Torbay Council
Listed building outline
Reference | Name | Listed building | Geometry | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
383709 | Crocus Cottage | 1195111 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516333 50.394848,-3.516326 50.394818,-3.516359 50.394815,-3.516343 50.394745,-3.516258 50.394752,-3.516288 50.394850,-3.516333 50.394848))) | House. Probably C18 with early C20 doorcase. Solid roughcast walls, the front wall very thick. Slated roof. Large rendered chimney on left gable-wall. 2 storeys with garret. 2 windows wide. Central round-arched doorway. Early C20 panelled door with panelled pilasters and semicircular hoodmould; panelled reveals. Above the door a narrow, rectangular 5-paned fanlight containing coloured glass; above that what appears to be an earlier, painted-over cobweb fanlight. Windows have box-framed sashes; 8 over 8 panes in ground storey, 6 over 6 panes above. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. 2 hipped dormers with slate-hung sides; that to left has C19 eight-paned sashes, that to right a late C20 nine-paned fixed sash; each dormer has a scroll-finial, apparently of metal. INTERIOR not inspected, but front room is known to have panelled shutters. Pring's Court contains the best-preserved group of listed buildings in Lower Brixham. Listing NGR: SX9232056091 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383710 | 5, PRING'S COURT | 1218296 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516359 50.394815,-3.516397 50.394811,-3.516385 50.394757,-3.516346 50.394760,-3.516359 50.394815))) | House. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. 2 storeys with garret. 1 window wide with doorway to left of ground-storey window. Half-glazed door with late C19 wood canopy. Windows have 6-paned sashes with horns. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. Late C20 dormer window. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9231556090 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383711 | 6, 6A AND 6B, PRING'S COURT | 1195112 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516431 50.394855,-3.516466 50.394862,-3.516440 50.394753,-3.516385 50.394757,-3.516403 50.394836,-3.516427 50.394838,-3.516431 50.394855))) | House, now sub-divided. Early or mid C19. Rendered walls. Slated roof. 4 storeys with garret. 1 window wide. Late C20 plank door to right of ground-storey window. 6-paned sashes in slightly protruding frames; almost certainly late C20 replicas. Boxed eaves-cornice. Late C20 dormer. Late C20 doors to Nos 6A & 6B are in side wall to left, up a flight of steps. Rear wall, fronting Church Hill West, has a single window, of 6 panes, set in gable. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9231156093 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383712 | Ranscombe Court (Terrace) Including Wall Along Ranscombe Road | 1218302 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.508499 50.396569,-3.508549 50.396557,-3.508472 50.396463,-3.508184 50.396570,-3.508219 50.396607,-3.508395 50.396538,-3.508499 50.396569))) | Row of 5 cottages. Early C19, possibly incorporating earlier fabric. Solid rendered walls, the rear walls facing Heath Road of stone rubble underneath. Hipped slated roof. 5 tall rendered chimneys: 1 on gable-end fronting Ranscombe Road, 1 on ridge, 2 on rear wall fronting Heath Road, 1 on gable-end of No.5. A single range set at right-angles to Ranscombe Road, backing on to Heath Road. Nos 1 & 2 set at an angle to the rest. 2 storeys. Nos 1-3 one window wide, Nos 4 & 5 two windows wide. Paired doorways in centre of Nos 1 & 2. Doorway to right at Nos 3-5. Nos 4 & 5 have 4-paned box-framed sashes. To the left of the range is a gate from Ranscombe Road with a single square gate pier to right. Linking this to No.1 is a high wall of rendered stone rubble, its top ramped up against the cottage. Facing Ranscombe Road, No.1 has sash window in each storey to right, that in ground storey with a single upright glazing-bar in each sash. Late C20 wood-framed window to left. 3 small square windows to Heath Road, that to left with late C20 aluminium frame, the other 2 with C19 four-paned wood casements. Listing NGR: SX9287956273 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383713 | Crabbers Cottage | 1195113 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.508385 50.396472,-3.508444 50.396440,-3.508369 50.396386,-3.508324 50.396414,-3.508308 50.396404,-3.508284 50.396418,-3.508315 50.396420,-3.508385 50.396472))) | Cottage. Early C19; probably a remodelling of an C18 or earlier building. Solid roughcast walls; stone rubble quoins exposed at rear left corner; left end wall has exposed stone rubble inside in ground storey. Slate roof. Large rendered chimney with tapered cap on right end wall; later painted brick shaft on top. C19 painted brick chimney on front left-hand corner. Plan altered, but was probably 2 rooms wide and 1 room deep with centre entrance passage. Staircase now at rear of left-hand room. Nos 1-3 Heath Road (qv) butt directly up against rear wall. 2 storeys. 2 windows wide, these set at outer ends of each storey. Central doorway with plank door in beaded frame. Small-paned sash windows: 8 over 8 panes in ground storey, 6 over 6 panes above. Ground-storey windows have hinges for exterior shutters. INTERIOR: ground storey noted as having been considerably altered. Wide fireplace with wood lintel in right end wall. Listing NGR: SX9288856261 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383714 | 12, 14 AND 16, RANSCOMBE ROAD | 1218332 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.508132 50.396351,-3.508157 50.396367,-3.508171 50.396359,-3.508184 50.396368,-3.508166 50.396378,-3.508190 50.396394,-3.508207 50.396384,-3.508242 50.396407,-3.508261 50.396395,-3.508285 50.396410,-3.508308 50.396404,-3.508324 50.396414,-3.508379 50.396380,-3.508236 50.396286,-3.508132 50.396351))) | Terrace of 3 cottages. Early C19; No.12 possibly slightly later. Solid roughcast walls. Slated roof. Large old red-brick chimney on left side wall of No.14; rebuilt red-brick chimney on right side wall of No.16. Two storeys, No.12 (the furthest downhill) with its roofline at a lower level. Each cottage 1 window wide. No.12 has doorway to left of ground-storey window. Nos 14 & 16 a mirrored pair with adjacent doorways in centre. Doorways all round-arched, late C20 wood doors. Plain sash windows in box-frames at No.14. Late C20 windows at the others: plastic at No.12, small-paned wood casements at No.16. In front of the cottages is a pavement of old, worn pebbles with kerb of Devonian limestone blocks. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9289656254 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383715 | Nos 18 And 20 Including Gate Piers On Street | 1195114 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.508078 50.396343,-3.508208 50.396271,-3.508147 50.396233,-3.508074 50.396282,-3.508064 50.396275,-3.508018 50.396306,-3.508078 50.396343)),((-3.508151 50.396228,-3.508236 50.396282,-3.508244 50.396278,-3.508155 50.396225,-3.508151 50.396228))) | Pair of cottages, set at right-angles to road. Early C19. Solid roughcast walls. Slated roof. C20 red-brick chimney on ridge. 2 storeys. Mirrored fronts, 2 windows wide, with doorways at outer ends. No.18 has 6-panelled door, the 2 bottom panels flush. No.20 has C20 wood glazed door. Windows have 6-paned sashes, except that right-hand upper-storey window at No.18 is only a small C20 wood casement. Gable-end facing road has 1 window in each storey; 2-light wood casement without glazing bars in ground storey, 6-paned sashes above. Subsidiary features: adjoining front of building along street frontage is a pair of square gate piers of squared red sandstone blocks; flat caps of same stone. Listing NGR: SX9290956248 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383716 | Nos 31, 33 And 35 Including Front Garden Wall | 1218343 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.508073 50.396041,-3.508250 50.396154,-3.508338 50.396106,-3.508314 50.396090,-3.508366 50.396058,-3.508345 50.396040,-3.508319 50.396057,-3.508307 50.396048,-3.508335 50.396030,-3.508314 50.396015,-3.508332 50.396004,-3.508318 50.395993,-3.508294 50.395977,-3.508268 50.395992,-3.508230 50.395964,-3.508169 50.395999,-3.508159 50.395993,-3.508073 50.396041))) | Terrace of 3 houses. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs. Rendered chimneys on right side walls. 2 storeys. Each house 2 windows wide with doorway to left. Additional doorway at left-hand end of terrace. Doors altered in late C20, No.33 with added glazed porch. Windows have box-framed wooden sashes throughout; 6 over 6 panes at No.31; 3 top panes surviving in upper sashes at No.35. Continued sill-band in upper storey. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. The houses stand high above the road, their gardens having tall retaining-walls of painted stone rubble that make an important contribution to the appearance of the houses. Long flights of steps lead up to the houses, those at Nos 31 & 35 made of slabs of Devonian limestone. No.35 has the best flight of steps and a tall wall of painted stone rubble at either side of them. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9289456226 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383717 | Nos 39-49 Including Front Garden Walls And Railings | 1195115 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.507983 50.395974,-3.508073 50.396040,-3.508180 50.395982,-3.508129 50.395946,-3.508120 50.395947,-3.508131 50.395940,-3.508098 50.395915,-3.508073 50.395912,-3.508134 50.395879,-3.508112 50.395864,-3.508087 50.395874,-3.508048 50.395845,-3.508012 50.395865,-3.507932 50.395806,-3.507832 50.395862,-3.507983 50.395974))) | Terrace of 6 houses. Early C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs. Rendered chimneys on left side walls of Nos 39, 43 & 47. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys with inserted garrets. No.39 is 2 windows wide, the others 1 window wide. No.39 has doorway to right with a passage-door, leading to rear of terrace, at extreme right-hand end. Nos 41 & 43 and 45 & 47 have paired doorways adjoining their party-walls. No.49 has doorway in left side wall. No.43 has original 6-panelled door with fluted bottom panels; top 2 panels now glazed. No.45 has trellised wood porch with louvred sides and ogee roof. Windows have plain sashes at Nos 39 & 41; barred sashes at No.45, 12 over 12 panes in ground storey, 6 over 6 panes above. No.47 has tall sash window in ground storey with 6 over 12 panes; plain sashes above. No.49 has wood French windows in ground storey, with 2 panes per leaf; plain sashes in upper storey. No.41 has rusticated pilaster strips at each end of its front. No.49 has the same to right; raised quoins to left. All 6 houses have dormer windows of different sizes; probably later, although the small gabled one at No.45 may be original. Subsidiary features: front gardens stand high above the road and have stone rubble retaining-walls, painted at Nos 39 & 43, rendered at Nos 45-49. Those at Nos 39 & 43 carry C19 iron railings with fleurs-de-lys heads to the uprights. No.45 has a curved coping, sweeping up at each end to a pier with pyramidal cap and ball finial. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9291156206 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383718 | Ranscombe House Hotel | 1218353 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.507228 50.396184,-3.507307 50.396155,-3.507313 50.396161,-3.507454 50.396108,-3.507448 50.396101,-3.507495 50.396084,-3.507432 50.396015,-3.507161 50.396108,-3.507228 50.396184))) | Detached house, now hotel. Early/mid C19, with mid C19 additions. Solid rendered walls. Hipped slated roof. Main block of double-depth plan, 2 rooms-wide with passage behind front rooms separating them from service quarters; entrance and stair-hall to rear right. Short one-room wing at each side, probably added later. 2 storeys, the main block set on a high basement; inserted garret. Symmetrical 3-window front with 1-window wings. Ground storey of main block has round-arched, semicircular niche in centre. French windows with transom-lights at either side. Each leaf has 6 long panes with splayed corners; diamond-shaped panes at the intersections. 4-pane transom-lights in same style. Upper-storey windows have matching 2-light wood casements, except that the panes are square with splayed corners. Outer windows have 6 panes per light and 4-paned transom-lights. Central window (possibly altered) has 12-paned French windows. In front of both storeys a mid C19 two-tiered cast-iron balcony with ornate railings and moulded posts having traceried brackets at the top. Raised band between storeys. Deep, flat eaves-cornice, continued round the side and rear walls. 2 flat-topped mid/late C20 dormers. Right wing is single-storeyed with curved parapet sweeping up to the main block. Pointed-arched window with 2-light wood casement having 2 panes per light; intersecting Gothic tracery in the head. Mid C19 entrance on right side with flanking pilasters and moulded cornice on consoles; gable with pierced bargeboards. To right of it a late C20 small-paned wood casement window. Left wing is 2-storeyed with lean-to roof. Pointed-arched windows in each storey with small-paned sash windows; that in ground storey has 3 over 3 panes with intersecting Gothic tracery in the head of the upper sash; that in upper storey has 2 over 2 panes with glazing bars forming 2 pointed arches in the head of the upper sash. INTERIOR: main ground-floor rooms inspected. The 2 front rooms (now combined) have moulded cornices and panelled shutters, the panels carrying a raised moulding. Moulded cornices in rear passage and right-hand wing room, the latter with plainer panelled shutters. Geometric wood stair with narrow well; cut strings, moulded nosings to treads, thin square balusters, handrail voluted at the bottom. Entrance lobby has moulded cornice; half-glazed inner door with coloured leaded glass. Beyond it,a segmental arch on consoles. Listing NGR: SX9296456226 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383719 | Rea Barn House | 1195116 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.514378 50.390189,-3.514398 50.390190,-3.514402 50.390138,-3.514470 50.390141,-3.514467 50.390087,-3.514353 50.390081,-3.514357 50.390045,-3.514282 50.390036,-3.514274 50.390126,-3.514338 50.390129,-3.514328 50.390155,-3.514355 50.390162,-3.514356 50.390171,-3.514379 50.390172,-3.514378 50.390189))) | House. Probably C17; it carries a C20 date plaque inscribed A.D.1636. Solid roughcast walls. Asbestos slated roof; lower section to right is roofed with corrugated-iron. Rendered chimney with tapered cap on each of main house gable. Small oblong building, probably of 2- or 3-roomed ground plan. Lower range to right, set back slightly; probably a former outbuilding. 2 storeys, with garret to main house. Latter has 3 windows in ground storey with doorway between the 2 left-hand windows; upper storey has 1 window at each end. Right-hand range has 1 upper-storey window; ground storey covered by added lean-to. Late C20 stable-type door. Ground-storey windows to right are plain, with late C20 wood frames; that to left a little older, 6-panel with wood frame. Upper-storey windows have 3-light wood casements, possibly C19, with 2 panes per light. Long, late C20 dormer with flat top. Range to right has small 3-light window in upper storey. Gable wall to left, facing Bolton Street, has projecting chimneybreast. To right of it in ground storey a mid/late C20 wood-framed window with a small, horizontally-sliding light at the bottom. Upper storey has a small window with 6-paned fixed wood sash. INTERIOR: not inspected. 1975 list description says it had 'some chamfered ceiling beams on ground floor and fireplace bressumer'. Listing NGR: SX9244655570 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383720 | 1, 2 AND 3, ST MARY'S ROAD | 1218377 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515609 50.384240,-3.515791 50.384199,-3.515800 50.384205,-3.515814 50.384199,-3.515834 50.384215,-3.515878 50.384195,-3.515859 50.384178,-3.515868 50.384173,-3.515795 50.384111,-3.515731 50.384139,-3.515747 50.384160,-3.515689 50.384173,-3.515681 50.384157,-3.515674 50.384159,-3.515642 50.384089,-3.515633 50.384090,-3.515621 50.384063,-3.515543 50.384078,-3.515570 50.384147,-3.515559 50.384170,-3.515572 50.384191,-3.515551 50.384200,-3.515563 50.384210,-3.515589 50.384204,-3.515609 50.384240))) | Block of 3 houses. Possibly C17, remodelled early C19. Solid roughcast walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimneys on right end wall and to left of ridge 2 more on rear wing. Built in a single range, the middle house with a prominent bowed front: Long rear wing in several different buildings to right. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide, with fourth window in C20 wood casement with 2 panes per light. Other windows plain with wood frames and transom lights. Gabled C20 entrance porch attached to the bow front. Right end wall has 2-storeyed wood bay window with lean-to roof. French windows in front of ground storey, each leaf has 3 panes with a moulded panel at the bottom. Side-lights, and all 3-lights in upper storey, have sashes with a single horizontal glazing bar. Round-arched doorway to right; flat archivolt with plain imposts and keystone; 6-panelled door, the top 2 panels glazed; fanlight with radial bars. Listing NGR: SX9233354909 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383721 | 1-5, ST MARYS SQUARE | 1298285 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.520606 50.386038,-3.520723 50.386030,-3.520776 50.386018,-3.520973 50.386015,-3.520976 50.385977,-3.520927 50.385977,-3.520928 50.385962,-3.520581 50.385949,-3.520582 50.385995,-3.520606 50.386038))) | Terrace of 5 cottages. Probably early C19. Solid roughcast walls. Hipped slated roof. 4 chimneys on ridge: 3 of red brick, that to right rendered. 2 more rendered chimneys on rear wing. A single range, 1 room wide and probably only 1 room deep, facing a small triangle of rough ground at the junction of Drew Street, Horsepool Street and Milton Street. No.1 has rear wing to right, facing Horsepool Street. 3 storeys. 7 windows wide. Half-glazed doors. Windows have a variety of wood and metal casements including two C20 bow windows. Rear wing, 2 windows wide, has box-framed sash window in ground storey. 6 over 6 panes with margin-panes. Plain box-framed sashes to right of second storey 2 wood casements in third storey, each of 2 lights with 8 panes per light. Listing NGR: SX9198655118 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383722 | K6 Telephone Kiosk In Centre Of Square | 1291975 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.520621 50.385901,-3.520639 50.385901,-3.520639 50.385890,-3.520621 50.385890,-3.520621 50.385901))) | Telephone kiosk, Type K6. Designed 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Made by various contractors. Cast-iron. Square kiosk with domed roof. Unperforated crowns to top panels and margin glazing to windows and doors. Listing NGR: SX9199255110 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383723 | 22 AND 23, ST PETER'S HILL | 1195117 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512576 50.394941,-3.512618 50.394923,-3.512600 50.394905,-3.512643 50.394887,-3.512587 50.394830,-3.512565 50.394838,-3.512549 50.394822,-3.512446 50.394816,-3.512576 50.394941))) | Pair of houses in a single range. Believed to date from c1850. Solid rendered walls; left side wall of painted stone rubble. Hipped slated roof. Rendered chimney on ridge above party-wall. Double-depth plan; No.22 one room wide, No.23 two rooms wide with centre entrance passage leading to rear staircase. 3 storeys. 2 and 3 windows wide respectively. Round-arched doorways with patterned fanlights; 6-panelled doors, the bottom panels at No.23 flush; No.23 has old iron knocker in the form of a ring. Barred sash windows throughout; 6 over 6 panes in ground and second storeys, 3 over 6 panes in third storey. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. INTERIORS: No.23 partly inspected. This has a highly unusual geometric wood staircase rising the full height of the house in a tight spiral; thin square balusters, treads with moulded nosings. House also has panelled shutters and doors; moulded cornice in entrance passage and enriched brackets to arch leading to staircase. Listing NGR: SX9258456095 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383724 | Sunnybank | 1218399 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515974 50.395663,-3.515940 50.395625,-3.515761 50.395688,-3.515663 50.395752,-3.515697 50.395780,-3.515828 50.395713,-3.515974 50.395663))) | House. Early/mid C19. Rendered rubble with slate roof and rendered stacks. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; 7-window range. Late C20 doors and windows. INTERIOR not inspected. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9235756191 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383725 | Furzeham Court House Including Garden Walls And Gate | 1218415 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.516237 50.395642,-3.516103 50.395502,-3.515925 50.395575,-3.516053 50.395716,-3.516059 50.395714,-3.515934 50.395577,-3.516101 50.395508,-3.516231 50.395645,-3.516052 50.395717,-3.516139 50.395805,-3.516197 50.395779,-3.516186 50.395767,-3.516255 50.395738,-3.516241 50.395724,-3.516275 50.395711,-3.516303 50.395725,-3.516320 50.395718,-3.516237 50.395642))) | Detached house, standing on the hillside above All Saints Church (qv). 1832, with additions to left and at rear. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on each end wall. 2 rooms flanking centre entrance and stairhall. Added room to left (straight joint visible inside). Long rear wing, possibly original, to right. Shorter rear wing, probably C19, to left of original range. 2 storeys. 4 windows wide, the left-hand window set in the addition. Round-arched doorway in centre of original front; recessed surround; late C20 glazed door with original reeded transom below a plain semicircular fanlight. A second round-arched doorway at left-hand end of front. Windows have late C20 small-paned wood casements. Deep flat eaves-cornice, panelled on the soffit and with paired brackets. Abutting the right-hand end of the frontage is a side-passage doorway in red and cream brick with a pointed arch; planked door. INTERIOR inspected on ground-floor only. Wooden dogleg staircase with closed strings, thin square balusters and column-newels. Both adjacent rooms have panelled shutters. Left-hand room has white marble chimneypiece, probably mid C19, with enriched brackets of coloured marble. Behind the right-hand shutter in this room is written in pencil the name John Sprague Green and the date 1858. Subsidiary features: narrow terrace to front of house with tall stone rubble retaining wall. At its foot is a garden enclosed by stone rubble walls on the other 3 sides. To the right of the garden is a flight of steps leading up to the house, with spear-head uprights to C19 iron gate with twisted shaft. Listing NGR: SX9233456195 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383726 | Gate Piers Approximately 35 Metres South East Of Furzeham Court House | 1298286 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.515726 50.395808,-3.515656 50.395756,-3.515658 50.395744,-3.515651 50.395738,-3.515651 50.395757,-3.515691 50.395791,-3.515726 50.395808))) | Gate piers. Probably early/mid C19. Square rendered rusticated piers approx 2.5m high; prominent moulded caps with tall ogee tops. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9236356169 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383727 | Milestone At Sx 8846 5627 | 1218422 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.570666 50.395629,-3.570638 50.395644,-3.570642 50.395668,-3.570683 50.395678,-3.570707 50.395667,-3.570713 50.395653,-3.570706 50.395639,-3.570666 50.395629))) | Milestone. Granite. Probably early C19. Short, upright stone with rounded top. Front incised with inscription: 6 miles from Totnes. Listing NGR: SX8846056270 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383728 | Temperance Place Steps | 1195118 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512052 50.395329,-3.512044 50.395462,-3.512037 50.395478,-3.512086 50.395479,-3.512079 50.395471,-3.512069 50.395389,-3.512079 50.395386,-3.512075 50.395353,-3.512096 50.395283,-3.512015 50.395075,-3.511778 50.394767,-3.511751 50.394770,-3.511773 50.394834,-3.511956 50.395064,-3.512001 50.395165,-3.512019 50.395164,-3.512037 50.395229,-3.512043 50.395229,-3.512052 50.395329))) | Long flight of steps leading up from King Street to Mount Pleasant Road. C19, partly rebuilt and restored in 1980s. Brick steps. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9262656120 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383729 | 6 AND 8, TEMPERANCE PLACE | 1218448 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.511922 50.395410,-3.511951 50.395419,-3.511966 50.395408,-3.512042 50.395413,-3.512052 50.395329,-3.511961 50.395325,-3.511956 50.395375,-3.511883 50.395371,-3.511882 50.395398,-3.511922 50.395410))) | Mirrored pair of terraced houses. Early C19. Solid rendered front; left side wall of stone rubble. Slated roof. Red-brick chimney on left side wall; there may be other chimneys not visible from Temperance Place. 4 storeys. Each house has 1 window per storey, placed at outer end of front. Paired doorways in centre. No.6 has old plank door with inset window; No.8 has late C20 half-glazed wood door. Both houses have box-framed sash-windows in ground storey: 8 over 8 panes at No.6, 4 over 4 panes at No.8. Other windows have late C20 wood casements. Listing NGR: SX9263056152 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383730 | 7-29, TEMPERANCE PLACE | 1195119 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512096 50.395284,-3.512245 50.395260,-3.512228 50.395212,-3.512184 50.395222,-3.512175 50.395202,-3.512252 50.395188,-3.512116 50.395002,-3.511929 50.394789,-3.511806 50.394806,-3.512012 50.395071,-3.512096 50.395284))) | Terrace of 12 houses, stepped up the hillside. Early C19. Solid rendered fronts; right side wall of No.7 is stone rubble. Slated roofs. Most have rendered chimney on one of the side walls. Double-depth plan, each one room wide. Small gap between Nos 15 & 17. No.7 is 2-storeyed, remainder 3-storeyed. Uniform frontages with 1 window per storey, set over to left or right. Round-arched doorway on the other side. No.9 has 6-panelled door, the 2 bottom panels flush; lion-head knocker with striking-piece missing. Matching door at No.11 with combined knocker and letterbox. 4-panelled door at No.15. 6-panelled doors at Nos 25 & 27 matching those at Nos 9 & 11; upper panels at No.25 now glazed. All other doors are late C20; wooden, except for aluminium-framed door at No.17. Windows at Nos 9, 11, 15, 23 & 29 have 8-paned sashes, those at No.29 being late C20 replicas. Nos 7 & 19 have plain sashes. No.13 has 8-paned sashes in second storey, plain ones in ground storey. Other windows in the terrace have late C20 wood, plastic or aluminium-framed windows. Listing NGR: SX9263556092 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383731 | 10 AND 12, TEMPERANCE PLACE | 1291970 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512052 50.395329,-3.512043 50.395229,-3.511889 50.395236,-3.511892 50.395312,-3.511961 50.395325,-3.512052 50.395329))) | Three houses in a single L-shaped range. Early C19; probably a remodelling of a C17 or earlier structure. Solid rendered walls. Slated roof, hipped to right. 3 brick chimneys on rear wing, one of them painted. An apparently single-depth range along street frontage; rear wing with loftier storey heights at No.12, probably a later addition. 2 storeys with garrets. 3 windows wide. Adjacent doorways in centre. That to No.10 inset in a wide opening with old wood lintel; that to No.12 has C19 plank door with centre ogee-moulding. The 2 left-hand upper-storey windows have C19 three-light wood casements, each light with 3 panes. Other windows, including those in rear wing, have C20 wood casements; ground-storey window at No.10 has old wood lintel. Late C20 dormer at No.10. Gabled dormer, possibly C19, on rear wing of No.12. Listing NGR: SX9263056138 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383732 | Ye Olde Coffin House | 1298287 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512124 50.395373,-3.512069 50.395389,-3.512077 50.395463,-3.512089 50.395481,-3.512108 50.395481,-3.512145 50.395427,-3.512124 50.395373))) | House with shop. Probably early C19, remodelled early C20. Solid rendered walls, except for side wall to Temperance Place, which is of painted stone rubble. Slated roof, hipped towards King Street. Rendered chimneys on right side wall and rear wall, the latter now with patches of red brick showing. Double-depth plan. Wedge-shaped (hence its name) with the narrow end fronting King Street. 4 storeys. 1 window wide to King Street. The latter front, which is the show-face of the building, has a late C20 bow window in ground storey. 2-storeyed early C20 canted bay window above with leaded lights and imitiation timber-framing. 2-light wood casement window in fourth storey. Right side wall has C20 wood casements; 3-paned fixed sash in fourth storey. Left side wall has late C20 door and bow windows; also 3 small older windows, 1 blocked, the other 2 with plain wood casements. Rear wall has a single 4-paned wood casement. Front and sides of building have a boxed gutter on shaped brackets, resembling an eaves-cornice. A late C19 or very early C20 photograph of the building is displayed in the shop window. It is titled YE OLDE COFFIN HOUSE and has W.CROCKER SHAVING SALOON written on a shop window with canted sides. Upper storeys have box-framed sashes with glazing bars. The building is important for its position at the junction of Temperance Place and King Street, both of which contain considerable numbers of listed buildings. Listing NGR: SX9261956154 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383733 | 1,2 AND 3, THE QUAY | 1291936 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513472 50.396407,-3.513682 50.396461,-3.513709 50.396416,-3.513589 50.396386,-3.513600 50.396363,-3.513653 50.396373,-3.513683 50.396308,-3.513528 50.396278,-3.513472 50.396407))) | Terrace of 3 houses. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered fronts; exposed part of left side wall at No.1 slate-hung. Slated roofs. Rendered chimney on each end wall; painted brick chimney on left side wall of No.2. Three storeys with garret. Each house 1 window wide. Shop fronts in ground storey; that at No.1 late C19 with 2 display windows canted in centre towards a recessed door, an entablature above all 3. Tripartite wood windows with plain sashes, except for third storey window at No.1, which has a late C20 wood-framed window with transom-light. Prominent flat eaves-cornices, that at No.1 deeper with paired brackets. Each house has a dormer window of different design, that at No.1 is mid or late C19, gabled with plain bargeboards, slate-hung sides and 2-paned sashes. INTERIOR inspected only at No.1, which has no features of interest. 1975 list description says 'No.2 retains enclosed stair block of stone rubble to rear giving access to Higher Street, a feature that most of these Quay houses originally had.' This is not now visible from Higher Street. Listing NGR: SX9251856266 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383734 | 5,6 AND 7, THE QUAY | 1195120 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513430 50.396508,-3.513388 50.396577,-3.513513 50.396609,-3.513556 50.396534,-3.513430 50.396508)),((-3.513621 50.396555,-3.513574 50.396544,-3.513534 50.396614,-3.513597 50.396630,-3.513621 50.396555))) | House, now with cafe. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered front. Slated roof. Rendered chimney on left gable-end. 3 storeys with garret. 2 large windows wide. Ground storey has wide shop entrance and window, with house-door to left; all late C20. Upper-storey windows triple-sashed; middle sashes to left 2-paned. Gable dormer with bargeboard to left. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9252356284 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383735 | The Rising Sun Public House | 1291904 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513569 50.396737,-3.513597 50.396630,-3.513388 50.396577,-3.513334 50.396637,-3.513470 50.396676,-3.513487 50.396641,-3.513518 50.396648,-3.513503 50.396730,-3.513569 50.396737))) | Public house. Early or mid C19. Rendered front. Slated roof. Rebuilt brick chimney on right gable-end. 3 storeys. 2 windows wide. Ground storey has centre doorway with panelled double doors; 4-paned fanlight. Mullioned-and-transomed windows (probably late C19) at either side; that to right with wood pilasters between and flanking the lights, and supporting an entablature (capital of left pilaster and cornice of entablature missing). Flanking pilaster strips to doorway rise to a band course above ground storey; upon these rest rusticated pilaster strips at each end of upper storeys. Second storey has triple-sashed windows with a single upright glazing-bar in the middle sashes. Third storey has 3 matching single-light sash windows. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9252056299 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383736 | 9, THE QUAY | 1298288 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513284 50.396687,-3.513378 50.396708,-3.513408 50.396682,-3.513462 50.396692,-3.513470 50.396676,-3.513334 50.396637,-3.513284 50.396687))) | House with shop. Early C19. Solid rendered front. Slated roof. 4 storeys. 2 windows wide. Shop front has early/mid C19 display window, a notable survival. That to left is bow-fronted with 29 panes; top entablature, apparently with cornice removed. That to right is 4-paned with only vertical glazing bars; it has been extended to right, probably blocking a former doorway. Second- and third-storey windows have 2-paned sashes in box-frames. Fourth-storey windows shorter, with 2-light wood casements. Listing NGR: SX9253356296 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383737 | 10, THE QUAY | 1218568 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513407 50.396767,-3.513429 50.396772,-3.513448 50.396719,-3.513284 50.396687,-3.513257 50.396732,-3.513407 50.396767))) | House with shop. Early C19, altered late C19. Rendered front. Slated roof, hipped at front. 3 storeys. One window wide. Ground storey has recessed shop front to left. House-door to right with remains of painted late C19 moulded brick surround. Second storey has canted bay window with 4 pairs of plain sashes; moulded top cornice. Above in third storey, off-centre to right and cutting into eaves-cornice, another canted bay window with plain glass at front and plain sashes at sides. Deep flat eaves-cornice with imitation machicolations underneath, against the wall-face. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9253256303 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383738 | Crown And Anchor Public House | 1195121 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512978 50.397501,-3.512999 50.397483,-3.513049 50.397507,-3.513091 50.397472,-3.513045 50.397449,-3.513055 50.397440,-3.513012 50.397420,-3.512996 50.397432,-3.512879 50.397372,-3.512827 50.397411,-3.512934 50.397471,-3.512926 50.397478,-3.512978 50.397501))) | Public house. Early C19. Solid rendered ground storey. Slate-hung upper storeys, probably on timber-framing. Slated roof. Red-brick chimney on right gable-end; top rebuilt. 3 storeys. 2 windows wide. Doorway to left of ground storey; late C20 door. To right, large late C20 bow window. Upper storeys have barred sashes in box-frames, 6 over 6 panes in second storey, 8 over 8 panes in third storey. Deep, flat eaves-cornice with paired brackets. INTERIOR: ground-floor bar only inspected; no features of interest. The slate-hung front, although common in nearby towns such as Totnes, is an unusual example and survival here. Listing NGR: SX9256356384 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383739 | Sprat And Mackerel Public House | 1218578 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512813 50.397562,-3.512934 50.397609,-3.513067 50.397540,-3.512925 50.397478,-3.512934 50.397471,-3.512827 50.397411,-3.512749 50.397451,-3.512842 50.397521,-3.512833 50.397525,-3.512822 50.397517,-3.512806 50.397525,-3.512813 50.397562))) | Public house. Early or mid C19. Solid rendered front. Slated roof. Brick chimney on right gable-end. 4 storeys. 2 windows wide. Ground storey has doorway to right. Range of mullioned-and-transomed windows to left, possibly late C19. Upper storeys have 2-paned sash windows. Raised quoins in upper storeys. Deep, flat eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9257956388 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383740 | 27 AND 27A, THE QUAY | 1195122 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512580 50.397573,-3.512698 50.397630,-3.512731 50.397592,-3.512614 50.397535,-3.512580 50.397573))) | Formerly known as: Premises of J Jackman, Tobacconist THE QUAY. House with shop. Early C19. Painted slate-hung front, probably timber-framed. Exposed top of left side wall has unpainted slatehanging. Right side wall rendered. Slated roof with crested red ridge-tiles. Rendered chimney on right side wall. 4 storeys. 1 window wide. Ground storey has house door to left (now leading to No.27A); shop door (without display window); C19 wooden entablature over whole ground storey. Upper storeys have plain late C20 wood sash windows. Deep flat eaves-cornice. Listing NGR: SX9258556397 | 1949-10-17 | 1949-10-17 | ||
383741 | 28 AND 28A, THE QUAY | 1218715 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512578 50.397695,-3.512656 50.397610,-3.512595 50.397580,-3.512562 50.397615,-3.512578 50.397695))) | House with shop, standing on the corner with steps leading to Overgang. Mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Slated roofs; long pent-roof to left, pyramidal one in centre, lower parallel one to right, hipped at right-hand end. 4 metal chimneys at rear. 3 storeys, reducing to 2 at right-hand end as the ground level rises. 3 widely-spaced windows wide. Ground storey has canted bay window to left, now serving as the display window of a shop; 8 panes with moulded top cornice, all probably a late C20 replica. Late C20 plank door to right of it; 3-paned fanlight. Half-way up steps another plank door. Other windows have box-framed, 2-paned sashes. Set into the wall-face is a blue and white glazed tile plaque inscribed OVERGANG. Included for group value. Listing NGR: SX9259056404 | 1958-04-09 | 1958-04-09 | ||
383742 | K6 Telephone Kiosk At North West End Of Eastern Quay | 1298289 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512541 50.397411,-3.512547 50.397416,-3.512553 50.397412,-3.512547 50.397408,-3.512541 50.397411))) | Telephone kiosk. Type K6. Designed 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Made by various contractors. Cast-iron. Square kiosk with domed roof. Unperforated crowns to top panels and margin glazing to windows and doors. Listing NGR: SX9259356377 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383743 | Prince Of Orange Monument | 1218728 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512961 50.396928,-3.512968 50.396931,-3.512971 50.396927,-3.512966 50.396924,-3.512961 50.396928))) | Obelisk with inset paving-stone. 1823; paving-stone reputedly 1688 or earlier. Granite obelisk, the 2 bottom steps of its plinth of pink Devonian limestone; paving-stone of local black and white marble. An obelisk on a tapered moulded pedestal, this in turn standing on a plinth of 3 steps. Set into the south-east face of the pedestal is a paving-stone incised with the inscription in worn letters: ON THIS STONE AND NEAR THIS SPOT WILLIAM PRINCE OF ORANGE FIRST SET FOOT ON HIS LANDING IN ENGLAND FIFTH NOVEMBER 1688. Set into the north-west face is a local grey and pink polished marble plaque inscribed in gilt letters: THIS PLAQUE WAS UNVEILED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN ON THE 21ST JULY 1988 TO COMMEMORATE THE TERCENTENARY OF THE LANDING OF PRINCE WILLIAM OF ORANGE AT BRIXHAM. On top of the obelisk is an iron spike, probably originally carrying a finial or a lamp. The paving-stone was reused for the landing at Brixham of the Duke of Clarence (late William IV) in 1823. Half of it was then set in this obelisk, the other half being carved with an inscription commemorating the Duke's visit and set up on the New Pier, where a copy of it can still be seen. A fragment was enclosed 'in a box of heart of oak 800 years old' and presented to the Duke. The obelisk originally stood in the Fish Market on the east side of The Quay, close to King William's Steps (since demolished). It was moved to the New Pier in 1849 and back to The Quay in 1988. (White W: History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Devonshire: Sheffield: 1850-: 426; Gregory C: Brixham in Devonia: Totnes: 1896-: 60). Listing NGR: SX9256256324 | 1949-10-17 | 1949-10-17 | ||
383744 | Turnpike Stone On Inner Edge Of Pavement, Under Old Fish Market | 1218751 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513011 50.396785,-3.513017 50.396791,-3.513033 50.396787,-3.513026 50.396779,-3.513011 50.396785))) | Turnpike stone. About 1838. Short, round-headed piece of Devonian limestone, its west face incised with the inscription END OF THE DARTMOUTH & TORQUAY TURNPIKE. The stone appears to be in roughly its original position; it was certainly there before the Old Fish Market was rebuilt in late C20. (Pike J R: Brixham, Torbay: a bibliographical guide: Torbay: 1974-: 11-12; Horsley J E: A Short History of Brixham: Exeter: 1988-: 16). Listing NGR: SX9255556302 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383745 | 4, THE ROUNDINGS | 1195123 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.565028 50.395554,-3.565094 50.395525,-3.565067 50.395498,-3.565041 50.395511,-3.565027 50.395496,-3.565057 50.395483,-3.565048 50.395474,-3.565077 50.395462,-3.565032 50.395420,-3.564923 50.395469,-3.564985 50.395526,-3.565028 50.395554))) | House. Early C19; later addition at rear. Solid rendered walls. Hipped, asbestos-slated roof. 2 large, rendered chimneys with tapered caps on rear wall. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide. Centre doorway with late C20 gabled porch. Windows have 6-paned sashes. Narrow, small-paned window, probably for staircase, in rear wall. Listing NGR: SX8886156241 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383746 | Prince Of Orange Statue | 1291780 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512727 50.396080,-3.512749 50.396065,-3.512724 50.396050,-3.512702 50.396065,-3.512727 50.396080))) | White marble statue on a granite pedestal and plinth. 1888-9. By W & T Wills of London. Figure of William, Prince of Orange, right foot forward with left hand on chest, right hand holding large feathered hat; dressed in heavy overcoat and thigh boots. Plinth with 2 steps. Pedestal with moulded cap and base. On its SW face the incised inscription: WILLIAM PRINCE OF ORANGE, AFTERWARDS WILLIAM III, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND, LANDED NEAR THIS SPOT 5TH NOVEMBER 1688 AND ISSUED HIS FAMOUS DECLARATION THE LIBERTIES OF ENGLAND AND THE PROTESTANT RELIGION I WILL MAINTAIN. Beneath this is the sculptor's name. On the south-east face is the inscription: ERECTED BY PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION AND DEDICATED TO THE TOWN OF BRIXHAM. FOUNDATION STONE LAID 5TH NOVBR 1888, BY HIS EXCELLENCY COUNT DE BYLANDT. UNVEILED 5TH NOVEMBER 1889. On the north-west face is the inscription: ENGELANDS VRIJHEID DOOR ORANJE HERSTELD. Old photographs show that the land on which the statue stands originally projected into the harbour and was protected by an iron railing. (Gregory C: Brixham in Devonia: Totnes: 1896-: 63). Listing NGR: SX9257756227 | 1949-10-17 | 1949-10-17 | ||
383747 | Fishmongers Shop (Former Market House) | 1298290 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.513315 50.396428,-3.513364 50.396397,-3.513342 50.396350,-3.513070 50.396179,-3.512997 50.396226,-3.513315 50.396428))) | Market house, now tourist information centre and fishmonger's shop. Believed to date from 1799. Painted stone rubble with brick door and window-arches. Slated roof. A long, freestanding building, oblong and one room deep, its north-west corner sharply splayed at the point where The Strand turns into The Quay. 2 storeys. 8 windows to the harbour, 6 to The Strand. Ground storey facing the harbour has 5 wide segmental-arched doorways to left, the 2 left-hand ones now converted to windows and the extreme left-hand one partly blocked. At right-hand end are 4 further openings: from left, a shop window (probably a later insertion), a plank door, a small loading-hatch with plank door on strap-hinges, a pair of plank doors with strap-hinges. The upper storey has 2 blocked windows to left and one at far right-hand end; 3 windows in centre, each with 3-light wood casement having 3 panes per light; 2 loading-hatches to right, each with double plank doors having strap-hinges. Front facing The Strand has 6 doorways, large and small, and a window in the ground storey; all have segmental arches and all are now boarded up. Upper-storey windows are also boarded up, except for the left-hand one, which matches those on the harbour side. South-east gable-end has wide segmental-arched doorway in ground storey. To right of upper storey a 2-light window matching those on the harbour side; to left a large loading-hatch with double plank doors in a plain wood frame with pegged joints (probably original). North-west gable-end has to right of ground storey a segmental-arched doorway containing old plank double-doors with strap-hinges (probably original with some repairs). To left is a slightly projecting round-arched niche with a moulded archivolt, possibly designed for a water tap. No openings in upper storey. INTERIOR: upper floor not inspected. The building is marked 'Market House' on the 1st edition 25-inch OS map of Brixham (1864). The building date of 1799 appears to derive from the fact that the Haven and Market Improvement Act was passed in that year; the commissioners appointed under the Act owned the Market House. (White W: History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Devonshire: Sheffield: 1850-: 425; Saxton WA: Brixham History (2nd edition): Brixham: 1962-: 23; Horsley JE: A Short History of Brixham: Exeter: 1988-: 14-15). Listing NGR: SX9254256256 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383748 | UPTON MANOR UPTON MANOR WING | 1218801 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.517553 50.383360,-3.517571 50.383311,-3.517532 50.383305,-3.517550 50.383254,-3.517304 50.383225,-3.517144 50.383165,-3.517098 50.383192,-3.517057 50.383161,-3.516949 50.383220,-3.517024 50.383277,-3.517136 50.383216,-3.517163 50.383237,-3.517183 50.383226,-3.517211 50.383247,-3.517263 50.383266,-3.517254 50.383278,-3.517289 50.383288,-3.517272 50.383333,-3.517343 50.383343,-3.517348 50.383329,-3.517553 50.383360))) | Detached house, now sub-divided. Early/mid C19. Solid rendered walls. Hipped slated roof; large flat-roofed, slate-hung addition on top. Rendered chimney on left side wall; painted brick chimney on right side wall. Cluster of 3 tall painted brick chimneys on service wing. Square double-depth plan with large stair hall occupying most of the front; small room to left of it. 2 rooms of similar proportions at rear. Long, low service wing to right. 2 storeys. Main building 3 windows wide. Segmental-headed centre doorway with inset doorcase (probably imported from another house): plain Doric columns with entasis and 20 bases, entablature with segmental pediment incorporating fanlight with radial bars. Half-glazed C19 door with 2 moulded panels below and 4 glazed panes with margin-panes above. Ground-storey windows have segmental arches with patterned architraves, the whole set in a segmental-headed recess. Windows stretch down to ground. 6 over 9 panes with margin panes, the upper sashes having additional panes shaped to match the window heads. Upper-storey windows flat-headed and set in shallow flat-headed recesses; 3-paned sashes with margin panes. In front of ground storey a wooden trellised verandah (probably rebuilt in early C20); ogee profile roof with artificial shaped slates; floor of coloured patterned tiles. Upper-storey sill band with incised decoration matching ground-storey architraves. Deep, flat eaves cornices with brackets. Left side wall has a large, blind segmental headed panel in ground storey, now partly obscured by a C20 garage and with a small glazed door pierced in it. Wide oblong panel in upper storey, its lower left corner cut into by an inserted window sill band and eaves cornice as on front elevation. Rear (garden) elevation matches that at front, but with a window instead of the door. Service wing very plain, but left-hand end has 3-paned French windows with margin panes. Window above has 3-paned sashes with margin panes. Other windows seen to have mostly wood casements. INTERIOR: Stair hall has mahogany geometric staircase with narrow open well; this square, lightly moulded balusters, column-newels, shaped and carved stop ends, moulded nosings to treads. Left half of hall has stone paving slabs; moulded cornice; panelled shutters and 6-panelled doors, the shutters and some of the doors with a raised moulding; C19/C20 carved wood chimneypiece. The 3 main ground-floor rooms all have doors, shutters and cornices like those in the hall. Left front room has chimneypiece with imitation marbling; this was brought from another house in late C20. The 2 rear rooms have C19/C20 carved wood chimneypieces. Left-hand ground-floor wing room has early C19 moulded wood chimneypiece with small round panels in the top corners. Upper floor is almost completely fitted out with re-used raised-and-fielded, 1-fillet ovolo-moulded panelling, bolection-moulded door frames. The gate piers at the entrance to the drive are separately listed (qv). In 1850 this was Upton Lodge, the seat of GH Cutler Esq; iron ore was then being mined on his estate. In 1822 Lysons described it as the Manor of Upton, the property and residence of George Cutler Esq; it had been bought by Montague Booth Esq and in great part rebuilt. (White W: Directory of Devonshire: Sheffield: 1850-: 424; Lysons D & S: Magna Brittania, 6. Devonshire Pt 2: 1822-: 72).Listing NGR: SX9221854813 | 1949-10-17 | 1949-10-17 | ||
383749 | Pair Of Gate Piers At Entrance To Drive Of Upton Manor | 1195124 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.518481 50.383928,-3.518493 50.383910,-3.518478 50.383905,-3.518467 50.383926,-3.518481 50.383928)),((-3.518463 50.383937,-3.518447 50.383931,-3.518424 50.383945,-3.518436 50.383951,-3.518463 50.383937))) | Gate piers. Probably early/mid C19. Painted stone ashlar. Square rusticated piers with moulded bases and caps, the stones with incised decoration; large urns on top. Large iron hinges for double gates; the stone gate-rebates carved with scrolls at the top. Listing NGR: SX9213954883 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383750 | Gun Battery Immeadiately North Of Round Top (Not Included) | 1291760 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.497182 50.400196,-3.497190 50.400224,-3.497226 50.400262,-3.497269 50.400289,-3.497303 50.400294,-3.497373 50.400291,-3.497405 50.400274,-3.497441 50.400234,-3.497423 50.400178,-3.497182 50.400196))) | Gun battery, now patio. 1779-80 or 1794-5. Semi-circular platform on cliff-top overlooking the sea. On it are 3 wedge-shaped gun platforms of granite slabs facing gently downhill; they face north, east, and west. Enclosing the platform is a stone rubble retaining wall topped by a low late C20 wall of red brick. The battery now serves as a patio to a late C20 bungalow called 'Round Top' (not included). It was formerly the Castle Hill Battery and probably went out of use after 1832. (Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Reports: Pye AR: Berry Head Fort, Brixham: 1990-: 25). Listing NGR: SX9369056668 | 1993-10-17 | 1993-10-17 | ||
383751 | Windmill Cottage | 1195125 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512955 50.392414,-3.513106 50.392381,-3.513087 50.392341,-3.513137 50.392331,-3.513103 50.392287,-3.512945 50.392316,-3.512913 50.392329,-3.512955 50.392414))) | Former mill house; base of former windmill (qv) stands in its garden. Probably about 1797. Solid rendered walls. Concrete tiled roof. Rendered chimney on each end wall. 2 storeys. 3 windows wide with blank space in centre of ground storey, probably for the original doorway. Small-paned wood casements; of 3 lights with 3 panes per light in ground storey and 4 in upper storey; middle upper-storey window differs in having only 2 lights with 3 panes per light. Listing NGR: SX9254855813 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383752 | Base Of Windmill Approximately 7 Metres East Of No 25 | 1218830 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.512776 50.392409,-3.512826 50.392386,-3.512832 50.392366,-3.512820 50.392342,-3.512796 50.392330,-3.512761 50.392327,-3.512715 50.392346,-3.512705 50.392365,-3.512710 50.392384,-3.512731 50.392401,-3.512776 50.392409))) | Base of disused windmill. Dated 1797. Tapering, circular stone rubble structure with 2 windows and 2 doorways; all have segmental arches of stone voussoirs. Traces of former rendering. Above the west doorway is a stone tablet inscribed 1797. Bases of at least 2 second-storey windows visible. (W Minchinton: Windmills of Devon: 1977-: 18-19). Listing NGR: SX9256555816 | 1949-10-17 | 1949-10-17 | ||
383753 | Harbour Light Restaurant | 1298291 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.557612 50.432776,-3.558123 50.432818,-3.558266 50.432689,-3.558183 50.432652,-3.558075 50.432747,-3.557810 50.432724,-3.557743 50.432733,-3.557625 50.432724,-3.557612 50.432776))) | Probably fish cellars and net stores associated with the seine fishing industry, now largely in use as restaurant with some storage use associated with ships in the harbour. Possibly C17 in origin. MATERIALS: Colourwashed local red breccia rubble; natural slate roof laid in diminishing courses, gabled at ends; stack at S end of S range, shaft concealed by foliage. PLAN: Single-depth L-plan, the north range longer; part of the south range knocked through in the 1930s to give access to the esplanade. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys. 3-window front to S range, 7:2-window front to the north range, which narrows in the last 2 bays to the east. All windows (except those at the east end of the north range) are small-pane C20 timber casements with timber lintels and C20 timber boarded shutters. The first-floor windows have recesses below the sills, suggesting they have been reduced in length. The south range has a set of external breccia steps with a covered porch with a lean-to roof and 4-pane window to the left. One ground-floor C20 three-light window; C20 boarded door at right end. The north range has 3 doors, all C20, one a sliding door. 7 first-floor windows; 3 ground-floor windows. The set back section at the right end has fixed-pane C20 windows. Right gable end still preserves an industrial character, the gable partly weatherboarded, external timber steps up to a small door to the right. One ground- and first-floor large doorway, the first-floor doorway with a gantry. INTERIOR: Not inspected but may retain features of interest. HISTORY: Patterson argues that these buildings are those described in a deed of 10 July 1654 as domus piscarie and domus cellarium. A photograph of 1938 shows the N range with small first-floor windows and boarded loading doors (Penwill). (Patterson CH: The History of Paignton: 1952-: 44, 45; Penwill FR: Paignton in Six Reigns: 1935-: 112). Listing NGR: SX8944960374 | 1951-03-13 | 1951-03-13 | ||
383754 | Walls Of Paignton Harbour | 1195085 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.557909 50.432338,-3.557915 50.432403,-3.557799 50.432573,-3.557811 50.432579,-3.557795 50.432606,-3.557775 50.432604,-3.557732 50.432668,-3.556301 50.432565,-3.556296 50.432581,-3.556212 50.432574,-3.556212 50.432558,-3.556117 50.432552,-3.556105 50.432554,-3.556097 50.432571,-3.556130 50.432618,-3.556229 50.432646,-3.556448 50.432681,-3.556793 50.432714,-3.557071 50.432728,-3.558193 50.432827,-3.558521 50.432871,-3.558923 50.432973,-3.559050 50.433042,-3.559120 50.433141,-3.559139 50.433217,-3.559132 50.433329,-3.559113 50.433406,-3.559133 50.433407,-3.559154 50.433330,-3.559162 50.433219,-3.559142 50.433140,-3.559062 50.433032,-3.558930 50.432959,-3.558631 50.432878,-3.558381 50.432835,-3.557090 50.432714,-3.556913 50.432708,-3.556456 50.432667,-3.556244 50.432633,-3.556162 50.432608,-3.556118 50.432577,-3.556124 50.432566,-3.556188 50.432569,-3.556193 50.432589,-3.556322 50.432595,-3.556328 50.432580,-3.557758 50.432683,-3.557938 50.432408,-3.557929 50.432233,-3.557901 50.432234,-3.557909 50.432338)),((-3.557319 50.431632,-3.557314 50.431619,-3.556423 50.431657,-3.556112 50.431970,-3.556083 50.431971,-3.556042 50.432014,-3.556048 50.432034,-3.555727 50.432353,-3.555791 50.432560,-3.555772 50.432562,-3.555790 50.432611,-3.555703 50.432621,-3.555614 50.432382,-3.555563 50.431737,-3.555546 50.431725,-3.555596 50.432384,-3.555701 50.432660,-3.555773 50.432670,-3.555816 50.432660,-3.555804 50.432611,-3.555813 50.432609,-3.555801 50.432572,-3.555814 50.432570,-3.555746 50.432358,-3.556068 50.432031,-3.556058 50.432019,-3.556086 50.431984,-3.556116 50.431985,-3.556196 50.431899,-3.556341 50.431769,-3.556436 50.431671,-3.557319 50.431632))) | Harbour walls. 1838. Local red breccia and old red sandstone brought to course. Walls forming harbour, partly built against red sandstone cliff-face on the landward site. HISTORY: The harbour was rebuilt following the Paignton Harbour Act in 1838 and linked to the esplanade in 1938. Listing NGR: SX8961660301 | 1951-03-13 | 1951-03-13 | ||
383755 | Bell Cottage | 1195086 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.612033 50.437935,-3.612089 50.437882,-3.612176 50.437919,-3.612216 50.437881,-3.612124 50.437838,-3.612098 50.437863,-3.611962 50.437807,-3.611892 50.437873,-3.612033 50.437935))) | House. Early C19. Local stone rubble; slate roof, hipped at ends; stacks with brick shafts with platbands. Double-depth main block, 2-rooms-wide with a central entrance, service block set back to right. 2 storeys. Symmetrical 3-bay front with central recessed plank door with porch hood, now covered in corrugated-asbestos. 2 ground-loor segmental-headed early C19 three-light small-pane iron-framed windows; 2 similar windows to first-floor left and right, similar 2-light central window. INTERIOR: Not inspected but may retain features of interest. Listing NGR: SX8562261024 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383756 | Paignton Community College | 1298310 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.568225 50.436234,-3.568430 50.436238,-3.568440 50.436100,-3.568236 50.436094,-3.568225 50.436234))) | Part of Paignton Art School, formerly the School of Art and Science. 1908 (datestone). C17 in style. MATERIALS: Rusticated red breccia with red brick and freestone and some terracotta dressings; sgraffito panels on right return; slate roof. PLAN: Deep rectangular plan on a corner site between Bishops Place and Gerston Place. Entrance from Bishops Place at left end into a stair hall, well-lit studios on ground and first floor, the first-floor rear windows positioned to take full advantage of north light. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical, regular 5-window front. Deep plinth; moulded terracotta string to the ground floor; cornice at first-floor level below deep freestone band inscribed with 'School of Art and Science' in Roman lettering. Deep projecting eaves cornice with modillion frieze, plain parapet with moulded coping. Rusticated Baroque doorway to left with a stone porch hood with panelled soffit on moulded consoles and egg-and-dart moulding. Datestone in tympanum flanked by symbols of Art and Science; pair of half-glazed panelled doors. 4 round-headed ground-floor windows with spoke glazing bars above the transom. 5 first-floor Gibbs-surround windows with heavy rustication, keystones and rusticated voussoirs, glazed with 9 over 2-pane sashes. The right return (onto Gerston Place) has 6 ground-floor windows matching those on the front and, on the first floor, a frame of moulded glazed tiles surrounding a series of sgraffito panels that extend the full length of the building. These illustrate respectively Applied Design, Sculpture, Painting and Architecture. The rear (north) elevation has 2 massive first-floor windows, rising above the eaves and canting backwards for maximum light. INTERIOR: Retains an open-well top-lit stair with a balustrade of cast-iron panels and a rounded timber handrail with projecting beads. Other surviving original features include a wood-block floor; vents for central heating, originally from a coal-fired boiler; sliding doors with diagonal boarding between the two first-floor studios and some original fittings, including a vertical chest for storing paintings and stout timber storage cupboards. HISTORY: The sgraffito panels were executed by the first headmaster, Wallis, and are said to have been influenced by the sgraffito work on the Royal College of Organists, Kensington. They are a rare example of English external sgraffito work. They were in poor condition at time of survey (1991) but there are plans to repair them. The Science and Art School was originally located in New Street and was first financially supported by the Council in 1895. PLANs for the new school were first approved in June 1907, total cost »11,650, building completed in October 1908 (Penwill). (Penwill FR: Paignton in Six Reigns: 1935-: 49, 67). Listing NGR: SX8871660765 | 1991-07-25 | 1991-07-25 | ||
383757 | Higher Blagdon Farmhouse | 1195087 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.616490 50.439937,-3.616636 50.440000,-3.616685 50.439952,-3.616645 50.439935,-3.616680 50.439901,-3.616721 50.439919,-3.616801 50.439842,-3.616656 50.439777,-3.616490 50.439937))) | Farmhouse. c1840, refenestrated in the 1970s. Rendered; hipped slate roof. End on to the road. Double-depth plan with central entrance into passage and rear left stairhall; principal rooms on front. 2 storeys. Asymmetrical 4-window front with pilastered doorway with keyblock; panelled front door with fanlight with glazing bars. Plate-glass windows in original sash embrasures. Rear elevation preserves one double-hung small-pane C19 sash window. INTERIOR: preserves C19 joinery including good open wall stair. One marble chimney-piece; decorated plaster cornices. Listing NGR: SX8531161267 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 | ||
383758 | POUND HOUSE | 1207456 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.610687 50.436885,-3.610502 50.436890,-3.610504 50.436908,-3.610375 50.436912,-3.610378 50.436961,-3.610514 50.436957,-3.610514 50.436948,-3.610702 50.436943,-3.610698 50.436885,-3.610687 50.436885))) | House, probably for agricultural labourer, including outbuilding adjoining at W end. Early C19. MATERIALS: Local slatestone rubble with some brick dressings; natural slate roof laid in diminishing courses; stacks with rendered shafts. Outbuilding with corrugated-asbestos roof. PLAN: L-plan house, the main block south-facing, 2-rooms-wide with a cross passage entrance, the rooms heated from end stacks; rear left wing at right-angles. The house was divided into 2 cottages at one time with a 2nd front door added. Outbuilding adjoining at W end may have been a stable. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys. Roof gabled at left end, hipped at right end and at end of wing: deep eaves. Right end stack projects. Asymmetrical 3-window front with plank front door to the passage with a porch hood on brackets. Secondary door alongside to the left. 2 ground and 3 first-floor casement windows with segmental-arched brick voussoirs: similar voussoirs to all other windows. Casements are an unusual survival: cast-iron with small panes: 3-light to the ground floor, 2-light to the first. The elevation overlooking the road has a blocked door to the right of the main block and one ground and 2 first-floor windows - all cast-iron casements except the ground floor window which has been reglazed with C20 leaded panes. End of wing blind. The right return of the wing also has 2 cast-iron small-pane casements: one window on end of main block reglazed with a casement with C20 leaded panes. The outbuilding, a former barn, has a small doorway on the south side, window alongside and a loft loading door above. INTERIOR: Main block fireplaces have red sandstone jambs and lintels. Pretty pink and grey local limestone flags to part of the ground floor. Listing NGR: SX8572260917 | 1975-01-10 | 1975-01-10 |
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