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London Borough of Camden

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
LBCBLR016 LBCBLR016 Lethaby Building, Former Cochrane Theatre, 12-42 Southampton Row & 1-4 Red Lion Square (Former University Of Westminster Central St Martins College Campus), London, WC1B yes 0.47 34 34 not owned by a public authority 2020-10-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.120186 51.518832) Confirmation that planning permission 2020/2470/P has lawfully commenced within the permitted three-year period Planning application reference: 2023/4327/P. Decision dated: 27/10/2023 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR013 LBCBLR013 The Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place & Highgate Day Centre, 19-37 Highgate Road, London, NW5 1LB yes 0.64 47 47 mixed ownership 2023-03-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.14386 51.553155) Revision to wording of condition 2 (approved plans) to allow for changes to the layout of the 5th floor communal terrace and revision to wording of condition 27 (Air Source Heat Pumps) from a compliance condition to a pre-commencement condition as amendments to planning permission (ref 2023/1288/P) dated 13/09/2024 for variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission reference 2022/1603/P, dated 02/03/2023 (which itself amended 2013/5947/P, dated 18/06/2014, as amended by 2015/3151/P, 2016/0936/P, 2017/0363/P, 2017/01518/P, 2021/5384/P and 2022/0929/P) (for: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide: a new Centre for Independent Living at Greenwood Place; and mixed-use development at Highgate Road comprising residential units, including supported affordable housing units, and social enterprise space; highway improvements; plant, landscaping; servicing; disabled car parking etc.). Amendments to Highgate Road site to include elevational changes (replacement of winter gardens with balconies; Crittal-style windows; changes to brick detailing and brick types). Planning application reference: 2024/2886/P. Decision dated: 15/10/2024 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR089 LBCBLR089 Front of 110 Gloucester Avenue London NW1 8HX yes 0.01 7 7 Unknown ownership 2015-07-24 other permissioned POINT(-0.154071 51.541768) Change of use from offices (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) comprising 7 flats. Planning reference: 2015/3491/P. Decision dated: 24/07/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR079 LBCBLR079 Mansfield Bowling Club Croftdown Road London NW5 1EP yes 0.84 23 23 Unknown ownership 2019-04-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.143984 51.560563) Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 2015/1444/P granted at appeal on 27/01/2017 for 'Creation of a new publicly accessible open space; enhanced tennis facilities including the reconfiguration and extension of the courts to provide an additional court and increased playing area to accord with LTA requirements; the provision of a new ancillary pavilion (Class D2) to replace existing ancillary buildings and structures providing community and leisure space; a new community garden; and the demolition and replacement of the existing bowling club building with a new part three storey, part 2 storey building providing 21 residential dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking and landscaping' namely to alter mix of unit sizes provided (-2x 4bed and +4x 2bed units) and omission of basement level to residential block. Application reference: 2018/1701/P. Decision dated: 12/04/2019 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR041 LBCBLR041 32 Jamestown Road London NW1 7BY yes 0.14 9 9 Unknown ownership 2014-08-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.146396 51.540392) Change of use from offices (Class B1) to mixed use comprising offices (Class B1) and 9 residential units (Class C3 - 4x1, 3x2, 2x3 bed), including erection of new fourth and fifth floors, provision of central atrium, installation and relocation of plant, and alterations to Jamestown Road and Canal Side facades. Planning application reference: 2013/8265/P. Decision dated: 3-10-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR069 LBCBLR069 Englands Lane Residence England's Lane London NW3 4XQ yes 0.24 9 9 Unknown ownership 2015-03-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.160638 51.547232) Erection of a five storey rear extension in association with change of use of eastern 'wing' from hostel to 9 residential flats (2 x 1 bedroom, 5 x 2 bedroom, 2 x 3 bedroom) and reprovision of 162 hostel rooms. Planning application reference: 2014/7803/P. Decision dated: 31-03-2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR053 LBCBLR053 Shirley House, 25-27 Camden Road London NW1 9LN yes 0.18 53 53 Unknown ownership 2014-08-13 other permissioned POINT(-0.139736 51.540912) Change of use from office use (Class B1) at ground to 6th floor levels to residential use (Class C3) to provide 54 units (22 x 1, 32 x 2 bed), including use of 26 off-street car parking spaces for residential use at basement level. Planning application reference: 2014/3773/P. Decision dated: 13-08-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR001 LBCBLR001 Camden Cutting 5.3 700 900 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.142925 51.534072) Part of Site 11 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Capacity based on Draft EAP update for consultation: January 2023. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR008 LBCBLR008 St Pancras Hospital, 4 St Pancras Way yes 2.12 200 200 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.131579 51.536412) Site 6 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Mixed use comprising health and medical related uses and/or permanent (C3) housing and affordable housing and other complementary uses. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR077 LBCBLR077 Farringdon Point 29-35 Farringdon Road London EC1M 3JF yes 0.03 5 5 Unknown ownership 2017-02-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.106249 51.519936) Erection of a part 5, part 6 storey building to create 5 self-contained flats (4 x 2 bed & 1x 1 bed) from 1st to 6th floor level, with ground floor cycle/refuse storage and an external fire escape to the rear. Application reference: 2015/1026/P. Decision dated: 20/02/2017 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR042 LBCBLR042 187 Kentish Town Road London NW1 8PD yes 0.05 9 9 Unknown ownership 2015-03-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.142134 51.546334) Redevelopment of existing building (Class A3), retaining the existing facade, to provide a 5 storey building (2 storey roof addition) with cinema (Class D2) and ancillary cafe and bar use at ground floor and 11 market (2xstudio 1x1, 7x2 & 1x3 bed) and 1 intermediate (1x1 bed) residential units (Class C3) at 1st to 4th floor level, together with various associated alterations including landscaping, external terraces, alterations to external elevations and rooftop plant. Planning application reference: 2013/8301/P. Decision dated: 27-03-2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR036 LBCBLR036 The Lion 2 Britannia Street London WC1X 9JE yes 0.02 8 8 Unknown ownership 2014-11-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.117381 51.530241) Change of use from A4 (Drinking Establishment) and erection of mansard roof, including erection of 3-storey infill side extension (south side) plus lowering of the existing basement floor to provide 4x 2 bedroom and 4x 1 bedroom dwellings (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2013/6916/P. Decision dated: 17/11/2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR010 LBCBLR010 Middlesex Hospital Annex, 44 Cleveland Street, London, W1T 4JT yes 0.29 57 57 owned by a public authority 2019-09-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.138069 51.520525) Variation of conditions 2 and 3 (approved plans), 4 (accessible units), 5 (wheelchair user dwellings) and 37 (residential mix) of planning permission 2017/0414/P, dated 15/01/2018 (as amended by 2018/1584/P, dated 30/09/2019 and 2021/3088/P, dated 12/07/2021) (for: Refurbishment of and alterations to the existing former Workhouse Building (Grade II listed) and North and South Houses (fronting onto Cleveland Street) to provide residential units (Class C3); demolition of part of South House and buildings at rear of Workhouse Building and redevelopment to provide a new building comprising commercial floor space (flexible use of Class B1 / D1 healthcare) and residential units (Class C3); and associated works including opening up of Bedford Passage, creation of public open space, landscaping works, and partial demolition of front boundary wall), namely to allow an increase in the overall number of dwellings and a change in housing tenure (reduction in the number of affordable dwellings), changes to 2nd floor window on former workhouse building, changes to internal and external design of new building, including additional basement level Planning application reference: 2021/3087/P, appeal allow, appeal decision dated: 01/12/2022. Area (2) identified in the Fitzrovia Area Action Plan (2014). 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR066 LBCBLR066 Bartrams Convent Hostel Rowland Hill Street London NW3 2AD yes 0.28 60 60 Unknown ownership 2015-08-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.166289 51.552411) Demolition of the existing student hostel building (Sui Generis) and replacement with a part 4, 6, 7, 10 storey building plus basement to provide extra-care accommodation for older people (Class C3), comprising 60 flats and associated communal facilities including restaurant, lounges, health and well-being facility and staff facilities, plus basement level carparking, cycle and mobility scooter parking, basement and 10th floor plant, ground floor communal gardens, and 3rd & 6th floor roof terraces. Planning application reference: 2014/6449/P. Decision dated: 28-08-2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR068 LBCBLR068 Former Liddell Industrial Estate, 1-33 Liddell Road London NW6 2EW yes 0.57 106 106 Unknown ownership 2018-11-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.196845 51.548296) Variation of conditions 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission 2014/7651/P granted 14/04/2015 (as later amended by planning permission 2023/1849/P dated 5/01/2024) for Phase 2 of comprehensive, mixed-use redevelopment involving the construction of three new buildings: Block A (5 storeys) to provide 3,700 sqm (GIA) of mixed commercial use (Class B1), Block B (11 storeys) and Block C (5 storeys) to provide 106 mixed tenure residential units (Class C3) and associated public realm landscaping works.) namely to make changes to Block A rooftop plant. Planning application reference: 2024/1367/P. Decision dated: 10/07/2024 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR064 LBCBLR064 18-26 Hatton Wall London EC1N 8JH yes 0.13 7 7 Unknown ownership 2015-09-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.109586 51.521585) Redevelopment comprising retention of the building and replacement of western, northern and eastern facades, a three-storey roof extension, and single-storey extension to eastern elevation to provide a mixed use building comprising offices (B1a), jewellery workshops (B1c) and 7 self-contained residential flats (C3) Planning application reference: 2014/5873/P. Decision dated: 30-09-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR035 LBCBLR035 Utopia Village 7 Chalcot Road London NW1 8LF yes 0.34 53 53 Unknown ownership 2015-03-20 other permissioned POINT(-0.152614 51.540315) Change of use from offices (Class B1a) to 53 residential units (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2013/6589/P. Decision dated: 03-12-2013 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR007 LBCBLR007 156 West End Lane, London, NW6 1SD yes 0.6 180 180 not owned by a public authority 2021-07-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.189995 51.548716) Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans), 41 (A3 hours), 43 (car parking details), 44 (cycle details) and 46 (unit numbers) and discharge of Conditions 9 (M4(3) units), 10 (M4(2) units), 28 (separation of ground floor non-residential space) and 44 (cycle details) of planning permission 2023/1716/P (dated 21st February 2024), which itself varied planning permission 2019/4140/P (dated 14th July 2021), which varied planning permission 2015/6455/P dated 23rd June 2017 for: Comprehensive redevelopment following demolition of all existing buildings to provide self-contained residential dwellings Class C3), flexible non-residential use (Class A-A3, D1, D2), employment floorspace (Class B1) and community meeting space (Class D1) in buildings ranging from 3 to 7 storeys. New vehicular access from West End Lane and provision of accessible car parking spaces. Provision of new public open space and widening of Potteries Path and associated cycle parking and landscaping, namely, internal and external amendments to the west and east buildings, including reconfiguration of back-of-house areas (west building); amendments to M4 (3) units (west building); installation of retractable canopies along the south elevation (west building), the addition and omission of windows (east and west buildings), the addition of PVs on the roof (east building) and an increase in units (one) to 172 units. Variation of the A3 hours and amendment to the drawing number used in Condition 43; and approval of details of Conditions 9 and 10 (M4 (3) and M4 (2) units), Condition 28 (the separation of the ground floor non-residential space (west building)); and Condition 44 (cycle parking details). Planning application reference: 2024/0766/P. Decision dated: 23/10/2024 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR034 LBCBLR034 17 Goldington Crescent London NW1 1UA yes 0.02 5 5 Unknown ownership 2015-03-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.13333 51.535175) Demolition of former public house and erection of a new two-storey building to provide five new residential units (1x3 bedroom and 4x2 bedroom flats) and alterations to the existing former landlord's flat within Crowndale Court (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2013/6370/P. Decision dated: 30/03/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR097 LBCBLR097 Camden Goods Yard, Morrisons Superstore, Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8EH yes 3.26 644 644 not owned by a public authority 2020-12-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.149442 51.541719) Amendments to planning permission 2022/3646/P dated 29/03/2023 for: (Variation of Conditions 4, 5, 6 (approved drawings) and 36 (PFS retail) of planning permission 2017/3847/P dated 15/6/18 (as amended by 2020/0034/P dated 05/05/2020, 2020/3116/P dated 03/12/2020 and 2022/0673/P dated 23 February 2022) for the 'redevelopment of petrol filling station (PFS) site to include the erection of a new building to accommodate flexible retail/food & drink floorspace (Class A1, A3 uses), Class B1 floorspace and a winter garden; with cycle parking, public space, public toilets and other associated works and highways works; all following demolition of existing petrol filling station. Use for a foodstore (Class A1 use) with associated car parking for a temporary period) Namely, replacement of window in Block A with a solid panel . Planning application reference: 2024/2791/P, decision date: 23/08/2024 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR091 LBCBLR091 Old Postman’s Office 30 Leighton Road London NW5 2QE yes 0.12 7 7 Unknown ownership 2016-06-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.138487 51.550511) Refurbishment with alterations of the Postman's Office to provide offices (Class B1a) and a communal access corridor, and redevelopment of the rear of the site to provide three 2-3 storey blocks for 2 live/work units (Sui Generis) and 7 residential units (Class C3), with associated landscaping, cycle and refuse stores. Planning reference: 2015/4778/P. Decision dated: 16/06/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR087 LBCBLR087 42 Caversham Road London NW5 2DS yes 0.07 7 7 Unknown ownership 2016-04-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.137418 51.548791) Erection of basement plus 5-storey, 18 x unit residential development, following demolition of 11 x residential unit building. Planning reference: 2015/3052/P. Decision dated: 20/04/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR059 LBCBLR059 Land at Midland Crescent Finchley Road London NW3 6NA yes 0.16 10 9 Unknown ownership 2018-02-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.182091 51.548729) Variation of condition 9 (noise and vibration fit out) and 21 (SuDs details) of planning permission 2014/5527/P granted 25/03/2015 (for Redevelopment of the site by the erection of a part 3, part 4 and part 5 storey building with a double level basement comprising flexible commercial space (Use Classes A1/A2/A3/A4/B1/D1 & D2) at lower basement and ground floor levels, 60 student bedrooms with communal kitchen, lounge and common room areas, and 9 residential dwellings (Class C3)), namely to amend the timing at which details have to be submitted to the Council for approval. Planning application reference: 2018/0702/P. Decision dated: 19 February 2018 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR085 LBCBLR085 1st and 2nd Floors 155 Regent's Park Road London NW1 8BB yes 0.04 10 10 Unknown ownership 2015-07-28 other permissioned POINT(-0.15319 51.5438) Change of use of 1st and 2nd floors from office use (Class B1) to provide 10 studio flats (Class C3) Application reference: 2015/2926/P. Decision dated: 28/07/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR054 LBCBLR054 101 Camley Street London NW1 0PF yes 0.35 121 121 Unknown ownership 2015-03-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.130211 51.536975) Demolition of existing building and new building ranging from 6 -13 storeys comprising 2,220sqm employment floorspace (Class B1), 121 residential flats, pedestrian footbridge over the Regent's Canal and associated works. Planning application reference: 2014/4385/P. Decision date: 18/03/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR049 LBCBLR049 Hope & Anchor Public House 74 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TP yes 0.02 8 8 Unknown ownership 2015-01-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.137657 51.534859) Amendment to planning permission 2017/6058/P dated 02/05/2018 (as amended by 2018/4035/P dated 08/03/2019) (for Redevelopment involving change of use from offices and erection of 5 storey building at the corner of Bayham Street and Bayham Place to provide pub at ground floor and private members club on upper floors following demolition of 65 Bayham Place, 1 Bayham Street, and 74 Crowndale Road (façades retained), including enlargement of basement / sub-basement, mansard roof extension (74 Crowndale Road), creation of terraces and erection of 4th floor glazed extension above roof of Koko to provide restaurant and bar to private members club); NAMELY to allow a minor alteration to elevations including installation / alteration of louvres, relocation and increase in height of chimney flue, erection of parapet wall to mansard roof and alteration to windows on Bayham Street elevation, and brickwork balustrade to edge of steps at 4th floor level on Crowndale Road elevation. Planning application reference: 2020/1362/P. Decision dated: 20/04/2021. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR094 LBCBLR094 317 Finchley Road, London, NW3 6EP yes 0.02 22 22 Unknown ownership 2017-03-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.183174 51.5501) Erection of a part 7 part 10 storey (above basement and lower ground floor levels) building comprising 22 flats (Class C3) (4 x 1 bed, 17 x 2 bed, 1 x 3 bed) and a flexible commercial unit (Use Classes A1/A2/A3) to the ground and lower ground floors, associated public realm improvements including a new footpath to the north of the site, landscaping and associated works, following demolition of existing public house, retail unit and associated structures. Planning application reference: 2016/2910/P. Decision dated: 7 March 2017 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR075 LBCBLR075 Vacant site adjacent to no 11 Crogsland Road London NW1 8HF yes 0.16 38 38 Unknown ownership 2016-07-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.152147 51.544905) Redevelopment of vacant site by the erection of a 6 storey building comprising a day centre (Class D1) on the ground floor and 38 extra-care residential flats (Class C3) on the upper floors, plus roof terraces, communal gardens and minibus parking. Application reference: 2015/0921/P. Decision dated: 07/07/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR040 LBCBLR040 80 Guilford Street London WC1N 1DF yes 0.02 5 5 Unknown ownership 2014-09-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.122328 51.523058) Change of use from nurses hostel (Sui Generis) to residential (Class C3) to provide 5 flats (3 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed) with associated basement terrace and cycle & refuse storage, raising and replacement of roof, installation of 4 rooflights, alterations to fenestration and hard and soft landscaping. Planning application reference: 2013/8203/P. Decision dated: 25-09-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR065 LBCBLR065 174 - 178 Kentish Town Road London NW5 2AG yes 0.06 13 13 Unknown ownership 2014-11-24 other permissioned POINT(-0.141191 51.5471) Change of use of 1st and 2nd floors levels from office (Class B1a ) to 13 x residential units (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2014/6171/P. Decision dated: 13-10-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR005 LBCBLR005 100 Avenue Road, London, NW3 3HF yes 0.42 184 184 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.174027 51.543389) Site 30 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013) & allowed appeal reference: APP/X5210/W/14/3001616, appeal decision date: 18 February 2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR051 LBCBLR051 Bruges Place Ground and First Floor 15-20 Baynes Street London NW1 0TF yes 0.21 27 27 Unknown ownership 2014-06-18 other permissioned POINT(-0.137004 51.541273) Change of use from office (B1a) to 27 residential units (C3). Planning application reference: 2014/2866/P. Decision dated: 01-05-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR039 LBCBLR039 9-12 New College Parade Finchley Road London NW3 5EX yes 0.04 9 9 Unknown ownership 2015-01-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.176882 51.545394) Erection of 5 storey mixed use building with basement floor to provide commercial uses (Classes A1/A3) at ground and basement floor levels and provision of 9 residential units on upper floors (4 x 1, 4 x 2, 1 x 3 bed) including communal garden at 1st floor level and rear terraces at 1st-4th floor levels, following the demolition of existing two storey commercial building. Planning application reference: 2013/8191/P. Decision dated: 30/01/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR083 LBCBLR083 Central Somers Town Covering Land At Polygon Road Open Space Edith Neville Primary School 174 Ossulston Street And Purchese Street Open Space London NW1 1EE yes 2.06 150 150 Unknown ownership 2022-11-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.130703 51.532555) Non-Material Amendment to planning reference 2022/2855/P dated 24/12/22 for Minor Material Amendment (Section 73) to amend planning reference 2020/4631/P dated 23/04/2021 to planning permission reference 2015/2704/P dated 14/10/2016, amended by application 2019/5882/P dated 01/07/2020 and 2022/2659/P dated 18/07/2022 namely amendments to plots 5 and 6 including alterations to building footprints, layout of the accommodation and changes to elevations. NAMELY: changes to brick coping, metal rain screens around balconies, metal decking on balconies to be changed to paving slabs, removal of glazed bricks to be replaced by white bricks and replacement of concrete finish around Community Hall with brickwork. Planning application reference: 2023/3830/P. Decision dated: 21/11/2023. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR003 LBCBLR003 Land to west of Royal Mail Sorting office bounded by Phoenix Place Mount Pleasant, Gough Street & Calthorpe St. Camden WC1. yes 1.12 345 345 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.113407 51.523926) Non-Material Amendment to planning reference 2013/3807/P dated 30/03/2015 (as amended by 2024/0144/P dated 20/06/2024), namely alter the development description to remove specific reference to the area of flexible retail and community floorspace. Planning application reference: 2024/1935/P. Decision date:25/07/2024 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR048 LBCBLR048 101 Bayham Street London NW1 0AG yes 0.11 26 26 Unknown ownership 2014-06-05 other permissioned POINT(-0.140805 51.538105) Change of use from office (Class B1a) to residential (Class C3) to create 26 units at ground to fourth floor level. Planning application reference: 2014/2620/P. Decision dated: 05-06-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR002 LBCBLR002 Euston Station 10.6 250 900 mixed ownership Not permissioned POINT(-0.134979 51.529234) Site 9 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Capacity based on Draft EAP update for consultation: January 2023. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR012 LBCBLR012 Westminster Kingsway College, Regents Park Centre, Longford Street, NW1 3HB yes 0.01 55 55 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.119397 51.523431) Site 14 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Continued education/ D1 use, or subject to the satisfactory relocation of existing uses redevelopment to include permanent (C3) residential use, including affordable housing. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR090 LBCBLR090 Camden People's Theatre 58 Hampstead Road London NW1 2PY yes 0.02 5 5 Unknown ownership 2015-12-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.138393 51.526376) Change of use of upper floors from sui generis to provide 5x residential (C3) units (4x one bed units and 1x two bed unit), erection of new stair tower, first floor rear extension, new roof terrace and alterations to front and rear facades. Planning reference: 2015/4232/P. Decision dated: 09/12/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR011 LBCBLR011 Land at Pakenham Street and Wren Street 0.49 70 70 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.115075 51.526233) Site 26 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). New secondary school or mixed use including self-contained residential (C3) and employment uses alongside a range of other complementary uses. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR046 LBCBLR046 Gordon House 6, 1st Floor, Lissenden Gardens London NW5 1LX yes 0.07 6 6 Unknown ownership 2014-05-29 other permissioned POINT(-0.148852 51.555976) Change of use of first floor office (Class B1(a)) to 6 x self-contained flats (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2014/2183/P. Decision dated: 29-05-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR038 LBCBLR038 Allgood Plc 297 Euston Road London NW1 3AQ yes 0.03 7 7 Unknown ownership 2014-06-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.138699 51.524497) Change of use of 2nd to 5th floors from offices (Use Class B1) to 7 x residential units (Use Class C3) with extension at roof level, alterations to front and rear fenestration and formation of a lightwell to the Warren Street elevation. Planning application reference: 2013/8136/P. Decision dated: 10/06/2014. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR056 LBCBLR056 1-8 College Yard Kentish Town London NW5 1NX yes 0.05 6 6 Unknown ownership 2015-03-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.1435 51.553949) Erection of a three storey building comprising 6x residential units, following the demolition of the existing two storey warehouse building (Class B8). Planning application reference: 2014/5054/P. Decision dated: 30/03/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR062 LBCBLR062 17 & 27 Ferdinand Street London NW1 8EU yes 0.03 6 6 Unknown ownership 2014-10-23 other permissioned POINT(-0.149975 51.543719) Change of use from offices (Class B1) to 2 x studios, 2 x 1 bedroom, 1 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats (Class C3) Planning application reference: 2013/5679/P. Decision dated: 13-09-2013 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR070 LBCBLR070 Arthur West House 79 Fitzjohn's Avenue London NW3 6PA yes 0.2 29 29 Unknown ownership 2015-08-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.177878 51.554247) Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 2014/7851/P dated 28/08/15 (for demolition of hostel and erection of 3 - 6 storey building plus excavation of 2 storey basement to provide 33 self-contained wheelchair accessible flats for the care & well-being of older people including communal garden and associated landscaping) as amended by 2015/5881/P dated 21/04/2016 (to allow reduction in flat count to 29, relocation of substation, bin store and cycle store and alterations to windows on rear elevation, ground floor elevation, roof extract and downpipes), namely to allow recessed brick balustrades to the rear and side facades, brick lintels and parapet, alteration to brick bond, brick pilasters between windows, tiled window surrounds at 3rd and 4th floor level, metal sills and to omit rustication at base of building. Application reference: 2016/4256/P. Decision dated: 23/11/2017 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR015 LBCBLR015 Bangor Wharf, Georgiana Street yes 0.26 40 40 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.136406 51.540261) Site 35 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Redevelopment of the site to provide replacement employment floorspace and new permanent (Class C3) residential accommodation. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR006 LBCBLR006 24 - 58 Royal College Street 1.54 250 250 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.134633 51.53859) Site 37 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Redevelopment of the site to provide mixed uses with employment floorspace and new permanent (C3) residential. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR044 LBCBLR044 Cambridge House 373-375 Euston Road London NW1 3AR yes 0.03 16 16 Unknown ownership 2014-10-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.142467 51.523733) Change of use from offices (Class B1a) & car showroom (Sui Generis) uses to provide flexible B1 space at basement and ground floor levels, and 16 residential units on upper floors, including extension to create 4th, 5th & 6th floors and recladding of the building. Planning application reference: 2017/7079/P. Decision dated: 01-02-2018 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR072 LBCBLR072 Arthur Stanley House 40 Tottenham Street London W1T 4RN yes 0.11 10 10 Unknown ownership 2018-08-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.137312 51.519977) Refurbishment of the existing eight storey Arthur Stanley House (ground plus seven storeys, with two lower ground floor levels), reconfiguration of the seventh floor and extension at the rear of the building and construction of a four storey plus basement new build element to the rear facing Tottenham Mews to enable a change of use from healthcare (Class D1) to a mixed use development comprising office floorspace (Class B1), flexible office (Class B1)/ healthcare (Class D1) floorspace at ground and first floor levels and 10 residential units (Class C3) (2 x 1 bed (private); 6 x 2 bed (private); 2 x 3 bed (social rented)) and associated landscaping fronting Tottenham Mews. Application reference: 2017/4306/P. Decision dated: 30/08/2018 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR004 LBCBLR004 O2 Centre, carpark and car showroom sites and 14 Blackburn Road yes 5.79 1800 1800 not owned by a public authority 2023-12-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.18503 51.547748) Detailed planning permission for Development Plots N3-E, N4, and N5 and Outline planning permission for Development Plots N1, N2, N3, N6, N7, S1 and S8, including demolition of all existing structures and associated works, and redevelopment to include residential development (Class C3), commercial, business and service uses (Class E), local community uses (Class F2), and Sui Generis leisure uses (including cinema and drinking establishments) together with all landscaping, public realm, cycle parking and disabled car parking, highway works and infrastructure within and associated with those Development Plots, in accordance with the Development Specification. For the avoidance of doubt, the Detailed and Outline planning permission are separate and severable for each of the Plots shown on plan P011 and the description of development on any decision notice issued pursuant to the application would reflect that. Planning application reference: 2022/0528/P. Decision dated: 2023-12-23. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22

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