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London Borough of Camden

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
LBCBLR106 LBCBLR106 1-3 Ferdinand Place, London, NW1 8EE yes 0.03 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2022-03-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.148629 51.543469) Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and removal of condition 7 (tree protection measures) to remove 2 trees and replace with 2 new trees in relation to planning permission ref 2020/2364/P dated 16/03/2022 for demolition of the existing building and the erection of a four storey building for mixed use scheme (office use on the ground floor and 9 self-contained flats above). Application reference: 2022/1363/P. Decision dated: 01/03/2024 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR111 LBCBLR111 369-377 Kentish Town Road, London, NW5 2TJ yes 0.03 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2020-03-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.141141 51.551374) Non-material amendment to planning permission ref: 2019/0910/P granted on 12/03/20 (as amended by 2023/2713/P dated 07/08/2023) for 'redevelopment including change of use from car wash (Sui Generis) and erection of part six and part seven storey building plus basement to provide 14 flats (10 x 2-bed units and 4 x 1-bed) (Class C3) at 1st floor and above (with terraces at 5th floor rear and 6th floor level (north elevation); and retail (Class A1) or restaurant (Class A3) use at ground and basement level incorporating widened pavement to Kentish Town Road', namely to reduce the extent of basement excavation. Planning application reference: 2023/3382/P. Decision dated: 12/09/2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR112 LBCBLR112 Abbey Co-op Phase 3 (Emminster & Hinstock and Abbey Co-op Community Centre), Abbey Road, London, NW6 4DP yes 0.56 65 65 Unknown ownership 2023-03-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.188283 51.539798) Non-material amendment to planning permission 2022/2542/P dated 03/03/2023 for 'Demolition and redevelopment of Emminster and Hinstock blocks including Belsize Priory Health Centre, Abbey Community Centre, public house and commercial units to provide new residential accommodation (Use Class C3) and ground floor commercial space (Use Class E) to be used as flexible commercial units, across three buildings ranging from 4 to 11 storeys, along with car and bicycle parking, landscaping and all necessary ancillary and enabling works, namely for the repositioning of three doors, removal of a louvered vent, and reduction in height of the substation. Planning application reference: 2023/3405/P. Decision dated: 04/10/2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR109 LBCBLR109 18 Vine Hill and 15-29 Eyre Street Hill, London, EC1R 5DZ yes 0.16 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2020-01-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.110786 51.522773) Amendments to energy strategy to replace CHP with ASHPs to planning permission 2020/0984/P dated 12/01/2021 which itself varied 2018/6016/P dated 02/01/2020 (for erection of an 8 storey building comprising a 153 bed hotel with ancillary ground floor restaurant/cafe facilities and 9 flats, together with the refurbishment of 18 Vine Hill and the erection of a 3 storey extension to provide additional office accommodation).. Planning application reference: 2023/2585/P. Decision dated: 23/11/2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR110 LBCBLR110 52 Avenue Road London NW8 6HS yes 0.28 11 11 not owned by a public authority 2023-05-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.169929 51.539266) Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of three, 3 storey buildings over part lower ground/basement, comprising total of 12 townhouses (12 x 3 bed), together with associated landscaping and installation of new access gate onto Avenue Road. Application reference: 2022/1863/P. Decision date: 10 May 2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR122 LBCBLR122 Chalton, Godwin and Crowndale Estate, London, NW1 1PA yes 0.39 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2021-05-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.134704 51.53471) Non-Material Amendment to planning reference 2020/3801/P dated 14/05/21 for erection of 10 x 3-storey terraced family-sized houses (10 x 4 bed) (Class C3). NAMELY: Design and layout changes shown on accompanying new drawings. Planning application reference: 2024/1891/P. Decision dated: 17/07/2024 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR105 LBCBLR105 5-17 Haverstock Hill (Eton Garages), London, NW3 2BP yes 0.21 77 77 not owned by a public authority 2022-03-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.154205 51.544176) Non-Material Amendment to planning reference 2016/3975/P dated 02/10/18 for demolition of existing building and erection of a part-six, part-seven storey development comprising 77 residential units (8 x studio, 18 x 1-Bed, 32 x 2-Bed and 19 x 3-Bed units) (Use Class C3) and retail (Use Class A1-A5) use at ground floor with associated cycle parking, amenity space, refuse and recycling store and associated works NAMELY: slight design amendment to 1 Balconies at southeast and eastern corners on floors 2-5 set back from curved windows; 2. Balcony at northeast corner on floor 2 width increased; 3. Balconies and window arrangement at northern corner on Ground to Floor 6 amended to match the architectural language at the corner on Adelaide Road; and 4. External covered space at fourth floor for Plot A-24 removed and incorporated into the apartment. Planning application reference: 2023/2803/P. Decision dated: 27/10/2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR107 LBCBLR107 Highgate Newtown Community Centre - Unit A, B, C, D & E, 25 Bertram Street, London, N19 5DQ yes 0.31 39 39 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.143418 51.562612) Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) and condition 7 (Landscaping) of development granted under reference 2016/6088/P dated 30 June 2017 as varied by reference 2018/5774/P dated 29 March 2019, 2022/3378/P dated 10 March 2023, and 2023/2662/P dated 20 November 2023 for the Redevelopment of the existing Highgate Newtown Community Centre and Fresh Youth Academy and the change of use of the People's Mission Gospel Hall to provide replacement community facilities (Use Class D1) and 41 residential units (Use Class C3) including 7 affordable units (intermediate) with associated public open space, landscaping, cycle storage, plant, disabled parking, and inclusion of the existing right of way on the western side of the site.Namely to make the following changes:- Construction of an ASHP at roof level of Building B including its relocation and visual screening- Installation of vertical shading structures externally to the windows at the east facing windows of Building A (Apartment A2) at ground floor level- Installation of privacy screening to the northern end of the balconies of Building D- Reduction in the number of rooflight to Building B and C- Relocation of the substation approximately 1m east from the approved location- Reduction in height of the Building C rear garden wall to 2.4 comprising a brick wall to 1.9m with an additional 0.5m privacy barrier above- Amendment to the parapet detail of the Building A roof to match the as built detail. Planning application reference: 2023/5438/P. Decision dated: 13 March 2024 2025-03-09 2023-11-01 2024-11-01
LBCBLR113.3 LBCBLR113.3 King's Cross Central, York Way, London, N1 yes 0.31 1550 1550 Unknown ownership 2021-03-10 other permissioned POINT(-0.12563 51.538444) 3 sites: Plot S4 - Reserved matters relating to Building S4 for the erection of a 13 storey building above ground floor to provide 176 residential homes comprising 120 market and 56 social rented units with associated public realm works, as required by conditions 9, 10, 12, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33-39, 42, 42A, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 56, 60, 61, 64-67 67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2020/5885/P. Decision dated: 10 March 2021. Plot R8 - Reserved matters relating to Building R8 for the erection of two, 13 storey buildings comprising office space (Class B1) and 72 Social Rented Affordable residential units, as required by conditions 9, 10, 12, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33-39, 42, 42A, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 56, 60, 61, 64-67 67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2020/5143/P. Decision dated: 09 February 2021. Plot S5 - Reserved matters relating to Plot S5 within Development Zone S for the erection of a part 16 storey residential building (Class C3) with flexible retail A1-A5, B1, D1 and D2 uses at ground floor level and associated public realm works, as required by conditions 9, 10, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33- 36, 37, 38, 39, 42. 42a, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63 and 64-67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2018/4813/P. Decision dated: 20 December 2018. 2025-03-09 2023-11-01 2024-11-01
LBCBLR121 LBCBLR121 St Pancras Commercial Centre, 63 Pratt Street, London, NW1 0BY yes 0.49 33 33 Unknown ownership 2022-04-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.135939 51.539694) Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 9 (externally mounted fittings) and 15 (cycle storage) of planning permission 2019/4201/P, dated 24/12/2020 (as amended by approval 2021/3447/P, dated 18/08/2021) (for: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new buildings to re-provide light industrial floorspace, provision of office space, self-contained dwellings, flexible retail space, associated access and servicing, public realm, landscaping, vehicular and cycle parking, bin storage and other ancillary and associated works), namely to allow changes at 6th and 7th floor levels of the office building to accommodate plant and additional amenity space; to allow installation of lighting to the residential balconies and entrances and to the retail unit; and to update the conditioned cycle parking requirements. Planning application reference: 2021/4720/P. Decision dated: 13 April 2022 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR101 LBCBLR101 Beaufort Court, 65 Maygrove Road, London, NW6 2DA yes 0.32 16 16 not owned by a public authority 2022-08-24 other permissioned POINT(-0.199452 51.548263) Erection of single storey roof extension to provide 16 additional residential dwellings (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2021/3504/P. Decision dated: 24/08/2022 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR100 LBCBLR100 Agar Grove Estate, Agar Grove, London, NW1 yes 2.82 258 258 owned by a public authority 2022-12-20 other permissioned POINT(-0.133066 51.542034) Non-Material Amendment to Condition 66 of planning permission ref. 2023/0362/P (originally conditon 61 of planning permission ref 2013/8088/P dated 04.08.14 12.02.24) to amend the total number of residential units and Condition 64 to amend the approved documents. Planning application reference: 2024/2272/P, decision dated: 28/06/2024 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR114 LBCBLR114 Kings Cross Central Development Zone W (Buildings W1 and W2), York Way, London, N1C 4AG yes 0.24 122 122 Unknown ownership 2016-06-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.123943 51.539366) Reserved matters relating to Development Zone W for: - A shared part lower ground part basement area across Development Zone W. - Plot W1 for the erection of a 12 to 17 storey building to provide 140 residential units (Use Class C3) and commercial space to ground floor (Use Class A1-A5). - Plot W2 for the erection of an 8 storey building to provide 78 residential units (Use Class C3)(including 36 social rented and 23 intermediate) and commercial space to ground floor (Use Class A1-A5). - Basement area to include 363 cycle spaces, 48 car parking spaces, plant, refuse and ancillary uses. As required by conditions 2, 4, 6, 9-19, 20, 22-30 of outline planning permission granted at appeal subject to a S106 agreement (Appeal Ref: APP/X5210/A/07/2051898, Council Ref:2004/2311/P) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of the Triangle Site of former railway lands within the Kings Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2016/1530/P. Decision dated: 6 June 2016 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR120 LBCBLR120 6 St Pancras Way London NW1 0QG yes 1.12 73 73 Unknown ownership 2022-11-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.132385 51.537771) Demolition of existing building, and redevelopment to provide a mixed use development comprising a 9 storey building (Plot B) with two basement levels, for use as Class E and Drinking Establishment (Sui Generis), a two-storey Pavilion (Plot C4) for Class E and Drinking Establishment (Sui Generis), along with associated cycle parking, servicing, hard and soft landscaping, public realm, and other ancillary works, alongside amendments to Plot C within planning permission 2017/5497/P, namely increase of affordable housing provision in Plot C2. Planning application reference: 2021/2671/P. Decision dated: 07 November 2022 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR113.2 LBCBLR113.2 King's Cross Central, York Way, London, N1 yes 0.35 1550 1550 Unknown ownership 2021-03-10 other permissioned POINT(-0.123733 51.537942) 3 sites: Plot S4 - Reserved matters relating to Building S4 for the erection of a 13 storey building above ground floor to provide 176 residential homes comprising 120 market and 56 social rented units with associated public realm works, as required by conditions 9, 10, 12, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33-39, 42, 42A, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 56, 60, 61, 64-67 67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2020/5885/P. Decision dated: 10 March 2021. Plot R8 - Reserved matters relating to Building R8 for the erection of two, 13 storey buildings comprising office space (Class B1) and 72 Social Rented Affordable residential units, as required by conditions 9, 10, 12, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33-39, 42, 42A, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 56, 60, 61, 64-67 67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2020/5143/P. Decision dated: 09 February 2021. Plot S5 - Reserved matters relating to Plot S5 within Development Zone S for the erection of a part 16 storey residential building (Class C3) with flexible retail A1-A5, B1, D1 and D2 uses at ground floor level and associated public realm works, as required by conditions 9, 10, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33- 36, 37, 38, 39, 42. 42a, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63 and 64-67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2018/4813/P. Decision dated: 20 December 2018. 2025-03-09 2023-11-01 2024-11-01
LBCBLR104 LBCBLR104 Former Charlie Ratchford Centre Belmont Street London NW1 8HF yes 0.26 115 115 Unknown ownership 2021-11-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.151605 51.544605) Non-material Amendment to planning permission 2020/5063/P dated 05/11/21 for 'Redevelopment of site including demolition of existing buildings and erection of a building up to 10 storeys in height to provide self-contained residential flats' changes include introduction of gas kiosk, amendments to cycle and refuse stores, amendments to external stairs and entrance soffits, amendments to windows, doors and balconies, introduction of concierge, alteration of soldier course, removal of green roof, stair over run, flank windows and lift, reduction in parapet height and new man-safe system, adjustment of ground floor level, introduction of bulkheads and external alterations including new rainwater outlets, masonry divides, columns, vents, louvres, risers and soffits.. Planning application reference: 2022/4524/P. Decision dated: 02/08/2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR108 LBCBLR108 156-164 Gray's Inn Road & 38 Mount Pleasant, WC1X 0AN yes 0.21 14 14 not owned by a public authority 2020-05-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.113217 51.522362) Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission ref: 2015/6955/P dated 01/11/2017 (as amended by approvals refs 2020/1368/P dated 14/04/2020, 2021/1918/P dated 07/07/2021, 2021/1056/P dated 30/03/2022 and 2022/1796/P dated 25/10/2022) (for: Redevelopment of the site to provide a 7 storey (plus plant and basement) buildings at Panther House and Brain Yard for predominantly employment uses and a new 7 storey plus plant and basement building at 156-164 Gray's Inn Road to provide flexible retail/restaurant uses with 15 self-contained residential units at the upper levels), namely to include: facade alterations, widening of bridge link, reduction in passageway width and height, and rationalisation of brick piers and window panels. Planning application reference: 2022/5584/P. Decision dated: 20-12-2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR118 LBCBLR118 Barrie House, 29 St Edmunds Terrace, London NW8 7QH yes 0.23 9 9 Unknown ownership 2020-03-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.163145 51.536761) Commencement of works in accordance with condition 1 (within three years from date of planning permission 2018/0645/P allowed on appeal ref. APP/X5210/W/19/3240401) dated 19/03/2020, for the redevelopment of porter's lodge and surface level car park to construct a part four, part five storey extension, including excavation of a basement level, to provide 9 self-contained residential flats and associated works. Planning reference: 2023/1065/P. Decision dated: 08/05/2023 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR098 LBCBLR098 39 Fitzjohn's Avenue, London, NW3 5JY yes 0.21 34 34 not owned by a public authority 2022-11-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.176552 51.549607) Erection of replacement side, rear and roof extensions, excavation of basement and various other alterations associated with conversion of existing dwelling (Class C3) into 35 flats (2x studio, 9x1bed, 20x2bed and 4x3bed). Planning application reference: 2020/2169/P, decision dated: 16/11/2022 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR102 LBCBLR102 551-557 Finchley Road, London, NW3 7BJ yes 0.06 15 15 not owned by a public authority 2021-12-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.19558 51.556762) Amendments to the wording of Condition 7 (accessible homes) of planning permission 2023/0383/P dated 13/12/2023 for 'Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission 2020/5444/P approved 24/12/2021 for the part change of use from Use Class E and F1 and remodelling of the existing building to provide residential apartments (C3) along with flexible commercial (Class E)/pub/wine bar/drinking establishments (Sui Generis) uses, alterations including partial demolition and extensions at the rear at lower ground, ground and first floor levels, extension to provide an additional storey at roof level, levelling of the lower ground floor level, remodelling and restoration of front facade, amenity space, cycle parking and associated works; namely, changes to approved dwelling mix and internal layouts, reduction in commercial floorspace and minor changes to elevations.'.. Planning application reference: 2024/2085/P. Decision dated: 18/07/2024 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR119 LBCBLR119 Garages 1 - 16 Canfield Place, London, NW6 3BT yes 0.04 8 8 Unknown ownership 2021-10-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.181846 51.547134) Removal of condition 10 (PV Cells) of planning permission 2017/1910/P, dated 11/10/2021 for demolition of 16 single storey garages (Sui Generis) and redevelopment of the site to provide 8 mews type residential dwellings (C3) comprising 3 x two storey properties and 5 x three storey properties with associated roof terraces. Planning application reference: 2024/2271/P. Decision dated: 12/08/2024 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR103 LBCBLR103 Former flats 121 – 129 Bacton, Haverstock Road yes 1.86 215 215 owned by a public authority 2020-03-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.153845 51.551843) Amendment to planning permission 2012/6338/P dated 25/04/2013 (as amended by planning permissions 2014/3633/P, 2015/1189/P and 2016/5358/P) for 'redevelopment of Bacton Low Rise Estate, Gospel Oak District Housing Office and Vicar's Road workshops following the demolition of all existing buildings, to provide a total of 294 residential units and associated works'; namely to alter the description to omit the number of commercial units and number and tenure type of residential units and to insert a planning condition to secure 294 residential units comprising 196 market, 11 intermediate and 107 social rent units and 259 sqm of B1 floorspace. Planning application reference: 2020/1019/P. Decision dated: 31 March 2020 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR099 LBCBLR099 Former Tottenham Mews Day Hospital, 14-19 Tottenham Mews, London, W1T 4AA yes 0.05 23 23 not owned by a public authority 2022-04-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.137457 51.520316) Erection of a six storey building (and basement) to provide office (use Class E) at part ground and basement levels and self-contained flats (use class C3) at ground and floors one to five; with associated landscaping, cycling parking and enabling works. Planning application reference: 2020/5633/P, decision date: 12 April 2022. Area (2) identified in the Fitzrovia Area Action Plan (2014). 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR113.1 LBCBLR113.1 King's Cross Central, York Way, London, N1 yes 0.36 1550 1550 Unknown ownership 2021-03-10 other permissioned POINT(-0.124915 51.539106) 3 sites: Plot S4 - Reserved matters relating to Building S4 for the erection of a 13 storey building above ground floor to provide 176 residential homes comprising 120 market and 56 social rented units with associated public realm works, as required by conditions 9, 10, 12, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33-39, 42, 42A, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 56, 60, 61, 64-67 67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2020/5885/P. Decision dated: 10 March 2021. Plot R8 - Reserved matters relating to Building R8 for the erection of two, 13 storey buildings comprising office space (Class B1) and 72 Social Rented Affordable residential units, as required by conditions 9, 10, 12, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33-39, 42, 42A, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 56, 60, 61, 64-67 67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2020/5143/P. Decision dated: 09 February 2021. Plot S5 - Reserved matters relating to Plot S5 within Development Zone S for the erection of a part 16 storey residential building (Class C3) with flexible retail A1-A5, B1, D1 and D2 uses at ground floor level and associated public realm works, as required by conditions 9, 10, 14, 16-22, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33- 36, 37, 38, 39, 42. 42a, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50A, 51, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63 and 64-67 of outline planning permission reference 2004/2307/P granted 22/12/06 (subject to S106 agreement) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of former railway lands within the King's Cross Opportunity Area. Planning application reference: 2018/4813/P. Decision dated: 20 December 2018. 2025-03-09 2023-11-01 2024-11-01
LBCBLR116 LBCBLR116 314-320 Acorn House, Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8DP yes 0.06 32 32 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.119002 51.52856) Redevelopment of Acorn House as a part 6, part 10 storey mixed-use building with 33 affordable homes (with external playspace at level 6, a community room and terrace at level 9), affordable office space and retail unit at ground and basement level; together with cycle parking facilities and associated ancillary uses. Planning application reference: 2020/3880/P. Decision dated: 1 November 2021 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR129 LBCBLR129 172-176 Kilburn High Road London NW6 4JD 0.05 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2023-11-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.196304 51.540853) Redevelopment of existing 2 storey building including partial demolition and extensions to provide 2 additional storeys consisting of 8 self-contained flats with balconies at rear; alterations to the ground floor shopfronts; alterations to ground floor to provide new access to upper floors, plant, refuse and cycle facilities; provision of new access gates at rear, green perimeter wall at rear 1st floor, green roof and air source heat pumps within enclosures at rear 1st floor and on main roof; plus associated works to the rear. Permission reference: 2021/5295/P. Dated 22-Nov-2023 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR133 LBCBLR133 26-28 Rochester Place London NW1 9DF 0.14 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2023-10-11 other permissioned POINT(-0.137703 51.543837) Two-storey upwards extension to an existing mixed use (residential and office) building to form 10 additional flats. Permission reference: 2023/0270/P. Dated 11-Oct-2023 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR127 LBCBLR127 12 West End Lane London Camden NW6 4NX 0.04 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2024-03-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.192519 51.538922) Conversion of former Bird in Hand Public House (Class Use Sui-Generis) and associated flat to provide 1 no dwellinghouse, and erection of five storey block to the rear to provide 9 self-contained flats, with associated landscaping, plant, refuse, cycle storage, gate facing West End Lane (all Class Use C3). Permission reference: 2022/3430/P. Dated 26-Mar-2024 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR131 LBCBLR131 24 Wedderburn Road London NW3 5QG 0.07 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2020-12-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.17406 51.551114) Amalgamation of 8 studio units to create 4 larger studio units at first floor level the conversion of no. 22 and no. 23 units at third floor level into three units; erection of a single storey ground floor side and rear extension; replacement of two windows with double doors and associated Juliet balcony on the first floor rear elevation; replacement windows to the front, rear and side elevations; relocation of the side elevation ground floor door; alterations to the front boundary treatment; installation of a bin store and 2 visitor cycle parking spaces to the front garden; installation of 22 long stay cycle parking spaces to the rear garden; hard and soft landscaping to the front and rear gardens; removal of 2 trees in the rear garden; and associated external works. Permission reference: 2019/3283/P. Dated 17-Dec-2020 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR136 LBCBLR136 Battle Bridge House, Offices And Premises At Basement-6th Floors 300-306 Gray's Inn Road London Camden WC1X 8DU 0.08 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2023-12-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.118549 51.528107) Refurbishment and extension of the building to provide residential flats (Class C3) and commercial, business and service use (Class E) including external alterations for new facades to all elevations, the introduction of terraces, reconfiguration of entrances and servicing arrangements, new hard and soft landscaping, provision of cycle parking and other ancillary works Permission reference: 2023/2199/P. Dated 20-Dec-2023 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR130 LBCBLR130 238 Haverstock Hill London NW3 2AE 0.06 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2024-01-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.166721 51.551996) Conversion of disused residential accommodation to provide 5 selfcontained 1 bedroom flats (Class C3) for over 55 year olds, plus associated works including deeper basement floor, enlarged basement lightwell to create sunken garden and associated new staircase, steel bridge, windows and doors to lightwell. Permission reference: 2021/2737/P. Dated 10-Jan-2024 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR139 LBCBLR139 Vacant site adjacent No1 Narcissus Road, and to the rear of 132/134 Mill Lane London NW6 0.03 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2023-12-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.196268 51.551697) Non-Material Amendment to planning reference 2023/1357/P dated 20/12/2023 (for: Erection of a four-storey building for use as 7x residential flats) to reduce the size of the rear facade fenestration openings. Permission reference: 2024/3140/P. Dated 05/08/2024 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR124 LBCBLR124 1 Hampshire Street London NW5 2TE 0.05 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2024-02-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.13062 51.548594) Change of use from commercial (Class E) to residential (Class C3) at ground floor to provide five flats and associated external alterations at front and rear. Permission reference: 2022/3758/P. Dated 14-Feb-2024 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR128 LBCBLR128 138 - 140 Highgate Road London NW5 1PB 0.07 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2019-07-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.145964 51.556429) Demolition of petrol station and MOT centre at 138-140 Highgate Road and erection of a three storey terrace building to provide 6 x 4 bedroomed dwelling houses with gardens at lower ground, ground and upper ground levels together with associated landscaping. Permission reference: 2018/1528/P. Dated 09-Jul-2019 2025-03-09 2024-11-01 2024-11-01
LBCBLR126 LBCBLR126 11-13 Macklin Street London WC2B 5NH 0.04 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2023-12-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.122866 51.515928) Erection of a new fifth storey, construction of a four-storey rear extension, installation of plant, and associated works including external alterations, fenestration changes and the provision of external terraces, all in conjunction with the mixed use of the building to provide office floorspace (Class E) at ground to first floor level and 12 residential units (C3) at second to fifth floor level (6 x 1 bed, 4 x 2 bed, and 2 x 3 bed). Permission reference: 2022/2793/P. Dated 11-Dec-2023 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR125 LBCBLR125 100 & 88 Gray's Inn Road and 127 Clerkenwell Road London WC1X 8AL 0.23 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2023-12-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.112662 51.521333) Demolition of 100 Gray's Inn Road and 127 Clerkenwell Road and the erection of a mixed-use office led (Class E) development comprising a basement, ground plus eight storey building for flexible retail / restaurant / office uses at ground floor and basement (Class E), basement excavation, provision of roof terraces, external plant equipment and enclosures, servicing bay, waste storage, cycle parking, public realm works; partial demolition and extension of 88 Gray’s Inn Road for use of the upper floors for housing (Class C3) and ground floor as offices (Class E) with associated external alterations and associated works. Permission reference: 2022/4259/P. Dated 20-Dec-2023 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR137 LBCBLR137 Castlewood House and Medius House 77-91 and 63-69 New Oxford Street London WC1A 1DG yes 0.04 18 18 not owned by a public authority 2017-12-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.127692 51.51665) Demolition of existing office building at Castlewood House (Class B1), and erection of an 11 storey office building (Class B1) with retail and restaurant uses (Class A1/A3) at ground floor level; enlargement of existing double basement level and formation of roof terraces and rooftop plant along with associated highways, landscaping, and public realm improvement works. Partial demolition of Medius House with retention of the existing façade, and erection of a two storey roof extension including private roof terraces, in connection with the change of use of the building from office (Class B1) and retail (Class A1) to provide 18 affordable housing units (Class C3) at upper floor levels with retained retail use at ground floor level. Permission reference: 2017/0618/P. Dated 21-Dec-2017 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR135 LBCBLR135 49 Fitzjohn's Avenue London NW3 6PG 0.13 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.176529 51.550825) Conversion of single family dwellinghouse to 6 no. self-contained flats (2no. 2-bed, 2 no. 3-bed and 2no. 4-bed); erection of a 3 storey rear extension; removal of single storey side extension; and associated alterations Permission reference: 2015/5379/P. Dated 01-Aug-2016 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR132 LBCBLR132 247 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7HH; 3 Bayley Street, London, WC1B 3HA; 1 Morwell Street, London, WC1B 3AR; 2-3 Morwell Street, London, WC1B 3AR; and 4 Morwell Street, London, W1T 7QT 0.2 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2021-07-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.131672 51.518347) Demolition of 247 Tottenham Court Road, 3 Bayley Street, 1 Morwell Street, 2-3 Morwell Street and 4 Morwell Street and the erection of a mixed use office led development comprising ground plus five storey building for office (Class B1) use, flexible uses at ground and basement (Class A1/A2/A3/B1/D1/D2), residential (Class C3) use, basement excavation, provision of roof terraces, roof level plant equipment and enclosures, cycle parking, public realm and other associated works. Permission reference: 2020/3583/P. Dated 30-Jul-2021 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR138 LBCBLR138 Land to the Rear of 2-4 Shoot-Up Hill London NW2 3QN 0.03 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2024-03-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.203225 51.547256) Demolition of the existing single storey buildings (Class B2) on the site and the erection of a four storey residential block (Class C3) to provide 6 new units with associated landscaping, cycle parking and amenity space. Permission reference: 2021/3018/P. Dated 20-Mar-2024 2025-03-09 2024-11-01
LBCBLR134 LBCBLR134 47 Heath Street London Camden NW3 6UA 0.02 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2024-03-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.178836 51.5567) Conversion of part ground and first, second and third floor from ancillary offices and self-contained flat to provide 1 no. 3 bedroom flat, 4 no. studio flats and 1 no. two bedroom house. Permission reference: 2022/2354/P. Dated 27-Mar-2024 2025-03-09 2024-11-01

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