.385654,-3.520947 50.385706,-3.521037 50.385785))) Pair of houses in a single range. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls, lined to imitate masonry. Slated roof with crested ridge-tiles. Rendered chimney with good square tapered pots on centre of ridge. Red-brick chimney, partly rendered on right end wall. 2 storeys. Mirrored fronts, each 1 window wide, with doorways at the outer ends. 4-panelled door with 2-paned fanlight at No.5; late C20 wood door, also with 2-paned fanlight, at No.7. Windows have 6-paned sashes, except in upper-storey window at No.5. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9196455092 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383664 9-15, MILTON STREET 1298295 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521196 50.385722,-3.521219 50.385726,-3.521222 50.385717,-3.521201 50.385707,-3.521214 50.385700,-3.521210 50.385696,-3.521239 50.385682,-3.521250 50.385692,-3.521279 50.385679,-3.521247 50.385651,-3.521263 50.385642,-3.521279 50.385661,-3.521304 50.385650,-3.521265 50.385555,-3.521059 50.385654,-3.521113 50.385701,-3.521159 50.385689,-3.521196 50.385722))) Terrace of 4 houses. Mid C19. Solid rendered walls; some stone rubble visible in right end wall. Slated roof, hipped to left. 3 rendered chimneys with round pots on ridge, that to right with some exposed red brick. 3 storeys. Each house 1 window wide with doorway set over to left or right. These are arranged to form mirrored pairs; adjacent centre doorways at Nos 9 & 11, doorways at outer ends at Nos 13 & 15. Doors altered: late C20 windows. Windows at Nos 9-13 have 6-paned sashes, plastic frames and glazing bars at No.15. Doorways have raised shaped surrounds to the heads. Broad sill-bands in upper storeys. Deep flat eaves-cornice. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9195755085 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383665 Black Cottage Guest House 1217890 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521304 50.385650,-3.521309 50.385658,-3.521351 50.385650,-3.521338 50.385617,-3.521388 50.385597,-3.521338 50.385522,-3.521263 50.385550,-3.521304 50.385650))) Formerly known as: Black House, Penrose, Ingle Nook and Black Cottage MILTON STREET Higher Brixham. House, now guest house. Probably C17/C18, with superficial alterations of 1913. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof, hipped at the front. 2 storeys with garret. 2 windows wide, the ground-storey fenestration adjusted to fit in a doorway at right-hand end. Late C20 plank door. Late C20 wood-framed windows, those in upper storey with glazing bars. Late C19 dormer with pent-roof; 3-light wood casement with 2 panes per light. Cement window-quoins and quoins probably of 1913, as at No.19 (qv). This appears to have formed the right cross-wing of No.19 in 1913, when it was given the same cement exterior detail. Structurally, however, it seems to be entirely separate. INTERIOR not inspected. Listing NGR: SX9194255076 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383666 Trosbie Cottage, Including Front Garden Wall And Gate Piers 1195136 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521005 50.385472,-3.521003 50.385486,-3.521079 50.385543,-3.521202 50.385474,-3.521168 50.385450,-3.521154 50.385457,-3.521131 50.385453,-3.521125 50.385444,-3.521135 50.385429,-3.521114 50.385412,-3.521005 50.385472)),((-3.521169 50.385529,-3.521174 50.385528,-3.521238 50.385497,-3.521165 50.385524,-3.521169 50.385529)),((-3.521141 50.385533,-3.521144 50.385536,-3.521069 50.385571,-3.521077 50.385574,-3.521156 50.385535,-3.521141 50.385533))) House; formerly converted into service-wing of Norton House (qv). Probably C17 or earlier, superficially remodelled in early C19. Solid roughcast walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on left end wall. Another on rear wall to right. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide. Centre doorway with late C20 glazed wood porch. Ground storey has 2 wood casement windows of 3 lights, that to left with 2 panes per light, that to right with 4 panes per light. Upper-storey windows have 2-light wood casements: 6 panes per light with Gothic-glazed transom-lights. Left side wall has 3-paned wood casement in ground storey; 2-light wood casement with 2 panes per light in upper storey. INTERIOR not inspected. Described in 1975 list as altered but retains central passage, some ceiling beams. Roof trusses remain but later purlins and collars removed. Subsidiary features: front garden wall of stone rubble with flat stone coping. Latter is ramped up in centre to a pair of square stone rubble gate piers with flat stone caps. At left-hand end it ramps up to another gate pier with flat stone cap, although this pier does not project beyond the wall-face. The left pier rises higher and has no cap. Both piers have been repaired in red brick. Listing NGR: SX9196055061 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383667 Friars Pardon, Black House, Black Friars House Including Walls, Gates And Piers 1217915 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521424 50.385652,-3.521528 50.385621,-3.521483 50.385571,-3.521528 50.385557,-3.521564 50.385598,-3.521732 50.385540,-3.521700 50.385496,-3.521711 50.385491,-3.521636 50.385403,-3.521547 50.385439,-3.521583 50.385473,-3.521350 50.385539,-3.521424 50.385652))) Formerly known as: Black House, Penrose, Ingle Nook, Black Cottage MILTON STREET Higher Brixham. Large house. Probably C16/C17 or earlier, remodelled C17/C18 and again C18/C19. Minor additions to front in 1913. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof, the left cross-wing hipped to front and rear. 4 rendered chimneys with tapered caps; 1 on right end wall (heightened in brick), 1 on right rear wall of Black House, 1 on each of the rear wings. Appears to be a 3-room-and-cross-passage plan with cross wing projecting to left. Rear wing at each end of main range with a third alongside the left wing, behind the cross passage. 2 storeys, with garret in parts. 4-window main range; 2 windows in cross wing. Black House, which occupies the 3 left-hand windows of main range, has central doorway with large C18/C19 wooden porch having slender fluted columns and flat hood, the latter designed as an entablature with dentilled cornice. Rusticated door surround of 1913; half-glazed door with 2 moulded panels below and coloured leaded glass above. 3-light window above and to left of upper storey; other 2 upper-storey windows single-light; 6-paned sashes, those in side-lights 2-paned. Friars Pardon, in right-hand end of main range has matching 3-light window in each storey; 4-panelled door to left. Cross-wing (Black Friars House) has 2-light wood casements with 8 panes per light. Half-glazed door to right; 2 moulded panels below, coloured leaded glass above. The whole front has been decorated with cement quoins and window surrounds, apparently in 1913, since the dates 1457-1913 are moulded on a scroll above the middle upper-storey window of the Black House. Coved eaves-cornice over main range. C20 dormer with metal casements over Friars Pardon. Another, with wood casements, over Black Friars House. Left side wall has 3 windows with 6-paned sashes in upper storey; C20 dormer with wood casments. Small-paned sashes in rear wall; rainwater-head dated 1881. INTERIOR inspected only at the Black House. Detail almost entirely C18/C19 with some C17/C18, probably including the roof structure. Wooden open-well stair, the first flight balustraded on both sides, with the balustrades turning left and right at the top. Thin, square moulded balusters, shaped step-ends, both handrails voluted at the foot. In front of it a segmental arch springing from moulded pilasters. 6-panelled doors to rooms at either side on ground floor; these have panelled shutters and moulded cornices with enriched ceiling bands. First-floor half-landing and landing with moulded cornices; segmental arch over stair-head. Five 6-panelled doors. All 3 first-floor front rooms have moulded cornices. Right-hand room has C17/C18 wood chimneypiece with moulded surround and cornice. Left-hand room has C19 moulded wood chimneypiece with grey marble interior; iron basket-grate. Left rear-wing room has grey marble chimneypiece with hob grate; cupboards with plank and panelled doors, one with a broken triangular pediment; moulded cornice. Short wing adjoining it (now bathroom) has in rear wall a round-arched recess with fluted pilasters and moulded archivolt; moulded cornice. Roof-trusses of front range have arched collars pegged to their faces; through-purlins. Old iron pump in back yard. Subsidiary features: To left of house is a rendered wall with coping; at the left-hand end this curves inwards to a pair of large round gate piers with ball finials; iron gates, marked BLACK HOUSE TRADESMEN with arched braces and scrollwork. At right-hand end is a smaller iron gate with ornamented finials to the uprights; square piers with pyramidal caps and ball finials. The 1975 list description says this was 'originally the Town Manor House'. Horsley says the 'buildings stand on a piece of land that formerly belonged to the Duke of Suffolk, and was sold off by the Crown between 1590 and 1610.' (White W: Directory of Devonshire: 1850-: 427, 429; Horsley J E: A Short History of Brixham: Exeter: 1988-: 12). Listing NGR: SX9193555073 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383668 The Lodge And The Lilacs, Including Front Garden Wall And Gate Piers 1195137 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521964 50.385046,-3.522056 50.384967,-3.522101 50.384929,-3.522126 50.384950,-3.521898 50.385110,-3.521911 50.385115,-3.521848 50.385126,-3.521849 50.385131,-3.521920 50.385116,-3.522140 50.384954,-3.522102 50.384927,-3.521935 50.384847,-3.521905 50.384872,-3.521951 50.384896,-3.521888 50.384952,-3.521870 50.384944,-3.521828 50.384981,-3.521964 50.385046),(-3.522134 50.384954,-3.521917 50.385113,-3.521990 50.385057,-3.522134 50.384954))) Large house, now sub-divided. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls; right gable slate-hung. Hipped slate roof with crested ridge tiles. Rendered chimneys. 2 storeys. 3-window main front facing north-east. 3-window right side wall facing street and containing the doorways. Ground storey has semicircular round-arched niche in centre. Wooden French windows at either side, each leaf having 3 panes with margin-panes; transom lights of 1 pane with margin-pane, except that left transom light of right-hand sashes with margin-panes: 3 over 6 panes. Deep flat eaves cornice with paired brackets and soffit-panels. In right side wall the entrance to No.20 and the window above it are deeply recessed under a segmental arch. 6-panelled door, the top 2 panels now glazed; panelled reveals and soffit, 2 panels deep. In upper storey a 2-light wood casement window with 2 panes per light. In front of those a late C20 wrought-iron porch and wooden balcony. At No.22 windows have late C20 small-paned wood frames, but the original cornice continues across its front. Subsidiary features: Along whole street frontage is a stone rubble wall with stone slab coping, a pair of square gate piers each end with square stone slab caps having rendered pyramidal tops; the piers to The Lodge, unlike those of The Lilacs, project slightly from the wall-face. At the right-hand end the wall turns back to meet the house, its coping sweeping upwards at the rear. Listing NGR: SX9189555008 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383669 21, MILTON STREET 1217961 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521870 50.385393,-3.521901 50.385370,-3.521852 50.385344,-3.521881 50.385321,-3.521800 50.385277,-3.521743 50.385318,-3.521870 50.385393))) House. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Hipped slate roof. Large red-brick chimney on left side wall. 3 storeys. 2 windows wide with doorway in place of right-hand ground-storey window. Doorway is round-arched with flanking pilasters, each with a section of entablature above it, the cornice continued right across; panelled reveals, the bottom panels flush. To left of door is a round-arched iron shoe scraper. Windows have 2-paned sashes, each with a single horizontal glazing bar. Raised band above ground storey. Deep, flat eaves cornice. Listing NGR: SX9190655047 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383670 23 AND 25, MILTON STREET 1298296 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521881 50.385321,-3.521922 50.385343,-3.521947 50.385325,-3.521906 50.385304,-3.521915 50.385297,-3.521985 50.385334,-3.522018 50.385311,-3.521950 50.385275,-3.521966 50.385265,-3.521893 50.385218,-3.521800 50.385277,-3.521881 50.385321))) Pair of houses in a single range. C19 appearance; probably a remodelling of a C17 or C18 building. Solid roughcast walls. Left side wall has painted stone rubble in ground storey, slatehanging above. Slate roof, hipped to left. Rendered chimney on front roof slope, towards left hand end. Small red brick chimney on left side wall. 2 storeys. 4 windows wide. Late C20 half-glazed wood doors. Windows have late C20 wood casements. Listing NGR: SX9190255042 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383671 Pound Cottage (No 24) And Pound House (No 26), With Front Garden Wall And Gate 1217965 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.522109 50.384932,-3.522275 50.384836,-3.522179 50.384778,-3.522149 50.384796,-3.522180 50.384816,-3.522105 50.384858,-3.522072 50.384838,-3.522018 50.384872,-3.522109 50.384932))) Farmhouse, now 2 cottages. Late medieval, remodelled mid C19. Solid roughcast walls. Tiled roof. Rendered chimney with tapered cap, heightened in red brick, on left end wall. Capped red brick chimney on right end wall. 2 storeys. 4 windows wide. 6-panelled doors with knockers, the top panels now glazed; bottom panels flush; No.26 with late C20 wood porch. 3 windows in ground storey, all with C19 wood casements, 4 lights to left and centre, 3 lights to right; 3 panes per light. Upper-storey windows similar, but all of 3 lights with 2 panes per light. INTERIOR: not inspected, but 1975 list description says No.24 retains through-passage, some ceiling beams but much boxed in. No.26 shows evidence of open hall and some studded partitions. Later staircases. Remains of collar trusses but roof largely renewed and extended in C19. Deeds said to go back to 1746. Subsidiary features: stone rubble front garden wall with rendered chamfered coping. Square stone rubble gate piers with rendered pyramidal caps. Listing NGR: SX9188454997 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383672 39, MILTON STREET 1195138 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.523309 50.384251,-3.523399 50.384188,-3.523438 50.384207,-3.523449 50.384200,-3.523298 50.384113,-3.523227 50.384173,-3.523288 50.384201,-3.523258 50.384226,-3.523309 50.384251))) Farmhouse, now a private dwelling. Probably C18 or C19; it appears to have been built at 2 distinct periods. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs, the street range hipped at the front. Rear range has a large chimney on ridge, apparently with tapered cap. Plan: rectangular block on road frontage of early/mid C19 appearance, its front door facing down Milton Street to the east. Behind this and projecting further east is a narrower range, possibly of earlier date. 2 storeys. 2-window east front to street range. Late C20 glazed wood door to right. Windows have 2-paned sashes in box-frames, each sash with a single horizontal glazing bar. Side wall facing street has wide opening at left-hand end; this contains half-glazed wood door and 2-light wood casement window. Above it a 2-paned sash window with upright glazing bars. Rear range has a 2-light wood casement in each storey facing the street: 6 panes per light in ground storey, 2 in upper storey. To right of ground storey a small C20 window with transom-light. In east facing gable a ground storey window with 3-light wood casement, the 2 right-hand lights each of 2 panes. Listing NGR: SX9179554921 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383673 Hearthstone And Hearthstone East Including Front Garden Wall And Gate Piers 1292195 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.523605 50.383785,-3.523652 50.383775,-3.523647 50.383769,-3.523694 50.383751,-3.523682 50.383738,-3.523859 50.383692,-3.523828 50.383644,-3.523823 50.383604,-3.523729 50.383609,-3.523732 50.383635,-3.523583 50.383686,-3.523541 50.383714,-3.523605 50.383785)),((-3.524115 50.383658,-3.524110 50.383651,-3.523842 50.383744,-3.523618 50.383811,-3.523564 50.383820,-3.523547 50.383816,-3.523515 50.383788,-3.523432 50.383689,-3.523423 50.383692,-3.523538 50.383818,-3.523573 50.383825,-3.523635 50.383814,-3.523858 50.383747,-3.524115 50.383658))) Formerly known as: Hearthstone MILTON STREET Higher Brixham. Farmhouse, now divided into 2 private dwellings. C17 or earlier. Rendered stone rubble, possible with some cob. Thatched roof. Large stone rubble chimneys on front wall and rear wing of Hearthstone; 2 more on ridge and left end wall of Hearthstone East. Position of front chimney and adjacent door suggests this is a 3-room-and-cross-passage house with large addition at lower (left) end. Rear wing to right. 2 storeys. 5 windows wide. Both houses have plank doors, probably C20. Two- and 3-light wood casement windows, some with old hinges; diamond-shaped leaded panes. Subsidiary features: in front of the houses a tall stone rubble wall, with square gate piers at Hearthstone East. Entrance to Hearthstone is under a round stone rubble arch, probably C20. 1975 list describes this as 'completely though sympathetically restored in 1930s'. Listing NGR: SX9177254868 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383674 47, MILTON STREET 1298297 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.523578 50.384066,-3.523568 50.384072,-3.523597 50.384096,-3.523668 50.384062,-3.523635 50.384036,-3.523644 50.384032,-3.523659 50.384043,-3.523723 50.384011,-3.523655 50.383957,-3.523525 50.384023,-3.523578 50.384066))) House. C17 or earlier, remodelled superficially, C18/C19. Painted stone rubble; old slatehanging on front upper part of left side wall. Thatched roof. Large stone rubble chimney with offsets on left side wall. Another stone rubble chimney on rear wall to right. 2 storeys with garret. 3 windows wide. Centre doorway with late C20 wood door and head. WIndows have 3-light wood casements with C20 leaded glazing; upper storey frames are old, with L-hinges. 2 dormers with casements matching those below; thatch sweeps over their tops. 1975 list description says 'rebuilt in 1930s', but it retains much old work on the exterior. Listing NGR: SX9177554906 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383675 Nut Tree House, Including Front Garden Walls 1292170 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.526984 50.382232,-3.527016 50.382217,-3.527131 50.382152,-3.527071 50.382110,-3.526999 50.382149,-3.526964 50.382124,-3.526913 50.382152,-3.526880 50.382127,-3.526860 50.382138,-3.526868 50.382145,-3.526841 50.382161,-3.526882 50.382190,-3.526905 50.382177,-3.526954 50.382213,-3.526982 50.382197,-3.526988 50.382202,-3.526961 50.382217,-3.526984 50.382232))) House. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Hipped slated roof. Rendered chimney on each end wall. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide. Centre doorway with moulded wood pilasters; entablature with circular panel at each end. 6-panelled door, the 2 bottom panels flush; above it a recessed panel with diamond-shaped glazed light in its centre; panelled reveals. Windows have 6-paned sashes in box-frames, except for the right-hand ground-storey window. This has a flat-topped canted wooden bay with pilasters at the angles supporting a top-entablature; 6-paned sashes at the front, 2-paned ones at the sides. Boxed eaves cornice. Subsidiary features: in front of the house is a garden raised above street level. It has a stone rubble retaining wall which is contiguous with that of No.60 (qv). Opposite the front door it rises to form gate piers. Flanking the steps up to the door are similar walls with copings of flat stone slabs. Listing NGR: SX9153154702 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383676 No 60 Including Front Garden Walls 1195139 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.527071 50.382110,-3.527131 50.382152,-3.527260 50.382076,-3.527196 50.382038,-3.527071 50.382110))) House. Probably C17 or earlier, remodelled early C19. Solid roughcast walls. Slated roof. Large rendered chimney of pre-C19 appearance on ridge off centre to left. 2 storeys, 3 windows wide. The right-hand end seems to have been rebuilt or added later, leaving the rest to form a symmetrical 2-window house with centre doorway. 6-panelled door with old brass knocker and letterbox, the 2 bottom panels flush; plain narrow fanlight. Trellised wood porch with louvred sides and ogee roof; in centre a round arch decorated with a fringe of tiny pendants. WIndows have 6-paned sashes, including right-hand upper storey window. To right of ground storey is a plank door with a 2-light wood casement window immediately to its left, this having 8 panes per light. Subsidiary features: the front garden stands well above street-level and has a stone rubble retaining wall at the front, contiguous with that of No.58 (qv). The wall has a coping of flat stone slabs and rises to form gate piers opposite the 2 doors: Lower gateway opposite the main house door, wide ones (with large hinges) at right-hand end. The steps leading up to the main door are flanked by rendered stone rubble walls with stone slab copings. At right-hand end the side wall has a chamfered coping ramped up against the wall of the house. Listing NGR: SX9151954695 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383677 Aylmer 1218018 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.525809 50.383711,-3.525867 50.383678,-3.525835 50.383655,-3.525848 50.383647,-3.525779 50.383599,-3.525791 50.383582,-3.525778 50.383571,-3.525710 50.383530,-3.525694 50.383540,-3.525662 50.383517,-3.525586 50.383562,-3.525809 50.383711))) Detached house. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Centre block has hipped slate roof; wings have flat roofs. Rendered chimney on each end wall. Centre entrance passage leading to bowed stair-turret at rear. Front room at either side; behind left-hand room a passage leading to kitchen in left wing. Right wing has one room with external rear access only. Added lean-to behind kitchen passage and against right wall of wing. Picturesque Gothic style. 2 storeys; wings may originally have been single-storeyed. Front 3-windows wide with blind wings. Openings have pointed, incurving arches, those in ground storey with reeded imposts. Wood-framed French windows in ground storey, each leaf of 4 panes with margin-panes. Front door is similar, but late C20 near-replica. All 3 openings have transom-lights with intersecting glazing bars; reeded transom at the base. Upper-storey windows closely similar, but with 3-paned wood casements with margin-panes. Panelled pilaster-strip at each end of front. Deep flat eaves cornice with brackets and soffit-panels. Across front of ground storey a trellised wood porch with swept roof; rebuilt 1988. Wings each have a semicircular niche with round arch; inside, urns on pedestals. Flanking each wing is a narrow projection rising part-way up the wall; in right wing the left projection is considerably the taller, suggesting perhaps that the wings were originally lower with shaped tops. Rear wall has windows similar to those at the front with most of the soffit-panels missing. INTERIOR: Entrance passage has groined vault divided by reeded arches. Moulded door frames with flowers in top corners; 6-panelled doors with raised mouldings on the panels. Cantilevered wood staircase, the treads with moulded mosings continued on to soffit; thin square balusters. Handrail voluted at bottom. Moulded cornice and coved ceiling to stair compartment. Panelled shutters to stair windows. First-floor gallery rail bowed. Right-hand ground-storey room has moulded coved cornice. Panelled shutters front and back. C19/C20 wood chimneypiece with coloured patterned tiles and iron grate. Left-hand ground-storey room has coved moulded cornice and panelled shutters. Kitchen has original segmental-headed dresser with moulded shelves, at either end of it a panelled cupboard with raised moulding on the panels. Plain panelled shutters. Upper floor has lobby with groined vault. Door frames like those on ground storey; 4-panelled doors with raised moulding on the panels. The 3 main rooms have moulded cornices, that in middle room coved. A particularly fine example of its type, the best of several built in Brixham for the Gillard family, namely Eveleigh House, Doctors Road, Burton Villa, Burton Street and Norton House, Milton Street (qv). Listing NGR: SX9162554857 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383678 No 63 Including Laywell Cottage 1195140 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.525525 50.383380,-3.525565 50.383360,-3.525540 50.383339,-3.525627 50.383295,-3.525579 50.383255,-3.525452 50.383316,-3.525525 50.383380))) House. Probably C18 with minor early C19 alterations. Painted stone rubble front; rear and side walls roughcast. Slated roof. Roughcast chimney, probably original with tapered cap and added flue, on left end wall. Large later chimney, probably of rendered brick, on right end wall. Small rendered chimney on rear wing. Front elevation suggests a 3-room-and-cross-passage plan with small rear wing to right. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide. Doorway between the 2 right-hand ground-storey windows. All 4 ground-storey openings have segmental arches of painted brick. Late C20 plank door. Windows in both storeys have 3-light C19 wood casement with 2 horizontal glazing bars per light. Listing NGR: SX9163954828 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383679 Nos 69 And 71 And Garden Wall To Right 1292151 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.525921 50.383096,-3.526091 50.383227,-3.526154 50.383191,-3.526052 50.383113,-3.526134 50.383072,-3.526143 50.383078,-3.526156 50.383070,-3.526147 50.383063,-3.526169 50.383053,-3.526184 50.383064,-3.526209 50.383051,-3.526236 50.383075,-3.526261 50.383062,-3.526157 50.382969,-3.525921 50.383096))) Formerly known as: No.67 MILTON STREET Higher Brixham. Includes: No.1 SUMMER LANE Higher Brixham. House or houses, now extended and sub-divided to form 3 houses. C17 or earlier, with added rear wing. Solid roughcast walls; No.1 Summer Lane with slate-hung upper storey facing Milton Street. Right side wall of latter is of painted stone rubble. Slated roof. Large rendered chimney with tapered cap on rear wall of Milton Street range of No.1 Summer Lane. C20 rendered chimney on front roof slope of No.69. Small rendered chimney on left end wall of No.71. Long range to Milton Street, its original layout disguised by early, C18 refacing of No.1 Summer Lane. Long rear wing to right. 2 storeys, the left-hand end of No.71 heightened to 3 storeys in C19. Irregular 6-window front to Milton Street. Plank doors to Nos 69 & 71; former late C20; latter C19, divided into upper and lower halves and with a combined iron knocker and letterbox. No.71 has a slated, pent-roofed door hood. Milton Street front of No.1 Summer Lane has wood casements in ground storey with 2 panes per light: 2 lights in centre window, 3 lights in those at either end. Upper storey has 2 flush-framed sash windows with 8 panes per sash. Slatehanging sweeps outwards at the bottom over an early C18 moulded cornice. Windows at No.69, including the left-hand upper-storey window at No.71, have 2-light wood casements with 6 panes per light. Left side of No.71 has late C20 small-paned wood window. INTERIOR: not inspected but 1975 list description says 'Roof structures retain remains of original timbers but largely reconstructed C19/C19. Some ceiling beams and partition studs'. Subsidiary features: to right of Milton Street range of No.1 Summer Lane and extending round the Summer Lane frontage of its side, is a tall stone rubble garden wall with considerable townscape value. Fronting Milton Street it has a blocked doorway with a segmental arch of tall well-cut voussoirs. On the Summer Lane side is the street-name SUMMER LANE in blue and white glazed tiles. Listing NGR: SX9159854813 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383680 NUMBERS 81-87 (OLD BEAMS NUMBER 83 AND BAKERS LODGE NUMBER 87) NUMBERS 81-87 (OLD BEAMS NUMBER 83 AND BAKERS LODGE NUMBER 87) 1298298 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.526430 50.382817,-3.526371 50.382850,-3.526474 50.382923,-3.526504 50.382906,-3.526475 50.382884,-3.526515 50.382877,-3.526504 50.382869,-3.526527 50.382855,-3.526594 50.382895,-3.526616 50.382880,-3.526561 50.382846,-3.526577 50.382835,-3.526568 50.382829,-3.526586 50.382818,-3.526619 50.382840,-3.526699 50.382790,-3.526664 50.382757,-3.526670 50.382753,-3.526592 50.382703,-3.526546 50.382731,-3.526563 50.382742,-3.526430 50.382817))) House, probably a former farmhouse, now subdivided. C17 or earlier, probably with later additions. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof of varying ridge heights; hipped to right. Large rendered chimney with offsets on front wall of No.87; tapered cap with added shaft, probably of brick, on top. To left, partly concealed by gabled addition, another rendered chimney with tapered cap, also heightened. To right, sitting on the wall top, a third rendered chimney with tapered cap, also heightened. Probably 3-room-and-cross-passage plan with lengthened lower end to right. Added cross-wing in front of left hand end. 2 storeys. 6 windows wide. No.81 has a 2-paned sash window in each storey, set over to right; late C20 half-glazed wood door to left. No.83 has late C20 plastic door to right, set in a partly-blocked wide opening. Plastic-framed window in each storey. No.85 has a wide doorway with plank door to left, apparently shared with No.87. Late C20 plastic-framed window in ground storey and 2 more in upper storey. No.87 has box-framed sashes with one upright glazing bar per sash (2 in the right-hand ground-storey window): one window in each storey to right, one in each storey of cross-wing. INTERIOR: not inspected. 1975 list description says: 'No.87 retains through passage and original roof structure in part with through purlins, collar to truss which appears to be a raised cruck with crossed blades.' Listing NGR: SX9156654774 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383681 Milton Cottage Including Front Garden Wall 1218081 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.527331 50.382305,-3.527353 50.382292,-3.527378 50.382310,-3.527424 50.382281,-3.527396 50.382263,-3.527427 50.382243,-3.527311 50.382165,-3.527278 50.382187,-3.527311 50.382164,-3.527306 50.382162,-3.527213 50.382226,-3.527043 50.382386,-3.527219 50.382229,-3.527331 50.382305))) Detached house. Early C19. Solid roughcast walls. Slated roof on 2 parallel spans, both hipped. 2 rendered chimneys in valley between the roof spans. House lies at right-angles to street, facing north-east. Double-fronted and double-depth, the rear range probably a later addition. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide. Centre doorway with Doric columns and entablature that bows forward in the centre; panelled door. Ground storey windows have triple sashes; 6-paned in centre, 2-paned at sides. Plain box-framed sashes in upper storey. Gable wall facing street has a single window with fixed 8-paned wood sash. Rear wall (visible from street) has 2 wood casement windows of 2 lights, each light with 6 panes. Subsidiary features: front garden has long, high stone rubble wall to street; this sweeps up next to the gateway adjoining the house and is finished with a flat stone coping. Listing NGR: SX9150654712 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383682 April Cottage 1292133 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.527498 50.382047,-3.527604 50.382136,-3.527670 50.382105,-3.527619 50.382063,-3.527631 50.382057,-3.527664 50.382083,-3.527714 50.382058,-3.527738 50.382077,-3.527760 50.382066,-3.527742 50.382049,-3.527749 50.382047,-3.527777 50.382070,-3.527803 50.382058,-3.527762 50.381996,-3.527705 50.381947,-3.527498 50.382047))) House, now sub-divided and possibly extended. C17 or earlier, remodelled early\mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs with 3 different ridge-heights. Large rendered chimney on front wall at No.105. Rendered chimney on each end wall of the terrace. 2 storeys. 6 windows wide. No.103 has 2 windows in each storey with doorway at left-hand end. Late C20 half-glazed door. Small-paned sash window. 6 over 6 panes in all but the left-hand ground storey window, which has 4 over 4 panes. No.105 has 4-paned sash window to left ground storey; deeply recessed late C20 glazed door to right. 3 narrow windows with barred sashes in upper storey: 4 over 4 panes in that to left, 2 over 2 panes in the others. No.107 has late C20 wooden door to right. Sash window with 4 over 4 panes to left of each storey. Wall face of No.103 projects slightly and there is a ragged joint where it meets No.105. INTERIOR: not inspected, but there are likely to be early features. Listing NGR: SX9147854687 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383683 109, 111 AND 113, MILTON STREET 1195141 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.528244 50.381789,-3.528288 50.381772,-3.528274 50.381756,-3.528353 50.381728,-3.528367 50.381745,-3.528402 50.381733,-3.528384 50.381712,-3.528391 50.381702,-3.528346 50.381648,-3.528174 50.381709,-3.528244 50.381789))) House, subdivided. C18 or earlier with later alterations. Mass wall construction, rendered, said to include some cob; left return slate-hung. Main block has pantile roof; left-hand block has slate roof; stacks with rendered and brick shafts. Plan: 2 staggered blocks on the same axis, the left end block smaller and slightly broken forward. Right-hand block has cross passage plan; stack on junction between blocks, later stack at right end. Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical 1:3-window front with 2- and 3-light small-pane timber casements. Right-hand block has recessed plank front door to right of centre; left-hand block has doorway to left and one ground- and one first-floor window to right. INTERIOR: Partial inspection of right-hand block, which is plain but may have early features concealed. Roof space not inspected. Listing NGR: SX9146954677 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383684 141, MILTON STREET 1292141 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.529866 50.381014,-3.529925 50.380989,-3.529978 50.381041,-3.530009 50.381028,-3.529955 50.380977,-3.530034 50.380944,-3.529988 50.380898,-3.529820 50.380970,-3.529866 50.381014))) House. C17 or earlier, remodelled early C19. Solid roughcast walls. Slated, low-pitched roof, hipped at each end. Large rendered chimney with tapered capt at each end of rear wall. Probably 2-room with cross-passage off-centre to left. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide. Late C20 plank door with ornamental strap-hinges; pent-roofed wood canopy of similar date. Flanking it are 2 small wood casement windows, each of 2 lights with 3 panes per light; slightly larger matching casement above. At either end of front in each storey a 3-light wood casement window with 8 panes per light. At far end of ground storey a 2-light wood casement window with 2 panes per light. Listing NGR: SX9131754572 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383685 Coach House 4.6 Metres North West Of Alymer 1298299 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.525912 50.383783,-3.525979 50.383744,-3.525921 50.383706,-3.525855 50.383745,-3.525912 50.383783))) Coach house. Early C19. Stone rubble. Concrete tiled roof; slated lean-to addition. Plan: a simple oblong with wide doorway facing house. Lean-to room with separate entrance to right. 1 storey. Gothic Picturesque style. Front has wide doorway with flat arch of rough voussoirs; C20 replica half-glazed double doors. Pilaster strip at either end finished with a pedestal. Crenellated gable. Above the door a round opening with a brick surround. Rear gable similar in design, but with a blind point-arched window. Lean-to has plank door at front. 2-light wood casement windows with L-hinges at rear. INTERIOR: has cobbled floor. Late C20 roof-structure. Listing NGR: SX9159154907 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383686 Milton House 1218107 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.530369 50.380809,-3.530581 50.380724,-3.530527 50.380670,-3.530318 50.380758,-3.530369 50.380809))) House C17 or earlier, remodelled mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Large rendered chimney with offsets projecting from front wall to right of door. C19 chimney on left end wall; another on front right corner. Probably 3-room-and-through-passage. 2 storeys. 4 windows wide. Doorway with wooden porch having square fluted columns and entablature with triangular pediment. 6-panelled door, the top 2 panels now glazed. Windows have 2-light wood casements with 3 panes per light. Those in upper storey rise through the eaves cornice to form dormer gable; fish-scale slatehanging above the windows, shaped bargeboards. Fixed to the left-hand end of upper storey is a street sign in blue and white glazed tiles reading MILTON STREET. Deep flat eaves-cornice. Right end wall has in upper storey a wood casement matching those at the front. On apex of gable a decorative scrolled weather-vane. INTERIOR not inspected. 1975 list description says: 'interior altered but retaining some ceiling beams. Roof renewed'. Listing NGR: SX9128254549 1974-03-08 1974-03-08
383687 Norton House 1195142 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521202 50.385474,-3.521215 50.385481,-3.521283 50.385439,-3.521110 50.385330,-3.521049 50.385367,-3.521096 50.385398,-3.521085 50.385405,-3.521051 50.385421,-3.521008 50.385393,-3.520991 50.385403,-3.521034 50.385430,-3.521027 50.385435,-3.521047 50.385448,-3.521114 50.385412,-3.521136 50.385429,-3.521126 50.385439,-3.521131 50.385453,-3.521154 50.385457,-3.521168 50.385450,-3.521202 50.385474))) House. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Hipped slated roof. House stands at right-angles to street. No.18 (qv) which abuts its rear wall, was formerly the service wing. Picturesque Gothic style. 2 storeys. Symmetrical 3-window front. Ground storey has 3 ogee-headed French windows; these are set in shallow recesses, the centre one with straight-sided pointed arch, the outer ones with round arches. Upper-storey windows also have ogee-arches, here with 2-light wood casements. Windows in both storeys have small-paned glazing with margin-panes, 3 panes in ground storey, 2 above. Intersecting Gothic glazing bars in window-heads. Rusticated pilaster-strip at each end of front. Deep flat eaves-cornice with paired brackets. Left side wall (facing street) has in ground storey a flat-headed blind window in a round-headed recess; upper storey has a smaller blind window, also flat-headed. Rusticated pilaster strips and eaves-cornice, matching those on front elevation. INTERIOR not inspected. 1975 list description says it, retains delicate mouldings and fittings. Central hall leads to staircase. Greek key moulding to soffit, swept mahogany handrail, plain slender banisters; Half-landing with concave door, following curve of wall, into service wing, No.18. The doors on 1st-floor landing of similar concave form. All doorcases have fluted architraves with leaf mould corner blocks. The living room has anthemion pattern frame to ceiling and egg-and-dart string. Panelled dado rail. Dining room has curved corners and shallow cove to ceiling. The centre 1st-floor room is similar. Internally the windows have deep panelled shutters and soffit to ogee arch. Plain marble chimneypiece. One of a group of villas in Brixham associated with the Gillard family and including Aylmer (qv). Listing NGR: SX9240454929 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383688 Brixham Pottery 1292112 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.522289 50.384683,-3.522295 50.384688,-3.522264 50.384711,-3.522303 50.384730,-3.522213 50.384799,-3.522296 50.384849,-3.522512 50.384705,-3.522427 50.384656,-3.522418 50.384661,-3.522355 50.384633,-3.522289 50.384683))) Outbuildings originally belonging to Nos 24 & 26 (qv), now pottery. Probably C19; centre section may be earlier. Mostly painted stone rubble; roughcast centre section, possibly cob. Slate roof with crested ridge tiles and ventilators at left-hand end. 2 storeys. Irregular fenestration. Left-hand section has large cart entrance, now filled with C20 door and window. Small wood-framed window, with upright iron bar, to left. Plain window to right. 2 louvred windows in upper storey. Centre section has segmental-headed doorway; late C20 plank door. Small plain window to left, C20 wood mullioned and transomed window to right. Small upper-storey wood casement under the eaves to right. Right-hand section has full-height cart entrance infilled with late C20 door and glazing. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9186454980 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383689 Tollgate House 1195143 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.527663 50.389291,-3.527736 50.389256,-3.527735 50.389246,-3.527749 50.389243,-3.527742 50.389230,-3.527690 50.389223,-3.527670 50.389228,-3.527654 50.389219,-3.527630 50.389225,-3.527615 50.389217,-3.527565 50.389214,-3.527606 50.389285,-3.527634 50.389279,-3.527663 50.389291))) Shown as Monksbridge Cottage on OS map. Former toll house. Probably about 1838. Solid rendered walls to north; those to south with painted slatehanging. Hipped slated roof. 2 rendered chimneys with later, painted brick tops. 2 linked blocks: one with canted bays at each end, facing New Road and Monksbridge Road, the other at right-angles to it, facing the junction of the 2 roads, its corners broadly splayed. 2 storeys. Irregular fenestration with late C20 small-paned casements. Late C20 studded plank door facing road junction, set in small porch with moulded top and lean-to roof. (Pike JR: Brixham, Torbay: a bibliographical guide: Torbay: 1974-: 11-12; Brixham Tithe Map: 1838-). Listing NGR: SX9179955809 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383690 127-133, MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD 1218147 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512699 50.394621,-3.512845 50.394582,-3.512832 50.394561,-3.513143 50.394489,-3.513110 50.394426,-3.513011 50.394450,-3.513016 50.394458,-3.512794 50.394513,-3.512783 50.394496,-3.512703 50.394515,-3.512732 50.394561,-3.512670 50.394576,-3.512699 50.394621))) Terrace of 4 houses. Early C19. Roughcast walls, probably of stone rubble. Slated roofs. Red-brick chimneys, partly rendered on right end walls of Nos 127 & 131; that at No.131 double-width. Rendered chimney on right end wall of No.133. Nos 127 & 131 are 3-storeyed, No.133 two-storeyed. 2 windows wide; doorway to left at No.127, central at the others. All 4 houses have pent-roofed door-hoods. Small-paned wood casements of 6 or 8 panes per light at Nos 127 & 131. Six-paned sashes at No.133. Latter has rusticated pilaster strips at each end of front, boxed eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9254756050 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383691 Front Garden Wall And Gate Piers At No 133 1298300 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512756 50.394708,-3.512871 50.394676,-3.512867 50.394669,-3.512749 50.394700,-3.512756 50.394708))) Garden wall and gate piers. Early C19. Coursed Devonian limestone rubble with painted and rendered brick piers. Low wall with coping of painted stone blocks. Square piers flanking the gate and each end of wall; flat chamfered caps. Railings and gate apparently C20. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9256756076 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383692 Milepost Plaque At Sx 913 554 1218153 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.530360 50.388774,-3.530360 50.388757,-3.530312 50.388758,-3.530313 50.388774,-3.530360 50.388774))) Listing NGR: SX9130055400 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383693 Grosvenor House 1195144 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516888 50.394366,-3.517025 50.394386,-3.517022 50.394378,-3.517057 50.394381,-3.517071 50.394421,-3.517092 50.394418,-3.517080 50.394384,-3.517081 50.394290,-3.516896 50.394274,-3.516879 50.394323,-3.516888 50.394366))) Mirrored pair of houses designed to look like a single large house. Early/mid C19, with added late C19 bays. Solid rendered walls. Exposed part of left side wall slate-hung. Hipped slated roof, reportedly with centre valley. Rendered chimney on each gable-end with others in centre valley. Double-depth plan: one room front-and-back with adjacent entrance passages in centre leading to staircases at rear. Upper-floor plans the same, but with 2 front rooms. 3 storeys. 4 windows wide, the middle windows narrower and set close together. Between them in each of the 2 upper storeys a round-headed semicircular niche. Paired segmental-headed doorways with reveals having a single long panel each side; doors have 2 matching long panels and wreath knockers. In front of them a single large porch on fluted Doric columns; these support a flat hood design as an entablature, the soffits of beams resting on the columns being panelled. Each ground storey has a flat-topped canted bay of different design; that at No.1 is wood-framed with reeded frames above a solid base, that at No.3 is solid-walled with plain sashes and moulded top-cornice. Upper-storey windows small-paned: 6 over 6 panes, except that at No.1 the third-storey windows have 3 over 6 panes. The width of the panes is adjusted to match that of the openings. Raised band just below sill-level in second storey. Panelled pilaster-strip with incised key-pattern up left side of house; lower part altered, probably when adjoining house built up against it. Deep, flat eaves-cornice on all 4 sides; except where butted by adjoining house. Rear wall has small-paned sashes: 12 over 12 panes in ground and second storeys, 8 over 8 panes in third storey, 6 over 6 panes in stair windows. Right side wall has a blind window in each of second and third storeys; small metal-framed window in ground storey. INTERIOR: both houses have wooden geometric stairs with thin square balusters and shaped step-ends; balustrade at No.3 scrolled at foot, lower part of that at No.1 boxed in. Both entrance passages and stair halls stone-flagged. At No.1 the ground-floor front room has moulded cornice with enriched ceiling band; rear room has panelled shutters. Right-hand first-floor front room has moulded cornice; rear room has panelled cupboards. On the first half-landing of the stair is a closet (now wc) with original door having one tall panel. Similar 2-panelled door on second-floor landing. At No.3 the entrance passage has lobby with moulded cornice. 2-panelled door like that at No.1 into front room and also between front and back rooms. Front room has moulded cornice with enriched ceiling band. Wooden chimneypiece possibly late C19, with bracketed shelf and moulded jambs. Rear room has panelled shutters and panelled cupboards; one-panel door to closet at rear. First-floor half-landing has one-panel closet door like that at No.1; three 2-panel doors on full landing. First-floor front room has moulded cornice; wood chimneypiece, probably original, with moulded surround. Rear room has panelled cupboard. Second-floor landing has three 2-panel doors. Roof structures not inspected. Listing NGR: SX9227056041 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383694 85 And 85A Including Front Garden Wall 1292092 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.520713 50.393207,-3.520753 50.393192,-3.520723 50.393157,-3.520752 50.393145,-3.520783 50.393180,-3.520927 50.393126,-3.520905 50.393103,-3.520863 50.393120,-3.520849 50.393106,-3.520813 50.393120,-3.520777 50.393080,-3.520645 50.393129,-3.520713 50.393207))) House. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs. Brick chimney on each end wall, that to left painted, that to right rendered on left side. 2 storeys. Symmetrical 3-window front with central doorway. Rusticated ground storey; rusticated pilaster strips flanking upper storey. Round-arched doorway with plain architrave; late C20 half-glazed door. Ground-storey windows set in shallow segmental-headed recesses with continued imposts; windows have late C20 metal frames. Upper-storey windows have 2-light mullioned-and-transomed wood frames. Subsidiary features: in front of house is a low stone rubble garden wall with a coping of dressed stone blocks; heightened with a low rendered wall. Footpath to left leads to a closet-wing 2 windows wide, set well back. Listing NGR: SX9200255913 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383695 Brixham Town Hall 1298263 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515914 50.394501,-3.516221 50.394528,-3.516231 50.394482,-3.516218 50.394481,-3.516225 50.394446,-3.516209 50.394444,-3.516212 50.394434,-3.516314 50.394442,-3.516354 50.394253,-3.516131 50.394233,-3.515981 50.394228,-3.515972 50.394239,-3.515958 50.394299,-3.516019 50.394305,-3.515987 50.394461,-3.515924 50.394456,-3.515914 50.394501))) Town hall and market hall. 1886. By GS Bridgman of Torquay. Squared and coursed, rough-faced Devonian limestone with yellow-brick and Bath stone dressings. Slated roofs, that to left hipped. Yellow-brick chimney on rear wall. Plan: main body of building consists of the market hall (now sub-divided) with a theatre above it. This lies gable-end on to New Road. To its left is an office-range with main entrance and staircase. The Market Street front to right has a short projection at each end. That at the front is rounded; that at the rear, which is part of a cross-range running behind the Market Hall/Theatre, is square. At right-angles to the cross-range, and built in the same style, are the public toilets. Italianate Classical style. Exterior: 2 storeys (toilets 1 storey). 7 windows wide. Market Hall is 3 windows wide. Round-arched doorway in centre of ground storey with moulded archivolt springing from moulded imposts, the archivolt with incised inscription BRIXHAM MARKET; fanlight with glazing bars forming a circle and 2 semi-circles. Above it a tall round-arched window with moulded and fluted imposts and keystone; stone-mullioned, with 3 round-headed lights below and a large round light with radial bars above. On the base of the window is incised MARKET HALL. Above the window is a moulded cornice surmounted by a gable feature containing a blind round opening and flanked by pedestals carrying battlement-like blocks. At the apex of the gable is a tall, moulded metal finial. The outer windows are round-arched, those in the ground storey with moulded archivolts and imposts, those above with hoodmoulds and fluted keystones; the ground-storey windows have in the upper part 2 round-headed lights with a round light at the top. Above the second-storey windows, which are considerably shorter than that in the centre, are entablatures with tall brick parapets. Main entrance is round-arched with 4 attached shafts at each side. Flanking it are pilasters supporting paired, fluted brackets, which in turn carry an entablature and parapet. The ground-storey windows to left of it are round-arched with moulded imposts and archivolts; sashes, the upper ones 2-paned. Upper-storey windows have 2-paned wood casements and transom-lights; flat chamfered lintels supported by moulded capitals, the brick jambs forming notional pilasters. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. Ornate iron finial. The rounded projection to right of building is similar in character. The Market Street front is plainer, with segmental or round brick arches to windows and doorways. Boxed eaves-cornice. Both projections have ornate iron finials. Toilets are similar. INTERIOR: main staircase is of wood in early Georgian style; narrow open well with turned balusters having square necking-pieces. Theatre has arch-braced roof-trusses. The building occupies the site of the former Naval Reservoir, from which pipes led down to King's Quay in the harbour; it was used for watering naval ships. The 1886 building was used for the Pannier Market; it appears to have replaced a building, which still survives on the Strand (Tourist Information Centre and fishmonger's shop (qv)). The Fish Market was quite separate and still stands (rebuilt in late C20) on The Quay. (Pike JR: Brixham, Torbay: a bibliographical guide: Torbay: 1974-: 4; King J: Plan of the Watering Place at Brixham: 1781-; 25in OS Map of Brixham (1st ed): 1864-: SHEET 128:2). Listing NGR: SX9233256041 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383696 Corner House 1292104 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516803 50.394131,-3.516821 50.394098,-3.516812 50.394095,-3.516834 50.394050,-3.516797 50.394042,-3.516786 50.394061,-3.516704 50.394042,-3.516653 50.393932,-3.516615 50.393928,-3.516601 50.393970,-3.516618 50.394034,-3.516599 50.394084,-3.516803 50.394131))) Building described in 1975 list as 'originally the stable and coach house block of a house called Parkham Wood, since demolished'. Now restaurant and club. Early C19. Solid rendered walls with some painted stone rubble. Hipped slated roof. Rendered chimney at rear. Long rectangular block, 1 room deep, fronting New Road. Rear wing to left, along Parkham Road. 2 storeys. Consists of a centre block, hipped to the front, with slightly lower wings, hipped at each end. Windows of centre block (mid/late C20 metal frames) are set in a shallow segmental-headed recess with flanking pilasters. Ground-storey window occupies part of what appears to have been a coach entrance on left-hand side; upper-storey window centrally placed. The wings each have 2 shallow, square-headed recesses, the narrower one adjoining the centre block. In the ground storey of each narrower opening is a round-headed panel, that to right now containing a late C20 glazed wood door; upper storeys have blank panels with cranked heads. The wider recesses have windows to right and are blind to left. Deep bracketed eaves-cornice, continued round left side wall of main building. Latter has a large, shallow, flat-headed recess with late C20 door and window. Rear wing is much plainer with late C20 door and window in ground storey. In upper storey are 2 rather older 5-light, wood-framed casement windows. The 1838 tithe map shows both this and Parkham Wood House (the latter not named on either the map or the apportionment) as owned and occupied by Richard Walter Woolston. The latter, described as an attorney and notary, is shown at Parkham Wood in Pigot's Directory of 1844. (Brixham Tithe Map and Apportionment: 1838-). Listing NGR: SX9229156010 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383697 Lime Kiln At Sx 9197 5583 1195145 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.521121 50.392447,-3.521190 50.392508,-3.521266 50.392479,-3.521208 50.392415,-3.521121 50.392447))) Lime kiln. Probably late C18 or early C19. Coursed stone rubble. Wedge-shaped structure with triangular opening facing New Road. The kiln is shown on the 1838 Brixham tithe map. (Brixham Tithe Map: 1838-). Listing NGR: SX9197055830 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383698 The Bolton Hotel 1218202 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516252 50.394051,-3.516252 50.394020,-3.516262 50.394020,-3.516260 50.393958,-3.516225 50.393958,-3.516227 50.393936,-3.516209 50.393936,-3.516209 50.393917,-3.516175 50.393917,-3.516174 50.393937,-3.516141 50.393936,-3.516141 50.393907,-3.515986 50.393906,-3.515969 50.394009,-3.515970 50.394021,-3.515986 50.394036,-3.516038 50.394050,-3.516252 50.394051))) Includes: The Bolton Hotel BOLTON STREET Lower Brixham. Hotel. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Hipped slated roof. 2 painted brick chimneys on rear wall. 3 storeys. 3-window front to New Road; 2-window return to Bolton Street with one window on the rounded corner. Main entrance is at left-hand end of New Road front; Doric porch with vase at each end of blocking-course, the pedestals of the vases decorated with wreaths; panelled reveals; fanlight with glazing bars forming zig-zag pattern. Late C19 half-glazed door to right of Bolton Street front has 3 raised and fielded panels at bottom; glazed upper panel has THE BOLTON HOTEL inscribed in frosted glass. Windows mostly have small-paned sashes with margin-panes: 6 over 6 panes in ground and second storeys, 3 over 6 panes in third storey, except that those on the rounded corner are 4 panes wide. The ground storey of the Bolton Street front differs in having a single wide window containing 2 pairs of plain sashes. Both this and the ground-storey window on the corner have C19 iron guard-rails decorated with quatrefoils and scrolls. Right-hand third-storey window to Bolton Street is blind. Moulded cornice above ground storey on both fronts. Second-storey windows have cornices on consoles. Deep plain eaves-cornice. INTERIOR partly inspected on ground and first floors. These seem much altered, but moulded cornices remain in parts of ground floor. Wooden dogleg staircase with column newels; balusters boxed in. Bolton Street entrance has inner porch with half-glazed partition similar to the entrance door, including the name of the hotel in frosted glass; egg-and-dart cornice. (Brixham Tithe Map and Apportionment: 1838-). Listing NGR: SX9233156004 1949-10-17 1949-10-17
383699 The Old Custom House 1195106 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512632 50.397723,-3.512689 50.397660,-3.512705 50.397633,-3.512656 50.397610,-3.512627 50.397641,-3.512636 50.397646,-3.512581 50.397703,-3.512632 50.397723))) Former custom house, now shop. Probably early C19. Solid rendered walls, except for upper storey of left side wall (overlooking harbour), which is of jettied, slate-hung timber-framing. Slated roof. Rendered brick chimney on right side wall. 2 storeys. One-window gable-end front to Overgang. House-door to left with bracketed moulded cornice. Wide plank door to right. Sash window (6 over 6 panes) in upper storey; broad sill-band, breaking forward below the window. Front carried up to form a parapet with moulded coping in form of an open triangular pediment. Left side wall has one window in ground storey and 3 above; right-hand of latter has plain wooden sashes, the other 2 fixed late C20 wooden sashes. Right side wall has 2 windows in upper storey: C20 metal casement to left, 4-paned fixed wood-framed window to right. The building fronts Overgang, where it forms a group with Nos 11-14 (qv). 1975 list description says it formerly had the Royal Arms over the front door. Listing NGR: SX9258756406 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383700 11-14, OVERGANG 1298282 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512781 50.397879,-3.512903 50.397834,-3.512843 50.397777,-3.512802 50.397792,-3.512775 50.397762,-3.512803 50.397752,-3.512681 50.397708,-3.512644 50.397733,-3.512781 50.397879))) Terrace of 4 houses. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs, those of Nos 12 & 13 tarred. Brick chimney on left side wall of No.12; base of another on right side wall of No.13. Three storeys. Nos 11-13 one window wide; No.14 two windows wide. No.11 has windows with box-framed sashes. Nos 12 & 13 are a taller mirrored pair with adjacent round-arched doorways in centre; semicircular hoodmoulds, linked in the centre. Box-framed sashes at No.12; plain sashes in concealed frame in third storey of No.13. No.14 has pilaster-strip at right-hand side, incised with round-headed panel. Prominent position near harbour (qv). Listing NGR: SX9258256414 1958-04-09 1958-04-09
383701 33, OVERGANG 1195107 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513360 50.397436,-3.513385 50.397375,-3.513310 50.397352,-3.513266 50.397415,-3.513360 50.397436))) House. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Painted brick chimney on each side wall. 2 storeys. 2 windows wide with doorway between the ground-storey windows. Doorway round-arched with late C20 six-panelled door; panelled reveals, the bottom panels flush; fanlight with radial bars. Wide window to right, narrow one with moulded wood architrave to left; latter extends down to flank a 2-panelled cupboard doors below the window. Upper-storey windows have 6-paned sashes. Deep flat eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9253856377 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383702 Castle Cottage 1298283 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513170 50.397927,-3.513181 50.397916,-3.513203 50.397924,-3.513229 50.397898,-3.513208 50.397891,-3.513217 50.397881,-3.513133 50.397847,-3.513094 50.397896,-3.513170 50.397927))) House. Early C19 with added lean-to. Solid roughcast walls; rear wall slate-hung. Hipped slated roof. Rendered chimney on rear wall. 2 storeys. 2 windows wide, with central doorway. C20 glazed wooden porch. Windows have 6-paned sashes in recessed box-frames, except for left-hand ground-storey window, this has bowed window (a notable survival in the town) with 10-paned sashes and moulded cornice. Deep, flat eaves-cornice, continued round left side wall and front part of right side wall. Left side wall has 1 window in each storey; 6-paned wood casements. Added lean-to against right side wall; small-paned window at front. Listing NGR: SX9255156431 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383703 Retaining Wall To Path Fronting Custom House 1195108 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513045 50.398112,-3.513050 50.398111,-3.512751 50.397881,-3.512595 50.397729,-3.512562 50.397696,-3.512552 50.397624,-3.512545 50.397624,-3.512555 50.397696,-3.512735 50.397873,-3.513045 50.398112))) Retaining wall. Probably at least early C19. Roughly-coursed Devonian limestone rubble with the natural bedrock projecting in places at the bottom; buttressed in 3 places. Chamfered coping of limestone and other stones, with some red brick; alongside the steps leading up from The Quay the coping is not chamfered, and opposite No.14 Overgang (qv) the top of the wall has been replaced by an iron railing having at each end a square pier with pyramidal cap. The wall, together with the Overgang houses behind it, is an important part of the townscape, especially when seen from the other side of the harbour. Listing NGR: SX9257456438 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383704 1, PARADISE PLACE 1298284 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513463 50.395682,-3.513475 50.395689,-3.513417 50.395748,-3.513501 50.395782,-3.513530 50.395767,-3.513527 50.395757,-3.513609 50.395697,-3.513514 50.395642,-3.513463 50.395682))) Fisherman's store, now a shop store. Probably early/mid C19, with earlier fabric. Solid, rendered walls; rear wall of stone rubble. Small section of hipped slated roof facing Pump Street; the rest covered with corrugated asbestos and corrugated iron. A long oblong building, gable-end on to Pump Street. At left-hand end of Paradise Place front is a large rounded projection, probably for a staircase. 2 storeys. Ground storey has 4-panelled door with ornate iron ring-handle; bottom 2 panels flush. Plank door to left, louvred window to right. Upper storey has 2 louvred windows. Gable-wall to Pump Street has wide opening, largely blocked, in ground storey; heavy wooden lintel; at right-hand end an old plank door, the upper and lower halves opening separately and the lower half itself in 2 sections; upper storey has 3-light window with plain mullions to left; loading-door to right, this again opening in 2 halves, 2-panelled above, plank below. Rounded projection to right has plank door in ground storey, boarded window above. Listing NGR: SX9250656193 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383705 Sunpark 1195109 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.523748 50.387319,-3.523664 50.387262,-3.523595 50.387303,-3.523598 50.387310,-3.523563 50.387331,-3.523590 50.387349,-3.523610 50.387336,-3.523636 50.387354,-3.523627 50.387366,-3.523631 50.387376,-3.523662 50.387385,-3.523748 50.387339,-3.523748 50.387319))) House. 1930s. Modern Movement house to the designs of Melville H. Aubin. Mainly brick, painted white with blue (replacing original green) painting of windows and rainwater goods with flat sun roof with railings; stack with pair of tall rendered shafts linked by horizontal bar. Plan: entrance into hall, stair in turret to left. Living room and dining room to right in lower-roofed block, bowed to front and rear, kitchen to left, behind stair, with shallow projecting stack. Stair turret rises to give access to small room on top of sun roof. Exterior: very complete. 2 storeys with taller stair turret and sun room on roof. Asymmetrical 3-window front of 3 staggered blocks. Iron windows with glazing bars; ribbon wrap-around windows to the bowed front to the right. Tall stair turret to left with 3 windows. Lower-roofed porch block in centre, slightly set back, with projecting porch canopy supported on post at right and forming balcony to first-floor room above. Original oak front door. Bow-ended block to right, broken forward. The right return has paired slit windows to each floor. Sun room on roof has large windows on 3 sides. INTERIOR: very unaltered except for light switches and most light fittings and wall decoration. Plywood joinery with original door furniture; original tiled chimneypieces; parquet floors. Original kitchen including sink, fitted shelving and cupboards; original bathroom with green wall tiles and patterned floor. This is an almost perfectly preserved example of a Modern Movement house. Listing NGR: SX9178155271 1993-10-17 1993-10-17
383706 1, PRING'S COURT 1218274 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515994 50.394879,-3.516081 50.394848,-3.516040 50.394802,-3.515953 50.394834,-3.515994 50.394879))) House. Mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof with crested red ridge-tiles. Rendered chimney on right-hand front corner. 2 storeys with garret. 2 windows wide. Central doorway is round-arched with a semicircular hoodmould; 6-panelled door with brass knocker, the top 2 panels now glazed. Windows have 2-paned sashes in box-frames, including the garret windows, the heads of which are set in small dormer-gables. In front of the house most of the court is cobbled with small, well-worn local pebbles. Pring's Court contains the best-preserved group of listed buildings in Lower Brixham. Listing NGR: SX9234056096 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383707 Marjon 1195110 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516081 50.394848,-3.516159 50.394830,-3.516165 50.394837,-3.516197 50.394831,-3.516152 50.394762,-3.516040 50.394802,-3.516081 50.394848))) House. Probably early C18, with minor late C19 alterations. Squared and coursed stone rubble front with red-brick arches to the openings. Slated roof with crested red ridge-tiles. Large old stone rubble chimney at left-hand end of rear wall, clearly visible from Church Hill West. 2 storeys with garret. 3 windows wide, with central doorway. Half-glazed door. Segmental-arched windows with plain box-framed sashes. 2 late C20 dormers. To left of door a reset Sun Insurance plaque No.425573. Pring's Court contains the best-preserved group of listed buildings in Lower Brixham. Listing NGR: SX9233456094 1975-01-10 1975-01-10
383708 3, PRING'S COURT 1292041 MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516256 50.394851,-3.516251 50.394825,-3.516279 50.394822,-3.516258 50.394752,-3.516152 50.394762,-3.516197 50.394831,-3.516209 50.394832,-3.516209 50.394853,-3.516256 50.394851))) House. Dated 1783 with mid C19 alterations; probably a remodelling of an earlier house. Solid rendered walls, the front wall very thick. Slated roof. Old red-brick chimney on left gable-wall. 2 storeys with garret. 3 windows wide. Central segmental-arched doorway with flanking pilasters and cornice (rest of entablature omitted); 6-panelled door, the bottom 2 panels flush, the top 2 now glazed; panelled reveals. Plain C20 window frames with transom lights; middle second-storey window blind. To left of second storey an inset panel incised with date 1783. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. 2 late C20 dormers. INTERIOR not inspected, but right-hand ground-storey front room known to have an early/mid C19 carved chimneypiece. Pring's Court contains the best-preserved group of listed buildings in Lower Brixham. Listing NGR: SX9232656092 1975-01-10 1975-01-10

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